Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, June 08, 1877, Image 3

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' "
py a' wflpjr'
One Kind fortius Uumaa Family.
Tito otbcr for Horses and Ani
mals. Thcso Liniments aiu elmply tho wonder of th
world. Their effect aro little lcn than marvellous.
Tho White Liniment la Tor tho tinman fami
ly. It will drlvo Ithcumatlm, Sciatica and Ncnralgla
torn tho f ten; enrca Lumbago. ChlUblalnv, Lock
jaw, Palsy, Itch and mot Cutaneous Eruptions; It
itracta frost from frozen hands or feet, and tho pot
ion of bites and stings of cnomons reptiles; It sub
dues swelling, and alleviates pain of every kind.
When sprains or bruises occur, It Iti tho most potent
remedy over discovered U heal tho Injured parts.
Tho Centaur Liniment Is used with (treat efficacy for
Sore Throat, Toothacc, Caked Breaets, Ear
ache and Weak Back. Tho following Is but a sam.
vile of numerous testimonials:
"Indiana Hoict, Jzrr, Co., Ind;vM.l,??!'1,?'h
"I think it my duty to Inform you that 1 have r.
tared mnch with swollen feet and chords. A few
botlleo of Ocnttur Liniment has done tho work for
int. I havo not been freo from these eweUlnw In
eight years. Now I am porfectly well. Tho Llnl
m,r,t ought to h. applied wjiAJUN DR0WN."
The proof la In the trial. It Is reliable, It la handy,
it la ehcap, and every family should havo tho Whlto
cotanr Liniment.
The YcIIaw Cetar Liniment is adapt
ed to tho tough muscles, cords and lloiu of horses
aed animals. It has performed moro woaderful cures,
Ja three years, of Spavin, Strain, Wind-galls, Scratch
, Sweeny, and general Lameness, than all other
remedies In existence. Read what thegteat Express-
"Nxw YonK, January, 16.1.
Every owner of horses should giro tho CNrAun
Liniment a trial. Wo consldir it tho best article ov
r used In our stables. u..n v v
"II. MAHMI, Supt. Adams Ex. Stables, J,. 1 .
-K I'ULTZ. Sunt. U. a. hx. Stables. N.Y.
"ALUKKT S. OlilN, Supt. tfat. Ex. Stables, N. Y."
Tli best patrons of this Llnlmmtaro Fanlcrsand
Tctrlnary Surircons, who aro continually using some
Liniment. It heals Oalls, Wounds and Poll-ovll,
removes Swellings, and Is worth million of dollars
annually to Farmers, Llvcry-mcn, Stock-arowcrs,
Bhccpralsors, and tlioso having horses or cattle.
What a Farrier cannot do for $20 Iho Centaur Lin
iment will do at n trilling cost.
These Liniments aro sold by all dealers throughout
tho country. They aro warranted by tho proprietors,
and a bottle will bo ghen to any Farrier orl'hyslclan
who desire lo tost thtm.
Laboratory of J. 1). IIobi: & Co.,
40 Dsr St.. Nxw Yoiik.
Pitcher's Caetorla la a complcto substltnte
fcr Castor Oil, and la as pleasant to Uko as Honey.
Jt la particularly adapted to Teething and IrrtUblo
hlldren. It destroys worms, assimilates tho food,
regulates tho Stomach, and cure Wind. Colic. Few
remedlc aro a emcacloo for l'oTcrlshncsi, Croup,
Wormfand Whooping Cough. Castorlals a iclentt
c and purely vegetable preparation, moro effcctlvo
than Castor Oil and neither gags nor grlDCS1. Prepar
ed by Messrs. J. 11. Ho.b .t Co., 40 Dey Street, Now
Tork, from tho rcclpo of Samuel Pitcher, M. D., of
Barnstable, Mass,
Xiuoxus small,
Successor to J. M. Kzm.su & Co.,
95 Ubertr t., - - NKW VonK,
CoiiihiIhmIoii Afjont
Now York via Isthmus, Paciac Hallroid, nno
cano Uorn. all kinds of Merchandise, and for the sale
ofvroduct from tho Pacific coast, for the eoUection
at moncr. Ac. oclt,,
Sorow Worm.
Foot Rot,
Parasites that infest Sheep.
Improves the Health
fW One gallon Is enough for one hundred to two
aan-tred Sheep, according to their ago, strength, and
It 1 put up in FIVE-GALLON CANS-Prlce, $13
Bend for circular, to
T. A. DAVIS & Co.,
Wholesale Acetate for the State.
Or to voar nearest Retail Druezist. mvft
Rohrer's New Romedy
roa twm ZiUKM
X ao eeoal in the relief and euro of Coughs , Colds,
Aataaaa, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Mea
am, Ac It has produced some remarkable cures.
Sold br druegUu irrnerallv. Prepared only by
JtHRI I.. MIlHVyV. TUnnmnnlh Or..
waoaa all letter of busines should be addressed,
jr. a. UTRATToar ,
Attorney at Law,
oaiMattaHrtetJJeeDoelie tat BesatU Boat. 1
xggggj)sT.touis,May Qfy
Washington, May 30--Tho President
will sustain tho action of Geo. F. Seward,
U. S. Minister to China, in suspending
from ofllco Mr. Myers, consul general at
Shanghai, for instigating tho publication
of certain libelous stotles regarding Sow
nrd. Myers will bo removed from office.
Spbinqfikld. III., May 29. Tho trial
of tho Lincoln tomb robbers has begun."
Columbia, b. u. May su. tiio houbo
last night by a vote of CO to 20 refused to
admit tho ontlroChnrlcston delegation of
17 members, 15 colored and 2 white, in
cluding Speaker Mackey, of the Cham
berlain House.
CuiCAao, May 30. Decoration day
hero and in tho whole northwest was ox
tenslvely observed.
The Chicago Post publishes nn account
of thodrawiugof a jury in the Sulllvan
Hunford murder trial, which, If true,
shows that tho Jury was organized from
gumblcrs, thieves mid burglars, who were
promised Immunity from the police in
return for a verdictof acquittal.
Chicago, May 20. Lieut. Gen. Sheri
dan has a dispatch from Red Cloud
ngeucy, contlrmlng tho nows of the In
dian engagement reported last night.
Two runners hnvo come in to tho'agency,
giving the particulars of the location,
killed and wounded, tho samo ns In tho
Bismarck dispatch, and saying that
Sitting Bull led tho band which was at
tacked. Louisville, May 29. Tho largest
crowd over assembled on the Louisville
course witnessed Ten Brocok's effort to
beat tho best two mllo tlmo on record.
Ills companion for the first mile whs St.
Louie, und for tho seoond mllo Nellie
Hall. Ho was ridden by Walker, his
jookoy, and uuido tho distance- In :i:27J.
live seconds better than Truo Blue's and
three seconds quicker than McW'hirtcr's
yesterday. Thero was an extraordinary
scene of enthusiasm and delight at tho
close of this event.
The second race, mile dash for three
year old, Dank won, Mahletco second,
George Ham, third Gentleman's cup,
mile and eighth, Leamliigtoniuu, won
Kllbotirno second, time, two minutes.
For tho next race, mllo heats, Grit had a
want over. Tlio Just
race, nillu mm
eighth, Mahcletiu
time 1:07.
won, (Jrlt bccuiul,
Ni:w Yoinc, May III. Gov. Ileudrlekswlll
Bill for Europe Juno 13th.
Washington, May 30. In connpctlon with
Gon. Butler's statement in tho Now York
Sun tbnt ho novor owned nor oxpoctod to
own an inch of lutid In Colorado, It may bo
stntod that on record in Pueblo county up.
poors a warranty deed from Wm, Ondg to 11.
F. Utttlor for 71,000 aoros. Tho deed is dat
ed April 20, 1S77; consideration, $30,000.
Chicago. May 31. A dispatch received
this morning at Gen. Sheridan's Load quar
ters from Lieut. Clark, dated Hod Cloud
agoncy, May i!9, statos that altor a careful
Investigation ho consldora the part of the
Choyenne story rotating to sitting Dull ab
solutely false, that chlof being north of tho
Yellowstone, and probably north of tho
Mlaaourl. Tbo rest of the Choyenno report
appears to be founded on fact, tbouah there
is no certainty about 1L Probably Lame
Door'a village was captured and tho yerslon
of the affair given correct.
The haw grand Jury la investigating some
remarkable ohargea made by the Poet, and
apparently wbll substantiated, In subBtatioe
they aro that tho lato Sulllvan-Ilanford oaao
was trlod bofore a Jury packed through tho
connivance of ballltr, bunko steerors,
thieves, and police acting under instructions
from Superintendent Ulekey; that tho may
or was concerned In the business directly
through his wicked partner in bnslncm. In
return for this sorvlce tho tnlovoi and scala
wags received iwrmlsulon to ply their trade
unuolestod, and that thoy were organized
into repeating bauds on election duy, an un
der direction of tho woll known Crook voied
systematically for tho proeut city govern
iiionl; that Sullivan aided thotu us u rocoin.
peni-o for tholr work lor him, ntul that bo
kMcs Uioeo fuels, which have been sworn to
bofore the grand Jury to-day others of equal
atuudhig and character aro forthcoming.
Portland. Out., May ill. Tho housoof Al.
oxandor Snyder was destroyed by lire last
night. Two children were hiireed to death.
Now York, May 31. A Montreal apodal
says the loss by lire yesterday Will reuch
Now York, June 1. Kratus llrooks to day
announced his retirement from tho actlvo
management of the Kvenlng Express, at tho
uloso of II years of JotirnalUtlo endeavor.
Ills valedictory says there aro at least 112
Now York City Journals moro now than
thero wore '-J5 years ago, and that with tho
constantly Increasing expenses ot daily Jour
nalism tho changes aro that thero will be as
many published hero 25 years houco as now.
Chicago, Juno 1, Tho Journal's Washing
ton special nays; "Uonoml Duller said to
your correspondent to-day ho thought ho
knew bettor than tho press whethor hu own
ed land In Colorudo. Tho deed of record
mentioned In tho dispatch Irom Colorado
is simply security for a debt duo, which will
bo canceled wheu tho debt is paid. Tho Gen
eral also btoutly dofeuded Kvarts for contin
uing his law practice, assorting It Has his
duty to finish up ongageinouts boforo coming
Into ofllco. lie deouiod criticism on his
course unjust."
Soauton, Pa., June 2 Tho Republican this
morning lias the following particulars of tho
wrecking of a train last night on the Lehigh
Valloy railroad: The first intimation the en
gineer had of the accident was a violent rock
tug ol the train. A mlnuto later the first of
tho passenger cars mounted tho forward
trunk, on which it rested and was precipitat
ed down an embankment a distance of 10
feet, together with three other coaohet, laden
with passengers. The coupling broko, leav
ing the ongluo and ono baggage car in safe
ty on tho track. The painful scene which
followed ba files description. A wall of an
guish rent the air as the passengers dragged
themselves from the debris of the wreck.
The four cars were smashed in plccoa,and
many passengers were pinned down in most
excrutlating positions. Mrs. Homer, of
aoranion, ana Airs. Ulekey, orTonawanda,
were killed and several others aavernlv in.
Jorod, four orthem fatally. Mostof the In
jured are said to belong to Tonawanda and
vicinuy. a miraculous escape la recorded
In the case of Mrs. Cool, of West FltUton.
who, together with bor three chlldred. warn
among the passengers, and passed through
the wreck with only a few slight scratches.
The work of caring for the passengers was a
trying and fearful one, owing to the distance
they had to bo removed. Assistance was
rendered aa promptly as possible, and every
thing was done that could be accomplished
to aaausge pain of the sufTerers.
Scrauton, Pa., June 2. A special train
with the body of tin, Ilower is just here.
Two persons were Instantly killed by the ac
cident, and seventeen wounded. Sue of the
Injured are not expected to recover.
New Orleans, June 1. Ex-Governor Pack
ard ia dangerously 111 with congestive chills.
His physician forbid his receiving yUkors,
ueesagea or lvtton.
Lontdon. Mav 29. The Telegram's dls-
patcli from Bucharest says t Humors aro
current here in political rind diplomatic
circles respecting tho possibility of an
arrangement through tho mediation of
Germany. Tho fact, that Prlnco Gorts
ohnkoft' will accompany tho Czar Is as
serted tohoapaclfloBymptom. The Im
pression gains dally that Bussia, moro
than over, desires a speedy solution iof
the present complications.
ItAausA, May 29. Tho anti-Turkish
movement in Bervlu has escaped all con
trol. Prlnco Milan finding he was be
coming dangerously unpopular has been
forced to prepare for war despite strong'
remonstrances of foreign representatives.
AloxlnaU and other towns on tho fron
tier aro being hastily fortified and a
speedy resumption of hostilities is re
garded as certain.
Vienna, May 29. Emperor Francis
Joseph and tho Cznr will niect at Harm
nustud. Count Schouvalofl recently
informed Prlnco Bismarck that Ilussia,
indcmninoatioii or. war exppnscs
would eventually claim Upper Armenia
ns far as Kara, and excluding Erzcroum
so as not to luterfero with English inter
ests on tho Euphrates, provided England
remained neutral.
Wildest rumors aro In circulation con
cerning tho condition of afTuir at Con
stantinople. It 1b said a conspiracy has
beon discovered against tho dynast with
ramifications in the provinces. A court
martial Is Bitting with closed doors. Tho
only certain fact is that Mamoud Hamad
Pasha Insists upon draftlngnll tho Softas
into tho army. '
LiVKiiPooii, May 29. At tho reception
in this city, Grunt was called on for his
views on American polities. Ho declined
to glvo thorn at length, saying that what
ever ho said whethor fuvorahlo or unfav
orable might be misconstrued. Hayes
deserved tho esteem and confidence of
all Republicans while trying his experi
ment iu thu South, nothing could bo
moro unpatriotic thuu n premature
quarrel with him on tho suspicion that
ho meant to Johnsonlso tho ltepubllcau
party, lie commended tho personal
character of ex Gov. Clmmbeilaiu, of
South Carolina, and ex Marshal I'ucknrd
f Louisiana. Thu llrst, hu said, wus u
brilliant scholar, and tho second, a man
of great ability und honesty. Ho hoped
tho experiment of Hayes would not
disappoint those Republicans who feared
general eatuHtrophc.
Loudon, May 31, It is understood tho
corporation ol London will prei-eut Gun.
Grant tho hnnor.uy freedom of tho city in a
gold box. After tho presentation tho corpo
ration will entertain Uon. Grunt at Dijuuer
at Guild Hall. A formal Invitation will bo
sont him in a fow days.
Vlonna, May 31. ThoTagblntt stales that
Mukhtar Pasha has boon dismissed irom
coinmaud, and will be court-martlalod for
representing that he had equipped an army
ofuO.frOO mon, wheroas ho only had 30,000 at
his disposal.
The Times' Buoharost dispatch lays tho
weather Is now dry and hot. No veryaorlous
resistance to the actual crossing of the
Danube la apnrehendtd, as the fortresses
will be avoided aud want of proper organi
zation renders tho Turkish -armies un
wieldy. Large masses of Turks to (lay made
a fifth attempt to establish batteries, opposito
Islatz, but woro driven away by Itonmanlan
London, May 30. A dispntoh from Krze
roum, Tuesday, doner I bos the position or tho
opposing armies as follows: Tho Russian
right wing is at Nlsslsslponeck. aud thu ad-
VAiiui guard thoreof has roaohod Kalldagli.
Cavalry 'patrols bolonulnii to tho Russian
comer havo advancod as far as Vesluvaisan.
Tho lelt wing Is now only (1,000 strong, and
tho main body thereof is at Utchkllllsa. Thn
advance guard has had sklriul6hcs with thu
Turks at Topruk Kaloh.
&t. I'etorauurg, May 31. An olllolal dlv
pitch from tho armv of tho Caucasus. Mav
UDth, says on Monday Gon. Oklobdilo, com
manding operations against 11 ttoum, ordor
ed his advance guard to too loll bank of tho
heights on tho left of the Turkish Hue. The
eutorprUo was accomplished. Meantime do-
taclimontH ascended Klntvlsoh, aud nfcer
great dlfllcultv established a position about
tour miles (rem ICalztibant, thus cutting otf
communication uetweon isntoum and the
population of Kabellte district. Tho Hushlaii
Iosn In both enterprises whs four killed and
thirty wounded.
London, May 31. Tho Turkish foreign
minister has telegraphed tho Fortu's repre
sentatives abroad as follows: . Ardahain,
which was recently occupied by the Russi
ans, has been recaptured by Ottoman
New York, May .11. Tho Times corrospon
dent within tho Turkish lines describing
Turkish dllatorinoss, reports that on tho 0th
of May, 300 Krupp guns were!lurrleit In the
snow on tho road botwoou Trobhumd and
Krzeroum. It is known that theco liuvo nut
since been mounted, from which it I believ
ed tho Turks aro not adequately pronartd to
retail the Ruxslau advance through Songalu
passes to Krzoroiim plains.
Chicago, May 30. The Intor-Ocean's Lon
don special says: I havo lust been a tele
gram to a prominent merchant of London
Irom a broker In Coustantluoplo who slates
that tho impression exists In commercial
circles that tho war will be ofahortduratlon.
Tho Porto contldontly expected aid from
England, which la not yet forthcoming, and
late defeats havo had such a depressing
eflect that any fair proposal would likely be
Two Austrian monitors arrivod this morn
ing in sight of Belgrade,
A special Irom Constantinople says in con.
sequenco of tho demonstration of 3,000 Sof
tas, the Grand Vlsler consented to tho dis
missal of Redlf Pasha.
London. May 31, Tho Dally Telegraph
has the following from Uatoum on Wednea.
day: The Ruasians yesterday attacked the
Turkish positions here: notwithstanding the
large force which tho Russlaus brought to
the attack aud their perslatenoo against a
gallant tire of Ottoman artillerv and Infan.
try, they were Anally repulsed, leaving great
numbers of dead and wounded. The en
gagement lasted ten hours, during which
time very close oombaU took place.
The Dally Telograph'a Erzeroum special
oonflruasitno report the Russian ,'eft wing
was repulsod in an attack on Karakillosu,
London, June 1. Bucharest specials say
the steam tug at FJainanda, British proper
ty and dying the British flag, was sunk by
order of the Russian commanding oUlcer.
Landsfield has addressed a note to the Kou
msnlan government asking an explanation.
The TcltgrapK'a correspondent with the
headquarters of Mnkbtar Pasha bofore Erze
roum telegraphs Wednesday: The army Is
in readlneas to begin the advance, and co
operation baa been arranged with the Turk
lab troops at present ia front of Olth
Bucuabmt, MaySl.-Graad DukeNlcbo
llaa telegraphed lb Czar asking whether
Wadar U cJieuOMtaaeea b wuf jKMtjpoet
, roaiHW
his visit. Meanwhile, however, everything
Is so ordered aa to be in readiness for his re
ception on June Gth.
London June 1. His Royal Highness, tho
Prince of Wales with Gen. Grant, loft Vic
toria Railroad Station for Epsom by special
train at ono o'clock. Count Munstor. Ger
man embassor, Duko of Hamilton, Lord
Dudley and sovoral othors went by the samo
London, Juno 1. Tho vlaofo-lmen'can
SrVmMBUtofl that a dlnnor to General Grant
has been arrangod at the United Servleo
club which a reproaentativotof tho British
army and navy. This honor is only tender
ed to olhcors of tho highest destination.
Othor military clubs havo followed tho ox
ample or tbo United Service Inviting tho
Gonoral to boco'tio in honorary member.
Among political clubs tho way bos boon lod
uy tno iiororm ciuu.
CittcAoo, Juno 1. Tho Times' London
special reiterates in forclblo languago that all
the talk of a probability of speedy pooco is a
moro stock Jobbing schouip; that a gonoral
war was novor moro Imminent than now.
Ho quotes the recent dobate in Parliament In
which the Mtnistorof tho Interior Cross, and
Northeoto took prominent parts, and declares
that their belligerent ideas, being glvon pub
licity by moans of widosproad naming post
ers, have kindled anti-GIadstono inovouient
throughout the kingdom that bid fair lo nul
lify all poaoo projects. Ho has Information
from tho principal European cities of nows
that strongly confirms this. British diplo
macy Is working energetically to fustrato a
Gorman-Itallaa alllaaco and throw Italy in
to line Austria. Russia is vigorously striv
ing to neutralize English diplomacy, defer
ring an answer to Derby until Bismarck
It and Austria have chosen their course
The Times in a leading articlo says:
"Gladstone Is now pro omlnontly tboLlboral
loador, or, lot ussy with his opponents, tho
Radical leader, all that has tho truo and
olearrlng or liberalism In tho country; all
thatiay bo counted upon to enduro and
baveJMght in any futuro contest between
tho two great parties or tho Stato, now at
taches Itsoirto bis name."
St. Pktkiuiiuiui, Junol. Adhuntoh from
headquarters of tho army of Caucasus, says
u moro psciilu fooling la noticeable In front
of Batoum tho Inhabitants are surrendering
tholr arms to tho Russian authorities.
An uprising has occurred in Lorok district,
Tho Insurgonts wero dispersed by troop; In
surgents lost 60 killed and 100 wounded.
London, Juno 1. A Vlonna coriesondont
says tho Turks do not seem to bo abloto tvko
advautsgo or tho delay of tho Rttvdan army
In Asl.i, All accounts agroo that tbo condi
tion of tholr forces Is worso than Is generally
believed. With tho exception of arms thoy
lack o cry thing requisite for an army in tho
Hold. Thero is scarcely any reserve stack of
ammunition, ospoolally for artillery. It Is
Impossible to romody all thotoshortoamlngs
botoro tho RusMsns iidvancoon Krzoroum,
Erzeroum, Juno 1. During tbo night of
May 21HH tho Russians dofoated and rotitod
Manssa Pasha's Circassians atllokli Ahmed.
noir KaiB. Bokll Ahmod was burnod. Kars
la amply provisioned, but as a precautionary
moasuro the garrison has boon nut on half
Kara Is nomplotolv Invented. Telearanbio
communication coasod two days ago.
iietaoumenui irom ivaraKoiissa and xopraK
Kaleh nro falling baok upon Dellbaba beforo
tbo advanoo of tho Russian left wing. A do
taohmont from Van to relnfnren Mukhtar
Pasha Is expectod at Hassan Kaloh. Ado
taohmont from the Russian center is march
ing to Intoroept It.
Now York, June 3. Tho Times' Constan
tinople correspondent says: "Interviews
with several olllcemoonvlhoe me that bribery
and corruption aro now going on so greatly
that Turkish suocoss Is Impossible. Thoro
aro no horsos, no monoy, no order of man
agement. All carrlago horsos hayo beon
solzed. Moro Softas havo beon oxppllod.
Tho Sultan Is a nonentity, with 300 women
and 6,000 porsons of all ulatsos to feed, Tho
strain on tho troasury Is onormous. Thoro
is no patriotism among olllclals.
TMIf.niPft I..MU -. ri'lirfk Im.w IImii.iIi.
spoclal Irom Loudou says little faith li placed
In poaco rumors, Loudon papers think
Russia will bo tho first to makeuvorturus
but thoro Is no doubt dlsalloctlou at Stain.
bout and dofeat at Kars nro playing sad
havoc. With thn resolution of tho Porto to
tight thn war out on Its merits, tho Mar Is
dully assuming a moro religious ohuractor on
elthornlde and hence will be moro relent
loss, bitter aud horrible, Hliold thu powers
Intervene now Iho only eirect will probably
bo to dellno their positions. Tho London
Times says to-day,
San Fiuncikco, May 30 Crop reports
from all the prlucipul points In thontutc
show that thu recent rains havo u bene
llclul eflect gonerully on tho Into sown
grain ami Improved tlio prospect for feed.
Somo damage resulted from lodging early
sown grain und wetting hay cut, but on
thu whole tho harvest promises rather
butter than at tho date of last report.
Experts nro estimating tho surplus
wheat this season nt two and three liuii
drcd thousand tons, but it Is probably
rather early yet to approximate very
A San Diego dispatch says tho Indians
murdered a mall carrier tlireo miles oust
of Camn Bowie, Arizona, yesterday.
Llout. . West with 111 men pursued unit
overtook tho Indians, but found them too
strong, aud retired.
San Jo.sk, May 29. About 10 o'clock
last night tho Jury In the HuukH-Nuglee
breach of promise case, returned a verdict
In favor of tho jiluliitlir for $27,000. Thu
amount sued lor wuh $.10,000. At tho
llrst count ten of tho Jury wero In favor
of giving tho woman tho whole amount
asked for, ono In favor of $15,000, and ono
$20,000. Tho lust named each went as
high us $25,000 und compromised on thu
difference. Tho verdict created consid
erable surprise and It Is thought thut had
Bhofiued for $100,000 tho Jury would hnvo
given her threo fourths or the amount.
Tho case will be appealed.
San Franolsoo, May 31. D. M. Knowlton
committed suicide at the Russ House to-day
by taking strychnine. Deceased was Assist
ant Adjutant General of tho Grand army of
the Republic, and had boon employed as
bookkeeper by the superintendent of con
struction in the U. S. Appraiser's stores, but
had been out or employment Home mouths
and somewhat embarrassed In circumstanc
es, ilia brother, Professor Knowlton, tho
well-known teacher or elocution, states that
the suicide was probably the result or men
tal dspresstoa, constquont upon ludalfiouco
iu drink for a few days past.
The bark Mary Belle Roberts, of this port,
was seized at Honolulu fominuuu-llniroijiuui
and condemned by tho Hawaiian govern,
ment. Capt. Gray was lodged In the insane
asvlnm at Honolulu, being crazy from the
eBecU of drluk.
Han 1tmuc!bco. Juno 1. Arizona advices
report the murder of mall carrier and milita
ry telegraph rerulrers near Camp Bowie.
Troops are in pursuit. There is much alarm
among citizens.
Victoria. June 8. A snrvl vnr nt thn wi-aaV
or the lost steamship George S. Wright has
at Uat beea dlwwwtd, m H M JadtaB
named Coma, and was a coal heaver on boat d .,,
He was recognized on the street at Nanalmo
on Friday, arrested and brought lo Victoria,
yesterday. The Colonist of to-day says:
Since tho disaster Coma has constantly evad
ed tho police, and until quite recently It wsa
not known that there existed a single survi
vor oi iue wreca. Aoout a lortnignt ago ne
ventured Into Nanalmo, wbero was arrested
by Constable Stewart on Friday and arrived
hero yesterday. Coma confessed to tho su
perintendent of police, after bolng duly cau
tioned, that at night the bollorsor tho steam
ship exploded and she began to sink at once.
Capt. Alnslep. with four U. S. ollicers and a
passenger, got Into. a boat and told Coma,
who was on deok, to got In too. Tho rest oi
the poople woro In bed or Irlod to escape by
moans of anothor boat. Tho captain's party,
spvou In all, pulled ashore, near Capo Cau
tion, tho party woro near nakod and tho In
dians gavo thorn blankets to keep them
warm, A day or two afterwards threo canoo
loads of Indiana camo lo tho spot and Cap
tain Aiusley ottorod the loador llvo hundred
dollars to convoy tho shipwrecked men to
Fort Rupert. Four of tho Indians weia
armod with muskea with which thoy killed
all tbo whites, tied stones lo the bodies and
sank thorn in doop water. Thoy robbed tho
bodies or all valuables Including the cap
tains gold watoh and chain. They sivaml
Coma but told him that ir he ovor dared tn
narrate tho circumstances thoy would kllk
his father. Coma thinks that all the poople
on hoard who were In bod at the tlmo or tho
Axnlfialnn wai-a ilmmnaA thm tia -..-
down rapidly. The prisoner was to-day oon-
""" "J juo "ur prisoners wno were
brought by tho Rocket and have alnco been
In iroal hnrn. anil lrtrnllnl - k.i...i..
to the party of murderers.
Astoria, June 2d. Astoria has boon visited
by a very destructive conflagration, which
for a tlmo threatened to sweep away the
most or tho town. Thollro commencod In
the Snug saloon, on Concom ley street, dlrect-
almost superhuman oxortlons tho cannery
was savod rrom dostruotlon, Every building
..... v."""""ini nn mil norm B1UO oi uoucom-
y atroot rropi Ktnnoy's cannery to Slbson,
Hamilton .t Co's, atom on tho wctsldo ot
tho Parkor Houto block. Sthson. Hamilton
V Co's storo Is eeorcliod brown. Peter Run
ey's now bjilldlug opposito Isconsumod.and
but for a change Iu tbo wind whllo this woh
burning, nil tlio business part of tho old
iiiwii. inciiiuiiig tno l'atker Houso and Ocei
doui Hotol, would havo been burnod, Eve
ry store mm dwelling limine In tills part of
tlio town was emptied or Its contents, ns
OWlllir lO I 111! tnllll nliaixwn nt n..(l.l.... 111.-
nu ulllQlont tiro rngluo, ovorythlng, Heomod
xuuiumi. inu nro is now under complete
control. Thn principal loters iro Peter Ru
,,',oy.'. 1,HIV Bergman, Sessions ,t St. LouU.
II. 11. Parkor and (loo. B. Evvan. Thu osti
matod loss is $20,000.
Mr. J. O. Fleece, in company with wife,
Mrs. Bowkernud tholr children, paid a visit
to Mluto's Island opposito South S.dom on
tuoovening of Suudav. Mav ''7ili. ami m ihn.
ohlldron woro amusing thomsolvos lu pick
lug up protty pleoosof rock on tbo bar, thoro
thoy fouird a spcclmon of quartz thickly
studded with gold. We havo examines! tli
rock, which Is considerably water worn, ami
contains threo or four dollars' worth of the
precious metal. It Is about tho alzo or a
walnut aud has ovldontly boon oarrhul iv
tho stream for a oonsldorablo distance, most
prouauiy either by the Coast Fork, from tho
Bohemia' mines, or by tho MoKonzIo, from
Illue.on the hoadwatets or which rloh quartz
lodgos havo long boen known fo exist. Mr.
Pallia alaonloknil nn kmull u.i.,'.. ..
(loVerllUlflllt Islllnil iihnirn Ihi, nli l.-..
thno slnco, In whluh tho gold .wus visible.
iTiiumiutvn uui wnaisonio ncu llo.il rock
inayyotbn round lu this vicinity, burled
In thu sands or tho Islands aboVu'meutlouod.
Capital hodgo 1. O.G. T. or thU oily sonde
tho following named porsons to tho Grand
lidge, which convenes In tlio city of Albany
on tho 12th lust. DologaUw, Jonathan.
0'Don.ild, U. W. Scrlbor, John Earl, Mrs.
tfadlo McFitdden aud Mrs. lUehaol litrl.
Alternates, A. T.Yoaton, Jas. Coiruy, K. P.
Hodnot, Jas.Chltwoodaud Mrs.Mary Fleece.
D. II. Stearns of Portland, founder of the
Boo.lsproparlngto publish a tl.ir.etteeroftho
Stale, containing descriptions of tho cotiutlos ,
cities and towns, tho iiumo or tho U. S,
oilloltls. nmnur.teturlug milling and mining
luierosts, Bnllroad tlmo labium, etc. Tim
work Is to bo In pamphlet form, and pub
lished annually. Mr. St urns Is lu tho city
at proseut, and Is stopping ut thnChuiuokota.
Tho coinmlttoe having In cluirgn tho a
rumoiuonts or tho Pioneer Reunion Iish
tnado tlio following uppolntmonts:
Mart L. Chamborlln and Xmi It, Hyde.
John Downing, Tho li, Allen, D. I). Prot
ty man and J. W.Cox.
Causo ol 8hoep Loslug their Wool.
There Is no method or inediolno no food
or troatnibnt that will urrest tho wool from
falling rrom the sheep whon ,onco It has bo
guu; for tho reason that tho lnury Is done to
the fibre of tho wool long beforo It boglns to
fU out. The wool by some sicklies or dls
taso or samo maltreatment In feeding has
beon arroited lu its continuous growth, und
Is broken or rottod, and whon thn now
growth of wool starts, It ptishos Iho old wool
out till it drops. Wo oflen hear mauy wool
growers say: "I wondor what uiakos that
sheep cast its fleece or drop Its wool, It hsa
been trcatod as well as tho rest." But the
feet is it has had a bad spell ofBleknnn of
some kind some tlmo In tho Full, and baa
been overlooked until the ileoco tolls the
story. All tie grain it will eat and tl.n Kai.1
of hay won't make the wool uuito again af-
tor it has thus broken. Of course the sheep
that are getting into the best condition with
the grain feed aro only hurrying up to grow
a now fleece, and.aro sheddlug their old rot
ten ooat, faster than thoao that are not so well
fed. That Is the whole secret. Tho onlv
way to save the wool Is to shear it now and
oiannet me sueep, or keep thom under co er
till Illllll WAKtllHr. will, niuul 1.,1 1 ,1.,...
have any tklu dUeate, or are troubled with
uuuv, juu win men bwj u, aim ne prepared
to apjily the proper remedies. Michigan
NfAflV 12.S Hftft IiIImHaIm tt aAA .a.,1
--' -v --!- wVe we ivu vtuiei W0t
are exported from this contlneut to Europ
& '
".j 4