Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, May 04, 1877, Page 8, Image 8

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Tbo visitor to Salem seldom Is satlsflod un
til ho baa inspected the building which the
Stato has provided for tbo safo kooping of
thosowho may violate its lawa. Strolling
lolsuroly along past tho olegant Court
Houso, tho M. 13. Ohuroh, with Its brief but
pithy inscription, tho beautiful grounds, in
tho midst of which stands tho Wlllamotto
University nnd; tho unilnlshod Capitol; tho
Htrangor loavos boblnd him tho city and
busy Inhabitant. Eastward ho procoods
along tho wldo highway for perhaps n mllo,
whon his attonllon I arrostod by tho Inscription,
woodt avjjnuj:,
This Is a pretty rural lano, bordorod by
tall treos, tho groan fcllngo of which affords
an BKrceablo shade, ovon on tho hottest sum
mer day. Tho iivonuo dorlvcs Its uaino from
Governor Woods, and extends right up to
tho entranco of tho
J'ntorlng it, ho will most probably bo mot
by ono of tho ofllcors attached to tho estab
lishment, and on stating his buslnosshowill
bo shown oil tho Internal oconomy of tho
prison and Us lnmatos. First In ordor is
Tin: ciiAi'iir,,
Whoro dlvino sorvlco is porformod and ro
llglous ItiNtructlon glvon to tbo prlsonors,
ior wIioho Improvomont a library Is nlsopro-
vldod, which, at proront, coutaltm more than
J ,300 volumoH ofoxcollont roadlng tuattor.
This might bo roudorod still more attractlvo
to tho unfortunato inmates If klnd-hoartod,
but often thoughtloss pooplo outsldo would
)iit carefully away tho periodicals, oto.,
wlilch aro now, ofiontorn up or wasted, and
send thorn to tho i'onltontlary. On tho
Uhapol walls aro
Tin: hulks ani2iikoulatio.nh,
Which show dourly that oven within tho
prison walls good behavior nnd character
will bo rowardod, for a system of inorlt
marks has boon rinvlHod, by which a prls
oner can (If well conducted) materially
shorten tho term of his Imprisonment.
1'iu.slng out of tbo main building, tho
wholo Interior ofthostockado is visible sur
roundod by n high fenco of palisades, out
hide of which Im h narrow platform on which
aro stationed In tho day tlmo six watch
ful guards, armod with repeating rlllos
nnd pistols, and when tho con
victs aro locked up at night, ono vigilant
unit woll armed gunrdlan patrols outsldotho
ouclnsuro. Noxt,ono comos to n largo build
ing In wlilch aro situated
Tlip loworstory of this building Is devoted
to tho tanning of hldos. And llrst there Is it
largo wheel all studdod Insldo with iioIntH
like harrow tooth to boat nnd pummel and
thoroughly take tho stlllnoss out of thorn.
(Tlioro aro a good many people In tills world
that would bonollt by 11 similar process.)
Then tlioro aro noiiio llfty vuts In wlilch tho
hides aro stoopedjfor various longths of tlmo;
theso vats aro llllod with an Infusion of bark
hemlock, llror oak, and by an Ingonlous
urruugomoutofplH)H this lluld Is constantly
pouring in and aw it losos IU Htrongth it Is oon
voyod back to tho nmln cistern nndstrongtli
onod (llko delicate Invalids) with n llttlo
more bark, a largo supply of which is storod
bei o, gathered from tho woods and prepared
by convict labor, l'roooodlng up stairs
thk ciiiitinum'nitui'
And drying room ; hero there Is nnothor
hiiKo wheel for greasing hldos and lioro aro
piles of leathor, prUon made, and soveral
jirotty sklns.of the Angora goat with the
llecco on. Auovo this again Is tbo shoo
factory In which a number of convicts have
been employed, though at present tho busi
ness litis been suipoudeil, Leaving this
building ono may see it number of tho pris
oner busily engaged preparing it garden to
supply vegetables to tho prison wlillo at it
llttlo distance pens in which tho accompany
ing side moat and ham aro grunting them
selves into it proper statu ol fatness, Hero
Is the brick-yard, which Is now leased to
Ooorgo Collins, who will employ sonic
twenty men. Thou you pah a pretty foun
tain wluuioa tho clear water shoots up lu it
shower of silvery spray and In which quite
number of lino brook trout aro swimming
uhout apparently uucoucoiuclous that they
aro lusldo prison walls. There Is also an en
gine for pumping water by which two tanks
on the roof of the building (each containing
11,000 gallons) aro tilled, tho prisoners sup
plied wllliaunbiiiulaih'ourthoptiroolomout.
The Fulr Urouuil Is also provided with all
that may bo required there during l'alr
Week. Then one can IiihihwI
lu which farming lmplementsaro manufac
tured for Hawley, Dmld .t Co., of l'ortlaud,
nnd then tho lingo boiling apparatus Is soon,
by which tho uecossnry food for the prison
ers Is prepared, Their food Is of good quali
ty ami lu sulUclont quantities, They are
comfortably clothed, have good air and exor
olw and time for rellcrtlon and nionUl
However as this fckotoli has already tres
passed on tho limits aaslmietl to It, It Is suf-
ileleiit Ibrtke present, to say that tho Inter
nal arrangement of tho cells Is illstlnguIslitHl
for iiMtntsts jtud cleanlluoiis. Tho present
otllcorti of tho jirlsou are obliging and kind
heartetb and strive, as far as Is consistent
with their dutUw, to alleviate tho sutrerluga
or the uufortuiuUs undor their charge, and
if klckuess should Attack any of them there
is a good dUpeiuarv in tho building and tho
MiirgVoit to tho lVnitontliuy (llko a doctor, as
ho U) is rwtdy at miv" hour, day or night, to
Atteud to them. The1 rata paid for convict
Jabor, by contractors, Is llfty cents per day,
iud there is no doubt but that In a short
lime this Institution will L'o self-supporting,
And now this brief outlluo must conclude,
but any ono desirous of MMng how much
the condition of a prisoner may bo sine
lloratod by kind treatment at. d how much
pains aro taken to Improve hi ;uoral condi
tion bait butler vUU tho lVnltbi'tlarv and
Judge for hlmkolf. T. J. 1.
Wo publish to-day a very hnndsomo
engraving of a spotted Indian marc,
weight 800 lbs., and a half Percheron
Ally, 4 years old, weighing 1800 lbs.
tho offspring of Mr. W. C. Mycr's Per
cheron horse White Prince, and tho
allotted marc, which shows tho great
improvement to bo expected from
crossing ovon tho most ordinary stock
with the Percheron breed of lioiyes.
OJ, 13
From a Lady Correspondent
Cj:ntiial School House, Linn Co.,
April 23, 1877.
En.PAitMun: Charity Gratige, No. 10;
not only allvo, but Is In a vigorous working
condtlon. Wo moot in tho Contral School
Houso nt 'i o'clock p. m. on tho 21st inst.
After tho Important buslnoss was gono
through, tho question was whoibor or not
wo should build n grango hall thlssoason,
This of courso did not opoiin very largo
field for discussion, bocauso tho membors of
Charity Grango think that next to being
marrlod to tho right porson, thoro Is nothing
so Important in ono's llfo as having a houso
ofono's own. Thoro was a fow romarks
made by soveral of tho Brothors, which was
to tho point. They said that tlioy wcro
tlrod living in n rontod houso, nnd did not
think that tlioy would rent (or rather
Npongo) much longor. Hut whoro tho room
for discussion camo in wns, whoro shall wo
build. Somo of course wanting it onoplaco
and somo anotnor, but wo finally camo to
tho conclusion that it would bo bost for our
Worthy Master to appoint a commltteo of
fivo to find n location , or lfthoy saw lit four
or fivo dlll'oront locations, and nt our next
regular meeting they aro to loavo It to a vote
of tho grango which placo it will bo. Wo
somotlmos hoar tho romark from mombers
of our Ordor, "Our grango accomplishes so
llttlo in tho way of roal buslnoss, and I ro
colvo so fow bonollts mysolf, that 1 am be
coming discouraged," Tho abovo romark
is not inado by workors; thoy havo no -lino
to complain. It procoods from n class of
inon who united with tho grango under tho
doluslon, It would soom, that tho ordor could
tako caro of Itsolf, without any especial caro
on their parts; thoy, In tho monmlmo, shar
ing all tho bouollta which tho working mem
bers receive. Thoy havoattondod, possibly,
a half a doon oftholr grango mootlngs with
in tho past two years; dlsposo of their farm
products to inlddlo-mon; buy tholr supplies
from tho snino sourco, and, worso than nil
this, thoy will speak In disparaging terms of
tholr ordor to otlior farmors, who otherwlso
would unite with us, woll knowing that tholr
remarks will do injury to tho ordor. I
would say to all such tnombors ns this that
I think I can toll thorn how to kill a grango,
Novor mako any arrangonionts or tako anv
troilblo to nttoild tho roaular ninntlnuH. If
your wuo montionstiiatto-morrow.ls Grango
day. toll her vou havo sot to hunt unmn rat.
tlo, or you'vo got to uso tho loam, and if It is
too far for her to walk, sbo can amuse hor
soir by staying at homo and patching tho
children's olothos. If tho grango vote during
your absonco to apply tbo grango funds to
somo good purposo for tho bonollt of the
grange, do somo hoavy growling whon you
1 1 ' n n i i hhih
i ! , wt?fW8HHB-l Til T
ilillhJ-WKSmmWMKSSSIn k
K . W If 'Till liH m i9HH , '
I3VPIAIV IABEnnd JrXTJLrY. Property ol W. C. 3Xyor.
K'"K". uii duiiiu nunvjr growling wneu you
hoar of it, and tell any uiomber vou chsnon
to moot thore is n ring In that It ought to bo
lookod to. lfthoy havo a napor, never sond
any contributions to it, bocauso thon you
cauuot consistently mako fun of tho little
effort. If you got hold of any confidential
circulars or prlco lists, show thorn to your
storekeeper, when ho will Instantly assuro
you that ho Is selling bettor goods at a loss
price bo will mako you bellovo It, and thon
you will bo preparod to enlighten nny
Hrother or Mister who his been so foolish as
to sond away fur anything. When you hoar
that tho grango has surrendered Its charter,
you will bo preparod to say, I thought it
wouldn't live, that is tho reason I didn't go;
they didn't mako It Interesting.
tbo last four years tho proportion suppliod
by tho United States has Increased to 10 nor
cent., that of Russia has fallen to 10 and tho
romalnlng countries havo furnished but SI)
Instead ol 41) nor cent. Tho British rrcelnin
of tho first quartor of 1877 woro but 8,537,200
owls oi whoat against H.ICS.SI'J for tho sarno
ported in 1870 and 1,020,610 cwts of Hour
against 1,773,21)1. Of tho whoaT i,P'J9,377
cwts. camo from this country, noarly throu
fourths or it from tho I'acltlo coast, llutl,
313,181 cwts. camo from itussla. Tho wheat
production oflhls country has twico exceed
ed tli roe hundred million bushols, but tho
averago slnco lfctiO is scarcely two hundred
and soventy million. Two hundred millions
aro rcqulrod for bread nnd 6ced nnd moro
man sixty minions aro nnuunlly oxportod.
Our present grain supply bolng short, tho
Kuropoan war will doubtless curtail produc
tion in Southorn Kuropo whllo It will In-
croaso consumption. Tho California crop of
iuii nm uu oiiuh nuu nu increased area OI
spring whent will bo required to supply tho
Europcan Grain Market.
Tho Whoat Market.
Wheat has gono up steadily nnd finally
roachod f 1.4.1 per bushol nt Salem, where
it remains at the tlmo wo go to pros, Thurs
day morning. Wo heard roports of sulcs at
hlghor prices than that, but Salem Mills and
W.J. llerron both assuro us that this is the
highest figure ollerod. It looks as If tho
prlco in Liverpool had reached a ilguro
where It was obliged lo pauso. but tho ox.
cltemont may Increase again ns tho war pro
coods. Salem Mills havo contracted two
thousand bids, of Hour for San Francisco
markot at u figure that satisfies present
quotations. If wo ship thousands ofbbls.of
llourvory often, wo shall bo short oil' for
bread to eat at homo boforo harvest Is ovor,
Portland quotations for whoat aro f 2.75 to
fJPOpor ceutal; 1.00 per contal has boon
asked. Hour at l'ortlaud $3.25 to 8.M per
bbl. Klour at Salem Mills, but fumlly
brands $3,00,
Tho Local Produco Markot'
Wo know of no chango In Salem markets.
Farmers aro too busy, iluishlng tholr seed
ing, lo come lu town, ox cop t for nocossary
supplies; trade Is rather slack; produco
abundant for local domaud at former rates.
Nutter 30o, eggs 10Ko, potatoes, (eod)37J;
apples (scarce); oats 00c, hay tl'2$15.
England's Bread Supply,
Washington, April 20. The following
statement Is made by Mr. Dodge, statistician
of tho Department of Agriculture: Great
llrluln Is tho only Kuropoan country that
uniformly looks to other nations for a mate
rial portion of her bread supply, Ituula
and tha U, 8. aro the main sources of sup
ply, muo amount rcquircu iu auutuon to
homo nroduotlou is Increasing; In part as tha
result of the larger bread ration consumed
by llrltUh worklugmeu. Tho import of
wueat anu nour ior 10 years, inoauuing l&xi,
Is equivalent to 05,724,311) bushels of wheat
of oX) pounds each per annum. In tha past
rbur year the average ha risen lo 10t,7.V),270
bushels. In the five years prior to 18?J It
was 78,3.(8,10, nnd in tbo teu year ending in
1807 it was but M.417,450. Such lira beeu Its
Increase modified by tluctustlons of homo
production, though tho lmporta of 1802 ex
coed those of any other year up to 18r.l, lu
this period of 15 years the Unite I State
contributed 27 per centum, Itussla 21, tier-
many 17, Frauco 0 and other couutrls 23, Iu cijt6a
LiVRitrooL, April 27. A loading grain cir
cular says tho declaration of war by Itussla
has produced much excitement In whoat.
Trado nnd prices havo dally advonccd at all
markets ol tho kingdom, tho ayorngo Im
provement from tho oponlng of tho wook to
yesterday bolng I shillings por quartor.
Loading Euroncon markets hnyo advanced
quito as much. This market to-day was
woll attondod and a largo buslnoss was douo
lu whoat at an advance ol ono shilling por
ooutal on ourroucles or Tuesday. Flour
was Uvo shillings por sack, and two-shllllngs
por barrel. Malzo was In nctlvo domaud and
tho advonco was quoted uttbrco shillings por
LiVKiti'OOL, April 28. Whoat, 13s 3l(a)l3i
Bd for averago California white; 13s 0dlli
2d for club; 13s13s4d for red winter.
The Wool Market.
Pjiilaiki.phia, April 13 Wool quiet
anil in moderate demand: Colorado way nod,
20(32loi unwashod. 17fiilSo: X nnd mnrlm.
nulled, 33030c; No. 1 and supor pulled,
30('?tto; Texas Hue nnd uiodhun, 18Cj,2oo;
coarso, t.Kt.0.
lioh-nxr, April 28. Wool nctlvo trausac
tlons 1,115,000 lbs; tine tlooccs List disappear
lug and stocks nro much reduced-, salos of
ti.t . . :...- ..
uino nun i-onnsyivniua'ui,(HW lbs, moulum
nnd X at 1012. XX 42$J7, lucludlng heavy
to cholco XXX, and pick lock 45050; Mich
igan and WIhcousIii In bottor demand; sales
or 130,000 lbs, prices raugo Irom 3ilfs38,
mostly at 370:18; combing and delaine dull;
pulled In demand, sales 314,000 lbs cholco
suporsnt42),'a40, good X pulled 43J$bI7j;
Calltornla In good domaud, sales 510,000 lbs
1U11 nt 15027J5, mostly nt lOalS, spring 15a2d.
Nr.w loitit, April 28. Tlio markets aro
qulot to-day, owing to tho storm. Flour has
taken a sharp advaucu In Kurono. civlnc
strength to tbo markot, and lull prices aro
asked. Whoat quiet, dull nnd unchanged.
Hccommendcd by tho highest authority for tho cure of
3XT ir "v o ii s Oo too. plaints,
Fains and Aohes of all Kinds.
3Joi Snlo Toy
CSrrcDooiieai txx3. Provisions,
"Wall DPftper,
Stato Stroot, Salem, Orogon.
tho export domand modorato. Hides aotlvo,
high priccn rostrlct buslnoss. Leather very
active; prlcos tend upward undor tho propec
tlvo largo demand tor Europe. Wool un
changed; California iu demand. Retl nod su
gar Is In bettor demand, especially yellow
grades, with somo purchases for tho Califor
nia market.
Portland Froduco Markot.
Wo copy tho following from tho Orcgoulan
of tho 2d : ,
Wheat Tho market Is very qulot ttuil nv
ornt;o quotations 2 b0 por rental.
Flour Host brands $S 2S por bbl.;
outsldo nnd country brands, ?0.73a7.50; lino
nnd supertlnn, $0 25n0 CO. '
Hnv Cholco timothy, baled, ?15ald; looso
51 lain.
Oats Ilcst, 70o common, 05a07M.
JjKcon Sldoa llal'-o bums, 13al4c; shoul
ders, ha. ,
hard Oregon-mado, frosh, In tlur, IW2$
pr lb; In keg, Ual2u.
Chlckons 52 Ma$:i 00 jier dozen.
Huttor 22aSJtr ''heeso, ISalUc.
i:gcs 18 to 20o p. Joz.
Potatoes 25 lo ;!0c.
Sun Vrnnclsco ?lnrlict,
Sail Krancirco, May 1.
Wheat Ruler, Imt csnuotbc nuo'edany lower,
unte-f .' UH3i iu.
Uarlrir-llrvwliij;, $1 Wet M; feed, $ feKf 1 K)
Legal Tender, l tiujlns; 05, relllug.
Liverpool whent market to-dny 13 SJ013t; for
avcrsso California; Kt r,dll for Club.
0 k HU Ur
n - n i
The HOME gives Univerial Satisfaction. Recommended by Ev
ery JFatrcn. rrew improved HOKE SHUTTLE.
IN TUK MAHKKT. wlllh Xmto Xsuprovomantai adipted for LIGHT or HEAVY
work. BKhT MATKltlAL imsl In r.innrucii..u ol ibio Uorlto McntDC. HAL. I. TKBJtULG-i
iNvmmuTi. rreommenuru ny i-niniuiA."". luinuseu wun euner thk home or ilie IJU'UOV
tedolDi; direct lo Ike Agency. LI 11 KRALlUs COUNTS wherulhtire nospenta. 8eml for new clr
enlar. Atreuey l.OUYI.l rnxully X7CTaKlaox-t)IMILKST and llEbT. gip-cai faction
Koarantecd. hample WASllhK loirJ.tl lo anaaurerr oil it-cdpt or EH'.HT POLI.AltS.
Asvney OllMXKiplOIl. Oil BlltO-VO-Jut out-ltet Ccoklng and Heatlns htote in
the world. THYlT.
Vt Seud for new lMco LUt Illutrted Clrcalare. AKB.NTS WANTED.
GKO. W. TKAVKK, Manufacturers' Agent,
Xo. 75 Front Street,
Wakelee's Bath for Sheep,
Cresylio Sheep Dip,
Carbolic Sheep Dip,
Corrosive Sublimate, Arsenic,
Sulpli. Zinc, Carbolic Acid, &c
The Prevention and Cure
of Scab, etc.
Gopher & Squirrel Killer.
Country Ortlcrti solicited,
Gopher and Squirrel-Killer.
Safer, Dettcr, and Cheaper titan
Strychnine, I'liosphoruH, Ar
Neiilc, or oilier prepara
tions un n Mingle trial
will convince.
Wholesalo Druggiats,
No. 73 Front and 78 Flnt 8t PORTLAKfi.
Executor's Notice.
,,l)i5'.ll',lccc'f'id'blcnwM duly proTed tnS ".
inltu-d to record by the Connty Court of tho county of"
Marlon. In tho Swte of Orepon. on the 8th "day of
April, .mi. 1S77, ay by raid court duly commlfSloned
S!cni,or f f ' d. U,t w "l a''rt mcnt. And Ml
per.or.UaWuSik lmagnlnil I ho c-tate ofiald do
c;aj are rcqulrtd to prmnt the arco to tho under,
ifrned at hi. re.tdence'. lu raid county. forailowancT
JV1 h r0IS u"- Uhln fx montb"f?om
lbliAl fclSii -, THOSLVS II. HUllllVHD.
Uated April 8, UTtwt Exccn'or.