Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, June 08, 1877, Image 1

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    2,50 per Year.
Mount CArmel. Juiih 4. A terrible storai
struck this eliy m dnv. by which 10 meuloet
their lives mm $500,000 worth or nioperty
wat destrujed. Among Uih killed ar'o
Alderman Wniklus, Win. New kirk, Mr.
Goodrich, Burton, MnMersnn, Child. Fred
Goorko, (tto. Moore, Geo. Urlus, J. A. Edgar,
Charllo Norman and John Totalis, a large
number uro wnuudod, t-ow-ral whom will
undoubtedly din. The boditaof lourof tho
killed weto burned. There uro at least :
Mtlll tnlMdug.
Liter Information Miyn Tour mom bridles
have bueti found aud iwo nf thn v uuilwl
bavu elnuo tiled. Tbu mini. i,fhtilldlnii era
biiruliitc. threatening tho total destruction of
me wuoioiown.
Cnlro, III., Juno 4. Prlvalo telegrams
Htato that u tornado Mrttok Mount Citrinel,
III., nbotil 4 i. tn., niiMtiiK greet Ins or Jlf
and property. Twelve are known to bo kill,
sd, thirty wounded and twenty mUlng.
Among tho building iWtrovrd tiro thu
Presbyterian uud Methodist churolitw. two
school hnun'S, court house, several btoreH
and roMiloncoi.
Now York, Jttuo 3 Tho World' cpwiUl
from WiiMiliiitlon nays bocAiisiiof tho embar
rassments to rolull business Interests como
leadline businer-M men Intend oppfallug to
tbo SforetHry or tho Treasury to rmulnd the
recent order nubsiliutlng Mlvur fur one nnd
two dollar h' jin I tender uo'.i-m.
Thn Tlmoa han aprelal fioin South Cnro
Una and Mlhslsilppl showing that Repub
licans uro purst-culed la tbou htae-, and no
white dare pronounce hlniH-lfu RniublKati,
New York, Juno 4. A hp-)IsI to tho World
from Washington aaya General Ord does not
tbluk the Mexican raids have bun exsir-
firated either ia number nr importance,
he Texas' border f overil.aoo milMleag,
sd many raids are never beard of through
tbe press. Twenty or thirty persons have
been kilted dMrV eight aaontlu, and lb
nMi aa lam'"- J . r
Tba Worlds WiihVslna
9w. Crooa, bow bars' aaa hei ran;
mvaMueua im uma umiomb
iwhumj are
FamBBwasmBaaaaaaui-wM- -
' talaed ay any railroad wUl ba renewed lathe
aaaama or un raaa . w aba aamgre a
Chrieto aaoitaUlaa by ihaMtuaraax.
laaaioB of tba Danya M Rk GrawU hilt
war. TraiutHUaoraaniHla9,S4tfac ,
WawYork, Juaa 4.-TkManbataClab
daaldar) alrin a d4aar ta x.Oav.
Baaulrkska on Am 13vk iMtjirior t bWaV'l
! AM VltlMkA .H
Jaa O. TbomiMon, cf Oblo, la bar, aad
aaya Iba Dankterala will ladaraa Uayaa at tba
' oombHroonvaatiou, and wtllarrry tba Stata.
Uayaa policy U la baraaeny wltb Datao
oratlo prloolpUa.
Bar natftnn, liwn, Juoa 4. A walar apout
IblaaMralna doodad tba oantry frf mMm
aortbwaat of tbla nlty, oauatn HawMliy ofaak
auddanlr to oTarflow and do aavanU tbou.
aand dollar' worth of danaa to tba foundry
maobloa abnpa and aarlniiltural warka.
Cbloaxn, Juaa 4. Taa laUr-Oaaan'a Waah
lagtOB apaoial iay: Sroraury McOrary aaya
tba latter Inatruotla Gan. Ord eononrnlnn
Maxloan troubaa axpraaaaa tba' dallbarata
andoarafully formad deUrniloatlou of tba
of tbo FrtMldant and Cablnat. It maana
naltbar annexation nor war, but It iiim;i
apaady and orTotlvu auppraaaioa of Maxloan
ralda anro-m tbo bonier at any cvit. It ia by
no maana tba otltct ci tba Praaklant, aa
aomaoharica, to atlr up nntalda trouble in
ordar to attract attention from tnuraalatftlra
Ba narar thought of anon a tblnir.
IudUtapollt, Juna 5. A publlo frnwell
wilt be uivu Ooy. Uiidrlcka be lore bla da
parture for Europe.
Henator Morton and othnr membera of the
Orover inVrtitUtlii c-imiulitet lve here
to.morrnw vU the luuWuapolK n'oomlns
lon it Wton, and Oblan, liurllnxtnu A
Quinsy rallriiada for Portland, Niitor
hauUbury And neloa, Hntor and Mra.
Morton. -.. Gov. and (ra. liurbtmk, D H.
Alexander, clxrh: ('. N. Sjinir, phouoi(rph
er, audMriuvr MoMIIiaii, who Joma tut in
at Otntha, rihtlttit tb party.
Loudon, Out., Juna 5. Trains on d1tftr
eut rallnwMla are tnuuh dnlaynd tltla uiorniu
by caterpillar. The track are covered with
million ,
OtUWt, Junnfl From went advlr re.
oelvel hribn l)fiHninr"at,r iha lti'erior, ii
in probobtH thtSitHiA Hull U now at Wood
Mountain in t'tuadUn er-itory.
New Y..r '. Jiiiih 4 Aouator Mortou atarta
for Orfirun ii.nUht
Tlia Tinia' Slt Ike ap'oUl aay: Trook
ox p ! tti oiliiiuu thai no more triH
are I'tHHlrd In U ib, that p-rbatM ao fira-
hn i) ' o Utah la a pnjirelul aaerer l ",
lite uiifirffii aHttaoinatioii ni incorr-iini
entoMle Nw York Journal aetmiKbt
genMMil) uirrri-dtif l.
UTnclmiMil, Jinn 5 Mount Carmnl, IIU ,
wali-h aaatriicl; by thn tnruadn lai n
inv, la ilirlvlrx town nfnbou' 3 000 lohubb
tan la on the Cairn and ViucantK-a railroad.
The most prominent building destroyed by
tbe hurricane were the court houo, two
nawvpaperotllcea, three eburabea (onothu
finest in Southern Illinois), and two school
hnaaes. About 'JO buxlnens houses and about
100 realdencea were destroyed or damaged,
eltber by wind or tire. The loss la eiti mated
at 30O,O0O to 1500 000. Thn tame atorm
damigtnl u number of buildings In other
towns lyloR In its pathway. AtMat.ooo,
Ilia, the residence or Willis Walkupwaa
tbrown into tbe street and turned bottom
aide up, wounding Mrs. Walkup seriously.
Bocbaraat, June 4. Tbe Danube la a till
InapaMlble. It la estimated that It will
oercely ba possible to croaa for four weaka.
Berlin, Juaa 4. It la reported from Visa
aa that Kuaala'a programma oa tba ooaclua-
Ion of peace will bohuir-coyornntmitf.r Bus
Ida, flerrcKntila, l)ulKarUiuid tliuUhristlaut
or Lumiioii, Kurnpeau uovt-riiora, rt I2tiropo
an commUfioii or control, Huroprmn nam.
soiih lor homo time, and conhiu of territory
In Armenia.
IJritwiolH, Junol.La Nordr, thn KiiMlitu
oru'au, publMifHu letter Jrom St. I'o'rrnburK
which mijh if, niti-r oro-iliif; the Danube,
ltualft iNrible to conclude n pem:nandat the
Mine tliuo reiillae her proarnmmo, uurt If tbo
iouori adopt toward 'i urkHy an nttltude sur
llcently tlrm luuiniplntntliulesoii rrcolvml
IrninilifiMjiriM of Kun,M, then nn rqultalilo
nnd illKtiltltd pence nilbt bo arranged nnd
the nrtwalty or pushing tho war toextratnee
bo avoid) d.
London, Juno 4 en. Grant nnd Mlnla.
tor I'lfirrrpont ultendtd her Icon or Wonttnln
ler Abbny yeaienlay, and llaiened to a Her
mon Uoati Stanley. In the cource orhiasor
mon liosuld Gnu. Grant luw Juntlald down
thiiKceptre r tho Amoricm commonwealth
after havliiK by tnllllary primers, nnd still
morn by Heuemiw treatment or ItlicomradeH
in victory enemies in uefrat, rtored unity
to a (treat and divided people. 12iiRlnnd wel
comes him in a plHlpo that thu two nation
ot tho Anglo Suxon race uro still ono in
heart nnd xplrlt.
roniimi, .fiiuo fi The Il-rlln correspond.
eit oflhoTlmcc Mys it la nerted tnatOoiint
nn iMoiiKe reenrda IttiHolaM chxnroiaa
xteadlly huprovlnv. In consequence of tho
extraordinary nvgllgouco and lack of fore
sight cf the Turka.
MatioheHter. June 5 A Vienna dlspatoh
sa.va the Turk exaagMnite tbelr trouble. It
I helieveu that Ho main body of the Hus-r-lanoenter
U aMIl near Kara, aud that the
recent panic at 15-xamum aa provoked by a
tlytnRimrua ortaackaBd Irrexulara.
Lnndon, Juaa 8. A dlapatcb from 8.
Pmarabltnr aava Prlooa OnrtaahakorPa noln
to Lord Darby, or wbleh OoaotSohoMValoff
la baamr, aiatea that tba Caar doaasot want
any tarrkoml locraaae la Kuroa-. b .tonly
daalrea antonrxny for Bulgaria aa tba laato
naajtliBpa of KoMBMuttoaBdBarTla. Haalao
aWaTBaBB tba aasalaw of AraaaBhv rroarllay
aW la Ua eoaat, bflt aa sJaiilB aia-
aakf la Ua eoaat, kflt
5NirrtCHa4ea)aBBa ta
AalB waMab'flaa
paaalt frasa tb srar.
Tk lkka(aral aw
faanjnBtt Hwaya will babapraiasal
TlMTIaMB'ha:laaj44Ba;,arUalo aayat
tk;Maa bjBdsd, tbafortuaa t war wUl
baadvarawtu Um Tarka; 0ar.irM .aaay
wet bara tba rawMHar ar Has at wan. battha
a&.. II.' t A I"-.:. . ' ' "."
i araa rm am nataaaai aaw aaaat aaaaaiB
latbaavd. tbUaaatrapbaKarepawmaav
rapt, Na aatlaa will go a war acatata ana
port tbat whWb oaanofba auppartad. Ko
raai etataacaaa win elln to a dead elemeat
luaaiajtasa, laataad of lonklna for aw living
foreaa. Wa know tkat wa moat aaak for tba
which la to replaeath parttag pewar. To
this wa aaaoa too aoon dlract ear attaaaloa.
TnaHtaBdard'aTlaflna oorreapoadeat aa
aaras that tba folia wing la qadoubtadly traa,
halaafrmai unlnaaaahabla muiw: ClrmnA
Doha Nlabalaa reoentlv aald ta a tatmn nam.
biji, "naiiaar rriacs BtasaaroK Bnr Lord
Darby will prevent aa from Btarlng Con.
euntlnopla aa the OarsMM aatand Farla
only to leave It again."
London, Jane o. Tba reeeptloa given by
Minuter Plerrannnt tn-uluht In honor of
uranr, waa amot br1Ilaaafnlr. Tba boue
watauparblydeenrated with flowers. Tba
Urge drawing and reception rooms ware
rr.w.Ud frotp ten to 1 o'clock. At least a
thousand peranua ware present, ooniprlslng
all the beat and most dle'lngulhed Kntllah
and American roeiety In London. Grant re,
reived with Mrs. Pierrepont, and shook earh
person by the bsi d. Plnrrepnut revived
wl'h Mrs. Grant. All the member of Her
MeJety 'a cabinet wrrw present, except Lord
n-tacoiisfldld, who ia III. Alruoxt the entire
rilplninailoonrpa attended, the JapaoeMi and
Ohleese ainh4tador bflug e-pecUlly re
insrkable. A larva number or moinberanr
Parliament, John Hrliiht, Gladntone. Pro I.
So'jlleuMnn, the Karl and Couniei-anf Cnitb
new, were umougthadixtlngalxbo I guesta.
Tho followliiK la tbe order f exeicls
forUommen :euiHiit Wevk, which will b bold
In tho ColleiM Clapx,
Sunday, June 10th, 10 a. m. Annual ser
inou by Rev. J. IT, Aotou,
Monoay Uvh, 8 i m , Anniversary of
Alka and Athecm im .Socitiea.
"uksuw. l'2.h.8 v. m., Commonoament
of Medical 1) pertinent.
Wkd.me.sdav. 13 b.l I'.m. Uiislnt-Hs meet.
ing of Alumni and atiuual meetln of Hoard
of Trmteei. 8 i. m. Publlo txarolsts of
TaunsDAY. 14h. 2 i. i. Kxerclaea of
uradiHtlng clasn. 8 r. m Addons by Hav.
P.S. Knight, A, M.utid (vin'errlu degrees.
Moitu Facij Statku, We have received
from Mr. J. J, Adams, Prlneville, a state
ment concerning the diapute of laud title be
tween O. M. Prlngle and A. D. Pettyjohn,
and we consider it auOloient to say that be
bbowa that after Mr. Pettylobn left tbe place
it was taken up by a Mr. Italns, who aold it
to Mr. Pringle, who supposed that Mr.
Pettyjohn bad abandoned tbe country, be
ing ditsatisfled with It. Instead of publish
ing Mr, Pettyjohn's account In full wa made
a brief note of It and wo do tba eame with
tbe anawer. Tho parties are our personal
friends, Mr. Pringla being an Intimate
friend of longstanding. As tbe matter will
have to ba decided legally on tba inarlte of
the case Botblng can bo made byanawa
paper eoBtroveray except ill feeling, aad
that doaa not aeeaa to aa either proper or
wAT!i:n. aspoRr.
During May. 1877, thoro wereO days dur
ing which rain roll In eutUolcnt quantities to
measure In tho rain guege with an aggre
gate of 7.) Inehos or water; light showers
trill on several other days, but not buIUcI
enttn nieisura. The menn temperature for
the iinutb was M 00'. Hlglu st dally mean
temperature SS on tho lltb; lowest dally
meu47aotj tbnSO.b; mean temperature lor
the mouth ut t! o'olook v. Jt(12.01 hUhesl
tbormntneter lor tho mouth 7313. at 2 o'clock
t'. ft. on thu Jltli; lowoxt thormomeb rii" itt
7 o'clock a. M. on tho V!M. Tbe svevalllng
winds fir the month were from the north
durlng'13 iKyiij onth 17 dnysj a. w. 1 day.
During My, 1877, thoro wore 0 days dur
ing which rain Ml, with nn aggregate or
Mi hi. in water; 7 cunrHiiu i ciouuyuays,
other lhad tboo nn which rain fI, Menn
temperature tor tho mouth r2 03"! blgheat
dally tempsraturo lor the mouth OX)4 on 7th;
lowest daily meau tomporatureforthe month
40 on 10th. T. PsAttcE.
Kola, Juno 1, 1877.
Tint Stati: OitANOtt The Orenon Stato
Graugo held n pltaaitit, and to all appear
ances, prolltnbluhw-eion at balorn linweok.
Hon. Win. Gyrus, or Linn, as worthy Mau
ser, acams to bo tho right man In the right
place, ami bin ud vlcoand coutiaalaraavldent
y puablng thn Order In Oregon to a prosper
ous futurocaroer. Dealdea the regular bus
Inensof tbo eeaslon of tbe Stato jQraage, tbo
members aud delogatea In attendsBW were
extended many social oourteslaa aad kind
neaaaa from tbe Salemlleu, whloh Ware evi
dently highly appreciated. . A. Clarke,
r.q., aaiior or tne wiLbAMMgM fahmkb,
taodarad tba Patrona a reosntioej at bb) Bl
aatraaldenoa.at wblob bla iMilIwi lady
and aaeooiBllabed dattgbtaraajBJalad blaa la
rataraalalag tbalr faraaar XT w tan
moat boasitabU maaaar. IVTMrdaya'
Hotal, aa wblob Mr.aiwBB'JbMy
-ru aioiaasi aaat" ia am WaU
lr atyto of aatartalamiaL
mimb) aaaaM mmU aHui NbY i
iBdluklV: ... .T Kj-. r . "7- -V"
vrwummiw HM-ssruv
Oalllag oa fate welVkaawa am. afcw
dare age, wa Jbaa tbaaa alrWy baelty aa
aaaaad aallMg barrmaan aad tbrmbam.
Tbayaay bualaaaa la not only header tana
tbay aatlolpated, but axaaada that doaa nay
pre vloaa year. Mta wba -have larajaarapa
rawing aaa tba neeeeelry of Mrawaalasf
ahlBMla gawd aaaaoa. Tbay aay.tbay
have had aa uaaaaal damaad, that .aaa
oanaad tbam ta already ordar tba aseoad lot
of Buokoya Mo warn, over a hundred baring
baaaaold.- Tbay already are aalllag avaur
oftboaa Chicago PlUa' Tbraabora; oaa etaam
tbraaharbaa baaa aold for Praaab Pratria.
Tbay alaa barn ataam anglaaa ooaatraatad to
burs atraw.
hheaf) Skaaurlnaj.
Tbla buslneee oomaa on quite late bare
Ibisaaaaon, aa tba weather has basa qnlte
cool and wet so far. Tba wool, aa takah' ott,
aeems In good oon'dltlnn ebaap generally In
fine order. There la a large insreeae oflantba
this reamn, In Western Oregon, moat of
which have been saved. Owing to tbanaad
or all our wheat lnuda here for oereela, tbe
psiiurea are Insulbclaut for all tbe sheep.
All tbe abeep, hores and cattle of Weau.ro
Oregon should be drlveu to tbo van', bunch
gracouutr) In Eastern Oregon. The pree
eut i-rloH or wool in Portland, are encour
aging to abeep ralaera here.
Heed it Cox sometime alnoe loaned a per
son who bad been lu tne employ of Mr. Jesse
I'arrish near Mai Ion f 160, taking as collater
al security a note purported to have been
signed by Mr. Parriab. A few daya since
the note was dUcovered to have been a forg
ed one. iteedtfcCox Immediately took step
tn -our the forger, and by the aid of nmoers
J. A. Hakr, T. II. Heyuold and John W.
Mlutoibe man who has been selling under
varluuh aliases wsaarreaieil lu Jacksonville
yeateidsy aud Bheritt litkor started tbla
morning to bring him into camp. Tbe
tracing of the man was done !u u manner
tbaiabowN ourctORTH tn poito the acumen
of a4'Hoolluud jard" detective.
The frequency of copious ralna here lately,
beftm to dUcourage t-omo of our farmors.
They fear that tbe fall wheat will incline to
lodge. It is certain that wheat will be very
sulky this season. The spring grain, pas
tures and meadows can hardly fall to be
abundaut this vear here. It baa neen rather
oool, wet and cloudy for gardsne this season.
Though many tbousaud of tomato and
viue plants were lately killed by frost, yet
aucb can be set out now with reasonable
prospects of good crops.
Mr. George Waller baa purchased tbe
South Salem Mills and we bear it rumored
that tba machinery ia to be uaad In a saw
mil), to bo erected at the mouth of North
Mill creek, la North Salem, by Mr. Waller
and aeveral other gentlemen. Bhoald tba
arresgementa, aa proposed ba perfected tba
eoBstruciloB of tba new mill will bo com
meaoad Immediately.
A sua ovar-bred-
A Cold Water Ficnio.
Thoro l to bo n grand tempornnco rally at
Roberta' Bridge, nenrShedd's Station, camp
ground, on Saturday nnd Sunday, 10th nnd
17th of June. It is to bo a baskot mooting,
and everybody is Invited to conic aud bring
tbelr bottkols well tilled. Many of tho best
toinporauoo speakers In the State nrooxpocted
tn bo present. Tho programme will bo abort
speuobee full of fire; music, as good as tho
country JaVuds, realtatlous, songs, oto. Tbo
rollowinfgJrograuiiiiB interspersed with tho
bait or tnuslo has boon arraugod, for Satur
day; tbe program mo for Sabbath will ba
mado after they tirrlvonttbo camp ground,
L. J. Powell, )
V. M, Rlnehnrt, VOom.
D. P. Porter, J
Introductory address, by Rov. S, G. Irylno,
D, D. of Albany,
"Tbo annual coat to this oounty of alco
bollo drink, In tlmo, mouoy, lives and pau
perism," by Hon. W. It. Dunbar.
EfTi-cts of alcoholic Htlmulants" upon the
humanayatom,''byJ. W. Watte, M. D of
"To what extent alcohlta drink Is tho Instl
gator of crlmo, aud tbe constitutionality of a
prohibitory law," by Judge Piper, of
. "Aa a corrupting agency In politics and at
tba ballot box." bv Hon. T. H. Oann. of
"What ahall bo done to extirpate the evil?"
w "What aaya tba Yoloe of reason?" by Bar.
I. D. Driver, or Brownsville.
Whet Is tba teaching or GoaVa word," by
IUy. J. 8. MoOala, of iagaaa.
, "Tba daaaaada ml tba boar aaoa BaraateT"
by Prof. Joa. Kaaarr. af OorvaiUa.
"Tba daaaaada as tba aaar aaaa yoaag
vvaa pan aaa ,yaaag waenaa aaaa la
aawaTLBaaa'amai asaanaaa !
an aw i j . . ' ' '
Tba laarUaanaaimiillagafaBawleal
Baalaty af tawftaw f Otaaaa. will aa bald
laiaaoaaaar taa Saw aaaarlataadaataf
PaWIe laatraaiwa, aa Maaaajr aad
aast. Taa arat daya' ailia -will ba
from 2t5 p. v.. aad 7 ta 9. Taa
day from 8 to II A. at. aad 3 ta 6" r. af ,
eaaaa ar BBawaas.
1st. eetetyeallad to ordar.
3d. Report ot taa Committee of Arrange
meats, ,,
3d. Calling or UaltoU.
4th. Report from iba Board of Oaaaora
upon tba alaetloa or saw awmbara.
5tb, RaoaptloBorvteltorabylavltatiaB.
0th. Klaattea of ntiawa far taa aaaalag
year, delegates ta amarlaaa ktedieal Aawel
atlon, aad piaaa of masting.
7th. AddreMB7tterlrmg President, at
tba oosdualoB of wbteb ba will ooaduot the
Presldant alaet to taa obabr.
8th. ABBOHBoaaaeat of Staadbag Commit
teea by tba Praaldaat.
0th. Reporte of Banding Commltteaa.
10th. Speolal Reports.
lltb, Reading and dUcnaelon of volun
tary contributions.
12th. Iotroduotlonof now buslneaa,
lath. Unflnlahad and mUoelUneous bual
nee. lltb. Adjournment.
The Society will attend tbe Commence
ment Kxerolees of the Medical Department
of tbe Willamette Unlveralty, Tuesday, at 8
o'clock p. m., after which they will partici
pate In a soolal reunion and collation at the
Chemeketa, by invltatiou from the Medical
Physicians on arriving In (be city will call
at thu olllce of the Sup'l oi Publlo Instruc
tion, where they will find a member of the
committee, for tbo purpose of Registration.
Physlolaua traveling over the O, A O.R.R.
and upon boat of tbe O.H.N.Co. will, upon
the presentation of a certlOcste from tbe
Chairman of tbe Commltte of Aranaementi .
ba pssed at half rates,
H. rarinter. M. D. L. L. Rowland. M. D.
J. W. McAfee, M. D. S. D. McCauley.M. D.
J. A. itlcnardaon, M. D.
rtoon rtiYKii, May Si,
Allow me to ask, through tbe columns of
tbe Farmkr, If It will injure strawberry
plants to give them a thorough plowiug after
they have fruited? Also, whether snoot po
tato plants require Irrigation or not during at
dry a pell, or will water Injure tbem?
Jaki: H UNiAUj.it.
Strayed or Stolen,
From tbe farm of tbe subscribers, one mile
aaat of Dixie, a dark cbealnut Mare about
fifteen hands high chunky bead, with white
bom, Any Information leading to her re
covery will ba suitably rewarded.
H. B, A J. E. Tuiblskn.
Wool, Look at our advertising columns
to aaa what marobaata la Salem are la tba
v riusHisn u nwii
& bh - r M.hi
Volnmo IX -Numbor 17
Marion County Pomona Orange.
En. Faumkh; Last week, Friday, tho
Marion County Pomona Grange met with
subordinate granges of tbo lower end of
Marlon oounty, nt Sllvorton. Brother Had
ley of Mt. Vernon Orange presiding. Mom
bora wero protont from all tho subordinate
GrangoM in Marlou county except JeQersoo
uinuU) -iiu huviu na nuu ur, uiui oftirviu,
and olhors, from Clackamas county. Short
addresses wero mado by Bros, lierron, Boise,
Mluto, Clark, Davenport aud Sister Mlnto,
Tho credit system, co-oporation, and other
topics were discussed, and perhaps tbe best
thing of the day wah a report on education
frnmSUtor lillloary, tho Chairman of the
Committee on Education, of,Marlon county,
Pomona Grange.
The gonoral turn out and good fratornal
feeling oxhlbltod by all present, togotber
with tbo reports from tho subordinate Gran
ges of tho dogroo work going onatpresont,
showa plnluly that the graugo movement la
moving forward in Marlon county.
Most of tho visiting brethren brought tholr
wives along, which added to tho interest ot
tbe meeting. A Grange mooting without
Slaters! Got away I What sort of an affair
would it be? lame enough I should think
What if some of tbo Sisters are slightly
Inteotod with "sulfrago?" wo can't do with
out them any way. and the equal prlvllegea
accorded them in the Grange la ona of its
best features. You would have thought ao,
Mr Farmer, if you could have aaaa tba Sla
ters unloading their baakete or baked eh tok
en. Now, I am not an klnaraat malater,
but I have a fondneea for baked ohlokea, for
all that.
I waa golag to deeorlba that dlaaar. aaraadl
from ema and of tba ball ta taa otbar.batH
eaaiba doaa. Whytbara waai
ta lead taa aawa a fraa laaeb all raaaaf.
Oar aaat aaaatlBf will ba la Saiam, aa Um
intBrldajr la JaTy.at taa a'eaoaktaaW
maaaiaa. laataMaiaraaaiaaam
aaMaataMalato. aad k ta aaaaa
abjt11' "1 'i'laAfir
Svauarrf , Jammt
Tm,nonii iivnsaff.
"' 1 s
Tbla la tba mat kaaaaf taa Wa
wutaaab Uaawaaary bamra taa
tba PI at taa aawa Fair
Friday, Jnae IS. aa4 wa i
tarofaUaadaaaa taallwaa may baablataba
there, eoaaaewi that tbay wUlamdw a enaat
anjoyabteooeaatea. Taa Osmmlaaa af Ar
reagemeata liivlte atXJjaaag aaaala anaataal
ly inellaed to eoma Haaarad to take part km
tba mueleal axarolaaa, aa taara will ba a piaaa
aad orgaa thara fof name talent to make la
teraatlBg. Tba geaaral aarrleaa of tba day
will ba attractive, aad a Beetaaraat will foad
tboaa who do aot aaasa profialoaad. Baa
tba programme published olaawbara.
Kelly A TJaiarwiii. Wagat aai Qnrrkc
Tba advertiaement of tbla waH-kaowa
firm of oarrtaga and; wagajB.makara abeald
not ba overlooked by tboae who are daalroaa
of purchasing either wagons, haeks, buggies,
or oarrlagas, of wblob tbay are taming out
a great variety, call at their ahopa, asd
tbey will ahow you aa floe work aad aa sub
stantia! aa you can desire. Tbay are deserv
edly euooeesful In tbelr enterprise, and tbay
bave already aold a large number or vehi
cles or all descriptions, and are hardly abla
toaatlsfly the demand upon them. After
looking at their work, wa do not wonder at
tbelr reolevlng ordera la advance to keep
tbem busy.
The drug trade of Portland, with lis ad
juncts of paints, olla and alass, has reached
an importance mat justifies its recognition
among the foremost brancbea of trade.
The Arm of T. A. Davla A Co. la one or tba
leading house In this line, and the only ona
that con flues itaelf entirely to tbe Jobbing
trade. Tbe aenlor member of tbe firm, Mr.
T, A, Davis, has been outraged in this busl
neaa at the aame stand, No, 71 Front atreet,
since 1851, and baa aeen tbe trade grow
from a email beginning to Ita present large
proportions. Tho stock carried by this Arm
is very large and complete In all Ita ap
pointments, filing entirely a two story brick
store, .Sax80, and a warehouse also 25x80 feet.
Hi rangers from the East who Inspect this es
tablishment are struck with astonishment
at seeing such an Immense stock In such an
out-of-the-way place as Portland, and fall to
appreciate the extent of trade it supplies.
Oregon, Washington and Idaho are tributa
ry to tbla market, and the merchants are be
ginning to reallr.e that they can do fully aa
well ny buying nere as uy going to Man
Francisco. Thn quantity nr window kI&im,
white lead, oils, drugs, patent medicines,
eta., which MfssrH, Davis fc Co. carry, ena
bles tbem to fill all nidere. end tbecxttut of
tbelr trade Is such that they are able to sell
at prices which bold tbe buslnes here
where It I longs. Dealers are beginning to
realize tbe benefits that accrue to themselves
by having an establishment of this charac
ter ao near at baud from which (odraw tbelr
supplies, and that Increase of trade to tba
Jobber means lower prices to the dealers,
thereby working mutual benefit. Com. Re
porter, Tbo
Farmers' warehouaa haa received
15,000 pouada of wool ao far tbla
.1 !
$i!r ei!fl
, A'iaW,