SfeaBS iWl.JMLM,:m&m "WTLLAMETTE FARMER We know that many talk of "hard times." but tho farmers oCBtetohKa A had no such wtrnggln ff MtHfiigiuu . .. .... . , . -. I 1 L.jr TJaveTlho- farmers. of flip .East. Wo i,m..ll lmnSa n4t. L,tL.I' ..r ..tl ll.-. 4 1MCD BT1BT 1-JUDAYj BT oxJuvkke Ac OBAIG, roauontns Aud raorwRToiw. 'H. A. CLAIMCE. D. W. CHAIO. Term of nnbucrtptlon. Onecojy.tnoyear(53iuiulTi)...i ??'" Onecoiiy, fix month (SO number) Ono copy, three months (18 number) 1.26 .75 BALKM, FHIDA.V, JUNH 15, 1877.- OREGON AND OTHER LANDS. A fuw tlnyaMnco wo heard n faille mnn not lonfj uniotif,' tin, who Is con von-iuit wllh tho good iiunlltlct of mnny lands, nssorl OroKon to bo tho host Statu In tho Union, and tho finest country In tho world, except Prance, which hardly should ho brought Into comiinrlion u? It Is tho most highly cultivated ol all IiiikIm In Kuropo or the world. Tho natural conditions of will and cllmato, tho range and character of our products, nnd tho pxtont and varloly of tho roHources that await develop ment, all combine to mako ourBtiito nnd tho wholo Paclflo Northwest most (Icslrablo as homes for present and futuro gonerations, , Wo deal with many of tho great staplosjof commerco In tho moat satis factory manner. Our hrciulstiilfr uoin bluo (ho highest, perfection with tho most rellahlo nnd 'abundant yield and nro eagerly bid for by tho most exact ing demand known to commence. Our Wool clip Is Increasing in quality boas tolio diHtinctivoly know and nppro elnted ns tho product of Oregon and wo rind Kiisiern manufacturers competing for id purehnso hh jiocullnrly suited for certain stylos, of .goods of superior qual ity. Ourliiix, too, Isaltractlng atten tion at d commanding reputation as bolnir of (lie best quality for tho finest manufacture. Our fniltrf are tho best (of many kinds, If. not of all) known in tho tempcrato r.ones nnd 11411 dried product nru winning golden opinions nnd prices in tho world's most fastidi ous mnrkots. As a stock country tho wholo Columbia river region possesses remnrknblo facilities niiij nd vantages that oxtouui to droves of cattle and horses nnd' flocks of sheep. Tlio hills aild valloysljijU invUo tho labor of tho hdsbandman And bo feltafuli flfyipUo rich ro wards, nrp rl,yfilmijHi"vAlue' by the," jnuMes of:KMtow uplnrids that offer 'pftsturflKb'- to V 'h$ai Jock" anil herds. Why, wlthuUrthWfld vnntHjresat command, cjVhriaf Oregon 1.0 iiunouiiku JucomprnWe union nvum iuiri!;ni3 uiiiu luiuua ui mi uiu fact that tho r future belongs to 113 u well as tho present. Wo should perfect our system of Agriculture as carefully as wo would our laws and nvold faults In ono ns well as errors in tho other. 1 Wo should, ns nearly as posiblf, pro servo intact tho bolls' capacity lot pro-1 ductionand tako pride toretnin fnrour ncres their well deserved reproenln- tlon ns carefully as wo would transmit to tho dumb nnimals we raio tin1 w-t qualities that belong to their r.i . Tho Into Centennial Exposition n cb us known to tho world by tho exhibi tion of our resources. Wo only mod to bo mado known more fully to fotn mnnd still greater reputation. All our IIvo3 wo have boon struggling for a fair show with tho rest of the states and hnvo boon denied it. Tho immi gration that renchos us comes by devi ous ways nnd perilous voyages, fur thcro is no direct communication with tho world. The great primary need, U for aid for railroad communication and for tho improvement of river naviga tion on thoColumbla. All the energies of our people and their representatives should bo bent to there ends, which at tained, will bring tho prosperity of tho futuro much nearer to us and will give tho nation reason to bo proud of its empire in tho New Northwest. KTKAVvy lOUmWnaMiMmmi tho States and bo looked to ns tho future mat of wonderful wealth and unfailing prosperity? As tho facts be rouio known nnd as tho conditions that chnmctcrUo this and other State draw their own parallel, why should wo not expect steady emigration of enterpris ing and adventurou men to crfect ourgreatneea nndbullj up our insti tutions? In addition to tho natural produuts of tho soil, so easily reallml by ofrl cleat cultivation, we have' wonderful resources v that await, development which caaaoti-eetna 'In ourf dnyb'qt promlseJ rich revjards 'o UiuWrjrie' of tho. future. The sooner tht devoron- moat commencoij. tdtVbr jur.Or egop. Wlin 41)0 ilrae shall fomi) that jii iiiiuiuuii' u -tiiu uouiqyjoi ugncu.ir turuand l(s4tlr)falllufir ruwanls wo add tho full development of tho various. mines of precious jin'Mairon, copper, luitu hum uoui, iiuti inu miiir.uiioii pt,lUr. forests, thla reglqp .will resouud'jtoia commurco that shall attract the world and teem with' Industries, that cuu rlv.t tho results t nchivodr bv 'tho EXPLANATORY. During the past week wo woro chang ing presses, putting up tlio j'rps form erly ownod by tho Bulletin Company, which is much largcr'nnd faster In its operation than tho press ued hereto fore. Tho delay In Issuing tho Paumkh last week was caused by thu (lino lust In adjusting tho now machinery por foctly,jbut that has hcrti done, nnd wo now are fireparod to oulargo our paper and publish as great an edition as cir cumstances will warrant. Wo, propo-e to Improve and enlarge ns soon.ns btitl- ucss Increases to Justify it. w m mmWm9mwS22iiBSBimimtmSSSmim m wa .ja.i. ,i, d.iw .u itjrwA n . 1 ' - ' L IKI r rw WSTMi mnm W -O O "W&XLtCiiSLt L. if w. & E, llIRlUVlli, ZST 'i ,ri. j -I oU t.i any ninonut .,. fr iM yrfuiWfc t . 0.rftJtt f fMftM XJ St JE3 EX THE mmmmntmBtmm&HttommrM, - ti 15 u nr- 3E3: 3E3 WS!WS world : See that cur Trade Mark is on eacli Package!: MAGAZINES. Seribncr for Juno conlalukoWibtiTio: i.fti Frntlco, Turkoy, l(utlN,i Spain, Atnfilt, Mr, niirnttf btiN' r, jdclij fcll In (irol UrlUln nud 8yrU. hortlorr in th!. number oqiul to "'iGMiua)! dbaf, U(llwAVwi, tier bM,n'o$)uurlRoMct of tb BMiiLdr " My HaaaMiatfecGftriUDj'iiCiiWInVthti tb ere arc soasa VsrV.' Brslty, vom ooutrlbut- i for this numuir, anil, j among other, oce from tfce hb of Mra-ThnvUr. Jr. llollui,.! dlaouMM MTenl interetllog matfen ki Mu "Tonk of taa Tlnaea. AltoieUie r. tblb In a very talerwtlag number.' Tk fit, Jfkholiu for J uoe, tkribncr'a mag azlna for boys and girUj and conduoted by Mary Mapa Dodgv, oonUlna, to begin with, a frootbpUoB called 'A Jun Morning,' and Onlabea with Tbe H'ara in June." I'ottl kln'a Hoiue," U oonoluded; "Mra. I'oUir kln'a tea party." by Lucretla P. llalo, I qua! to her prerioua efforla; "Ilia own MaaUr," by J, T. Trowbrldga, continue to bold Ita own; " Vlld mice, and tbalr waya," la very intereatlDRi ' Tbt Dauahtv Mule Xgyptlana," Wa'preUy poem by Joel Kuoy, ed uuat ba Madjr U ltai )lWt. it la pouching' acid yet omuloalt Tumniy' uoaaina," m taay aiwy a Tery many lr" I ' ', ia.-r-'SdwUkigMini. J. A1. John. two UM.eaaui or HHaaav.aa entirely d: atroyed by Ure laat WNWiatf arterntKic : iiji ah iin iim ! r t.- - ' 9 TT TRtWT- FRUIT DRYERS, ratedcU yrll J87T., t rplIKSK MACII1NKS AUG V UNSUHI'AHSCOI l.V I, nor qi her for .Owing vr TrtMrvlOK fruliimna t.l.VL.l U....UI 1. &.. JIM taf. .l.. -I... " wtir t-d romnWtnln hinrdlltViTnt Vlio, ii.tmry? Tlte Tom Thumb Doer-capacity, ut l( piict, ; ..., ,. , ( 1 buihtluf anlilo iinr hoar tiilft. : ...'. .. t..T, artisans and toilers bf '1110: , sUbfi, W ffi',1 ttft K-"' "'IV in'iiiirriini-i , xne 1'nmii)- lr)cr-carty or ! imtr This vision of great ne-s belongs to ,, Hvrlu,ur-i"lf0 ,"-, tify tho Aiture, but I fouiidatloni.undu rtour-pilc,.,, .,.,.,, Ttili Urjem tu tijil (hi. CVultnliUl MitUl 1 ltNi. iti, wiiiiiiua Win, fur tucilMici mil. 11U7 pn hmi J acil furuIttcldiiLii 1110 Hiture, tun if (UU(iito;il.uru3ii itcrtour-pijcv,-,, ..,. tlu;irtMt out producer will lead to the work-1, ,M ttt. jn,uiiT on n,.j d r hhops, mills and facto.rius, and greater outerpiIei of the future. Wo go be fore to oitabllnh moiety and cement it witn law iiuti soumi iriucipl(j; wi; Milltl tho .-etiool liotiq to itpnilil thu coming ago; we sow the. sihmI that will ripen into llcldt (hat shaM wait for hur!i vectors. Wo win Air our children art uuctialh'd country nnd a wonderful future. It is no mere vanity anil affec tation to say nnd bollevo that wo hnvo a country of uuc(ual!cd advantage!, for whore is Its rival? Thlotigh all tho Htatcof tho I'nlon there is not one wheruuch unvarying prosperity has roilded for tho past, decade or that promise co much for tho decade (o come. , If U10 agrlcultui of a country tiro- pers its other niansiries cannot fall far lxihliul. J if Where elw In tho United bin tea' have lhe''farmcry !foV"lnrtiiy 'uJWLu je- -H--J -X mouav INrm mil Oouutr Ululilu lor nlr. Tli fuilhtr ,i4itUuUr inl ilrrrrlptWi cstnlo.nc adSt W. S. 1'lAl.MMKIt. I'lult4 aud Muunclurir. ii. JlMf K4l I'urtUuil, ouvvu. Farms and Ind tor Sal. r'KII FOU SLB ONE fXHV, 30 ACHES, irrca in cqiuri cm, cumi orcuarii, tuu td ou AdAM. Illll M..I aK..t. 4 1 ,..11. ..... lgm-.. "V ,,., ...II UI. .IIHI M1.,V llt'UI NIKri'V City. I Alo, Umt MOO Mi-ree or VI IX ED l.t.M), louie hi io oe Tautjr ana rTrraain i.nn in me county, u nunJfJ li) MllauJ biu4t land. TI'Pmi ami M-ry kwhI rnui tan bu nitil out of 1 1. tii d hc fur a colon. Want IJ rll Ihd vrhn'v lot t(V'th , r- TtU Ljutl U iltuatfsl tu l.rti county, aloot 1 uillr from Vuirvoo Ctty. ami U from Crvwrll. Jti AdrtrcM V. II. tiUNN, Ajwi t'ly. 1 Ju '. .ulUJ lu.1 tkV Dll U -.,1 I , . t- -. .: .. t?t !m .-.. a na ' XZEZj'2r Wool Wanted! raiMwx paId rps, V; ti "r vSisn JUUIV W. iliUlKHT. i " : t .. t . t "-i itaaBaHBi ma ta.i3aemerpi Lo ISTilli. iJU(' I.HfcVIS 10 CHf Tlirt ATTUNTtO Or J W ( .'.'ll V UliM 1 U.iOf , Piauos and Orgau's, M I liiw itoiTor ctuhuiii IrMdtluivf.U.' 1 i W)iUH vw n!K"riT'C: T '.1 asnlPAlft FLI 1 " T v -..- . fli'l ialit . Books anil -Stationery Utl'P COMT-ErE, aulwUlUfudatprleicotn'.i tliPtlmr. . . . WUI cura'a!, m hrt nolle-, any Hook puWliUed In tint tfult. il itiU. at poblUhrt't mitt. Order Hillriiwd. rvnJan ejuuJcatlcn ol Mr itock rcfpcctfjUy luvtud LEO WILLIS, b.nt Strew, Snlcxn. pi'.ml 1004. 1077. The ilnly Strictly Wholcnalc Drnr; noute In Orfffon, Te A, DAVIS & CO., , . T,n' UUNiU.eiOHEOt N, J-rfLjTo.Tna.NKia.aTniiKffnT.'rat', r iwuMUHt um a hiiho aunf ni ' !IX IPW BB. ,!( ' uruart, o i ci .lis Paterit Medrdines, f Ine Chcmlcale, Cas6Wj9.r.ef Shop F,urrjture, ami 6rug:gots,c8unc!rie?. ri.ifl. 'FZNBOW-'.GLASS. I - any' ;ulll'l f i' ., Wtf.TE LEAD, COl.OUh 1N0A"NS and LtftY. lJutty, Iajinybiaclc, Ecd l.(ucl, CtJuo. s y,V,R Wishes, lit.kCi-e,K'dt.ilrim, f r Cali r,q.ir uw. IMInt, lntenjk.il, Mid ariiUli Hruilus, LINHUKli Oli, fnUiirtl jijdraii. Turpnitiu'rii Oils. CantorOII, Lsnl OH, ' .i'nt'sruot 4)11, Fish Oil. Aloo!hol, lnktrrt)l'4nd (uw.. Blue TItrlol, Sulpkur, Castile Suuit, CMcafrHtd lore, Xllttorej nU lKxxdas. Quioksilver and Strychuino, r-n.. In Quart, Half Oallon, Ont.allou, ar.d FreOnl'ou Vu B4 iiarmif, tic , vie. We ir Af(tl fvr Ortun and W4hlui,loo Ten' tory tot THE AVERILL PAINT. PURE WHITE, FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK; Jet Blaok : and AT.Ti COLORS. IHLlmZCCL V II (il JUVD AD EASItT APPLIED. MOITW1 rawcr' -rrjf- .For'SuaU.bjr.illi! AareitlM' ei iriUM unrM-irro d.ik XTe, M'krfe-i4ii'7?W --,v mioKKUleOriiRgisfN, and Dealers lu'raiatMroiiN, nut GlnM, :jO. 73 FUOXT.STKJtT. . . , . . ' . SQ3ET3UA.TJX, Ox-. pacific THKi;iiiiG ii achi.m: COiMPF, tuk near mixkp taint m ua for . -.ii i .. ftst'iWW t , J?"" Webajfi) aac MwlBaA. . r- TTTTrtw. yiH r. 7 luuai noaira ZSUmVXQ: ,dcj PEJLrOJN'8 SIX-i OJLD HOlWjE-POWERS Aud Couuterbalanco Separators i.ronror..vrEp at salkm, oiif.oi.n. (toioiittK t. j;o. s. 1'EL,tin. HgslnET: J. ncv- m. lILlia. lTal I atai.lrtttr .' If lla.luwa.i. biu Jf as " . r"' " "w- "" " t wiaw arft vivtat;. jj7 4 JaWH ", ., ,v ZV,. v. :!,. . r' " "ivku iiv ai.ii niivqci. wan 4 f la Cfl.l'AIIJl Ull DAVES 'lilt: (I1CAI.-,. Knr 1ml. and for circulai. ''-p. iw riiJWlt;. H. Uam-NTli, tUiary. UTaaunni'inT. r AU.-V ivllfjll for luilicr liirilculaii.. dilie. the officer ninidi. kV - I i'1'1 Baim, Maici-lT .I., - v . i arai -. y. aq.w..m. uwo, ilia-. j lit-1 uwtll LAbia VlLuIiO LIFI-1IMK., kibc.or FBtablished 1840. 1K. A. Q. folMiMLOlSS' Original Liver Medicine. FOU ALL DISUSES' OF TIIK LIVKII. bOUll IW or THE bTO.fACH, LO&aOFAlTE. I TlTK,8ICKnEADA(,,UE,fiTaKTC. to . lmct vue IHtllar. r I T. A. AVIrr CO. f hokiale Dnh-M,1t Prout St', rWafiJ, tji)-m. - f - AttMi Jor OriiWi smms. ..( ia JllrUl.ni -nttiuia 1W U- W"0M a . a J ... .. .J .. aA J I - -- aVAJV . Jil..J l,uai. -I- laa. J tfiUUH " , ...a ,j. k.. . J. ii rtMa. aiasvea "-m -- tvllA W W.Ui lwl -- " -TaTV- . - aiaii " " ..'. Y.4brttS !, .v-l SODOS'8 Gopher and Squirrel-Killer. . r 6CRE ANA.IIELIAI1LF. FOKTHEDESTKL'OTION 01' GOl'llEIUS, J.yUlhUKL8, HATH, MK'K, UtOW JtO. Salrr, lletttr, aiie) Cheaper Ihaa. felrscbaluv, ltwiiboriiH.'' Ar- at'ulc, or olbtr prepara.- UMia) an a Hlnale trial " K will coavluca. BOLD tfvMAUMJMfflLJty f1ftu w ndJ W ?AHmmmtiuttm bmrnntuiritittFKmKk idvaUttilJ baa l)aUollM, uw ooUoui .aavibUa Oji tla4aiq a aImiui 5uUJ ana iidiCjifOVj JjmiO ,JA .w k i i voniu aaa rki JI utf4Jm M " "r JjfV ieal ealr 1mm ,UJ 19 U1MK