Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, May 11, 1877, Page 6, Image 6

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fcI4 1
PaTI?.8 of HJsBANpllY'
Matttr-John T. .Touch, Uarton, I'hllllpi. . Ark.
Oierutr-J. J. Woodman, l'aw Paw, Van liurcn,
Ltc'tuttrK, II. Smcdlcy, Crceco, Howard, la.
Sleicant-A. .1. Vaughn, Mcmphla . Twin.
1 SUwartl Mortimer Wbluhcad, Mlddlcbneb,
Vnanlaln-'H. H. KM, Sprltigborough, Warren, O.
Triu'urtT V. M. McDowell, Wayne, Steuben, N.Y.
HeattaryO. It, Kcllcv, Louisville, Ky.
Oale-KtfjxrO. Dinwiddle, Orchard Orovc, Ind.
On i Mrf. John T. .Tone, Ilarton, PhllHc, Ark,
flora Mr. HamucI K. Adamp, Montlccllo, Minn,
ibmonrt Mra. Harvey (loddard, North Oranby. Ct.
Zarfy AtiMunt tittuard)Uta Caroline A. Hall,
Louisville, Ky.
In Momoriam.
Wboroas It baa ploasotl tbo groat Master of
the Unlvorno to rotnovo by doath, on tho 1th
of April, A. 1). 1877, ourbolovotl Bister Sarah
J. CyruB, aitor a long and lingering lllno.iH,
which finally tormlnatod In that foil destroy
er consumption, and
WzioroaH during uor iiiiiosh oi tureo years
Hho was tbo sanio gonial and lovoly sUtor
that sho wan In health, and
Whoroafl In her lllnoHH Hho exprossod n
porfoct reconciliation to tho change- that was
rant approaching) and that sho know was In
oyltablo, tboroforo bo It
Itosolvod, by Hantlam Ornngo, No. 37, P.
of II., at tlinlr regular uieotlng hold at their
hall, on tblH tho 2It day of April, A. D. 1877.
Ilosolvcd, That In tho death of our bolov
od ulster, her husband has lost a kind and
loving wife, lior only child a kind and lndul
gout inothor, Hantlam Orange ono of Its
brlghtoHt HglitH, and tho Oriior of P. of II,
ono of Kh warinost nupportorH and admlrorH.
Itoxolvod, That whlln wo bow In buinblo
nubmlNNlon to tho will af tho Great Ulvor of
all good and fool that our Ioph la her otornal
gain, wo do not tbo lorn mourn tho loss of
our doar amtor'a form among uh.
Itoaolvod, That whllo wo can novor again
moot our Hlnlor on earth, that by a Htrlct ad
horonco to tho groat prluulploa lor which wo
aro battling, wo bo proparod to moot hor In
that homo not tiiudo with hands, otornal in
tbo heavens.
ItoHOlvod, That wo groally sytiipathlo
with hor bori'uvod family and rolatlvoa, but
that lliov with uh rolv unoii tho uroat and
glorious promlaoof Uod for comfort and con
notation. ItOHolvod, That thoso tohoIiiIIodh bo
nproad upon Iho records of tlilaUrango that
a copy bo furnished tho boroavod husband
also that tho State Hlght Democrat, Albany
bo furiilshod a copy with nrmost to publish,
and that tho grango hall bo drapod In mourn
Injr, for W) days. AlAittiAitiiT Mooiu;,
J as. Uonitia,
Jan, V. CtiitL, !
Tbero was a fair attendance of prom
inent farmers and warehousemen, and
representatives of tho Independent
Steamboat lines, at tho Transportation
meeting held yesterday at tho Chcmek
eta Hotel in this city. Tho meeting
organized with Chris. Miller of Jellerwii,
in tho chair. J. M. liewley of Indepen
dence, us Secretary, and "V. J. Hcrren
of Salem, ono of tho committee of
Marion county Pomona Grango that
called tho meeting, staled its object.
A committee consisting of James Tatom
of Polk, George F.Hlmp&on of Linn, W.
J. Herren aud T. L. Davidson of Marion,
and II. "Warren of Yamhill, was ap
pointed, and in tho afternoon reported
resolutions, with preamble reciting tho
facts of tho previous combination and
charge of unreasonably high freights on
tho "Willamette river, last season, resolv
ing Uinta good support should bo given
to tho Independent lines, consisting of
tho Peoples Protective Transportation
Company, of Yamhill, U. IJ. Scott fc Co.
and Capt. Cochran of tho steamer S. T.
Considerable (lNctixsioii ensued that
was ably sustained. Gentlemen con
nected with Uio P. P. T. Co.. as follows:
Jlonry "Warren, W. T. Newby, J.C.
Cooper, Judge Olds and J. K. Scars
favored tho building of boats by the
farmers, which could, they thought, bo
accomplished easiest by subscribing all
tho stock of the People's Protective
Transportation Company and making it
general to tho Willamette Valley instead
of local to Yamhill mid Polk counties.
Tho afternoon was occupied by the
debate that ensued, which was partici
pated In by Geo. F. .Simpson of the
Farmer's warehouse, Albany. "W. J.
Horronof Halem, JI.H. Allen of llalscy,
M. Sawyer of Wheatland, M. Wllklns of
Lauo county, Mr. JItifoid and James
Tatom, of Polk, I). II. Lafollett, T. W.
Davenport and T. L. Davitl-on of Ma
rion, county.
Tho resolutions reported by tho com
mittee wero llnnlly adopted with another
resolution looking to fin ther subscrip
P. P. T,
OitAiinv (litANfii:, No. HKI, )
April l, J877.
Tho following resolution was adopted at
our last mooting, aud it Is tho request of our
grango that you glvo it a place in tho Faii
mkii: Whereas, It has ploaaod our Dlvlno Master
abovo to remove from our midst our beloved
brother James Trogoulug,',wlio dopattcd this
llfo March 1(1, 1877, at bis residence on Kat,t
Muddy) tboroforo. bo It
Itasolvod, That wo dooply syinpathlzo
with bin boroavod relatives.
HouoIvmI, That n copy of tboso proceed
ings t0 HOIlt to tho WII.t.AMlnTt: KAHMKIt
ronuoatlng their publluatlou.
HouoIvmI, That tho Kcerutary bo instruct
od In up rem I tbo aatito on tho mlnutos of tho
r. II. Whim:, Kco'y.
Adopted by Mill Crok Ornngo at their
mooting April S, 1877.
Tho committee nmmlntod to drall rosolu
tlons oxpresslvo or tho setitlmoutu of Mill
Crook Orange, No. 11, P. of Ii., In regard to
transportation on tho Yamhill and Wllliiui
otto rivers, bog leave to report as follows:
WhonuiN. so soon as llin (). H. N. Co.
bought ottt tho Locks Co. thoy raised tho
freight to morn than doublo what It provl
otisly was, and ivh soon as tbo Independent
lino was started, put down tho price of
freight to Iom than ono-lmlf what It mih
worth, Intending thoroby to crush out all
opposition aud monojiollo tho tnmtporlit
. Clou on said rivers;
ltesolveil. That the Patrons of Utislmudry
aro o)jios()d to paying morn than any thhj;
In worth or getting any thing for It ss than it
is worth, but act on tho principle of llvo ami
lot llvo.
HoNolvod, That wo pledgo ouisolyos to
nupporttho Iudupudout linos of bonis ho
long oh innir etiargos aro leasMimbln,
Itesolved, That wo will pationln thoso
inorehantH only whosupiort the linleiHind-
ont Hues,
II, II, llrnnson,
K, Dmxiw.
. W. Dykstra,
llAiiutMiuitii, May I, IS77.
Kit' Faiiukh: I'anuors In this vicinity aro
Rbout done sowing their spring crops. Fall
town grain looks promising. If thofccaion
ooutlnuoM favorable will have tho largest
ylold that this part ever produced, as thoro
U fully ono-fuurtli more sown. Our Orange
U doing well, Its inembors aro on tho alert
and doing all they can to make It a siucess.
ThoWorthyHtato I.ecturer,and lurluislmnd,
vlsltotl uh lately aud gave us uu luturostlug
Interview with wholesome ml vice, and a
good mxilablo talk with our nuimbors, which
our grange highly uppioolatvd.
Times aro dull, not much dolugat jrehont,
but wo"look forwardi.wllh buoyant hopes,
m tbo future novor looked brighter than at
present. Oood crojis and high prices nest
111 Utile ozHctatlou of all, bow lUrthevo
oIH)otatlons will bo realized tho future only
" toll. P, H.Wuu.i:.
lliUYKiivo.v, April IS, 1877.
Ku. FAkmku: It Is with pleahiiro that I
write a few line to your pHr. Tho farmers
re all still puttlnjr In grain. Tho Itoavorton
grange met bore Uu Saturday. 1 did not
give the day of mooUng of tho dlllerent
5 range. The HUUboro grange moots tho
ret una third Saturdays of wvory month,
HotU meeta the thlnl Wwln.w.luv of v.irv
ftl Bt tn ,0,0' We have a lodge of
aoodTeaiplaw at lloayetton. and It U tlour-
'": w.o.TiiiKmi.
From tho J&isl OrcyeHfiiiu In 187tl tho
uumlier or pupils omI and under iMe.
turneit by tbo varloua kchool clciks In
Umatilla iunty to tho Supnrlnlondont
, ejuounted to 1,'JOS; m 1877 the number n..
lorieU tlio jiroent year uuiouutod to 1,810
in ono ytar.
tion to tho capital stock of tlio
Co., of MeMinnville and tho iiurchaso of
tho boats owned by l II. Scott it Co..
and Captain Cochran.
Tll.l f fflllQIinrf II t tflll (llntif tritl LinntMu lii
bo fairly settled In tho Interest of tlio
people. They huvo demonstrated that
they aro masters of tlio situation and
can secure freightage at reasonable rates,
and they have no need to enter into the
buslnessoftranHportatioii. Tliodeuislon of
tho highest courts establishes tho right
of tho people to regulate transportation
und establish rates by law, which of
Itself will servo to cheek tho nionopollz
Inir tendencies of corporations. Tbo Into
combination lias resulted disastrously
and proved a failure, and it seems as if
the producers of the Wllliamctto valley
could rest easy against fears of unreason-
time monopoly, all tlio saregtiatil they
need being to glvo a fair patronage, at
fair prices, to tlio Independent boats, so
as to continue a healthy competition.
At tho nicetlmr hold vesterdav It was
asked if there wero any more boats now
on the river than aro needed to movo
tlio crops, To answer this wo must
recollect that a certain portion of tlio
produce of tho valley will reach market
by railroad and that the great bulk of tho
river transportation will need to be done
In the few hurried mont lis after luuve-t,
before February before tho llrstof Jan
nary If possible, but all our wheat should
no snipped and on the way to Kuropo by
Uio first of February, or ft Is not liabfo
to reach market before tho Kiigljsh
harvest. This will rcmtlro tho iho next
fall, from tho time navigation opens until
February, and perhaps longer, of every
boat that can bo pressed Into service.
There will ho an iinnieiibo ineieusuof
tonnage through tho locks the present
VClir. UfllfWri Ufilllii illtmtifiil' ntfitiiif.1 ..,!
1...... ....... .. .. ...ia... ,,.. 7 Ul
mrvests. With a good yield of cereal,
aud other piodiK'ts, and the nicichaudiho
that Is needed for homo supplies, there
will be In the vicinity of 100,000 tons of
freight on the river within a twelve-
month ftoin this date. The leductlou of
fares by tho W. II. T. Company, advor
Used In our columns, is an admission of
error on tlielrp.ut, and while producers
nio not liable to forget that exorbitant
rates wero charged, and should piovlde
reuMiimhlo protection ngalnt ueurreiu'e
oflliohaiue.they should also recollect that
they will next fall need extraordinary
liaiisportatlon facilities, and rcetivolu
good iatt ovciiuics made that promise
reasonable terms for the futuic.
Whereas, by tho notion or J. W. Cochran
.V Co. and iho People's Protective Transpor
tation Company, hi plaolnr sulntautml Iw.ita
From a lady Correspondent.
i an increase or itlS
U being populated
vry nut.
Our rtmntv
by fin migration, eio.,
on tho rlvor, the successful extortion of tho
W.T. ,V 1.. Co. lilt to Unit. Illinium lliivnr!il.
and, wheioas, a tot orriMolutlons aud freight
larlil" adopted by tho Directors or tlio said
'V. T,V; l" t'"' has lately gouo Into print,
which by Implication admits tholr robbery
or tho people previous to the tlmo tho above
named companies c.tiuo into eoinpotltlon:
thetelore, bo It
He-solved, That 'his meeting of shippers
luvitth all similarly minded to unite with us
hi Mihtalnlng the abovo-iiHiued eompunios
as well uh tho boats or P. 11. Scott & Co., In
preference to tho mid W. T. .V U. Co.Jn
whom, by their resolutions, we recognize a
well-laid plan to M'curo the control o tho
river anil beguile, the sldpiHtrs Into their eon
lldtiuco unco more, that thov innv uintln inm
to rend.
Itesolved, That wo Invite the said J. W.
Cochran V Co., tho People's ProtectivoTrana
portatlon t?o., aud U. 1. Scott .fc Co.. to unite
on some friendly baUfor tbo protection of
eacn oiuer against me common enemy, be
lieving that hi unity there is strength and
In tho boats of the above-named ixiiopanles
there Is plenty or carrying capacity to ac
eominoiUto tho (hipping public as fully and
vuuiutHii,y tin fan ineoiuor line.
Keeolved. That, with this assuraneoglven,
we pledge tliein a liberal share of our pat
rouage o long as they carry freight at ratea
not to exctisl the freight taritt recently pub
IUIhhI by the W. T. A Ii. Co., and when
rates vhall exceed those raten, wo favor the
bulhllny and owning or bouts by tho fartusrs,
Jamus Tatoh, Chalrmau.
llinlved. That It U ths eiiMnrt1ilKii.
Ing that the capital (.lock of tho Peonle's
l'i. Faiimkii: 1 noticed In your paper of
March 0th, au address delivered at Turner
Orange by Mrs. Hllleary. Now tho address
was Miry good exeopt ono thing, and that
was, that woman was ollglblo to auyofileo.
Now I beg leavo to dhler with my sUter
granger. I do not think they aro ollglblo to
any oillco but thoo laid down IntholUtuals,
I would ssk my sister graufior how would It
look for a woman to bo Master of a grange.
1 think It would look llko a man dressed In
a lady's attire with a lot of falto hair wound
over hU hoAd In tho house doing up the
work. Any honslbio person would seoat
onco that ho was out or his plaeo. I Intcud
as long as 1 llvo to tight against women
boldlug tuon's otllecs. I also noticed in
your paper of April 13th, a lottor from Miss
J. l. J., suo seems to think tho Order of
Oood Templars is uot worth much. Now the
Orangors aud Oood Templars aro both light
ing lor grand and uoblo causes, but the
Oood Templars are lighting for the grand
est, for Ifthey can atop the manufacturing of
lutoxloatlng llquora, which 1 hope God will
peed the day when they will, they will atop
more crimes than any other order In the
world. Hut those who have not had anv of
their frlenda under the Influence of atrong
drink, care but little about the canae of tem
perance. NowMlae J. D. J. aaya that tho
Good. Templara go hand In hand with the
Woman Suflrago Aasoclatlou, sho ia mis
taken, It U the graugere thet are going with
them, I thin they are doing as much good
as the grangers, If not more. I belong to
both orders, and am not ashamed of it. I
bellove In wotnau'a ilghta hi the right place.
I don't believe In women going to tho colls
ana voting and bo lug Judges of courU ami
uiasiora or granges Ac, but all those who
Protective Transportation Company should I do, 1 think Ifcey outfit lo fcaye tu Introduc-i
bo fully subscrlbod, with a viow to raising
capital for tbo purchaso oi tho boats of J. W.
Cochran & Co. and U. 11. Scott ifc Co., or for
tbo building of more boats to run upon tbo
plan or tho P. p. T. Co., so soonasasulll
olont amount or capital can bo secured for
iuhi parposo, ana that lrelgnts suau not oe
abovo presont ratos.
Oregon papers aro requosted to publish
theso resolutions.
CiiAnLEs Miller, Chairman.
J. M. Bkwlby, Seo'y.
Pacific Threshing Machine Company.
Leaning listlessly ovor tho railings of tho
south brldgo at Safom, and amusolng him
soir by casting ovor it pebbles, and calculat
ing tbo tlmo occupied by their doscont to tho
bottom or tho crook, your correspondent
ovorboard two farmers dlaeusalng the merits
And bolng lutorostod In agricultural affairs,
ho bolng determined to learn something
about this machine Passing ovor tho Btoop
hill, which is at tho outranco of
And turning to tho right ho'soon found him
sou noar what nppoarod to bo a deserted
saw mm. rJoar it, undor a shod, was some
thing that lookod llko a threshing machine,
and porcolvlng close by a building from
whenco csmo tho sound of machinery, your
correspondent ontorod
As ho stood gazing bolplossly at belts and
wheels, ho was rosouod from his embarrass
ing position by tho approach of a smart, In
telligent looking young man, who enquired
his buslnoss and then polltoly offered hi
assistance. This gentlouian hoppcued to bo
tho SecieUry of tho Company, Mr. W. S.
Ollphant, and from him your correspondent
learned tho following particulars.
Was oraauized on tho 7th of Octobor. 187tl.
for tho purpose of manufacturing Pol
ton's Uorso Powers and Seiurators. be
sides othor agiluultnral huplemonls.
It has a capital of Snw.OOO In shares of 100
each. Thoeliiormembors or It aro Mr. S.
Polton, Prosidont; Dr. John Reynolds, Vlco
Prosidontj Mr. o. P. Uoardsloy, Goneral
Agontj Mr. W. S. Ollphant, Socrotary; Dr.
II. Carponter, Troasuror and Fiunnclal
Is driven by an onglno of twolvohorjo-pow-or,
and thcro aro at present at work In tho
workshop llftoon moobanlcs.whllst tho com
pany employ six othor men as teamsters,
etc. Thoy aro now busily at work at the
framos and castings required fcr Pelton's
Uorso-l'oA'ors. A numburor which, to tho
valuo of fiO.OOO thoy oxpoct to have In readi
ngs by harvoi,t. Procoodlug to oxamlno
ono ol' tho llorso-powors your correspon
dent was struck with Its strength, neatness
and aafoty. Its durability Is wondorful as It
Is said to last as long as twonty or any othor
sort, Its strength too is iinmonse, whilst there
is very littlo friction and thus Its draught Is
proportionately light. Its greatest conveni
ence also Is remarkable for It can bo adjust
ed with tho greatest oaso by any one, and
all tho cogs and wheels being lusldo or tho
easing It is porfoctly safo and tho driver can
stand on tho ton without any dangor of on
tanglomont. Though apparently a littlo
doaror, It Is in reality vory much cheapor
man omor macmnos, lor it is almost over
lasting? that is. if takon ordinary care or.
onr.oox MANUfAtitrni:.
Tho wood bolng cut In this Stnto and tho
iron from Oswego. Tho company's foundry
Is at Gorvlas. Thoy employ In tho factory
horo Mr. floo. Tillotson, n llrst rato mechan
ician as Foreman, Mr. D. L. Itlggs a skill
ful machinist aud blacksmith, and Mr. Jno.
A. Pick or Ilostou, nleu au experienced
. Now these machines ore mailo right horo
murrgon, and in every respect thoy are
suporlor to thoso which mo Impoited from
the Atlantic States. Ihillnlo, Chicago, St.
Louis, Canton, O., Ilattlo Creek, Mich., aud
Itaclno. Wis., aro tho places from whonco tho
majority of tho machines In gonoral uso are
brought. How much better would It bo for
tho farmors of Oregon to patrouko and eu
courago homo Industry. Iloro In Oregon Is
an Immenso manufacturing powor lying Idle.
Tho bot kind ol timber aro hi our forrosts,
In our mountains aro Inoxhaustlblo btores of
Iron, coppor, aud vast coal Holds undorllo
our soil; our shtop Erozo on a thousand hills;
our cattlomngoovoralmostbouudloss plains
yot for farming ImplomontH, woolon goods
anil leather, wo rond money to tho Atlantic
Slates. It is almost tlmo that tho peoplo of
Oregon should awako to their truo intorebts
uud encourage homo ontorprlsos, This
Is. as vet. but In Its luf.niQv. but it It muntu
with all tho oncouragoment It deserves, It
will extend Its Hold or oporaUous and glvo
employment to many. Itosldes this, other
persons will then bo induced to ombark in
enterprises or n similar nature, aud then
Otegon will stand prominent hi othor things
besldo agriculture. T. J. 11.
tlon to ft good maul aud wodgo, and somo
respeolablo looking rail timber. As this la
my lirst attempt at writing a Jettor for your
paper I will close.
A Good Templar and Granger.
Lane County.
Lata Phyileltn to 6L Qtergt'i and St. Barthslo-
mtw's Hotpital. London, Curator to
81 Eliubith'f, etc.
After ytart of the tnoit raborloua re
atarrh and investigation, and after tho
practical application in treatment to thou
sands of patients. Qeo. Chandler, A.St.,
M.D., now present to tho American pub
lie the following remedies, hie sole dis
covery and property, the efficacy of tchlch
is attested in the voluminous quantity of
testimonials, the unsolicited offerings of
suffering and discouraged patients, who
have not only received relief and benefit
from their continued use, but have been
rarllemlh, cured of ailments and chroma
complaints, which have been adjudged by
the most eminent physicians as hopeless.
7il incomparable DEPVllATiri: Is
a powerful ALTJEItATirJi, TOXIC, Iil
VltETIC, JtlAPJIOKKXia, and A JT.lt I
XXT, combining virtues which render
it invaluable and never-falling, and by
its continued use uHlt thoroughly eradi
cate all diseases of the blood. Its ingre
dients aro of a purely harmless extrac
tion, the products gathered from remote
Egyptian JProvlnees, and urhere there is
the slightest taint of disease in the sys
tem, it never falls in ejecting that dlseaso
through Vie medium of the skin, or ex
pelting it through the many and various
channels of the body, thereby allowing.
ait ins organs imp
convince any patient using it, of its un
doubted rctlahttttu and wonderful cura
tive properties, it being, most unquestlon
nblu, the very aeme of medical triumphs,
and the greatest discovery of the present
age, in the treatment of every dlseaso
where the blood itself is primarily tho
seat of the lesion or disorder, such as
liCJIOrULA and tlie thousand and ono
catties that lead to this terrible affliction,
of which all civilised communities aro
cognisant, for Jllbllcal Truth has assert
ed that the i Bins of the fathers shall
visit even unto the third and fourth gen
erations." and to ltnOKKN-liOirx AND
powerful rejuvenator, causing tho irreeh
of man onee more to assumo the God-ltlio
lorin of manhood.
ror avTASKovs msrAsrs.imiN-
TJIVr.IOJlATOVS CANCh'lt, Ncvitvy,
j'ijJAia (ana to tne gentler sex it is a
For Sale !
THE FINR nRHmRNfitt corner of Commer
cial and DIvltlon ptrcctp, In dceirablo eltimtlon,.
with hoiua lurac. well flnlnhoil. and convcnlcnt-
Hrrnnffefl. Anil frrnnnrla tAatpfnlltf nrnflmpntrd. Will
po om -vory loiw and on accommodating
terme. Apply to
'OP24 Tatton'B Block State BU. Baijsm.
Importer and Dealer In
7i(tiiur or me ooay, tnereoy aiiow
and, indeed, forcing all the organs
their proper normal and functional i
dlllon. A. very brief space of time
boon long sought for by sensitive, suitrp-
(ipic nun aciteaio lemaiem. am fc rif.r
direct action upon their ailments) ANIt
ai.i. roaaia or ciuionio iusvasi:
OF TUH TUOVlH.Il. it is invaluable. A
perseverance with this remedy wilt provo
a positive and permanent cure for
CHILLS and I'EVklUi and all MALA
Ttiousands of Testimonials attest the
truth of these claims.
Prlev, One Hollar, in largo bottle, or
el bottles, 98. m '
OASTnoyi aoafe, speedy, and posi
tive cum or that most depressing of ail
ments, ai.it n brief courseof treatment will
rrstoro the digestive organs to their pris
tine strength, aud jprowoto the lirullhy
action of the ntomaeh and intestines, Thn
nervous irritability of literary uud ult
persons pursuing a sedentary Hie, is
speedily removed by this agent. Tho
stomaeit is restored to health aud the l;ry
tioteof the systetn will onee more respond
in the jicrformaneK of labor.
Price, On,, ifollar, in largo bottle, or
six bottles, $3,
A slight so-called cold trill ofttUne
lead to t serious cough, which, unearrd
for or badly treated, must hare hut one
result It must erentuute in a settled cato
of lmONCllITIS, or what is worse, the
deadly CONSUMPTION. To all suffering
framharasslng cough and expectoration,
THAC11EON offers a sound, reliable, und
permanent relief. Jt augments expecto
ration, and enables) the patient to expel
that terribly septic deposit, which, if left
without Judicious treatment, must com
municate its poison to the vesicular sub
stance of the tuna, deaeneratlim ami tle-
miroyinq tnets moss essential of on
iiriit hiiiimhi orti
tlmelii death. Tit.
much less a superior, and its uso will uot
only remove the deposit, thereby affording
mil nii-
ii re at relief, but heals the membrane und
leaves the patient in possession of Uialthy
lung tissue.
Price, I'lfty Cents per bottle, or sla
sottlcs, $3.00.
PILES. Hemorrhoids.
Many causes tend to produce (A Is pa In
fill nml distressing state. The blood Is
retarded in its return the too freijucnt
use of drastlo purgatives tends to produce
congestion of the bowels, torpid action of
the liver, and numerous other causes aro
the source of this complaint, and hitherto
nothing effectual has been prcsiuted to
tho public, which would rapidly alleviate
symptoms and ultimately prove an effect
ive cure. In PILON we have a rtmedy
which not only acts almost instantly, but
will remove tho largest tumors of the parts
(Piles) by absorption, and many who
flare received not only benefit, but have
been radically cured, have been assured
fprlor to using this treatment) by emi
nent surgeons that tho only relief they
ever could expett in life, would be by an
operation. aiuM removing it or them from
the body by a procedure which necessitat
ed the Ism Ife. This remedy has been hailed
K usugns, am new prescribed by
snany practising physicians, who are con
Xro'eittlo'rE&'S." ' Ano""
thorough in the eradication of the differ
ent and various maladies denominated,
and are the result of patient, searching,
laborious, and scumlijto investigation,
r&rpaud?&:rmmH ""'
i.i'O 'fu r compiled
with, thousands of patients will bear wit
ness to their relative merits, and corrob
orate every assertion. Where there aro
many complications of disease, and pa
tients so desire, UK. CUANUIMlt will
be pleased to ulve all iutormatlon, and
treat by letter if necessaru.
. .-"Ffr'i'Ht and Explanatory cireu.
lav of the above remedies sent on receipt
of stamp. If the PJtOPltZ JtTA.lt 1
MEIilciNEj are not on iile at fjiur
particular druggist's, send orders to
J3 Broadway, Kew-York City,
T ' "jar
Improved Range s,'
And Manufacturer of
Tin, Sheet-Iron & Copper
W .A. It E,
Union Block. Commercial Street,
friends and cmtomcru that I havo retained biml-
nc. and Invito tho public generally to call and exam-'
Ino my ttock and learn my prlccp.
Nov;l lS70tf
Salem Flouring Mills.
CoiiNtniitly ou Hand.
HifiTliost Price in. CA.SH.
Paid for Wheat
Bcpt 13tf
Aficnt 8. F. M.
Willamette Nursery?
Oswego, Clackamas co., Oregon.
SsmXssssmssWmV ' HR" W
HyrV ill Sv 1 11
Tlio Italian Prune,
And tho licit varlctlce of
I'm iii,
Nut and Shade Trees,
Send for Doscriptivo Catalogue.
E. corner, at head of ttalr. fciy
Administration Salo of Land.
BY order of tlio Comity Court of Mnrlon comity.
.. m'i" of 'rc''n1n' ?'?,,t April 1 ttli. 1877, 1 III (till
... ,.......v M....,...., i.iiT luiiuniui; real piupcny. ncionc-
Inir to tlio ctato of Drury S. Htnytoii, dcccwulj llio
N. Lnlfof Lot. 3 and ii fn lllock -I, haxliig a Jwrn
titiiivii. iiui.iii. .. iii'L'iniiiTiir vii ntni iv n,i rr r.i.
8. of tlio N. . corner of Water and Tlilrd btreet In
tho town of bta) ton. tliencoS 4Sfcct. tlienco Ti de.
Mmln. W.Uifect, tliencoN.6.'d9tf. ."B mln. W. 1M
feet, thciico B. no f jot tn pbco of ufirlnnlnsr. In tractrt
t?J,uU.l'!?re.h..?r'i JtNu.a,6fi'ct wide on tho b.
ldo of tho Mill key block tn tlio town of htayton; Lot
No. I. fit feet w ide on tho N. ldo of tho Mulfccy Work
alorcMld: IM No. f, bceinnlpu M ten E. of tbo N. K.
corner nrtha Mnlkiy Clock In Majtm nforeId,
thrnto jj. 3 feet, ihcrcu N. (it feet, tlimco V. lif.
feet, thenco S. ill fat to pUcw ot begin -
nine? l.nt M.. n lw.il..l.. a., r.. . . ... .. v..;
..-". ..". '". w, wv,mi,.im ,f u-ti j(. t iiiu o. .
vuuivr im iiiuii nua
incncom. H. r
ditch 1113 foet.
plico of beginning; Ixt No.
,i"i " i'""a " rect i;. r tlio H. v.
llKli and at Btrcit Inbl.iitou alorvald.
VI tin, I'l lire up tto Jlfff. Co.'
let, thence S. ii loot, thMico W. Ito fet to
n 1nrt tt liitil .i ..
'i2n,,",n,,tho1.1,j!,0'StJn ditch, and on tho
we.t of Powoll.t lloeye" waxon hop. tlu miuo lielnir
locatlomiforwnter.pmcri'.aml mnnlntrS. about -IB
feet to tec, line of ec. 10 and 15: Lot No. 8. a trln
of lnd 1? feet wide and S7b feel !l hir. lyliii on the N.
m&' 'JCa Mi Prt''CUt tM '
I'?!iNoJ,nf'i:1,.1v'nr-,n;5 fwt E. of tho H. E. corner
pf tho Mu. key block, thenco 8. 1J0 fuot to bank of
r. ""... .- viu.mui; uiuil lo IIOlZlIiniDlf DOlIlt:
i'c N. ld ftet. thenco K. -its feet. thencS nV 1
feet, thenco U. Sot foet, thenco S. fO leg. so nilu. t
l foet. thenco S. SO feel, Umnco bornh Vcitcrly
mcauderltii? thu Pinvini, ,ii!m. . .i i" J:,". rf!
Mk. . .1 .. . ..: , -- w.
u.ri-iuii jiho ui ram U ten: ccnln it iw !lr .-
raoreorle,tobo sold In trct to mlt iurcba"crf'
and thaw ater-nowrtiacn wUI U old Ii th ,l47a
of w er of is iuche. urder a tu o foot I tad! or otlier
; Ue a may bo -ree.t on ot tho ts.U. tiililandiall
lie In. oi ; adjal&lui,-. tho town of SujtoiV, In Marlou
county. orwiu. and w III lw 0)J ct in ATUltl) Y ho
u" day of Say. im?, h1k)ii tho rrcmUw. fur gold cota
one thin iIoh n, onth rdlii tnreo mouihi. mi iiT,!
other thlnl In lx momhVT 'Vn nt of SoVeJ tveured
bale w HI cojiuum.9 ttlli, m.on ald day.
AdmlnUtrator of ald E.tatc,
apJ3n I
rtnh0m!0,JriCoort,rtlle Swte of Oregon for tho
1-i.T" '"" ".' ,0 -on, rrom tbo petition thla
rtl.5ay. Pfec,ed and filed by J.W, Thornbury. cnar
dlan ot tho perton and c.tate of fil. i?.i,?i 5
?r,riVS.wntfl,a7,hV,ha ' of Mid minor de-nf,.h-d
n foll?w i wlt: he one undivided honeSlxth
?fiJhei Ji011"0" Und-clalm of Henry Martin and
wife, in Bectloa 8, io, and 11. tn T 8 X. H 9 ?v r
of the United btatea returned to tho office of th. Sur-
J,Xrc,nhe.r' Pi "reRon: MM interest being all tho
niiiiSf ' rk'r''cetJ. 'n fM prcmliei, tltuatelrt
SS,.0,S?ly' 0r'Son! houldbioWi It li hereby
ordered that the next of Un of t aid minor, and aft
perona lnten-ted in Mid e.tate. appear before thl"
court on tho h day of June. 1S77, at oao o'clSekm
ri.,,nr,fono.r?!d.,,l' l tho courtboofe In ih"
thcro to hi)wcuo why a llcena'hourd nbt be craft.
--iiJ-I. w .. vuvj ui juaao on
iLlaiiKTTEAHVLi;. aneparerot geniral clrcn.
Utlon, publUcd wcvkly tn lditariou county
Dated thl llth dy of Anrll. isrr. tuaB,y-
J. V. PEEBLES, Connty Judge,