wssusjtw ifv I ' . -,.t -t . a'. r r 3&IMajAETTB FARMER. F ... ""W 1 - ' .biimb.w rwmmm fiBB&SS fl M t, r r t '( i i i m ! s?" p' I Js m '$ fl tf n; i t k k I i -' M -jmm J M- -. I Vjvv5Hr7 BPrr y Krjrtt? IMOBD 1TIBT ntOAT, BT CLARKE Sc OBAIG, PDBLUniBs and raornisTorw. S. A. OliAHKE. . "W. CUAIG. Term or Nnbacrlptlon. One copy, one year (83 nnmbcr) 2.50 One copy, fix month (20 nnmberr) 1.25 Onn ropy, tbtce month (IS numbora) . .75 pALEM, FHIDAY, JUNK 8, 1877. SHEEP AND WOOL-GOATS AND MO HAIR. Tlio wool season Iihh arrived nsnlnnml It Is vory natural to rovort to tho great Import anco of sheep Husbandry nn a burner h and estimate ltd growth and tbo vatuo or tho annual rovonuo thorofrom at tbe prosont tttno. At tho Htato consus taken In 1870 tho number of sheep In tho Stato waa Riven as 6.10,000 and tho wool clip or that year at a trlllo loan than two million pounds. With two successful yosra slnca that lime and tbo naual Increase, tbo number or sheep should now bo very nearly a million and tbe wool clip or the prosent year considerably over three million pound. The cllmato or all the Colombia river region li ezcollently Adapted to aheep hus bandry. It was supposed that wool from Eastern Oregon and Washington would bo Injured by the prevalonoo or alkali In tbe oil, but manufacturers who have used It re poit favorably, and Ibo present year tbo price offered for Eastern wool is not so strongly In contrast with that paid for wool from tho Wlllamotto valley, It Is estimated that a line grado orsheep will pay at least a dollar a head, ouo year with another, over oostofkcoplntf. irtho Increaso will pay all oiponie, (which It will generally raoro than do) then tho wool Is profit. Improved sherp yield lloocoi weighing from 0 to 7 pounds and tho profit on thorn can bo easily estl mated. or courHo too extravagant expectations must not In entortiilnod, It Is enough to know Hist Hbocp husbandry Is a very prellt ablo branch of Statu production tnlcou with all lis dhadventugot or diiuger from scab or dlai-ito. TU'io nro c.i refill and Miccosuful brtu for uni ployed r.tlsing puro liloodod stock lo Icj p up luip'roveuiutit and nun valuablo h it- p costs no morn to kooplhan tho poornst'grado It It not nocossiry to en largo on tho advuutago of iiirtlutululiig con tinual linprofoinont. In tho iloh farming districts of tho Wll lamotto valley fanners cannot afford to keep, as of old, largo bands of nhoep tho land be ing so valuablo for wheat culture, but the value ofsheop In so groat lor fertilising tbo oil and especially Tor cleaning as well as mulching summer-fallow, that every wheat (arm must have enough sheep to accomplish this result to bo fully auccestful. As a con seo.uenoe or this the farmers of tho Willam ette valley will be apt to keep small but choice flock of sheep and use care to Ira- prove them so as to realise the boat quality or wool coupled with the heaviest fleeces. This sys'em carefully pursued for a number or years will tend to Improve tbe breed orsheep sad the oharaoter or wool through the whole tttate. The WllUmetto valley can and ahould become tbo experimental ground for the sheep husbandry of the wholo Slate. A man who owua thousands ot aheep has not tbe opportunity for careful experiment that Is afforded the owner or a vc II Improved farm In Ibis valley, with fields toebsnge them to, stubble and summer-fallow, ss well m ordinary pastures, and shelter fiom atom. It Is then possible for many experi ments In crossing breeds and Improving wool to be tested by Willamette farmers, and it 1 very neoessary lhatauoh testa should be made. Tbe aunoaas or tbe Merino sheep is established, but it may be also shown that a heavier, bod led, long-wnolsd ibeep will yield more profitable lli-eco and furnUh better ruuttou . The circular recently sent to Oregon from Juslloe Ik to man t Co, or Phil adelphla, well known and reliable oo intru sion merchant, in the wool trade, -et sforth the excellent reputation gained for Oregon wools at tho Uoutttuitlalt shows tbo superior value of combing wools that are sot-sally produced In Oregon, and Ultimate that tbero will bs strong competition utuoiig Thllsdel phltt iimim factories for our wool. Our cllmato ami ntlicrcouditinnHnrofitvoi Hblo to nool-growltig nud It I ot the grosrst lirtpjrtnmxi llmt ti.tublUli by kiitltrleut tottt what hlicfp mo itn rsWn Kb t lit grvst ettstt tunl let t-xnt-mii to yli.ld tbo mnt MlNfiio'ory rtMilt. Mr, Mlnto ttuil others In tliU vlolulty lmt Iih.iI nr4t Mii-Cfm with Mtuliut'j Mr. WllkliiK, of Linn county, bus N..A- (.i'oitliulrt; uiIkih Imvo C'ot.wolil uud l.lri-!cr, but wlmt UBfbuuld ucr lulu bnyouil ijiitltlim U: nlmt brtul or crok iiftbfko lrrid will li n bnt rtkultn l,,r wool, b.ith lor wnlgbl of iWfcutuul ieu Utl'itiabrot'lT At It U, our Vool litrnui rank' tlut ol CiliroruU mnl IcUU ixoflltun ruiru, but II wo om wild tn llo iHuru. bycttr.i In brvit-itlu luiirov!d stuck, tiist iiuistMill budjno. l'lnt Aiigorn Krut himI inoblr lt iy com lu i blin of Mtiouiloii, Tl an Is a real f.tnl oltblx tllcy, nml ihrtiuu'li nil Wrt.1 ru lhtwiii siiil WavtiliiK'oii, uhero brunli limU srt uiiiMitluillvH hint wlitw th wild Illy cr-, liNpNpIng tlio urssN, ''hl rtg'nn Ntlih im'ni,l hnum of tbo gnst, I Mtnn-fxUn Mildulri; tint briiHh hi d will .ili.'tou tlit w, il'uand brukh lu prefer i nctttt tint nimlotut i ihti wiowb, Tbts ihii tilrmuiitr-itttl In I'm panture of Mr, ,l J.SIihw, nl.kH to the p ultttitlary, TLo pin b i it, lurnUh nii witlcli of uiNit prt lAirttllitttiiitiiitHiid lu ll-etnrtLttmolisIr, v b n tfs Mr j.vl', whlliH a tt5(mnd tt .t-lU 'ti tni Mnn th'" ilinKt. tlitt prl't 1 1 t.t'tl vud. 'flit Wiui; Ito rso vie un uM ibr Ue toat aaA'W Ate1 to takapalaa to bread the hlh,(TB4efortb- sake of tbe profit to be round la thefleeoej Tbo demand for mohair is be perma nent and Ita value assured, eo those who have brush land (and thore are. millions of acres in tbo valleys and foot-hills and on tbe coast) can afford to glvo tbe goat a fair trln. There Is a small band of choice goats near Salem that tbo owner expects will average at loast $2 b0 per head for ench fleoco. Wo con fsss that wo havo always taken tbo M'.orlei told about goats and tho proGIs of gom raising with many grains of allowance, until tboexperloncoof tboso ongagod Inbreeding thorn warrants tho conclusion that they possoss groat valuo both for aubdulng brush lands and for tho valuo oftholr mohair. One- groat advantago seems to ho possfHjd by thogont In common with tho mule, In not being subject to dlnoaso. Tho goat It i hoalthy croaturo, long lived and not allllclo I wlthmany irauy orthollls other ilesli Is bolr to, and though troublesomo whore fonoes aro not good, it Is tho mostdocllo and gentle of all domestic animals. One other point of material Important relates to the sale and disposal ot our wool and mohair, for tbo time is at hand when Oregon mohair will be largoly for sale Duyera come here to get our wool and take it East and sell for a profit. If wo could bull- our staples oral! sorts and offer largo lots for sale It undoubtedly would be loouradvor tage. It Is to our advantago as a people to ship onr wools on consignment to some good bouse at the best wool market nnd havtflui sold for our account to tho best advantajy. Mr. Wllklns shipped his wool to sdvanlsge last year ;and proposos to do so again sshe received satisfactory results. Such belngtbe caso every man could ntlord to let a portion ofhlsollpgo Kaatto (out thosdvisablllty of shlpmontou wool-growors account, and If successful It would bo only reasonable (o continue illroot wool shipments in the future, Squirrels and Gopher. Tburo is rosily groat dovastallon rommll tod lu tho firming districts by squirrels who oat tbo growing stalks of whoU and ovn nn d afterwards destroy largo quantities of tho rlpoulnggrnlti, and ulso by tb burrowing gophorstbat work underground. Thong gregato of louses by tlioso pints would noton- ish our readers If It could bo arrived nt. Now U tho llmo to destroy tbrtu, boforo they find froth grain no tomptlcg that I hoy will refimn poltou. Ah soon as this rainy weather coaxo every man who millers from (his causo should low no tlmo in putting out poison. Siiino prepare mixtures for them helves hut not hardly ns Bnfu aud effectual rn that olfored for sale. Wo hear good report from Uodge's Squlrrol nnd tiophor Poison, and havo row trloi It successfully cuuolvia for two years on the worst kind off qulntl Infested ground. It surprises many that they do not llnd the dead aqulrrela nud Uioy perhaps dgubt Its efiloaoy on that account , Wo nevor found but one dead iquirrel where we must havo killed buudreds, They died In their holes, as waa shown by tbe presence of blue tiles going in and out, as well as by the fact that no farther depreda tions were committed until a new Immigra tion came In, for they are migratory animhls and will come In continually from abroad. Wakelee's Hqulrrel and Gopher l'olson Is reported as alto very enVctual and those who use It report sudden death tit all animals that eat It. We have received fnr trial a cn of It from Messrs. T. A. Davis A Co., and in tend to make use of It as soon a the rains cease. It Is not rnuoa use tmtilinr out wiulr rel poison when It rains, lioiu these poisons are very enVctual, and while we have tried one wa have received aufnnlsnt evidence that tbe other is also good. Wbeat will be worth money next rail and la worth saving to count into ro'a. OitTiuoic. A correspondent writes us that while old Mr. Adams and wife who live in tbe hills tea miles south or Salem, sre probably on their death tieds, some persons came with a ragman, siuir-tl with straw, and hung it on tbe porch or the house. This act really troubled the old people, and nelgliuora think It wa done as a refieo Ion nn their son, Jetse Adams, who has oharge or them. The care or the old pople, and expense or modlual attend'ncti hss oorue very hard on Mr. Jk Adams, and hss cripplxl his means, a we happen to know, snd this act was cruel and uo doubtuncalled for. Ten-bcsdod AuMrillau wheal, that pon from six to seven feet high, and headed out, groMsou Mr. O, Dickinson's place, North Stlcui, It prmnlies a vy heavy yield. Very Deairable Property for Sale. Nlnoty.threo sort- nf land on SaIoiu Tral- rln, iH-Jr tbo Fair Ground, will bit told uta gient bargain ton j urcl asor. Tor terms and other InforuuUou ;ln(iu!ri rf H, A. Clsrktt, st tlitt oitl(. rloiu. nmmummmimMmantmmmwwmmnmmmmmnmm Fax in? aud liitul lot Salu. IOKFKIt KOIt S i.n UNK V, IVill M'Mr., tiki IH III IBlllVll I'll, l'll in l.tnl, .uu 10II lrt I'lia t Hill mi. Kb.iii M it tlt imtit ip no t'tty. .!, sIkhiI I Kill ttoro i f V1XHI I.aM), tonii' f tho I'i'.i alirj m l"iu-r I'a'ii l.-iml tn lliu rouiiW, u KiiinOfii lit lull mil bnuh JUj TinMcr f mr urvpuxl ftnn inn Uo milt cm ef tl, llil hc 'T rol.tii), Wunl t ikoII Hut ulinc lot tojdb vr. Tlil IjiiU Utlluutvl In t.-no rutitiSr, t,Hit ii mllfKfii'iu lll'llt'l.'Hy. tut lx icrnn rit-rll. JjS Mint V II . O.NN, AV?- ('?. osi Wanted! l'KRKU'M 1HID VO'l 37133.0 "WOOlBl JOIE1V W.'tTllillERT. Jttao8, li'Tait tA M. wmnamrnwimwi BBaVBVIBxaUBsaaaVBBaVBBaaaaaaaa1 mumti JUMKM& 1 SMaaBBaWsVar I'i'llVJ'J MEM WOOL "WMOLt&&, L. & E. MIK8II, Notice. flllirt nnimtl miMlne t'fllis PlncVhilt'rr of the J. I.ti t- (Vuni) M.ifj'l') ,((wltlnu lll tiohtM ii Kit'ir.twtirtti llt'l In 44K'i.i' (M, in toinvMliy Jiih I3ib, Hi in u'rlin-k a it ,' '-.( i'diF irv nnur-i n ina'ii'iil CliOHOK HK1!IAV. n'.tnt', 'JUf'A ISIVl l'iut tit. BAJLUni. Tho IIlGlinST marmot price mil for anj-n-ronnt of Wool. .'uno 1 3 Leo Willis, Bnns tiAVK to om.tiik ATrnsTioN op tliu public to III i vw luik nf Pianos and Organs, In iters n J r t tve, hlch nro ollVnil at Gi'uatly - Roditood. Price, cltar jir eahor cji lutlulicnlf.j i h mi stcci; or ' ' teg Books and Stationery In aUo COMPLETE, and III be iu'd at crlcts to suit tbe time. Will fara''i, thorl no'lc. any Itook nnbllihod Is Ibe Unit d 'it. at pulll.hf r" rale-, OnlrnMillclltnl. aua an vxmlbatlou ul liU itook retpectf illy liiTltrd. LEO WILLIS, apsins ttitoStrctt, Snloxu, 1004. 1077. This OHly St rid If Wholesale Drug Houe H OffROR. T. A. DAVIS fe CO., 71 From Nli-eei, 'MtTUANU. (iHCO'N, Otrm TO THE DRt'O AND (lENritil. MKR thiuJIta trade a coui,tv kMortoittii of Drugs. Patent Medicines, Fine Chemicals, Glassware, Shop Furniture, and Druggists' Sundries. Al.10, WINDOW GLASS, Ot a I rUa uili iaiI'1. , WHITE LEA13, Of ill tho It'UlliiR tir.uir'i', it, in. i int'l kec-, COLORS IN CANS and DTIV. Putty, 1 ninpb tide, Red Load, tluo. VARNISHES, nrlii'.liisll i".nvt Unml f r nU l'lii ?r' ntc. IMInU MhUvuasb, and V.irnlD ilrthltiK, I,l,.sKi:i OIL, liilnir:Waudk-iif. TuriHiitlnc, Cn:il tills Castor (Ml. Lard Oil, .NeatVfbiii Oil. Fish Oil, AlOOllOl, In turrvu and ttt e tllMo, Sulphur. Castile Jtoup, Coined' ruu-it Ljc, iuiuli. 33tttomai all lcixcf. Quioksilver and Strychnine. TATl, In Quart, llairoallcu. Ou-aUm, nd KoGal'oa Can au4 IUrrrl, etc , tie. We art AginU tot Urvirnn nJ Wathlrjlon Terr iwy ftir THE AVERILL PAINT, THE UUr MIXKt) r.Vl.ST IN UsE for Ualtlfr dt'a mti h rp M. MaWUfa fbeep Hats and "nuI rrl ' ". tJ e a aad Ja)ss rrrlri rj U.UitUcv. ltrm W.biirojf sio.tfmm Crl laril. Iha ra abler U I" rt'Bprlr with itiTlnlXfl on Ibe l"uL it acoJrviiltoo.ui uuritii.o vti i prove. iu) czaGLaavn ami i 1 1 w w ,ai,uM nun ,ni nn, iiM USE THE. IN THE WORLD! Be not IDeoeiveca. ! See that onr Trade Mark is on oaokFaoIiage! I i o o in e P GO I i s PURE WHITE, FOR INSIDE 'AND OUTSIDE WORK; jet uiaoic j ana ATiTi COLORS. TJLVxLe5L FLGCtLsr for tta AND EASILY APPLIED. For Sale by (bu AgcnlNt JOHN HUGHES, Salem, HODGE, SHELL & CO.- WholoMile nrugglMlN, ana UealerN lu I'mIhIk, OIIn, and Clara, XP.TSyHONThTHEKT. . , . . - FQgtTIiAKrP. Or. AND PACIFIC THRESHING AIACHINE COJUIV MAJJUFAOT0UKL8 OP f ' !--. i i i. - t - i-b- '" cn"t .-fn'w- - -- r 1 Tr-- -, - -1 B.l- l-J I k: ""., M SB IIIM II I ll I -r- . i I - - - T -- ' " t-t.- -i wj.-m i i f -i -". 5riJNttvtifc3. PELTOM'a SIX-FOLD HOH8E-POWKKS na uouuiorDjiunco boparuiors 1IET- I-IVV."'0"?"." K i-KJl, OIlKtlllN. 7, U78. n. J'ULIoN. PitCSinHNT; J. wr.1 "'V;'"'!"' II. Uaiu-MTSS, ftvtrtitary. ,4f- ibuuovloi- e AV au SkKju toft Lvvj'tiie'in u "v "V00.!" " ,l,,.1'; '' "i ' u oi" mi--1 jmk. mud for cliVubi. bANhs aut WtAtA. Vor lurttcr jjarUculart, kddrw. ttio,.fficu uantd.lioc or tiuuwrcmuBii. Maim, Marcn 3-!y Establislied 1840. JLK. -V. Q. fc9lSXM.02SS Original Liver Medicine. FOH All DlJKiSE-j OP THE LIVEU. 80UIN N Ess OP TUB bl OMACH, Lubi OP AI'PK, XITS.SICK HEADACHE, WO. ETC, l'UICV, una Dollar. T. A, DAVIS, i CO. Ur;rclii,l Prcst Si. l,t a;d, a,iJal-,,u- Aititii f.r Orwu. UK. K. V. VMASBX, Oalc OiulMiU Uoet. au Malri. ' WBUlJ- HODOH'S Gopher and Squirrel-Killer. BUllE AND DEUAIILE FoKTHEDESTHUCTION OK GOPtlElte, fcQUIUUKL3, KAT8, Mlt't, CJtUWs, iC. Safer, Retlt-r, nud hrnper Ihaa Mocliuluv, IMiosiHiuiUM. r Nvnic, or olhr prepura- tfoua uh u alMgltt trial will coiiviuc-e. SOU) UY DIALEICOtNSKAlLV, AhD hX HODGE, SNELL V CO., Wholesale Druggihta Not. 73 Front aw li PIm SU., roHTLlMS. aautefc .At!fasifciw i