BSF T-j iw-fc.., 5T T(JMHW? ) WILIJAMETTE FARMER. . tf .' 4 I in - II l !! I ' " ' 1 ffl t- J . ?,: . j j ;; I , Ml' if, ' , Y v Mi1 :t' R rr. ii-i K. i! r hsokd rveny romar, nr CLARKE to OHA.IO, rUBUHIKtW AND rilOmlETOnj. S. A. CliAHKE. . AV. CUAIH. Tinni nf Nith.prlntloii. Onoeopr, ono year (Mnnniber) t$2'S0 Onocopy.flx uontlm (M number) 1,'iB OnO copy, lureo mmuniMia iiiiiiiimti SALEM, Fill DAY, MAY 11, 1877. .1H Agriculture in Eastern Oregon. Mr. W. S. Newbury, of Portland, 1ms Just returned from mi extensive busi ness excursion tlirautrli tlo Upper Col umbia funning country nnd furnishes us Interesting facts ns to the progress of tho country nnd the Increaso of pros perity. For ono thing, n regular trade is established botwecu Kansas ranchers and stock men mid tho cattlo men of Eastern Oregon, nnd already this Spring sovcral parlies of cattlo buyers lmvo gone through tho Upper country from tho Dalles to Palousc, purchasing beef cattlo to drive J'Jast. Ono firm had purchased 2700 head nnd was still buying, and others were in tho field making largo purchases. Thoso cattlo aro started Eastward by way of Hoiso nnd Snako river, through Utah, and aro driven all tho wny to Kansas by easy stages, reaching there, Homo of them, early in tho Full. Later in tho season thoso that aro in good or der aro shipped East by rail, and tho rest wintered in Kansas ready for Hhlpmont tho next Spring, ns soon ns they aro in cootl condition. Somo of these buyers havo purchased stock in Oregon for throo years past, and it Is becoming an old sottled businoss, ono that will grow mid increase and that calls for tho improvement of stock to mnko it as prolltablo us It should bo to tho ranch men of Oregon and Wash ington. ihil tho presont excllcmeut in tho Uppor country is not connected with Htock-rnlslng, but Is called Into oxist ouco by tho stimulation of tho wheat markot, causod by tho European war, and tho advance of brcadstulls in Liv orjiool. Wheat has boon comparatively valueless In tho rich funning districts of tho Uppor Columbia; so low wan tho prlco that It was hardly worth haul ing thirty miles by wagons to tho riv er, nnd yot thoro scorns to havo been more or less wheat ralsod ovory year, mid fair stocks havo accumulated, not only in tho Umatilla and Walla Walla country, but fur Ijoyond thorn, oven in Idaho, bo that, Htlmuialed by tho ad vance in prlco, farmers aro hauling it to tho river and receiving us high us $1.10 per bushel for it at Wullulu and all tho landings beyond, on Snako river, as far us Lowlston. This sudden oponlug of n bonanza to tho hard-run farmers of Hint distant region has greatly Improv ed tho financial prospect of tho set -tiers, and has encouraged thorn to ro no wed olfort and hopes for the future. Jt is liko tho opening of suushino after a long storm, and in truth tho sunshine is In tho faces and hearts of tho people. This gleam of prosperity is a foretaste of tho good time coming whou tho ob structions to navigation of tho Colum bia shall bo removed mid permanent inusperlty visit n vast region that con tains wheat lauds as rich nnd many tlmos as extensive as tho Wlllnmotto valley. According to accounts, hundreds of tons of whoat are now awaiting Hhlp ineut along tho Uppor Columbia and Snako ilvow, whoro little or no wheat was over shipped before, and now land ings are established by tho (). S. N. Co., to suit a trade that has sprung up us If by magic Tho O. S. N. Co. has com inenced tho building of u :!'( ton light draft stemneroxprossly to accommodate this trade, for through all tho Tppor country much more wheat Is niwii than over before with fairest prospect for an enormous yield. If tho pre.teut pros pects continue, tho farms of tho Kut oru country will enjoy a prosperity they have long deserved, and huvo never realized, but which In the future will more than double tho wheat ex ports uf tho Columbia. This promise of bettor times acts with electric effect on all tho farmers from tho huso of tho Cascades east wards to tho confines of Idaho. Thoy not only huvo n broad area in wheat nnd expect mi overllowing harvest, but everywhere aro turning over fresh sod preparing Munmor-fultow ground to sow next Kill. An Impulse of enterprise and energy Is developed; tho value of lauds not heretofore appreciated Is dls covoicdnud this will result In increased settlement and Improvement, so one who only know tho Uppor country u few years ago, would bo lost on Its familiar hills to-Uuy. Wo expect In live yenrs' i nue lobco mo importance oi uio vyu-i Iametto (which constituted Oregon's wealth In tho past) overshndowod by tho growth and development of tho splendid region to tho eastward, and tho sooner that day comes tho bettor for all tho dwellers of tho Pacific north west, for railroad connection depends much on tho importnnco wo can dovel opo ns n distinct section of tho Union. Mr. C. F. Yonton, who has Just como down from Colfax, W. T., confirms tho nlwvo as truo of all the region ho is fa- lillllnM 14l nitil .(nr r r n it ixhint.nn . Z iimiui iiii, uiiu gives ua ;iu iiiiiunuu ui the energy that characterizes farming enorts cast oi tno mountains, mat Dr. Illalock, of Wnlla Walla, has a largo acreage In wheat nnd hns.eloven'gang plows running summer-fallowing ground for next year, and expects to harvest 3,000 acres of wheat in 1878. That sounds a good deal like tho wheat raising stories told of California. Commercial Uncertainties. At this ttmo, whon ovory prospect plousos tho Orogon farmor nud ho hns good reason to fool rjulto mngulno of miccossful crops and oxcollonl prlcoH, It is novortholcss nocossary that lie should iuovo with caution nnd not ollhor count his chickons boloro thoy hatch or spond his tnonoy too llvoly bnforo ho gots it by running In dobt for things ho can do without. Economy and prudonco nro neces sary to roap tho full bonollt of succors, and our frionds must romomlier that thoro Is many a slip botwoon the cup and tho lip. Thoro aro contlngouclos vory ltkoly to ariso that may provont tho full fruition of our hopes , and wo may as woll look them In tho fiico. Should tbo war bocouio gonoral In Kuropo, or ovou ombroll Kugland, tho rosult would bo uufortuuato for our whoat pro ducers, as It would causo advancoiu frolght to a vory high uguro and might oven cause ICuglish ships to abandon tho soas for a whlto. Most of tho vossols that como to the Columbia rlvor aro llrltlsh tonnago, aud If Kugland was at war with ilussla tho presonco uf a Tow Russian mon-of-wnr on tho ocean would croatoa risk that would glvo monopo ly of froights to noutral vossols. American nndSwoodish orNorwoglan vossols, or thoso of nny nation not Involved iu tho strugglo would havo a docided proforouco, as tho sluglo ltom of Jnsuranco on a war risk would lotion tho prlco of whoat hnmonsoly. Tho tonnago being almost exclusively llrltlsh, or In groat part so, our products may bo lioavlly taxod on tholr way to markot and tho prlco reduced In consequonco. It Is not worth whllo to tako It for granted that ovory thing will como about Just as wo doslro. Freights nnd charges to Liverpool may bo a dollar a lmthel,ABd ao lbs Oregon farmor should use caution In all his plana and tako no risk that may ovorwbolm him. ii' WrT I'lll TMIflfllllTlnMilii'TliiliiiiiiM WilB f niT.uw-iiM.i.i.i.m ., j m IM 0.rABiiBAIIIlffTKH9ffSVIfflTTfiTXHfiiRSB " V i llll IIMjflWlii' ij ii .di m wnMnttiijti.iJimmimmiimmimmm 'A A d i:F IHTOiTMrfili t T W 118 mMMmssffiMmna fa iv4HLvii Af ' BlfflPiiBMKwISlBH 35j Vi YT!jfflSflflli llBftHljBljajfPHrTV aBBBPBBAPrPBB BiHPHWBsnHMW3BDiHW xlrZJiBBxEB?u'il MlBI'tiyilSsfaKiglMlMtMB IHfgHRBISHBBiaaSBMMfci W M y MM H IMllMiMIII1!' y I ifWi I ill i WMMaBiSKwmMmMtlWA mmm m ASI IITMIIIBuaMHwIfiSWfKIVR Iff iIB mfirrn'lif "Wmrmmh 1 Ti MiTTTffnri aaaBZBMwBBB w mb ajajaa bbbh h laUBVHHHBBBKKrH SWEET POTATO PLANTS. --r- , --r. m -ww -m BJ g JZLM J. JM. JZM ltxiHiNo CoiiN, Geu.Nosmith Informs us Hint ho has unlahod plantlug forty -two acres of com. Ills rich bottom land In the Rick rxal valloy will certainly, produco that cereal If It can be ralsod anywhero In the Wlllam otto valloy. Ills object Is two-fold: to fitt ton his hogs and proparo his ground for whoat noxt yonr, and ho considers good cul tivation In corn equal to a summer-fallow, don. John F. Miller Is also planting corn largoly on his farm South of and near to town, with tho same objoot. It la tho oasleat way to clear on? weeds, sorrol and wild oats, aud puts tho grouud In tho best condition for whoat, though high, dry hill land would not produco corn to as good advantagoaspralrlo. Wo rocolvod by mall last week acooin pauylug the advertisement of tho W. 11. T. & fj. Company, a roquest to also publish resolutions passod by tho Hoard of Dlrootora of that company, which woro sontlnshapo of a prlutod slip taken from the Ortgonian Tho odltorlal paragraph preceding the reso lutions was also from that paper and was published by mistake, for while we are no ill-disposed towards tho W. R. T. ,t L. Co., we propose to let the farmora Judge for themselves how deserving they aro of patronago. ENGINE AMD BOILER FOR SALE. Tho throo-horso power, upright engine aud bollor, heretofore used in tho publication of tho Wii.iwVMiriTK Fahmku, nro for salo, on good terms. Any person wishing to pur clinso,iuldross Clarko A' Craig, Salom, Ore gon. l'rleo J2,f0, which h oxirjmoly low. Tho sumo aro In good aud nifo condition so far ns wo know. They hnvo always douo good work, nnd are sold becauso wo havo no further ocoihIou to own stojin power, Tin: Ml. nix) UoAD. Wo understand thnt parties Interested iu opeulng n route acroi s tho mountains by this imss, Intend to put u trail through this fetibou if tho project f.IU for building; nwHgon road. Tho best plan Into mnko thorough work and build n good mad, nud It realty seems as If an enter prise of ho liuioh Importance ought to llnil c.ipltal ready to uudortako Its construction. Swkkt Potato Pianih.KUo where nto diy's paper will bo louiul ujoanl from Mr. Cl.StolU, wherein ho otters to futnUh sweet lotato plauta for plautlug. Here Is a good opportunity, ;for any ono wishing to grow this tvsoultuit, aud It would bo well to make an experiment, aud test the value of raUlug sweet iotat(Hui iu this valloy. Kinbrolderlos, corsets, cutis aud collars, cheap at Mr. Mllllcan's. Harness Lost. On Monday. May 7. on tho road between Silom aud Spoug's Ferry, there was logout of a wagon, caused by tho endgate of a wucoii iwinlug out. a half bet of harness, aud the tinder will confer a favor and lie suitably rewarded If ho will leayo It at R. II. Dearborn's haruesa shop Salem. A. D, PBTTYJOUX. Salem, Or., May 0, 15,7, I havo now, growing a lino lot of thoso plants, which will bo ready to sot out about tho'JOth of April. Ordors mnv bo forwardod to tho undorslgnod. or to O. Dickinson, who will soo that tho plants nro shlppod by ex press In good condition. Thoso who wish tholrnlnnts to bosont to nlncos on tho road or rivor whoro thoro ts no oxpross olllco, will do bettor to sond money to pro-pny oxpross chargos at Salom, ns It ts not Hafo to Hond thorn by mall. AddreRH O. STOIiT, Salem, Ogn. Prlco of Plants nt Snloui, $'.!.r0 por 100. Not loss than 25 Plants to ono Addross. ThoJIlonvor creek cinnnbnr mines, in Jack son county, will bo tested at ouco.. Appa ratus costing $I,r00 will bo rocolvod, nnd It Is bolloved tho yield of qulcksllvor will bo lnrgo. m THE WORLD! 1004. 1077. The Only Strictly Wholesale Drug House In Oregon. T. A, DAVIS & CO., 71 Front Rlreett PORTLAND, OREGON, OFFER TO TOTS pnUO AND GENERAL MER chandlto tra4eaomplcte aortinent or Drug, Patent Medicines, Fine' Chemicals, Glassware, 8hopPurniture, and Druggists' Sundries. ALSO, WINDOW GLASS, Of all rlrei and inallttc. WHITE LEAD, Of all tbo leading brand, In tins and krgr , COLORS, IN CANS and DRY. Putty, Lampblaok, Rod Lead, Glue. VARNISHES, Including the fluwt brand, 'for Coach Ialn.era' use. Paint, Whitewash, and Varnish Brashes, LINMKBD OIL, In barrel and can. Turpentine, Coal Oils, Castor Oil, Lard Oil, Neatvroot til, Fish oil. Alcohol, In barrel and cae Blue Vitriol, Sulphur, Castile Soup, Concent rntctl Lye, 1'OtUNll. 331ttoxF All lcJjtxdm. QuiokBilvor and Stryolinino. i A. XI., In (Juart, lUirOallon, Ono-nallon, and r;oC!alIon Cau and ltatrvU, etc . etc. Wo ar Kcnt for OreKen rnd Wathlncton Tcrtl-tor)- for THE AVER!LL PAINT, T1IU 1IK8T MIXED TAINT IN t"SU for JlalllofkrHliS Tartn'tr ftirrp Dip, Wnlirlrc's hhrrp h and KUlrcl rlnn, an4 H'fS and J)ne frcpfli-ury Ittdlrinc. tv Wo buy oir good from nrt liaadi. thu en. nbltiiRU In campvto with anv market on tho Coatt, a a comarlou,of our itlce will iuoo. nij'J i will;oive the Highest Cash Price ron "WOOIL.! ALSO, SHEIP - WASH TOBACCO, MPov Salo ly M. MEYER. Silent, Ma j U, 177. ISal not iooi"vocaL 2 See that our Trade Mark is on eachlPackaget s o d s o O o o to i O o s PURE WHITE, FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORE Jet Blaok ; aud ALL COLORS. Mixed. FL&ixcLtv Tor tt AND EASILY APPLIED. For Sale by the AgentM : JOHN HUGHES, Salom, HODGE. SNEIX & CO.. Wholesale DrugKlMtH, and Dealem In PalntN, OJIh, and Glairs. NO. 75 FRONT BTHEKT. ..... . POTliPT.Alvm - -'9 -VJC AND PACIFIC TIIRESIIIIVO MACHINE COilIPv fltltlV4IVtUUku) V- i.-fSCd I-lSSfi- " -- i-A-?-:"" fc'rSijr1 -Z?3r vjr . PEITON'S SIX-FOLD HORSE-PGWERS And Couutorbaianco separators. INCOnrOlUTKI) AT BALKM, OUKCION, OCTOHKK 7, lbTO. 8. VELTON, I'RESlDENTt J. IiEY nuui, Vlco l'rvddent; W 8. Olii'iut, Secretary. t3ff Suporior to xx-v Horao-Povcor or , Sopnrntor -xxcvw lax xxaso. Mauuiac lurvUal fiAl.AM, OUbCON, of Oregon trou tuitl woodcu uiaierlal. 'iUK I'OWfclt LAbltj a UI'-E-TISIE THE SKPAltATOIl o.WEa THE UUA1M. For lurtocr iarUcuUr, addrci tbeomcoiK nainudaboVe or tend for circular. Balkm, March 23-i'y A. L. STINSON, Book and Job Printer, AND Bookbinder. HOLM AN '3 BLOCK, Old Senate Ctinmbor, Salcni. t37 All kind of l'rlntlng icatly execnted. ud at rvaionahlo rate. March KL J. A. STR.VTTO.V, Attorney at Law, SALKM. OREGON. ilOttce on State Strct,oppolte the Bennett Hoate, Dr. H. SMITH, ID E3 3ST TL? I Si I'. HALEM, OREGON. OBlw moved o erDUEYMAN 1UIOS.' NEW STOItB Onlco bonw from 0 a. m. to 5 p, m. CABBAGE, 0S,fStSW Tomato ' 1 liAIlTS liy tho 1 OO or 1 OOO. Si n?,4,0 Pf-ANTS-SOcperlOO; CAUUFLdWBR 1 1 per 10U; Tcmato pUnu, lc each, or pr JW Grown at my Urecn-hourea, two and a Ulf mllei ea.t from 8alv. 9coorjt allow! to Dealer.. X-KM,. fojfrtf jf? t.