rTs3 '" Axzzz ... . iT ih t v w it .- M i ' m i 2 r i. jf'I. c ku u6.uv pur loar, BY TELEGRAPH. New York, May28. Tho Horald's Wash ington special lays t ho air In fullorvagtio ru mors of the movomont to nrgantr.o a now party and the presence in Washington Ju9t now of Sonator Coukling, Simon Cameron, Congressman Poster, Gov. Hartranft, Oon. Hanks andsevoral othor prominent Btatoa mon and politicians ban stirred up tho curi ous as to the moaning or their coming here. Tonn lntorvlow thoauswor glvon Is "busi ness at tbo departments," but It is ovldont tbnlr prosonre Is not regarded ns nooldontnl. Tho Sun says Capt. MuDonnH, u wealthy resldout of Su Pranuisr-o, Is tho real author or tbo proposal that Indians shall bo em ployed as a military organisation lo be aux iliary to tbo army. At bis own ozpouso ho trained and drilled a company, roproHimtlng tribes on tho Paclllo eovit, aud it was bis ox blbitlon of their proUolency as soldlors that gave tho War Department Its now theories in regard to tho best uses to which the Indi an can be put. IIo Is au enthusiast with ro gardtolndlan soldiery.' IIo has written to tho Sooretary of tho Intorlor ombodylng his vlowson tho subjoct. a norma reporter has lntorviowod Attor ney Gonoral Falrohltdson Twood. In answer to a quory as t the probability of an oarly Hnlutton of tho Tweed matter, tho Attorney General ropllod thoro m nothing now in tho matter and not llkoly thoro will bo any thing or Imnoriunco that will Interest tho pressor public forsnmotlmo lo coino. Nework, May !10. Tho Sun nays Judgo Pratt had nothing to urgoagalnettho prison ers yostordny aud they woro dlNchargod, Tho Judge was hlmsoir discharged also. Tho Times says prlvato loiters from Porn rocolvod ou Saturday nnnouuco tho death of O. P. Carloton, Union Trust Oo.'h dofaultnr in j,j. His uordiciUion amounted to 8375. '000. Washington, May 28. Depredations upon government timber aro to bo detected and punlshod. Tho old tiystom of tltnbor agents evidently only facilitates tho robborlos. Hoo retary Schurz, uutlnir upon tho suggestions of Commissioner Williamson, recently abol ished tbo old system and appointed special agents iustead, who bear appointments as department dorks dotalled tor special duty under Instructions or the Commissioner, who reports to tlio Sooretary. Washinkton, May 27. Postmastors np poluted L. Cole, Stone, Raker county, Oro gou; John L. McDonald, Klina, Chehalis county, W. l.j Mrs. Isabella ltooth, Llttlo Kails, Lewis county, W. T.; Thos. Holland, Mossy Hook. Lewis county, W. T.: T. L. uuiviu, Pekln, Cowlitz county, W.T.j-E. Mookor, Puyallup, Pierce county, W. T.; ju. j. iunuui, j.uiaup, snouoiuian SALEM, OREGON, JtltfE 1, 1877. London, May 28. Ten ironolads are at Portsmouth. The turret ship Thunderer has returned to Pbrtstnoth with disabled machinery. Pour thousand horse stalls for Wochwi' h vutU are bo,npf devorod at Dispatches to the English envoy reprocont unless Instant step? are taken, tbo Russians will bo within striking distance orconstan stluople from tho east within a month. Tho Russians now In Asia aro In a condition to attack Mukhtar Pasha, cspturo his armyand strike for Constantinople without serious obstacles. Tho English foreign ollico has. within a week, soourod tho oxclualvo uso of a wlro to Constantinople and uulniornilitout correspondence has been carried on. Tho English press and mombers of parliament commont with blttoruosi on Russian decep tlou, and point out that tho objects of tho war hnvobeon ignored, and that Instead of ro- luviiiKiuo so-canou outragos in Bulgaria, tho Russians are waging war In tho East Whero English interests arn Innnni-.ll! l, every step ot her army. "Mi wbok, unuer tho protenco of a grand review, tho eutiro English Ironclad tquad ron, now in tho East, will muntniiin at Vr.riu. lUOtttll. i i!!'nLIJf' Mfty 23' Tuo Gorman squadron in tho jbgoan SoaAvPl bo lncroasod to ndnxan vessels, including four or 11 vo llrst class ironclads. Lonikw , May 28. Minister Plerropont, w..0iiio i)uun uiiu rnironiiu, ana a mini bor or Amorlcaus residing in England will rocolvo Gen. Grant at Liverpool. A numborofporsons boarded tho Indiana at Quoouslown to weloomo Gonoral Grant. Holms rocolvod a private communication from tho mayororLIvorpool, which is prob ably an olllolal invitation. Oiuoaoo, May 58. Tho Tlmos London special says the English government regards ino present situation as a crisis or tbe war. Little or tho real government's workings are permitted to reach tbo public, though tho critical naturo or tho situation Is understood In Journalistic and dlnlomatinmiartnra. 'rim war Is the thomo on ovory tongue. .Every allusion to Gladstone's peace policy is receiv ed with derision. The ominous retlconoy ami irreslstiblo advanro or tho Russians In Asia whllo tho Danublau army has been at a standstill, has thrown the wholn nation In to a frenzy of indignation and alarm. Tho tzar Is donouncod as n hypoorlto and do spoiler, and it Is held that the preservation of Christian rights In Turkoy is the excuse Meetings aro to be called to urge a vigorous poltoy. England can .not look idly on and permit Russians tosolzo tbe British highway to India under nrotext of nhrintUnirim ti Turks. Tho English representative at Con- Volnmo IX. Number 16. town, regretting that he could not then avail mISm Lf ttelr hO"1ltolliar, but promised lo return to Ireland in a short time; The Indiana reached LI vorpool 2:30 p.m. gaily dressed with flags In honor or tbo arri val or the dlstlngnlijhed American. All shipping u Liverpool docks also exhibited a profuse display or bunting. Flags or all nations wcro waving along ovon miles or oiJ.l,B?r GJn' Bd,MU u- S? Consul uoneralat London, and a mmimr nt nmmi. -r0?do?07" "ndL'verpoil morohants, went out In throe tendors and uit tbostcam or short dlstanso down tho Morsoy. As he Indiana noared tho. looks, Grant stood on tbo brldgo with tho captoln, aoUnowlnlKliiK tbo cheers from tho lminono crowds whloh lined the water front and every plor and vos- mi,?i0n? t rlvor'. rttnl Mid Mends, tho mayor or Liverpool, members or tho com mon Council. deniltRtlnn nt ninrnl,n.,i- ..... rounded by an immonse throng of pooplo of - huf?e.a, "nx,0 "oo H'o (jreat Goueral, awaited tbo arrlvnl of tho tenders at tho laudlrTtrstaffns. a Ann. nmuni. t,.t .-.. iilongsldo of the custom boiMa wharf, tro mendous ohcer went tip, Genoral landodi leaning on ins arm was Mrs. Grant, aud foilowlnir Gni. ltmiimii n...i hor Hon . As the party stopped on tho wharr a cordon or police formed around thorn, and tho mayor and council, as thetbous?ndHor ,.uu,..u unu UVKU iU ontHu aim crowd in ui'iruBgerneM 10 got sight of tho visitors, THE SUNDAY QUESTION. W. T. Nkw IlKDionn, .May .Mui.. ;ir.(,nAr, Xuw TL-.liA.rt v1 i-. 1 .Hiiinin i nniitta r ion county, slantinoplo has been sondlngnawa for a week ""whloh leaves England bo alternative but Thousands of hats woro rBltect as tho mayor slowly advanced to moet tho ex-Presldonl, reading as ho inovod forward, an addrossor formal weloomo, repoatlng the doop Intorest ofthool Izons or Llvorool In having him among them as an illustrious statesman and n iiii"' "m1,.al8klrjK him to accept tho hos- ,......OTnu W(.ro oxicnaa lntiionnmo ?if B.r?at commerolal city. Grant replied to Iho oddross saying ho exporlenmt extromo Ploasure in aocentlntr ilm lri..i in.,unnn tended. lavlnir tmrllnnlnn !.. .!... .1... ho felt they hadoxpressed the cordial feeling ?t ..ng.on,ltow5nl him ns a cltlron of tho ..i . . ' nwore a civilian's attire, somewhat to tho disappointment or tho ?iT. 'i wl' P"ctd K m him decked In the uniform or tlio army. After being In. traduced to members of the council and otb. '.i mftyo,, cx-,p'8sWont'nd Mrs. Grant entered tho mayor's state coach. Grant was n unusually Kood jnrlts throughout tho fe tuuWr W thet f""ho first tlmo In iliteon years he had passiod'Uu days wth out t:,e telegraph wlroat hhbeokf giving unllkuSr8 " roebl8 u hU booS The. &4 ilOlUEH Cmnnnnil hU wlfn nilin.nl . - -- -r- -T-- - .-w-. vv sauoa io-oay ror iLonaon. An Immenso crowd wltniwod tho departure of tbo boot which Is the smallest that has over attempt ed the foat. Bomton, May 20. Arrangements oro bolug made for tho dedication ot Iho army and na vy monument Juno 17tb. Attornoy Gonoral Devons has been asked to deliver tbo oration. President Ilnyes and family hnvo beon in-vited. Tho display of tho aurora borealls to-night -was tho most brilliant for years. Auiaju:, N, Y., May J0 Tho most ex tensive displays or Huron borealls to-night overseen in this section. Tho atmosphere was so strongly Impregnated lthoIectrlclty that communication was .kept up for some time with Now York, Boston and Montreal over mo western union wires without tho u so of batterlos. St. Louis, May 0. A project is on foot hero to opon a direct grain trade with Liver pool. Tho plan Is to renter bore tho Eleva tor Co., Mississippi Valley Hargo Co. and ocean steamers to pool their risks by a com hlnatlou aud i.end cargoes of grain, especial ly corn, from New Orleans through Jetties 10 Liverpool and other Eurnnnnn nnriu m.A .,...,.... .....-.-.. ' . un Muslim-id rj iuu junn win sooii u) car ried into ttroct. An ocfHn steamship com pany lias already named froyoral largo grain carrying steameis, which cau bo put on berth as fast as cargoes aro ready. The Tribune's Washington spoclol denies that Butler goes to Colorado to llro. IIo purchased 73,000 acres of laud tbcro for En glial) capitalists. Omaha, May 23. It Is foarod that the riv er, which is rlslug rapidly, will cut a chan nel across the bend aud carry away the whole bottom abovo the bridge. Tho&rmy6t the Danube, dlnoonri t "pYr 31 H j iB 4iint it tLh UM qual to tho contest awaiting It. Tlio heln war. la FOREIGN. General War Notes. Bucharest, May 28. A correspondent re counts tbo destruction or a Turkish monitor, at follows: It was ono of tbe most daring deeds ever recorded. Small detachments or .Russian soldiers loft the northern shore or the Danube In a number ofsraall boats. Tbe nignt Deing very aark, they managed to sur round tbe monitor before being discovered. When finally observed by the sentinels on board, they were challenged. The Major re plied in Turkish, "Friends." The Turks not being aatlified, commenced firing in tbe direction of Matcbin, not knowing where the boats came from. During the firing everal Rurslan soldiers plunged Into tbe -. on aui oiivuiijr iu mo vessel ana Slaood a torpedo In close contact with her ottom. After it had been securely fastened end the men returned to the nelgnboriug ehore, tbe monitor was blown into tho air nu an on uoaru perisnea. Vienxa, May 23. Mukhtar Pasha has telegraphed to Constantinople that he would have to retire behind Erzeroum, as tbe passes efSoKbaula and Darn wero beimr turned bv the Russians, and bis army is in danger or osing out on irom erzeroum, tneitusalan caralnr hiving already appeared on his . - - lessness or tho Turkish mlnUtrv nti.l inn In decision oi tho Sultan show that tbogovorn moutdopondsmoro upon English in tor voli tion than upon tbnlr own prowess. London. Mav 20 Arfvirnu tmMvj i.nr. oTa soml-ofUcIal character, state that Russia. ..U....I... y kuu .-iinn jiuvo arrived ai an un derstanding that tho war will be localized. . .U.U,."?.,'', wnofrom VIonna that Sultan Abdul ilamod will shortly abdloate. There aro rears ;at Constautlnoplo or internal trouble. The ministerial crisis oontlniTos. Buciiahest, May 2D.-U Is expected tho Russians will cross tho Danube Juno 10th. juJwA?iTiNori.K, way ai. Everything Is quiet. Tho council of war has asked Mukh tar Pasba what his plans wero. He replied that there wasasobemo In process or execu tion certain to onsuro success , and bocuod to UU 41711. U4W11U IltrciiAUiarr, May 20. It Is now certain tho Koumanlaii armv will not nrasu dm nmnim with tho invading forces, but will roinaln on tho Roumanian side to guard tho right Hank. Tho Czar, on his arrival, will formally take command ol both tho Russian and Roumanian armies. All causo for joalousy will thus bo avortod. This, howover, dcos not deter tho arramromont bv which thn Itoumunlan army remalus on tho northern bank of tho Danube Tbo dlsordorlv Moslem element Is an ob ject of great foar with Bulgarians and foreigners gouerally. The Christians are frightened to death lest somo imprudent mombers of tholr faith should speak a word vjblch might light up such a glare as would throw Balak In tbo shado completely. Evon tho consuls have to bo careful or their lives. Prooftor tbe extremo dangerous tension of mo relations ueiweon Moslem and non Moslem could be given without end. Rich ard Reed, English aud American consul Itore, thinks matters are as serious as thnv can be, and his urgent warnings aro ignored both at Downing street and Constantinople. A cavalrv iicrht Lnnk nlani.nnnr Vamilaiii.. day between 2,000 Turks and 1,000 Russians. A heavy rain stopped the fight as soon as commonced. AN INDOOH3 ' im u -,. . n - ..AT" V bSrnirrSht0n,Ty' ""!; 'in the .nJ5'j!!!.,!:e. c?uswl .th01n. toleave the ui!.: ..i. 1 1 1 1" .l,. Bnu 6bK Bho ter n tho ovifrliowlfi '' WU,0h Wua miod IP rr!!Hhfelroi',osQcomme.nco,1 w,th "" wWwm ltv j ii avii?' Uelul"Kor,foIl4wod by tho As tho latter gontlnman was couoludlnir his remarks, Rev. P.H. Knight and daughter drovo up to tho door and woro hoartlly wel WV,Uel!'KCllod uPn 'r. Knight mado oo pf hlM happy Impromptu addressos that put tho plcnlcors In such good humor that they didn't give a "red cent" whether It u.MUU UI uui. MuIlJvf;rov,s?u Oloe. Club, oonslitlnir of .V.i itl "uu-wiio nieisou, Anna Wh to aud Messrs. Byron Harritt and Walter ...umuuucnuu leauersuip or Prof. J, A. ?wteVY,U,.M,Is.l I.011, Wn'". "'ado tho Jr 1 1 r,uK w"h choice music. Tsbles w6ro then made bv putting bojirds across the backs of tho church seats, and baskets illlod to tbo brim with Kood thlnus were brought nut umi u ,i - i.7. . " Jovod as could be asked fo?. 'u"u "" Tim ....n.l.n l . a..u npafciitir citmrinir iiii iiflon i.aii n..i croquet voro III order and onjoyed both bv playorsandlookerw ou. Tho plcnlo broko up In ilmo to let our Salem vWtors got across tho rlvor boforo dork, and We, Us, ,fc to., to get homo In time to milk tho cows and get our farm chores dono before sunsot. From Salem Daily Rocord, June 20 There was a largo meeting at tbo M. E. Ohuroh last night to tako into consideration tho Sunday question in Its various phasos and consider tho best way to prrteot tho duo observance ol tho Christian Sabbath. Rov. Towor called the mooting to ordor and requested thoclorgynienpresonttocomo forward nud bo ready to address tho mooting, lion. J. Q.Thornton was clinum nimir. man and Judgo J. C. Peebles as socrelary. Tho business or tho ovoulng was Inaugur ated by an oarnest prayor doltvorod by Rev. II. P. Poclc. The ohalrman thou In brlor address stated tho design or tho mooting. Ou motion of Rov. P. P. Towor, n commit too of thrno was appointed to draft resolu tions, nBinolyi Mossrs. A. N. Klnnoy, C. M. Parmonter, nud O. Dickinson. Speakers wro thon called for and lu ro sponso Rov. II. P. Pook mado a brier but ln- Hirosiing auuress, whloh ho onllvenod nnd Illustrated by auoodotes. ono or whloh rn. lated to an adventuro with Brigands as told by a wnndorlng Christian to n Sunday baso balling club, tbo uiombors of whloh, as tho waudorlng Christian remarked, "Had stolen six days from tho Lord nlromly nnd not con tented with that they woro now robbing Mm ofthosovonth." Ho was followed by Rov. P. H. Knight, who spoko In his usual plain and forolblo stylo, dlscusalnir lu Its varlmiH nhnima ih.i questions ol tho "Mosalo Sabbath" and "Christian Sun-day," etc., and which ho considered from tbo same stnnd point ns ho had tnltou lu his leoturo or Sunday ovonlng, and ailvooated rather tho bowor, or "Chrni tlan" lulluonno and examplo than tho enact niontof civil laws for tho duo obsorvanco or iu uoiy uay. ino report or tho commit too on resolutions was then read, and an anl- iiinwu UIHUUSHIIHI IOOK piSCO B1 tO tllO UWS at prosont in forco In tho various States, con corning tbo nbservanoo of Sunday, parllol pated lu by Rpvs. Knight, Tower, Uonlngor, Dink lnson and Hpauldliig. We subjoin p.s amendel and passed THK UKHOr.UTIONS. .in,n.Ti'.l.n.ti Uli 0,rl;tliiii Halib ith has Its foiin nations In tlio law of Clod. UoJ tins mill Ito. inoiiibir tho Hiihhstli day to ki up It lioly." SJ. That the Uhrlst Ian Hunbmh Is recognized fttl? wh of tli Innit, uiul thera Is notaHUt.i lu the Union but him passed laws for tho tmr pose of securing us far hh possible, uuUlslurtjed rellutons worship upon Una dy. 3rs. It Is it rule recognized In nil good nocloiy, tlut whatever Is a disturbance of others lu tlio oxerc es of tbulrprUllcges uml rliihts should Ih nliandnuud. All iinnccynnry labor, and nil iiniiiseiuent'seeklng, especially by lanro partlus, do more or loMdUtiirbotherHiind break In uikiii tlivlr r Hills. Ilm r wnrxhli. un.i l.i-... '... ! should, lliersrnin. h,m ,ln.in 1" "" "" " ' I .w .u..w. After tbo rssolutloas bad beon disposed or Rey. K.jP. Tower announosd ibatr.Nome ex-penses-hatt- been Incurreunn-pruitinirbiii. ete., and Mown, T Cunnlnghauumd G. P. Lltohileld took tin n collentlnn. TI.IhI amounted to?180, and It was resolved that uiu uamnco wnicii might roiualu aftor pitying oxpousos should bo de voted to tho puroluso of a tract on Sunday Ltw for freo distribution. Rov. P. P. Towor bolnir i-fnniml.nl in . no dlsbursoraeoeptod that ollico pro (em In tbo "u"u "' ,wv "' J"os. a petition to tho various Railroad and steamboat companies praying them to desist froui all work on tho Sabbath was thou road ami tho following ladles and gentlemen woro npimluted a com tnlltoo to procure signatures in Salom nnd Us vioiniiy: nirs. Aciuison Jones, .Mrs. A. N. Kinney, Mrs. I). A. Allon, Rev. Holnlugor, Dr. Piske. On motion, tho meeting adjourned sltio dlo. PICNIC AT GERVAIS. t L . . MAr 27th, 1877. I send you a brlor outllno or tho restlval hold at this placo on the Stlth. Tho mornlnir ..... ........ u.mi,.v, uiu iunv novor irouuiea Orogonlans much, for thoy aro protty well occiistomod to It; and vehicles of all kinds came pouring lu from nil tho neighboring locality. Uowell Prairie, Sllvortou, Brooks, Ablqua, St. Paul, and oven tbo Capital tent In tholr dplegatlons or atnlwart mon aud bright nyed inaldons until fully 250 persons had assembled. Tho various schools met at tbo church nnd proooodod In vehicles to tho grounds whon tho ordor of oxorolsrs was nnnnnncod by O. E. Magor, grand marshal of tho day. A prayor was otlbrod up by the Chaplain and thon sovcral very beautiful songu woro rondorod by tho choir and Juvonllo elassos, cno of which by tho latter oallod"Tho Drummor-boy was unanimously pronounced to bo tho gom or ... nuuiu VIII, 'linilllllCIll, ...Ti lIon, 1',0, rpnougli,or Portland, i.. i na v,1ryB,bl., antl. hitorestlng address nnd Rov. 1). M. Keen, bolng called on res poiulod with n btM but eloquent advocaoy or Tomporoiipo. Bro. Small also mado it row appropriate remarks to tho Sabbath school children. Tho tablo pravldod for tho bonrflt of tbo Sabbath school woro most liberally furnlsh od and gavo rull satisfaction to tho visitors who crowded iirnnnil ilmm. Tim n...n..... oollpc.od from tho various sourcei amounted jo about sixty dollars and alter tho valedlo lory horses wero hltohod up nnd tho assem- ago s artod for lliolr rospeotlvo homes highly dollghled with tho day's entertain, moot nnd loud lu tholr praises of tho pooplo of Gorvals, ospoolally Its ladles. Big Tmperaaon Ilarrnh, A grand tomiMirauoo rally for Linn rnnnir will bo hold In tbo grovo noar Roborta' bndgo on Saturday, tho Kith or Juno, and It is supposed that from ono to llvo thousand may bo prosont. Tho following aro invited to tako a parts Rov. Dr. Irvlno or Albany. Judijp Plpor of Albany. Miss Mary Powell V.f Aeb,a"y' Kov-' h lh "rlveror Brownsville, Prof. Emory or Corvallls, Rov. L. A. Banks orcorya lis Rov.J. S. McCain or Eugene, BIn?,n;r1,,.,I:.C,in.n or ". Mrs. Or.Thonn! .wlilotrll?n,,BI,,, 1)r. Walts or Yamhlfl. I ror. h. J. Powell has tbo honor or planning thlri on orprlso. Wo shall expect It to be ono or tho argost mid most suociwsful mietlnm or tho kind ever bold In tbo State of OregoPi. A toinpornnou plodgo will bo circulated dur ing the mooting. A Tlmnlv Invanllna 'J1, Sonnlnger of this clly, hs2 Invented iMcently. ono or tho Mosfoorapleti v.rn. .--..- -T-- - Tr .. niui.wnvri m in & inn i iiiiiiif nnnnsna sn m.u... . . aruo hotels ami fuutory burning disasters, tbo person who can discover nimitix mr n..! rsoanoor persons in n dnomed bulldlmr, Isn bonoriiolorof hlsraop. Tho new Invoullon seems tonitbo bill m ovory way, being eas ly handled and Miarrnngnd In the caso o? M'oldont, tlmt nn insane porxon would by a single Intnltlvoanllnii put thn ladder in posi tion for uso. Mr. L. lias llled tho necessary ...,.. , nuumc n imiuiu ior iiih vauiablo in i I'ontlon. Fourth of July. i1 ""dersland tho glorious Fourth Is to bo celebrated this vhht f,Vnw..n.i,. ui. ..,.. .,,i t.... -:- r '""""""-j """"i" -M .ul.,.Dinui;it itenpiu. jney proposo to ..-... u.n.iii ui nil uiu n uuiiav scnoois nml nuijraiice louges or tnoclty and ad olulnir country in a gram! baskot plcnlo on .Marlon bqiiare. There will be music, shortspefobeu. swings, croquet, the baskot dinner nml .!,.: Gen. Grant in England. LiVERrooi., May 23. Ex-Presldont Grant arrived here to-day. Adam Baden, U. S. Consul General at London, and Vice Consul Palrchlld, with several prominent Ameri cans, went into a tender to meet tbe ship. Tbe Mayor of Liverpool, with a number of prominent citizens received Grant at tbe lanaing stage on return or the tender. NEW YoilIC. Mav 29 A r.nnrinn atvuMal dispatch, describing Grant's arrival in Eu rope, says tbe steam tog with a deputation from Cork went out to meet the Indiana. Instantly Grant was recognized and greeted wuu uiree enmusiastio cueers. ine delega tion offered him the hospitality of Queens- town, remarking that every village and hamlet In Ireland had resounded with tbe praises or his name, and would welcome him with all the warmth and candor or tbe Irish Eeople. A little extempore reception was eld In the cabin or tbe Indiana, when the President replied to the cUlzcoa of Queens- dependence." All Sunday schools and loin perauco lot'gfs wishing to participate aro requested toappolnteach onea member or a general committee to make full arrango iiiente. Further explanations will bo made when this committee reports. Celebration at Sllvartoa. The coming Fourth of July will bo cole prated In anclen: form and manner at the beautiful town or Hllvertnn. A l..rh.n.,n procession, oration, bonfires, fireworks, etc., I.60 rooDK the doings or the day and night. Hon. W. R. Dunbar will bo tbo Urator: John TtimriA. nuiar an.i t n Lane, Chaplain. Particulars given hereaW. The lata mnlnni .hniv.r. i .(.I- ... Insure heavy crops of grain and grass. The farmers are Jubilant over tbe situation, and all look forward to the "good time coming." Oregon is truly favored above most countries JjL.0!i,ih Al?.orJc: Let 'he immigrants come, they will find room and plenty of it. ArramremAntu arn Im!,.. m..L a .M.a Sunday School celebration In Marlon Njuareon tbecomlng National Anniversary. J j lie scheme embraces the bringing together or all tbe Sabbath Sohools of tbe city and of the surrounding neighborhoods. Foil pro ceedlngi hereafter. r v,;,n kwh.-TJio Record, Tiiosday. says: I he Occldout arrived hero last evening at an early hour with a large freight, on her way to Corvallls. She will roturn bore this evening, nnd loavo for Portland to-morrow morning. Tho Oocldont will oontliiuo to makorogular trips, coming up oiory Mon. day and Thursday, and returning Wednes day and Saturday. Tho U. S. snnir boat. rYirvnlllu lu.li.l.... I'nml IL'A.I. .tn .ll...lnn .1 .. .. nv,v... ..... ,v ui, mu iijijior rivnriiniier 1110 llllltl- ngeinent of Capt. Goro. Hho is now cloaulng Centennial slough or obstructions. Mr. J. lI.Htono or Grant A Stone, contract ors for building wing dams on tlm IVIIIhi.i. etto, was up tho river last woolc on tlio (loot dtinlou a lour or observation. Mr. Ntouo Is Still Katlsliod that liavlUftloil on thn Wlllmn. ette cau bo greatly assisted by tho building or substantial wing dams nt tho nronor nla. cos. Heproposoa to coiiimencooiMinitlniiH nt I 1 lllf Rlrvitl K.injl fit.... ... Uiu II. I . ..I.l ..if r ..... ......... .,.., ,,,, ,,,,,-, lllln niuuui cor vallls, about tbo nrtoenth or Juno. Mr. Habersham, Chief Englnoor of tho United States Engineers Ollico, Portlaud, will superintend tho work. The W. T. A, L. Company wero obliged to send the stoamor Champion up tbo river to assist tho Occident in taking freight down, a mu eettiuuuv atelVIIllf KCfilllllll Illlltll HI Millar. ont iolnts. High prices brought outqultoa i) .vuu ui miuoi aiuug ino nvor. From the If ad Bprlags. Mr. L. o. CJIne or Howell Prulrle, has Just returned from Wasoo county, iu tho vicinity of the Mud Springs, aud reports considerable excitement about the mines. Mr. O. says If one-hair of tbe fabulous sto ries one cau hear arouml thn nam r. firkin that vicinity are true, tbo real Eldorado has been found. Of uold liAarinir 1. ,. .,,i rich, Mr. O. says thoro can be no doubt but that it exists in large quantities near Camp Creek. A fow months will dolermlno tho real value of these mines, ItAed's Opera Housobas been onirair ni rhr Dm week Previous and Klr Vmtc liv Mr ini... Jck, now managing the theatre at Astoria. We learn from Messrs. Reed ACox.lesoos of tbe ball that it Is Mr. Jack's Intention to havo at that time, the;bestdran.atlo company that baa ever beta in Silem or even in Oregon, A fimiiiio liisllco of tho peaco In Wyoming recently lined her husband forilruiikeiinow. AN HISTOIUOAlT'ACT. Ainoiitr tho many jrooil tlilngH hiiIiI at tlm ImiHjUtt given by (ho DrltHih Hunov olutit fooulcty iU l'ortlaml tin tlu21(h ItiHt.. pno In mrtli:iiliirwnH given tlmt wo novor li(anlir.Krire. Wo will try nud ropm (lucoll, lis Itfiitno to us from ono who lieiuil it, III Hpt'iikliig of tho curly troubloHlii Oregon whon tlio tltlo nud lioiitidnry of tho territory woro iiiitlters of dispute be. twcoii hug nml mui Ilnlinil Mini.u 1.... Clmdwlfk cliiliiicil good KiiuIIhIi iiiitlmr'. Hy for hliitlnu; tlintiliirliiK tlio pumlfiivy 01 llioo Jul in of tho Crown to this territory, 11 bcotoli gciitlcniiui wiih Bent out licro bv tho uiilliorltles in Knglund to iimlui ro Mjarc 1 mui I report tin. vnhio oftlilH clulm 'iiii ' t "''" l"l,,,, ,u"' a,H0 mi tlio oon- uniiii in nun iniuuiiiu iiittird coiiiiiiorulnl vultioof tho Coltimblu river. If tlilii vlow proved to hoof nny linixir tniice. tlio boiiiidiiry on tlm soutli hIioiiIiI mil rar below It ho iih to liicltnlo It In tlio Ilrltlsli posst'HHloiiH. After n thorough oxnniiiintlmt wero mndo of tlio Imul mid river, tlio roiiort recolved wiih coiicIho mid to the point. Ah tp tlio vuluoof the river, (IiIh rjeoteh goiitleiiiaii stated : "TJm n,n (,,i,,,i.i,. -- - ... iw wiii(niii Tuvr wuu nut worth n (torn, (to nulmon would mttrho lo thcllu." Anil upon this report to tlio I'riino Sllulster of Kuglaiid, tliut government in tlio sottlomont of tho boumlury lino riucHtlon. did not insist miuiig ui inoivoiiimuia river. A CORRECTION MADE. ..,. AMIA.NV PiiAiitiK, May 20, 1877. hllo attending tlio Statu (JraiiL'o at Halem, I leurned tlmt It was reported uiiu-, mm, uiu Inun, iiui; was destroy IiiK tlio wheat crop lu tho violnlty of Lebanon. Hluco my roturn, I find tlio report Incorrect, b'oino of tlio Fall wheat Is ilryln,' up or turning yellow, but tho (latmigu is confined Drlnainiillv fiii.,inw ku'uiiii, cuuseii proimtiiy by early wet weather, Hiicceoded by warm dry weather. Taklim tho Fall and Sprlnjr crop both together wo liavo tho llnost prospects wo Imvo litul lu llvo yearn, for a largo liar vt U.A.lHVJKJi. i - M W t , kst , f NtMn "IB f ft a. k I -i..y ,n " - JU jt &Jt . -. , . . s T ?&' 1tm9 hi T "" "I,T" sr iS r tW v? I BBSMH