f WXXAMETTE FARMER. 5 r. ;r fw 1,0. Q.T.. DIBHOTOEY.' ' Grand OAcers. - O. W. 0. T.-W. H. Dnnhar. Bllrtrton. . W. l!. Conn. Mm t). 0. Mf.Clniig, Eltfeno City.' O, W. V. T.-Joann Lyle Dallas. G.B.c'y T. H. Crawford. Portland. U, a. Sec'y-L. Star.nua, Mtmroo , Trensi. Emtn v KcIIo.t. Portland.-. (I. Chnp.-Uur. J. K. N. Iloll, Ashland. O. Mar. .1. W. lrn;rr, l(ocliun. 0. 1). Mar Annlo E. Under" mid. Cottngo GroYC . Oiurd Mary rnrlvrlj.Mit, Tho Dalle?. U. Sen. T. I', Harlon, Amliy. l. Mu.-li-t;. . KlKlicr. Stnyton. V. O. W. 0 T. Tlltnon Vnrd. Hulcm. Butt. .litvunllcTcuiplnrii Mrs, M. K. Hoxtcr, for est liruvu. SllUe Iteiillty I). XV. C. I'll, Itov..T K. X. 1HI, Ash and. VVtu. Hoc'l. Wetnn. f.'iiiit. O. (!. Atiplegutu. Llnkvllle. U. II Allen, ilatey. T. 11. llatidley, lllllahoro. Asa tfhreve. tinllaa. II v (irobbp, WllDnr. Wm. Oraot, Lnlitntiu. I(v..I.W. Miller, Dalian. Hev, J. S McCain, Kiipeno. Wm. Harmou, Tint Dilka; Win. H. Cutter. orvallla. W. H, Jamei Portland Ii. J. Uourc, Hummr rvllle. II. P. Hmtid. lndepcnde tiro. W. H. McMi'cn. Canyon City. T. 11. Crawford, Portland. P. '. Fox, Artorls. I r't, OCfWrll. J. h.ilotmin. .Junction. Kev. II. O. Jenkln, Muiroo. v. ii. walker. Anuria. n. V. McKlniicr. niker City. Lako I). Wolfiird. Oonullln Oly. K, A. Mathews, Looking 01an. L. U Planer. Hfjvtnn. Her. B. llaye. I.iHr.ndc. W. II. Llrermnrt'. HI. donna. A. M. Aik-n. PrlnevWe. " llcv J. Ca.to, New Era. District Drputy G. W.C.T'a. W. T. Klclio", Turner W. II. O'llntald. Portland. J H. Cuvkelreaev. Hoaehurg. II. U. l.ako, Kmiu creek, tlnmur t'nrtuy, fielest. JntiHK Krwlu, Knit Klamath, ( Hon. J. A. Prnett. Pendleton. L. II. Hoynl. Albany. A.d. IIaiIow. Cartwrlirhl's. Mrc Aor.a w, Hpeticer. Gardner. J. I'. Tupper. Urhfl Id. K. B. Huunlic. Illll-I'om. Icur.ro llelntnitcr, Union. H E. Ii. nchturTilln. iek I'nlnt. Mr. M. J. Thorn. (Ir.jonvllle. 11. J. Jtallar, Pesdletoi. huberdliinte Lodges. Jfo, Xtimt. U ExceMur lll..U'!nii'ruttJr.. lt..C.idtul 12.. Multnomah,... n..lIIIIloro !M..l.u (,'rnulo rn..-'lvi'r :i.i..Uoi U.. Worl.l II.. Morning Star.. II .'larloii Ar...Mllw4iiWo. .. !,,. r't.iniialn , 7I..Vnl l'ontl.... LokIq lkiiHty AtliUttt. ...W II Cirtcr Corvalll ...KM Wad'wortlt AIMiiy ...Ccii A i-def Hnlrm ...Jidni II (larrixia roMlitid ...ll Humphrey IlliWwiro ...Jennlu I.otrAn.. IMllnn ...Hi' lUnohy tlivcfion ...Kmlly M VniHlcn'urt....Hnk'm ... I'lioisJi-witt"" Afloria ...MiiH J Ilurrluilluri Vttn (I.U'.lllmlek ItubMiid ...J'thii I'Nckrr r.. l'oitlftul ,...tV"l U'llilmnin..K. I'orllif.d ...J IC I'Ctvltl nt R()...lnlin Dj iv , 11 V Tliinnp-on... Canyon cut 81..N(inpnrr(l Mr H T V Sliru...t'nrlland ()l..l.nu Wnr ' A MIIU rMckotaa- ti;..HIlri .loutuno....Wm lUrilno IVik-r (HU IllloMuri-lial LiiUHti Krrrrl l'tiKMeton HV,Hrnil.lyn Jinu- Mellp W...K. l'Aitland I'M.. 'hrrl.tin Til Knleuii'r Hl.crlnnii 1OT.. lUmi't-tH lmwT Chit wood., I)iwcu lWI..Fnr'1't Urovo I'O Uuford Pun-ft Urow aW)..MirlnsnelJ I' A Koiimdy i)rliwilrld rJM..Hliry l'Trtarr Ilalny ir8..Wfftou Jftmca Klikiatrlck....Wcfttii lMl..l)flavnn ' K. .Idiuon lonr.tlon Kit. -.Harmon Wm Mtcbcll .Thl)a)lta m 1W... Union Wli I'lider., Tnrnir 1 aTB..U'i.in.'.vr.. 174 .tjinri.1 .... 'M U'.VViuw. .-,.. ...Jilktim .P l PlroTi,T..p.KriitltK 17'J.,IMcinn 71 n iiiiru.....vuucwnnr lW..Moiiutl'1-anni...Johu Vtji ,...Cirwll aU..Kll Cn-i-lc U t Neelw ..HfXlrr am,.0rn'l rrnlrle B P Itind Irvlty 3eO..AtiIaDd..... AlMltlmao j.AtlOaid lHl..KUuth lauic Kiue...."ott KUuatU l(M..Ubl ,t..W O I'lainrtll' tlm 197..Kdeii .- Mr II U June rhvidx iflH..I.ooVlnif (llap J II Haniii....LoOElui' biwi y..TanientUanneT...J J lleird..,., Tanrytit 901.. Portland Mr U ACoburD.F....rwtlaii4 vrt..ltilsvon. o h ftivsa..,. ,.iali ia..lchofn T(!;nKtr rrlfccllif 3l3..Ruvlval Jam HlunKu..I'ralrl City -Qt4..l.tland... - ...Itobrrt Eaklu, ,....Vrlon 1117. .Uo. tie J llaudiakrr 4urhm ai..Cinjon IIW CmtMrg....L'auyonvii; SUL.vr le I Jt Smith MynlcCrrrk !M7..lar'hrttM K W a Crjlo MarL0rld BH....iullle W'Vliaye cpaall VM..Onwra J w rropax niv .J V Proot Allanr 33U.. Para Creek Ixnla xnuey.,,....,aJiain J3..Myret lioini 23J.. Rajde Creek Wl Altfa ...t'barlea Craft Kwrft llum ...John vancunn...trtle t reek vn.tll.n 1ll Utf al..lHlleoce HPOarrlRnea llrppner 45.. Abluna Wm K Co Bllirrrton n..Crawforilll ...Hohert Olan..C'raif(iidTllle .. MMHW". ,,.l. W SWK SM..Urownfllie 1 w Diariara.....iimwoniw 851.. Center U K P'trlah Urcwnavirio 331.. Mohawk ) l Hardlity Mohnwk 9M..HpeMr Creek.... J A IlrxKeo ....Boencfc'Creea S,,. Monroe I..' Hlarr Monroe MWoodhoru B H Honney Woocburo 57..CryMd KBNVIlmot UttAvenoo 58..Amlly JameaA Llkeot... Amity 459,.lreon Muuutaln ..Wm. RHfmll tytwrlirtit'n 4fiI..Wet Union lavMUtnx,....Wft tnton J. Triumph H William Indepi-ndfoce W..(ie ali Wm. Prrry, .. ...... .Grrvala SM..THblo Kork MorUon am'aVaMey Wfl..l'tltnn Sumner Carr c"'0'! OJ.,llrllml O LNtalo llrthel dd..l,a'nn'loHi)lnii..C" lloford K. Portlard i'...lMKtitiylHM VKahfiT Jackrontll 3W..MHI I'rrn - JV 'l;,dlir K kl..ru -37l..l.k Creeks Iii-ne WiIIUti........ Haley 71,.nonn Ither Tho-. ILrinpnd WnodvllU tin..C.)rutllna...... rinma Hmllh. Corenlu M7..rritr O It lllackvtell Ginlnef 3TS..MIIIc-in Miy It Hmltli Mar-MWld 37U. Ilnmenood Hd U Ilutiuell Sumner axl..''leri'Dil P W O00.1... aeeland 281..n.'rr:nt-k rab t.,ek,lreie..Fn.eliiirij 4IJ.. MklanJ II A WalUro Oakland atl -Unwell I'ratr.o... ..!. A. Kay...IIuvell 1'mIjIu 3-il..iMriili' ...rt K Learned ft. Jo 11 S-.-MiloCri"-!; I I. Utldrr bldlo ITf-k a-H.-WdllninCrpul;....! V HtiIo Apil'al i-il. iHk.ihic Jmiii JJi'H M' ton 3,,i'ltu-at,l lllll .il""i- V0Mjril....Wlim S-A.-M.-HI'inv litf ... .hmll llotl .U-.Mtiiuvlllf fit,. 14 ilnoio J .1 Mc'.'linrlcr....Llituilo i'j..-rMrvlllo .' II Itlueliari....!)uniiorrklllH S1J..I"U'l.' S IIU11I:.... ThH Cote I1 .PhiluuitlU U'tll liarlli-ri" 1'lillori.ltn V4I .VriA-Kr-t I" ' rtn,. ...... ttfW V.I '...LowrMoIM tVi lUrulltou MoialU 3'u;..i mhy... ,.a hnishi lanny j7..1'ort,t Creek. L. U. (iiry. Apji.ealo Ccrrespoadoaco froa tho G. W. C. T. Hal-cv, Juno I, -1877. En. Farviek: On Monday morolng tbe 'steam wagon" brought us over the Cl poolas into tbe head of tho Willamette va! ley 8uil I stopped off for a visit with my old friend Capt. Uuderwood, O. T. or No. 170. Business Is good at cottage Grove, and the Lodgo of Good Templar os well as the one over lo tho Sluslaw Is prospering. On Tuesday evening we held a degree meeting t Creewell, and I had the pleasure" cfa visit In tbe Hall of Mt. PJeasaut, No. 134, with a number of lUjveteran meuibern. llro. and SlBler IIowo and the tnembern generally areas fullofieal lntbesool work as ever. I pent tbe uUbt at tho comfortable homo of cur good lirt. Polk Curran, P. W. U.T. of the Lodge. H- and his extv! eat lady are among the most actlvo uienib of theOrder. Mr. Curran Is teaching here 1 nd has been for a coupl of years. Theodore MsrllnlCT;SUterOTVTj and Chat.'te How, 8, for ifae present iwa, Staler Kml MoClaBgaad Bro. iM'ah Hark hare be' a e'eoted to represeot the Lodge at tbe Orand Lodge. Both of them are well and favorably known among oar temierance workers. On Wednesday eventni we had a meoiiog of Deletran Lodgo at Junction. Two wore Initiated and tbe degree of Fhlulity conferred on twelve otbors. Tho Lodo lit dolnR well. A most mftgnlilt-ent treat in llioshnpoof p!et,cakeiiud candles, wns Iven at recess by tho members of tho Lodge. Uro. Spon ofSllverton Lodgo was pnmit, ntul liko tho rail of tie enjoyed tho occnlon. Tho lltllo Staler tlotiston was 0110 or tlio donorx, hik! I am under many obllgatldns lo her for I tin honor aho did mo. Tho Sister i Imtllttlo past twolya yenrri of iiise, but tukfH grt-Ht, Intercut In tho Lodgo, No. lfi'J Iiiih t.leo d J. E. Houston utid Ell MuCluro to the Grand Lodgo. Jano Mouro la an ulternitto dologate, Ou Thnrday wo hold a degroo mcellop at Ualsey, which was partlclpitid in by the members or No. 165 together with a largo number from Lako Creek Lodge. Both these Lodgea are doing a splendid work. Among the visitors from No, 271 1 noted liros. lien. nott,8tewart, Hlslor William. Kejleyand Slppy. Or No. 1G5, Hro. IVmland U O T-, Sister Jowott, V Tj Uro. Krotor, SjI'.T. Starr, L D. It will bo reprinted at tho Grand Lodge by Jane Ponland, h. II, Allen and Clinton Davis, threo or our most earnest workera. A numbor of ylltors wilt also bo present. No. 230 has ohoecl Rioter Tula Knt-ley repreaentativer No. 100, Dr, NV. O. McKay and J. II. Balleyr No. 251, Uenry Piirrlsh. Win.. Moore is an ultt rnnle from No. 181. Youra In hau, W. It. Domiau. GKhVAK, Mny 23, 1S77. I send tho list of oIllrorM of Ourvnls Lodge. No. 203, LO.G.T., flrcted lor Iho ensuing term: OT, S. Brown? V T, Huttle Browns PS, A. M. Brown, S, S. L. Gnlncn; T, Miss AmondaSmlib? f, J, M. Pitman; M,C. K Mager ; O O, II. Kamlnskyj I O, Ml Mary MsHteraonj P W C T, W. B. Mogers. Yours hi P., If. mid O., M. Ml rciiKLi.. Dkxi'kk, Lani: Co., My 3, 1877. At called iiiwtliiK of Full Cnek Lodgo, No. iS.", I.O.O.T., tho rollowluit cllloen, were Ittalrtllcd by Bio. Dunbar, O.W.O.T : Mary M Wurnor. O T T. K, Warner, It II S MrH. Attnt-NH. Wuruer, Soo.i Jiupor Hills, A 8 (1. M. Nniil, PS; HoOort KvMlnirer, T Mm. K. Y.H. Watiitr, C; Fred Wurm.r, IOja. Canu, O G. Mm. An.NKsS. WAitNKu.Sco'y Immigration. Tho slenmera eomlni; to Portland and Puget Sound tho present hfuson averace nearly or quite two a week, and tbeyeomo loaded with passengers. UUtullmated that these arrival, and those by Mearaer to Coo ' Bay and those who come by land , aggregate since the Unit of the year at least ten thou seed Increase tv one pennant nt population. They generally appear satisfied with tbe oiUDUy, sud tbe change from tbe parched and rfrUflVrlbK fields' of California lo the gieen field and pastures of Oregon must be very refreshing to tbe way-farer who ha ootuesofarlo tarry among us. They look weary and anxious as tbey pass up tbe road, nd the trains frequently so by loaded full with nw oomeis. We have beeu on several such crowded trains of late and can bear witness that tho coming Immigration seems to be composed of earnest and Intelligent people who will make good cltlzetis. They generally oomo supplied with means to locale themselves and are able to supply every need, asking no fayora other thau se grant onr own oltscens. They psss on and re absorbed among us without difficulty. There seems to be no fuss nor apprehension, but all am provided for. Tbey generally piefer homes In this valley snd as there Is tsnd to sell snd to rent In every locality tbey sre accommodated, Tbe old Oreiroulsn will sell out. count bis means Into cattle or sheep and raovo off east of tbe mouutali.stoselilM up plsces that tbe man he sold lo would look at with great distruat. They can see tbe value and comfort of a good farm here In thv Vrnnd valley with townw snd vllNg brlMlIng In every direction, school house In evory neighborhood, homes, Urine, n beat fields and orchards showing cultivation fully tqiiHl to that they left behird, and a look of provierlly vvtry wht re thHt Euitru people of lain year are not accustomed lo. Wo hear Out ou'o a numbor of tbe new uinter hiivti piiihed ou up the C'oluml.fa river to proajuct tho futinius bunch t;riH rrirlon, but n aNo near Hut umuv of ih 111 fitl Id looitu there. In lliit, they uie of tn mt(aktii. People who nr prtfo'd to rotih It Hud (iiidurollHi jirlvhiloii-, v. umlci wont vhoiMiue to Oregon nt no tnrly ily, am dofxr bhtter east of Hie mounulni with only iitodtruto tiuntis, that In Wcotcrrj Oi egon. Tho oouutry la bolter and the llio In ploasanler thsn it M-etn. Wo liaoutta8 ttolliod that tbe old tettler are Hpt lofcll out to tbe new com or and tunvo enht of tho mounUltiN, and wt suppo-e that 111 con tlnue to 1 10 the vtay Knstern Orrunn and Wualiitigton must be eelilid utid wcuplcd. It la not unlikely that In a few yearn lb new comer may UioiiiM.lveH aee It In a different llvht, ball. I now evident that old neitUra firm the balsnf fhllloinuut of the country east of tho mountain by moving thither. From Wttfco County. Fhtkej Mile Cukek, ) Juue 3 1, 1877. J Ho. Fahmeii: I though it wnuM not 114 out of pliCM t Jot dnn ftir your valuabl iMper a few Items ftom this otrt if our Smn. Wehavo Just tinlshoil a new Granc Hull 22xt0: we liave a mernlxTHlup of :'3, si.o meet the first (Saturday in each niouli. Our country lb'.tll(igu,j very fat, but there h tnom for a great mtir more. H iu a g.(id country fora tvnor man. Our fanners are Jubilant over th tine prospect we have fur a 1:00a cr.ip, anu also a ro3 ptlcv. Our sto-ik looks extreinlv well and our shtep men ny that the clip th: ; ear Is t ver average and tae price aromlses good. So farmers and stock seen where ever yoamttt them seem to have a smile ou their counte nances, at tbe good time in storn for them. We have had a good deal or frpst during May. It nipped our gardens bdly, and also dsmaired fruit some. There bus been h good deal or talk about onr up-land'or buuoh grHslnnd; whether It will prodiloe.or not stilllclent to ay to put It- In oultlvntlon. I liavotcon here, this la two summer, and Iluvmi fitrui ou bunch-wris land, audit imH proved to piy well. My yield lst year whm over 20 liuslielH to tho nero and I Imto h butler iropna'. this year. PH sowltig proves to bo tlio host mstlind in tbwrntiiiir , T. J llotipoiu). Sonsiblo Advico. You ro Mkod every day ilirtuit;li (be col urns if no'sp.tpurs rtinl by your DnniKNt to uoiiMunblhlug lor Dyptipil.i ntul I, her Com plnlnt. tt'Ht ou kuoiv uo.liltig ahntit, you . div'our4t!eri wiHU(llng tuoiiey with but little stioces". No-vtoulvn rn.i siiKfiaturv proof thai inKUN'H AtrotNT FtyiwKit will oure you of Dvspopalu and Liver Complaint wlih ull Ha ellicth, mob as Knur Stomach, Sick UeadHohH, Hablmal Oosllveiiexs, palpj. lallon of iho Heart, U'artbiiru, WalerbrAnh FulluiHs at. tho pit of thoSfiiiMoh, Yellow Skin, Coated Tonyuo, Coming up of food KlU'reatlnir. low epIrltH, io., wu ahk yon to go 10 jour Drtigglsl' . .. and vol 11 Hmplo Bottle of Ghkkn'h Au oust I r. vAKtt fur 10 cems and try It, or a Uenulat rilzu for "."icontf ,tivo doius will re lieve you. A. L. ST8NGOIM, . Book and Job Printer, XXolmau'a Slock, Old Senato Cham ber. 3al"m. HAVINO ADDED AN FXTENSIVC ASWOIIT nicnt nf NewTjprs, Cuti, tie., to my already exf n-l-ti Hook asd Job utllce, I am now pn pared to doa'iy and all kinds of Book, Flniu, and Ornamontal Printing', U11 Short holies., nmt lit Itcuaon ulilu I'rlccN. Mock rerlllic lies ;i Specialty. IlAlt; tho la-acKt nnw.lmcr.t Pf JfiMnj C-.Tllflcato lliifniiui cuts niUnti'l to thai, kind or work or any Oi Cf In tlicviiii. f am pri'punl to rxecntn order In tho VK11Y IHT eljlc. In nn Mimbir of eolois do tlrvd, nna on arort tiollco. Jeitr Aililrtra A, I.. hTIN'SON, tfitlcm, Or. KSSwTr!Ta LOCKS COMPANY. NOTicK--Tiii: i-ui.t.owi.vn ijatiw of - r.i lit. on Uriiln "ii'l I'loor ln.vo li-i'ii ,. iidillili.'.l by Mil- ruiiipii')' h "Ii" iiisxlniuin rute for 0110 year t rum ,dii) lit, Is"", v t l. e Tun. Or'toii cily to Potlliiud 31 m 1 :r, IlllllfVIIHI CliaiMii.c ' luytnii ' KMirllt-Ul Wheal UnU " Mucin " Mil-lnl " Kola " Iinienince ' Ankeryi. landing " llll-lut VIMii " Hpriiirlllll AMmiiy n rvi is ' l'enrla " Monrw ' llarnthnrir I 7 3 10 aim 3f0 3M) Ufai J 3 7S ;ito nou .1 no aro :iw 400 10U tueun CJtlf s s set R'"ViJt j, v . ...uuu iraln sod rionaalilbSavrrmm t-,stioltrU4ibnv sou ineuiliitieiidlreviloAatolla wilt tra charged JIOD per ton ndililloi.ai. Tlinnimpany wlllmnlanot with psrt'es who delre ll.lii Iru.iap'irt Uralu anil Klnurat abovs ratea for any specified lline, net uci-odlug Ave 3""n' O. IlKFD. Vice President W T. L.CO. Pr.rtlaud.pril at. t7. Mayl-3in H'SAVY 40 IucIivn Wide, FOR DRAPER8- rou Headers and Threshers, AT IIRfKYMAlV nR08. Jnna l:mt HAI.BVt 500,000 LBS. Highest Market Price Paid -in EtREYMAN BROS. Junut-ul HM.F.M. The Old Immigrant Route .cr. the CiiacndH JIimiiiIhIiim, hOW OW.M.II OVTIIK fJnsctd" Hoadatc TJiino Oompaviy, Ittiuiiliis,U -itiniy, .ll. lliiod,ndllirluw'(Jatc, 1.i ,M,V Ot..V, ai.d Haul of u.l kfida hat he-i-ui . I.'.uiuhI ih lit kin i ifi-alr, I'XUn.lv.i I in- . i-iviiie,uei.iu it-i'K iii.iii tviiy ,uar I lie i.au I'l.l. IIII....1 era alii ruled e-li-vp-orn'Ktv arncii nil tliu . I - an, 'I'lil, r-t in tr iici-iieii a (iLI U .lib ,hlv. 01 ojil It n ir.i tliiiric.i, fi-t una ill iip-r-t ri'i.l- mer lh i.xA ruli r. IHil.ihcj i.irr li.u inoiiiii'iliK, ., nil. j-'inii I'ntiunl, (iter iho iu'jiiiii4 i.. 1 iiill . I'lini elrin, mo miles. It .1 i.v'mi.ii ,VJ, rJidd.ie.tli ; I'.tk., 'ilj! fut ile. Ill ; Hie- p,;u t.rulli Iri.t.iilrtirnln fr.-tn orlnt Mlil"ii. VJm. Mil. U.i-lill; Inn. Lllin, IlentM,, kiij IMk Cl.uulk., IhU l b) Ur tl.w Ian. in meet, aid iMape.t route. H. 1). LUAL.U.1.N, I'iO int. IIakvlt C. Cliut., mc, Jiilml "'wCIiiOXbI I WILL OlViJ THE Highest Cash Priee VS7- OOHs! AL70, ;P - WH TOBiCCO, Xor faille Uy r. HIKYER. Bsleai, Kay , T. Kstl T. CUNNINGHAM & CO., Salem, Portland, Albany, Junotion City, and Walla Walla SOLE AGENTS FOR ,..v Tlio following FIRST-CLASS Machines, which Wo nro now rccelving-for the flonsjon of 1077. J. I. CASE'S THRESHING MACHINES, Both End and Side Shake Tight-Geared. Westinghouse Vibrator Threshing Machines, TIGirr-GEAKK.n ENU-SHAKTJ. J. I. CASE'S THRESHING ENGINES, 8, 10, 12, .15, and 18 Horse Powor. Troadwoll Manufaclurcil by With 2? ew and Valuable XX aines' Illinoli SINGLE Vronght-Tron and Scrow-IIub Wheels, nJJustablo Jteel ami Truss Fratno. JOHKTSTON WROUGHT - IRON HARVESTERS, jOBrjsrsTOKr Wrought-Iron Combined Reapers and MOWUBS. Xl.XJfllSXIXsXa'IBI Combined Reapers and Mowers. WOOD'S Single & Combined Reapers and Mowers. WOOD'S Single Mowers, three sizes. Johnston Mowers, one size. ADAMS AND FRENCH HARVESTER, rurst sTi Bradley Cu'ky Kalt-s, OliiVTEKKTlAli ftulky Jttkc, Brlf Xinrop, Tho Host la Use. 3sT2I3T?CrT01aT "W-A-CSs-OlM, Titlintilo bUclii hiiiI Iritn-iixlu Frame, nml Ft'tilglit 11 uroiim, nil nlzoa Nowlnn -1-Hprlnn Hacks, made expressly for Iho Oroson Market. 2N7o-vo-toii Tluee-Sprlnt;, rintform Hprlnjr, and Hrrull-prlnK ZZn.olz.aa and ltUtSIBa, Oarclon Oity IaiO"vt7-if IlacrowM ami ''iilllviifnrnt r.'nrrlvn city ftiilliy nml Uiinir I'liMVdl Fnrinoro' Prlruel utuiN miis.i.st vim jsrinu .v n.iii'- .noNirii iiro.ul chui ri;i,m;ie mid OtLTIVATOIlt CAPriMl, H TIVATOW! rlINMMai.illS JI(lrjV. lOUN. Hie llrt Mi tin- Wurlil. I.onllicr nml Iliitilior UIJLTINIm .Ttnclilna lixlrnm, Itnrdtvarv, Iran, iiiitl Klcel. tV" gneelii' ('In-iilsrs. Il'iialrstril, wl'li prlre r-ent to sny ndilrcpi'. Ircu or cluiye, Wu atu MANUl'AO TLlth'Uti' AUR.NTH, and wii.t, kkli, at nan-iuicit riiKi.o. T. CUrVWINOFAlVT & CO.. rua7 Front fit.. I'OUTf.ANI) ; Ciimmrrclal HI., r-.VI.K.M t and I In ndlr'rt Itlcclt, AUH.NV, OR. The Best Bargains Yet. REVOLUTION IN Til R a'UICH OP OLiOTHIN Dry Goods, -AND- XjU1Ioh nttO. Gontai FTJENISHIN& GOODS, GENERAL MERCHANDISE,! AT TMS OLD &TAJND H AVISO DOUOIIT OUr TIIK KNTI1IE HTOCK of ClvilhisK and Dry (lixid. of a .aruo BANKRUPT SALE San Francisco, 40 I03r Oo3ol1;-! Le.atlnii actual nxtnf inamiractilillic, I am ur.iiulul to H.II n.y elittiu aicik of Olothtnc Genie Furnishing Groo&u, Drosa Goods, Luton;, Pavneolo, Kuchiug. Liuon Oollttre and (ytifltri, Wap- kiaDjTrunJcijVallooK, Ilatn, Capa, &,o., Lower limn nny Other llouso I.H THE HT.VTK. My .lock of CLOTHING AND FURNISH JLN'G GOODS ssai aa J,.J. u W MJ v J9 My Pxicoe arc Low ! And Quods or Iho I1C.HT nuterlal, Call early, and Sccuro Bargains ! Gold, Silver, and Curronoy, all Taken at Par ! a?T aimwoiji'ti ut.'inK, palm. AdminUtrator's Notico. NOTICE I lierehy tilrenilitt Ihs uuilonl.7ifd li.i be.n appoluted aui.uu,-irtnr of ths tliil tf iieort JUTrry. ilett.mil. Hi III. (,'n.iuly iourtbf Ma nsu owuuty, Alale if ure-u sr.d lhal all ih'm.u, luv oi claliba u'.'ij,! tila cute are reqniiii! 'n tj auittLu ,iie. with lim yt"t Viiucli!', lutl.euii drrtV'Ued la tlietdy uf haliui, l(i -ld cvuniy, ui alUntai.O'. ulililn .IK rjnu Ii. fro.ri ihia dale, UtltdMny'Jh, Ml Ul 0. C. Kl'.SCY. Admlotttrator. Wrought-Iron Siiisle-Gcar J. I. Case & Co., Improvements for 1877. XX eader, - GI5AR. WAKELEE'S SQUIRRFL AND GOPHER Exterminator ! TBE ORIGINAL AKTICLK! All others are Inferior Imitations I EutTOiia Itunxt. I'asiat Dear Mir J haw lest mudtfan exptrl'ietit ulth prepared polaou fur VlU Init Srinlrreia. piOtlnjt cat a an scU of the folluwlBC poto i A cau uf llamvy'r. a ran tir HUcle'a, aae, a oan of the srttcU -Jilled WakclesV xtrmlnatoc Chi. saa of Waketmt'a kills ss roauy a serru ef qnlrrsl IViUDM, aril as many la tsa cans ef BtsslnV Squirrel Vulmn. uirrei cuinin. i niLMiot? ice reaun win na InweatliiK to your readers. I send it lur their honetU Yur. very rerpectfu'lr, Usy wards, April e, 1970. b. 1-, woenwAon. Pf" In pnrcbajItiR, rare thoaM be naod to order t7t7'jilK.oloo'as. T. A. DAVI8 & CO.. PORTLAND, mcluaU Agtnt. WaKKLi-E'R BATH FOR SHEEP A MNOI.K TlttAti ONLY laueceirary loproTS lis supeilurtffittriicy. M. P. WAJKBZsSB CO., Importers of Drugs and Ciierah als, Aatwrs Atrn itanaukrh goldc.k citt vjumc.il women, spamJ HAN VKANCIftC. The P. P. T. Company's aVtovxiaox' McMINNVIILE WILL LEAVE 'Poi-fliiiKl liir Hiilom Every ntjriAY. ret.tn.lut; on HATUItOAY, i I'OH tt VTO.V . O i MOS'nAY and WEIINKU- D.W; relurniiiii un rUUI).lS ana THLUiDAYS. People, FatroiiizD Your Own Boat! I'lotccllMii rt;nltmt lllab Zlntoi GlKll'.'tllK'Vll. JOHN G. WEIGHT, Dealer la FAMILY GROCERIES, Crockery and Glassware, Wooden and Willow Ware, Tobaooo and Cigars, COMMERCIAL STREET. Haletn, April JO, 1S78. dw BtockholdoiV Manting. JOTCE lalierihvilveiuhat the. Aiin, m-etlax J i(Tari.i'r "'or nLd TraMliiv ('. tvil ronveos t ru'ru'roii WwJiw.r'sr Ih d'li il) nf June at 19 Mock a. hi, lur the p'ir'0.- a.f elulili;' Hiractors nd t.aiiiari,'i inli miitr Lu)i, u umy lujally iue h f7iilit'Piiiir, i'.j urtei if ;L iWet-l , - I.KWW nLEi.tVCY 'f UltMJIt Ojti, J-i VI: .tiff deo-iUv. .1 r ?;j v 1 t u S '. - I