WlJOCKS3gLTTtTK V k? u I' i t-' White Bete. e itllBTi -thi foe .to -mruam Am i at CoiV- ulton's, Lort? CalloU Vr Ten Mile Crook,.' Noar the Junction of Tjrgh Vnlloy and Canyon City roads, I pass the upland farm of Mr. Uuford, formerly of Marlon county. In this locality soveral settlors aro ommonolng farms, and in tho mattor or wa ter for farming and domostlo purposes (nozt to good soil tho most important object), Mr, Uuford lias good wator by digging fdxtoon foot; tlmbor for fuel and fonolng Is roacbod In from II vo to flftoon miles, with no toll brldgoB to cross. I think tho climato horo is nomowhat modified, by tho nearness of tho Cascado rango, in favor of upland farming, l'asslug ovor UoschutoH by way of tho lower brldgo, and rising out of tho canyon, thoro is a porcoptiblo chango In tho growth. Tho bunch grass la cloaror of intormlxturo with othor planta, yot thoro aro enough of such plants as tho dwarf lupino, a sundial and a spoclos of wild mustard, to mako mo boliovo a grain crop might bo socurod. At Price's farm, six tnilosEaat of Doschutos, afalrcrop of ryo hay is promised on the top of tho lilghost land in tho vicinity. It Is the second sowing aftor tho plow, tho seed bolng bar rowod in after tho first crop was cut. Mrs, 1'rlco, of whom I sook information, (borhus band bolng gono for wood or lumber) speaks of throo tons of ryo hay to tho aero, but I confess I would not guoss to heavy a ylold, Tho poach doos woll as an orohard troo horo. Thero Is no spring wator near tho road, from 1'rlco's to Loonard's brldgo, on tho John Day rlvor, twonty liillos Kastword, but llvo mllos in thutdlroctloii,JcsfoKatoiigots woll-water In sovon foot dopth, Tho soil horo Is a vory dry sandy loam and of almost uniform qual ity where it is cut into in ordor to construct ditch and dyko fences, Tho quality doos not chango In most places at tho dopth of four foot. As fencing n farm would bo, uoxt to land and wator, tho most Important Horn horo, I obsorvo that Mr. 1'rlco's ryo Hold Is fenced with a ditch and dyko, tho lattor top pod out with a six-Inch wldo board nallod to posts sot in tho dyko, so 1,000 foot of lumbor would lop out L',000 foot of fonco. Tlmbor Is roaohod at tho Cascade mountains, in thirty miles of I'rlcoH, with toll at Doschutos brldgo or eighteen miles to tho Klickitat country, Vwlth furrlago ncroes tho Columbia. Thopos 'alhlo and probable posts horo would bo I ho oriokota, mice, and sand-rats (a small animal of tho marmot kind.) 1 am told that botwoou tho Dosohutos slid John Day rivers, say twonty-nvo mllos ICawt and Wont, and from tho Columbia Southward to Iluko Ovou post olllac, near Autolopo valloy, fifty mllos or more, thoro aro not, orhaps, moro than two tlozon actual settlors. Thoro aro probably a liundrod pluccs as promising to yiold woll wator at Juoonsldorablo dojitlis as on Mr. Kitou'rt farm, Tho number of placos whoro Mpriug wator cim bo had by grading a road down into iv eviuy on, Is, I have reason to bo liovo, iiiuuh greater. Tho conditions undor which thimo springs could bo utilized by grain farmorH, would, In most coses, bo for ouo of two, throo, or moro, by mutual agroo mout, to homestead or pro-ompt tho land covering tho wator, and tho othors tho near it bodies of arable land, and dlvldo cijult ably. In many cases throo or four could Kot ollglblo situations in tho canyon for boinoitoacN, with Hiilllolont ground for gar dens and frultN and convonlonces for sooIhI liitercourso, but ut tho oxponso of bolng shut in from tho constant slgnt of tho groat scon I u vlows that most of tho upland sltuutbus In tho Columbia rl yor valloy atl'ord. Tho pros out hituatious of iiiauy of tho sottlors look vory odd to a Halomlto. I stand souiotlmos on a favorablo point for n look Into a deep canyon before inn and seo a narrow strip of doop groou vegetation. No house Is to bo mooii, no sign of fencing or othor Improve- inont, yet that even greou In tho bottom of tho canyon Is evidently not tho work of na turo merely. I turn mid follow tho road I loll to got tho view, down Into tho vory nar row chasm, I roaoh tho bottom at last, and Hud a nlco little trout stream meandorlng through u strip of the richest kind of alluvial Mill. A cabin of uaturo'a coloring stands against tho precipice on one side, m corral ugalust tho othor, and a rudu fence, often of stone, divides them from tho strip of greou 1 saw from tho heights, That strip oi greou la tho farming laud of tho ownor of tho house. It roaches a uillo down tho winding mny on, Hi tho sotthn's usage hero penults a claim to cover that dlHtauce, Tho crops all look well on tho canyon bottom, being gen erally Irrigated from below by tho waters which How undor tho shallow bud 6f alluvial soil, Tho sun beams down hot into theso narrow valleys, and thatatUmU tho condi tions favorable for soma of the best orchard Units, poauh for liutamv, to grow to perfec tion, Willi with that addition to the other moans of good living found In lCtsteru Or ton,! can't say 1 have fallen iu love with life In u canyon, An Knjovaiii.i; Kvi'.nino. Mr. and Mr. N. A, Clarke, usslMtd by their boautltul daughters, gavo a cordial reception Winlnrs day u eulug, at their pbtasaul Iioino In South Nalem, to the Indies and gentlemen In attend unco at tho. Stale Uruuge, together with a few liivtum mentis or tne city. Tholr rooms were tilled by appreciative friends, and tho Hours new ly all loo swlllly, diversified with pleasant conversation, music, and song, A Unitttlful collation was served, and aa the ' weo sum' hours " drttw nigh, and tho good bye's were said, many were the pleaaaut re membrances stored In each heart, and many the kind wishes for the gonial family whose lionplialltles had been so lavishly beatowed. -A'flltlMKIIIN, ' Mu.Kmrou: About a doeau of u aaw Dr, Davis, of Solo, take a caucttroutof the free of Mrs, Cornelius at tho rosldencoof Mr, N. O. l'arker, on the t:h. No chloroform was udiiiltifate'-cd, encouragement and prospect of tiro induced her to (tear It, Dr, Dvlt acoult- HHI IIIU1MII Willi ma uauai KUIIIIV. ill Tho Wheat Market. The whoat market continues depressed not having rocovorod from tho docllno In Liverpool, no doubtalsoduotothodlscovory that wo havo plenty of wheat to answer this coast until after harvost. Tho quotations for tho week will bo found In our regular mar ket report. Wo gather from tho H. P. CVmmeromf Jlcittlrf that tho showery weather of tho lwt few weeks has boou a great assistance to California Holds that wore not Injurod past remedy, and contracts aro already made for soveral ships to load for wheat to Liver (tool with now wheat In June, freights being at the low rato of X'Z per ton, Tho show ory weather has added considerably to tho crop prospects. Harvest has already commoncod In Cali fornia, Hero lu Oregon wo aro having a most favorable season for sprlng-sowed grain, and fall wheat does not seem to suiter. It is not easy to imagluo how prosjiectsof wheat growers could bo Improved from what they kociu to be at presout. It the quotations ot wheat aro high after harvest It Is probable that a great portion of tho Oregon crop will be immediately sold and tho finances of tho country relieved of all embarrassment. Wo feel like repeating a caution to our friends lu the country, to go slow and not spend their money beforo they get It. Kyorythlng looks favorable, but it Is bent to bo on tho saft) side and tako no un necessary chances. Local Markets. Salom Mills have dropped fo fl.'JO per bushel for wheat, with little ottoilng at that price. Some small lota previously purchas ed arc coming in and it seems possible that tho home supply will not more than equal tho demand. Wool has advanced to 1 cents for good grades and i cents per pound has beeu ottered for choice lota. It laaald that for one vory choice lot 'JtK cental has been offered . (Quotations may bo stated aa i cents to 23); cents per pound. Kaatern Oregon at the lower figure, but Kasteru wool stands belter lu tho market this year than heretofore. It must bo remembered that the Hocks of Marion county average a higher grade thau the real of the Stato and quotations are there fore higher here thau elsewhere. Here, at Salem, merchants are giving IS rcma wr uvuiu iur epm, 3 u " evil IS per 1. Ill do u ml for liuttnr: unit AOrautH usr builinl fur pleasant irxul nature and ctMlnnu itinlii oat, llav U In lluht datuanJ. iwtnvriv All with confidence aud (he rwull la succct to U per ton. '" Jfon'a Spirit of the Turf ,cago, a cut of the above mw., jtho following notice of her. We have 'not room at this time for tho cut, which is similar to others of Mr. Myer'a stock wo havo published heroloforo : White Hose is onoof tho best specimens of tho I'orchoron Horse. Sho is not without beauty, as our readers will at onco percotve, but power is tho grand characteristic In hor dovolopomont. She is of full blood; was bred In Ohio, and arrived in Oregon in Janu ary, 1870. Sho is white and in good condi tion; hor wolgbt 1700 pounds; a low, wldo, woll-muscled animal, of rare excell ence. Whito Koso Is tho property of Mr. W. O. Myor. tho nioneor Importer and breodeY of I'orchoron Horses on tho Paclflo coast. Tho first importations of this valuable breed in thn United States, occurred In 1830, and Mr. Harris of Now Jorsoy achlovod a groat succoss. Elovon years lntor, Mr, Fulling ton of Ohio, having visited Franco on othor business, purcuasou a inroo-year-oiu i-or-choron Colt, which ho brought with him to Ohio. A long voyago In a sailing vossol had mado havoo with thoappoaranco of tho Illus trious Btrangor, ins mano nnu tan uau uisap poarod,svo tho stump of a caudal appontl ago; and tho horso Louis NaM)loon was tho subjoct or many disparaging Jokos. His coltfl spoodlly established an oxcollont ropu tation for him. Prior to his death, at tho ago of 21, he had boon brought to this State, whoro ho was ownod by Messrs. Dillon it Co.; and had becomo tho siro of more than 400 successful stallions: many of which sold for f L',000 each . This horso, by his progeny, oxtendod tho I'orchoron brood ovor tho Wes torn Statos, which, until his arrival, had not boon sensibly affocted by tho earllor impor tation, Until tho year 1870, few othor Por choron horsos woro I m por tod, but within tho lost nix years importations for salo havo boon numorouH. Tho truo I'orchoron is now scarce, Thoso who raito horses for salo as Porohornnn, iu tho neighborhood of Char tros, which is tho centor of that trade, pur chaso foals lu Iiolglum, Plandors and olso whoro; and after preparing thorn for tho markot, soil thorn as Porchorons. All heavy gray horcos nro callod Porchorons in that country; and beyond doubt, tho raco has beon Isrgoly crossod by tho truo brood, but pure blood Is comparatively rare. Mr. Myor considered all tho various typosand families, boforo concentrating his iittontlon upon tho Porchorons, and his nctlvo exporfenco at that time as a brocdor had extended over almost a quarter of a contury. Ho com menced tho now doparturo with White Princo lu Docombor, 1870, and had thon iu addition, three mares, ono full bloodod,andlwothroo fourths bloodod. Whlto Princo has boon an oxcollont siro, and his got aro kind and geutlo, with good llfo and stamina, liy common consent tho l'erchorou horso Is tracod to Arab stock, Tho Oodolphln Arabian, whoso wonderful caroor omployod tho pen of Alexandre Du mas tho older, was said to havobcou prosont od to tho King Louis XIV of Franco, by tho Kmnoror of Morocco. Durlnc tho llrslntiar- tor of this contury Oodolphln and Oallipnll woro tho names of two noblo animals, tho proporty of tho French government, Import ed by tho Stato to Incroaeo tho valuo of tho national norso. 'ino poweruu grays iusi named havo douo much to Improve tho I'or choron. Gray Is tho predominant color. Tho climate of La I'orclio is admir ably adapted to tho valuablo brood which Air. Myois has accllmatod. Ashland. Jackson county, Oregon, has a beautiful climato and soil, and his succoss is good testimony, that tho chango to tho specialty which engages his attention, Is ap preciated, Cascado Road and Brldgo Company. Tho company that owns tho road aoross tho Harlow rou to, noar Mt. Hood, havo on advortlsomont IhIIioFaumku this wook,and thoso who Intond to cross tho mountains should read it. Thoy claim that this routo Is In oxcollont ordor and that It Is tho host and nhortost. For ono thing, it cortalnly is tho oldost and best known, and lias answered a good purposo for many years. Mr. Fondal Kutherlln has boon shoarlng his fine Hook of sheen at Wilbur during tho present week and tho ylold oxcoodod his greatest expectations. Quito a number of them ranged from US to 10 pounds por ilooco. IVuinitciiler. Wool. Wool buyer are advancing the price so that within a week It has gono up from 22 cents per pound for gcod valley grade, to 23K on Wodneaday. we do nt t gather from any source ovidence that a great advance maybe expected, Indeed, a constant do clme baa taken place in Eastern markets since last fall, but the Centennial Exposition maxeuregon wools Known ana mere is a cortatn demand at good price for tho long staple wools that come from Oregon, and Eastern commission hnmspn nrn making direct efforts to seen re our clip, It is safe to hold on a week or two before selling. Tho Eastern buyers aro now in California, and by themlddlooftho month will bo In Oregon, and perhaps the best tlmo to soil will bo whon they aro among us compotlng to pur chase. Wo inollno la tho opinion that nothing will bo lost by waiting a bit, and something may bo gained by it. Tho financial stringency makes it vory necossary that wool-growors luniizetm moir cup is worm to assist mem through harvest. It Is certain that if all tho wool in Marlon countv or nnvother cotintv was bulked in ono man's hands, to sell to best advantage it would bring two, or moro, cents por pound above what Individual far mers can sou it for. Wool should bo balod and pressod and cleaned of tags and dung locks so that it will appoar at fair advantange. Tho tlmo Is com ing, and wo hope Is not far oft", whon all our products must go to market In good condi tion. It Is for the Interest of all wool-growors that tholr staple ahould bo hold In bulk to soil at good advantago and go to market in good order. Wool buyers como here on speculation, bUV OUr Wheat anil fAkn nlinnnnn nn aavlnc- thomsolvos afterwards. This bolng me caso wny cannot tho wool-growers bulk tholr products, consign tholr wool to somo first-class houso to soil on commission, find thomsolvos reallzo whatovor speculation Is In it? This is an Important query and woll deserves consideration. Every year tho wool clip of Oregon wll Increasoand Eastern competition for purchase Increaso with it. Already a responsible Philadelphia housq Imi money doposlted horo and offer an advnnco of 18 cents por pound for good Oregon wool, attracted by tho qunllty of our wiiui-i nniiwii m mo uontennut imposition. It might bo worth whllo to mako o sulllolont effort to tost this mattor thoroughly. WILLAMETTE TBAHSPORTATION AND LOCKS COMPANY. TIIK KOM,OWINO It.VTim OK mi (IrAlti ntnl l.lfillr liiiv,, l,Mn,i ,.h. tiihllniiott ly this romp'iny in flm maximum rates for ono year from May lit, 1877, vi. : i"cr jon. to Portland ft 00 l 7ft '-, J AVERILL FAI2TT.. It Islprcparcd ready lor Immediate use, and of ALL DESIRABLE COLORS AND PURE WHITE. It Is easy to apply. For durability, and It will beauty, and not crack, peel or chalk 01T. brill Innry of color It Is For sale In any quantify by WEATHERFORD & CO. ....DEALERS IN DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, AND PERFUMERY. SALEM, : : : OREGON. may2tf JOHN HUGHES, -DEALER 1N- Q-rooeries PAINTS, dXld DE3COT7-lSi023LS, XTOTICE 1.1 KrolRlit on Oreuon City lluttovllk" Clminpoeg Dayton Knlrllolif Wheatlnnil Lincoln Hlllelil " Kola " luilcpemlciico ' Ankonys Lauding " lluoim VUtu ' Hprlnglllll " Albany " Corvallls " l'oorla " Monroe ' IlarrUbiiri; ' KiiReno City " Undo anil Kloursblppcd from tlio points above inoutlaneil tllrcettoAiitoila will becliarKed $100 por ton additional. Tho company will contnact with parties who dCNlro lt,to tnmspnrt Uraln and Klouriit abova rutcH for liny upcclflcd time, net cxccoiIIiil' llvo yotrs. , H. O. IlKKD. Vlco rrcMdent W.T. A L.CO. Portland. Anrl 1 2S. 1877. Muvl3tn .. 1 7ft ... 2 00 .. u no ... a to . . a r o .. 'i no .. 3 7ft .. a 78 ,. :ioo . . :i do .. :i oo .. .100 .. :i M .. 3M .. 4 VO .. I 00 ..6 00 OILS, WINDOW GLASS, -A.23.c3. Buliaing Materials OF ALL KINDS. IS THE AGENT FOR. THE SALE OF THE RUBBER PAINT, ALU COLORS, Mycr Jto 3L.OAVoiiNtolnN VarnlMlioH, HOWELL & BEOTHERS' WALL PAPER AND BORDER, I WILL GIVE TIIK Highest Cash Price "W -ron- AL30, SHEEP - WASH TOBACCO, Xoi ale Ity M. MEYER. Huloin. Mnyll, la77. 13ml Alterative 4 -AND- JSfixx Juan Stato Stroot, Lime. Salom Orogon. FRANK BROS. & CO., 104 & 106 Front Stroot. - - - PORTLAND, OREGON. IMrOHTEllS AND DBALE11S IN I Agricultural Implements ! Sole 1'ncllic Accent, for tho Genuine and 1VorMItcuowncl WALTER A. WOOD'S HARVESTING MACHINES, Embracing Endless Chain and Sweep Rake, Self-Raking Reapers, One- and Two-Horse Iron Mowers, Mowing Attach ments, Harvesters, and Self-Binders. To Purify tho Blood uso r. jnyno-. Alirriitltc. It nets illroctly on tho blood, Htlimilatlug tho nlorlieiitH, overcoming tho obsthmto Htato of tho por en of tho skin, and Imparting n healthy jjlow to tho Coiunloxlon. 1'lmples, l'uRtules, Tetter, niul Skin Diseases of nil Uliuls, Mercurial Atl'ectlons, TuinorH, and nil vnrlo tlos of comnlnlntH arising from de prnvtHl or dlsordored blood, nro ef fectnally erndleated by this remedy. Scrofula In all Its Forms u rami by tho poralstont uso of ir. Jnjrmi Allrrntlvr. It destroys tho polbon oii8 prlnclplo which orlginntpti Soro fnhi, niul ultimately drives It from tho Kyhtcut. It will rcmovo enlnrgc inonts of tho Ohuida or lioncs, and Is n safo romoily in eases of Uleera or Korea of all kinds. Dropsy and Dropsical Swellings nro cUbctuully ouroil by Ur. Jujtbo". Al trrmtlvr. By Btlmulatlng tho notion of tho nbsorbonts, nil watery or eal careoua depositions nro gnulunlly carrleil off, toning up tho patient nt tho Bamo tlmo, by utrcugthenlng tho dlgostlvo organs niul oxcitlng tho Liver, KUlnoys, Ae. to perform tholr Amotions. For Dyspopsln nud Liver Complaint It has proven n remedy, and it hns established cures in iiisea of Kpllepsy. It may Ihj safely relied on by any ono neoillng n meilleluo o build lip tho HyMcm, cleniwo tho blooil, or to rostoro tho normal notion of tho l&crctlvo Organs. T. A. DAVIS A CO,, WnoleMleAscBti.rorUs&d Oncos, oclJml ThoAValtorA. Wood Unrivalled Hnrvoster and Solf-liindor In tlio crrntcrt I.abor-Bavlni; Madiltio In tho world. With till iiucliliif, ono man with thrco liorarH ran cut anil bind from U to 15 acre or s;ralu per Unr, and tntwowccki tlmo tared In harve'lloi; n crop oy be Klnnluc la ffjfon. It maylia nedcltlicra uilarvca tor and Sclf-Ulnder, or at Harvester alone. Tlio Kfirvcstor and Solf-Bindor It tho bet ami mod wonderful Ilarvcttln); Mactilno ever know 11. Ttio Waller A. wood Chain llako and now Iron Sweep Itako (NKI.F-KAKINU ltKAlKIIS) Aro the Itent tivlMlaklin; Iteapera on earth, ami wo nro tiuiiii; lor inumaiiNwio wuicenyu aiiilulvout a clmiice to try It acnuiet anylhliiK made. 1'AKMEltS AND DKAl.Elta, Aro cautioned n-alnt a clietp and llsht mower ofler. nl at n Wood machine, and purchaser thoul.l ho turo Ihit thev Ki't lu.i'lilucs (laminit "W'Al.TKIt A. it uuu," at uniiooiuer are cenuine. Tlio -amout Waller A. Wood's New Double-Geared Open-Guard Iron Mowers, With llratii Hearing, pMent Oil Cap, and new and Impruu'd (iimrdt, nre kiiiarouleed to bo the Uett Mower lathe World. Tlio Waller A. Wood Improved Trcadwell Header. Warranted tupcrlor to any Header In tho markot. Iron Wlit'elf, tiprlu llnlanco, AiJiiturilo Hoc), made ttroci; and ilurablo. ltun by Chilnt Inttead or lklln; none acquainted with lleaaer. alter having teen tnlt machine, need bo told thl I the U6tl Header In tho Market, aa It wlllboappaicnt on iduht. It took dm premium anno uemenuiai, .nnj, uruco laio oi lien lun county belni: une ot the Ji award. Lako Superior Iron, and from tho tupcrlor manner In wlileli nur rkulna aro tot ami ovary wliaol baUnrrd. All perfect track. Tlio Buford Iron Gang and Sulky Plow, and Hie Browne Iron Sulky Plow. I.lfiht Draft, catlly adjuttcd with Fcrcwa or Levcrf for Lcvilorbldelilll (Iround. Thcto I'lowa aro fc pcclall) rtcommrnrted to the Farmer of Oregon and Watbluctou Territory t the Mshtctt Draft, tho mott mbflnnllal. tymmetrlcal and tho mutt catlly rontrolled, and a doln betttr work under all condf. tlont thau any other l'low- In tho market. Tlio Famous Black Hawk Single Plow. KaMitt for nun and hcatt. Novcr fall to clean well. Theto plow havo been thoroughly and tovcrely tcttci! In California and elrowhcro, and round tnporlorto all Jud;e who made the The LA BELLE WAGON, lrltlo or tho Putlllc Coast, FAIIM, 81'MNCl, or nxrilKSS, wldo or narrow track. Eaoteru bedaudtop box, or California ttako rack bed ard box. w Ith California and Oregon adjust able UOLl.Klt llltAKK. The bett brake made. LIOHT DUAFT AND WAHUANTKD. Eery wheel rolled lu boiling oil befora the tiro It tet, and the wagon has Mood the tett of tlio climato or California belter tninauy oiner wagon in mo war ket, and runt four to the huudred pound llchter than any other, owlucto ouruiluga tVctn manufacturvd exnrettly for ut from bratt pattcrnt wnlch are not affected by the weather, and cut from the celebrated majiStf ollirr. All thfm tlio bett on the Pacific Con ft. A always on hand for the above riowt 'Iowa aro fully warranted to lull i bo Hock of ExtroH Tho Red Jacket Chilled Iron Plow. With Steel l'olntt and Cutter. And tho renowned COLLINS PLOWS AND EXTBAS, And tbo Celebrated M'SHEBEY FORCE FEED DEILL. A full line of tho bett STEEL GOODS In tho market: alto a full aitortmciit of tho mott lm proved kind or AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. A lull atorlc ontxtraa lor the Walter A. Wood, and other llarveattug Mn chluea kept conataiitly, on hand. lly tcndlnc ut your addrett. and fprdfjlnc thear Helen wautcd. wo will man you Detcrlptlve Circular ane 1'rlcoMttt free, and will lumlih any inrtherin foro.at!oudcfircd. Aiiicn' 13-IIorKC Tower Portable Stcnm KitKiucN niul complete TbrcNltliiET or AI1U Outfit. Tho St. Louis Invincible Thresher AND 8 and 10 HOUSE CARY MOUNTED POWER. rotltlvely the bett machlno ever atedln the Mlttlf lppl alley and tho North Wett. aid the comlnc machtne lor the Paclflc Coatt. Fully Improved with etpeclal featnret to meet the want of the Farmer of Oregon. The Saptrlntendent of the Factory wis here iat year to tee what feature could be added to make tbete the mott popular machine In Orciron. Wo S. NEWBUltY, Manager, PORTLAND, OR. Notice. T IIAVR & IIOII8K AN X with to trade for Una In the rounlry May Itt 1877, U LOT unlry. J. HEN'UY THAT I Title mod, llilOWN. For Sale ! THE FINE HKS1DKNCE corner of Com'ne clal and Dlvttlon ttreett. In denrable tlluatlon, with houteUrse, well dnlihed, and convenient- nireil. and eroond tattcruily ornamented. ill bo told vory lowr and on occomoiCMUtluj LKD WILLIS. ration' Block SutcBU tixix. tenn. Apply to icpSt SPECTACLES, SPECTACLESl For Old and Young. Far-Siglitcd and Noar-Sightedr ShootlmcClaaaea for Sportsmen. 6TEKL, SILVER, AND GOLD FRAMES. I AM prepved to tupply 8petUele to fit all eye, at price to tnlt. W. W. MARTIN, Jeweler Optician, Bank Block, Bute- St. Salem, May 1. 1870. 6m Jo. AC CD i 1'uo.mx, BloonUnston Nanory, 111. ' mnwwuwBjl - J." kA Oti' vtM iAt