jnm ,Tpf"" W1IJLAMETTE FARMER, P r. j UK". . ( R uDTsrSwfveT? ttatf-n T i . nvrririu -irn uv f.tvan.tr-' .' ri i xl: wfc HVj.jrzrxK.:.ij. v W'-W iV'T'TV-it-r itDOXD sritir rniDAT, nr CLARKE to ORA.IG, runLtfliEiis and rnorniETong. N. A. CliAUKli. . W. CIIAIU. Term of Nubucrlptlon. Ono copy, one year (32 numbers). $2.i0 Ono copy, rlz months (80 number) I.'iS Ono copy, throo month (IRnnmhpra) TA BALKM, FRIDAY, Jl'NK 1, 1877. 0HEG0N AND CALIFORNIA. During tho pnt twtnty-flvo years Oregon has had to strugglo for growth and prosperi ty against tho wonlth and prostigo of Callfor nla. Tim fahulouH wealth of hor mines and tho noml'troplcal naturo of hor cllmato, com bined to mako California tho groatost nttrao tlon In tho world, and whon ngrloulturo was Nuccossfully cotnmencod tho fortuity of tho soil was nlso established, All theso things workod to tho dlsadvantago of Oregon, and tho pooplo of California niado tho most of thulr ndvnntagoH to our discredit and Injury, Hut tlmo has established tho miporlor (Hull tlos of our N'orthorn soil and cllmato. AgrI oitlturo I no now becouin tho real basts of wealth In Clalfornlu mill that Slato has (o hear comparison with ours, greatly U Its dis advantage. Tho frtrjuout drouths and con sequent folium of crops causos illsasterand ruin of thous.tndsol famillos, and whllo far n third of h century Oregon lint known un failing production, ottrnolghborto tho Houtli has ropoatedly mot with thesu ruinous lull uroM, tho most disastrous of which occurs tho present yrar, when tho growth ot tho ag ricultural Interests has inudo that means of production and Ineoino paramount to all others. This year wo shall ship from tho Columbia river more grain than will bo shipped from California, Wo shall produce. If prosent prospoctH oro nnywhoro noarro iillr.od a surplus moro than double thst of lut year, Whllo tho farmers of California havo wnttod itnavalllngly for rain during tho ontlro Reason, those of Oregon havo had all things most fuvornhlo, so much so that from tho first of October until tho prosont tlmo tho conditions havo boon oxuotly what our far- mors could havo doshed had they boon able to diroct them In ad vauco. Tho least sucross- fill crop ovor known In Oregon was that of 187(1, when the too abundant rains of Winter Injured tho Fall-sown whoat. Ho It would appear that whllo Callfornlasullers from fro (juoiit Hiimmor drouths wo hayo uovor lost ylold of enrol I h except from n plethora of rains. All theso fads redound to tho crodlt of Oregon us nu agrlcullural region, and If our iilimato Is not tho natural homo of tho fig, grape, pomegranate, orange and palm, It Is still so mild uud salubrious as to com pur o favorably with all regions Ivistof tho Hooky Mountains and dnos not loso by comparison with that of California, Wo may consider it now certain that tho days ot our Impatient waiting nro oyer; Or egon Is no longer In leading strings) wo havo direct trade and our wool, wheat and llax are known In tho world's best markets h Oregon products, Among tho Immigrants who aro coming Into our borders wo find thousands from California, glad to resign tho Huml-trnplcal for tho tomper.iln r.oue, willing to accept our fruits asrual In valuo to the exotic growths of California, surprised to pans from tho blighted fields of tho South to tho exuberant growth of Uiono of Oregon, delighted to como beneath tho clouds whoso showers through all of May uud Juno glad den tho Holds and pmturos as well as tho hearts of tho husbandmen. Tho contrast la all In our favor and It will not bo oasy for California to regain tho prestlgo after the ru in that attends so much of her agriculture tho printout reason . Oregon has no Interest to Ik) aubsotved by tho misfortunes of California, and wo only ft ol sympathy fjr tho farmers who loso so much there tho proiont year. Wo only de sire that our own advantages may be under stood, to dmw hither a valuable population to till tho wide spread lauds ot tho l'aclllo Northwest. Tho barrier H broken down, and tho thousands are Huilng. Among the late Immigrants, mo havo seen wagon trains from California men who haw abandoned hundreds of acres of blighted client as worthless, hh well as sutl'drers from tho grass hopper plague that devastates some of the Western States, They aro comliu Irom all directions, and anuui of them bring n large amount of capital to lnot hero. Koine buy farms In the eholceid regions of the Wlllatu otto; others seek wild lauds In tho root hilly; many go up the Columbia ioexploiothov.il. leys mid hills of Kistorn Oregon and Wash ington; till tho available country along the Columbia and adlolnliig I'ugot Sound I be ing tilled up slowly but Mirely, and jet there U room Tor many thousands more. Tho Slate census of 1873 showed that we hud In Oregon about 115,000 populullon, and there has been since that time net less than 1,1,000 ImiulKiatlon and 10,000 natural In oroM, which would give hut January a to tal of 1 10,000 pernio lu Oregon, It Is thought thuaritvals at the Columbia river, Tuget Sound, Coos Hay, and those by land from thesurnuiiullug states uud territories will bo 3,600 tho procut month, mid tho arrivals In tho four previous mouths were not less than 1,000, which would give us not fr from 150,000, and It Isfafa to expect a strong im mUrutloii through tho summer uud fall, to inakoWjOOO during the your. Wo may ex pect to hao 100,000 population In Oregon January 1, lSTt,nud when the nevtOovem ineutceiuua in 1'tW Oickoii will not have lea IImii two Hundred thiiunuut Inhab itants. At the present r.ttlo of rep resentation In CongiON C0O.C0O, Inhabit ants will ftntlild us lotworepretentatlx', tint It la i rntiAlilii limLtlin ritln will lm tlxtsl flta Urssr uuiutiir, In which cuk we shall I r.aw3r rli I I i. bra 3ffiJ2&ffi$ W Rtt'ZZliWnZ.T7PjlriiTVrlJHtwMJl '5J.'i" haveio ko tlirouu another docaclo wllu one reproaontatlve. Increaso of production ond wealth, mauu facturoi and population, all tend to Increaso onterprlso end push forward devolpemont. Tho rosourcos of Oregon and Washington are only guestod at. Lven tho oxtpnt of good farming country Ih not half understood, and tho untold rlohos that exist In our forests, coal beds, Iron mines, and also mines of geld and silver, spoakof n future that cannot bo postponod longor and will In tho end build up n great Statu of which tho nation will bo proud. Our present prosperity will attract capital this waynnd soon bring railroad con nection to haston dovelopomont. Powers of School Directors. A correspondent wlshos to know If school directors havo a right to uso school money for repairs on any coliool houso,nnd for fenc ing tho promises. We know that school di rectors in Salem uso monoy that way, and wo havo no doubt It Is proper to make all neod ed repairs nnd Improvements- for tho actual wauls of tho district. A louco rati bo built choaply, and as hogs nnd cattlo don't ncod much book education, It In wMl enough to keep thorn from mixing too olosoly with tho scholars, Inquiries. K. I'Aiiunit: You will confer a groat fa vor by Inserting In your valuable papor this letter. A party of farmers, myself ameng them, havo niado up their minds to reinovo to your Stato, with loams and wagons, from northern Wisconsin, and settle lu tho Wil lamette vnlLy. It uppoarod from tho road lug of your papor that a groat many make this route overland. We wish some ono or moro would give us u detailed description of the road, say from Omaha to Oregon; also, tholrc.xporlonco and troubles; what Is most needed; In what condition tho roads aro; tho most direct lino to bo followed; If there Is any practicable road along tho l'aclllo Hall road; their oxperloneo In crossing creeks and rivers; If any molestations from Indians, etc.; thnlr oxporleucn In mountain romU: how iniieli freight a wagon with two hores mar load: ole, Such n letter would bo of the greatest Intorest, now that monoy IsBoscarco and tho sale of farms Is next to impossible; to transport a largo family from Wisconsin to San Francisco by rail and stoatnor, Is qulto an Item; to have five hundred or a thous and dollars or an empty poekot on his arri val. Is unite another. I think such a detail ed answer is worth preserving, to send to frlonds. especially now that tho grasshoppers are Hiram so fearlully at work. Yours, truly, Josnrit Duma.mu Wiqulook, Drown Co., Wisconsin, An Ancteut Wat oh. Captain W. W. Martin has had sent him from San Francisco n curiosity lu tho shapo of a watch, supposed to bo as "old as the hills," Tho meohaulsm of this ancient niece Is marvelous. Particularly Is tho "main spring" of the concern as wonderful to behold as the Idea Isold. Step In nnd ask tho Captain to show you this beautiful toy when you urn passing. Dissolution at SrAvroN.-The firm known as McCituley V Oardner, at Stay ton, has dis solved partnership, and tho buttiics will to continued by Mr. A. D, Gardner at tho old stand. Thanking tho eltleus for their pat ronage In tho past, ho coidlally Invites Its continuance for the future. Dr. McCauloy will continue his practice as a physician. Htayton, June 1, 1877. A. L. STINSON, Book and Job Printer, uViul Uulcllntlui Holman's Dlock, Old Sonato Cham ber, Snlnm. nAVINd AtlDKI) AN KXTKNHIVK ASSOHT uii'iit of New TyjH-ii, Cnt, tlt., to my nlrindy rxtrulu lltsik nuil Jnti OIUci', I sia now pnimrril lu l nny anil all kliut of Book, Plain, and Ornamontal Printing, On Miort IVullco. nnd nt llcason- tiltlu 1'rlccH, Slock Cerlilicaies u Specialty. Ilatltu: tlio Uruvt aoortmrnt of Mining CortlrtcU llurnaiiuriitntlstil lo that klml of work of any (liliru In Ori'coii. 1 am iri'irvil to etHSIu onlar In thu VKllV llEhT l)lo, In any mimbir of uiliir tto lri'il, uud on rort iiultro, Joltf AJln A. 1.. hTINHON, Balom, Or. The Old Immigrant Route ,cro tlio ('naenilo luiiutuliiN, sou on.NCli ll Tllti Oascido Xloadnrd Bridge Company, Itiiimlntf li Hmlj, Ml, IIoh1,uiuI lUrlov' Uatr, 3S NOW U,1, aiultinwl of nil UmU ha lie . ttnii. 't'licroail t lu Konl reuir, exu'iulw Im iiroMMiu'iiltaro ti'lnu inailo ter i'r. Tlio I..U lth'l. Illl.t.S aroolturulid Muiii-lnU!i:i-arvoii ill llartitam. Thl rortil m mt rntloil n uoLiAuruli lil,iiuil )illt It llio liorle, Itext, nuil elioiip eat roulii mur tin iiiouiiHilii. lllrlmuu out tlio mount'ilii, I I iul'. Kri'in Portland, uit tlio mouiiuiii. 7h mlU l'roia r-nloni, Kit) mill. ItVI'i:- W'atioiM, $.; aililki'.SlV; I'aik., W i Cat lie, lOc, Miihi, !V l-'oi all pilu; anil ronilm; from or I lit n MuLui, Yam lilll, Wa.tiliiKtoii. I.liiu, llt'iiuai. ami I'ulk roiiLtlvr, tlil la lit for tlio K. m.tti.l. ami cluumjt (onto, N II. COALMAN, I'ro-liUnl. IUrvkv K. fuo, (t lolml HEAVY tO lllt'llCN W1U, FOR DRAPERS roil Headers and Threshers, AT iitt:v."i.i uuos.. Juno t ml HA1 KM. ()(,)(0 LBS. r &&$&) "WV3a.GocaL ! Highest Market Price Paid BKHVRIAN Juno 1 -tit "mU A JSBi KJ HALEM. If nWwMll b - - - - - - ... j m-m -mwlt WaTL T XJJ3JE3 THE "W,ix1;o 3L. Ii. & E. II I K S CM The IIIOIIEST markot price paid for any ntnount f Wool, .liino Ij-Vhi Leo 17711113, BEOS I.I5AVK TO OAI.I.THK ATTENTION OP tho pnlillc lu III uow rtiK'k of Pianos and Organs, In nloro nnd to arrive, which nro ofi'orcd at Greatly - I3Um1ium1 l?rls, i either for rnrk or en lutullmcnu. ma itisk or Books arid Stationery U rJo COMPI.im:, and will bo tu'.d at price toiulr tLo ttiiu1. Will fnrnlli, nt fhort notice, nny Dook publlehod In tho Unllid Mate, at patillnlier' rnlvf. Order ollclti'(l, nnd an examination ol liU dock rotpvctfully Incited. LEO WILLIS, Stato Street, Glftlom. apI1m3 iooa. 1077. Tho Only Strlrtly Uholcs.ilo DniK House In Oregon. T. A, DAVIS & CO., 71 Vroat Ntraeti 1'OKTLAND, OUKOON, OVKKlt TO TIIK UKUtl ANJ OKNEHAf, MKU ctandlfutraduaroaiplctou'i'ortinfnt of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Fine Chemicals, Glassware, Shop Furniture, i Druggists' Sundries. ALSO, WINDOW GLASS, Of all lu: ami U.illlliY. WHITE LEAD, Of til tlio U'.vlln,- bnuOf, In tln nnd Uiv. COLORS, IN CANS and DRY. Putty, Lnmpblaclc, Rod Lend, Gluo. VARNISHES, Including the fluvt hrantta for Coach lViln.m' uo. IMInt, Wliltewitsli, ii ml Varnish Kriislics, L,lMii;i OIL, In barroU aud Mil. TttriH'nlliio, (Mai oils, f:itor Oil. Lard Oil, Neat Vluot 011. Klsh Oil. AlCOllOl, lu barrelt ar.d cae., IIIuv Vltilul, Sulphur, Castile Soap, Convent t-nferi Iyc, 1'UtUNll. Quioksilvev and Stryclmiuo. lu tjurl, llslftJalloa, Oiu-.alloii, and l"o UaV.n Can anl IlarnU, He . tte, Viai AsviiU ror Oregon mill Wathlugtou Tvirl tory for THE AVER1LL PA1WT, TIIK KSr MIXED PAINT IN I K fr tUlllirVr'UtN fartii Ic hbp tits WVrlr m-rp U.UU and ni tvl f-lvio. ni .led Jajne fivplilirj- MtUldccv JtT" V buy vur ixl trm rl hW, hn wi WttMWtSmpltewHUauyrki lti Comu a, j couiliv.r wr rtc H ihb c, mju Mm a V nillafAHHVTHlBrSm1 IN THE not 33eoiTTca. ! See that our Trade Mark is on eachiPaekageH I l l' ' ' tr" I la I t $?"- V'a'V l-irRl4;J'J er, .- IN o 'wSiT-' "II Cjnt Co. a o o PURE WHITE, FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK; Jot $laoIc j and JSLlZZZQCl H.a,ca.3T f03T TTHfi. AND EASILY APPIiIED, For Sale by lliu A Kent n: JOHN HUGHES, Salem, AND Wholesale rii;RlNlN, and Dealers In PalutN, ohm, nml csiastN. NO. ,1 rilONr STltKET. ..... - PACIFIC THRESHING MACHING COISP'Y MANUPACTOItEI.8 OP " . -csia i H!-?-' JlSgSg&tt''- s-set-TON rgfK . --a3fiRBSrveV'-? r-ATf rroff. CHi.i7a sft slt'Zgy PBLTON'S S1X-FOUD HOR.SE-POWERS And Countcrbalanco Soparatora. INCORI'OItATED AT HLKM, OUKOON. OCTOHKK 7, Is'ia. (J. I'EUTON. I'RRSIDENT; J. REV kiiuk. Vice l'rldent; V H. Cam'tiNTm, Stirouty. tfauporloi- to xxnr XXorsoFowpr or , aopna-Ator, now 1m. xioo. Manniac- lu.vunl A1.A.M, Olt&tiO.S, ol Orrjon ttioiaiiu wootleuliauiia t. Itlh I 0 tu Ublo A LIKK.11ML' TIIK hEl'AKATOU hAVKs TUK U1UI.. Kor furtntr imw.uUr, siMrv ttieomctr uDudabou-. r KUU lUr t.l(llbI(P Established 1810. DIt. -V. Q., SIMMOISB' Original Liver Medicine. FOlt ALL uisuvsns OF THE LIVEN, r-OCU- SiO OVT1IU STOMACH, LObSOF A1TK- T1TE, MCK IIE.UACUE, ETC. ETC. l'lllt'i:, One Uollur, r. A. UAVIS, ,V t'O. VhoUalc !)riWi,;i Vrvnt M. I'oitU-.tS, ta'!-!! Airott for Oregon. Ult. K. Y. U11AMA BKBVKT Lt.t)l., tetoSttrsvoan.U. VoluBt n. Uiaco, Ucrbla'i ttloO nu tulra. iTt WORLD! o H ft w Bi. o at.t. COLORS. . PQTJrT.AArr - . j.-. ?st ' S 1 bALksi, .Marcnsa ly Dr. H. SMITH, X S3 3XT "2? X j? m SAUjjr, our.Gox. Office raoctotrBREYMAN 11!0.' r.V T01tS Ottlce hour from U a. m. to 3 1. m. S. H. CLAUGHTOIv-, IN ant Uod CON fot Ofllce, UlOl34t3iOXi, Ox. .l VI :;mc, Itc.1 IMnto .Ikmji. 1 Itoilvvtiir ol t'luliiik. w1i1,,m,.m,1.,! la ali. bn-ivrf nnilwl lo bit cam. MaKlNO laiAvn JV PI'AII A .1 V ,lfUA.. .. tliu it