Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, June 01, 1877, Page 5, Image 5

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I. 0. Q. T.
Correspondonco from the 0. W. 0. T.
rncuNix, On., May 21, 1S77.
Ed. FAttMnn: This ovoniriR I addressed a
largo audlonce bore In tbo Colvor Ilall after
which I reorganized Edoa Lodgo No. 107,
with a largo motnoorsblp.
W. S. Gore, Is O T; Bollo Rose, V T; J. M.
Hoxle, S; L. A. Hose, PWCT; nnd Unnnah
D. Jonos, Lodgo Doputy.
Tbo lodgo Is cotnposod of pood material
aud will glvo tbo proposod dlstlllory at this
placo a llvoly flgbt.
The Brothers and Sisters say "wo will
win" and I bollovo they will.
Woathor contlnuos cold ond cloudy.
Itoguo lllvor folks don't know what to mako
of It. Grass is good nnd stock fat. Tlmos
looking up. Youra In P. IT. and C.
llosKiiuna, May 29, 1877.
On lho night of tbo 25th Inst, nttho hour
of mlJnlglit I took my soat along sldo the
driver of tbo north bound coach ofthoO.tt
O. Stngo Co., aud sped away over a protty
good road for Itosoburg, nt which placo wo
drow roin in front of tho postolllco nt tbreo
o'clock nnd thirty minutes a. m. Through
tbo kindness of friends on Deer Crook I was
oouvoyod In a buggy on Saturday to the
hospitable homo of Mr. X. Cockolrcnso, near
J)odson's Butto, whore I bad a roal onjoyablo
visit with tbo family. In tbo ovenlng I
vlsltod Door Crook Ii nlf;o No, 231, whore
was hold ono ol tbo mot eujoyablo bossIous
that I have participated In for foino tlmo.
.I.S. Cockolroaso, 0 T; Nnnnto Ingrnbam,
H; Clam Bonobrulto, V T: L. K. Iicdgpotb.
PWCTi Salllo 1). Cockolroaso Is tbo very
olllclont and dovotod Lodgo Deputy. During
tbo ovonlng tbo "postolllco box" was oponod
and mauy good and "pointed" articles woro
read tborofrom by Sistors Cockolroaso nnd
Abbio Burt, whlou wero enjoyed by all tho
tnombors prosout. After tbo Lodgo closod a
Joast of good things was spread and tbo
uiumbors Inyltod to bolp thomsolvos, which
tboy did In good xtylo, showing that temp,
lars as woll as grangers aro blossod with
good appotltos. Sisters McLaughlin, Cockol
roaso, Poaaco, Bonobrako, Ingrabam, and
others, aro outlttod to groat praiso in making
and spreading this troat for tbo mombors of
tbo Lodge.
Tho Lodgo Is doing a good work and Us
mombors liavo tho grit uocossary to "hold
tho fort." On yostorday a public tomporanco
mooting was hold which was woll attordod.
Tho Sabbath School Just organized gives
promlso of bolng tin imorosting ono. Farm
ers yostorday woro hoping for rain, and this
morning tbo parched oarth Is drinking up
tho falling wators with great eagornoss. I
tun off now In a lew minutes down tho rail
road. Ihorodeslro to publioly express my
thanks to Bros, llnbort McLaughlin, J.S.
Cockolroaso and L. K. Jlodgpoth. for having
provided mo with n comiortablo and frro
rldo from tills placo to Door Creek and back.
Want of tlmo prevents mo from spoaklng
more extendly of Door Creole and Its very
kind pooplo.
W. R. Duniiau.
By tho araud Worthy Ohio!.
1. If a Dogroo momber consoi to bo n mom
bor of tbo Order In a Subordinate Lodgo by
expulsion, or resignation, ho tboroby ooasos
lo bo a member of tho Dogreo Lodo or tbo
Grand Lodgo and can retrain thoio honors
only on though ho fcntlnorcr-beon ruigm'
2. No roproHonlatlvo or non-voting mom
ber can bo admitted in tho Grand Lodgo un
less no Is a Third or Charity Dogreo mom
bor and is in possession of tbo current
auartorly pass word.
3. Tho W O T, W F S, and W T, should
not bo inomborH of tbo flnuuco commltteo.
J. Tho WOT has a right to direct tho I G
not to allow members to leave tbo room
durlug recess, but this should bo exorcised
with caution.
5. TboW OT should Merer glvo tho P W
JCx. to u member not clear on tho books.
Ho Is llablo to dlsclplino fur so doing.
0. Tho WOT has tho right lo dolaro a
motion out of order evon if ho hasNtatod It to
tho Lodgo and tbo quos'ion boon called
subject of courso to appeal to tbo Lodgo If
any member doslros to do so.
7. A W 0 T at tbo oloso of his ofllclal torm
must take his position as P W 0 T uuloss ho
is ills own succossor as W 0 T.
Ashland Lodgo No. 1SU, has olectcd II. O.
Hill, Mary 0. Hill, Ricbel Applognte, and
Charles Goodohlld, Altornate Representa
tives to tbo Grand Lodgo.
Silver Lodgo has clioson Rev. R. C.
Itamsbyand Orpba Cranston Representa
tives aud Jano Ramsby and W. R. Dunbar
Havmon TiOdgo No. 101, elects Mrs. J. 0.
Cartwrlght, U. II. Reed, Cornelia Grimes,
and Wm. Harmon to Grand Lodgo,
Hon. J. C. Cartwrlght has Just orgnnlrod a
Degroo Tdinplo at Tho Dalles, C. II.Roed,
HT; Cornell. Grimes, D VT.
Tho O. W. O. T. on tbo 10th Inst, visited
Table. Rook Lodgo No. 201, and reports it do
ing a good work.
Tbo following nre the names of tho nlllcers
Installed at Onword Lodgo No. 220, 1 O G T,
for tho ensuing torm, vl: Geo, Golscn
dorrer, O T; M. Cbambors, V T; K. Conn, S;
J. W. l'ropit, F S; Emma Golsondorfor, Tj
Magglo Gelsendorfor, Chap.; Ralph Froman,
M; N. O. Conn, I G; Joshua Coun, O Gj F.
A. Bnrkbnrt, P W C. Tbo representative to
tbo Grand Lodgo aro Geo, Gnisomlofer, F.
A. Burkhart, alternatas Matt Chambers, J,
W. Pronst. Wo would say that Onward Is
not dead as has bfen roported, but Is In good
working order. Our membership Is not as
large ns It once was still all seems to bo ullyo
to tbo uaue of temperance. We have a
mper in connection with tho Lodge called
'Tho Undertaker," R. E. Conn editor. It is
.a real Uvo naper. Submitted In F. If. and C.
J. W. I'noi'sT, L. D.
W R Dunbar, G WOT.writos from Myrtle
Crook, Oregon, under data of May 25th as
follows: "I have this night visited tbo
lodge horo, aud found it doing n very good
work. It baa made a gain of eight members
during tbo pist term. Tbo member' of tbU
lodgo aro cmltlort to great proUa f r their
dovotlon ! tbo cause. They liavo had much
oppoHion to contocd with."
Rosue River Lodge No. 275, 1 O C T. Tbo
following olUcers linva boeu elected for the
quarter commencing May 1st and ending
AucustW: Thos Carr, O T; O S Blrd-ey,
V T; LUzIo Sohietleliu, T; Addle Ulrdsey,
C;JT Robins, S; W J Savago, FS; Aunle
Bavago, A 8s B W Huston, M 5 Charlotte
Sohleffelln,D M; O M White. I G; Dick
Sohleflbliti, O G; Afflo W Colvlg, HUH;
Iono Bailey. L U S. Our lodgo is In a lino
working ordor. Inltlatod last quarter ton
momuers. uwui Dunbar visited us last
Friday evening nnd delivered a public ad
dross to a largo aud appreciative audience.
Rock Hilt., On., Moy 18, 1877.
Ln, Famish: At a rogulnr meeting of
Center Lodgo No. 251.IO G T, hold May
12th, the fallowing offlcors woro Installed for
tho onsulng term: V T, Emma Parrlsh; W
S.GF Sylvostor: F S. Milton Miller; T,
Mairglo Barnott; M , Tho. Zrtosman; Chap.,
O W Richardson: I G, D W Barnott; O G,
Henry Ingram; It H S, Ella Zoosman; L H
S, Viola Tomnlo; D M, Joromo Coylo; AS,
Gonorvla Plckons. Our Lodgo is In a pros
perous condition at present, ond wo think
mat tno mombors aro In-oarnost In tbo torn
porance causo, and may tboy still bo until
King aicouoi is urtvon rrom our midst.
E B Barnntt, W C T.
Ziina, Moy 21, 1877.
En. Faumkh: Tho following ofllcors liavo
boon chosen by Valfontls Lodgo No. 71, 1 O
G T, and havo boon duly Installod May 12,
1877: S S Glmble, O T; Miss Ida UIgglus, It
U S; Miss Alto Poor, L n S; Miss Susan A
Hlgglns, W V; W A Uonry, S; Samuol
rniiupp, ah; unas l'liilllps, FSjKlla Hlg
glns, T; Hannah Phillips, M; Lutislo D.ilno,
DM5SUH0 Cavltt, I O; G W Cavltt, 0 0;
J K 1' Cavltt, W 0 nnd L 1). This lodgo has
fo.ighttho Whiskey tratllo ton years, and
proposes to lUlit It out on this linn until
our good causo ha.s won tho mco. Yours
inuornnlly, S S G.
Dologntos to Grand Lodgo of I O G T havo
been chosen us follows hi addition tn thrum
already roportod:
iioguoJtivor, so, 27.J-K LSchlofllon, W
II Mavngo, with Thos. Haymoud, J. T. Rob
inson, ns alternates.
Myrtlo, No. 220 Jamos Adams, E A
Door Creek. No. 281 L K Uodtmetb . W H
Chappell, with J S Cockolroaso altornate.
MonuwK. 0. a w 11 Parsons.
Pdclila. No. 170-Capt. D O Underwood,
Uoraco Knox, Samuol Vonch allornalo.
Revival, No. 213 W F Sottlomlro.
Portland. No. 201 Mrs. O A Cobnrn. J W
Gatnblo, alternates Jno. Shaver, Wm. Dun-
Lookinc Glass. No. 103 A A Mathnws
and Dr. King.
PacIUc, No. 170 Harris Hazloton, alter
nate. DnuNKi:.v.Ni:s3 in Enoland. A parlla
moutury return mado last wook shows tho
number of arrests for druukonesK, In ono
yoar, to bo201,!W0, of which 47,732 woro wo-
mon. Lora coiorlugo has recently mado ro
marks similar to thoso of Justlco Mauisty
from tho Bench. Ho contrasted tho Incrouso
of drunkonuoiH among tho working classos
ami mis is, inuoeu, a notauio puonouionon.
A goutlemou of my acquaintance says that
Avoid much drink, my boy; for many yearn
I limited myself to my pint of port 1 day"
"11 quantity," my frlond added, "which,
small as wo thought it, would put mo in my
grnyo in n yenr." Still, gicat us Is tho im
provement, Lord Colorldgo would probably
romartc it less 11 Ms associations wero more
with tho aristocratic circle than with tho lite
rary nnd religious people, whoso sooloty ho
likes best. A caso la at this momont being
board In tho Criminal Court of London,
which ditclosos lho fact that It Is still possi
ble for men of high position to puss tholr
tlmo dunking nearly all day and all night
going from delirium to dollrum. to death and
crlnio. It was whllo nwaltlug trial for the
vrimo now detailed that Sir Edward Cunyng-
name, uarouoi, was jaioiy lOUUU (lying in
prison. Ho wns takon to a small hotel,
wuoro ue iiiou onnmg nn oiu uuu ouco no
ble family In shamo. Ho nnd Matthow
wothorallund Cbarlos DoChastoIalno used
to meot with William Lo Hunt Doylo for
drinking. On ono of tholr bouts tho four
consumed eight Dottles of cbampuguo, eight
inrgo glasses 01 uranuy, iiiiriy-ouo small
glasses of tho same, tbreo tumblers ol beor,
nnd llfieon of lemonado. Doylo had delir
ium tremons tbreo tlmox, and on ono occa
sion whllo drunk was Induced bv the othnrs
to put his signature to a paper conveying a
larue sum of monoy to thcinsolves. Seutouco
will bo given to-day on tho living gentlo
mauly snlndlors,aud on lho onco fair famo
of (haply) tbo lsst of tbo Cunyngbatnos.
London Letter,
In Memonam.
At a regulur meeting of Lobtnon Graugo
No. 21, P. of H., following resolutions woio
Whereas, tho Master of tbo Great Orango
above bus seen fit to removo from our midst
our beloved Sister Lurann Bell, who do
parted this lire on tho 10:h day or May, 1877;
And, wlioroas, wo realize that Ingoing
from us sho ban gone to receive tho hlghor
Degrees above to which we all asplro; there
fore, Rosolvod, That 111 tho death Slstor Bell her
husband has lost 11 kind and loving wife,
I.olianon Grange ono of Its most faithful
members, ami the Patrons of Husbandry
ono of their warmest supporters and admir
ers. Rosolved, That In tho loss of Slstor Boll
our Orango has only tomperarllv lest a j
member, and although wo shall miss her In
ourcouuullH, wo realize that our lois Imh
beeu her gain
sav.nnnnt 1
,!, ",,;
r lio-s our
n cojn' of
Rosolved, That In this great boreav
tno family or our deceased Sister
most neartrelt sympathy, uuu that n co:v
thoso resolutions bo furnished the friends nf
deeesseil and tho Wim.amkttj: Faiimi:ii.
Aioany jcegwvr anu Democrat, wun
iicnocrul, with re-
cjtieNt to publluh the Nrtino.
i f iMouanaiu, sarau saitmarHU, Margaret
Qitre, ConimltteH.
Fhank Fikk, Sec. pro tem.
The Sewing Machine Monopoly Broken
Tbo Unltod Statos Ikonomut kiy lnt
"thollrst of May usberod In an event of
greater inomen t to inanj- bousokcepera than
tbo annual moving, namoly, tho expiration
of tho Iant luportaut patent which enabled
tho inakorR of sewing machlnea to keep up
their exorbitant prlcoH, For jcars
largo corporations bavo bought up In
patentH nnd coucontiated their rlghtt, tbue
ensbllng thoinsolve to reatrlct any hucIi
Scuorxl unuufdcturi an might lulorfero lth
their practical monopoly. Tho grand cen
tral patented feature, tho medio with uu eye
near its point, was ono to which all tho
in.il:r.rH nil.l mrallv. nn.1 fnr Kftlf nrnlju,.!-.!, I
, .j..j , .... .. ,.......,..
they coiublnod to drlVO dangerous rlvah out
of tho field. Tho hist of those palenti hi
wbl h ull tha variety of taudard sewing
machines had a common interest was the
four-motion febd, and four months ptst tho
oomblu&lp.-orporattona hr.vo boeu hoiking
fur a renewal of tho patent, but renevuil hui
been denied. Already tho prlnulpal com-
pan los havo begun to offer" tholr machines
at twenty-five per oont. discount for cash,
and ero ldng tho Howo, Singer, and other
machines will be extensively tnado by otbor
companies than thoso that havo had It bo
monopoly, and machines that cost only ton
dollars each will no longer sell for sixty.
Almost every boat, says tho Dalles Tribune,
brings up immigrants. So mo go up tho river,
some go noross Into Wasco and UmaMlla
counties. To seo immigrants camping out
in the Dallos is no unusual thing nt presont.
J. w. WKAtninronD.
Weatherford & Co..
Wholceslc and RcUll Dealer? In
Patent Medicines.
Etc., oto.
For Medicinal purpo;c.
Medicines Compounded, and
Proscriptions Filled.
Weatherford & Co,,
Commnrcul Urcflt. N.VI.RSI.
Will pay tho
Highest Market Price
500,000 POUNDS
7V O O L.
i:iii)iilru of XV. J. HKItllltN.
Bllcm, Miy I, lSTT-.lm.
T. 33. "WA.X.1?,
Gcntrsl Agent for Oregon aud Watlilnptun Tcr'yfor
TI10 JltCormlck michltiii nro lho 1IKST ami innat
duislitu that htve iner been comtructed.
FA1I.71HIIN look to your Intercri! rjerOetno
mora lli;ht. cn.t Iroli. Clie John ' innclilnen. When
on get a jicuuiliilVH, aim ii 11 witn proper care,
I ItL'ood lortufiitv M'ur. John and Win. I'unli. of
thl comity, hao 0110 they hao tun for 8(3 yearn,
and will Mill continue, to uv. Tho Mct'ormlclc II 1 r
ctr took tho flx'mt promlura. at
llio Orri?nn Slulu Fair til 'Til.Ty VKll A 1.1. 11 MKIM.
Dou'it order any but thoMcConulck. and you will bo
pleated with your purcbti'u. Aun,
Wait'i PortaWB Power Hay Presses,
Unlit to order, and eery ono warranted tobocfUKl to
the one lint look tho flrt premium at the ureL'ou
Miu I'ttlrof ih-il.
Cull Hint rjtiimlnt, or ttnilfor rUvulart
"plO Cummtlrlat Mittl H.lljK.V
In thu Circuit Court of the Statu of Oregon for tho
uuiiiy ui luriiiu,
tl eonro A. IMc and Ilhod Kde til wlfu, I) V Ca
''eh '"! Mnrtlia I.. Campbell hi. wf,.M Jlu
ir fllm jary A, .Mipor Id wife. John (I. Wrl
mid farnllue M. WrUht hi wlfii. c'barle l'u
couiiiy 01 .iiunnu.
Cam I
luotml .Mary l'arogo hi tu. nnd Jaioei V,
itrunimou .amnu uruwii mt uie, ivtliUJIi,
(ieorgo Andmoii and Marltia Auderou m Ife, aud
ia-i humuiuh mm (uraHnutu, ijtinianu.
To (Jeors-'o Andiwiu and Mtrthn Anrierimi hi wife,
Lewi Joiiu'on, and Aboer Allen, Jlulciidaiitu:
Is tub Najib op tub Statk rjK OuKoos; You aro
hereby required to appearand nuwer tlw coiupUiot
II It d aelnt you In iliu atoti tnlltledtuttoiuir be
fori) llio ili.t ua of thu uixl term of thu t Irciilt Court
nf tho btate ol' Oregon for thu County of Marlon to
wit, on or before thu lltli day of June, A, I). Ib77,
and If you fall k to ut.wer, lor want thereof thu
pUilnttlT above named will take a decree fur the relief
prayed for In (aid complaint, to wit, for tbu paitltiou,
according to the ertatoaud interent. thereluof tliu
respective partle. lo f til ruit abne named, of lh
iiiijow ing uercrioeu rial eniaie, in wu: -sunaie m ,iia
lu i
loiui on tint i4g rona lei'iing rrom haiem to Albany,
ut thah. K. con.rrtf a pleruuf mr.doned by John
(.'rim, running Ihencoh. ii i :Hliutn W. aloin ald
roid chain lo the.N". K. cormrof the Odd Kc).
lowf' Itural CemetU), thencu westerly alniu the
North lluu of ald tLiuettry, ti.' (lialnr; thenni
hnulh with tha We.i lino of tthl i-tindery l.lrj
clulli; thence N". Tl deg. 91 inlu. W. II III thiln;
inouceortu 1 1 turiiaiu. trance M. 71 ieg ; nun. ...
5 W claini; thencu .N. 37 (leg K. S-M.l chain to &
,1(Jin, 0Q iiiurtoiiiii buuaary lliio 01 thi kiiid or Abre
nam ihert; ihtncu Kitrly with raid lino to the
ulaeo of beuluulii!.'. roi.t inl L' ulni-tvvll.l lU-iacie
of hind, more firl." for b olhtr and luitberre
lief u Iliu Court may deem wiuitablu ami pru.ier, aud
tor co.tr mil dllurm,iii4 In rald'.nUopeiMb.d.
'1'liu mnununH l iiuMIkIimI liy nfUer of Hon. II. I'.
II dre. Judge of Kild ( OJrt, wtado at Uutinln r. lu the
1 liy of MUrr.1, Martrin cuuni), lieguu, 011 tin 'th
Uyol April, A l. itm
JOHN ,f. SHAW, and
(1K0. II: lirn.N'KTT.
May 1, 18H. Mwruaf in I'Ulutltf.
i rtuu L'ounlv. Stalo of Ole-jon. and IioIiil' a nart nf Ilia
past tbo ! DouMlnn land claim of N W. Ccdwill, In n lion 8.)
' . ,,, and .11 In T. 7 o. It .1 W. of the Willamette .Meridian.
uiiium laud je.crlbtda fol!o.. to wit: Coinmunclmr at a
Salem, Portland, Albany, Junction City, and Walla Walla
Tho following FIRST-CLASS Machines, which wo aro now receiving for tho
Sonsou of 1877.
Both End and Sido Shake Tight-G oared.
Westinghouse Vibrator Threshing Machines,
8, 10, 12, 15, and 18 Horso Powor.
Manuraclurcd liy
With New and Valuable
3E3C el i 3Q. st;' Illinois HeadLer,
Wrought-Iron nnd Sorow-IIub Wheel:), utljustablo Heel nnd Truss Frame.
Wrought - Iron Combined Reapers and
Combined Reapers and Mowers.
WOOD'S Single & Combined Reapers and Mowers.
WOOD'S Single Mowers, three sizes.
Johnston Mowers, one size.
C3ojtxa."ULorojr-' '
rurtt A Bradloy Bulky Hakes, OSZffTSXfZffZAZi Sulky Haho, Self Iiump,
Sho Sost la YTio. yj
3iJES,WT?01Nr ?Sr.A.C3rDTSr&, '
Tlilntblo SKclii and lron-uxlo Frnnio, nnd frolftlit WnfCoitH, nil Nlrt
Newton l-.spring Hacks, made oxpressly for the Oregon Market. Jf
3J'o'Vtrtoxx Tlitee-Sprlnc Platform Hprlntr, nuil Hcroll-Hprlng XXn.olc.ai und HVVfmtt
Oardon Olty Plowrn,
Ilnrroivx nml (liilllvntnr.t (inrdeii 'M)' Utility ami tlnuic l'litu'H; I'arnirri.' FrlriMl
(1IIA1N IIUIM.Nt Vnn llrnnt A: Iluii'n ITIONITOIl llronilM-niil lKIllt and
dlll.TIVATOUN. Hie llrat III tile World.
I.rnthcr nutl Itubtirr IIII.TINtl, Inrlilno lCxlrna, llnrduarr, Iron, and Klrrl.
VV Hpcclnl Clrculam, llhitrntril. with price, font to nny aililrcm, Irco or clir(.o. Wo aro MANUFAC
TUItKItS A0ENTS, ami win. kma at diiiiuhk I'liirr.. y
m)7 l'ront Bt., TOItTLANI); Commcrclnl Ht., HAL.KM; and Clicadla'n Illock, AMI ANY. OK.
The Best Bargains Yet.
Dry Goods,
XntllOM nnl GMitM'
of C'lotlnm; und Dry (lood of a laruo
San Francisco,
40 lE&2r
I.ki tliin actual ort of iiiaiiuf:icturln(
lo n-ll my vnllru ito k of
I am imaMcd
Clothing, Gouts' Furnishing
Goods, Dross Goods, Linens,
Parasols, Kuohing, Linon
Collars and Ouffa.Nap-
Hats, Caps, &.O.,
Lower than any Oilier JIouso
My stock of
My Prices aro Low !
Aud flood of tho lll'.ST material.
Call early, ami Secure I.irRiiins !
Gold, Sllvor, and Currency,
Taken at Par !
antiwor.nii ulqqk, hai.ru.
Admlnlntrator's Notice.
NOTICK I hereby u!"'i t'"t the tiudr!:sNl ha
Iwti appolntul ti(1iululr,i'or of ttu vrtatu of
(lorB'i J Itrny. il i oJfe.l, liy III County fMirt of .Ma
lion cowl), Mjttf of Urown, and that all pvrion
hav nt claim mitltn.1 .vM e.ute ara (wiuirml to pro
unit tbo faaii'.
with tU tiriir 04iclm, to thu mi.
(Im.Ikium. in tliuilty of !
tv of hAloiH. In Mll "'wiiitv fur
allouaooe. lliilu nix tnouUi from thU dat.
Dated May 'J h, tSH
k C. 0, KtfflKV, Adralnlitralvr.
J. ! Case & Co.,
Improvements for 1877.
Exterminator !
All others are Inferior Imitations !
Kiiit.mh ltuiiAl, I'liKn't Dear Him I havo Jiut
inndoanixicrimvtit with urt'iiatvd jiol.on for kill
limtiiititrrol. inittliiKOutncaniarU of tho folluwlnu
poison : A can or ItawoyV. n can of HtouloV, anU
a cati of thu artlrlo ciilti-il Wakoluo' r.xtcrmlnator.
Olio can of Wakclcu'H kill n many a nncn of
iiarnny i niuirri'i -iiiriin. ana a in
Htvolo Hijtilrtul 1'oUon. Thlukln
many an ten ran of
iir thu
thu remit will ho
liilo'ritlni: to jour ri'mler!. I enil it rorlhmr licmiat.
o'liunu'to jour ri'n(icri. i
Your, vitv rufiicrtrhllv.
1. Wooim'Aiii).
iiaynaru, April e, iotu.
Vff I" purcliailnB, enro rhontd lu ued to order
'w nkoloo'm.
T. A. DAVIS & CO.,
POlirr.AS'D, moltriile .jn(.
A HINOI.K THIAI. ONLY I nucotary lo proru IM
H. P. VTAKDIiEE & 00.,
Importers of Drugs am Chemicals,
)t)ra'J N,N I'llANCINCIO.
... . . :.. a ..-n.
Tlie . 1. T. Company's
war, i.kavk
ri'Miuii rn Baioiii
Kvcry l'ltlDAY. ruturnlni; on HATUItDAY,
U.Wi roliiniliuon 'J'UKHD.Vtrl and TllUIUDAYH.
Patromzo Your Own Boat!
I'rotcctioii tiKafiiMt IIIkIi
Dealer In
Crockery and Glassware,
Wooden and Willow Ware,
Tobacco and Cigars,
CO.MMrjUUBAE, stki:kt.
Salim, April ai.lOTS.
Stoclcholdem' Mootintj.
"VOTIi'I! Nhirvliylviiilnt lho Annual moetlni;
i.1 ofTuniT Hior iik and Traolo Co, will roiiftuio
ut 'i'lirnur on mlnvmlay tbo Mil tl)j of .In no at Hi
o'clock u. in. for thu nirpou of Ilcrtlnu IHrcctora
and t.'ituoicttnj; auch i.tliur hiulnai u nuy lutjnlly
vomu btforu the mtHtli'.
llv onlur of thu iiuard.
TtltNCU Oti. May 3Ut 1WT, Becrttary.
-f ..".',".&-
K j
r '
,- - . H-
.I iiiiiiaili in himMMmjBJA'Pm
if i
- '3 J-TH
, , , ..w. . a . :. te&mt.i.l Xxii&i&M)&te,