Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, June 15, 1877, Page 2, Image 2

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r,W?n -"
nr.AnKia Jc OBAIG.
munni axb nonemM. ,yH
a. A. (1L1HKK' kV-W. OMAM.S
Teresa of kMrfpttoa.
On copy, one year (StnnmbaM)... .fS.Bv
One copy, six montba (M naaaDeit) ......
Oaeeopy, three months (IB aaaahajrs)
BALEM, FltlDAY, JUNE 15, 1877.
The Earth Drying Up.
Ono of tbo most curious udwi believe
wollsubstantlated Jnfororioea, drawn by those
geologists who havo iloolod attention to the
chonilcal molamorphosea whloh the rocks
compoHlng Ihocniht ofllio earth nro nub
Jocted to, sayH llio !ylcthnic lltvicw, Jjtbo
conclusion thnt tho enrtllu gradually losing
IIh water, or drying up. Itlu genohuly an-
mi mod that tho ovRporatlon-of tho water
from tho Rurracon or ourqeeana, taxes, men
etc., la practically balea&exl by, the various
forma of precipitation, rajkw, mow, hall, ate ,
from tha clouds, b;! which' lt"i finds 1 Iwa
again to the earth. ThUk rlct)yrJJa
ine noosa uit uuv a jmiucio ui wiiwt jmhbus
beyondUw-llmlU-of on aiaaoaplierAaael
.11 .I... Jt'.t- II- hihImIa .ft... kllHAUtlllll. !
evaporatlon'sooner brilahjr te-returueri ajsli
Novortboloss, tho water supply or our earth
la slowly but steadily diminishing.. It 1m
not deslroj oil . but Is so modified as lo bo no
longer available for tho suslouanco of anl
mat or vegetable lifn; slnco It li absorbed
and bound up n llieroeks Thin dinappear
anco of water la to bo accounted lor partly
by mechanical absorption, partly by tho
dydrallon (or binding of water), which Is
generally ono of the phenomena attending
the superficial-weathering of the rocks,) and
(Frooa Daily lUeord.)
One of the moat atrfkia objeota whlea hi
presented to th vie w ufr ttmm I BJ hi
.j; va. --"".. y rr ' :?--.sr
ujr puiiaiop; asrnionnfBH who a cupesa
and artQw-wblte crosi", aUTthe jalm repoae
whloh aetona to pervade the grounds whloh
surround Itypolnt It ouiaa being devoted to
Religion and-Kducatlon
Having bad the privilege of visiting thla
academy your osrrespondont ,wlll endeavor
to give a brior eVsorlptton or Its internal
economy. Thodo'orwaa opened by ono of
tuo Bimera olad In tbat eeouliar crarb which
.through the whole world Is over to ba teen
inning rounrj amidst tnoliaunts or sickness
ana, povorty, in prison cells, and hospital
warattt unogiug aomrori ana aid to the snr
faring: s Tho visitor conducted by tho' Lady
Hiipurior'and anothor HI i tor, procooded to
vlow tho various apartment, and tholr ocou
pants. Tho rooms aro all romarkable for
tholr oxcesslvo noulnoss and tho caro with
which provision has bcon made for ventila
tion and for ensuring as much aa posaiblo'
the comfort and hoallh of the inmates.
Passing along a lofty corridor on tho first
floor the Superior tappod at a door I a voice
roplled "Come in" and ao wa entered
In whloh were some thirty girls under the
charge of ono of the Sisters, There was no
giggling orwhJsperlng. at. the-entrance of a
stranger; but llkn llttlo ladlos they all stood
up and bowed politely; thla waa the cae lit
all tho other rooms snowing that good man'
neraand polltonosi aro taught as well an
tho other nocthiary branchos of education.
Thoconrsoor Instruction Ih similar to that In
tho public aohnola of tho Htatn but In this
Ing pupils along from I toad or to Konder of
ino autnorifeu ferioi. J no teachers aro
Mahomett la bit early life waa an Idolater.
Me waa the eon of marnhant in Mecca, who
traddjtar'the'earaVaBS,'aBd who died,
jieavBg him an -orphan at twelve years of
age. u aaijiNrtd wafwreaar ey o
grandfalheranajTanerWards" by aa uncle.
Ho had tb'e adviatage of going occasionally
to Byrla wlth'tWe caravana and thua galm d
a knowledgebf men and military affair.
After he was forty years of age ho receivi d
the doctrine of ono Go J. Creator of heavtn
andearlb,and lo whom all were to rendi r
an account of their coLduct. Uo learned
thla on his travela with the caravans, whero
ha met learnt d Iraelltes, Christian monks
and priests, from whom ho obtained con
siderable knowledge of tho Old and Now
Tt"tamcnta, l'aitlcularly ho converwd
much with n rolallon or his wire, who under
stood Hebrew, and read familiarly tho books
oT tho Old Testament, Ue probably usn
aliirero In bis belief in God but ho after
wards lent himself to imposluro, and set
himself uim a prophet, pretending that In a
quiet giotte near Mocca the angel Gabriel
anaeared ta bin. -anil d&va him ft couimum
iflon froaaOed, named him a divine envoy,
and dictate a portion of the Koran. When
a man bogtaa such a ctreer be must supori
his false pratenaiona by " falser words, and
moro unaernpaloua deeds, Ueflrat con
verta-weTB-kw own family and a Tew ln"l
mato friends. Ills progreM In convincing
Uie people waa alow. Afier a llmo ho pre
tbti'lnd to havo been Ink on tin Into tho kv
enlh ho.kron, boloro tho throne or tho MoM
High, and lo convoreo with Him Alter
thlrteoti years or preaching Ho had kmIiimI
many followers. Tumults nrnso and tho
iniilftriitps were rireiisrlnir to nrremt him
and put hlin to dcn(b. Ho lied lo Medina,
wlwtrfi hn wftu runnlr.ul In Irlninnli a.wl
muiosni vanea anu extons vo atiBiniuonia, where he'soon began bin conqnerlnir career
' ' - ' ''
1 1 apacssaaj,
, HoraMmdBLl ,v -.
Jaa3J aa,iBaaaBTM,aBTaBTgTf 'fcrT- J
yCaJfYkS'" Jaf1jft
Tho Imported Feroheron Stallions,
M'lLLflnml the ui.tilnif icamn. commencing Armi. 3(1. anil conllnnlun In thn IRth nf .Iult. nt tho talilinr
Mr. A. II ilMMHAU,, jC.l-hti.xxy, en TUESDAY. P SI., and WKDNK9DY and THUllSIMY.A
.V.:.ofSlc,,J,V.9,rA. .MlhcMabicof lllftN JL, UAVIDbON, Snlom, on F1UDAY,1.M ,and 8AT
UHIMY and MONDAY, A St . of each Mfclt.
iToirzxxm-aaa IN U. U. OOLD COIN, TIIK BEASON-Duoatthecndof tho (cason.
, I havo Bomo very Pino JEKSEY CATTLE for Salo.
JKrcrr famll; that kccpn a cow fhould Iito a JERSEY, or at leut a half blood. Faratllet that lic tucd.
them will not do without tbtm, If the; aro to bo had.
I have already limed a circular with line engrarlnBi of mr norrca and Mates, a view oftnyBUblc
with a hls'ory of the Percberona, and why they are preferred to other laritc bonei; omo hinta on braedlnot
till, rltntltiil hm Ibpttm l,.ra In IfMMtinan Am4A .a Tha. bill 1 ..h! .m .h11..iI..
v ... .WMH.W .. a.u. rr .M MMW'V HUH ..U.V..VOT, v m.. a ,tj t. ,. w U VU '(l 111UU .
nartlalv bv tno orvstalllaation ana reoryatai
llzallon, or tho oonatituenta of, many of tho
rooks and tho ex tonal vo ohomloal change
King en .at unknown depth within the
wlioMbe earth, aa maulfaated In the
fihonomena.of-VPlcanoae, 'In the course of
Ime, though happily many nafrom the
prtsonl,'the oomblned result oftheae 'seve
ral caitMB of desiccation maat be the com.
pleto abesrptton of all the water, and ita dla
appearance from the surface of the earth.
The estimate haa beea made tbat about
one-hoventoonth of tho original quantity of
water tho earlb waa provldod with has al
rowily Ik eu bound up In the mcks or ab
sorbed linunil tho posslblo reach of tho
organlsuu Ih ng upon bur Mirfano.
Exponto of tho Government
A rovlow of tho financial oporatlons of llio
govornmotit f r nlno months, ending on llio
SUt of.Muru 'nut. hhowa u falling oiriu tho
ap g'eu'iilo rueelplu for llio pjrlnd named of
15,7N,(i.1-, ns comparod with the correspond-
ing period of tho procedlng lineal year. This
largo falling off In rovouuo was almost cn
tlroly In recolpta from custoniH, tho actual
falling otr In reoelpta from that source for
tho nlno months being 110,301,711. Tho In
tornal revonue . rocelpta for nlno .uoulha.
show an'lnoreaao of over two million dollars.
Tho ordinary expenditures, exoluslvoof In
lorvHlon tho publla debt, for tho nlita months
Just endijd were lu.round numbora, 1U,600,
000 Khist (121,000,000 fortho correaon(llug
nlno inonlhs of last yearf jjchteh '!19wa i"i
duction 'In 'expenditures! u favorpf ..tlie
preNont flical yoar-of nearly 10,000,000,
Thiho Dgursa are qxuluilve of dUbursemnnla
iiiHiiu uuukocouut.of lutartHt on the publlo
M ', ,.-. , -V ,,ri
Mr. It. A,itlgga.of tUU cltyi .ma.tho Jour
nal nun reoorus iiiojourneyiiiKouuie.priii.
eneolally trained for tho task thov'bavd un
ilnrtAltnn. unit thnv urn not ohllirfld In truck In
to tti prejudices of olthor school directors or
pairopaaaie too ouen ine case wim otner,
teaohera In the Hlatn. Close to lhlaclasa.
room is a neat chapol tilted up forth no of
tue siHters, aaornea as is usual wiia origin
paintings and fresh flowers. And tbenco
ascending to the next itoor.we view the Junior
jand senior claasea. Thoy aro com noted of girls
who aro engaged In studying aome of tho
nioreadvauood branchos and they alo ro
oelve)thoroagh instruction and are very profi
cient In what they havo studied. .
'J hero are at present twonty-two pupils
taking mualo lossonsand for their nae b'jc
Hplendld pianos havo been made on which
thoy arn rniulrod to practice regularly evorv
day. Thuiieo wo procco'lod to tho studio
di.volod to drawing and palming tho walla of
of which aro ornamented with Hoplu
litnilscHpds by sntuo of IhuiuipllH, Thuio
ero only two young ladles engig
od In drawing at that t lino : ono of
whem was copying a lino engraving from
ono of tho old maston, and it waa surprising
to flo the freodotn and rapidity with which
alio copied from tho picture botoro her. Thin
young lady Ih a born nrllat, for tho Superior
slated Hholiad only boon rocalvlng drawing
lessonH for one year,aiid yot in general flnMi,
light and Nhiidow, hor cony uxcolled (lm
original. Then wo patsod through room!) In
which embroidery and fancy work of va
rious klnilH aro taught, and other aparltuonta
for.tho UNO of both teaohora and pupils.
Tin: DonMlTOftY
Waa next vlnlted along, lofty, woll votitl
latod room, with ita rowa of ueat bedstoads,
with ono of larger Uo for the Hitter lu
charge, as la usual In all oonvenl aohoola.
CUoaa to this aro bath rooms antl Uvatorlee,
fitted un lu tliohandkoiuustktylaaudabuB
.dantly provided with wator, and a ward-rot m
room whoro tho puuliadopoail their traak
'and hangup tholr drons, etc, r. Those artloler,
ami tno room in wiuoii . tuoy aro piaomi, tiiu
HlDiiiiikro oiiliuen in i iu jrmn uninr.
clpul '.iry of mgraua
that: arrived
rim .Journal I, in
Oregon in IS l.'i. Tho. Journal hln a uarfect i
anno oi prexirviiiiou uuu givtta euon tiay'N
ilolugH or tho lonir, weary trlji from AIlsMlirl
to nppoNlto tho "I'lireoSNtura." Ifis In thu
huiid writing or Mr. Jnmoa field, ti tho
hint Miuteuoo li unllnthhnd, na llio writer
wenfoiitofhUluiiidtf' with an ftlliicU nfllie
luiiiiiitHlu'fovor, at thu littler Kilut. It uUi
Klve thodally roll call by Mr. John Maitlu,
who now llvoi on Hilimi lVnlrlt, ho wan
tho "Adjutant" or thn cotilpiiy. ThUjour
ual would iloubtleH glvo lion, Stephen
HIiinlH, who Is to (lelver th adilroiM nu
tho omlgratlun of IS 15 at tho forth
coming rioueor'a Itounlon, much vnluablo
information. Aathproato many of tho emi
grants of that vear llvlnir In thh vlcliiltv. i
who will ho present at tho reunion, Mr.
Hlggi thinks It would "sound natural" to
havo Mr, John Martin call tho roll upon that
occaalou, NYhatsaysMr, StaalH,
From Mr. II. Javelin, the tSaxtou of OJd
Fellow' Itural Cemetery we learn that thero
vrerod Interments In that church yard in
May. Three male and thro female : four
of the twrson Interred having died from
en there Is a neat tipartinoot llttid un for
uo as oti huHpttn! In o.iho nny.of tho.iiimatus
might bn attiickodwlth blclnlois.ln eliort
ovary pruvlilnn ttiut caroanii;.'suleuce cuu
timnil vllll ,,u iivi.iit. til i.iu iuui.iiv", uixm I
XlrelsitlMiargoodMlbrnry,1 .though iih
not BMyijt very,oxiunslVc, audjv'rbliiut wl.h
v trifiiiM iir'ci nif'iiM iiiJiiiiiniuik hum fiiiiiiia .ii .
Natural lljstnry,.willt,tlio.i.ly Kiouiid lR upon tl.umlljJ UU pkuIiiIiuiIiiu. .Jii;
Olid garden a llbril rmeo nud. piiiwirluultv lar " " Um eoif,lion that ensued, and Iwr.n
(lmtiictlvequtiloorrxuicii which Uutmmui l!' iii1i" ' ' r eiverfn-in tho ellefti-f
to liiwiltli. jiue rout, our nrao 'enow milieu awiiv, null
Thla InetlitIone(fifn.enccd "fourleonyt.ua ! ItsTlV eliuiUil u hill itr tren. lln bad
Unco, In Ihnlitilldlnga tmw oucupltd ly tljoj ',ui douolh nmIhii tho Inillnimrnmotip
WJII .A1IHO ni'HOOIJ Ulieril COUblllerilUlO llnil) i'ini "ii mmi'in wnr-wiimiii iiintniinimi
.Aftor, brilliant successes In tho field, ho did
preonoiybwnat religious itn posters generally
do, liofudolged his ruling propensities lit
the uttermost, unrestralnod ovi u by tho Is
laid down by himself Mohomot llmltod
hla follow rs to four wives, but he married
twelve hlnnelf and wroto a sreclal chanter
Un tbo Koran to Justify his conduct. The
great sikcom In arms of his followers and
the rtpld power ho gained, woro due, In a
great measurr.' to his teaching them that
every ono who 'fell In battlo would no
straight to a tassual ptradlte. Tho cry wan
"tight, flglit, paradise, paradise," I'iovIouh
lo his reign, women were known to boodu
cited, but tils teachings closed up all five
uues ior ineir improveinenis, un tnoy no
cimo posoesicd with tho Idoi that It wns a
dlf graco Tor them to (nam from hooka In It
a ''bitter and unthinking calumny" to de
nonnco akci an importer, oviu If bin belief
was nt first founded upon tli6jrtnio theory of
thu txlMtonro of ono God. Oui(ht suchaio
lliou to "commaud our Interest and ro
ar'eol,"a. slated lately by a dlstlugulftbud
ilivino, f
Soquel lo tho Indian Battlo.
After tho pnrty had escaped under tho
cover of tho forest and d.trkncHs, tho man
who reuuilned c.ist about him for tho belt
iiMimer of procedure Thero woro Hivural
repeating oiirbluoi lot with him, and wllh
the-o ho kucoeeded In keeping up so rapid
n tiro that tho InJIans'wero totally docoivod,
and believed that tho onllro Dirty woioyol
lu tho cant on. Tho Indians of oourso would
aoouhuiru that butoneorthe party remained,
as tho day waa rait approaching; mid also
auolher terrlblo dinger threaioued. Tho
gr.va in tho eauyon , wai thick, dry plno
grws, uinl tho I dlttii set thin ou 11 ro. Tho
Wind blow lu thu direction whero tho
man waa. Tho Indian, onn coaled, now
ii-oin tIp iv by tbo ilHiKifois) and smoke, ap
proached. Ifo'.vuvor, tho beileged party iIIn
iwriiod tlI, mid m.olvud to imo tho movo
ijient lu iiiililugan iiletiipt to caeapo. A
IhrS'lkaVicoordvlfd up cjosely, utid r.ilaud
IiIk heJdT In un ln'5ient ourbravo whlto
Mill, ii uiiiiui rriiiiijiiK loioiin ini Oram
SMaln;: lilionther ftirbhe- I'd fired with
K'Oltef ra I I'M tlmu e r, mill the rndliiH
supposing thnt Hie niUri party wereailvanc
yrtr. o. avrvjBgt.,
Chopnod into Food,
Sash, Doors, Blinds,
IVCoii Icla-ngaai ,
Turning. Sfnlr ivorlt. HcilNtcndN,
'' MiirrtiiiN, stands, Table,
FAiIiC. M1LL8,
Anil nil kliiflN el rurnlturc,
MBXD-HO KI'HIISH Kbjnat Ajrflcnl'n-al Wn.
hillMl .jr, aalem. tO OF D I.N M.S.
, IL.il er al Terms!
Toe Orf rob and California nnfl Oregon
Central Railroad Companies
OFFKIt their Ind for latonpna llio followlnir libe
ral term: One tmh of tho price In enali; lot rt on
tlio,balacco at the rate of rorcn percent, one year
after fall; and each follow Inff year enc tenth of the
tuluclpal and Interelt on tbo balance at thu rato of
loircnprr cent per aunii'i. Doth principal and Inter
lfl payable In U. H. Currency.
A.difCOiint of t-n per cent will o allowed for cali
IV" LetUra to bo aililraard to P. hC'HULZi:, Land
Aucut O, s U. It. it,. I'nitUnd. On con
Trotting and Draft Stallion,
IT" tho farm of jr. V. rVeamltli, lllxlr. I'olk
coui.It. and ot JIOKBIN CO.'b 8labro. In wit,
? a ' ii J d 8a,Brd,,Ii r "eh week, after llio JOth
n, $26 at thu emt of the
(86 payahlu uhcti lb
of Aer
TKriMS-For the Rearon
Scaion. 1NSUHANCK.
Maro In known to be wllh foal, or when llio owner
Ma parted with her. A1I bill payable In cold c In.
-tr ,,,, un,icn pnnnrwi aim tared ror at ft
Beacrloilon au4 PkJIvji n, . n.
. .. ..?. j- , r ...--. ,----'- "v-v ""-
n ir iu iianu .1 luenca I.IC
Boll of Honor,
Thu following pupils, having attained an
average) nCM per cent, and over luaoholar
ahlp and deportment, their namca aro In
aorlbed ou tho "Holl of Ilonort"
Jauiea Cos,
Conbdla Morrla,
Wllllii Starr,
Nlella Newell,
l,to Holt,
Kiiuua NnrrN,
AmbroMO Cox,
Henry Hoy.;S,
Jncot) Starr,
lltuee 1.1 tare,
Clara Stout,
Mlnnlii Illal
Mouth en
Anna itoinauo,
I'M ward Hohnulder,
Julalha Cox,
hlrale Iliirlnuer,
Jnawph Holt,
Mary A. Mtarr, r
Klljth Htarr,
VMdlo Taylor,
J.mra tStarr,
laila Stout,
Rlohird lllalr,
Ir; Klberl qui.
ma Jan 4, 1 877.
MuliAmn, Mirtou Co,
Mr. I). I). Orton ha Jutt raturned fiona a
vlalt to the alive tnlwwM ha Frlatlla on
Thurdy laat, anil aama down by t tha Lob
anon route. , JIU haa bretight afewn aaaol
mena of Kuld anil allver IvnarlnK quart a from
the Monarak'l audi J'Ooiaalook'! Iadra
which (iulaln l ha )rncion netalalai eoaaJd
arable iputitMleai. tiouia other tleU ttlacey.
erleo havo baian Mad in ttia viola Uy of Uta
DprltiKH, ami lu tha ailjaoenl .ranir. Tea
"I'amiiCneU MIuIkk Cuaiiiaoy'a" ataekla
try ulll arrive, today ou tUalr ground, aiial
conlraeta ror tha erretlon of build laaaaiut
aupply of rinj hava, luan lakaai KiaU par.,
tlculara wlllUatWiin our ueat ktme.c
n ' Jf 'IH.Ti'JC'J I'lW t:
Arr4uitemaAUara.ba4nn.Ma4 lo Jiavaa
bl lima on tha) Madt.'aaatiti t iJuly:at I
Mehama, (Saaith'a tWy.i.A-A..Tlalat4
ouo of the dellubtrul Krariiktai4kauaa f
of thnawlfl rolling HteaSlnUa one ol
IhofeaturiMnr tha day,i4r A .. Hall ol
IhU oily, minor our lUMBfiiMilaaT apeakera
v ill w mo wraioroi.amwaBT..T.Ja.
thi) lot, on whleh the tir.'sont, bulhllui; ataudH
It'iu iuir..l.,i..l l.rH'l'.n .,,i.l ll... ....l.
, o ,,,. iiitmuii ,if. , y rt riiii .111. ..iMMirill Y
on clod lour yt in: hko til a cost of I l,0OJ.
Tho whole of thesuiiuiouiiU havo been uti
Ifctcd by aubserlptlon, tho cost or ruruliuro,
elc, doli eyed In a nlitiltnr innuner. The en
tiro douiHV.io nll'ilra aro mauuKcd by tlvo
liiivSUtorx. whllnt ids SUtum.atti ud to thu
Oduiiitloual drpartuiout, tho whola IimIi.k
under the mi per vision or tho Superior, Tho
average nuniter or puplla la about K.O,
tliQiluh at nrebpnt thero aro only aiiUy
puplUaudli! boarders, all or whom upiK)r
to bo contented, happy and Mncurely
atlaohod tothoKoutlo Slatora who rulo over
thorn with watchful yet loving hearta.
' T.J. II,
Aneodaie of a Mlaer.
Whon tha Rovernment doalred to borrow
n laro sum of money from the ImmeiiMely
.. A.lllli., ..lnw l.-.t.,...m 1... .ufilu.ll ill.. I,.d.,
nvnuuj I1II.UII ruontu, III, IPIMIWH ..,M UttH
ou tho plea of povorty. Kearlug, however,
tuaiHomoor nu iieiKUoor,auioiiK wnom no
waa very onpopulai, would report bin Ini
monso wiMtlth to tbo government, ho applied
hla Inuonuliy to dlaeover noma otfjotuat uay
of hldiliK lila trold ahould they lustltuin a
Hoarch to aieertalu Iho truth or fa1oliood of
bin plea, Willi great otm and eoricy
fi clothe Mood In lilt vims, Kiuholdened It
not roi'oh mi; nu,) nIioI-i fniiil iho wlillei, tho
Indians nude ii ehuro up ihroiiirh tho cn
jon. No miiiN ran docorUio their dxnp
P'ltniminl when they dl'-onyored thu tho
whites hiit mnilo their eoiio. Tho Indian
rieourod thooiiiiitryln all dlrtvitlonH, but uo
tiaco or Iho party did thoy llud They
ctiuKl lor Iho iiIkIH almost under tho tree
In tulih Iho whlto man had climbed, Un
tho next dv the ImlUnH weroe.itlna sotne
ertiuiii for their li-enkfrtst whon a shout start
ed them lo their feMt. A vol lev wai soon
Hied which kont tho Indiana living In every
uiiruiiKii, piiraueu ny ino volunteers wuo
hail come lo ieknit their bravo 'comrAtlo.
Virgin Semi Monthly Argun,
iinrcuru oy
fllAKKrt plraiuru In nOVrlnir to Ihe Wtnl-Orowcra of
L tlroyuii nml l!ir iKiJnlnlDcTorrllotl'x tint char.ee
lo nnrcli.ii-0 'lllUI(liruilllltKI) MbltlNOS, and aa
enrloit pirtic Intcn-ptcil ttat they can, anl will en
ilcamr to. aull Sbeipof Ihnrame qunllty and aluent
MUCH UIIi:.l't:i( KATES tlun audi can ponMbly
bo Imported, hxamlnatlou aud cotnpnrlaon wllh oth
er Hiivep microti hi llio market aru cordially Invlttd.
fulfill, Orrfon.
N. II. Tbo lUmn and Itam Lamba of tho flock ctn
bo teen nil thu lhLANI) l'AHM. adtnlnlnir Malrnn
Tbo Hwiacan ho r.'vn at Ihe rami) place, cr at tbo
1III.I. FAIIM four ami a ball tnllca couth of the city.
Hatcra, HeiitonilKTlO, 1H73.
.'00,i" WV.Ttr.etl "J Vofo Heynoida. K?q ,
nu.MalnA. Ilia aain w ii.M.Mr. r..!.-?.1
by HtcDo Mchcoicw, by Wli.tbrep MeMenccr. by lm!
1.AV.1V niJlAnUKM. Wlllcphrrf 1 OfJI nn., .
w i". . fln? nple of Ihe Meucnitf r atock '
BLAt'K HTjUNOKn waa .fred br tho Wycr'i
horae. a bay rlall m. wclqhlnsl.SM pounda. and ctU
ihmS1",, '"i 'r,,ro,,lnf col''' Capable'" or
ly mado hla half mllo In 1:10 Ho wn tired by Oen.
Knox, out of a Mcaaencer maro, welclilnir l.HU)
ponnifa llhAOIt BTItANdKlt haa a cry piiwefful
uL?i L"lb'. yrry "l'', with Kambril and knee
l,...,l.,1.nwu',!hu hou? proceaiea ami mnlc
perfect Mtnplig of hla ctand fire. Oca, Knor.
Half Krollicr lo Caledonia Chief, Hie.
fastest Trotllng Stallion in Canada,
Sired by How-o'f Itoyal Ocorjre. Dam by old Harka
way. thu eclubratid Irlfh UJood llorc. will aland foi
East Portland,
Aline Mnblea of JOHN 8IIAVK t, from April 161k
"Jr 1M, 1817. a 10 lo Insure. oayabe when
the Mare 1 known lo ho In eal. M& ibr tlieNea
aou, payablo al Iho time of aervlce.
Thorough bred Stallion .,
Tho Fiirm of II. If:. Ankouy. 10 miles Mouth
or Salmi, t -
I.i wr Fni.llnm Itoltom nmler the eliarzo of, nnil nt
tb realrti ecu or, Mr. J. T UKi'KWITII
iiiic.iiiiviiUiik April lit ami omiliix July lit,
Smite by llic,Seasoii.$t.; Insurance $20
1'ijab. li' ,nlil cil- nt llio tlliU'df ainlce.ot when
UiUM pti'tiaintii hi f'Ul
Jllre fn m a ill Uiirn pi'lurul and ratisl for at l
pir ncah, b it int rlrke t ikon.
It a bloml luy; 1 liamla I1UI1, ami wellii IJjjlba.
1.1.1 till.
Tho Celebrate! Thoroughbred Stallion
March TO, I87T.
Kentucky -Bred Stallion,
glio-Fliio Mambrino Trotting Stallion,.
Awarded First Promlum at the
" Oregou State iFair, 1876.
rDEHCHM-noX AND I'EniOlir.n - l.u.by j, a.
dark brown, til lmnd hltb. and aired l,y Ericior?
hi m.3' i 'i?,tf 0'-Minlr'no C'hUf woe cut
bv Vanibrlno IJajmnai. r. i.l.o uaa bj Maiqbilnv out
Imp, Hl.Hncer lie waa llioilrn ,f Alwln'i.i. ...,i n ..
vrud aim nf Jtrrdlik'a Hambln'milan. .' u.'n u-
.ManibrlioChlif; llioi'aiuoflliu latter waa brown
,. H..T, ii i,i, iirnuii ruauiier aim tamoiia breeder, fired
In liucbe eo N " Krlcnn lint n leconl of S 3nw.
,1 bint, m fiinry-ar old, and I thoiMrenrKrlc. MtlU
1 record of -;.Ml. nl fnnr ,, r. . .1.1 ..l ni.i . li;,'.
riTonl nfa ml. iii iuni..,.,it,i .',,,1 u iu ., !.":.
olds and U tbo lroof raanr otlarcucd mtt.
TKUMS-ThoFea.on, as.
vy!.u'i',T'l'P.,x'lH'-tr- at Diirbla'a Stable,
'Ihurkilny, l'rleu-tanilMniiiiluv.
Ar.llll.LVr, .Honda) nnd 'llmrailur.
al',0ic3 l'rJprlelor.
ilutr a ileen eavo lu Iii cellar: to thla reoeii
laelu for hln trenhure tie (ieaoeiuleil by a hul-
aaaaaaI m
tier, hihI totliotran-iloor henltaehed aNiuinir
lock, an that, on hultlnir. It wouM fatten oi
itaeir, ny hiuI tiy tue tniaer iuaapHareii; lit
qulrlea wora Uiarle: llio hotiaa erclie.l:
woatla explored ami tho lon(1 were iliaRKtil
but no VrwMie ooolil they rind; tlio KOakip1
nAran to ooroluito that tba tulaar hail tVI
with lila pol1 to aome part wheiv, by IIvIiik
I'Neouifo, be could be free from iho hauil of
the govetnuaeut. Some time paMal on; tha
houae In which be bad tired wa aold, aou;
worktaon were builly engairra In it repair,
In the proireat) of tblr work tbev ;;; Un
the door of ssciet CT.4wHu m key In
lock outaltle. Tbey back tha door aud Ue
aoeoded with K light. The tlral object mi
which Ibu lamp rcllrQted waa tbo gbaatly
boiij or.'t-Vacue, tba miner, anil arattetvd
hbout him (were heavy baaao.' Kuld anil iou-
dertiua uhela of itutold treasure; a candle-
auric lay tf aide mm on toe n'Kir. . tua wor
hlper of mammon hart Rone Info bin cave
to pay hla devoiia to b. gqlJau god, aud
became a aa prlllco to,ftj dvotlqu' ,
Mr.Monh Owes or Booth Salem, teuda
na ovac a aaaalt bund la jt timothy,, ami
orebard araaajcirt M tMnhaaarmui) ft mead-
im ! v
avail feat
A quaok' I
ccukIi aftei
Halem. Oregon, ilraler In Slcreoarniea ami HteKO
atopic View, and Cl'Ul' of Mem Mid llir aurround
liu; ruuulry. l.lfo.aUa 1'botontpha, lu InUU Ink, Oil
or Water Onlor. all1
Kvory one, at tlnuw, feol tho neoosslty of
hoiiio ri'i'or.nlvo of tho vital pownra, do
pri'-Knl by inemalor bodily exliaustloii. Iu
miii'Ii eouilllloiiK. lut eiiirv one. Inatiiail of tie.
ho I lug to llio tiliMlioliH or medlolnal atliuulautu,
wli leli tiiui-i uo loiioAtui tiy iieirivalou iquiil
tn tholr ex.'lieuiHiit, mluvlrforato lila derang.
el tiuu by tbo imturnl toulo elomenla or
tbo l'tMlUViAN Svuui'. Sold by all dru-KUtS.
riiaollitlrU 'I'atliouy.
Felrtleld, Me., Aprils, 180t.
(lentlaiuon Seelntj numerous certlflcatea
In tho.VdiNO Mirwer, endoralna: the nierlta
of the (treat l.uni; Hinedy. Wihtah's Bat.
am uf Wir.nCiiKiiiiY, 1 am Induced an.I
take pleakur In tjlvj; pi',liiicity to tue great
On re It arcoruplfthed In my Anally In the
year llttO nurlog the maimer of thai year
my aou, Henry A Archer, now postmaster
In thla place, waa attacked wllh apittlng of
blood, cou;h, weakness of lung, and gene
ral debility, so much w that our family pby.
alelan deelarel hliu to have a "seated con
sump'ion." Ho 'waa under medical treat
ment Air a number of months, but received
nn benefit from It. At longtb, from the soli
ct'aiKm of blinwlf and others, I waa Induced
tn piircha one bottle of Witah Bat jam
or Wild (futility, whloh benefited him ao
nnLh 1 ntiirtlriBri jnnthAr nhlnh In av kUnrt
ilina reatored htm to tilausnalMaieOthMlth:'
ran aafely recommend tola ratnxajr to oin-
aaVlHilHai. .AAM.aitlAb aWa)l flaa "Tl IMnB All ir
niHW VaB BlLHIIIaT ! aVlSl BllJaV !! S - w --- - . - w V.T.. .. . aa"-aL b
i ratgm!" Hew?ra kH for. high, P"'P"V; lttAmKJ&Mng!l
i im iinnii "" w mni"- v- rem thk'timkhi-." .- -r.v. - :... . -
... ... ... . .r. .r,, y.. .-. . JJ ,,.mr, .
jhKUaMrtw 'Ufeeto wwe 4KX& ilftAFvctf HHroftHK """-li Bi rlnTaW
aaV.fu .uaw L.l.ul - - - - - x-a - - -- T aaaar' laimaT ast KBlUJalll& 3SaV HaaaWBW IIHT SliiiiiiaaSaaK J-ailllllllllll W - - -
Pal W a ajaiaasawaasa swawsaw aTWaiMaTrf aTrFrnBaaTT TTT-' : ." .:t, T,,JFiM;a,aW- '
t. -- . 9 - -- .a , l mMm am 4ay i i aavau. via aaaaBBWaBBBB.a.aBiiSM r im" i n vhv .ni' i
twm latin imm9iM0mimm'V''mfnv'mm'm.Wr - mmtl P" lliif awsa7"s.
aaafi MMMMaj & aJHafMaWaVPVB ! VSsw1! WnPaaWHanwV WWK - JaJU jauaahaajka
f ' atiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBlsVaBaBBIiaPaiiHBaaaWWWV' HiawaV sP"V '''IHHP1' MsaaVB ajaiaWJsaa'aaaWsaiiwWSlW
From Mirth lOlh to Julr
to thu Ltury ttt.ible of llean .t rvldmn
Marui can be taken
or reut to
Season of 1877.
AMD Tilt
YT April Ut to July lt, aa folio wi
At nm. Acker's VmUm
7 ho Ilalf-BrcJ Clydesdale,
One or the Firm" ritiZE paiim tev.
alio tb ftrt prlne thrre-yeara-old Draft Stallion
at Onvon Slate fair, 'ST1, aid propetiy nl 'M.
CllALMKUS. Cornelia, by Comcllua, Vablncton eo.
baa been tent, by apiclal requrat, to Maud at
J. W. THORNBl'KY'S, Gtrvals,
Whero ho will rttnd the flrtt three d4j a In each week.
and Ihe Ial three at the farm of
J. SUTIMJFIKLD, llowcll l'ralrle.
TKItMS-smQO - 1n.in n...,.i.
11 of Jan. Ma, or ubcuewr mart a are known to b
la foal
Twylar lret, Pardaad,
MONDAYS, after 10 o'clock TUESDAYS, YED
NE3DAYS, anatHURSDAYSratl p. ul; and
At Ike Otvater'ai. Farui& KeaviUe,
WasblBfton couuty, ,ou FRIDAYS, SATURIUYS,
WaaiiUitfton'couuty. , j , ,
,,,ral!W-'ATJTOth T, to loure, t SO. YPUNQ
MAIWBtS: td1rir'4? PettlrmCTi-to'W made
iKaW..aal aanaaarrf a ht Innaan inks laa val Paatnran ait
K JUaaWtimi ' DiltcJ lo a, ftw maraa brought from a dla.
55 g ffltfKteiESir. Aajggattg
Trait InTftitment Crompany
riima companjr la reprd to nexotUte loaai ha
.Ti...ii"',aoi' '"U"-"0'' aeeor I oirr
auwii rnurairri na
ovar lilPHO,
Hied period of yeaja, or rapaysbU by kalMtarfy U
ataJlaianu. For terma, apply to
.,.. Wi-l!D,?'fn.K.r..
pFlrat Street. IHirUaJaal.
a, y&- Affix 1
rsriinb mill nAH rrek KEPAHtan. vitb
art Ua.os .r.vVerffiarT-sai'WirJ7
oija)rciiid, at ihott notice. Prteea.raaet"
uruM dHrTi-i4 'V'aS xi
limi.i'1 x.,t',i'a,
loa al ll Ja
towfattaiaVsi wi auti
Utta- H
' a . '
, - - ' - -" -tit i r r - " .-ifiai. i w laa naaariTrtbirraiai aaaaaii a I la aSaaaaa aaaaaPiiafTt If a n iT f - - - - - 7iaaaaaaiMpsssaiaaaK.paaaaiiaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
aaaaMfpaj aajaaap . - i r..-T,-.., . , ..... ... . ., M -