msmmmmmmf ntutrva l -t , r r TC35- TPJl 3bntaur liniments. One Klud lor tho Human Family. The tttticr for Horses nnd Anl mnls. These Liniments nio simply tho wonder of th world. The lr effect! are little lets thin marvellous. Tho AVIuto lilnlnieiit Is for tho humtn faml Ij. It will dtlvo Illiiumatl m, Bclatlca and Nctiralj;! from tho sjetcru; cures Lumbago, Chtltbltilr.c, Lock Jaw, Palsy, Itch and mot Cutaneous Krupttont; It extract (met from frozen hands or feet, and the poi son of bites and atlngt of Tctiomons reptiles; It sub duoe swellings, and alleviates pain of CYcry kind. When sprains or bruises occur, it la the most potent rcmidy over discovered to heal the Injured parts. The Centaur Liniment Is used with great sffleacy fur Huro Throat, Toothucc, Caked IlrcasU, gar ache, and Weak' hack. Tho following 1b but a sam--plu of numorous testimonials: "Ikduka Uosii, Jsrr. Co., Ind.i Mav 98, 1673. "I think it mr duty to luforrujou that I havo eaf- forred much with swollen fol ana chorda. A Tow liuiiUs of Centaur Liniment: hat done the work for too I.havanJt been tree from them swellli,R In, olnht'jcars wow-i am pumcuy w, iug mm mintwutbtjiappllcd AMIJ DnoWNt' Tho proof hTlrThie trial. It Is reliable, It Is hand, It Is cheap, and every family should have tho White Centaur Llulmcnt. I The VcllovwCoatuar Llnliucat la adapt cd to tho .oiifiti muscles, corda and flesh of hones and animal. .It his performed more wostlcrful cures, lu thioo jcars.of Spavin, Strain, Wind-nulls, Bcratch cs, Bwccny, and general Lameness, than all other rcmidles In existence. Kcod what the treat Kxprcts- men say of It: . X "Nsw tons, January,-1M4. - Kvory owner of liorsea should irlvo tho Cisraun LifiiMKNra , trial. WaconsUhrlt tuobest arllcleey. erust-dlnour stabiif. u,.m. v v "11. M.MMI, Hupt Adims Ex. Btablee, N. Y. 'K. 1'Ul.TZ. Hupt.U. H. x. Htables N.i. r'ALUKKTB. OLIN, bupt. Nat Kx. Htablcs, N. Y." Tho best potrons of this Liniment arc Fartlcraand Vctrluary Surgeons, who aro continually using some Liniment. It heals (Jails, Wounds ond l'oll evil, removes 8wellln8s. and Is worth millions of dollars annually to Farmers, Liverymen, Htock-srowcrs, Hbecpmlsers, and those having horsie or cattle. What aFarrlircaimotdo for tho Ceutuur Lin iment will do at u trllllni: cost. Thcie Liniments aro sold by all dealers throughout the country. They nr warranted by tho proprietors, ond a bottle will be given to any Farrier or Physician who desire lo test thtm. Laboratory of J. D. Kuan & Co., 40 Dev St.. New Yonit. Honey. Flicker's) Castorla la a complete substitute for Castor Oil, and Is as pleasant to take as Honey. It Is particularly adapted to Teething and IrriUbU hlldre1 It destroys woraas, assimilates tat fsei, ...-.,L,i ih Btomaeh. and cure WW'OoUe. Few remedies are as efflcaeious for FstsrUnness, Croup, wnrm. and Whoonln Couiru. CaHorla U a fcJsatl oc snd.purcly vegetable preparation, moro enVcUvs than Castor Oil and neither gags nor gripes. Prepar. ,i hv BV..r. J. B.lto A. Co., 48 Uey 8Ust, Maw v..w(tnm ih ri'rlnn of Samuel Pitcher.. 31. D, of UarnsUble. Mats. V7 , X.UOIU3 BELL, Successor to J. M Kcxlxh X Co., 95 Mboriy t.,""i H ipHii, OommiKMlou iViroujt FOR UUYINO AND yoKWAIlDJNO VBQH Now York Tla Isthmus, I'aclnc JUUrojd, and Cape Horn, all kinds of MerchauUUsid for the sals of Vrodacti ftva. the Pacific coaeViWthe M"fn of monsr. Ac. i.TTT.TC'-Tc ATTENTION 'GROWERS! A BURB CTJRE'rOB Scab, Sorew Worm. Foot Sot, AND ALL Parasites that infest 8heep. TT 14 SAFKn. BETTKU AND VASTLY CHBAP TUAN ANY OTUEU KFFECTOAL RKKKDY FOB TUB TRKATMENT OP 8UKKP. IT Improves the Health , Ok TUB ANIMAL. AND.TaU QUATJITY OF THE WOOL. pr Ob gallon Is -noujrh for one' baaerat to two hnDlredtjhp,accvrilUJg to their tgt; sttsa gta.aaj ooodltlon. It Is put np In FIVE-OALLON OANS-Priae, 111 per cau. Bend Krclrcalar,to T. A? DAVIS, sfc Co.. i PORTLAND, oniOON, " r Wtioleaale Acestts far ake RUts, Or to roar nearest Retail DroorUL art Mrs. Rohrer'a New Romedy TOM. TMM IiVWQM m uKsnQ rrvrff woxdmupvz. mucommi Tuib puRRLViTsanrABLS kuudx turn bo e-dl in the Velltf and tors of.Cooca, OaUa, Asthma, BronchlUs, Croup, Whooping Oonjrk, Kssv a)e. Ac It has prodaced sosae rssasrfcahto enrsa. Bold br dnnliU rsrJlT. jsmftL. mvmwn. iitut. j ! mr wi IXusoaia. Otv,. t wkosa alittars oOuum aw . i.ii11,, J1 ,'T TTntTTTwTr"" i " Attrny at Law SALEM. OREGON. oa m tau eusst9ssw KCbASHEEF .HLdMHA """ " "" iisiiaBlTalsTettsWttrf "yrir' Tin r - I mmmwMmmmKmMittzw V''YaLasA abKk'tarrlv.l Nufwlll bTrfeaesLi Cbioatro. Jubb iTSUniinr 1 ' J J .2 ertea leqeJte HI. In company' wltk.Hamaior Bayard lie passed tbrounh-OhamaateB. IlllBola. veator day on hla waj to .OrBeron. Ueappeand much worn outand wearied. ' Omaha, June 7. Senator Morton and party went wetl this morning. New York, June 7. The World's Waah ItiKtou npcclnl says the repeated attompts rt coutly mado to burn tho Navy Dopartmont bulldluRS woro for tho purposo of dtotroy Intr certain vnlunblo documou's and pixirs uit;u luiiuoiiuit uviuuiil'u vi oxirHorunuiry transactions. It is lntlmnlcd tliath'ocretary Low, at tho lioad of tho dopartmeut, will soon dlstltiKtiish hlmsolf by lurtilihltiRHii nxposo of tho cousplraoy. Tho ovldcncu m uoar at hnud. LouUvtllo, Juno 7. Tho National Young Mou'h ChrUtinti AMOclatlon cnntlnuod Its roislou to-day, but nothing Important was done. v A Rlorni last night did much damage lu tho chy, Mltauko, Juno 7. Tho U. S. lltowors' Couvonllou ' to-tlny hdoptcd resolutions pludirlng tho mo burs inMuppo(o candldHtiKs for ollloo who souk tbo -unDorlortoitincratu'o organizations, and to difvnd'fcaeraaa bovor- ago ovorywhero. Adjourned to moot In unilllliUlU UUAbMUIlU. II. mn.n h.i !... . ' iiriuKfixirt, v;onu jnnna.- Tno uiostdls- aalron llreMtver oxDurUUcod.hwro ojuurrml J laht night at 11:30 A'lluht'xwas dloovered In the fourth story or Olnvor, Uanlord A Bons factory, and an alRrmas sounded, loljgwsd by.a second, ami the whole tiro de partment responded, Tbd ator supply prov'td Insutllclont and the Are thart-by ob tained tho mastery. Tho flimos werenmt soon In tho doing and mixing room in tho northwest corner of tho third story of tbo main building, and running along that floor were oonimuutoatod by the dummy to the florleH below. Tbo main building was 2b0 feet long, CO 'foot wldo and 4)f atorios high. While volunteera wore removing goods frem tbooUQoe, a onestory structure, suddenly and wllhout warning tho bank aud fiont walls roll nut, leavluic tbo two highest walls unsupported. Tho one adjoining the ottos luutibd outward and a shrlok wont up from tho spectators as it full ou tho roof of tboof tloo, crushtng.thfough to tho baaemost and burning those within, Otio man who cs caped stated thoru wuro a moro in tho ruins, and already eloven tioilios have been recovered, marly all tearfully oniahcd and moro or less burned. Handlorda' loss on building, maohlnury and stouk, will reach $2oO,000 Insuranco 160 ,000. Sandford Say tbovwlll s-ell or lease rathor than put up a now factory without botlor wator supply, Thoy bud hou on evory lloor, hut no wator could be had. At tho'sume tluio the eaat eud wall also full, carrying tho tiro Into the wing 110 feet long and 60 fcotwliio. This was also completely destroyed, togutherwlth thounglnonud boilor room. Tbo adjoining walls foil about' 1:30, aud as hoou aa omI bio tho search for tliinlnNlnir was com uiunced, but It was G boforo tbo first body was recovered. Duriugtho noxt hour olght wuro found, and byJ0:30 two others had beou taken from tho rulus.The bodies wore placed in wooden box's to await the action of tho coroner's Jar?. The names of those recovered' are: O. J. Acker, limbs burned off to the "kaa, be leases a wife and two chlldreai Oats. 'Acker. aoarofA.l.. crushed: John Oallacbar. laa vasi a I fHaaJl children! Obas. F. Dart,, learea a Wife and two Childress John MaUney; A. Iklnrys), bad served froaa.,tha bodr: JobtTTomlta. baraad M7alMOogBlUon, Wstr lointlfled' ey watca mm near, om other b pMdto be taat;o7 a asan nanMd sup. WM fciwe) with hl Uaabs b urgfd air. An other body waa BO eruaaad anthhtraied as to be unrecogslsable, but' supposed fa be that' oi a man uaraea uonue. 'i tieorigwal bulla. iBcwaaerecteauecostoryuo.ow. w Boston, June '8. A bojr natiied Webb agedaM yeaw,- killed anilajrhialo named Bagatstrom, aged 3 yeacsl, 4jf striking him on the head with a br:c"io-dny. ' '' New York, Juno IU Frank J. Otterson, Journalist of this city, ban been mUslugfor, todays. It la ifoardiho was drowned at Cony Island wblle. bathing. II o was ouuair.. Cd on tho Triunno lor moro than 15 vearw. ann waaapartiouiar irinuu orurooloy. inonuw xorx oriu says mo rrincws. 'Vyalea wlll'procid soon to tako up her por mmient residence nthor father's court in Co jHjuhagon. The alleged eauao for this stop is an nnpleaaant'dlftioulty which has arisen and lu which a lady of title Uoonoarnast. . T C,ew-Tforsr;joneii. Ex Governor Tilden otuied o oxtsovernor Ueodrlcks this morn-legraUd-they-wlilMlne together Informally at Governor Tilden 'a bouse, Oramerey Park, this evening. Neva but Tlldau'a heeaehold and Mr. aud Mrs. Ueodrlcks will ba nraasat. The reception i-to 'be' tendered by the Man hattan ,Club to ax-Governora Tilden and Hendrlcka aad i to Oovernor Roblnaonaud Lleuteeant-aovernor DorkseUn to-morrow, evealnsry will be a purely aoclal' gathering. The World's London correspondent aaya it has been a maUer.of.Bolorlaiy hs polttieal and oommerclal ciroles bare that Minister Pierrepout has on many ooo&sjons darleg the past two or three months ondeavored to draw the attention of Important EnglUb capitalists to the feasibility of organising a company to construct the long mooted Nlca. raguan canal, wun one gontleman, at least, a member of Parliament aud a banker or unusual ability, Plerrepont la understood to have intimated that exPreJdent Uraut would aooent the presidency of mob a com pany, provided It wero orgtmlted by paisom competent t guaranteo tho success of tho enterprise. This conversation occurred some weeks before Oraut sailed from Philadelphia and tbo matter has since been mooted in financial circles. Pierrenont Inilmated that one American capitalist, a New York goulla man, heretofore prominently identified wlib neveral projects for uniting the Atlanlloand PaolOo ooeana by an American canal . standi ready to take hold of the work as soon au commenced In England. Senator Ferry, of Michigan, Is recovering from late lllnewa. Senator Mitchell starts for Oregon In about a fortuigbt. Two many persons of a fmlly btlng era ployed in the Treasury I)parttniit,tlio ruin' is enforced to limit tbo number, and dls charges are made to roduru thu niiruber, A. letter from Paiauuay ky- the President and (lllland, bis brother, wuro uiiirdnrpd In a most barbarous maiiiinr. The Presld- n' was at home with1- his Tamil wht-n lio w-m aorprisod and killed by a band of aHsHliiH Congressman Clarkstm N. Potter, ilirown from a carriage yesterday, was serlouslj Injured. ' j The Newa miyis Qen. Keytier and Field are to be allowed to settlo with the city on the same basis on which the Hweennv ca was srranired. It is lust pr-ailbln that Tweed may come underthe compromlsn. Upon Kasson'arrlval n Waahlngtoa the mission to Austria- wee tendered him by the President aad he baa aoeeptad it, ana Jan. Roaeell Lowell has been tendered aad ao jtad the aa la leas to Spain. Ofiat tamahl rzj-T.T-rTi rmmj& OH lAmiam,Jwm.-M-PwmUml re hat tetaeJ thsrr1eitewrt ehoes bi'Batai. BhT rsasBse wee aaaheeaasaie a4 Ue Mayor peeMnaVesse eee belea? aaetla at MejU iar the reesfUaa etf Oea, Ores .3TT3MA.JJL1W iie-ariiM aTanttiTTr-lsB Mew- aH ' "et aTr 4TV 'k J V ft hv tho uu(uMBjru- MUB-jwrpuiauurj, na DO con- ductedto the lttrery wbete UeOhamber laln ot London wUI'prosetithlefihe'freedom of tbo city acooaipeliled by appropriate ad dresses, tUpwAnls"rjf 600 guest1 will be in vited to moot the General at breakfast which follows the ceremony, j i ' Tbo Queen's ball and concort'at Bucklog liam Falaco has been postponed, the former mini judo, zai, sua tue 'auer until June 27th, lu consequence of tho funomloftho Qiteon of tbo Netherlands. Vienna, Juno O.Tho Doutsoh'Zltuug's Peraspeolal says that an Kalian corvetto with two hundrod men aboard hasuouiolo Srlof in the Dardanelles by striking torpo oos. The tolegram gives no further particu lars. Itotne, Juno 7. A. siatemunt published lu tho Vienna Doutoh Zoltung ywtorday, that an Italian oorvctto had boon sunk lu tho Dardanelles, by striking a torpedo, Is uu truo. 'I 'ousUtntlnople, Juno 8. Doath.i by plague atUagdad have dodreaied '.'4 noekly. Iotidon, Juno 7 A. Vlenna.dlsnatah says rail eonuuunioatlon througlihut Itoiitnanla has been roopeuod .Qrand Duke Mlubaels, oominandorrin-olJ4erof the army ofCauoaius, lefiTiauTeesdayM4l?,t"i'dfof. x i Tho TiBaerMMsjanaentat liuoltarBt St'A'l 'JaourroDtTioro to dv that Tnirkey .- . .... .-, an war tadeewHrw talu the pleeettfeW j p.v nvo milliards low Russians to re- raptured In Asia. I merely mention thlsntrsTllyliiB report ow YnrkiJuner-To nines' llucharest srieolal aaya; Aenisffa large, number or Ulrcasolau prisoera;MJlliig throtmlt J.issy recently, on tho way Wlberls,14 PoIom w ho hsd dosertod from tbo.ItussUn army woro dincovered und summarily shot. ( Jlucharost, Jinu8. TboKaslans at Qlur gevo have boon proparlug alnco yesterday lor a vigorotti boinbardmotit of Itutsoh'ulr. The Priurw of Koumauia has Issuid a do oreojhnt all persons charged with endaiiger Ing the titlctyof tho troope shall be tried by court martial. - 'IluciiAttKHT, Juno, 8. Tho IUualans at aiurgevo havo boon preptrlugsluco yester day for a vigorous buinbardmontof Huts clink, . The Prince or RouuHtnlehas Uaucd a de cree that all persons charged with endanger Ing tho safety of 'the troope shall bo tried by court martial. - Thero Is nu Impression at Hhumla that tho Huisiiiii8 itro about to attempt to oro, tbo D.mtibo at Nlkopolis, whore tho river Is only halfaiiillo wldo. Tho Turks aru uiaxslng troopi at N'lokopollsand must bo reducing tho garrison of tho Quadrilateral. Ixiudou, Juno 10. Tho movomonts on tho Asiatic Hide are recorded last week, which showed thut tho Itusslau oontor and rllit wjng had Joined hands and advanced. Tho ItUfslan center has obtained cominuiifottloii with til left wing. Mukhtar Pasha having taken up a fresh lino between ICaprakl and UuKxau Kaleh. Muktar his thoriiby Im proved hla position, If ho has Nuftiolotil rorou north of 13wnum to check the advatiiM of tnu itussian right Wing, ir the Turks stand their ground, which thoy can only do If thoy have sulllclout mon guarding the northern approaches to Erzoroutu, tho plain or Araxus will bo tbo scene of a sanguinary battle. " The Tribune's London Special says lha) cause of the delay lu orosslug tho Daaube Ilea deeper than is aunnoaad. Thai cm u simply waiting to get assurances JveaB the British government that no lalerferejee wlH ba made. He will not fight KnglasMI seleaa forced to do ao, hence his extreme desire to learn how far he can go without embroiling Great Britain. CourHllswsMrsUon'waaoajUd to St. Petersburg and iBstnseted to bear as aurauoea to the Drlllab cabinet that tlsn Czar's luUntlon 'waa?noti t&obalreetrthe Eogllsh InteresUMa Egypt orAala.'J Cotirit Schouvaloff arrived hero Saturday, aud a special cabinet meeting was hold. w To day or to morrow tho Czar will kupw the resultand bo prepared to act accordingly. . It Is not to be expectod that the Czar has modified his plans of tho campaign on account or his fears or England, but hennas set Prince GorUchakotl to work', so that by uiotiiN )( dlplomatio promUeH Kugland shall bind lioriilf dot to iuturfiiro. Conslantliioile, Junod, via Athens. It Is feared thuro will bo a popular outbreak If bad unwsiarrlvrs from Aala. A coup da main for tho restoration of Ex -Sultan Murad is muoh reared. No boats are allowed to traverho the Boaiihorus or Golden Horn aT ter dark. The Grand Vizlor aad Safvet Pa sha are very anxious to uiake peaeo before fresh complications arise. At a council hold Monday last tbo Sultau blmatlf proposed, to negotiate for peaoe. IThe Mverae sJounsela of Itedlt Pasha, however, pssraMesl, hut -if the Asiatic oampaiga proyee Osastwus both the Sultan aud nation will ana for.Maoe., ft Athens, June 11, The Porte iMViaar final ly rrjec ted the demands nf tha, flisgsiisg sembly, the christian popeuatioB of Crete are now Qrinly resolved, to defend thetr rlghts by force of arms. A general rising Is expeoted. t -, - - New York, Jutie 11. The 8tarand Herald of Panama, haa dotalls of disasters and de struo lot . Uy, caused on the South Pautdc cxiaat ti 1 1 s utrtbtiuake and tidal wave of May Oh: o towns of Arioa, Iq't'nue, t'onta DeUbou, Isabellon, Deplca, cl.Hna uaia, tluitvvllln, Tocopllla, Oablla, Ml Jlllones, Dbolva, AuUifagasta and Ohana rala aro nearly destroyed. About 800 lives v.erlost The destruction of property l. estimated at $20,000,000, confined mostly to lb roast, alihnugh tho towu of Tarapaca, iA liMnue Inland. aud tho villaKoa of Pace iiiaielluHiul Canuhonea far in the intorlor are more i r less ruined. Tliu shipping of nuauo from I ho southern depots will belndefl. uHi'h Hiispond'id, as s.11 facilities lu tho way nl otuo'ich, ohiiles, wharves, walor condens ut mikI buildings are swop) away. Tbo dis ruuilouof aud dautgo to shipping has been wry great aud was attended by very boilous oHof llfb. 'i San KranolHoo, Juno7 Justlon Mining Co. ti.(Uv levied sn HHiosineut of ft 60 t'nii V i Ihlx alinrnoon declared Ha rswular 12 ill. vldend for Ihe month, pavabln ttth liihlanl. A shipment or fl75fH3 07 wm rrrelv'dJo day, iiixklng toul'o dais Jfjatid3-e7. - Kan Kranolsch, June 7. Weather lu. bten exio-hlvely wann all day and ev nlng, Tlila alienioon a man nausea M. P'l'nfinr cnininltiid suiedH,ttt.tbe Km pi re Lodglm;1 lloiiw, Comrnt-relal Hlrro,.l)y tsUInK tryoh. iiIiih o left a note siatliu' he wan d'H.-mir- aved, and hasl taken his own lirHrjM wasa" earrwiner uy irtitu y ttinl-, r marly llvud a Yrka. snrl st ono time was acaudlifn.e f ir Nliritrif Shklyou ooiini r lie was im- i,tf .vUs-rti'liUh-MU, attd H'i T. 1 'lln-u ihm of tho Calif rnla Mlnlntr Om. it'i'VKt da dnnlarnl thn iimi-I it'vldend of $-J j r Hlrnre, pvable on lh IS rs s m (!i ilhUied Virgin divld-nd will b. deolsiHli.i. IbeKHh. jJSltVAi f 2 BSBWPaBBnaBBSaBWBSBMBMBaSSsTSTB Mra. Ellzabetli Health, the nib her f Hon. V. R Health, of tJesjtb SalaaJ a- im4 lss m Mat birth day last Motor?-,! ttstwfcor aakaowa lastsL What ehaesya iheemrM has passed throsagh wtthla) her aaoaaory Mra. Boalth U yet hi feed health east ttrfs. aad hide sahr i reaeh the sssurveUsw e MtL U, whss aba was 1 title girt, (Cn,a avMttf r I't'sjifaiii 1 1 j sW sTi sadstjl n sfTii ' 1!&HlMJlmZ'Z?mkmmm ntimUT'vHf , atee aseeatsrere ulad exssrlsaaaL aaul Osesrna wm iiih ... . .. - A .. l- Hni -ilium V-fli vmA qJ , 'ARMER. Twyai'bfltXV)ni Hoagrf ourflrstlaapreselons'of tho bunoh grass country cannot fall to be favorable' onoT, provided you happen to leave tho Webfoot volloy during blustering March, with ' Its mcessHUt pattering of dampened dewdrops, and Infornal splashing of woll mlxod mud. At tho Dalles they feed you at ono hotol, and then pack you oft up tbo atrcot Boveral blocks, and put you to bod at 'another.1 Many of tho male part Of the population sleep with their spurs on, so thoy can ring their owu bolls lu tho morning. Poach trees lu full bloom, bright groou .grass, spring sunshlnuniid tho warbling or Hwoot-volcod meadow-lark, contrast pleasantly wllh tbo dull, detd, Ivadou sky of tho Wlllaiuetto. HrUlTlNO Ol't', On tho route lowards Canyon Cllr, you find tho roads entirely freo from niuil, nnd kopt in much hotter' repair thatt Marion county roads. Tho crooks aro all numbered aoo.ird lugtn their dl-ilnnco from tho Dalles throo mile, five nillo. oluht mlln. nio.. ho von mn't foul yuurr-oir nbout tho dlslailceyou travol. Most or tho creek bottoms uro under culti vation, but so mo of them rioarooly nlford room to got In h pi w. Tho mtlUonsof aoros or bld hill-laud aro covored with tho, Holf cultivating bunoh grass whiuU only neoda lb bo lot alone to Insure a perpotual crop. If jou tntvol leisurely through this country, OAXtrina 'our' b - . I VI ' by tho roadside, nud htppoh to forgot to pack a conpluuf savtlngti in your vest pocket tor fuel.jou will find that "propatpd bunch grass" makes a red hot, but hmdky'ilro, end and a small hot Uro Is much hotter to cook jour b.tcou than a lanto, cold ono. You will find moro or Ions nrngnntlo galo blow ing lu tho afternoon, but if you have logs, and lie your feet toguihurtindoryour horse's stomach, you stand n good ohanoo of "stay Iuk with" tho iintmal. andlfvou irot blown oil' tho road, you still have your horse under you. inn wmu is ft goon sanitary reaturo, and at thorn r ro no wash-housos In tho coun try, it koopsru..ollow lu. tolerably fair pica ervutloit yo.t'Mu wear, .out a shirt without cna-lnir a Uhluainan mr washing tho buttons oil'. When you turn-your horses out to browso oil the feUKCU aitAlM TKKH1, you should use his forefoot for n hitching, tfsij anchor his bond down, aud thou you may find him Inside tho county linos next morning. When you soo an olovated ridge ahem), Just hnaglno that when you roach Ita top, w.iu can soe tho whole country boyond. AlHr you have crossed tho rldgo and soo an other a little higher Jtint ahead, oontlnuo to iiuagiua the tamo thing, und llnnlly, about '23 miles from the Dalles, you will 'roach' tho top of DKMMirrKS irtLt, Whom you rapidly dotooud for a few irilroa iindcoiuoto tun toll-bridgn, whlnh crosses Dohtihutos Hlver, Tho road Is an oxcollont one, mid le managed by J. II. Shearer, who keeps tho stage station hero. On tho western Iwll-Hldo you can boo a, few duadcayusos, which hayo been strangled ovor tho graves of Indians, to enable tha latter to rldo to tho happy hunting grounds, Tho rod man cau rldo doad horses If he prefers thorn, but wo will take live ones every time If there ere no express trains to that unexplored coun try, Near the bridge Is a Warn Hprlag In dfaa v1!fe named Book. Hollow., From It a seaat rehed warrior daeae to oaf oamn ono oeld eaeraing and ezetalaaetl ' H-y-a-a cold 1 ' Hla aaJsetias; must have ibeeet eejetaalvely lateraal, for be kept his ehUlifreat. vabut toned, allowing the chllllB aephynt .to, ex-, pend their force apon hte nsSed breaat, aud after be had srot oa the oautde dt1 home -of our muck-a-muck he seemed', to be beauUi fully warned up, n; e- ...4 U; 7,t0-- ' .siLT VvftIN?o .? c I1 It ri ;. Is tho noxt camping place, andthe waiter be llos its iiaiiio. Cord wood oughrto be worth abo6t K500 a oord bore, provided "there was any ono to to. After passing 1horu Hollow No. I, and ditto No. 2, you,como to a ranch located lu a deep canyon, called Bakn Oven atbera Uosr hamo. but 'probably some genius started to arch tile, wholoplaoe ovor, Htidthils ooustruct an arch blg.onougU to arcommodHte the wholo couiity. Twelve mlloMlurtUor, and you oome tnOross'IIol' lowi.utUgq station, aud it youjgeta Ttioal 'Imrolt issuroto,boa htiuaroono,, SxmUs. - ,-. Ljr..?. .''..' a'-lv "i ro oo uontinuea.j . T Bans: om Lsarr awrr.awni y- .. . . u .J.,J;. ,t ri pyfl vrrhje'- prfper1 Having seea la - -- . -. ;"' jroar esase sooountosl W T Oleaon t rowa sod I have deterilaid te' forward te you some notes of, aa essesUUea'-lsiwhMi we were satelj eaeatd.. -- c we naa met in Portland east- alter sol tbrounh the aaual. over The whole country to, look at "desirable farms" we at last resolved k to strike out towards tha saow peakeMmnrMoedfeM see If weceuld lad anriajtdaoaMlar;bW tlement tu that' direction., ", Whilst .loafing around tbo Starh street ferry we 'haa oooasr oually met wllh men engaged in bringing loads of vegetables, dairy produce ,and shingles to tha eltysnd from them wo had gained considerable Information as to that region.' , ,, ,, ., , v Accordingly on the morulngof Saturday May 'AJtb, W6 wetit oyer to Kast Portland aud took pasHsgo on the light hack which carries the weekly mall to , KAOLH CHEKK It was just 0 a ii. when we started and In a few moments wit had passed beyond the city limits aud gained the open country, 1'or thu first two or three mil, wo J nirrwyed1 through fields of voK'kbles aud small Iruits oi various kluds which worn for Ihe supply or ihe Portland market ami in whloh groups i f Ciiinatuen were busily at work and then ilia road travorsod u wid-t stonv plain ovor grown v. I'd fern and sornh oaks whilst on our ltt Mt. Tabor roso up In bold relief. Mere wo could see no sAltlomuntM In thu l,n. modi. in nolghtyrhooAKuuthnsi but gravel uwmi ur irw nim nerrw, iniegeis sua we had iroceeii d fully nlht miles before we met with any uny attempts at bultlvatlon. After this tho appearance of tho surround lug country uliorod,aiid for rests of irryriK thicks r lilnfd tho road lu nlaoas whilst la others woro' few scattered fa msaud no it houses. We croaked over a gnntlo acclivity si d then doxcendlug we caw homo pretty exteii Mvo clearings lu wlifuli wsrotUrlvlsg orolw arils and tie .,, ,vhlto dwellltig hous This iho driver .'Olyr a, d us ,xm foa. 'P., valwy and hew wsr,.;kW)dsKiU)bet)l l.oH.s(ino Ut a clear htfeaiufi Whloh, HowmI aluii),' , bv a aroveol fir, trwei Whists ad aVja'piaco for holoMag esnN'iOsVsaeriKS. Near" iImvo oaissed a large woodeu edifice whloh was the Grange Hall, aud thsa ,tbs road aeeeudlig traversed a plateau from whloh tbe foret OOLUktBIA BOTMM u x..n . was tha arsdnsnlsaat fostars. w -w.v nw mmmmmmmmi ire, use tu aatf aaae hshrht. sad esdar trees roes to aa lasassase tha hUsrvala aatwaass thasa vara alUd bw m. aVtMe grewth af heael, aad rhaa ssafte, Aa iMiaiu asssass. ua asaasssm r -j sm m f 'TrtVfto.v clearings were comparatively small, and tho stumps were standing In moat of them. We wore told thatr the laadi here is vory fertUe,.produolng large crops of gralnand potatoes but ou account of the heavy timber the work or clearing is vory tedious and ex pensive. 'This partof Multnomah has been sottlod up by hard-working, Western men who have tolled along to uiake homes for their fatnlllcR oarnlnir n llvliur hv l,lr.f. 'making, and aero by aoro", subduing tho tall wuiwra. vjuo or our loitow passongors was aresldotit lu this neighborhood aud from him wolearnod that tlioro was a large track or govornmeut land Btlllopon for sottloment. along '!AN1Y niVKIt," So quitting our cottvevanoe wo.acconipanlpd our now acquaintance totbohuuso nud un dor hla guidance wo examined tho surround ng country, There Is boro a largo body of land still unoccupied, but In most placos tbo forest Is so. dense, ud Iho trees Bro of such gigantic bUvj tlmt tho task ofcloaulngolT would appear iilmust ImpoHslblo to any ono UOtaCQUallltAl Willi tho imnnrv ntul In.lnXMr of frontier men. , 8ahdy Is a'rapld tnoutilain torrent fed by tho snows or Mt, Hood, ami mnptlos Into tho Columbia, bul It is so lull of shallows and rapids thut it U not, mhiptad for even boat navhtatlou, and'oiunot ovep bo .inndo easily available as it moans ot rafting tho uoblo codar trees whloh lino Its' bankd. It is n very peculiar sort of a stream, which at i-oiuo dls taut iiorlod occupied a muoh wider spaco thou it duos at present, so tho bl tills aro about a mllo apart, and as (liq river, winds ulotlglii various bonds there is alternately, on either side a, wldo bottom or au almost lerpuudlcular proclploo close to tho water's od no. Drown is calling us to go out and kill a dcor, so wo stop for tbo presout. DllOWN it I, Oregon Silver, Md Springs. ' Ban Fit nci CO, Juno 8. SjoVorat month ago tho Jiutklm pulillshod an accoutit of the alleged discovery of a deposit of argentifer ous mud, lu Wosoo county, Oregonj which discovery was subsequently pronounced by Prof, Thomas Price aud others an an unqual IJlod fraud. On, the strength, on the' report I by Prof Prloo pf, the, resultaof sa thorough) sclentl fto investigation of sample Hubmltted. San Fraiioisco caplUllsts, who. bad been In-' VUud to embark tholr tuopay lu the enter prise dropped It. A paper was, read by I'rolossor Heipry O. Hanks, boforo tho Micro hopnlcal SocL.ty some tlmo taftorward, which ho exprosscd doubts about thoi gonulneness ,of the allegod discovery but, oxproisod uo-decided opinion. At the meet ing or tho California Stain Geological society Tuosday evening, pror. Hanks road a paper In whlctt ho expressed tho belief that Iho ar- Eenlirorousmud is not an artltloial creation tit a natural product., Ho moiitlousa ro con tdlsoo vory of asllvor-boarlng doposlt ex Mlug lu tho Maud mine, Tqquorvlllo, South wosterii Utah, six miles from Loods, spool mons of whloh havo reached this city. It resoiublos sandstone, but mlcrosooplaexam luatlon shows it to uo sedeutary, aad closely resembling tho Oregon mud, dried la large masses. It wilt bo resaeatbered as the result of Prof, ltlco'a inyestlgaUoBs be diMfteted every ovldonoo of aaltlogi that sssapUssub. mlUed showed under- nluroeeoM tlatrs. thait pies gave tha eseae sweisaUariresalts. ataea1 bis first susslastlnn Prof.. Hanks 'haai .Vmsm -. .;-"r'" '.MT". Vni .wsaosiiiariciiaa Hanks dseVa fcUad to dHKvr,la, analysts aasttby'tk) foraser. No twos1 opattaaUk Ma htyastlgatfon ot tbsao-oaUed , sUmsBMi.wlaistadaaalraMd his Impreselon ' Sifito'lSrt Pw-i-r.t - tse.readv' Nilablo: j j - M I 'T f'TW l t Kfr.vvu BlMKVnu Wiaruf IVi- ... . 1 tJ"f 1 .m....w 1t w y., vv.1,., ,i. -. . Pear Sin " Your lettoi of March UWirro- ' eeivod.aud it .Will boia ilaaurw(o m.i m ftlveyouall Information I cauJu regurdto ila camp. There is no'mlstako'as this mud ooutalulug sllvr i L,havqf beea bora over '" two mouths 'aj'dKvo tissayeuV oyer i' 100 samples, which contalnod sllvor, souio as high as $2,300 Htr toir. Thfi samples 1 ob ' ' talifod rrpm the sprlnga myself. f I (hluk tho j woather has oohslderanlo to' do with mud. , containing Hlh'fr. I obtain tho best results '" wneu mo w)auicr,ls,warBi. t Sou(leieal.ln' uu ha Usees, aad'rteh la'sllvwr. 'Tksiusmin w wore activity tut a.-waraa. of them'coulaln a great dealefaeld r la cold, the mudwlU le of a 'yellow color, -isI' showing uo silver, but whsa 'ths.dsy Is uiHttit .iia irifar flnrmini. wiifiii inn wnuiti.ip ;i.i Vfarat the mud (sofa blackish blue, at least the beeMJaoraalaaals that fall Into thaat be, , ' adtsssvlved, 14 h fow SMrUhs. -TBsr7are r weUa w.hloli waiay from U to, fUaa) to tas , tea. Oae assay 'I soads rromaflai air i!!- Kf.whfob;asemydl,a9 isxtbe toa. There (a a graat -4al of salt.'ai aaest pare, all 'over rthe sprlsg fiat. There arebatwesaoBsrhaodred aad two hundred avans '.seas discovered, running la two dlreetJoae close to the sprlug, I and silver larssvsral of thee all the way from a few dollars to 1100 to the tea.' HotasorthMw' leaoa run through the springs, at least they point In that direction, The altitude or this place I should Judge Is between four and five thousand feet. I have ao means of ascer taining at present the exact height. I will send you soma of this so-called mud as soon aa It stops storming. I want to take some out wheat tbe weather la warraor, Very respootfully, Kichauu Huiiusy, OKADPAT1KQ CLASSES. The following are the names of thoso stud ents of tha Willamette University who are to graduate this week, and pass from Iho sehool room to meet the realities of life aud mike ase of what they have been taught by thatr "Alma Mater." UTKKAHY DaUrAHTltKNT. Misses. 'Ifsttle .Collier,, tfettla Cook. Bar! Griffith, Ida llutton, Anna Lawrence nsuie aseaooam, aus iay, Aitnesi and Bertha Moore. Messrs. q. A, GrublM,iIi.T r. irvsas, i-. u. jory, r. m. Aicuuuy. it. J, Mlaheas end O. A. Peebles. '' " ' MKPUMt, UatrAllTHXNT. ' 0. It, Holmes, J. N. Power, O.M. Dodsou, I.HUfr, W-, F. Morrison, ,. J. Uudsou, W. W. Ogieabv, J. M. Kliehen, J. B. Payton.'J. Morgan. Uiioigs J, Hill. V, V, Farloy aud Misses, K.A. J. Ford und A, L. Ford. , ChilsUua College. i Tho followiuu aru tbo nkuiuw nr ilm irrari,. Ing class at Monmouth this year und the , degrooM couferred. Miss Nanny Sprliiuer.' M. A. Miss LueroUa lioltnan, M,H.( Miss Mary Churohll . M. H.t Miss Magglo Butler, U. U Jo-le Wolverlou, M. H.j Mr. J. K. Fonton, A, Jl.jf . ,, J. Murphy. A. ;, Mr. J.F.Kmaaet;-TII.Blj Mr, AJP. Wolveftoa, ' ' i . i" i ', ' " cv?" ' Jir;',w'4ea jest saora) a hook .un u. m r. n-.M -,.. . ....... . w "" '? " Tm " H.ausy oi wool, sxaoUy the earn fiaeaess aad eUple aa thai tor whloh he reeelvsd a first elasa seeds! aad dlaloeaa at the OsateaahU. This wool la Hi1!?,! !l.f0Bth. " that Hla eyl be af sssjater weight tM lesagar ssaase. 1 H m i-. in i-urt I i I in