fc-wwap rj vuMM. , V t '"fl jj,.. v; "' &xW "WILLAMETTE FARMER. ' If I. 0. Q. T. Correspondence from tho G. W. 0. T. Goshen, Or., May 1, 1877. Ed. Faumkii: On Monday, lion. Allon Bond drove mo over from his beautiful resi dence to Irving, whoro I took tho train for Eujrono, at which place I found mysolf at homo at tho liouso of Brothor andSlstor McClung. A publlo tomperanco mooting was hold In Eugono tho ovonlng I was thore, whloh was largoly attondod. JudgoJ. J. Walton dollvorod tho principal address. Bro. J. s. McCain is laboring hard for tho causo at Eugono, and is entltlod to great pralso for hlo efforts. Sisters McOlung antU Waro havo lost nono of tholr dovollon to our Ordor, and aro vallaut workors. Sister Annlo Undorwood Is now teaching at Junc tion , and Nolllo Condon Is giving lossons in painting at tho samo placo. Eugono City Is improving somo. Prof. Condon, woll known In Oregon as a flno gontleman and oxcollont toachor, is engaged in tho Stato UnivorBity, and glvos porfoct satisfaction. This ovonlng wo havo had an onthuslastlo tomporanco mooting horo, and tho Lodgo Is doing a good work and bringing in now mombors ovory mooting, Itov, J. Ilaudsakor, tho obliging postmastor and morchant of this placo, Is ono our most onorgotlo workors. Whlloho lias his hands full of btmltioss ho will tako tlmo to attond tho rejrtilir meotings of tho Lodgo. I am now enjoying tho hospitality of tho family, and, with tho many frlonds gathorod in, I havo spost a pleasant ovoning. Our young frlond II. A. Dlllard, is W.C.T. of tho Lodgo, and tho Oravoses, Hoods, Ben notts, Ilamptons, ICoonys, and Coxos, aro liolping him in tho warfare against tho rum Hond. This placo is somo six miles south of Eugono on tho railroad, and tho country round about Is bolng much improvod. Clommons Is engagod In tho manufacturo of Ltmburger cheoso horo, and tho lovers of this odorlforous artlclo of food can bo bo commodatod by tho quantity. Farmors havo tholr grain In and there Is much moro sown to whoat horo than horotoforo. In haste, W. R. Dunhaii. L'alt.Gukkic, May 21. 1S77. Ed. Faiimkr. On tho morning ofSlnot, I was mot at Goshou by that vory kind brothor W. V. Kirk, and convoyod to his rosldouco In ltattloannko, whoro at tho hour of four o'clock p. in. , wo hold n publlo tomporanco meeting, iiftor which wo orgaulzod a now lodgo of Qood Tomplars with a good solid momborshlp. Tho ofllcors ohoson aud In stalled aro as follows: V. II. McCall, W.O.T.; Ellzaboth Gulloy, L.n.S; L. O. Beokwltb, W.S; AdalUgdon, K.II.S: Q. W. Oulloy, F.S: W. W. Kirk, W.T: Sarah J. Kirk, W.V.T; Mary F. Grir fln,C; S. E. Brlstow, M; Sarah Gulloy, l.G; J. U. Gllbort, O. G J.M.Novlllo, P.W.O.T, and G. W. Gulloy, L.D. Tho yetorans of No. 180 have again grasp ed tho weapons of offensive warfare and are moving to the front. I have appointed D.A. Itlgdon, a Dlst. Dop. for tho Eastern District. Yesterday Bro. Kigdon accompanied mo to this place, whore we wero greeted by Bro. Fred Warner and his kind family. In tbo evening we met with that gallant and deter mined little lodge, Fall Creek No. 185. For oror four years it has borne aloft the ban nor of tomporanco intuit neighborhood, and now entors upon tbo fifth year with as much zeal as at any tltro In tho past. Too much cannot bo said in pralso of tbo unflluchlng devotion of this band of brothors and sisters. Tho mooting was callod to ordor by slstor Agnes Warnor, W.C.T, and sister Ada Kig don, of No. 203, was appointed to All tho chair of W.V.T, and an Interesting mooting was held. Ofllcors for the now quarter woro Installed, headed by our young alstor Mary Warner for W.C.T. A full list of officers will be furnished for publication soon. SIstor Mary Griffin, of No. 208, was;also a visitor, and seemed to enjoy the oxercises of tho evening's meotlng. The families of Fred and Thomas Warnor, the Neets, Luck eys, and othors, havo beeu faithful workors lor right In this community. W. R. Duniiau. Elk Horn. Pout Co., May 3, 1877. Ed, Farmkr: At a regular mooting of Mill Crook Lodgo, No. 270, I.O.G.T, the following officers woro olectod for tho ensu ing term: O.T., G. W. Dykstra; V.T., MUs M. A. Dykstra; See, Miss Jamlma J. Davis; F.S., Laban Davis; A.H., It. S. Conner; T., D.Chandlor; O., A. Hlnshaw; M., Wm. M. Chandler; I G.,. HiiiMmw; O. d., Frank Davis; P.W.O.T., E. Dopow. Jamima J. Davis, Soo'y. At the last regular meeting of Bridgeport Lodgo, No. 207, I.O.G.T., tho following offi cers wero oleoted: O.T., Nat flolmau; V.T., Mrs. S.Gilliam; U.S., Mrs. M. A.IIolman; L.S.,Mlts Ella Osborn; Sec, Rov, G. B. Rlggs; A.S., N. Frakes; F.S., J. J. Brown; T., Mrs. T. Rlggs; O.. A. J. Gilliam; M., D. Gilliam; D. M., Miss Sarah O'Neil; I.G., M. niggs; O.G., J. A. Gilliam, Representative to Grand Lodgo, Nat. Ilolmau; Alternate, T. W. Hubbard. East Portuind, April 20th, 1877. Ed. Farmkr: The following officers wero chosen by Paradise Spring Lodge, 2C3, 1.O. G.T., at tho last meeting for the term begin ning May 1st: 0.1. , Milo Gllbam; V.T., Jennie Fields; Seo., Albion Francis; F.S., Chas. Fields; T., Kstlvait Francis; M.,01in Hosford; C, Marcus Doromus; O.G., Robert Camrbell; I.G., Mary Prettymmi. Wo send you a list of tho officers who were duly elected and installed of Lablah Lodgo, No. 100: C.T., Louis Flbbs; V.T John Splcknell; Seo., Herman Gaterman; A. 8., Nlda McNary; F.S., Ella Pugh; T aherruan Hatch; Chap. Louisa Hubbard; M., Jennie Gorsline; D.M., William Chapel; I.G., Willy Parrisb; O.G., Delmer Gorellne; U.S., Mattla McNary; L.S., Cowper Good rich; P.W.O.T., RobcrtPugh. Lodgo Deputy William Claggett. W. D. Claggolt and Louis 0. Fisher woro sentas representatives, and Bosslo McNary and Flora Hubbard as alternates, to tho Grand Lodgo in June. Lodge moots at 8 o'clock every Saturday orenlng with qulto n numbor of tnombors always ready to work for tomporanco and Unlit Bsalnst this evil drink, visitor? nro always mado wolcomo. A. O. N, With thoasststancoofSUtorE.E.Kollogg, G.W.Trcas., and Bro, J, B, Garrison, I, In stalled tho olllcors of Portland Lodgo, No. 201,1. O. G. T., on last Monday oveulng, May 7th. J. W. Gamblo, O.T.; Elijah Martin, R.H.S.; Katlo Frazor, L.H.S.; Gusslo Mlllos, V.T.; SIstor C. A. Coburn, Soo'y:; J. J. Walton, A.S.; Wm. Dunbar, F. S.j J.R. Shavor,T.; Dorn McCord, 0.; Bro. martin, oi.; Bistor uiiaimors, D.M. Hlstor Camilla Coburn, 1,0. : Jamos Richards, O. G.; Frank Mlllos, P.W.O.T. W. H.O'DONALD, Dlst.Dopt.G.W.O.T. vr.wnAWtxruronD. J. V, WKATUriU'OUD. Tun Dallks, May 7th, 1877. Ed, Farmkii: I sond you tho namos of tho officors Installod for tho onsulng term. Frank D.Sanders, C.T.j Mrs. J. O, Carl- wrlght, V.T.j Goo. Watkins, R.S.J William MIonolI.T.J GOO. HlOWOll. F.S.I UOV. II. G. Hawn.O.J Chas. H. Rood. P.W.O.T.i John Brown, M.j Jonnlo Whltcom, I.G.; Chas. Morcor, O.G.; Llzzlo Ayors, A. S.: Cornelia Grlmos, D.M.; Phobo Loncc, R.U.S.; Viola Aiotananu, Ij.u.s.; auuio Thompson, urg. Yours in F. U. and 0., Geo. Watkins, R. Soo'y. Damascus Lodgo, No. 120, mado a gain of eleven mombors in tho past quartor. It has olocted as Roprosontatlvos to tbo noxt session of Grand Lodgo: J. P. Earl, Martha J. Earl, with J.T. Chitwood and Uonry Cook for alternates. A largo attondauco la oxpeotod at tho com ing sosslon ot tho Grand Lodgo to bo hold at Albany, commencing on Tuesday, Juno 12, 1877. Indications aro now that almost ovory lodgo will bo roprosonted. A Salcmite Abroad. En, Farmkr: Whon a man has livod tho mattor of 32 yoars In ono county, making faw and short excursions from his homo, tho taking of n Journoy abroad bocomos to him a rathor Important affair, Undor tho oxcltomont,thon, of bu unusual occurronco, I loftSalom, and (hid mysolf noting chang os so noar Salom ns Inko Lablsh, whoro I obsorvoat tho point whoro tho county, road loading to Portland crassos, what was onco lnko Is now dry laud, and whoro a ploco of ground Is planted to onions. Tho'luml can bo and has boon mado to produco abundant crops, aud whoro onco bridgos costly to tho tax-payors of Marlon County woro construct ed may now at any tlmo bo mado macad amized road. Riding on towards Portland, via Boon's forry, I find ovory thing doad aud still, compared with the samo route 20 yoars ago botweon Aurora and tho toll road out of Portland. It is a woodod district, and though tho land Is good, it roqutros great labor to make It' available, and onor gy and enterprise havo passod by It on tho other aide. From Dr. Glosy, at Aurora, I learn that this satno kind of 'land situated along tho lino of railroad is hold at $35 to HO per aero, and ownors don't wish to soil evon at theso prlcos. Arrlvod at Portland, I obsorvod signs of thrift and activity In Portland proper, but East Portland looks as though a large olty was blighted In its infanoy, by overspocula- tlon. From Portland to the Dalles by tho O. S. N, Co.'s woll-appolntod boats, I obsorvo consldorablo ohaugea havo ocourrod on the face of tho mountains up to tho cascade ra pids noar tho rlvor, In 32 yoars, from burn ing on of tho timber. Noar this point, or Just opposite Rooster Rock, on tho Oregon sldo, Is plautod the now fishing station of Warrendale, where an oxtenslve cannery Is erected by Warren fc Co., who expect to oommenoe business noxt Monday, May 7tb. The enterprising company have got a beau tl ful stretch of rlyor In which to cast their nets. They have tried tho seines already, and are satisfied with the prospect. Occasionally, from tho steamer's deck, we see pieces of the grade of tho Sandy and Dalles wagon road, whloh has received ap propriation of $700,000 of the peoplo's mon ey. I enqulro tbo prospect of the peoplo's getting back "valuo received" in facilities of travel , and am answered by porsonson tho boat that thoy regarded it as a bilk and a swindle. Tho appropriation bolng frittered away In keeping a few men at work on in eflccilvo patch-work, ueomlnKly for tho pur poso of consuming tho tlmo botwton ono sos Hlon of llio Leglslaturo and tho noxt, to uso tho fund to pry tbo Superintendent his f5 per day aud tho chairman of the commis sioners his ?50 per month, and yot tot an example of "how not to do It." The abovo represents tho condition of things in respect to the Dalles ard Sandy Wagon Road, as given to mo by resldonla of Dalles whom I know aro qualified to Judgeof such matters, yet I hopo tho action of tho commission who havo the direction and tho Superlntendentwho executes their plans will provo by this summer's operations that tho muuiucence of the people of Oregon and hopes of the people of Eastoru Oregon, moro immediately Interested In having that road completed, will not bo so grievously disap pointed as that the liberal appropriation of $100,000 will not bo thrown away. Certainly, If I wore a citizen of Eastern Oregon, I would endeavor to keep tho, subject of their duty before tho Comraltslon, for tho additional reason to the Importanco of tho obect, that there are many men now coming and yet to arrive in Oregon who need the opportunity to do honest work aud earn wages so that they can get a foot hold In tho country. Every well wisher of tho future of Oregon ought to do hi best to give incoming strang ers a chance. . But the supper bell of the Umatilla House, Dalles City, rings and you can have no more from me at this time. Salejutk, tf Weatherford & Co.. Wholciale and Itc tall Dealers In DRUGS, FAINTS, OILS, CLASS. Patent Medicines. CHEMICALS, JR ordmnaory TOILET GOODS, Etc, etc PURE WINES and LIQUORS, For Medicinal purpotca. Medioinea Compounded, and Prescriptions Filled. Weatherford & Co,. Frttf Commercial rtrcct. NA&Kirt. m HERREN & FARRAR, WUl pay tho Highest Market Price -ron- 500,000 POUNDS w SACKS AND TWINE JTuriiiNlicd. Kmnilro or IV. J. IIKIIIIKN. IMllKAIt IIUOTIIKIIS. Balcm, May 4, 137T-3m. O. 33. XXTJkJLT, General ArcM for Oregon and Waiulnrton Tcr'yfor ill Vormick's Uarvestinu 3XjtV03ETXlrJUJrl.ir. Tho McCormlck machine aro tho 11K8T and mott duiablo that havo over been conitructcd. VAICTIKUN look to your lntcretl JSOctno moro liuht. cant I rota, 'Cheap John' macblnet. When you eel a McUOltillCK, aud uio It with proper cro. It U k'ood for twenty ycart. John and Wm. I'ukIi, ot tbU county, havo one they have ruu for CO jrcari , and will Mill contltmo to ute. Tho McCormlck lUr vetor took tho ilxmt promlwm't the Orecon fitato Pair ot "IHT VEIt ALL ulTlKllS. Do not imtrrany but tbo McCormlck, and you will bo pleated with your purchato. Auo, Walt'i PorlaWn Power Hay Presses, Ilullt to order, and every ono warranted to bo txnul to the one that took tho nrt premium at the Oregon Stato Fair of 1870. . , , (Mil and examine, or untlor clrtulan. T. H. WAIT, aplO OoinmtrtM atrttt. SALSM. REAL ESTATE LOANS. OKKGOX AND WASHINGTON Trust Investment Company OF SCOTLAND. TIU8 Company If prepired to negotiate loana In fun from fsno tn tW.UMaocureii over IMl'itO VBD C1TV fitOI'BHTV and KAllM LANDS, for fixed period of yeatr, or repayable by half-yearly In atallmcute. For tcrni. apply to WlkMAM HKID, Manacer, novlOr U Flratritrevt I'ortland. eixxxaa.xxxoxa.at. In tho Circuit Court of tho Ktato of Oregon for tho Comity of Marlon. George A. Hdcw and Ilhoda lUct liU wife, I), Y Camp, bell and Martha U. Campbell Ida ulfu, M, I.. Mumii er aud Mary A. Mumper hit wife, Juhii (I, Wright and Caroline M. Wright Ida wife. Charlm Uralov. o and Mary Uxafuvige hit wife, and Jame C, lliouiiaud.Varclxo Ilruwn hit wife, JlaliitlJ', 1W. George Anderson and Martha Amlerfon hl wife, and I.el Johntouand Abncr Allen, Dtftiultintt. To George AuderRon and Martha Amlerton hit wife, LowU Johnton, and A hue r Allen, Defendant: In tiik Name or tub State okOukcion: You aro hereby re'iulred to aptx-ar uud annwor the complaint filed agaliitt you In the abovo entitled null on or be fore tho tint da) of the next termor tbo Circuit Court of the titate of Oregon for the County of Marlon to wit, on or before the 11th day of June, A. I). Ib77, and If you fall no to ar.wcr, for want thereof the plalntlfi' above named will take a decree for the relief prayed for In laid complaint, to wit, for the partition, according to the ettairaaud lutrrtnL thrreln of the respective partlct to tlilt m It alr.e nanml, of the following described real eatate, to wit; "situate In Ma rlon County, Stato of Oregon, and being a part of tho Donation land claim of N W. Colwell, iu rectlona 3.') and Ut In T. 7 B. It 3 W, of the Willamette Meridian, aud described at follow, to wit: Commencing at a point on the ttago road leading from Kalem to Albany, at the H. E. corner of a piece of land owned by Johu Crim, running thence H.a i eg. 30 mln, W. alom raid road 7 mi chain to the N. K. comer of tho Odd Fcl lowt' Kural Cemetery; thenco westerly along the North lluo of laid cemetery, iU.'M chalur; thence South with tho Wet ltne of tald cemetery I.W cbalnt; thenco N. 71 deg. U) mln. W. H.l elialim; thence North M.WchaIn; thenco N. 71 deg. ) nilu.W. 15.b9 chalntj thence N. 7 deg B. M.41 chain to a point ou the South boundary line of Ihn land of Abra ham Myerti thence Kattcily with tald line to the place of beginning, .outlnlig nlnety-el'ht (!) ucrett of land, more or lef," for tuth other and further re llel at the Court may deem riuluble and proper, and (or coitl aud dlilmrtemcnta In ralilnultcxpcnded. Thlt tummont It publlthed by order or lion. II. i. llolie. Judge of uld Court, made at chamber, tu the city of balera, Marlon county, Oregou, oil the 8Mli day ot April, A. I. 1677. JOHN J. HHAW, aud UKO. II: IIUUNKTT, May 4, 1877. Attorney! fur ItalntltTt. T. CUNNINGHAM & CO., Salem, Portland, Albany, Junction City, and Walla Walla SOL.IT. AGENTS FOR Tho following FIRST-CLASS Machines, which wo nro now receiving for tho- Bonsou of 1077. J. I. CASE'S THRESHING MACHINES; Both End and Sido Shako Tight-Geared. Westinghouse Vibrator Threshing Machines, TIGIIT-G13AU13D 3SND-SIIAKK. J. I. CASE'S THRESHING ENGINES, 8, 10, 12, 15, and 18 Eorso Powor. Tread'osrell Wronfiht-Iron Single-Gear Manufactured by J. I. Case & Co., With Now and Valuablo Improvements for 1877. Haines' Illinois Header, SINGL.13-GKA11, Wrought-Iron nml Scrow-llub Wheels, ntljustnblo Heel nnd Truss Frnmo. STOmNTBTON' WROUGHT - IRON HARVESTERS, Wrought - Iron Combined Reapers and M MOWERS. H.XTS33XjXa' Combined Reapers and Mowers. WOOD'S Single & Combined Reapers and Mowers. WOOD'S Single Mowers, three sizes. Johnston Mowers, one size. ADAMS AND FRENCH HARVESTER, " Oonaueror. ' ' rurst A Bradley lulky Rakes, O&IffTBMirXAIi Bulky Halto, Self Damp, The Best in Use. TCi3"vuPBro3xr "wLcstoixrs, Tlilmblo Skcln nnd lron-nxlo Frnmo, aud Freight Whkoiin, nil nIzcs Nowlon .(-spring Hacks, made expressly for tlio Oregon Market. CTo-VcrtOXX. Tlitcc-Sprln, rialform 8irlnR, ftuU Bcroll-Bprlni; ZXaoltn ml 1UIJIE O-ardon Oity Flow, Harrow and diiltlvnlor.l (ardon City Niillcy nnd .ni IMow.J l'nrmrr' Frlrnd GlIAIN nitlLLMi Vnn llrnnt A: Dan'. RlONITOK llroudcn.t NKIUK Mild vum.... . lip.t lii tlm World. Leather and Hubbor IIKIriNfl, Machine Kxtraa, llardwurc, Iron, and Mod. ... . ii . t .. t.. t. .- It ! a tW HdccUI ClrcnUm, lllnntratrd, Willi pticw. 'oni 10 nny nuurcM. iruu ui cunrv. mnnqrnw rOHKKU' AUBNTH, and will ttvu at dkii-iiock nucieii. ,J T. UUNNINQKAlttDO., tnay7 x. wuinuuuninni'w. Front Bt rOUTLANI); Commercial Bt.. HALKM: and t'licadla't hliMk, Al.llANT. Pit. The Best Bargains Tet. REVOLUTION IN TUB PRICE OF Dry Goods, -AND- X.u11cm mid Geiitn' FUENISHINa GOODS, AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, AT Till OLD ST.1NX or HAVINO IJOUOHT OUT TIIK KNTIHU STOCK of ClotiilDK and Dry (lood of a larco BANKRUPT SALE San Francisco, AT 40 Per Oei3Lt.! Ia- than actual cmt of inanafacturlnc, I am I'imWcd to fell my vntlro Hork of Olothinfj, Gonto' Furnishing Goods, juross Lroous, Xiinens, Parasols, Ruohing, Linen Collarp and Ouus, Nap. kinB,Trunks,ValisoB, Hats. Oapo. &.C. Lower than any Ollior liouso IN TUB HTATE. My ttockof CLOTHING AND FINISH ING GOODS I m Xmmonmo, My Prioes aro Low ! And Good of the IIEST material. Call early, and Secure Bargains ! Gold, Silver, and Currency, all xauen at rar i Jfl. MEYER, apT aillHW0U'8 IILOVK, HALNil. ITotice. IIIAVK A IIOUMK AND LOT THAT I wlili to trade for lanu Intlie eountnr. ,ltlo itcmd. May Jl 1W7, tf. J. MKNltV IHtUWN. fn.,- Plant". BprlnK LUt free. V. K. I J.1CO0) luvi, UMBiwwonnwQijtiu. WAKELEE'S SQUIRREL AND GOPHER Exterminator ! THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE! All others aro Inferior Imitations 1 RniToim Huiul I'iikm: Dear Hlra-I havo Jut mode an uxpcrlment with vrqiarnd ikjUoh for kill Inn Hiiulrrel. putting out can each nf tho following nolron : A can of llarnoy'. a can of Hteclo'n, and a can of tho artlclo called Wnkuloo'n Kxtcrniluator. Ono can of Wakclco'n kill aa many aa roven or llarnoy' Hqulricl 1'olxin, and aa many a ten can of Htcelo'a BiiulrrCl 1'olron. Tldnkluir tho ronult will ho lutercttlnjc to your reader. 1 cnd It forthoir licnoQt. Youra. very rof pectfnlly, H. 1'. Woouwaiiu, llaywardii, April 8, llfW. LW In purchaflnp, euro thould ho utod to order WnUoloo'ai. T. A. DAVIS & CO., ronr.A.VD, molaatt Agtiitt. WAKlSIil&H'S BATH FOR SHEEP A HINOl.K THIAL ONIiVUnrcoaMry to provo ltd auperlor cDlclcncy. S.T. DtrAXBZiZIII 9c 00., Importers or Drugs ami Chemicals, AVKWTS ANl MANAdKltS (lOUlK.Y CITY 1 irMtl Wit A . ll'kltl'U 4 uJbvii'SW. irijino, auZlmt HAN FUANCISCO. Seaion of 1877. THE IMl'OHTKD CLYDESDALE STALLION YOUNG MARQUIS, TROTTING- STALLION AUTOCRAT, W1I.I. MAKK THIS HKAhON OK lbTT, I'UOM April liit to July lt,u follow: At Wm. Aiikvr'M Union Slalile. Taylor Ntrucl, I'orllaiul, MONIIAYH, after 10 oYlock; Tl'KSDAYB. WKU NSDAYU, and TIIUHSDAYB, at 1 p. m.; and At (ho Ouiicr'H Farm, Iteuilvllle, Waililnstoii county, on 1'IIIDAYH, BATUItDAYU, and BUNI1AYH. After July lit. at UUKDVIM.K, Washington county, TKI!TIN-AlJTOCIlT, to lnuro. SO. YOUNO MAIH2U1H, loln.iiro. t IO, Kt'ttluiiieut to hu madu wheu maru. aru known to hu In foal. 1'a.turuyo at IUkuviij.k limited to a few mare hrmixht from a dis tance. Addreat, aw. Gr. XUQXED, I'ortUmt, Or A LUCK LOTHIAN, lleedvllle. a.i Dm KELLY & UNDERWOOD, mrw r"l YiA w Carriage & Wagou Makers, Salom, Oregon, AVn ON HAN'I) A CIIOICK LOT OK FOUR HprlnK Wagons, Carriages, &. Buggies, of their own make, Manufactured of the IIKBT quality ofJertoy Hickory. Ulveoaa call, ai.dexamli.o our work, aud Judgtt for youtiulyea. Allklmds of ItepalrluK ondOeuttal Johhlnirdon at thort notice. I J ft 4 -I I '1 h m - '(i 1 3ft H r VvS n : v ; n K sm