fI(appT"f,,s5' " " ?.&& i't. A. . -,. .,Xi.M-fl'",'W rw ass----"""' "WILLAMETTE FARMER. ' &4 m .. b ft. f :: a bn? PatH8 r HJsahd,Y' DznsoTonr. OFFICEItSoftlio NATION All URANOE. MatUr-John T. .Tones, Burton, Phllllpf, Arte. OctnicrJ. J. Woodman, I'aw Taw, Van Barcn, Lecturer A. B. Smcdloy.CrcfCO, Howard, ta. Steward A. J. Vaughn, Memphis, Tciin. 4m" Steward Mortimer Whitehead, Mlddlcniub, Somerset, N. J. . . . Cnaplaln-8. It. Ellli, BprlngborotiRh, Warren, O. Treasurer V. M. McDowell, Wayne, Btcubcn.N. Y, StcrelarvO, II, Kcllcy, Loalavlllo, Kr. Oatt-KitttrO. Dinwiddle, Orchard (IroTC, Ind, Vtrttm. John T. .Tones, Barton, 1'IiIIIIdi", Ark. Flora TAt. UamucI E. Adams, Montlccllo, Minn. bmona- Mrs Ilnrvoy (loddiud, North Uranbr, CI. tody AtiMant bUicardillis Carollno A. Hall, Louisville, Ky. EXECUTIVK C0MM1TTKK. I) Wyatt Aiken. (Chnlrman.) Cokcsbnry, 8. 0, K. It. Hhankland, Dnbuiue. Iowa. Dudley T. L'haso, Clarcmont, N. II. Aloniso O jldcr, Hock Kails, Whiteside, III. W. H. Chambers, Usuctchco, ltureell. Ala, Officer of OreKon 8latc (Imcc JfiHlff-Wn, Cyrus, bclo. OttrturA. It. Hhlplcy, Oswcjro. Iscturer-Mtt. K.N. Hunt, Hubllmlty. StcrttaruT. L. Davidson. Halcm. SUaanl-Vr. B. Thomas. Wnlla Walla, W. T. AttUlant BttuvrU-a. W. Itlddlo, CanyonTlllc. CliaplalnVr, II. Gray. Astoria. Treasurer H. 1. Leo, l'ortland, tJate-KtfjxrA. II, Graham, Fisher's Landing, Clark county, W. T. CertiUrn. II. A. Miller. Jacksonville. iVnumoMrs. 8. I). Durham, McMtnnrttlo. HtnrttMn. K. A. Krllv. Kant 1'iirtland. Lady Att't Mtward Mrs. Georgia Hmllh, Hood Vllvnr. Wurjl r.oun V. Kxteutht Committee Wm. Cyrus, 8clo; R. Clow, Dallas; It. I,. Hmltli, Hood Itlvcr. Slats Jliulntts Aqtnt-Vi. V. Leo. Portland. State Orange Deputies for 1877 JUt OJflcs. Kxprtit. Corralll Corrallls BENTON. A Holder CLACKAMAS, Enoch Hklrvlno Bntto Creek N W llamlall Orison City HOUdl.AS. J W Hayes Myrtlo Crock (1 M Claidncr Drain's Htatlon MULTNOMAH. Plympton Kelly Kast Portland. ..Kast Portland MAIIION, ' P Cattleman lluttevlllo U W Hunt Htilillmlty Halcm J At KHON JH T Miller"' lackromrlllo Jacksonville V A Patterson. Itlckrcal Halcm J JCIiarlli'm...'. (loosoLako Jacksonville Junr.vltlfiK, Uaulcl I luster Kcrhyvlllo Jacksonvtllo I.ANK. Jamos W Matlock (loslicn MNK, KAInlmi I.obauon Albany wAi:ti, John Itml Tyfth Tho Dallca rANIIILL. 1) (1 Diirhnm McMlunvllU J Happlnuimi (lastou CI II NT. D II Itlneharl Canyon City Canyon City roi.UMiilA. 1W Maxwell Columbia City IIP HuMuii.....' Tillamook North Yamhill UMATILLA. J H Whlto Weston Wcslou coos. J HsnryHhroeder Oil WAMIINUTON TXIlltlTOnr. CLAIIK. H W Hrowii,......, Vancouver COLUMIIIA, ItPUteln Daylon WHITMAN. LBHInger Colfax Colfax rllKIIALIS. HZ OoiMlate Klina I'lKIICK. UU Maikham Chchall Point TIIUIHTHN. I. n Abbott Olympla Ulympla K I.oii((mlrii Yclm KIND, Julius Iliirlou.... Honttlo Seattle LBWIS. I, M Plerson..,.. Claquato,.... YAKIMA. OP Cook KUensburit In any county wbrro tho Deputy arpolntiil I not tho most sultablu, ard thu Oranue ofiho locality will properly Indicate to mo n choice, I lllbdplead,ror In many Instances I hatobcen obliged to mako ap. tuilntniunt without knowlcHlo as to fitness. WM. CVHU8, Master OriL'on HtatudraiiKo, P. of II. Mooting of Subordinato Granges LINN COUNTY. Uopo, No. 21, iitnotH lu Albany, on tho IhI udUNitturdavH of ritch mouth, ut 10 u. in. Oak l'lrtln, No. II, lu llalxoy, 2nd and itlt tUturduyNittll n, lit. lUuuiir, No, ICVi, In OrawfortlHvlllo, 1st Httd 3rd KiiturdayN, ut 2 p. in. uyrauiiKo sso. n;i, in Aitiiora oimion, uu Saturday, at 1 . in. Iobauon No, 21, at Lebanon, 2d and ith Haturdny, ut 10 a. ut. Grunif I'niltlo No. 10, J tit Unturday. Knox llulto No. 22, Ut uutl :ird Satur day H. Htkiitlnin No. !)7, 2nd and Ith HaturduyH, Ht 10 a. m. llrownsvlllo No. lt, 1st and 2nd Uatur- Tangota, No, 7, 1st and ilrd l'rldays, nt 10 m. in. llarrUliurg, No, 11, lt mid ilrd Hutur days, at 10 a, in. Khodd, No, 11, lbt nml 3d Saturdays, ut 10 a, m. Happy Ilctuo No. 10, 1st and 'M Saturdays In wuh niontli from Uotobor to Jimo,niut on tho 1st Saturday thu lirtUnoo of llio yuar. lUrnionv No. 2.1, Urd Saturday, rt'gularly, scopt In Nov. Duu Jan., Kelt,, and March, when tutty moot tho Ut Friday. IIKNTON COUNTY. Koap Crook No II, IhI Saturday at 10 it. in, Wlilaiuotto No. '-', li.tTluin.iUy, at 10 a.m rhllotnath, No 12, ith Saturday, at 10 a.m. LANK COUNTY. OnMNWoll, No. 01, Ith Saturday, 1 p. in. KtiKono, No. Ml, in ihigono City, tlrd Sat day, at 10 a. in. Charily, No. 70, 2d Saturday. Goahuii, No, 101, Ut Saturday, at 10 o'clock Junction City, No. -IJ, 2nd Saturday, ut 1 p. i. MoKviuie, No. 107, Camp Crook, 2d Satur day. l'OLK COUNTY. Oak Point, No. 3, 1st and 3rd Saturdays. MAHION COUNTY. Ablqua, No 1113, M Saturday. Hook l'olnt, No -IS, Sd Saturday, utl p. in. UutU Crook, No. b2, 3rd Saturday, at 10 a. tu. WASHINGTON COUNTY, ltoavorton No, 100, moots Ut, Saturday, at 10 o'clock. '' The following am tho sttvral roiuniltteoa having lu obargo tho iwloliratlou at Silver ton mi tho coming Fourth or July, OKNKRAI. AllltNllKMi:.NT lion. T. W, l)aveoMirt, V. Mol.alu, Alt. Whltlock, II. OVrply. II, Forward, 1. J. Cooper. On Mumo Meaars. LlpjHit, Ulair and Wiu. Himjisnu. On TAUUKH-Thomas Welch, Poll, Hicks, ai Dooiiiiire. I On Litmratukv It. D. lUmabr. J. O. JkjrMi J . K. BuiC ' In Mexnoriam. Lebanon, May 20, 1877. Resolutions of condolenco passed by the Lebanon Grango, No. 21. Whereas, in the wise providence of God our HIstor Itebecca Gibson has been removed to the Hotter Land by death, which event oo curred on the 12th of April, 1877; And, whereas, by such removal tho com munity In which she lived has boon depriv ed of a valuable momber. And, whereas, the Lobanon Grange, No. 21, in particular has lost a worthy and ro spocted Slstor; tboroforo, itosolved, That the Grango woar tho badgo of mourning for thirty days, llesolved, That wo deoply sympathy with bor bereavod family and relations, but that (hoy with us rely upon tho glorious promlsos of God for comfort and consola tion, Itosolvod, That those, resolutions bo sproad upon tho minutes of this Grango, also a copy be furnlshod tho boroavod husband, also that coplos bo nent tho States llight Democrat,'' Albany Register, and tho Willamette Faumhii, and thattboy bo requested to pub llsh tho Hamo. Sarah Saltmaiuw, It. 8. IlollKUTH, A. 11. UlMONH, Commlttoo. Tho Sewing Machine Bruinoss. Tho expiration of tho Baoholdor neodlo plato patent, which took placo yostorday, is oxpectod to work Important changoi in tho sewing machine trade, bosldos reducing the enormous and artlllclally Inflated prices whiob bayo prevailed for so many years. The 'Baoholdor" is tho lost of tho serlos of patonts hold by tho Sinner, Wheolor & Wil son, and Grovor & Baker combination, which has controlled tho buBlnoss and ex acted royaltlos from outsldo companies for a long porlod. The old tlowo patent of 1810 for "Joining two pieces of cloth togotbor with sowing mnoblnory." consisting of "an oyo-punohod noodlo anil shuttlo," was also hold by tho samo companlos, and cHoctually controlled tho manulacturo of any and all machlnos. ltexnlrod lOvoursairo. In ad. dltlon to this, tho combination, up to with in throo yoars, ownod tho A. B Wilson patent for a four-motion food, which, with tho Baoholdor patont already montionod, gavo thom a practical command of tho ontlro buslnosn. OutHldo comrnnlos paid royal Hoh of from (1 to $3 on oncli iiiaohiiio mauufuo turod by thorn, all of which went into tho poukolH of tho combination. Ono of tho out HlilocoinpnnlOH Ih mild to Iiavo paid as hl(h ah 0,000 n year In royalties for u torm of 10 yours, imd still lo lmyo mndo ImmoiiNo pio llts. Tho simple fact Is that tho "margin" of prollt In tho sowing lUHchinu buHlniH hits boon so onormous us to allow mrnufitclurors, nirontH, and enn vnssorn n Joint prollt til -lOO to 500 por conl. on tlmlr waros. Thoiictuitl lirht cost of tho Sb'O and 870 iimohlneH sold bv thn loading companies Is, on tho coiifosHlon of tholrowu oIllcorH, from ?I1 to JI5 apleco. Tho additional 000 nor cont. Is dlstrlbutod in royaltliH, commhsious to ngontH, commis sions to cauvttHiorH, taxes, olllco ront, and prollt to tho munuiaoturor. Tho canvassor rarely makos less than $20 on ouch mnahlno told, and whnn . as In tho caso of tho Sluuor and othor largo companlos, tho yoar'it sulos aro computocl by hundrods of thousands, tho amount which tho"inlddlometi" receive bocomeH onormous. Tho manufacturers claim that tholr own sharo of prollt Is only about 80 por cont,, and that a largo portion of this is swallowed up In tho malntonanoo of their Immense ostabllsnieuts, In taxes, and In tho constant and expotislvo litigation which tho protection of tholr respootivo patents entails upon thom. In ono case, re cently pending in tho courts of Baltimore, ono company is said to huvo paid out f.r0,000. Tho oxtont and value of tho sowing maohliio trado may bo gatborod from tho fact that tho Slugor Company, which laat your sold ovor 200,000 machines, has from f 10,000,000 to gin, 000,000 Invested In Its business.' ThoIIowo Company has 97,000,000 to ?S ,000,000, and tho Wheulor it Wilson and othor largo compan los Iiavo amount In proportion. Tho only patent which will remain In forco after to-day covers simply soino unimpor tant minor dnutlls of construction. Tho vllirftt Itnv iinmllik tiiil VAnt(iw,t.iitiii ulmsll,. iHMiifi iivuinu ! irui'lf biii4 atllllltTf vibrating noodlo and rotating hook, and continuous rood, In connection with tho ubovo,' whether whool or what Is known uu four-motion food, will become common property. In IS05 u combination was form ed iMitwomi G rover it Baker, Whrolor.t WlUnn, Ilowo and Slugur, by whloh all patents belonging to theso camaiilcs wero consolidated, and to bo usod by each ofthein lu wiistructliig their several machines, Ono of tho principal stipulations was that no machine should bo sold by olthor company in tho combination for low than u spooHled sum. This gavo tho four companies abo Into control of tho price which should bo charKod for every sowing muohluo made lu tho United States. Tho Baclieldor patont, under which tho combination acted, lias beeiitwlco extended, and tho nrt profits of the four companies on that patent have been at least (1,000,000. Strenuous efforts wero made to obtain a third cxtennlou of tho patent, bills for this purpivio having Ihoii In troduced lu tho last three Congresses, and some of tho nblost lawyers in tho country bfllng employed to arguo I'ortlio extension befoni tint Commltteo on Fatents of IkiIIi hoiibfs. All HlorlM of tho combination to secure uu extension having failed, tho man u factum of all sowing machines undor thn Baoholdor patent Is now free to all who de sire to ongago lu tho business. X. V, 21 lIM, EGYPT MORTGAGED TO ENGLAND. Egypt, the laud of tho Pharaohs, Is undergoing species of Angltflcatlou. Tho chief olllcoa In tbo Cabinet, beneath tho rank of Minister, aro In tho hands of English men, who aro all liberally, I may say, mini lllceutly paid, Tho Postmaster-General is an Englishman with a salary of X2,000 ayear, his uepbow, who act as deputy, geta 1,000 a year, and another Englishman, XS00. The director of the railway system is an English man, with tbo handsomo salary of 3,000; the vice director, a follow countryman, geU 2,000. It Is estimated that the total of sala ries paid to EuglUh employees of tho Khe dive, is about 1600,000, and theory ia still they come. Hardly a steamer arrive here that does not bring capablo Englishmen ieV for by tho Khedivo, or lu quest of employ ment as engineers, architects, naval or mili tary won, aud orgauiter of some branch or other of tho public sorvloo. The impor tant utlalra of tbooouutry, the Khedive fluds, cannot be safely intrusted to the native, lacking as they aro in Intelligence, honesty, and Industrial habit. Egypt Is, a it were, morlsaged to British capitalists, and the Khedive eem disposed to allow them to mauageau estate or which be la now little else than a trustee. lu the general break-up that threaten to take place in the TurkUo Empire, Kjypt will naturally fall to En- I'.U1'IIV MJ PI W HUKIIjr ll IU A-.M' gland ubjr portion of thtspou. iMifacfW iAia iVti, Letter from Indiana. CnAnLOTTE8vn.r,K, iiusn Co., Ind. Ed. FAriMKn: Through the courtesy of a friend In your Slate we have been permitted to read a groat many copies of your paper the past year, and have thereby gained many point of valuable information. We have much enjoyed the correspondence from different parts of tho country, and thought perhaps wo might cast in a mite with a fow booster Hems which may Interest somo of your readers. Wo havo been having a backward spring, but for soveral days past wo havo had delightful weather, and tho farmers aro vory busy getting their corn planted; a fow more days of such weather will buOIco to get it in tho ground. Soveral armors around ua who burrlod to get tholr corn planted throo or four wooks ago can now go to work and roplont, for but littlois coming, Thoro was not a largo acreage of wboat sown In this section, but what wo havo looks woll. Flax and oats bid fair for a good crop. Wo aro very sorry to say that our prospect for fruit is not at all flattering. About all kinds were lojurod moro or less by tho frost tho lint of this month. We do not think there will bo a full crop of any kind, nor an entire failure of anyexcopt peachos. Ileports from othor parts of the Stato giro better promise If we havo a failure could yon not ship us somo of your superfluous quantities, and lot us Judge of its quality and know whothor all reports are truoT Bo that u It may, wo want any way to get all tho rollable Information posslblo about Oregon, for wo get in a wonderful fovor somotlmos and want to emigrate right away. Wo bavo icnt some ahead to "spy out tho land" and report, and If good wo will follow, If no bad luck has befillon them thoy bavo iandod oro this on your shoros. Health is modorntely good in this vicinity, this "fever'n ager" is wondrous trying, ono momber of our family having had it continuously for eight months, only stopping for a broathlng spoil of n wcok or two on co in awhilo. No wonder 'vo want to shako tho dust of this placo oll'ourfcotnnd liio us away to a hoaltliier clluio. Our schools nro in good condition, liuslnoss scorns llvollor than for tomo linio pait, though monotnry affairs still much dopross od. Boforowo oloso wo muBt toll you what wo havo gained by reading your papor bo sides learning tho character of your country, lis good qualities, products, iVo., (all of wh loh wo woro glad to know). A member of tho family found out wherosomoof hor rolatlvos lived of whom sho had not hoard from for many years. Sho has gladly opon od correspondence with thom, and fcols tkanktul to tho Faiimkr for its agency In tho aflalr. M. h. U. May 10, 1877. Burning Brush In tbo Moon. Ed. Faiimkh: A correspondent writing from Fekln, Washington Territory, says his modo of cleaning brush land Is to slash the brush In MBy and June, and burn it in tho dark of tho moon In Augubt. Now brother J. J, S. will confer qulto a favor by giving us Oregon lansla sclontlllo explanation of how tho moon managos to bo moro effect I vo In hor e Hurts' to assist tho farmer In grubbing during what Is usually term hordark porlod, than sho can pocslblo bo at any other t lino. Tho first stop towards raising tho agricul tural class to that towering Intellectual olo vallon to graphically "aimed at" by J. S. S. in tho last Fahmkii, Is to discard all tlioso old-fogyologlos that only botray n lock of sulentltio know ltd to In all who prnctlco thom. Otis. Eii.Fahmi:u: My attention was called to an urtlclo In jour Umio of May Iflth, in re gard lo tho "Poor Farm," in whloh tho writer recommends tbo Institution lo tbo notice of philanthropic citizens and proposos that wo visit tho plate, (-end reading. matter, to. I trust tho frlomU of humanity, nil who smyputhlzo with misfortuuo uud suffer ing will comply with tbo suggestion. Xet all who havo books and pnporB in plonty, supply their brothers need out of tholr abun dance. A lady and Hula girl of my ac quaintance havo seut books and papers and iloubllcfH others will do thossmo. LotUB follow tho Guidon ltulo. Coii.nklia. Warts on Cows TcaU. Uu, Faumi:ii: l)oyou know of any euro for warlst Something that will tond to ro movo thom from tho teats of cowf. Can you toll mo how many barrels of llmo it will take to tho aero, and its oential properties upon thoooIlT What number of years would It last before required to bo to newed? Uy answering tbo aboro you will obllgo a subscriber. Sea Mldo, May JW, 1877. Wo hopo somo reader with oxporlenco will answer the above. Transatlantio Navigation. Forty-six years ago an enterprising Nova Scotlan, Samuel Cunard by nam, conceived the Idea of establishing a line or mall steam era between Kugland and the United States. Seven transatlantio trips had already boon made by steam. Cunard went to England, aud In duo time associated with himself two small whipping tlrms, the Messrs. Hums, of Glasgow, and the Mclera, of Liverpool: lu 1810, by their united euterprUo tho Htltaula, the first vessel of tho famous Cunard Hue, was placed In coiumlMtlon. Sho was lurk rlggod, and 1,100 tous burden, From this beginning has grown up the most success ful steamship line the world bos ever teen. In the forty-six year of It existence it ha comprised over 1W steamers, of an aggregate ot ovor 150,000 Ion. These steamer have made over -1,000 trip, traveling a distance of about 13,000,000 mile, and have carried over 2,000,000 pKuger, and all without evr losing alnglt life, or ertutUttw latk malls entrusted to them. The secret of their success bos been thorough, careful, prudent, management, for which they have from the first been noted. Nothing is evor risked that can bo made sure. Thk Soutukhn Hotel. Tho ovldenco In regard to the Southern Hotel horror is thus tersely summed up by tho Cincinnati Com mercial: It Is settled that tho flro In tho St. Louis hotel commenced not far from where tho liquors woro kept that It was not discovered until It had matio dangorous headway that the hotol was constructed as if with a view to bo quickly consumed Bnd that tho spec ial anxlotv of tho managers of tbo house seomod to be to provont tho disturbance of tuo guests, rnotnoory upon wuiou mono tel wes constructed was that, if tho flro could not bo put out without n disturbance, tho du ty of tho guests was to bo burnod quietly in tholr rooms. Thon tbo flro department was so Inolllclont that tbo St. Louis papers aro morolloss In criticisms, when, it Is well known, it is tho duty of all woil-rogulatod now-spanem to pralso tho local flro depart ment to tho full extent of their ability. We learn fiotn Ed, N. Edes, Esq., Deputy County Clork, of Marlon county, that thoro woro 10 marriage uconeos isjueit m way, oi deeds filed lor record, and 27 mortsafres. The month has boon an nnutuallv slim ono In tho way of business, but tho meeting of tho Circuit uourt in J uno. win koop an nanus lit the Clork's ofUco busy during tho coming inontn. Mr. Honry Sterling arrived this morning direct from tho Uppor Santlam. He brings Borne rich speclmous from the Ellen mino, of Silvor and copper ore. This mine is located about half a mile from tho Capital mine, and workmen aro going down on it, w Ith prospects growing rlcbor as they go down. Wo should not be surprised If this mino proves a socond Capital in richness. "A campmootlng, under tho auspices of tho KvnncMlcal Church, will be hold on tho land of Enoch Cooper, 3 mlltfs southeast of Wheatland, Yamhill county, Oregon, opon lug Juno Vllnt, 1S77, to bocontlnuod about ono wcok. Itovs, Boworfo, Croasman, Heinlnger. Bowor and Cantnor will bo pres ent to conduct Korvices. All lovors of tho Lord ro invltod to attond. W. C. Cantxuii, Pastor. Vermont shoop takon to Texas havo died irom com prouueou uy too severo north winds. KELLY & UNDERWOOD, n Carriage & Wagon Mate Salem, Oregon, HAVK ON HAND A CIIOICK LOT OP FOUlt Sirlnj; Wagons, Carriages, & Buggies, of their own make, Manufactured of tho IIKST quality oMcrtry Hickory. Olvuima call, andvxamlLu our work, and Jmliro for yourrrlrci.. Allklniilauf Itcnalrlni; and General Jobblnc clono at rhori notice. apt) Salem Flouring Mills. J1BST FAMILY FLOUR, BAKBR'B EXTRA, XXX. BUrEMINK AND GRAHAM, MIDDLINOB, DRAN, AND BnORTS, Ooniwtautly ou I-Iimd. llltflioNt Frloo lu CASH Paid for Wheat ATAU TIMES. R. O. KINNEV, hept istr Accnt 8. F. M. Co KCTAULIMIKD 1855. Willamette Nurserv, G. W. WALLING & SON, I'KOI'RIETOItS, Oswego, Olaokamas co., Orogou. WALLING'S PEACH PLUM, Tho Italian Pruuo, And tbo bct arletltt of IMUUI, 1'riino, l'cacli, Apple, Pear, Clicrry, Nut and Shade Trees IN FULL ASSORTMENT. Send for Descriptive Catalogue. B. STRANG, Importer and Dealer in Improved Ranges, COOK. PARL0B, MD BOX & T? O -V JE3 S, And Manufacturer of Tin, Sheet-Iron Jt Copper W A. E, Union Block. Commercial Street, SALEM ORKGOX. IKBaPKCTFlTULY rNFORM ALL MY OLD frlenda and cautomer that I bar reamed bail ne. nd tnvlta the public Roneraliy to call and exam UonijitocjiaieraByprtcv. MorUtSiW JFr vry"-"iy rROPRIETAET MEDICINES or BB. CHANDLER, F.B.S.A., Lat Phytic) to CL Oforfa'a and St. Bartholo mew's HotpHal. London, Curator to - StT EUzabath'a, ste. After year of the tnott mboriou$ re search and invftigation, mnd after tho practical application In treatment t thou eandt of patient. Geo. Chandler, A,3T.r M.D.,now preeenie to the American pub lie the following rctneilir. hit tote dle eovcry and property, the efficacy ofurhlch la attested in the votumlnoue quantity of teittmontali, the untollclted offering of muffcrlnn and dleeouraged patient; who have not only received relief and benefit from their continued uee, but have been radlcmlly cured of ailmentm and chranio complaints, tehlch have been adjudged by the most eminent phyeleiane a hopelcit. THE WONDERFUL EGYPTIAN BLOOD-PURIFIER.. HiEMAR. 3711 Incomparable DRPTTRATITIJ to n powerful ALTJSBATirX, TONIC, DI VKKTJO, JilAfUORKTIC, and ATMltl XNT, combining virtuee which render it Invaluable and never-falling, and by its eonttntied us uHU thoroumhiu eradi cate all diseases of the blood, its ingre dient ore f a purely harmless extrac tion, the proauete gathered JEavnttan Provinces, mnd wh thered front remote- there there is ta in the stis- in sitanieti lain oj- mtsease n tne sys- tetn. it never falls in mleettna that Almtmmm through the medium of the skin, or ex pelling it through tho many and various channels of tho body, thereby allowing? ana, tnaeea, forcing an tne organs into their proper normal and functional con dition, a very orar space or time trilt eonelnee any patient using it, of its un aouotea reiiaouity ana wonderful cura tive properties, it being, most unquestion ably, the very acme of medical triumphs, and the greatest discovery of the pretent age, in the treatment of every dlseaso where the blood Itself is primarily tho seat of the lesion or disorder, such as HCnOFVLA and the thousand and oner causes that lead to this terrible affliction, of which all edcltlsed communities aro cognisant, for JUbllcal Truth has assert ed that the "Bins of-the fathers shall visit even unto the third and fourth gen erations," and to nilOKKN.JiOWy AND XNt'EVIlTjEO CONSTITUTIONS it is re powerful rejuvenalor, causing the wreeh of man onee more to assume the God-Uho iorm of manhood. ror WTANKOVS DlSKASrS, VltlX Altl' ItlSOIlDEBS, CONSTIPATION Olt COSTIVISNUHH, I,IVJ-:it A Nit 1CWN12V VOailT.AINTS, (iVNJ'.ltAI, ANlt NllHV OVS JUllI I LI TV, JUlUUMATJNjr, Or.AXDULAK XNLAItaXMENTX, El'I TIIVI.IOMATOV8 VANCEll, SUVIIW, affections ov tuv uoni:s. indo- I.I:NT VliCEItS, 1? EM ALU OOM 1'LAINIS (and to the gentler sea it is a. boon long sought for by sensitive, suscep tible, and delicate females, as it tales direct action upon their ailments) AN1 ALL 1'OJtMH Of CltllONIO 1HHVASK in iririou Tiiti ULooitis xiu: svax Or TUV IHOUHLE, it is invaluable. A. perseverance with this remedy will proeo a positive and permanent cure tor CHILLS and FRVEUX and all MALA RIAL 1'OISONH. Thousands of Testimonials attest the' truth of theso claims. . rrlee, One Dollar, in large botll. or' six bottles, $5. DYSPEPSIA. GASTROX. OARTItON is a safe, speedy, and posi tive cure j ov that most depressing of ail ments, and a brief course of treatment wilt restore the digestive organs to their pris tine strength, and promote the healthy action of the stommeK and intestines. The nervous irritability of literary and all persons pursuing t sedentary llje, is speedily removed by this agent. Tho stomach is restored to health and the key note of the system will once in oro respond in the performance of labor. I'rlce, One Itollar, in large bottle, or' to bottles, $S. BRONCHITIS AND LUNG AFFECTIONS. TItACHEO. A slight sn.eaUtd eold will oftttmes lead to ii serious cough, which, unearrd for or badly treated, must hare but one result It must eventuate in a settled ease of JIKONCIIITIS, or riat is worse, the deadly CONSUMPTION. To alt suffering fromharasslng cough and vxpretoratlou, XltACIIlSON offers a oui, rtllable, and permanent relief. It augments expecto ration, and enables tho patient to expel that terribly sept lo deposit, tcliiih, If left without judicious treatment, must com municate it poison to the vesicular sub stance of tho lung, degenerating and de stroying that tnost essential ef organs, and ultltnatem only in an early and un timely death. TltACllLON has no count, much less a njerior, ami Its use will not only remote the deposit, thereby affording fircat relief, but heals the membrane and leaves the patient In possession of healthy, lung tissue. I'rlce. fifty Cents per bottle, or six hollies, $ PILES. Hemorrhoids. PILON. Many causes tend to produce this pain' ful and distressing state. Tho blood Is retarded in its return! the too frequent use of drastlo purgatives tends to produce congestion of (lie bowels, torpid action of the liver, and numerous other causes are the source of this complaints and hitherto nothing effectual luis been presented to the public, which would rapidly alleviate symptoms and ultimately prove an effect ive cure. In PILON we nave a remedy which not only acts almost instantly, but will remove the largest tumors of the parts (l'llts) by absorption, and many who have received moT only benefit, but have been radically cured, havo been assured (prior to using this treatment) by emi nent surgeons that tho only relief they ever could expect in life, would bo by at operation, and removing it or then from the body by a roelre which necessitat ed the kuife. This remsdy has been ha lied with delight, and is now prescribed by many practising physicians, who are cog nisant of its merits, aw tho only known, sure euro for PILL'S. Kfi!.'1?11 CemU Prpatlage, or to for tW.ov. TUB AJIOTE REMEDIES AUsV thorough in the eradication of the differ ent ana rani uwiaiiir urnoiNINaffu, and are tho result of patient, searching, laborious, and seientine investigation. embracing a period of many years, in JIHIUM WMI YFfOTTICI. owe and Am If the SBeelHe directions are roumI4 with, thousands of patients will bear wit ness to their relative merits, and corrob orate every assertion. Hhere there aro many complications of disease, and pa tients so desire, DIt. CUANDLKM wilt be pleased to give all information, and treat by letter if necessary. Descriptive and Explanatory Circu lar of the above remedies sent on receipt of stamp. If tho PKOPMIETAMT jex.sisvt.njka are noc on sate est l particular druggist's, send orders to DR. CHANDLER, 1479 Sro4wy, Vtv-York City. r. O. tsVULXWAM. ATTORNEY AT LAW, OPKRA HOCBK, &XLXM. 8. S, coaw, at httd of italr. ttvLuv