.y..pwi(!WOTwwii'tMrc'r r . r i fiv ' s in S A WILLAMETTE FARMER. The Plooho (Nov.) "Itecoid," altor recount ing tliojournoy of a contractor with a drove of mules from liolinont to Illko, whoro no water wns to bo had for two days, inus doecrlbos tlio extraordinary effect of tho ncentof tho watorat Logan Springs on tho anlmalu: Tho wholo body began to movo forward nt a good pace, Increasing It ns tho flmcll of wator grow stronger, until! tho wholo hord was In a kcon run. Tho spring was rowjhod, but tho water had to bo dipped up In buckets. Ono mulo, cnvoil with thirst, drunk thlrloon buckots of wator. IIo wont out and took a roll, camo back, and wnntod moro. Tho bucket held four gallons. Vixvit PnosrncT. So far an wo can loam tho fruit crop promises well and has not boon Injured by frosts. It is posslblothat tliooxoltoniont about grain cultivation will causo many to neglect fruit culturo, but tako tho nvorago of yoars and wo bollovo fruit will provo thomost profltablo of all tho far mor's products. Tho London Timet welcomos ex.Prosldont Grant to Knglaml In advanco, aud thinks ho will bo rccolved In lluropo "as ono of tho most distinguished men whom tho United Htates havo yet produced, and ho will attract to hlmsolf tho hearty friendliness with which J?ngllshinon regard tho great representatives of their raco In tho now world. " next.two or three months bo our main roll anco. Maize, on tho snot, has given way about 2s por quartor. but tho amount of business in high mlxod American on passago and. for shlpmont has, during tho last fortnight been astonishing, Barloy has rulod vory steady, tho ndvauco of 8s which lias takon placo on feeding sorts slnco this day mouth Loing mainly attrlbutnblo to tho fact that supplies aro chlolly drawn from the cent of war, Tho Wheat Market. Ni:v Youk, May 0, Tho twelfth annual meeting of tho National Tomporanco b'ocloty Publication House wan held this afiornoon. Wlllhm 15. Dndgii wm rlcotcd rosldent for tliooiiHiiliii: year, and a long llsl of vice pretldentH, Innluding many dlstlnguMird hiiiiioh. A resolution was adopted hailing with dollght thn ricuut dcelslon of the court ofappealH, ronderlng HUgal tlio retail trallle In intoxicating liquors In wilootm in New York Hlulo. and urging the legislature to movo nonddltloiiHl fHulIltli's to thn buslnovs; mlllng upon good dtlzons to fctand by them for so doing. Jay Iloach Ihih arrived at l'ort Klamath with his lot of lino thorouglibreds, Imported direct from Kentucky, 'i'iioy had a rough trip, being eighteen dayH on tho ears, but Htootl It well. Tills Importation Isouo of the' ilnest over mado to this coast, comprising ouo thoroughbred htalllon and six HIIIoh, ofllrst-ulassciualltlos. Tho horse. Altamonl, tlio Timet asserts, Is tho best trotting stallion ever brought to Oregon. Jtov. 8. U. Adams, author of Adams' His torical Chart, has returned to his Halom liomo after throe years' sojourn In Cincin nati. Ohio, whoro ho was superintending the publication of his charts. Mr. Adams has old an Interest In his chart to wealthy par lies in mo 1-ini, who propose to carry on tlio work. Salem mills offer $1.10 por bushol. Tho do maud In California is not sustalnod, though Liverpool adylcos aro about the saino. As tho California domaud at prosont regulates tho Oregon markot, quotations hero will hardly advanco. The Wool Markot. Piiir.Ani:i.i'iiM, May C Wool stoady. supply light. Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wost Virginia XX and abovo, 121 lo; X, 10 r; medium, l"J4lc: coarse. 33ot?j New York, Michigan, Indiana and Western flue. Mnsej combing washed, COcj tlo un washed, itfe; Canada combing, COc; lino un washed, 'MV'i2"oi cnnrtio and medium un washed, ajJSoj tub washod, .'J310oi Polo rado washed, lSfaUUcj do unwashed. 111Gc: oxtiuand niorlno pulled, S03.c; No. 1 anil sunor milled, a'-'ftaif: Ti.vib lino and medi um, lfifoS'Jc: do coame, 1 1 ITcj California lino and medium, 20ru!.jc; do coarse, lS22i'. A Womlci-uoi Itlnir Itemed). No remedial noM tin. iu r liecn offered to tiie riik nti'l tltlillllalci nt nil ciunjinralile to IIoFtiltor Mi mach lilt t rf in cm-e ol runltliLt anil Intermittent foer. coiiMIiillrn, nerwiti. nilmrnt, rliciimntlni. and ill-orcluri" linohlti umtltutUitial weakness (r pliyrlcal decay. Itlttcr.il) "wurkr wonder." The Imtnnlc liiiuLdkntii wlilclt lti tplrltoun ln e t holdi In ruliitlon, net like a clinrm upon the ttomich, and tliruiih thu ttumicli njion tliu liraln, liver, bon tie and iiltmjiik rjtttin. There ! tiottilntr In It? coinpovltloii thnl In nut rnlubrloii'. It contains romu of tlio mot potent tonic (if tlio cL'ol.iblo kingdom nml the Julcei" cif tliu bci-t niLilent find aiJtt-lllloiii roott nnd berlm coinMuul ullli ii perfectly puto Mlinulntllitf clement Tliu Illttcrnnro pnullnrly adapted totliooelii,'ii!;cd In oxliaiitiuL'(ir unlit allliv occimntloiip. ns lv Iih ue rtruiiKtli I I'liKtnlncil and thu ability (if tho rjflom to rdd'l atmospheric and otlierlnlliienced prcjiidlcal to licallli largely Increased. -MiiiMiMMMtMUlri(lUUIJlflillllllliillltllllillllai...llHlllllllulllIIUlillllHlllllllllllllllU IJ'i. mmWmmmmmmmm' 'if' "'MHIHiDE' AVIIIXK rjRlISCl!:. Propci-tj- ol'W. C.Myer. BREYMAN BROS., Mossrs, Lung .t Co,, a KiinsaH firm of cut tle dealers, have already disbursed f0,(HK) luird cash, lu the Walla Walla ami Nhoshour -valloys of tho Torrllury for two nnd three your old rattle nnd horsei to bo driven east. Thn price paid for young cattle raugod from $10 to f'Zi) por head. A t'orroMpoudout writes us from Douglas county that, on tho IMil of April, whilst Mr. tiurnoy, oi thiiiiiiio, wis getting a largo naw log Into his mill his loll-hlp uud the Miuill of lils back worn batlly stialund; at the date of writing, ho was able to nit up, but It will bit Kuiiielluio beloio ho gels en tirely over tlio strain. Last wook 22 emigrant wagons iiissed through Ashland, Most of thorn were lor Willamette valley ami all wore from Califor nia. In.Inekionvlllo n religious crusade Is be ing rmiiliu'luil lu town by two htdles, who visit private housou uiul slug and pray. Hon. lien liny don has removed from Polk oountj to Halom, where ho will reside horn n liter. Tho lolegrajih lino between Hiker City ami Ilolho Is now lu good working order. MtMMMWWMMWMHMM SAW MILL I'OR SALE. I offer my wiw mill, situated on Hoar (heck, 11 (i nilloi from Cresuell .Station, liniieiiiuiity, for halo. Thu mill property consists ot saw mill, good planer, edgor, and all tho appliances to n mill; hnrro barn, and o. burii.hlx t'tibliiH lor bandH, ', mviIoii o( Jaud; Ihti best logging tcuin lu the Mate; iibout WIO.tHHi fiit (iflngx, plviity of Umber lu Jrout KKljiinU to ', mile troiu mill. No daugerof losing logn by running Hiihii: khi ' oMiry lug you rut. I'upiuUy of mill.is.ivo lo0,(HHl l(titoril.iy,niiit no light up-dallv ' iiveragj lust winter over Ki.(MX) feot. tiooil I nniiHirly. but It Ih not wmvunleiit lor mo tol limit, halng other husiuovi to attend to, J 'or lurthcr particulars, itihlttus !'. H. Di.nn, Kugeuo Clly. hiiwiwi mmtmt MA1UUEIJ: At the Cathollo Church. Tuesday livening, May b. Ih77, at :'M o'oloek, by H.iv. ,, ln. iiiiiu, V. V. Munkers and Miss llattln Case an or tins oily WHITE CORNER. Haylmr Just rotiirno'l from Sail Francisco, ami having brought a Large Stooli, OfNolecletl (loods, nowofforClrent Induco lnoutH for Spring and Summer Trade. WflLAMETTG TflAHSPOBTATM AND LOCKS COMPANY. NOTicij--Tin: Kor.LowiN-n hati:3 of ,,1-reig it on Urnlu anil Klotirlmvo ben en. tiiiillxlioil by ibis company nn ilm maximum rates for ono your from May lt, 1.S77, ;r : . . i'er ion. to t'ortlnml 1 00 1 7S OrcKon C'lly 1IIIIIOVIIIO " i:iminioei,' ' Dayton " Knlrllelil ' Wheat Mm! " 1,1 n coin " HlllDlIl " Kola " liulcpoiiilcnca " t-nkon.v'M Litnilllis " lliipun VKIiv " HnrliiKlIIll Allniny " Cnrvullls " IVorla " Monroe llnrrlNlitin; " JJtiKino City " Uralu ami Klotir Tholr Goods consist as usual, of FINE SELECTIONS DRY GOODS, DKESS GOODS, Aijil n well-soloctod BtooU of oxJc3"2?zsxiarcs- rorOeuls ami ISoys. " 17". " L'eu " 3 Ml ' 'J 60 " -ito " 2 no ' a 7.1 " -J 75 " :ioo " .101) ' :i no " :iru " titti :ine " i no " i (ii " ouo 0(1 frnttl Ihminltilfliihnvn iiioiiiloiiiMlillrfnt to Astoria will UooIiiiikciI 31 CO ur Kill lllKlltllllllll. , The ciimpiiny will cnnlnnct with pnrth'M who di'Ntru It , to transport timluauil l-'lotirut abovo rates fur any ypcclllcit time, not txceeding tlvo y cam. ., H. (J. ItKKI). VIco I'rosldcut W.T. .t ICO. Portland, April is, 1S77. .Muvl-oin Dlt. K. V. ClIAHi:, BHKVRT U.Col UtoSarcon U.S. Velunlccro. -Oillre. Dnrbln'i blnrW, nu talrn. o'v Tiie '. P. T. Company 0toauior McMINM'VII.IB W Ihl, MIAVE Portltiiid ("or Sitlcm Kxcry KIM1)A. icmrnliig mi SATUKDAY. l'Oll 1IA TO.V-On MONDAY nml WIMlNHs.- I1.W; n tiirniiifc' on iTU-DUS nml TlIL'ltSDAY. 3?oople, Pi.tronizo Your Own Eoat! v FOK TIIjE pleasanton suiv-batiis. llecoiiunenilcil by Hie highest authority for tiie cure of IJ" ervons Co m plaints; NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, Fains aud Aches of all Kinds. 3Tox- Elzilo "toy JOHN HUGHES, DEALEH IK G-roceries stzic3. Provisions,. PAHWTS, OIjLS, WIjtJH!OW gjlass, AND BUILDIM MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS, Stato Street, Salem. Orogon. . Leo Willis,, Tjnoa t.kwkto tni.r.niK attention ok JL t I0B&E. SBIELL & 00. tliu public to hlr sow Hoik of Pianos ana in utoro nml to arrive, lilch aro olTcrcil at Grojitly - lietliK.'eil I?ris?, i Itlier for mtli or on liiftallmcnt. WHOLESALE Orgaus, D R U G G I S T S, 4Vo. 75 Front Street, POKTLAND, - - OKEGON, III I-TOIK 01' Books and Stationery t'rotoctton unln.st Sllprlt (JllUI'UUtVLMl. Uatcs U nV.i I'OAIPLETI' tln llllii'r. HI eirn'"). i liori i . Mr nnv Hook In tho I nil (I miu ni iDblli r . rati- , Onler folirdi'il. iiul nu i tiu.li.nil n ul r tint rmy ln tul LEO WILLIS, I n.:jtii3 s, , sir t jf.loaca.. uul will lie o'd At vrlrcr timilt I'liti'Ulatl I..- to OCALEItl IN' At tlui hoiifi) of thn olliclatliiK .lustloo, on April 17th 1ST7. Iiy II. .IiiiiiiIiiuh. J. 1'. . Mr. .tamo 'ratnian, or t'laekuinas Co,, to MUi 11. 1'. M. Ios, of Marlon Co. Orem. Hy lliiv. T. II. Hinall, at his resltleiuv, Waldo II Ills. Marloneouiity, May S, 1877, IMwuril 1. llleKsaml Tellllirt 1', HIinpNon, anil lllram II, 1 licks anil Mary A.Nlmiuion all of Marlon county, Europoau Grnln Markot. l.o.N po.n. May S. The .Viii A l.imc .'xpir.w lu IIh wiKildy review of (ho llrltUli voru trade, svys; The leather was cold throiiKh. out Ihourealor pait of the pint wook, nnd llttlo mln has fallen, Siirlnj; o In, except lu a few very li.u'lturd ilUtrli'W, Is now llnUli. mI, ThoiHild lnd has criibtetl the hiirlmo if the soil, am! lu many localities Krowlni; ompsiind veKetatlon uenerally lmoimido ,ery Kttlo iiriKriwi, Tho hwvt plunt Ims Aomewliat liupiovcd, hut uulivw hprhiK veathcr shortly hols lu, tho chance ol tiltl mate inlwhlof tocioim will conslderaluy In oroAse, in Scotland, hopos for an tarlv uniM crop liuvo hceu borely illsappolutetl. 'Theru hni hcoii some reaction In prices of vheat and tnulre, both hero and at I.Ivor IhjoI, tint iKJintldurliiK the laphlity and ex tent of tho juovleus atlviinco this can not ho ' surprUe.iiml It Is not i dirndl proof of the Inherent strtUKlh of Irailo thai theiltvliue It only about on-i uhlUluu (o lwo hhllliiiKs ptr! urteron Itolh: with mi luipmvlUK teudeii y. liiiorts ot foreiKit wh.'Mt Into Loudon I Jmo Uuiii uiodemio, while ll'o IikIUIi haul uceu iiinriieioti in uio most insiKtuiioiiit qimntltloH. l'luo huniplts cf homo Krown iiavo lealUbil very lilirli price, T.Vt tor while CROCKERY, GROCERIES, And a liiro assortment of BOOTS and SHOES. Carpets, Oilcloths, Rugs, Mado u specialty . Come aud See for Yourself. A VALUABLE PREMIUM GIFT TO EVERY PATRON OF THIS TAPER! o Cat out llila Coupon and urnrt lo ihp Hluiirt Iniporilin; Co. for rnlrinpllou, PREMIUM COUPON. on "KJfiaWliMKW RUSSU LEATHER P00KET-B00K, pawSock. nJ Mrtth ANY INITIAt LETTER DESIRED, neatly iluiM In CSolcl. (Itctall price, iM) ThU Coupon U good ooly nisety vk troiu tlio ilato ot tliU paper. gla,1 HTUAIIT IMPOHT1NH CO 300 Droadwar. Nrw Y.rU. and lUUOVirlAIV HKOS. Till! KINK. Thoroughbred Stallion WHEN YOU WANT TO PAINT, .use Tin:.. Wakelee's Bath for Sheep, Gresylic Slieop 23ip I Carbolic ISlieep X)ip5 TSPTOX A BfRTT'S , SHEEP PREPARATION, 5,Corro3iYO Sublimate, Arsenic, Sulpli. Zinc, Carbolic Acid, &c Tiie Prevention anil Cure of Scab, etc. i HODGE'S CSZ.ZXmATrD Gopher & Squirrel Killer. Bin Stone, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, &CL. Cuunlry Order Solicited, AND rAIlTICULAIt ATrENTlON GIVEN TO THE l'HOMIT DlSl'ATCII Of GOODS. & m DELAWARE Yyil.l. bTAM) THE ENM IN(. hKAbON NBAH The Farm of II. K.Ankni), lOiullcs suutli or baliMti, biwor huuiitiu liottum, iimlor thorharcv or, ami at I io rctliUntvor. Mr. J. T 1IKCKWITII. ."muhi riiuimuiclin; April Jl ami nullum Julrltt, Srrllro In llioKivmm. SIX! Iiiviii.'iiiri tt'HI itiulTUi for ml. Tlaujunntlty o r.iijjlliili , ii,i,ieiiiiaroin t iiiihm.nr..riie.. nrh..ii wliwit la farnior.' ImiiiU, m M h h-rannr.v u.ir m'. u. A u'Ul ,wBW(,"'"""'in nxlii tkvl. AVERILL FAINT. It is urcparcd ready (or Iinuictllatc use, and or ALL DEGIRA3LE COLORS AND PURE WH3TE. It Is easy to apply, and it will For durability, beauty, and not rraek, peel or elialU oir. brilliancy or color it Is Mock In iirluoliwl iww binuii omtoiiuiI.v iHiiiull. TIih jkihiiIuu ol I rail o would In iIkhI Ihi t-rltKvtl If tliorn bhoulil bo n oliuiieo ot uiiy limitation of uur miiiillti fi)in Xottlaui Jiwu.lun jnirtN or n rllc of nuy Inlurftucm J ,1V.'litt) Juillivn tnule, which imiat iortho .Mn from illtunctf immuk1 uil cam! for at t r nk, uui mi iik ii 33 Oll"WVX0 U a Wotsl lM) j U4 kaatU Msh, aiul elh l.lii b, IkWjtllll For sale tn any quantity by WEATHERFORI! & CO. ....DKALKHS 1X.J.. DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, AND PHRFUJV1ERY. SALEM, : : : OHKGUX. uioySIf HODGE'S Gopher and Squirrel-Killer. bUItE AND UEI.I.m.n VOlt THE nrSTRl'CTION of tioi'tunte. MjnriKLs. hats. MICK. tlUAVs. C. Sneer. Ilettcr, am! CIseaper tlinm Mryclinltif, JI'iitiNplioriis, Ar senic, or oilier urepHrn tlOMn ui u Klnr;lu liicl will com Into. SOU) UY DKALEItS CE.NEn.VLLV, AND I1V HODGE, SNELL & CO.,, "Wholesale Druggists, No. 73 Front anil 78 Pint St.. I'OltTL.VND. Executor's Notice. VTOTFE I bvroby rIm-q t list tho uudcivUrncil.piir' Xi tmm to tho last II! end tcnamcnt or Joepa II. llubtaiit.iHwateri, hKH u duly proved and aa i lnl to record I y this t oony Court or Iho county of Marlon, lu Ihr tuif of Ori.tn, in the Cth 6ny o( Alrl, a li l;", hy ,IJ c. urt Unjj commlcjlcncil tr mcuw or td litu hi I tint totaratut. Aad all lftux blin,'iin.a'ru tie tiato or ald ie rt.in are tequirtd io rrr.iit tlio tamo lo tlui undrr tlgnvd lit hi rvn!itic. In tjlit count)-, furallawance, with ikoproiiei onibfri'. wlttln tix rnoma rrom todaloliirtr ItlOMAS II. Hl'IUIAM), i'atcd AjjiII S, UTIn Esccntor. h t !1 r A Jl "' .! .nil, ..l n tioJf&s. i.iriyiBjUMA; :a.hA msMlitiii -4., iaJL' ,-M w )' ,