Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, June 15, 1877, Image 1

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.9da 'mtaia oriT
ttodw M.4JiaaJI.O i:ui-l tonnO
.uamiuft 4hJttJ.Hi
tinDuWA ap7vX03E3: 2:ZlXXCttJ
" ,t.l cfl saw eVl .! 11 d H " " !
It' l J J .JT.HI '
.TAflurt Tiucrt imi
JtXM) .A H
?T T mn-iT
TV t l ""IK1 .W" ""
in xn too ;"
! 4WBJ0
IM -.... SJ i -- .j - -".. I . ,. .n M-tlMHtlUMII iM'wsrJ
- --,l. .MbW. i ifjEvk. - J -0-" .r '"lL. . .rfTV jJ. .ITJk ,t.j!niltoa3wJtr)at.::--,.'ii t
.flgMBgWiA: iWJiv' grr-Tr -wi'i .. - .mMMy j .mot-,
iSPvgKVPslgflgaTaTaB- TMf i fx " BnnnV.TlBBBBiBBBBK'BBVlBaBBYxBnnVBnnn' -gaLaT2 lsV aBjBT.! MmLr 9lMba3 'J.
fll WiaXe-. -a H . .BKTBBaBBBKlUf1. ' . M BBSB ADs mim i B . BBL., .JBWBW BBB A BBBBr, ' III SgBT' i Bi I ' I I BBBjill i
JlwBHPv .- lit DA A JLi 'PA- rvSHHB " ' ""
$2 50 pur Year,
WnhlnfJonj Jnno 12 JudKf L, U. H
district ntmrnry f.r th tlni dNtrlot in vs bluti
occur rfil tltn Cli Hhohn inanMrcrH, bus cour
meiicfd nti lnvtMifijiMlon into, tbt trely.
In hln letter t lie c((ir HH uil-tit y: "From
allyoulmvo riAl juu jot know ciiiiiard
Mvoly Uttli, if tt.u liormr of tli-tt tiBxIoHh
bath Oii.v nml 1)10 orcnirrmiivi Wbtoh limiiu
dlatrly lolltiw..,. WoIIh lnfrmtcl m tiiit
tbo phTMlclun horit roiH Mt)iUHti tnn'.'en'l
JiidH",L'lilit)(iliii Mini tils v.outiUfd (Jaujliti)r
bud to (il)lnlti u iih niul had lo prtonttb
pass to k mob nt nnlvklb Wnif1i( WolOlt M
permlttrd 10 vllt CliKbulm'i hmi 4 t
thattlni't Jtiitk'it ChUbttlMi MtiLMahfrolo
ditncttittr, o indul unto dt'th, u-nrpuir'r
ItiC ItiUJHrt iln for lit'k of Htiritiii'U.
Uoforrt tlto Ixxty or th II Ho t.cio t)t Juilu
Cblsholiu, wlmm hni.tl wis Umi nhot (riTntid
biHlitil HfV rwtird.i blowEi from hliliulv,
conlilb.1 Ititirjl, pfriiiNti'iii lii o twnli
ta.r.cl from Uw Mnr;illui ntnli. Tt.u I At
hour o hl-tinl m niul liN dintph'rr voto
pii'troil lit Ixxlily nml :ii,nulflituiilli, cuml
m by n Uw i1aiIh ntl ItlrintN, tno win
down cf llu t. 'Umi li urili il no niul ttii'ikurs
bnrrioiiil 'il .auut it iti lirinliri iiilrrk,
riiiitlux. Juiiull. ('Hit Urtnt bat rvr-ort
ol mi Iiimih Inn t fui wt.tot l obo-t,lv.
on nt AVxmi drtftjI'ilA.-i. June lO.h. '
Eln'' .'K ,SJmrli -C 11 ('runt fvltiroi
Irtioi.l'ir ifiuiiiro of r crlvlmj mi liivllrt.
tinn if Iii lV0Tof, of K'l' tmrti Ilo
int'i(ltloml:vii lnn11 iy In Scutlinil,
It It itmlurMto't'l rrlttra O ittiMi.tkotlln
Btlll vit.v nitxloui fur j.t'ftoi1. but lia&H'kld
ortho TurltM not yotHiitlloIriitl.v bontrii to
war'nut i'nplilotiii looliltitj iotbf eud.
Hovoml InuvrtAtit tolcitmin bavp liturrr
colvi (I friuii C'onnt .S itiouvnU if. In London
thnro arn rumor of vm oonnldnr.kbleTttrk
lh tircv4MiKt nt ltii'Thuk.
A oorpn of Monif-xrln t'oip. UoUtod
from tho iniln bmlv, was Miri.tWod by n
body of Tiulci uttnitifrlng 2,000 nd t r.
rltlo cnjr.'K'iunt fol'owiKl. Tho Montene
grin corMi hh i-oinpiMol.voxtcrmliia'fd.
Hunolitim uru.rtitlrlnif from Ers;ruru In
ordr to p'9f) tho nitta of Kmtm; A
Tbn Trlbanb' (inHUatlnopIn peUl yn
thnro In nrt. iJIcIbx nvrr th nioftd r-
KuUouf 'tKu-Un Ib Atte d on lha
nnr. Th TurltvfMrOTvMiO .
dn In tbrlr powrAf JtVi , ttsta eonft
dar.o trnvlnKhMtmlmkenaidlxby Mukbtr
Taxh'H rr.
Arcoiiiitn from Turk'.hh M.ntct ntatra that
a, b.t'tlt will 1 r xk-d In Araxm valley.
Mn Krnolco, Juno 13. Th 8aatorial
CommUklon appointed to Inquire Into alleg
ed fraudn In the eleotioo of HsnaUr Urover
ofOmuon, arrived In tbla city lat overling,
en rou'o to S.itom, OroKon. The coruoitilon
conMntit of qontor.i Morton of Indiana,
Hatilahury of I)-Uwaro, MoMilbtn of Mluno
aota. Tho oominlu'lon l aoooinpKtilnd by J.
A. Fiurbnk. olork of tbo committee on
prlv!lou alii oIhc:!.)!)1!, D. S. Alf.nder,
saoretary, and C. W. Siaci:, rnporter.
Hoiiior Morton dtci nn to n IntorvlewtHl
at length, but My. 1 ho oommi4lon will
miko no inquiry vhtver Into tho Cnmlu
crnokwlnoN. I.itvln no itithorlty to meddle,
with ttiBt ntr.lr
A Ih Anjr! dUptrli m.vh a volcanic
eruption orriirr I tit tint mouiindtia opX)xlto
l'lowlni; NVclli atatlon 011 tbr tontl orn
IM.-'tli) tiboitt "'xy mllps fnmi Ytiun.ato
oVIcck j'-'-tud'" ntoinliiif It wa prrcod
od bv it vi'ln' v l)M'lnn of tbo frlli, nbout
ht'ran bonr aftrr 'vldrji a iInumi xo'iunnur
am ;n n, bus black aftd brolieii'oalUor.i
w.rM oli-iiiryPd oJJ;0Tfroin Hie inoniitktiiT'
r . out i.ihmI in mj ;')'. iv" tMIy lint
beeimit ii"nrl itlvfit ui;birll, N.
TodtvJns p-i''i tn lio'iot of py-Hfix
hoii, tlicriuniii,iT W nHS'lli, m 'I h T
1in brr.n f-U im breize, Ijo.mhIt,, duriiiK
tb .iiuifo it. . .
Sjcrummi o, Ji"i ll.-r'AVrthrr; lipro to
lr vory warii la i from nor'h; thuimiim
et-"r r, He'iM IPS' ''
Klmlri, Jitut I '.',' Td3 ha Urn tho liu'e-t
day of tt "irtwii, l'.a in tbo t-lindo
I.o iiiv, 'mi'- i Ahum noun tt ho 10:h
i nt it tiro br- t t r.tu vu I)n Jom ItoclditN
rnni, iiio,i J' nd'i K'1,?lti of tld plaiT,
and ' rit'intr foirf illv li in ia.tcrn dlrfi).
t I l iMi"iiiiili.i!t( c iti'd -r lliin
in i' nv . rer I'uiniru I'lmi ! iii.iiu.ui
rii'luo?) IJiti Ho bin's ranch atnl rnmpVtnJ
ly nMlciiii'finy wtfhHll BPm m tha tiilrd
r.nfli,! vtirsR'ita'viiitii -San .NUileta cmyoti.
whoro, vori ir nit thil olili;a Itirnu.U
outaiul loiKUi it mi Mio tun miu jfr inroyyi
8trali;bt lifn'H, Itbi'iit ood,Jlt Vould havo
undo ibiodU tuirne.l ipcvejy iioma in the
oinvon. At i" pH'SfiiLtbere,! a Ureraliir
ou thoS.itm .tinlA.rneli tnrnlloa north
vreit,onol bv
bMuuvniinut r.v
work ofnn lncndlir. Jioye Mio
Co wi.i r.l UuiriTTillVViT T.'Mn Jobnr?,
B,mh, i?iin VrVj!'C9IJl oonrty WwTj
says: wo na,vi tn caving cnneraeraia
rain in IIiIm paH. tt-o' country; erapa look
well In thU.Vtolnlty. Tho ounty aeeaor
informs tno that the grain on tbe CowlUx
will be far better than Wat
some fear that the
high enough to
If ao tbe hay-
benefit th fBeadowaaitde.
Jop wUl-WratbSr sbttrffof
wumB., .. -, it t ' n
n,i ..
irr v?
enlUrUt adjkrOm Is sk M skl f tb
moatbly (eanaal ajab'lMatJaAt.
- ' From Yaqulna Bay. '
bu. Faumkh: ?colng that no ouo writes
you from thtB part of tho State, (t will If
aoorp'.ablo to you) ddri8 you a fniv lino
Tlmnaat present are. rather bard, owiaurto
the liinibarlnR mill at tbla place having chut
down last fall. (DAitao itMolrnuoj 1. Aa
farming country1" I do not think ihalthU
yllloorbo voryK'V). that Ulbyfa pVo-J
dactljn of wheal.- I aui told UaV oaia'tloj
very Kll. Hiaxi are, tntnlnftjbalrJ al&n
tlnnto tbo cultivation of liopa, MrnAi W
vr lf;bt hat mo mo two or Itiraafc 1I1 ml Inch
Ihht Ipgk apjndM a Aa tartlahig veKPtablrr?
of all hludithU laoo caniUoljvyry'.joUba;
uci. iiia liam.io po.as x-ijj ftlijp.fjofor u-ra
in 1 iietd la on tho 00.11 1. I; da alao mil
U.ipled to Htodc raining Wo iIm tiittjolpftt
inft Ui ly tlmrt im coconut of tho railroad
tint U bvliiK hulit from Oorvnllli to tbli biy
anJ't-liirrrt'ly hoif Ibtt It may Imjumhtd
forward tocmnplotlon ut anitttiy lty. TJtcro
u to bo a (;ratd bill at No'irt en tho 4th of
Iu,iitid ihon-vao lovo,h) (tip (bu light
lantdttlc ion antiolpito n fplcttdid ttnio." "
Jiini).j,1877. , . t
Gen. Qrauc in England.
Nov Yotk, Jtingt! Tho lTirnld' London
pt'oliI ay: "Oratil wa on unalniMl to
iiUiiiut tbo Aplvy iloiiKt tlioDukuol
WtlHiiKton, Many uo'itblii mio uruxont.
Tbero were no spcccho.,, Th I'rlucj of
ule muvo Untitt n prtvattt rrf-'eu Inn lo day.
The Qneuu'it luvlumoua aw unprtiooduiittMl
In (Iraai'a favor, and (.how the great ra eem
with which he la ronnlvd.
London, Juno 3. Tho banquet to Grant
taut nlKht waa aerved In the fatuoua Watrtrloo
obambera whore the old Irou duke loved to
aaet hla war genrraU of 1815 ou the 18lh of
June 9tty year and calrbrate the an u Ivor
aary of ibe great bait la wbteb loraver doted
Or it wee grrew yrfideiei taEmaetcoftbe
evenlag la eeoorUug Ue Uuoheaa of Welling
toa teaupper, and afterwarda eeoorUnic bar
to the reception, at wbtoh went preaeat Duka
and Duohe-K of ulevelaod, Daka and
Duoheae of Hmherlaad, Duke and Dacbeaa
of Mancbeateraud tnanyotbera.
Tbe t'rlnoe of Walea gave private audleaoe
to tbe ex I'reaident to day at Marlborough
Uouae, introducing him 10 hU houaabold lu
tbe moat friendly manner, and eat with blui
quite a long time In ordinary pteasant oon
vor.iatlnn. TlioQ'ieen hti kIvoii ordora to tbo Lord
Uhumburlaln to waivo tho uaual pro-uu-lion
tf remonlos out of regard to the nation 'a
KiitH-, and oxtcud to Oou, aud Mm. CJraut
Invltatloim lo all court eiitortalunienta.
T11U I i aluioat iiiipruoedeuttod and howi ihn
groat esttom In wliiuli ho Is bdd in Lugland.
Tin: TitoTriMi Hotwit. Tho trotting
horo It not uei.'easurlly uolci If not u
il r' Lilt may pin.-oi'i kUo aud Miiouh to
qtiilify him for mtuh good iork. Wo
not'eo that tbo ptrsint btfisou, trilling
Hinlllji h utt tlndr full a! aro of patronage.
Uont toimliln iihj.'hIIIlmiiJ; hone JSIack
S:ratiKer. Nh n sj-ii-ulM co!lfiom'lHSt ytvr
aud la helnj, Jxiftfs'.vely.ouipjjiyt.d tjif
miro. Mr. fldo, 11. Jonr-j of thin oity hab
tw.iori Ucij oil'.-, t.) ahoA-nf hlneU. Mr.
Vo'jiU'a tin h .-., Lu.'iy, itua
thod in tli!. iMer und hah u
!.:l.V.' 11I 4.1 1 1 i.Uvr.
tlt c!a
pcdlgreu hh n U'liitiiclcy-lirtil ttadl'ii of
., 1
MenihrIuntcok. I. was ttt ilo hit Sue
Fifrand drew n ilr-t j iiiiiliiiu. Aim Mr.
John It-rdmoud, iinr MsJlliuiytllf, baa Hi'h
NesKjn m Ka.st l't rtlmid Ids )r.tttniri.lallloii
Mtitnn I iiilf brother to (.'.1 lUuuCuii', tho
fnatiai trotting fc'it. lion lu (Mmida;, a borsH
t'i1 iu:ide h good ropiitutloii last yoar aptl
ih-KTVOi l bo o.l appreolateij. LtiM, but
byf'MUitau latttl, j S. U, Hand 'a Autocrat,
lljttCAiHfiitN nt lifadviljt) and 1'orilaisd and It
too wu'l knoRa' fnti.l capici.tl mention.
ThaaihDrstis roproasnl dilfjrent famines of
trotti-ra aipl will tj certain to furuUh Or.
Hon in a Taw y-i'vrtlth ftfdatHra")!! PJ
Wood' 'XlQjLner-$i&$l P?
"utofn-tirofJa prom'oi:iit firrr.irVnTj lBrs
TrHvurcr of Mullnoinah Co.
w, . 1 Ja'areh a. lM7- ln
Mtasra. Frank IJros. tt Co., Portland, Or.
-a . -S l awta. er el m aa w..
uautiempn; ino Trailer ATYOOua iron
Prize Mower I purobaaod or you last aeason
I think la (bfUowaVfot'tfaU country." f cut
overjpo acre)1 of wild aud cultivated g rasa
wlthnt laat year, wkh scarcely any pereeptl
ble wear ,of the Biacbise. I cat heavy fan
grass Ibis Iba 'Buebey sasablasi fcUedia
eat. Yewss)tfy,
lsa Wsi
CaXHSfS MaJSSba MMIUaMfSfHflfB4. a s SmS mA saaiav ih a SarA MarTaSJau' sgAMHA
flAbAAfbsrHtiSiMBSbbMsiHk sHsBHBHsHlriK st',
fawwsjsa'ejfsswTaTasTTTi faTar.' TaassasTaTawfsswTTvw"'sBsTT.vaT4BsfF
OKEG01NfJUVJe 4h, 1877.
Tbero Isun attthoullo reooed known to Lo
ittexUteuce of (bo Einlgratiew of 1815. But
afanrn furnished with the ml.'m'lng natnes
of persons who woti in Caplphi T. Vault's
compjtny from mmory, by4W. J. Hurre
mmil Ilufaa A. Klgira,of thty oltyk There
WarujnialrMln thai company enrolled for
gunrdj duty ovnr 10 jeart of sg, Jt will be
aesn that tbo llai W nearly, ooaiplotd of the
gfwii males. .- c ' I, "' ,
noi 1 TltK OtMHUi nOt. l
W O M fault Ojot Mlton'RIsn -
riyi wymiri
TM111 Waytn rrt
Jitfiix, Htii'riri
Aixun'cr McN.iry
Jotiii UjXnrr
iUn McNury
Jn ll:irrlt"t
Mnn)ii Hmilh
Wni t'lhi
.Iin Herrou
Dm Caiiliv
John o ilnrrcti
b'ni Ilfrrni
Illifui AillUif.
J'lhe paekarU
- KMirta Packweed
. t'h irlesil'arMtrMd
Pup Witpi) jjrrcfx
pkmIi Hamilton
W J Hinn
Airier ClnUlJ
,1 unM.lJiiy.'B
i'llhuri. tnmitou
Win i' wallirn
ni.nri.n "loura
Tout ('(wont - tntiii.JI.r.iiii rnl
rH7r.i.M.viiiuor. KuKen
In 111 1.K
lubii Jlitiv
ti'ifi K riu
laiiuw ) l4
S I Kirn:
H 1 r in'ilo
v m.i'ivhr.i 1
Ar itllur
r'uller .
I.Uc ou rtoMnn
.tiihn I'lirred
Imiic Mm It
Ml'iitum s iiiiK
John Du-li'n
H"l Du li.n
lk Dnrlilu
Ilii Durliln
h r.l. n, Kl-K
I'tiM" Ktm
Vs- llnliiuiinti.
XTVfv.xnr.ltrr No' In
liar JlL'orimvcll
Julio Icy
A dmilr
J It WHi
IMvlil (iyflela '
D.111 Irrniler
li M Pitmin
a iiiritii I'Kmtiu
LmwU LAl"iur
A ninnariart
Wra M.?Ktiiney
Hanfa-d llvnihnw '
John Martin
.Iiiif M Allen
Jiitin J.ihnnou
tlonitt uwni
Hnraucl Htniinona
Wm slmmouH
B Hart
Utinrlea Brown
laaac Waller
Hid fer"
Joba steweaan.
Kv Nwoiaii
TheeoTmorjOaKValMs)takeB frees
Jainei'Fltifd'a jouraal whea Se'eompinjrnaJ
juiiiurt.i rromi't. Jotapn i as faiiowa 1
Males over IS, M ; Araaalaa over M, ST ; malts
under 16,78 ; famalf undar II, (I wageot.fM ;
on, 413 ; loose cattle, Mt. Any baraun having
auy farther Information relating to tbla eora-
pany ara raquaated to teod It to W. J. Herrea, of
thUclty.or to tbltnttlca.
(from Daily lUoord.)
Thn chapel of tho Unlvomlty waa filled to
nvrril'itolug latit night by an audience com
K)fiod of thn beauty mid fH'jloti of Salem
who had aaaouibled to m Itiiftn.tbfl conferring
of degreoion tbe gradiiailug clis of tbe
Mnd.oal Ilaparluit'iit.
First tbo Aurora band tilled the crowded
editic) vsitb harmouv und iIihii n brlnf but
earneat prayer vwm ofl'tirid up by thn Itv. U.
V. Anibotiy of Portland, 'lo tbla auoceedod
moro uiii-lo, and thiin I),-. W. li. Wntklni of
Pi)rl:ud vi.ia laltodilied to tho audlonoe
nnd proi'iodul lo ibltyor an nildrosa which
ni full of Minfcexrivn tbouxhu tutptnased
11 ctoqiitiituiul ;lowiu words. Ilo tolilot
tho'iMt Trinity of mlm.ooj tho law nlvtr;
tbo prliist, and tbo phU'iti ; mid how ut
C" thu" they wnro nil tHilio 1 In tbo pomou
if o' 0 .vml how bv dT?ates tliity k. aeero
ruMI'il II iv In 1 bo iwyihobvy of Buolont
fuVovcc iv-illr, nil fi Uv vf lit Eitilaplu'i
who Htho llri (tiIar.iuu.hiuuurMi.dhow
hU tfiyr. div iVrtrla In thn mMiiio, of 111.1JI.
cliin nr'ijiu.tod wltltfTifw inmlierri'fif that'
Inly, rroiii II irv-y wn lira; inariiou ttio
'' u'ntlon f Hits b'O d 1 Imin .loiiner tho
ur.ut Kpii'fit'if vaii'ii'i !: how f'iro-Miliirles
a. unhid loanono if the "opprobria tin ill-(Hj.-i'iii"
tiiiiil lli. JiitiiVos 01 1 Inlro lucid to
tho ui-o of EiiripmiH thu oinohoiii xauui
t lair IVnivl.M. lurlt
Tho Dr. told of tho cuu dlarovferina of
Miimhall Hall, and llrnwn, bttooid as to the
Miurciisi f ti'rsouH aittion, of the tlUcotory
of rtu:idho'..i, tho upplinsilon of galvatiiMii
mid t'lootrlully to .HrrdjUo altectloiiM, ilo
lisniif hypodoriiilii luft otioua, nml of dlitlt
a Im In hoart dihtnrieias U'iiirf alt Ihnreaulta
of the pi'.lmr, fitinlyi f rKUlar prao'.ltlonnrH.
Ifoilion referred lo tho fact of latliis bolug
lu tliogradiiailiit-elsss Hllmitxl to tho
' f Aiu.i: ir jmiw1
Ai I iho nymph Dipilna and rmnarked that
111 thn pro fiint ago auc'i.a catiutovht, would
unt.ni likely tpeconr m Daphno would her-
Ilf Lhvh It. tin il iliu.lr.r nn ihuitnrH wifM.
'.- ,.r .1 .""' 7. '. ' T -.. .." .1 r.T. iW.il.
ddrea v
iliiitoiof tha irofoalon
v." w vv .r" -tw
on vsiiien tnavror
I' I . i I . I F. I '
0 1 (wring; Jin epirilneil
tbaui tv liit uUjfjS filth fut lo (burtu which
Ihjiiiigh iivcaaliy,uTMYrb,rKi8f.(t la tbem
Joined bis bearera la tbe treatment of pa
ilenu. to run no boedleaa rUkf. but. to ilevoto
kar,wb'ilo attention to (he cereof tbeslck
for tbatr speedy relief, at tbe asm llaao oou-
satlUag tair feellaga as uuob as poaalbls,
Ua salSl tbsaa lat sordlcai practUloaera
botiUrbe )lka Cakar wtft, abort saepieioa,
aMtbatibaetvU Uw tasat4 baavy asal-
waa a aay st mm .wroaga
sisalisswais!iaiilb araT
af lbs)
ir. iyi'in, .IP'ui.- lu.r.uuuriu f'r,(
riwrvagv ii.rinei.Tflr j-ja. iuo procventai
bZtrfTrVi tjfoWdtfrdui- Maw. 'p-rllT.trVuj'a
1 o rrn 't fltasiaaaas) swBsataH asjaassa aw . mbm, aasa Stfaei BSBassam sfsat saw ess asssasw ssjBasfi
ii-i e "
thin holtiK tho first ilmo whon ho was pros'
out at a Graduation at which tbo degree of
ml. u., wm oonierroa on a lady, tie then,
at ooaaldorablo longth, apoko of tbe educa
tion of ladlea to tbo Proresulon, In various
college, and highly eulogized this fact as
being a etna. In the right dlrootloa and a
striking mark or progresa., -
Tha dlplomaa were then handed to iho
claas by Proaklent Gatob, who .took tbe
BSBtaM eaob la turn, and In Latin Innrmed
them that fhe, Faculty of the WlllacroUe
Unlvurnlty. yVjhlul.ihad oonferred ,oa them
thelrd-greW."X ' - r P.
TaKbfinedlutlou waa then Dronounoad bv
Kov. 0.V,V,' Anthony, and the Faculty, the
now niixde.'Doclors. . and their friauda. ad
journed to thh.chornokota. t j j, -t
' 'Tha' atfnanratico of tho two Mlaaee .Ford,:
aie-pany aroMcu aim saornwt wnuiwreams
hf ronra, gavo iiullo a pIcturcAquo appear
anbo lo tho group of grauuatca, uud some of
the young lady upoctators whlaporod audibly
that tAoy tbotight there waa a wedding gotug
to tako nlnco. ami ludood tho Colloiro Chanel.'
an gay witit uorai wroauis anu
.. .... n . . . .
Ilgbta, acemed won adapted
for snoh a
Tho MsdlctlSroalpty. the Faculty and tholr
(juc.it mm. mhled In tmr spacious narlora of
thnChpmoRetn. wborothoy wnro courteously
woicomou oy tup iteniai lion nnu noaieaa,
Mr. Htttl .Mr, U.V. Mnthoa, nndworoon.
tortnlntd by lio uwort otraliia oflho Aurora
bund. Tl.iiti. lu a. long proooaalon, of Hourly
Uo hundred porMiua (hoy lllod'down tho
Junk, 12, 1877.
AHiombloil OL8J30 A. M., Dr. W. U. Wat
klnWa'rcHldotii), u tbe chair.
On motion, election of ofllcers was post
poned until tho Board of Ceuaors should
report. 1
Ou motion, members of Ibe graduating
clana were admitted and allowed tin for the
Davnaatef ibetrdaea. Tbarataort of Oea-
soraeoataMlBRlbjl of aaesea mroaosed tor
BSMbsrsbitbs MbsaMs4, reesfvad, sad
tw. fsMtaassfi mm am atsessa botary
(. ?. .
- jDfV. fc.
MfMNi IN .HMsjsaMMssV sfSMIHMMa ,
Dr. Wm. O. MoKavral eased
Dr. J. P. Tate, alsetssl Trsasarsr.
Dr. O. H. Hall. OorraiaoasHaa I
Drs. Blubardaoa, Mas, MeOaaley, Mali
and Oardwall. Ceaaava.
Drs. Ball, Nloklla, Taia, CarpeaUr. Wat
kin's and Hiohardsoa, wxwxfobosaadelasjatsa
to American Medical Association, FerUaad
was selfded as tbe aest place of aaeetlag.
Dr. W. H. Watklns then delivered aa ad
dross on "Hymotlo Diseases" and retiring
from tne unatr introauoea ut. 1j. ij. itow'
laud, who made a row appropriate remarks,
Dr. Harvey, moved that tbe thanks of the
Association be tendered to Dr. Watklns for
his very able address and that beberequeet
ed to furnish a copy for publication.
Dra, luce, Pay ton and Hlobardsou were
anpolntod by dm Chair as a commltoe to aa
ntst in forming committees for tho ensuing
yoar. On motion the mooting adjourned
until 1 1 m.
mrt or Mr.Mnnns niKSENT.
J PTa'o, 1) H Hire, Albany: II Carpenter,
J A Richardson, J li Hey nobis, J W McAfee,
L L Holland, D M Jonee.S H Jeaaup.Salom;
W It U'ntLtiiH. It U Itnr. W II Savior. P
Harvey, Portland! Wm 6 McKay, Pendle
ton; A I Nicklln, Eugouo; p l) MoCauioy,
MKMllKItS M:Vf.T LXCTHIl, -, n
O M Dod-ou, W I'Kuilth. 0 I) Doano, Goo
II IIIII, Anglo Ford, Ella Ford, Harry Lane.
J M PftiBll, J WHtarr, It;ll HoleS,JM
Morgan,.! M ICilclton, W V Morrison, I N
Pouura, . J Dodon, J E Payton, W W
Ogloaby. '
From Ochoco.
From Mr, I). D.Orion, who has Juatcomo
Iroiu OjIii'co, wo hnvo, gatbored the follow
I nt: information: Tho Miieolmonu of rook
which liohdH hrnnghl with him aro from-
two Ir dgiN named ntiHictivoly. tbo 'Moil
urcli" and llio "CouiHtock," tlioy aro both
slluak'd.abciit five milod from the Hat on
which ato tl.Q colobratod aprlnga, and wore
nriiitu'illy located by the dUcovorcra Messrs.
J.ltrowuaml W. Clarke Hud Theo, Cart
MriKht. Tl.ny aro both vull itevelopod
ledv(aiiiitl aayfrom KO nor lonunwardw.
Mr. Weiid'dl la reported (o have found an
uurnintiiiuily rich lodge sowewbert) on Bear
crek, and l)r, L. Yanderpool Js working on
a oiMrlz ririif-whlch ho has struck on tbe
the dlviduletwoen Upper Qoboco and Horse
Hea,)epi A' great number of people bay
goi'u cut to (bo Mud wprl
tbo Mud springs and many more
?7f,luJa , aaithjuaent has
ud out, afA-Hickleaan's ranch
bwn Xorni
rihh, In called DesafiCUy," , Msaars.
caiieu "utmftjuj," 1
, vo erected a large store the
ifV:p.t)Y jlY'i rrucwn large avyre iuf re uaa
tvpm other hqlldings are Irr pjogreai
Ctilytrfrom Alhany,T wllj' probably
PiLovllIo tb day, and quite' a nan
blr rsack
nd quite' a BBinbsr of
mum- aiu ou tpow iiuiu, f(jf Jin: '
Ochoco. ' -
Frinavllle Is Increasing rapidly in slse.and
...I... . -.. 1 .r. .HI. '.!!. -a
all the old aettlers ara jubilant at be pro
pect which tbe mining eicltemaot has open
ed for then. ' . ' " .
Tbe "Camp Creek Mining tosaaaay" of
PortUad, baa sent up a eosapiisU set 01
maeblaary tor smsUlag. aad,airaoUa tbe
silver fresa their elslsss It .waa aaaasiaa
ta arrive taeraoa Iba litb of Jpaa aad tbe
eaasaaay bavaalixrady.tba asatiasa mm
Ika -mIm f ftjVgtl afiaarLsasssaW .iWlldilmairi JLAal
-- ejjsjrssjsjfsjsBB W ssssjsj sjBjsjsajjsaaBs sysyawesjByjBy sssswtw
MsT VMsMsl tlflM jTYeasM'VsUs U VeMaMsssslV iaMlf
't U imrrt
J 'tnTil
Volume .IX.TTNuniber 18.--i;
Marioa Oircalt Oeart. ..
List of Jurors called, and Grand Jury
drawn and sworn la. . .
Stale of Oregon vs, T. W. Bte wart and Joa
Stowart. T. W. Stewart arraigned for ler'
oeny 1 P. U: D' Aroy was appointed to defeat!.
Prisoner allowed until Tuesdsy to plead. -
nan Mnlladav va H. O. Elliot at al. Ur
agreement ibe cane waa sat rorbearlBg Jaaa
29th at 1 o'clock p. M.'
At Coolldge ts. O.
P. ShnHaer.
a i
. 11. u. 1 nomas, tionea rrau, ni-run-air. - ;
Hl'DVlrcy, I'N.'Mdrer.'Prasloa HantHsDa:
and J A. CaBtpbelldrawn MJttretas
ri rii ' n.u tii.j .1 1 a
one oxiocac,
1 1 11 Vi
rk..liUiin- irn.! vai T rtr TAsrOlnillrl f
ment by dorault. -' "fl1 ', ""
Kann O'Leary A Co., Vs J. -T. Byrn Judg-1
mont by dofanlt. " '
Aurella A. Ilarkor, vs. J. Coullerot. si.
jttdgmont and foreclosure against Uoultet
auu wire, anu. oontinuou tor, sorvioo ou,
Dixon. . j c .j
Htotihon O. Hpoar vs. J. WrCpolc. and V
Cook. Btljiulatlonslllodt
H. F. Wells vn V. Cunningham case
TIioh. H.JtqbyyaElanorH.Rohy divorcou
default! onlerod und J. J. Daly appointed
Hnfores. I '
llurnptto McKoo vs William E. McKoe -divoreo;
ilofault oiKorod, and Petor D'Aroy
apnolnloif Uoforoo. ' . . . .
Hunan Payno vh John Payae--dlvoroe do
fault entered, and G. W. Lswaon appolatad
Ileforoo. 1 - i
Nmta nr Otninn va T. w. anil John HUIW-
art for, larceny, plead not guilty, and irkU1
sot for two o'clock Tuesday, the 13th last. ' '
Uobsonand Wbltaavva Jsjnsa T. Llaeb
Judgment by defaiult. 1- .. V
Faania B. Dlxoa vaJ. H.IMxoa dlvorosi
'mcUealavarra-ed b asaMa sjaasplalat asora
speciao. . 1 aiTjiq
Paa. A.;Mea va Oap. J
vssls9aaMI sssasjajl T sssat w sMaJswa. a
ttwtasbaasa aaaaiasfii :
'V "ZlLl,,Siw.t
a"- a - a m a - w sa r
aa sirajaa uua imi--nMH-itai .
Mata of Oragoa vaL B Kaaasl-rTba Ofaa4
Jary reported aot a traebUl.
Mala of Oragoa vaPH Karrifaa for sail
tag whisky oa eleeiioa day j aa trtal.
On Thursday, tbe 6th last., D. D. Ortoa of
this city, while camped near Smith's Jtoek,
lu Wasco county, was bitten by a'lat'Je
susks and but for prompt aBd timely aid
would have been a "cold corpse" era this,
Ho was In the aot of rising from a seat oa
tbe ground, an I' taking hold of a saga brush
to assist him, when tbe serpent which waa
colled under tbe brush sprang at him inflict
ing a sllgbf.wound on the right forefinger.
A sharp pain In tbe placo where the fangs of
tbe poisonous roptile entered followed! A
moment later tho anute pain was transferred
to the armpit when that member began to '
swell with alarming rapidity.
"Undo Wiley" an old mountaineer who
was n oar by, Immediately took his knlfo and
cut a silt clear to the bono1 through tbe
wound and drawing tbe iloeu apart bound
on a strong noultloo of tobacco at the
aame time pouring down Mr. Orion's throat
a largo quantity or slightly diluted ,aoobol,
Mr. O. waa then put on to alior.ii and. sent ,
to Mra. Ilalley'H at the Dos Chutoa river, 0 ,
miles distant which was rlddon lu twonty
olght minutes. ,- tj - j
Arriving thoro Mra. Ilalldy fmuiedtaloly
gavo at abort intorvala boa vy drlnka of put
vorjzod Indigo In milk, A retnody said to
he aovorolgn It taken In time.
The etToct on Mr. O. was miraculous. In a
short time tho swelling of hW una went
down, and fooling bot(or he pushed dlroctly
' -state op uregon'.var
Ibr fy rgery . Prisoner
Kiuiy, ana June mtn-iB7T"n
n fnn Azail for unknm'.-l '
sagsa ssasalsslsalalBassas mmmmmmmM a f- -4
WmWmmWmWmmWmW9 HsfHaaW - -j
nomo to una city.
Tho wound at timoa la very painful hut he ' -wilt
come out all right In timo. Ho will
lioreaftor keop an ovoopon for rattle auakea
whon camping in Wasco county.
To the Friends of Uunday Soboola and Teni UH,r
peraucet ' . r
It is prppoHod to ceiobrate tbe coming ,.
Naliaaal Anniversary by a general Sunday' r
Hchool and Temperance Piopto'on Marioa
Kqusre ia Salem. All Suhday Schools and
Temperaaee organizations n tbe city -and
surrounding country ara earnestly desired
to (ake ao active part, and all oillsens desir
ous of Joining In the exercises aro cordially .
InvUtd!,,, ,-r 1 I -iir 1 r . li .1 J
.Kxsrtiseawill liala.et.ptly at lea o-' i
clock. 7nJr4wMUb0iaifnomUm' tkttvi "''
will Veao loag epeeeb-tbera'Svlll bsy'ip i
geaeraiiaoiaass. . i,j . ,'
There wUI h staging aad abort, addrsaasj
Tbera willba swlags. eroquet, aad other la-'
hooeat arnnseaaenia; All are -ea peeled sb
brffag tbair awn rafrsakmeau, aad diapoaa
of tbera n their owa way After tbe'iiter
claas, wblob wUI aloso al 13 o'clock, all will
he free to eejey, tbesaatlvea ia a free way,
and disperse at tbahr letsure, " .
The roanagera daaba ta aaako It a pleasaat
dajrforall,raspeelslly for 'tha eblldrea.aad
bejM Iba little folks will be oa band la foree.
Tba aatlsiaksjaad aoaaataMaa aft arraaga
aaaala. aaaoiatad aW Obit lasaissbytba va-
naaa asfaMsasassata. va,
MaaTasafSasaaasaHasaaaajaasaa. .
' ' "VTicZtt'" '
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t 7bMMaajae;
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c.l ot
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