$ tVt- y WILLAMETTE FARMER j x , t y r IN i i In dMoribtng farming tba narrow oanyon Bottoms in Eulirn Oregon, I wonH n'oftolsh to convey the Idea that snob ro the only alt nations In whlob firms aro made, or that the btftom land on the streams are Invariably Tery narrow, That Is tlio rule In regard to what I raw, but tho volley of Rock Creek, Eitof tboJobn Day river, is", to Homo ex tent , an exception. For a lllllo distance from tho latvsr rlvjr rink Orjak otnjroa Is narrow, And tho foil Hour It stnHlp, but about mllo up It widen Roinn, unit (ho hills com down low, and tho rich diluvial bolt In con vortod Into u Hiring of firms, which, ns iiorncstcnds for laro stook-rnMiiK Inlr-nMs, aro vory vuluablii, Homo of llmso Icuslions liavo changed hands :it whit U (toiitod fair rates, for good whpnl Ittmln in tho Wlltonirllti mlloy. I oxatnlnoi a pl'in or -'))iiiro,o,t this stream, that U fUVri'il Inr niln by tbu owner, Di bras 11 u t; 1 rt s n , ( 1 1 t.s I-'jaiu'Ii C'lmr ley). Thoto Is from m. verity i'i eighty rotim under grain crops. I'r.itim 1iiuh tind birn oontraotnU and partly paid lor. Tho proper ty covora enough of tho meidfiWol'llio crtyk botto.11 to glvo goud IioiiioUm(Ih in threo or four famlllun. Tlio lntul H lit-l I at $:,noi), or, with crop., Carmine linplriiKiil", and l.'O hoacl of (nltlo, Sia.OO). On Ibis f.trin thuro Is an accumulation of htraw rAlhor rtnlcly atacked, covering ubitit one acre. Tim old esthtack, tho owner liiPiriiioil mo, was put up in 18(17. A few hand fills pulled from the aide showed It to bj bright and Mvoct. From thlH mid othor hlnclta J c.itttnlned I conclude thorojl'i no osoMlonJtrj build oostly bnrns In this portion of Kistorn Oitgou In Ontario avo hay or" straw or Winter food. From thin portion of Hock Creole I went Southward to the hold of Butt" Creek, where tho heud branches of that Mroam ore fed by tho uprlngs of tho Northwest Npur of tho Itluo Mountains. Tho tllstnnco ucrowi the plaloau to FixhII post ofllco nmongbt the foot'lilllx, Is about forty miles; North to the Columbia rlvor. eighteen tulles. The Roll on all this upland Is of the t-nmo light windy loam as that lying bctuofii the Dcholmio and John D.iy. Tho .Summer nllmals, I Juilgo from tho vogetithui, lo bo oven drlot mo that my opinion of the value of those lauds fur grain finning Is lota favorahlo. Ah the plain rises to tho fooMilllM of the Jlltin Mountains, however, It changes grad ually for tlio hotter, Tho bunch graxs thick, ens, a variety of other pi win begin toBt truut tlio oyo growing mom numerous sh you ascend, until, when you re-icb tho top of tlio lowest ran go of hills, you have every Indian tlon of a soil woll adapted to stock-raising and general farming. Water la more abun dant, tlmbor for fuel, fenolug and building, May of access, Very much of this country, standing Kastward across the bead branobea of Thirty Mile, Hook, and Willow creeks, aa never be cultivated, ao this la enough to laaara that the country saa whole will si-, ways be pre-eminently a atoek oouatrr. Bui the arable land la of suaolsat quart! oadaslt aaUqh eleaer naigabafaao. taaa the ryplatalta taa North waN,aa4 the grain rates oa 0mm foot-hill faraae will And eon Mdanklf laaisl Market aaaoaajat thoae dwetl MMtN kklaa who surras ataMaMaraslag aialualyal. Htook-ralslaf too eaalMpar aued, ooeahused with dalrylag, with mora son fort aad aaraapa more arafl, tor thovgh aaora aaow Jails oa the bUU than oath pUlae, the eetUem bare aay the aaow aaver artists oa the former, ao that whichever way the wlad blowe, the bill aide against which It atrikaa becomes clear of aaow ao soon that stock oaa alpaoat always get to the ground. tjftaa the warm and kindly Chinook will kiss th hlll-topa aad the greaa will be green and growing, while the plaint below are yet covered with orustad aaowt aad again this asasa u Datable Chinook will ntvor the plain wAh hie ttret salutations. Hut tbeeetller jag(iagat tha hills baa building and fencing aMtfirielei he can erect abeltar, put up feed, aad build oalf lot-i bis stoek will haye a borne lo go to ia Winter, where feed and aheltar, cheaply procured, will give theaa an attrautlve walooae. This will be wore oost lyand mote difficult on the plains. Many who are now la the cattle bnMrirsa are begin alng to be discouraged In view of the foot that, do all tbey can, should such a Winter as that 18tll a noma upon them, to collect Hiolrostlls front the almost bouiuilosa range and get tbem to food and shelter would he a, hopelMs task. To the uinii who craves the axoltouiaut of risk and chatusi In his hut. 1 nsss, this condition of things may hUI f.totory, but most men prefer a Kr-aterCNr-liy. This I tbiuk explains tho f4ct that the ninstnf tboav.tlo.drlvnrs I metbsyoad the Deschutes river wore willing tnxnll nut, I ffKjuently met artlas of three, f.iur, or five young men, nut on branding p"l Itlonw, each usually with a ntx-mi hor and oiw to pack the csmp equip . Theyrxuulue the latito ss they r.'ds over the country, uud col loct all they istu tlnd Uxin which they have the right to put the owner's brand. They ordinarily drive to the nearest uoml, whrro the branding and marking Is done, without regard to whether it li the aOhlMimout of one of tliH moil they aio branding for or not. h'ouiHiintlKy llid luvotttleut lucoiuoii lent dtiUtnies front any ujHtaI. lu th it c.to the elves oryoArllug uro l.vsoed, matkod, and branded on tho opsit plain. Of course cattle s treated have no home and n uuu on horssback Is only hoti to be frarrd and ea eapml from If paislblo, The cll'oct of this ayatem on the men who follow it cannot conduce to tho highest form of civilisation. As a nursery for cavalry toldlera, it would be bard to beat, for they dally go over ground that would make a trained mx hunter or ateeple abater wince. The woik calls for tho full exercise of eye and limb. The etlrct Is saturai- these young men are quick of eye aud (line of limb. Tbey like to be addrea d aageutlemen, and when eiapoken tb by ue were always civil aad obliging. Hut till I don't think their auperebuuoUnoe of gentleneas would spoil them for waking gooiaoldlere. The Incessant riding required, tha ooalesu between tbetu aad the aulaials tha eoaHeredooa- JdkloBof thelri their proBertrJand theoprortuafUea tbua givea for ttooee who have lax viewa on the subject of meutn and iuwm, will aloaoit certainly give rise to a class of rongb, reck less men, if nothing worse. I think, there fore, tbat men wbo Intend to keep capital permanently Invested In cattle-grazing in the bunch grass country, should begin to think If It Is not possible to adopt means for training Ihelr stock near some locality whore their employees are enabled to enjoy more Isrgely tho elvlltzlna Influences of homo. One means to this end might be tho fencing of -ulf lols lu hz according to tho number cattle lcepr, and let tboeows to their cnlvos at regular llni'H, even though no part of the milk Is laki'ii for butlor orcheexe-umklng. In many localities the butter or cheese that might bn mado would l) ton Importint an addition to the Incm to bo negiccto'l, I nisy recur to this ngtln, when I tlvo mv vlewii ot Ihe bunch grieis luud in n woul grow lug country. Tei-T On lltoR'aen rrmil. bttwern Oer'nls and siiiimi, SIn JJ7lh (Sunday), a fine double black sImwI If tlio Under will leave It at Ihu Faiimhu Otlleo, or ui Informillon whu'M 't in y he oblnlntd, ho will bo reward ed for his trouble. Dcuglns County Wool. Oakland,. Juno 3, 1877. V.n Faiimkh: In your repnrtnf tho wool nntrlcntof Juno lt, I (led thenu lemnrkr: "It mint h'i romemborcil that the llnckri ef Marlon county nvrrago a higher gradollmn the rest of tho Hlato, nnd ciuotntlons are thoreforo higher hero than elscwhoro." Now. the wool-growers of Dounlas county do not admit tho etiperlorlty of Marion county wool, but on tho contrary contend thnt Douglns stands nboad of any locality on tho IMclllc Cosst for linn woo!h of tbo different vnrlotlos. In proof oflhls,iind to show thnt buyers understand tho elttnllon, lot us com p.iro tho prices paid hero and the quotation In tho Faiimi:ii nnd Oregoniun. For n ntitn bornfycuM our wool has Mild from 2 to-l onts hlghor thnti your valloy wool nt Saloni or I'ortlnnd. Wool opened nt Oik land on May 231 nt &" conts, Ihn Fahmhii quotes wool that week at 1H to 122cenlH, yosterday, .lunn 2, buyers wore olferlng 27 otnNt tbo Faiimkh enmo ilny quoins at 23, aud (-OHIO cxtm lot.s nt 21 chIh. Now tho Faumimi and Orcpontan bus long ulnco cossed to bo of IntoreNt to the Douglas county wool groworsns far as Ihelr niniicotroporls nto ooncrrnod. Hlnco comparisons tiro In ordor, I would alan that DmigliH hns throo MmoH as many aheop ns Marlon ooun'y , hence wo can oirnr greater InduconiniitH to bnyors. Thero Is aoino Kistorii buyerH lu this valley now. They urn riding through tho county examin ing our shetip and wool, and I don't think it will go through California houses this year. Wool. The wool market strengthens, an we pre dicted several weeks ago would be tha esse, Thursday morning, aa wo go to prase, S3 cental offtred at Salem fbr good wool, eoaad, from. healthy abeep, of at leaat aver age nneneee. A. correspondent from Dmila oottnrjr wrltee aa to prloee oa4red there, bat all we oaa aay ia that the wool from taaAneef Soaks of Mertaos In this vtolaky, whleb' wa be lieve araaa floe as can be low ad la the (Hale, has sold bare at Da aeat,aart m higher baa beet, paid that we on hear ". The ad van lageofeell UrajaquantlU, from Urea leak may ba 'Illustrated by. the Dougbta oauaty market, but w cannot explain thedlfftreaes area on that aconunt. The Wb-aat Market. Toe wheat axarket remalna aa ttbasbeea for weeks past, no change of condition either at Liverpool or In tha chief markets of our own oeeet. It la supposed that the home supply la about all marketed aa there la nons coming la. Oar people are therefore not .personally Interested In the market, except a Jar as It Indicates he future prospects, and It aesms eare lo conclude tbat wheat will bear a good prloe after harvest, by which wa mean a dollar a bushel or more, all throuh this valley. That, If the prospect of abundant crops la verified, will Insure pros perity to all olasaasof men lu Oregon. Lata and abundant rains give urancs that all gralu and hey oropa will yield largely. Earopaan drain Markot London, June 6. The htrk Isant Kr ;rr In Us weekly review of the oorn trade eaye vegMtatlon Is very baokwartl, having inadalluiH progress under the harsh weather which prevailed lu May. It l pmbabM the uur(te uudxr wheat Is largsr this year than In IBTil, owing lo more favorable seed time, but the harvest will euUrely dspeiid upon b future of ihn weaihi-r wfilou up to the .u,snt ti m.i nlvt-ii proiiiUeol lrgiylU. Toe growth of all (VX-nU has leeii retarded The stock or Kjglish wheat lu tariiierx' html Is now very low as the reoant rise lu vhIiih was too leinptitig to be re-slated, and - mstnrlty of holders sold out freely. Ah noon as syinptmiiH of reutton Mt hi (he otfoilng at Mark Lane and ill the country luvo b.i,i very uiosgre, aud Inseltetif the iltviiwarvt tendeiiey of prices holder ol the Hide re iiialnltig whtathtedfistly refused uihellat lets money, icellnKCOtinautihaithe annual siurcliy wuuld ihnrily bring qieiUilous up again. As buyers i.nvtt imi been of the -miii) Idea, huH'iifMi bks beru almost ai a htHtidstlll, and Males iimM only hsvu bnia made at a dtolliieof ,1(ii jwr quanur. Af ifriwoivnih-Mutlvo w,hs of lariin binvt-w of fmelgu wheat llillo ebe inuld be Kn'ke.l or In trade at this ee-,M of Um year. Tho iourmirtiiikluesnt Mark Laiiouwil KrltUy UkI, when nstosdler lone wu apiwruil, lets t eeu listless aud uncertain, prlcoa being lol ly HH per quarter below tho recent hlghtat point. Considerable uuceitaluty prvvatU as lo the future courn) of the wheat trade. On one hand we have uu extstptlonally light atoek of KnglUh in rarmera' bauds, which would liidlealo the probability of iucroased demand upon foreign, and the consequent enhancement of a value. Oil the other hand the fact or a large decrease of supply in America aeeuis likely to be oounterbal. aiy'd by au extensive outward movement from Cermany. North KuU and India. Military operations lu the K-tst having beou much impeded by the prolonged wet season the war contluuee without any apparently decisive sctiou on either sfde, aud for the present influence ol polltlos baa ceased to be felt la trade. The blockade of tba Black Sea baa tended to Inoraasa shipments from the Baltic, but beyond tbu busluew baa beta little affected, thar eubjeet to their i. w. wsATaaavoaBa Weatherford & Co.. Wholeaalo and Rcttll Dealers In DRUGS, PAINTS, 03LSf CLASS, Patent llodicmes. GHE9XZCAZ.S, TOILET GOODS, ' Etc, oto. PURE WZNESand LIQUOIIS, I'or Mulicinnl purpoM'B. rflodioineo Compounded, Proscriptions Filled. and Weatherford & Co,, Ftair noinntcrpldl lrct. SAI.K7I. ,-w r- - Uk '"' . ajt. "trl.x3:,. Ocnrrnl ARcnt fur Ori'K'in mil Vftli'iiiluii Tt-r'yfir Mi! tlarvesthu ormick's Tlio McC.rtrilrlf m'rlilm nru tlici liljvr nr.tl mot Uii'Shlii lint h tt nver bti-n cun-lnicti-il. IMIt.TIKKS limkinyinrliiiiire-t! SOetno mure llt.lil. rst Iruri, '(.'itcnp John' mscliliii r. When ynti get ii MidOll ICA", atiii ne It wltn primer "iru. It Utiiiol furtwunly jenn. Jnhu u-l Win. I'-uli, of thin cminly. tmvouiu-thuy limu mil f-r 213 jrnri, slid tvlll llllcdiitlnre tueiu The MiL'niinlck II i r vrmir leek the flicmt T3xori-tlXTirax at IliiiOrigon rttnlo Fiiiroi "MrilVnll ALh UJJIt.lH. Do not iirilirany dm llioMrC'oimlrk,uncl)uti Mill ho iiuiri' wiui juur urcuiru. uuu, Wail' PorlaMn Power Hay Presse Unlit lo enlrr. sml rvnrv nnu wnrrintnl Uti rnutl to ihecniMUit tnuk Iqo firrt premium at the Oregon HU'eKslroriSiA. CiiW and examine, or t.tntfor circular) T. H. WAIT, sptO OmmTilal atrttt. AALKif. m BBBRIN & FABRAR, WUI "pay the Highest Market Price FOa' 500,000 'pounds iJt" SACKS AND TWINE XTuralajhtxI. Kaqalrsof W, X HMRIN, VAHktAU MMOTHICHa. Sslem, May 4, lSTt-Sra. HIQH-OLA88 tT J. W. HOBART, IMPOUTKU AND IlItEltriKIt Of VUltK-BltKD a.laht suit Haiti huaHHA mI Rrowu Mall lid K. sieui3 Bum Vlu, Or, fetixarxaxxx onsi. lb tbo Circuit Court .if i&v Stt u cf Urvifoo fjr Uie Ceitnty of Msiluii. 0iV)rsA.KiU4Snf llhodKJo hUlfe, D P Csmp belt snd Msrtlitt L. isaipbrll liU rr, H. U Mump. vr uit Miry . Muu.pr lit wife, JjUii it Wrik'iit suil fsMlliH- M WrtjQl lit vU, vbrW l miv. v nd Mary lUifovs tils wtfj. ami Ju, C, Urowu snd Nri.l.j llrosru uli wtft, JUlxtlfi, Qourc AaiterrK nml Msrtlu Aniltr'on hl rlfo, nnd L-U Joliu-uii mt Abuir.lltvu, l.fr,itat. To (l"rj inlrini ssd MsrihaAndnTrmi hi wife, Lwl JuliaKin, suil Ab-.ir Alloa, ueiwuu uu: In tiis Sams or tub rtTATC urOiauux: Yon sra hereby rHilr0 tu sijir4i'(lajr iin.ciinipltint rtlfl anii.rl juii lu me shovo iilltl'd ullu it be Inrvitha Orili.1) nrttuiitx It rm uf tho I Ire-Ill t'uillt uf lbs huto m Illegal for tho rounry nf llirinn id vrit, nil iir her.ite l,e U'ti r.ajf nr Jllut-, . u ib,i, tul if )ou Call ,u I) ttirovr, 'or ii' ll.enuf tlio ptlullff 4bwn i.i.nul i:t u.risitorem t r tlio relief pre. tor In miM i-ompUtiii, tu wll. lor lha idlllm,, ceordtrit to tiie ittitenuc.il luieit ihireluel lla repreMe ysilli lu thl mil b veisum., of 'In Pi'.low tin: 'Ivrerll iil real el c, lu t': "-llmiltJ In l rl,.u i -.vi!), t tsol iiii-uii, siol beluga pailuf il.o Doiullou lumt cltlm ir M W.lelutll, iu rectton S3 si.d 31 tu T. .H 3 W. of tbo UUmette MerUItu, nuit Uitcrlbidn follow, to vrit: t'omiueucliiir tt s pelnlou the tUj;erusdleS4ttij;freiu Salem In AImuj, st tt H K. comer of piece ut iai d owncil by John Crlui, runnliiK thence. S, tttg.Si utu W nl.-u td road TCd chln to ihoN, K. vomer er ihoOddKel Iomk Hunt Ceaulei); tlu-i.ee vtetterly slou tbs North line ot ntd iinu-itry, L1 chslu; tnence Soulb with the Wet Hue ef Mid rmiery 53.eS clilu: thence N. 7t dej. 30 win. W. it 31 chtn; llieuceNorUt lXyJetulu.; iheuro N. 71 deg. &) uilo.W. lll'J cbttnt; Iheucs N. tT drg K. 2 41 thln to polut on lb Somh toui.dsry line of lbs Und of Abr. tuui Mren; thence Kttily with wild Hue to tbe pUcoof be;lnnl, coulluleulucty-cl hi tS) cie of Uad. mora or lets." for ach other and further te lls! st the Court isti deotn oislublo and proper, and (or cott and dUbunsnteuu lu MldtuUcxpendetl. Thl tumtnou ts publUbol by order of Hou. It. t'. Uol. Judge of ld ivurt, made al chsaibere, tu lbs city of salt m. Mtilon county, Creou, on lbs ffeUb day of AjirU,A. D. ISTt. JOHK J, 8HAW. sad UKO. U: BUttNaTTT, aUj , 1ST7. Aiioruns for rtalatlJb. w.waaTaaaroas. -Zr . ' '-d3&yiz I -T mjji -j)rrfnn -rrr MVJiaamlMilklAr!St,j3aBt rSv3E!ssaBaKSBaBBWniaXdM0sBKrt:.f7 GUmKlmALXJJkXW!yBhii MalaaaaI?KJMaml nun i.p.1. unit r, vniuiLOUa, tfscllna guauuieia. For ft e LUl, Vowlr. it.. dJru. j. w. lion a it r. JOHN HUGHES, DEALBR m PAINTS, OILS, J.!OlL DS OF ALL IS TIlH AGENT FOR THE SALE 01? THE RUBBER PAINT, ALU COLORS, Myoi As IjO-vciitcinH Vuiu1n1iun, HOWELL & BEOTHERS' WALL PAPER AND BORDER, &ZXJCL eTlXXl. Stato Street, WHEN YOU WANT TO PAINT, .USE It Islprcpnrcd ready for Immediate use, and or ALL DESIRABLE COLORS AND PURE WHITE. It Is cr.sy to upiiiy. and It will not crnck, peel or cluilk off. . For durability, beauty, .and brilliancy of color It Is For sale In any quantify by WEATHERFORD & CO. ....DEALERS IN-.. , DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, AND PERFUMERY. SALEM, : : : OREGON. nmy2tf FRANK BROS. & CO., 104 106 Fron$ Street. - - - PORTLAND, OREGON. -mrOBTIRS AMD Agricultural fa!a Paslfaa A cats far tfca WALTER A. WOOD'S HARVESTING MACHINES, Efasbraciag EodlM Olutim amd Swp Rmk, Slf-KakiBff Rapwrftl Ob- aad Two-Hors Iron DC ovtri, M owing Attach- xaaaitf, BarrMtan, and SaJi-Bicdars. The Walter A, Yood Unrivalled Harveater and Self-Binder Is las sTsstsst Labor Barto Xaditaa In ihs world. With uls mtchlss. oss bum with thts. honvs can est sad htad from It to Is sr of erstn pr day. sad la two wosks tlms tsrod la hsrTMilsK s crop by b. Bisalnc la ssssos. It mshndelthsrs.sIIarTi tar aad ttslf-UlnOcr, ot ss Usrrsster aioss. The Harvester and Self-Binder Is ths bs.t sad most woodcrftil narrctlog Hachlas srrkaowa. Th. Walter A. Wood Chi in Hake and new Iron Sweep Rake (aSI'RAKlNO (AKAPKHN ) Arstluihost BirRaklni Reap.rs oiitanh, and wo ars waiting for tbt man wn will ilonjr It aud (;tvo us a chance to try it aontut any thluj; roads. PAHMKIU AND DKALKU8. Aroraatlonsdstnrtaehoip and ll.ht mnwsr iT.r d s. a Wood outblS'., sod purcnarcr. pUuull ha .are that thrr uct m chluea ltu hk) "W'LTttK a. YVOOU, si uodo otbir aro kvuqIuu. The vauious Walter A. Wood's Now Doublo-Geared Open-Guard Irou Mowers, With Hrart RratlDp1, pitrnt Oil up, ami iirtnrsiid InipniVivl Ona'fl., nrj cuirautetd to bo Ihj Iiu.t Mower lu tlio World. The Walter A. Wood Improved Tread well Header. Warranted uprlor to any Uf.itfr lu tho marled. Iron Wbet'l', nprlnIltlauce, uJu.tHils Jt.vl, iuv!. .tronand darabU. ltua liy CIioim tii.tud of U.)t; Lone acijualtt hi with tlracr stii-r harl'ii u t-1 tnathlnn ua te t'ld thl' U the ll.'xt urJct In the MirLrt, f. will Ur.i-UiLI nil rlnlit It l( "rt linuuluniatlbtf lvutfuuUI. U J lira o Utu i.f Dti ton coutily bwluj; tu of tlu JuOk4 Mliu UiiU me swsrd. The LA BELLF. WAGON, lrlcl ol'Uir Catltlv Cuhi, PAHM. bPltlNO. ir E'l'rtK. wli i.r narrow track. lt.tm lx-d and to.) Uix nr Cnll'oinU KtU rck txil kfd lxn.lii C's'tfori-lt nnd rri;.n saju.i. sbiu Ki'LI.th HIS V. 'I he l-t l;nkc uuje. LtUIIT UltAt'l' AM) W'AhHANTUI). Utoiv wt'Ml ro'.lvd m bollliu oil liviorn t'n llr-i U Ml. Ntld III VKJ1III b 1M ll Ihu t."t Ot tllU C'llDJIn of (.'i.lirjii.l t tut trr tlxiisi'jr iioc w4.in ft ui nur. Vet, aud ruM.f.)urtonoLiudii-di u.idll;hivt iluu jy other, owli. to ouni.lii .kciu iiuutiftciurid extirely for u from nut pattern wntcli are uol affevled by the wiaihcr, aud cait from the veicbiatid W, S. majtttf Notice. 1HAVK A HOrNB AKB LOT THAT I wtrh lo trade fur tana laths roumrv. Title Ltxd. May Ut ISTI, tl. J. UKKriY BUOW.S. For Sale! Aia TUB FINK KKSIDENCE corner of Comtner 111 clal aud Dll.lou street. In deatrable ltuatloa, JBLwlth bou.elinte, well flnlihwl, and couveuteat Ly srraued, sud Kroud taatefully ontameated. Will b void vary low sad oa accommodaUu terms. Apply to Li 1TILI.1JU rattoa's Block sHat. bu tUuw. cliclcl Provlslozii WINDOW GLASS, KINDS. -ANU- Lime. Salem Oregon. THE., DIALXKS IN- Gsamlaa ajts) Wrl4HeaawsM4 I.k Bnrvrlor Iron, and frost Ihs ssperlor issstr ia which csir keius sr net Sud erury whtel bslsaosd. All psdMt back. Tne Buford Iron Gang and Sulky Plow, and tbo Browne Iron Sulky Plow. LUht Draft, eally adJM with Hcrsw or tter for LerslorHldalU (.round Tb?a flows are es. peclall) ttcoBimradsd to the Parawr. of Otrjrou sad Wasiliutoo Territory as lbs Llahtrst Drlt, the root iutxIanMal, ymmetrlcsl and the mt sll rontrotied, and ss doln httr nrk under all cooili. tlons than suy utb.r flow la Ihs uarkst The Famous Black Haw Single Plow. KasltiM for awn snd bea.t. Never falls to dean well. TheM plows' hare bern thuroushtr snd aev.r dy le.trd laCBUiomlssndab'Whrre, and fouul Miperlorlo sli ixhrs. Ail thiv ia aio tul'y warranted tit be tha beet on the Cacltlc Cost. A fnll no k of Ultras always ou baud for ths sbovs i'low. lfao Bed Jacket Chilled Iron Plow. With Steel Polnt ssd Cu'Ur. And tbo rvnowued COLLINS PLOWS AND EXTRAS, And the UwUbralKl M'BHEHEY FORCE FEED DRUM. A full lino of the li.it STEEL GOODS la tbematkrt;uUos fjil aj.orimuu of the rood im. liruvol k'liddf AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMEJSTS. A full stork ofkixtrNs lor llii Waller A, Wood, Mild ullier llnrvs.lliiu Ms cllu kept cttualaullr, uu Ituuil. Ily .fiid'ni; u ymiratM-r", sd .p'flljlni' tbesr lici.i u.ufiMi. vtuH'iiliiiai uu li'tttitWe Circular mw l'irHLUisrrev.ebd will .ntulih suy turthtrli.. f.ira.atiuuUf.lroJ. i AlHC' i-i-lS7M' l'lMTff I'OltllltlU Mfivm s-.tiKlnvN ami cotiiitltitt Tiueaailitg sir ill 111 ullit. T:o St. Louis Invlnt'lblo Thresher AND a aud lUHOl'hK CAltVMOU.NTKD POWKB. Po.lMvly the brt ui.Kblini i'Vr otPdln "he M'rtU. fipl'l Lvy '" th- oll n, umi the coming um'lilinHiir tbe 1'acitlc CtNtit. -iill luipuiv.U wltu -rvcal f uinre. lou.rol II o want of tLf r.rutinif iirvitou. 'ice baMlutrmlfiit ot tlio Kmtury wis bete tit t year to ce what fiaiuie could bu added lu u.ke iuve tn mo.t iiopular machlui. lu Orvjcon. Implements! fVCWBUKY, Manager, rORIXANt. OR. SPECTACLES, SFECTACLESI For Old and Young. Far-Sighted and New-Sighted. 8hootlBK.lasea far SstorUaacsi. STJtEL. SILVER, AiJD QOU FBAMK8. IAV prepared to sopply Hpctacla to St all eyes, si prices to salt. W. Vf. MASSTIN, Jeweler A Ontl.Lan. Hank Block, btate St. "b, aj , Nfiu, Sat 1SAaaai alala. Sprlac Lists free, V. K. "" fnouitx, sVoosalaiton Msraory, Ul. ?