vVl rfjrj "WILLAMETTE FARMER. !t Ir. SHI CENTAUR LINIMENTS. One Kind lor the Human Family. The other for Horses and Ani mals. Thcso Liniments mo simply tbo wonder of the world. Tholr effects nro little les than msrvcllous. Tlic White Liniment la fortho human rami ly. It will drlvo Rheumatism, Sciatica and NcuralRla from the pjetcm; cures Lumbago, Chlllblalnf, Lock jaw, rly, Itch and moit Cutaneous Eruptions; it extracts froit from fror.en handi or feet, and tho pol eon of bites and stings of venomous reptiles; it sub dues swellings, and alleviates pain of every kind. When sprains or bruises occur, It In tho most potent remedy ever discovered tu heal tho Injured parts. The Centaur Liniment is used with Rrcat efficacy for 8oro Throat, Toothace, CnUcd Breat, Ear ache, and Weak Back. Tho following Is but a earn pie of numerous testimonials: "Indiana Home, Jepp. Co., Intl.. May 23, 1873. "I think It my duty to inform you that I havp sur fcrrcd much with swollen feet and chords. A row bottles or Centaur Liniment lias done- tho work for me. I havonot boon frco from these swellings in eight years. Now I nin perfectly well, Tho Llnl ment ought to bo applied wurm DUOwW, The proof is In tho trial. It Is reliable, it Is handy, it is cheap, and every family should havo tho White Centaur Liniment. Tho Yellow Centaur Liniment Is adapt ed to tho tough muscles, cords and flesh of horses and animals. It has performed more wonderful cures, ! thrco years, of Spavin, Strain, Wind-galls, Scratch cs, Sweeny, and goneral Lameness, than all other remedies In existence. Read what the great Express xacn say of It: "NEwYonti, January, 1671. Every owner of horses should glvo tho CiNfAun Lniknt a trial. Wo consider It tho best nrtlclo ey cr used in our stabler. .. "H.MARsH, Sunt. Adams Ex. Sables, N. 1. K.l'ULTZ.Supl.U.S.Kx.Htablcs.N.Y. "aLiJKKT S. OUN, Supt. Nat. Kx. Stables, N. ." Tho best patrons of this Llnlmintaro l'aniersand Vctrinary Surgeons, who aro continually using some Llntment. It heals Galls, Wounds and l'oll-ovll, removes Swellings, and Is worth millions or collars annually to Farmers, Llvcry-mcn, Stock-arowers, Shccpralsers, and thoso having horses or cattlo. What a Tarrlcr cannot do for t JO tho Centaur Lln Jmcnt will do at a trilling cost. Tlicto Liniments aro sold by nil dealers throughout tho country. They aro warranted by tho proprietors, and a boulo will bo given to any I'arrlcr or Physician who dcslro lo tost them. Laboratory of J. B. Itosu & Co., 10 Dev St., New Youk. Honey. Pitcher' Caatorla Is a coroplcto substitute for Ostor Oil, and Is as pleasant to tako as Honoy. It Is particularly adapted to Teething and irritable children. It destroys worms, assimilates tho food, rcgulatos tho Stomach, and cures Wind Colic. Few remedies aro as efficacious for FcTcrtshncss, Croup, Wnmi nn.l Whooiiinc Conch. Castorla is a iclontl- jlc and purely vegetable preparation, moro effective than Castor Oil and noitncr gags nor gripes. rreiw i,v Mhin. J. II. Ilosn & Co.. Hi Dey Street, New v,l. hnm tin, r.Tltni of Samuel l'ltclicr. M. D., of Birnitablo, Mais. , 0ITJ3 SSZiZi, Successor to J. M. Ksrusn & Co., 85 Liberty t - - NKW YOltlC, ComiitiHHioii yi.(uriit -inn TIIIYINO ANI) FOHWAIIIHNU FROM Now York via Isthmus, l'aclnc llailroid, and Capo Horn, all kinds of Merchandise, and for tho rale of I'roduci irom mo racinc coon, iur iu wiu of money. Ac. o" ATTENTI O N kSheep Growers i vtm 5T.LOUI3,t.'iO.' -'-? A SURE CURE FOR Scab, Sorovr Worm. Foot Bot, AND ALL Parasitos that infost Shoop. TT IS SAFER. I1ETTER AND VASTLY CHEAP THAN ANY OTHER EFFECTUAL REMEDY FOR TOE TREATMENT OF SHEEP. IT Improves the Health OF THE ANIMAL, AND THE QUALITY OF THE WOOL. BT One gallon Is enough for ono hundred to two isnlrcd Bheep, according to their ago, strength, and condition. It is put np in FIVE-GALLON CANS-Price, f 13 per can. Send for circular, to T. A. DAVIS & Co., PORTLAND, OREGON, Wholesale Agent for the Ntate, Or to vour nearest Retail Drncgist. mvA Km. Rokrer'f Nw Ramady rom. twm ixmma IS MKBTIXQ WITS WONDXBrVZ, BUCCX88I mOIS PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY HAS no eeoal in the relief and cure of Coughs, Colds, Attics, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Mea sles. Ac. It has produced some remarkable cures. Sold hy drnrcWts generally. Prepared only by JOHN L. W UHFIIY, Monmouth. Or., To whom all letters of business should be addrrsecd. S. H. CLAUGHTON, TKTOTAKY rilBLIC. Ileal KMate Asient, Vi and Collector of Claims, will promptly at. tend to ku. bus-nes entrusted to bis care. MAKING ONVKYANCES A SPECIALTY. Office t tho ,1'osj Office, Xiolsnnoxx, Ox-. TGijSgh AHBOUC SH E Ep DIK9 Sjk1 MHUfACTURC0lA3 SS&HO4fMlUHCKRODTaaC0.. S&l)A6T.touio1Ma'i J-IVJtl- BY TELEGRAPH. ' Proclamation by tho President. Wabiunoton, May 5. Objections to post poning tho extra session of Congress bavo all been waived, and tbo following was Issued this aftomoon by tbo Prosldont: A rnocriAMATioN. Wiikiikab, Tbo final adjournment of tbo Forty-fourth Congress without making tho usual appropriations for tho support nf the army for tbo fiscal year ending June i:i, 1878, nresanta an extraordinary occasion, requir ing tho Prosldont to exerolso tho power vest od in him by tho constitution to convonotho Houses of Congress In anticipation of tho day flxod by law for tholr next mooting, now, therefore, I, Kutheriord 13. II ayes, President of tbo Unlte'd States, do by Irtue of tho power in mo vostod by tho constitu tion convene both houses of Congress to as soluble at tholr rospoctlvo chambers at noon on Monday, tho 10th day of Octobor next, thon and thoro to consider and determine such measures aslu thoir wisdom, tholr duty and tho wolfaro of tho country maysoem to domand. In wltnots whoroof I havo horounto sot my band. R. IJ. HAYES. By tho Prosldont : Wm. M. Evahts, Sccrotary of State. Tho Extra Session. Wasiiinoton, May l. Tho cnbinct was In session ncnrly thrco hours to-tluy nntl it was decided to postpone tho extra sessslon of Congress until tho 15th of Oc tober next. This cbnngo of tho original progranimo was modo upon careful con sideration of tho general Interest of the country with almost n uuaulmlty of desire, on tho part of the business com munity, as well as members of Congress themselves as far as they could ho con. suited, that thero should bo no session of Congress this summer, and upon much Inquiry Into all tho circumstances of tho case, it was found that without any linmcdluto appropriation of money the army would bo clothed ami supplied with all 1st necessities, and that until tho 16th of October that only ono regular pay day has to bo passed. It was also considered that if Congress meets hi October It ninv remain in continued ses sion and finish its business beforo next summer, ho as to avoid the Inconveni ence of the hot season next year as well as this, and tho proclamation calling an extra session on October lClh Is to bo issued without delay. Washington, May !. The President has commissioned O. N. Denny, of Port laud, Oregon, Consul to Tientsin, China, to 1111 a vacancy. Oaltoy Hall. Kuw Yomc, May 5. Tho "World says thut Oakey Hall's family positively assert that Hall has neither communi cated with his family or any of his friouds since his departure In any man ner whatover, and a privuto letter, from Jennings to a friend of the ex-Mayor says that all letters forwarded to them by Hall's friends in this city ho had ten dered to Hall, but Hall had refused to receive them or see any of tho American nowHpiporH. Tho family aro well to do. Hull took but llttlo money with him so far us known, and will probably attempt to support himself in London. Whether tho State or city will hiHtltutn proceed lugs against him upon statements mado by Tweed will depend upon tho action taken touching tho rclcaso of prlsloncr. Moi-iaoa Arming Gentiles Alarmed. Salt Lakk, May 3. Mormons through- out, too Territory aro secretly arming, equipping and drilling with a vlow to re sist tho arrest of Jlrlglmni Young should tho prcsontgnindJury, which Is composed of Gentiles, ilnd an indictment against mm. mo 3iormon co -operative store, which Is controlled bv Urlirlmm himself. Is receiving and shipping to various sot- iiemcuiH in tno'iorritory largo quantities oi ammunition ami Dreecn-ioauing rules. Iteports conceruinir these facts aro com- Ing in from all quarters, and tho feeling of uneasiness among (Joutlles is manifest ing Itself. Tho matter has been placed ueioro uov. junory, out no is a .Mormon of tho S. II. Axtell type, spending about half his time with Mormon apostles and seonotroublo browing. Gentiles realize that ho commands thosltnatlon, hut havo uoconuuenco in tits integrity and there foro they watch tho secret arming of Mormons with solicitude A Times Salt Ltiko special says: Tho indignant feollng aroused throughout tho United States by tho testimony at John I). Leo's trial, relatlvo to tho Mountain Meadow massacre, has lead tho hitler Day Saints to apprehend tho arrest of Jlrlgham loung and other heads of tho church, who aro acctibcd of sanctioning tlio commission of tho horrlblo crime. Thoy havo determined to resist any movement, and to this end aro secretly arming and drilling throughout the Ter ritory of Utah. Orders havo been privately Issued hy military commanders of tho famous Nauvoo legion, requiring that organization to bo In readiness for active sorvlco on tho 20th of tho present month. Decoration Bay. Vasiiixoto.v, May (.Arrangements for decoration day at Arlington are com plete. Urlgadler General N. Goll' has neon selected orator, "W. Carlolon, Mich igan, poet, and Kov. Clay MeCanley, lately called to tho First Unitarian Church of this city, chaplain. Tho com mittee will arrange for ceremonies at tho Soldier's Hom Cemetery, whero 7,000 soldiers aro interred. Surrender of Crnzy Horse. Camp Hoiunsox, Xeb., May 0.- Tho surrender of Crazy Horse's band took placo at this point at 2 v. if. to-day. Tho whole all'alr passed ofl'quletly. Tho hand numbers nearly 1,300 souls under Crazy Horse, Little Hawk, Ho Dog, and Little Big Man. Crazy Horso said ho was mak ing this peace to last. Tho ponies sur rendered a.o estimated to number nearly 3,500. They seem to bo in very good con dition and nave many American hor.ses and and mules among them. This arrival makes tho agcregato num ber of Northern Indians who havo sur rendered to Gen. Crook at Itcd Cloud and Spotted Tall agencies since March nearly 3,600,.and does away with tho necessity for a military expedition tho coming summer. Rich Mines. San DiFfio, May 5. Tho Union's spo clal from Yuma tsiys Col. "NV. It. Defrees, of tho Silver (Jtiren, and Colonel Charles Whitlow, of tho Silver Hell mines, passed toward tho Collfornia end of tho railroad to-day. Both mines aro onon ing marvelously rich. From sixty pounds of average oro of tho Queen, thlrty-ono and a half pounds of metal was run by an ordinary crucible. Tho metal assays olghty dollars silver, and Is very rich in copper. Colouol Defrees says ho intends to procuro a suitablo furnace. The shaft is down tlfty feet, and tho ore showing richer and tho vein wider. FOREIGN. England'; Turret Ships. London, May 4. Tbo Post says wo aro given to understand that, with a view to possible eventualities in the Kat, the government has resolved to lit out for sea with tho utmost expedition the whole das'- of turret ships, of which the Lecoto and Stutton oro types. These vessels, though armor plated, are nf com paratively light draft. They carry four powerful guns each. Reception of Grant. Arrangements aro making torccelvo Gen. Grant, towards whom a warm friendly feeling prevails among all classes. Russia' Express Ohjoct. Bkiimn, May 5. Tho Tngblatt states Gortschakoir has Instructed Itusslan representatives In communicating his circulars to the powers to declare that ltussla's only object N to compel Turkey to accept measures necessary to Insure peace; such measures to bo determined at tho proper moment not by Ktwsla, but by a concert of the powers. In this mat ter tho Czar will, limit himself to Insur ing tho reforms agreed upon between tho powers. Viunna, May 5. The Post's St. Peters burg advices say great distrust prevails against England. Batteries on tho Baltic arc being repaired and armed and hun dreds of torpedoes aro ready for tho Gulf of Finland and n number of houses havo been reserved for quarters for troops. THE FIERY FURNACE AND THE LION'S DEW. Mvnnrnmnf Ksv. I. 8. Klllcllt'S lccttlro nt tllO Conirroentlounl Church, Bbbutli evening, Mny 0, 1877.1 Thero aro n few rtlmosl inovllabje sim ilarities In tho experiences of all earnest men. Their first battlo Is with them selves, about self-denial and devotion to tholr chosen work. Their uoxt with some of the necessary dllucuitles in the work Itself. Their next with the llcrco nessof opposcrs. Wo have followed Daniel and his com panions through two of the battles. If they hud failed In either of them wo should never havo heard of them. But they camo out victorious m both cases, and wo now llnd them confronting Jeal ousy and persecution. It Is to ho regretted that speculation and literalism havo too often destroyed tho practical valtio of these Bible stories. By laying undiio stress upon tho mirac ulous and marvelous phase of tho sub ject, and being over anxious to explain and apply everything literally Inter preters havo turned tho mind away from tho real heart of tho matter, and weak ened tho application. Now I may say, onco fir all, that I do not care one straw how men explain these things, provided they, jnako tho right application and glvo tho practical lesson all Its original force. Ono man may believe, if ho likes, that tho fur nace of lire and the den of lions are oriental figures of speech; anothor that they wero Illicit with lltoral flro and sav ago beasts of prey. Yet tho samo teach ing may ho conveyed In cither eao. But to bpoud time and breath In contro versy as to which, or whether either, of thcho Is tho correct view, Is to spend time and breath on trifles whllo solemn questions wait for our decision. That there Is a llt-ry furnace and n lion's den awaiting every ono who would resist evil and follow an independent and upright coursof Is well known to every ono who has ever tried tho experiment. That a man who Is true to IiIh convictions may go through life without doubt or fear and como forth nt last with no mark of n lion's tooth and no smell of llro upon his garments, is 11U0 proven by u a wide experience. Why spend our time In Idlo controver sies, thou, about tho lions that Daniel met and tho fiery furiuteu Jn which his friends wero tried, when smaller dangers than lion's dons frighten us away from duty, and somo of us itroriouowaidly that we would sooner skulk through llln at a sacrifice of all manly principle than lo bear tho Jests and sneers of a companion. What wo need to real 10 Is that It Is bettor to burn out tho lios.s than to lose the gold, better to dwall with God amid the htcucfi and darkue- ot 11 wild beast's deli than to walk with mon In tho gla mour and show of a I'll-u and pusillan imous life. EVooi Kattleauako. lion. W. It. Dunbar wiito uh under date, May 1th, fVom llattlcsnako. Ho Myn : Tho HattloMiAlco country is rapidly lui proving, and notwithstanding its iiaino, it Is k lovuly loeality and a desirable place to llvn. The namo Is an old one, given to the llttlu htrosm that drain tho country iiy trappers sorno thirty years ago on account- of tho vast number of "rattling ropilleu" found along its banks, Tho imiiio fetlll holds to tho loealltv, and will continue to do no, al though ell'orls havo been muUo by tho Post ollico Department to huvo It called Trent which Is the name of tho P. O. Graduating Class. Tho graduating class at tho Willamette University this year will to T. O. Jory, clas sical course, dngreo of A. II. Those who aro to receive tho dogroo of li, S., ladies, are Al thea Moores, ltertha Moores, Harella Griffith, Hattle Collier, Ada May, Kinina Jones, Nel lie Meaehaui, Ida Huttoo, Nora Itos, Anna Lawrence aud Nettle CooVe. The gentlemen are Quiuoy Oruhbe, Frank McCully, Goo. A. Peebles, It. J. NiohoUand Prank Irvine. On Interesting foaturo of this class is that, with ono or two exceptions, they havo ro eulved their ontlro education at tho Univer sity. Poisoned in Fun. It is rumored that a womau, In tho vicinity of Independen-o, was poUoned yoaterday, by drinking n glau) of horsa wwdlclno which a mUohievous lad told hor mhs Port wiuo. Wo could not got particulars, but learn that the woman whs ollvo this morning with but llttlo hocs of her recovery. lima Do Mnraha. On Siturdty ovenlng an autllonco consist ing of neatly all the most highly educated and ro flood inhabitants of our olty thronged to Heed's Opera Houso to listen to tho Hun garian Nightingale and tho other members of tho operatlo troupo. Slgnor L'Formllle gavo Verdi's Aria ' K Se 1 Tu," irom II Ballo in Maschora, in magnificent stylo. Ho was followod by M'llo Loulso Bookman wno sang tho Rotnanco "Nou E Ver" which dis played to perfection tho poculllar beauties of hor admirablo volco. Then followed tho Konnnco "Sloop well sweet angol" by Theo. Habblemann, this gontlotnan's extraordin ary vocal powers bavo beon so often tho theme of mimical critics that wo neod not add our mite of nrajso. Thon camo Donizotto'd grand Aria "Linda dl Chamountx" and amidst a storm of applauso M'llo DoMurska presented herself for tho first tlmo to a Salem audience. Hor singing was aston ishing displaying nsshu doos a compass of volco which few, If any, of our most cele brated prima donnas possess. Thon a piano forto solo L'Unlon (Uottschalk,) was per formed by Mr. John Hill. We neod not attompt to comment on him, "A king scholar of tho Royal Academy of Music," carries with him a world's diploma for mu sical talent. All tho performers wero rap turously and continuously applauded, and then tho autllonco waltod expectantly for "Lucia 1)1 Lammormoor." This Opora of Doulzottl's Is taken from Sir Waltor Scott's story of "Tho Drldo of Lammormoor." Tho ltioldonts of tho story aro altorod In somo respects, to suit tho wants of tho stago, es pecially In tho caso of "Tho master of Ba vonswood (tho Edgardo or tho Opora). Tho Do Murska cxcollod horself In tho various arias aud lu tho duettos with Mr. Uabloman. Her mad scono was thrilling, and tho death strugglos of Edgardo will novor bo iorgotton by thoso who woro fortunato enough to be hold thorn. A Valuable Invention. Mr. A, W. VunDorston, of this city, has invented a machine that will provo of groat valuo to tinners. Ho calls It tho combina tion edgo turner for turning tho bottoms of tlnwaro. Tho machlno which only wolghs about six pounds, Is fastonod to tho stand ards of tho shoars cutter, and follows tho cutter turning tho bottoms neatly, uniform ly and with rapidity. Tho lnvontlou Is a valuablo ono and Messrs. J. W. Crawford and David S. Roland has purchased of Mr. VanDorston a third Intorest each. A patent has boon appllod for, which, whon received, tho now Invontlon will bo sold in State, county and town rights as Is usual with aucu inventions. Old Coins in Demand. Mr. lilaksleo, who roprosoutH tho maun Pic turing chemists, lluod iV Cormack, oi Now York, Is a collector of old coins and In his travels has gathorod many very curious onos. Ho is now in this city on a druinlng trip around tho world. and scolng at Martin's storo tins afternoon a mi vor dollar, a. u. imkj, a precious dato not in his collection, ho oflorod tlftoon dollars In coin for It and got it at that prlco. Tho last wo saw of him ho was going turougii will Martin's coiioctiou,wmcu In rather unique, as Martin has boon collect ting coin for many a day and has a lino old assortment. Spoolmon Oats and Timothy. Mr. John Craig, of Waldo Hills, shows us spoolmon hoads of oats and timothy, raised last year, that would surprlso pooplo of other sections. Tho oats yielded very largely and thoro was three tons of timothy to tho aero. Tbo oat heads oro nlnotoon Inch oh lu length, and tho heads of timothy ton Inches, though ho Kathorod hoads last summer that woro lourtoen incuoa long, no put in a uoui oi spring wheat, on sod, last year in July that yielded 28 bushels per aero, Incondinry Flro. Tho barn on Mr. Stophon Coflln's place, about four miles bouth of this city, near tho railroad track, was burnod to tho ground yesterday (Sunday) morning, with Its con tents. Tho farm was leased to Messrs. Kco au, Toblti aud ileroly who occupiod tho houso near tho barn. Theso men last a lino span of horses, r. now farm wagon, set of now unmans mm uiiuub xuu uuauuin ui twin, besides a quantity of hay and straw. Tno llro was doubtloss tho work of nil incondinry. A Polk Countv Scandal. A rich caso of "scan Mag" coinos to us from Polk county, wherein a high olllolal of that commonwealth and a cortain married lady, living on tho I.uckiuiute, aro tho par ties most diroctly iutereUod. Tho parties aro both well known In this city, and havo hlthorto stood high up In tho social ccalo. A petition is now in circulation, across tho river, asking tho male hero of tho story tu resign Jil.s olllclal position. New Front. Mr. W. O. Grlswold, wo loam, content plates, during tho summer, to put a fine ' i.Isi.m Omit. In lilu lilnxL nnnnln(l liv ?l,lkrw. L. iV K. Illrsch, M. Myers it Son uud.Mr. J. li. IJlrsch. Should ho mako this alteration thoso merchants will havo as lino establish ments us nny hi tho olty for tho display of goo.ls, UP THE COAST. Tho O. H. H, Company's ntciiiiuhlp AJiix Iclt sailed iron Kan Francheo for Portland, Friday inoiutDU, brliiKlub'tha folluurluelUt or patscu Kcrs! W K Diner, wr, 'J rh aud .Mrs W Kluir, hcrvunt, Mrs M A llviulvrsou, R Wnlter, i: it Luna, (J Nftwbviiiar. W Dovliind, .1 W IlutoiiitiNOii, -MrsK K Upliam&th, (IWCijfctal, T W KoinhiT, It IIJniiuHoii, Mrs" K Tin box and ch, W II ('liiiinlH-rlnln. I noduo, M Siernlieruvr, K R Rpilani, Ollall, .lUbiowait, .1 liutlor, Mrx M A Mctoald aud 4 J M Hnoduiagg, children, W It lUlluu, II M Howard and wf, LIluAlcr, K Wolker, W W Kennedy and fin, a O HHlUbury, M II Woir..ril, II M Huston, MruT HokkltiH & child, Mrs A Cox a 'Jchlldrcn. San FiiANcihCO.Maylt. A final settlement was to-day etlectcd between Isaao Friedland or and bis creditors. The Bauk of California and Nevada bank accept the security they held for the amount which Mr. Friodlander owes thorn, aud unsecured creditors take 25 per cent, cash and give froo release. This makes about i!00,000 which will be paid over on Saturday or Monday, and Mr. Friodlander will thon resinno business on a new basis. ; Mr. J. W. Klrkland, of BIckroal, haw lately sold his farm, near Dixie, of about 350 acres, for f 11,000, or at tho rate of f 10 per acre. Ho has since bought a farm of LtX) acres of It, F. Whlteakor at th6 aamo price per acre. That is a rich farming district ami farms sell at good figures in tho Itickreal valley, A llttlo child of an emigrant famllyjust arrived at Woston, Oregon, whllo playiug on Iho banks of Pino Crcok, fell lu and was drowned ono day last wook. Tho parent looked for it all day and Just before night fall found tho body a llttlo below town among tome drift wood. Letter from Coos County. COQUH.I.K City, April 28, 1877. Kd. Faiimkr: We are having lovely weather in this valley, and parties from abroad are putting in an appearance, look ing at our resources. Tho logging camps aro starting up for their summor's workt tho crops are growing fine ly, and our prospects aro cheering. I see It statod in tho Coos Day JVcim, that over on their sldo of tho mountain, new potatoes aro In market from last fall's planU hig. "Tho potatoes thoy grow small, r or they plant them In the fall, And they oat thorn skins and all, Over thoro." Now Is tho commoucomontof tho "season" of visiting tho boaoh at tho mouth of tho Coqulllo rlvor. This point prosouts as many attractions ns any point on tho on tho Pa eltlo coast. Horois to bo had, unsurpassed sconory, a beautiful beach to ramblo on, rocks to climb, eholls to gathor, birds to shoot, eggs to collect, fish to catch, and plenty of howling tea lions to look at and listen to. Thoso who proposo to "toko a trip to tho boach," cannot do bettor than como horo. Good accommodations can bo had at reasonablopiiccs, or thoro aro vory many ploasant camping places for thoso do siring to lndulgo tholr tasto for roughing It, Uundrods of peoplo visit this beach overy season, and tho numbor Is yearly Increasing. Whon wo havo a railroad from hero to Iloso burg, tho perch and tho sea lion will havo a hard tlmo. Now visitors como from Rose burg via tho Coos Day Wagon Itoad, to Thos. Morrls''place, aud thonco via tho Cunning ham Crock Itoad, to Coqulllo City, thonco by stcatnor lo tho coast. Whllo wo rojolco In tho coming prosperity of tho wheat-growing sections of Oregon, wo aro but llttlo (and that only Indlroctly) bone lltoJ pecuniarily thoroby, as wo oxport lum ber only, and Import Hour, (89.00 per bbl.) Hut, six miles Irom Coqulllo, Is tho best market on tho Paolllo coast for everything wo can ralso bore, but wo hayon't got a road to It yet. M, Letter from Astoria, Astoria is llvoly; salmon catch Is light, avoragoouly about 15 to tho boat, Tho body of Mr, J. S. Mooro was found to-day noar mouth of Sklpanon, and tho stoamor Cauby has gono after tho body this aftor noon. His watch and chain woro found on him all right. This town Is crowded with pooplo, and a groat many havo nothing to do. Thero Isn't a room or houso to bo had tu town, and houses aro bringing $3tofl per room rent; buslnoas houses $7A to (100 por month two story buildings, all wood; insuronco ton per cout., and but llttlo wanted or takon at that. Ono good tiro would bankrupt tho town, as thoro would bo no way of escape Considerable exoltoment In flour and food trade. Flour 90.00 por bbl,, food (10 to (IS por tou. Oata a cents per lb,, aud whoat tho samo. Mr. John Jack and troupo aro playing to fair houses overy uigui. saiouu business auu nouns prospor; two danco (houses, which put ono in mind of old tlmos In Portland. 0. 11. Letter from Bethol. Tho following lottor.was wrlttou on tho back of a business lottor, aud was overlooked uutll this wook: Ilr.Tm:r., March 23, 1877. Kit. FAitMini: 1 would llko to hay that Ilothol Is a nice llttlo town, sltuatodm tho vory host part of Polk Co., aud iwIkoj moro wheat, and shoop, and hogs than nny othor precinct lu tho county. Our storo ItaHlcit us. Cannot somo omi como hi aud set up a storo? Wo neod ono hero vory much, and I know It will pay, so sumo ono como and strrtup business lioro. Wheat looks woll. Moro lu than ovor any ono year beforo. I think wo can boat tho ohlnamon grubbing over horo, with tho Grand Hondo Indians. They aro taking tho load In tho grubbing Hue. I say go in Slwashos, good for you. i H.O.G. Near Autoiopo, Wasco county, on tho 21st of April, Wm. Hnhortson, who aud child wero rlillng In a wagon down Antelopo hill, tho llttlo ono saw a rabhltt, and In lis delight slipped from tho mother's hands aud loll out of the wagon, Mrs. Kobortson sprang out aud pusiied tho child away from tho wheols, saving its life, but at the nacrlucoof iter own, Her heud was almost orushod be foro tho team could bo Htopped,'aud she dlod shortly allerwards, Tho settlements on tho Ochoco oxtond from Its mouth at I'rlnevillo somo 23 inllos up to whoro tho pines grow. Kx-Tre-istirer Noble, of Douglas countv, has paid over tho 8t,0i.'I so much talkod about, aud tbo mutter is now square. Somo Missouri gray squirrels havo boon brought Into Wasco and turned loose for tho purpooo of "stocking tho country," Information Is wanted of Joseph IMorco, who loll St. Charles, Kano comity, Illinois, somo years ago fr Oregon. Address .. Archer, Sauotha, Nemuha county, Kansas. Tho Union County Agricultural Society has elected tho following Hoard of Directors: John Cavinoss, Itowo Hogurs, O. P. Goodall. Tho Hoard elected J. L. Cavhioss, Piesldent. Tho Mountain Xcntinel urgos tho Improve ment of tho Huckle and Thomas road ovor tho Hluo Mountains, and says tho Meacham road Is in bad condition. A gold nuggot weighing noarly sovon ounces, and valued at $117, was recently picked up on Althouso creek, Josophlue county. Frost havo Injured tho fruit to somo ex tent In Jackson couuty. We havo not heard of such consequences eUewbore in the State. Frank Glbun ha located ground for tbo Hakor County Agricultural Society, situated about two miles northeast of Baker Olty, The grain crops of Umatilla county this year will rxcel lu quantity and quality any thing of tho kind produced In years past, John N. Hamilton, of Corvullls, hold to answorforforgory.lt Is said, has "lit out." His bonds wero only $100, Jay HmoIi'h Importation of Dloodod horses from Kentucky lias roachod Heading, and will soon bo ut Klamath, Stephen Staats, of Polk county, has sold part of his farm to a man nuinod Domain, for $7,000, ! I i ; i i . I 'l " .i 1 !l I V u ! ? , i t fs. HW