1 ' .',1 ; 5 m m m c i i i H .ji J - i S3 Hhmtttt ifcirmtr. ISSCID ITIBT TBID1T, BT CLARKE & CRAIG, ruBLtmiBM and rnorntiTons. S. A. CliAIIKE. . W. OUAIG. Term or Subscription. One copy, ono year (59 number) ..$2.60 Ono copy, Mx months (36 number!) 1.25 Onn copy, threo month (IS number) .IS 8ALEM, FRIDAY, JUNK 8, 1877. YAQUINA BAY. Klk Olty is prottlly situated on a flatjust uuiow inn point wnoro tuo nig j,ik hows into tho Yatjultia and Is almost at what may Imcallod tho hoad of Navigation. Tboro Is Rood hotol thora kont by Mr. J. Dixon tho ovr nor of tho stafio lino, a blacksmith shop and a storo boloiiKlnu to Messrs. K. A. Abboy and Mr. Simpson, who llkowlso own tho groator portion of tho land In Its iuitno dlato vlolnlty. Thero Is a small stoamor which runs toNowpnrt and ombarklup;ou it tho travolor Mourn down rlvor. Tho loast flopth of wntor horo Is about nlno foot nt low water, and doscoudluK about ouo inllo ono can coo on tho loft bank a handsoinohouso In which Mr. Simpson llvos, whilst on tliorlttlit Isonoof tho haudsomott rcsldonco't In Ore Kou wlioroK. A. Abboy (commonly known u"jtii"; rusticates. ThoYuqulna rolls ulujrirlnlily along past an old uruvoyard, and tho churrod romalns of Mr. Hiiwtnllo'f) house, and winding hIoiik HiroiiKhn bottom, dottud hero ami thoro with scattered farms, iho voyager roaahos tho sKt whore tho Olalla uotues In. Hero Is ahotii tho shonlest spot on tho rlvor, tho water has washed out drift on olthor Hldo ho thaton thoNO bcirs(as they may bo called) tlierols only nmofuet of water, while abovii, below, and botwoou them tho dopth Is II foot. Then "toi.ijdo" Is scon, a sottlemeut on a sldo crcolf , nud liure, in tho oveut of tho Hallroad pasalug by this route, thero will no doubt bo estab lished a branch lino to tap "tho Sllot." coun try; for, whenever tho Indians are removed from the rosorvatlou laro lindy of tho moat fortllo laud In Ori'Kon will bo opou forsettleuuint,and thoro Is good land enough ulougtho Hnlmon river to support llvo litiu ilrotl lainllloi of Industrious while moil. Tho souuil'ngi vary horo from 1 1 to 18 feet, mid the Ywiiiltm Hows in it broad strnatu. Uelow this aro Oysiorvlllo with Its Hilling stakes and tho Onosttu saw-mills, whlnh could, If properly mipporUid, turn out large (mantltlesof redar and llr liimbor, but at proHiint thero Is not a good markot for those articles at homo, and shinning to Man Fran cisco Is rathor a liHsrdous speculation, as many have already discovered to their cost. A Utile lower down is Shipping I'olnt and (lion tho river spreads out uud thochauuel is markml with nuoyv. At last tho Hay Is roachod and porchod on n high blulf to tho right tho Iioiihos com prising Newport oomo In sight, and thon the little steamer runs alongsldoof a wnodon wharf and tho passengors most probably seek tho sholtur of tho nearest hotol, whoro I'ulo Auuny and Ills obliging wife always welcome the wayfarer beneath their hospit able roof. Then tho explorer can proceod along tho blulf toward lint open sea, and traversing tho little town of NowM)it and gradually aseondlng bo will pass the Ocean IIouho, another ooiivonlunt hostelry and shortly lifter reaah rin: i.mimtoi'si:. l'nim motives of (false) economy this boa nou lias now botitiUiicoiiilnuotl nud tlsruddy gleam no longer groois the eye of the storm tossed soanisu. Htaudlligon tho tall cllll.i In front of It a inagulllcont view is boholil, stietehliig awsy northward to L'ami 1'onl weather Is a iltinp bight or bay In which oMdnf the largest tonuiige win rule at anchor, and whluh, by the erection ofn lireakwater, can .be inudo tho best harbor on the whole North wont coast! ut loostao marluo surveyors liavo renorted. On i.he lia Is Vn(uln Hay, on thosoiilli sldo Of' which a low sandy 'bench strotehes lo where tho A'soa llows into the ocean uud here thpro lift largo tract of excellent lurid which U now open for settlement. This Is InleriKM'led by many creeks and tidal chan nels which Nllnrd groat luoilltles for tho cre ation of sawmill, while tlierols in every direction a uugullloont range for cattle. The wolves hero have become mil to numerous so that slutm would stand but a imor chanco until thosA brutes have been oxtirnated. In the front I'jt be grand l'sclllo rolling on In its might and Just beneath tho point the bar is inarKuii out ny mo wuuo cromuu uiuows which cohm'IomsIy roar on it. Tills Is tho great 'alledgeti obstacle In the Hay to beluga shipping port, but what urn llioreal lucla tif the msoT Ou tho. bar aro two well dt lluoil uhanuels where the deep blue of tho ocean shows plulnly thai deep water exists. Ill that which is the nearer to light lioimo paint tho channel is uuobstruot. ed and the depth ot the water ranges from It! lo 10 Icot mrordlng lo tho tide, In tho other there aro throe rooks which ahow dis tinctly at low water but a yery slight expense mid some giant powder would imloklyto move them and thou thorn would bo a free ohauuel with a depth Hiilllnleut to Host ves sels of the largest sire. The capitalists of i'ortlund of oourao Una every exertion to de ter people from ougHulug In an ouUirprUo which would deprive their city o tho great. r portion of Its gialn trade but the farmers of the valley are now beginning to iiwn their eyes, and soon Ymjulim IUy will have llHHalniou llhhorle", Its ottiiiiurltvi, Its grain mid lumbur.oxporis, uud will iiUo bucoiuu the muni popular resort in the summer sea Miu lor iIiono who teek lor health and ucrcutlmi. Yuvou. L DELIGHTFUL EXCURSION. It was a rouuukubly ltuaut mnrnliig, In loot, Mm first of Hummer, when two excur sionists seated in a buggy dntwii'.by a strong black horse passed through the cavernous seml-obNOurlly of the south bridge and emerged Into tho sunshine sod Irtish country air. The Htato School Superintended!, Dr. Lj. i. ltowland, was thoone, and "Yours Truly" the other, the objective point of their lour uyWas"TherroseotUin Sobool," "Was oo" shook his bead, sullied the breeo and stepped out as gaily a If bo weroltthU na tive pastures, Kaat of tho Mountains, and the road wound through rolling bills covered with oaks, and small valleys clothed In Kmerrtld green, Occasionally as the sum mit of some acclivity was gained, we would look over a fair UmUcape dotted every where, with farm houses aud orchards gleam lug with snowy blossoms, for at Mil soasou Dame Nature has assumed bor NKATJOT lUUII, Aud Oregon shows to the bent advantage. Ilavlugiiover traveled this highway before, Dr. UowUnd was not ijullg certain of the proiHr road, but ho was relieved of his d,l lemma shortly after psjslug the Catholic "'Jul burying grounds, by very' opportunely en countering a polite young man who, on being accosted, informed us that he lived near the Hill school bouse and gavo such minute di rections as to the road that wo could not easily go astray. Traveling on through those lovely oak clad hills and greon pastures we gradually ascended, and tho landscapo opened out on ovory sldo, shifting In ita features each mo- inont iiko some moving panorama of boau- ty. Wo had proceedod about tho distance wh ich wo had boon told wo must travel whon the Doctor's atlontlon was attracted by a man who was extracting oak grubs and so de scending from his buggy ho vlowod tho ope ration and conversed with tho farmer. This gontleman was Mr. Cofloy, who owns a con sldorablo tract of splondld land all around, and ho very kindly acompaniod us to tho modest COUNTRY SCHOOL HOUSE, Which stood at a llttlo distanco surrounded and half hlddon by oak groves. Thochlldron woro Just dismissed for tholr dinner-hour, and so Dr. Rowland luformod tho young lady (Miss Lucy Kullorton) who rulod ovor (horn that ho would go up on Prospoct Hill, and return in about an hour. So "Wasco" was put In motion again and after proceeding about half a ratio, tho road camo abruptly to a rnthor stoop docout nnd u wide scope of country strotchod away In full view; thon passing through a gato tho buggy was abandoned, and on foot wo procoodod to tho summit of a gentlo elevation crowned with oak trees which ullorded an agrcoablo shade. No wondorthat this Is called HtOSI'IXT HIM, and that uumbors of pooplo como from n distanco to udmlro It. Almost tho outlroof tho Willatuetlo Valley is spread boforo tho gazor's oyes; away on tun right beyond the rlvor which Iravorscs tho valley like a th raid of silver, tho greon rolling prnlrlcs and forest-clad hills of Polk stretch away to whoro sky and mountains seem to Join, . Apparently at our vory foot tho whllo housos or uki ami inow iiuiepenuencopeoiioutiroin tho trees, and wost of them In tho midst of g nil n Holds and orchards tho snow white dwolliug houses of Monmouth, with tho more lofty buildings of tho Christian Col logo ond church, aro distinctly vlslblo. To the north and wost Dallas can bo soon plainly, whilst to tho south Albany, lluona Vista and Corvallls, aro In sluht. Tho Coast Itanno with Mary's ponk shooting up conspicuously, forms tho wostern framo of this WONDKItl'UI. r.ANDSCAPK, Hut away to Iho east aud northeast tho vlow Is, IT posslblo, moro uisgnlllcont, away stretch for miles fortllo flolds of grain; Salem with Its many white church steeples Is in plain vlow, whilst bohlnd tho dark, sombro ranges of tho llr-olad Ciscado inountalna 'peep out Iiko shoetod ghosts, "tho wli lie Bpoo tral snow neaks of tlio Throe Sisters. Mt. Jell'orson, Mt. Hood and Mt. St. ilolens. Slowly ami llugorlngly wo lurnod uwav from tho landscapo, and tho Doctor proceed od todisohargobls olllolal duty by visiting tho school. It was qulto an interesting and amusing sight, tho awo and wonder or tho children at llrat when tboy looked at a real, live Slate Superintendent, and then bow gradually they ovoroamo their timidity and rippled with smiles when thoy found that that wonderful Slate Oulclil had actually onco boon u school boy, had miirerod all tho pains and penalties Incidental to that curoor. Dr. Itowlaud'H stylo of visiting schools or Teaol ' Institute is qulto dllforon'. from the o . abllshed rdutlno of long, " irdy, sonm "i harrnnuuos on "Iho Hetuilts of Kdui'u.tcU" Ao An., Ac. Ho always tries lo infuso life and animation, aud so his time In 1'roHpeet Hill school hotifo was stmnt chlelly In the -'various class exercUes which lie coiiductod, In order that Miss Kullertou might see some of tho modes of oral lustruo lion In ICiigllMh grammar, spelling, and arithmetic, which Doctor ltowland himself had learned during his attendance ou the Toaohors' Institute. The Superintendent in tlujcoursAof his re marks laid particular stress on the Impor tance of retaining as long as KUlhls the services of ouo mmpeteut tesouer, and staled that tho best sobool ho bad visited In this Statu was "right under tho shadow of the llluo Mountains, where onn common, plain, counUy teacher had taught for three suo cesslvo years," The children were atlentivo and prompt In their exorcises, ami tho State Hnniirliitnndant nxnrossed hlmtelf as croatlv pleased allko with teacher and pupils, SqM blddliigtheiuall a kindly rarewoii.anu prom ising again to visit Prospect 11.111 If ponlhlo, wo got Into tho buggy and (s "Wasco" bad a strong desire for oats), soon returned to tho Capital. T.J. II. Don't go to the Black Hills to get rich. It Is far easier to organlxe a life Insurance com pany and pay yourjelf a salary of f.10,000 per year. Krttom. Orotrou. Owlor lu Sloroocoic and 8lriiv. Mxiele Vlow, il Scon of Sslom and the urreund liurroiintrr. MfiMUo rhului;rptn, in India Ink. Oil or Water Color. wli TOHlC. Kvory one, at times, feels tho necessity of some restorative of tho vital powers, do pressed by mental or bodily exhaustion. In such conditions, let every ouo, Instead of Hy ing to the nlcoholls or medicinal stimulants, which must bo billowed by tlounuslon equal to their excitement, relnvlgorato his deruug ed s Mem by the natural toulu elements of the I'kiuiviak Sviuii'. Sold by all drug gMs. tlusollrllcsl Teattmouy. lVlrlleld, Me., April 'JS, 18tl, Oentlemen Seeing numerous certlfloates In the Maine Mirinrr, eudorslng the merits of the Uroat hung ltemmly. Wist Ail's Dai. sam of Wu.nCiiKHUV, 1 am Induced audi take pleasure in giving publlolty to the great euro it acoompllsbwl In my family in the year 1SMJ. During the summer of that year mv son, Henry A. Archer, now pontmasuir In'thls place, was attaekod with spitting of bliKid, raughi weakness of lungs, and gene ral debility, o much ko that our family phy sician declared hi in to have a "seated con sumption." He was under medical treat ment for a number of months, but received no benctlt from it. At length, from tho soli citation or himself and others, I was ludiioed to purchase ouo bottle of WisTAii'a lUuu op WiMi OiiKitny, which lieneftted liliu no much I obtained another, which In n short Umo restored him to his usual stale of health. I can safely recommend tills remedy to olh era In like condition, for it U, I think, all it purports to he-riiK oukat lujmi ukmkhv 1SJU TUK TlMUsl , The above statement, gentlemon, la my voluntary offering to you lu fttvor of you disposal. As over, yours, . . Andkkw Akcueii, WILLAMETTE A HENEVOLENT 1H8TITU1I0N. Your.oorrespondent plunged In a deep reverio, was gazing at sundry old tan va's and charred pieces of timber olose by tfce bridge which spans North Mill Crook when he was startled by tho sudden apparition of a very small, red-cheeked, black-eyed boy, carrying a small tin dinnor-pall. Tho apparition was dressed in a dark suit and woro knlckorbockors, striped stockings, and a llttlo straw hat. This small traveler was very free and easy In bis demeanor and promptly informed the writer that "bo was flvoyoarsold, had come from Astoria and bad Just beon to sobool (whoro bo hadn't boon whipped). In a Jolly indepondont and rathor patronizing way bo further announc ed that he was an orphan, and had two sis ters, and that he was going to tho Orphan's Homo." So tho wrltor, bolng a protty large orphan, at once fraternized with bis diminu tive acquaintance and so thoy traveled on In company. The smaller orphan was vory fluontof spcoch and kindly Informed bis comrado that ho wasln tho First Header but he'd bo glad when ho finished it and wont into tho Socond. On being askod how ho llkod " the Homo," ho said "It was first rate and that tboro woro at presontslx other boys and ono girl," ho furtbor addod " thoro used to bo another girl but she's gono away and I'm glad of It, for slio was vory moan and tisod to tako tho milk and cream." Ho was loud in his praises of "Uncle Thompson" and ovldonlly considorod hlmbolf h vory Important personage nnd had a vory low opinion of tho menial callbro of his tall companion, and so sldo by sldo tho two orphans Journoycd along tho ploasaut country road lightening tho fatigues of trav ol by discussions ou various subjects of spoclal Interostto ihosinallorof tho twain, cliiof ot which wus a picnic for tho chlldron attondlng tbo school ho patronized (Miss Pooblos') which wni unuouncod for tho onsulng day. , Till! OIll'IIAN'S jiomk Is a noat, wolMltilshod houso standing on ugontlo acclivity and almost in tbocontorof a ton-acro farm which woo doidod to this charitable institution by tho late Mrs. J. L. Parrish. Tbo land has been cleared aud lilted for cultivation and tho houso has boon built aud furnlshod chlolly by tho contribu tions of bonovolont prlvato Individuals. Tho legislatures of 137:2 and 1871 each tnado an appropriation of $3,000 In aid of tho Homo, but tho last legislature olthor had au acute attack of falao economy or wero too busily .engagod in politics to think of providing for tho support and oducation of llttlo orphans who hud no political lulluouco aud could not ovon vote, so tho Homo has boon left tostrugglo on dopondlng sololy ou tho aid of "Christian" men and womon. Tho children aro all bright and iutslllgont looking, and thoy crowd about "Undo Thompson" and tyraunlzo ovor him in u way that shows this Institution Is a "Homo" in reality, aud that ,Mr, and Mrs. Thompson fulfill, as far as Is possible', tho jllacn's of tbo fithors and mothora who bavo passed away aud loft thoso children to tho moruy of tho world. This Institution has boon struggling along for tho past yoaiind its rosourcos aro ut pi-osnnt so uoarly exhaustod that there is n pawilng nood of somo asslstauco bolng speedily allordcd to It, and thero Is no doubt but that tho citizens of Marlon cjunty, and the Slnlo at largo, will roadlly coiuo forward to siipport tho Orphans' Homo when onco they'liavo loarnod how great Is the necessity for assisting In Its support. Tho following ladles at prosout, Superin tend tbo management of tbo Home, kvi:cutivk orrieiALs, Mrs, J. II. Moores, President. Mm Cioo. W. Oray, Treasurer. Mrs. A. N. Kinney, tJooretary. llOUhKHOLD COMMITTK. Mrs, I). A. Miller, Mrs. J. L. Starkey, Mrs, Dr. II. Carpenter, Mts. A. A. McCully. Mm. G. (!. Van Wagner, Mrs. Jno, Mlnto, Mrs. A. Wheeler and many othorbeuevolout ladles Interost theniBolves lu this charitable Institution, aud the Matron, Mrs. Thompson, with hor kludheartod husband havo, for tho last four years, had tho inangenient of Us domestic economy. Tho last gllmpso tho wrltorcuuvht of "Undo Thompson," bo was standing In tho middle of a group of tiny urchin out In tho garden, evldeutly at their mercy, but Intensely ploasod with his posi tion, Tho only regret your correspondent had was that he bad not provldod a storo of picture-books and candy, so that he also might have como In for a share ef tho bright looks aud smiles thoso little orphans cast on their venerable looklug Uncle." T.J.ll.J Dr. J. A, Itlohardsou returned yesterday from the vicinity of tit. Hulens, bringing with him some line speclmeus of coal, taken from n vein located on the east banks of the Cotumbla rlvor, opposite the boad of Dcor Island. Tho Dr. has an interest in the mine and thluks that he has n good thing and wo hoie ho has. The Pelton Separator, Yesterday the following proof of the supe riority of tho l'eltou Separator was exhll- lted at tho barn of Mr. ltosekrauls lu North Salem. A quantity of straw, sulllcient to Allan ordinary boader-btd, was taken and passed through the Peltou Separator, and though this had been last Fall put through ono of the DuiUlo- Pitts machines and bad since then lain In a barn, yet a quantity of wheat was obtained amouutlng to two bush els and one peck, thereby fully proving the Immense advantage the farmor will jjalu by the use of the "Paolflo Threshing Machlno Compaiy'a" Horse Powers and Separators. lly a letter from Hev. A. J. Uunsakor ve learu that the lUptUt Sabbath School Oor ventlon for this State will unet in Albauy on Monday, Juue5,aud will probably hold for three .days. The O. & O. 11. K. Co. have klutlly cousented to pis delegates over their xoad at half tho usual rates, and persons who have beeu Mleoted to attoud should UQl f'J get to bring tbsurcredeutUli, FARMER. -t-texrtl-oia, The Imported WHITE PRINCE Will r Und the cnnnlnr: rcaoon. commencing Arnu. 3d. osd contlnulag to tho lfith of Jult. at the ftablo of Mr. A. 11. MAIISHALC. AJLkM3.sr, Ton TUKSllAY, P. M and WEDNESDAY and THimSDAY,A. M.. of each week. At thoMabio of HKTkN DAVIDSON, Saloxn, ou FltlDAY, P.M., and SAT- UKIIAYand MONDAY. A. M. nf fnrh wpplr. xcrmai-e2Q in I have some U. S. OOUi COIN, very Fine Every family that keep a cow idiould havo a JBHSEY, or at lead a hilf-blood, wicm win noi uo wiinoul tnem, if incy aro 10 do nan. I liavo already Ijmcd a ilrcilnr with flno cnpravlEBS of mv Hortcs and Mates, a vlof of my Stable: wlthahtttnry of tho Perchcroni", nnd why they arc proUuudtn other larjro honecjiomo hints on hrscdlnx; .w uMudumui i.iiu iiui lip ill auiuyv MIIU .l.v, a'.nml WHEAT A1VI OATS Chopped into Feed, DPor Oxio-O7oxxtla. Toll. ....Awo.... Sash, Doors. Blinds, JMCoii IcHti ss f Turning. Ntnlr work, ItcriNtcmlN, IliircmiH, SlttuilN, TnblcN, FANNING MILLS, Anil nil KintlN nt Furniture, At UKD-ltOtlK PltlCKd. ShoiiatApHctil'n'al Works bulldlni;, Milcill. ie!l O I'. HICNNIN. EAILR0AD LANDS. Xjitoi'(il XoriiiMl low riticr.st LOW INTKIIKSTI Tno Oregon nnd California and Oregon Central Itallroad Companies OFI'KH tliclr Land for ralonpos tho following libe ral tcrma: Ouo tenth of tho prlco In caih; Inturctt on the balanco at tho rato of roron per cent, one year after Kale: and each following vear onn.irnth nfthn principal and Intcrott on tbo balanco at tho rato of taven per cent per annu-n. lloth principal and Inter t payablo In U. S. Currmcy. A discount of ton per cent, will ho allowed for caih. T Letters to bo addrented to V. KOIIULZK. IjiiuI Aizent O. A O. H. it.. Portland. Orcsoti. JOHN MINTO, nnKioin or MERINO SHEJi3P, flTAKES ileauro InnflVrlni; to tho WoolOrowom of a. Urrxonand thoailVMnlni-TcrrltnrlHN the chanco topnrchano TIIOKOU(lllllltKI) MKHINOS, and as rurlni;pirtlelntervatrd tbat thoy can, and will en deavor to. Hell Sheep of tho nonio quality and valuo at MUCH t'UKAl'KIt ItATKB than Vuch can slbly bo Imported. Hxamluallon and comparison with oth er rltieep oirured In tho market arc cordially invited. ..Addrera JOHN MINTO, Balcm, Orecnn. N. I), TIia Itam and Ham Lamb of tho Hook ran horeenou tbo 1ULANU FAILM, adjolnlug Halem. Thu Kwca can !o seen at tho ramo place, or at the lltht. KAHM' four and a hall miles iouth of the city. Salem, Ueatembcr 10, 183. THE FINE Thorougbbred Stallion-. DELAWARE TITILL BTANU THE EN8UINO 'SEASON NEAR Tho Farm or II. K. Ankeny, 10 mlIwsontli or Halein, IOwer Uaiitlami Ilottom, under the rhanro of, and lit tba renldenco or, Mr. J. T. 11K0KWITII. Keatou rouimenclug April ltt and ending July lt, 1STT. Service by, the Season. $15; Insurance 32d. Payable in qoM coin, at the time of ten ice. or v, heit maru prove to bo In foal ' Marcifromadtitancc'pt-tiircd and cared for at $1 per week, bat no xUW taken. la a blood lay; IV,' hand hlizli, and oIkIui 1,125 IN. majlml The Celebrated Thoroughbred; Stallion BR. UNDSLEY w ILL, STAND TUB ENSUINO SEASON AT sAXiivJr, From March lWh to July loth. Marea can be taken to tlu Ll)ery Stablo of llean . Davldfon, or Mut to mhU JAMES V. 11V11KK Salem. Season of 1877. tiii: iMi'ouTr.n CLYDESDALE STALLION YOUNG MARQUIS, -AKi THK- TROTTING STALLION TITIIXMAKK TK SEAfeON OP 1617. FltOll IT Apt ittnt toJaly Itt.a&fbUowa: At Win. Ackcr'S Union Stnlile, Tayloi Ntrcctv l'orllaud, MONttAYS, after 10 o'tlock; TUESDAYS. WEJ XKSDAYS, ani THUItAYS, at 1 p. m.-, and At tno Owner' Farm, Hccrtvllle, Wahlrtou county, on VUIDYS, SATL'ItDAYS, and SUMXYYS. After Julj 1U at ItEKUYltLE. VUlnsln county. TKRMS-.UTTOCn VT, to lnar. SO, YOUNO MAKOCIS, tolnure 40. Settlement to be made whenraarv ar kuowu to ba In toil, I'aj'luMEtf at Ut aouu-k HmlleJ to a faw uiarv bmu-lt froto a dla UliX. Addru, Or A LUCK I.')TUI.V, Kcc4vltlc. apC 'to fel T3LOirGXrLGJ3. WaT1 Peroheron Stallions, AJNTD GEN. ELEUJRY. THE SEASON Dueatthf end of tho ecapon. JEkSEY CATTLE for Sale. fsmlllcs that have ncd . ..v j ti uu &...! .. -re-.--.-.. "VNT". O. 3VL V JiIH, TII1D I3XJ?ORXlDX Trotting and Draft Stallion, BLACK STRANGER! TItTII.L STAND. THE PJIKSENT HEAHOf1 AT M tho fiitm or J. U Ncailillli. Ulilf. I'olk county, and at MUldltN & CO.'s .4tnblc. In hxtr.M. on KrlilnK nul i-aliirilsyiiof oath week, after tho lUlk or April TE1I.M8 For tho Heoon. jas at tho end of the Hrnsoti. lNtiUHAXUE, :i.i, jiiyble beti tho Mnru 1 known to bo Mllli foul, or when Iho owner ha pnrted Ith her. All IiIIIh payablo In cold coin. MurcK Ironi a dlrlnneo paolurrd ami cared for at $1 per week, hut n( rifle taken. Description nntl Fcdlsreei 1!lck Stiuk ukii Ik ill imrids IdcIics l,lgh, livearK old, and wi-lKhs over 1 !W0 Ibn. Wan bred hy Voio Hcjnoldj, Kfq , WIna'ovv, Maine, ill dam was Unman n .Mceccnpir, by Htonn Mcrrengcr, by Wlnlhrop Mennrnuer, by Im purtcl Mc'rcneer. 'iho Itoynold'x Mara, dam cf "LACK bTHANUKH, weh-hed l.!0' pounds, and wa a lino camplo of tbo Mcraenircr tock. IILACK hTJlANdKIl was Mred bv tho Wycr's bore, a bay ttatllou welqliliiKl.UM iionndr, and get ter of an extra lino of trottlnt: rolls. Capablo of trotting lilmfclf In 2:10 foramllo. und haa repeated- ir inauunip nan muo in i:iu. no won rireu ny uen. ltnoi. out ol a MoMcngcr maro, wclRhlni; LRCtf ponnds. ULAOK STltANOBK haa a vory powerful i-ct of llmbr, very ttralsht, with gambrcl and knee Joints low down, tho bono procertes and mufclca perfect ramples of his Rrnnd lire, Uen, Knox. Half Brother to Caledonia Chief, tin fastest Trotting Stallion in Canada, Slrod by Howe's Royal aoorge. Dam by. old Harka way, thu celebrated Irish Wood Hon o. will Maud for Stares In East Portland;. At Iho Stables of JOHN 8IIAVRR, from April 15th to July IM, 1877. 910 to I ii mi re, payablo when tbo Maro I kuown to bo In 'oal, ft & for tbMc on, payablo at th tlmo of rcrvlco. JOHN REDMOND. March W, 1877. Kentucky -Bred Stallion. Tho Fino Mambrino Trotting Stallion, IUSBY. Awarded First Premium at the ' Oregon State Fair, 1876. , nnscwi'TioN and pEnionEE- i,uby i uarK urown. in nniiu men. and wa aired liy Ertaron. own. Ill handi Iilch, and wai aired by Brioron. i by Hootlnr 2d by Oray Kacla; M by Aratna. i by I'lay'a Mambrino Chlcr. cut of tbo trolthnr n. Caudlt. Clay' Mambrino Older wan cot ini lldiu I Krlcon I maro Mrs. by Mambrino l'aymarler, who waa l-y Mamhrlco, out of a inar by i'aynianter. Mambrino. waa a 1-oa of Imp. Meftentrcr- lie waa the tiro of Abdallah, and tho irand uro of Kyfdlck'a Hambletonlau, aa well a Mambrino CliUr; xhe dam of tho latter waa a brown maro, a celebrated roadfter aud fauioa breeder fired by a gray horfooron of Imp. Mcrjvueer, who flood lu UucheM co., N. V. Brlcton baa nreeord of 3;80W. 3d heat, ot four yeara old, and U tha fire of Bria, wlUt a record or 2:2$Xi at four year old, ami Doblo, with record of :40f , at two yrara old, and 3 80, at Ms yr. old. W. Combf , 'with record. S;S'Wt it' thrrta year old; and la tbo tlra of many other good une. TEItMS-Tho Searon, $25. WILL 8T.iyj J. SMKX. at Durbln'fr' Stable. Thunidajr, Vrlrajr, and Natulday. AT AI.HAXX; Monday aii-tTMuradjay. JOHN YOUNG, aplOmS o Vroprictor. fJ ho.- llalt-Brcd Olydcsdalo, ONE OP-THE FIUST ntlZA PAItM TEM. alro tha flrt prUo threa-yeara-old Hra StalUoa at Oreu-o.t. Statu Fair, 187B, ainl pmnorty of WM. CllALMEltS. Cornelia, by Uornelln. WathUgton c. haa been tout, by tpeclal rUet, to rtand at JMV. THOUNBtJU'S, erln, Where be will ttand tho llrt threo Oayalu each week, aud tho :t thtre at the fArm of J. SAlTlN(;FIKMIlloull rralrle. TEUMS-aSO to ixisuro, payable It of a. iKis, or whe:ivvr maroa aro known to be lu ro:, apiSml CRKO rtrVW aVftcbtoAwnta. $tOOu(V. Owl O 4 4 ;i'. Q VICKJUtr, Angn.u"Malnt. HEAL ESTATE LOANS, OKEGOX AND W.ISM1XGT0X Trtist Investment Compaij OV 8COTI.ANB. TIUS Company l prepired to negotiate teana U anmii Irorn SVVX to SSu.UW aeeuro J over lMi'RO- KDCITY I'llOlVltTV aod KAltil LANDS, for Itxed period ryeriu, or repayable by half-yiarly U btllmut. Kvr lvrm. apply to WILLIAM ItKlD. Mxnacer. novlOr U Flrot Street ronland. . STAYTON T ms MILL HAS HEKN DEPA1RED, WITH New Muvlitaorv. a'nl h ono of Drake' Now 11.tii.i. and we or i.orprpirei to supply flut-cl l.L'MUElt, rough, or drott d, at hort notice. Trice range From $!) to $ilS.SO per M. QVKENEK A bTAVTOX BB3k Suyton. Or., May 15, rt. tvjL,t i'a