,-., I&qyft 41 WILLAMETTE FARMER. 5 I. 0. Q. T. Address by tho G. W. C. T. Silveuton, Or.., April 23, 1877. Io tho Lodgos of I. O. G. T., Greotlng: IJkotiu.rs andSisteiuj: Thonoxt Annual Sosslon (the 13th) of our Grand Lodgo will inoet nt Albauy, at tho hour of 10 o'clock n. m., on Tuesday the 12th day of Juno 1877. tTho day and hour of moothiR la llxod by Boctlon 1, article 2, of G. L. Constitution. Your attontlon Is rospoctfully called to tho following portion of the circular issued to lodges by our Grand Secretary, Prof. T. II. Crawford: CONSTITUTION. AUTICIil! I, Sect. Thowomborsoflhls body shall bo its ofUcors and past ofllcore, roprosontAtives and past reprosontatlvos, who aro contribute ing mombors of tho sovornl Lodges subordi nate to this Grand Lodgo, nnd who havo takon tho Grand Lodgo Dogroe, and boon ad mitted as requlrod by tho Constitution. Soo. 5. Jilcction and Time of Service. Tho rogular olocllon of Hoprosoniatlvoa shall bo hold nt the ilrst regular mooting In tho nuar tor during which tho annual session of tho Grand Lodgo Is hold. Written ballots shall boused, nnd a majority of all votoscast sbnll bo necessary to a choice It tho Lodgo jail to wectutt no regular tlmo, or IT vacan clo occur, or a Lodgo Is outltlcd to addition at Keprooonlatlvos, provlnis to any Besslon, an election may bo held at any rogular meoting within four weks of suoh sosslon. Tho rogular toun of mtvico shall bo onn year: but tliobo elrrtrd c. I1U vncanclosaud utich additional Kprctailvos as may bo oloctod prior to other .h.m annual sessions, ftball sorvo only until iliu next annual oleo Hon. No Lodgo can Ld roprosoutod by uny but Its own nioinbor, end a transfer ofmom borslilj) shall vacato a Itoprosontativo's sent. Sec. 0. Piivdcaci of the Grand Lodge. All acting and Past Worthy ChlofTomplurn, act ing and Post Worthy Vlco Tomplnra,-aud all Deputies oftho Grand Worthy Chief Tonip lar, shall bo ontltlod to tho Grand Lodgo Donroo, and all tho privileges of motnbor ship in this Grand Lodgo, oxcopt voting, provldod that thoy aro in good standing In their sovernl Lodgos, and presont tho proper credentials. Soo. 7. Credentials. All Rourosontatlvos shall rocolvo rognlarly attostod certificates of election to tuis uouy. ah rue moors ontitiou to tho Grand Lodgo Dogroo, under Soctlon 0, nhall rocolro certilloatos of servlco in tholr rospoctlvo olllcos, from tho Lodgo in which bald services woro rendorod, and this shall bo tholr proper erodontlals. entitling them to hoatsln tuis Lodgo, and tho Grand Worthy Chlof Templar's commission shall bo tho requlslto erodontlals for Doputlos but no lloprosontatlvos or non-voting mombors can no mitniuou uuiom tuey aro mil uegroo Miombors,and In possession of thoourront quurtorly pass-word. BY-LAWS. ARTICLE VII. All RoprosonUUvos to this Grand Lodgo shall bo clioon in conformity with Artlclol, Section 4, Uniform Constitution, and that each Subordinate Lodge In tho Jurisdiction shall bo ontltlod to ono IVepresentatlve for its Charter, and one additional Representa tive for oaoh forty members In good stand ing, and fractions of forty, when such frac tion oxedods twentv mombors. Lodnos aro entitled to an Altornata for each regular1 ltopresontatlvo,(to bo olootod tho same as regulars), such alternates to be ontltlod to all tho rights and privileges of the Grand Lodgo In tho absonco of rogular Representatives. article vii. No Subordlnato Lodge shall bo ontltlod to roproseutation in this Grand Lodge which has not roportod and paid all dues to the Grand Lodgo for tho quarter preceding tho sonslon oftho Grand Lodge. And no Lodge is outltiod to a voto in this Grand Lodgo un less tho duly oloctod Roprosontatlvo or Alternate is presont. HALF FARE RATES: I havo tnado arrangements with tho O. S. N. Co. and tho two Rail Roads aa follows: Officers, Representatives and otbora at tending the Grand Lodgo, will pay Full Fauk going j and during tho sosslon of tho Grand Lodge tueG. W. Secretary will Issue to oaoh a certificate which will secure trans portation back Fiikk. Persona passing over two or more of these routes must obtain from Ibe G. W. SeoreUry a separate certifi cate for eaoh route and present the aame to the Conductor or Purser. It is to be hoped that a full representation may be bad from all our Lodges, and that the noble cause for which we labor may be greatly benefitted by our proposed meeting. Let us gather in to the beautiful city of Albany one of the lovliest or our young State and feel at borne with each other. May this call to our membership be respond ed to from every point of the compass from ovory latltudo and longitude of Oregon from Snako rlvor, on tho east, to the surging Pacific on the wost from the shadows of tho everlasting Sisklyoua ou tho Bouth, to our oxtromo toward tho north. We are about to the close of another year's work against iutemporance, and we aro called to meet In council, and Brothers and Sisters, It 1 a council of war glorious war; war against the strongest, direst foe of humankind. I am glad to feel assured that as wo gatbor into this couucil none of us will come to ad vlso capitulation or surrender. No, thank heaven the fortuuos of our past career fur nish no occasion for indulging a spirit of surrendor or oven discouragement. On the contrary we aro still bearing aloft our stand ard with strong and steady arm, with the records of past victories and the presages of future ttlumphs emblazoned on our banner, marching onward, onward, 'sboutIug the batllo cry of temporance." Then let us come together to greet each (other, to reheat ae tho lucklenU of the campaign Just closing to inspoctour arms replenish our munitions of war redistribute our Iforces bid each other God speed and go forth again to valiant conflict with the vile demon that lurks in tho wine cap. Hoping to meet m&ny of you at the time and place above named, I am yours, fraternally, W. R. Dpniiau. W. It. Dunbar, G. W. O. T., reports visits to Union Todge, No. 100, Westtru Star, No. 10, and Onward, No. 229, which aroalldo lug a good work. Ho cays want of time forbids bis giving an extended notice of thwo LodROS.but that ho found In their ranks many earnest and valiant friends of tho Ordar and veteran workers for the cause. On the 27th of April ho was to lecture at Uarrlsburg. Correspondences from tho Q. W. C. T. IlAr.msiiuitn, April E3, 1S77. Ed. Fahmeu: Ou tho ovonlnR of the 20th Inst, wo had n public mooting at Tan gont, andou tho -7th at Uarrlsburg, whero I had tho ploasuro of mooting with Bros. Hurt, Starr, and others who had come upon a hand-car from Hulsoy for tho purposo of attending tho locturo. Bro. B. II. Allon was prevonted from attending on account of having boon callod to tho bodsldo of a dying friend a fow mlnutos boforo tho tlmo fixed for starting. Our llalsey Brothors uro tho truo grit and nobly keep tholr organisation moving on In tho lino of duty. Uarrlsbtirg is improving rapidly nnd will soon bo qulto a city Itssolf. Bro. M. Fullor has chargo now of tho Alpha ifouso (tho old Union) and is making a good houso nnd a popular landlord. Tho Uarrlsburg Nucleus undortho management of Mossrs. Porter and Hammond, Is a favorlto horo and is a spicy llttlo shoot. Tho pralrlo fluids of Linn county nro loom ing with busy laborers, and a vast amount of grain Is bolng sown and tho farmers aro looking forward to largo ylolds and good prices, So inolo it bo . InviNti , On., April 30, 1877. Faiimku: At tho hour 1 o'clock and Ed. flftocn mlnutos, on tho 27th Inst., I Jumped aboard the touth-bouud mall train at Uarrls burg under tho command of Its popular conductor Hon. Georgo MoDowoll Stroud ouco Mayor of Solo and wort whirling oil for this placo. At Junction wo stopped a fow minutes to tako up somo freight cars for points farther south, for bo it romouborod freight trains run only to Junction nud points south of that aro suppllod with freight cars by tho locomotlvo that draws tho mall and passongor coach w. Junction scorns to bo rapidly building up, and I hoar that tho Lodge of I.O.G.T. Is doing woll undortho management of tho Houstons, Doa. Bolon, II. F. Johnson, Slslors Mooro, McCluro, Tost, Kratz, Polndoxtor and othors. From Junction, sovon miles to this placo, woarooarriod through Grand Pralrlo, Lano county, ono of tho rlchostand most boautlful strotchos of farming land In our State. Undor tho mollow rays of an April suu a rldno'or this pralrlo is Indood onjoyablo, lovoly farm housos, woll arrangod barns, aud flnoly oultlvated lloldn aro found on olthor hand, and as tho travolor through this country looks over thoso Holds of growing grain, and on, past tho cosy cottagoa and thrifty orchards, to tho surrounding moun tains of tho Calapoola coast, and Cascado rangos, tlmbor covered from baso and turn in It standing llko faithful sontlnols keeping watch ovor the rloh treasures below drinks in at ono draught of sight a magnlfUoont view aud ono of whlou Oregonlans may woll bo proud. Two o'clock p. m. brings me to this place where I was met by my young friend B. F. Bond, (tho ejllolent Lodge Doputy of Grand Pralrlo Lodgo) aud his brother, and behind a span of dashing roadsters wo wore soon convoyed io bis rosldonco somo two mlhs to the westward, wboro I was mado to feel at homo by blm and his excellent lady (who at last sosslon of Grand Lodgo was Miss Clara J. Potter, a representative from No. 168). During tho ovenlug we made a visit to No. 183, and I can assure you we bad a grand tlmo. Bro. Groon Is C.T., Mattlo Bond, V. T.j V.S.Bond, S.jCharlos Jennings, T. A dozen visitors wore present from Delovan Lodgo, No. 169, and all seemed to onoy the occasion. The mombors of No. 188, know bow to entertain their visitors. At recess a magnlfiicent treat of cakes, ploa, ito.,waa passod around by tho good Sisters of the' Lodge who know how to 11 x up such things. SlstorsLou Bond, Mollie Green, Caddie Bond, Clara Bond, Hellen Bond, Mattle Bond, Mary Potter, Ella Bond, and Mary Bond, had the thanks of all present for their kindly treat of good thlugs. Grand Pralrlo Lodge, No. 188, has been running about four yoara, and In that length of time his done a good work. Tuey in conjunction with the grango own a splendid hall built ovor the school house, and they are Justly proud of their achievements, Sister Lou Bond is editor of Lodge paper. Tho farmors in this locality are about done seeding and a much greater acreago has been planted to whoat than over bofore. I hear of somo fields sown three weeks slnco In this neighborhood, and tho grain has not sprouted at all. Tho supposition now is that tho wheat after being vltrloled for bow ing was allowed to remain In the Liu until it heated and spoiled. Such is the opinion of Mr. William Bond at whoso comfortAble home I spent the night aftor our public meetlug of yesterday. In haste, W. R. Do.sii.vn. At tho quarterly meeting of Capital Lodgo held lost Saturday evening the following olllcers were elocted for ttio ousulng term: Jonathan O'Donnel, W. C.T.s Mrs. Mary Cooper, W. V. T.; John Earl, W. 8.: C. XV. Kcrlber. W.F.S.; James Coftev, W.T.; Mrs. Hattlo Bowker, W.M.: Miss Nellie Rlggs, I. G.: Hugh Harrison, O. G,; Dr. C. U. Hall, W. C. A Wonder-working; Hemedj. No remedial sgent bat ever beeu offered to the tick and debilitated at all comparable to Hoatetler'a 6to macU Kittens In caeea of remittent and Intermittent fever, conttlpatlon, nervout ailment, rhcumatlim, auddltordcra Involving constitutional weakness or puylcal decay. It literally "works wonder." Toe botanic Ingredients which Its (plrltons bails hold In wlntlon, act like a charm upon the stomach, and through the ttomaeb upon the brain, liver, bowels aud nenocs ytem. Tberels nothing in It composition that U not salubrious. It contains some of the most po(tut tonlca of the exetabls klngdomand thy Jolcta of the boit aperient and auu-btltout routs and cetlis combined with a perfwtly pure etlmulattuif element. Tho Hitters are peculiarly adapted to tuoroeniKKed In exhautUBS or unhealthy occupations, as by lt oso tren"tn U smulued and the ublllly of the 'en) ,0 rer'Diaimoapucrtcauu heilih largely lucreased A raovotneut Is 1011 not to build a bridge over tho Umatilla, nvor at or near Butter creak, Lndlcs, buy your bonnots of Mrs. Win. Milllcan, and got a bandbox thrown In, If you want It. DIED: April 5th, 1877, luSahvy, Frlday'oveuing, at. 8:30 p. m., of dlphthorla, Fanny Poarl, oldest daughter of James and Emma Cross, agod C years and 20 days. From our threshold now is missing, Ono fair soft sunny brow, But safo In tho arms of Jesus, Both rest hor spirit now. Yor sweet llttlo Pearl is missing, But ploasuro 'tis to know, That fiho Is happier above, Than could be horo bolow. Landed safo on tho other shore, In heaven sho slugs to-night. And thore walta to welcomo all; To that havon of light. WILLAMETTE TMNSP0RT1TI0N AHD LOCKSJOMPANY. NOTICR--THR KOLLOWINO UATHH OP Freight on Grain and Klourlmve uan i. tuiiit.hed by this company an Dm jitulmum rateH for ouo year from May 1st, IS7T, vix : Per Ton. Oregon City to Portlaud si oo liittievlllo ' ' .-. 1 ", Olminpocg ;' " 1 75 Dayton , ; iui Kiiirlleld " ' 3 00 Wheatland ' ' 3 CO Lincoln ' " 3 10 suIhiii " " Sfio Kola " " 3 75 Independence . ' ' 3 75 Atikony'M Landing " " :i (M lliionaVlntu " " 300 Hprlnirltltl " " on Alliany " " .too Oorvallls ' ro lVorla " " 8 fti Mouron " " 4 00 Itarrlshiinr ", 100 Kimono City ". " 5 00 (J rain and Flourshlppcd frnmliio points ahovo meiUloiHMl illrvatto Astotla will bocliurKcd $1 00 pur ton additional. The company will conlnnct with parting who dculio II. Io transport Urulu anil Flour nt abnvo lateRforauy spcclUcd tltuc, not excccdlne llvo yours. H. a. ltKED, Vlco PresldeulW.T. it L.CO. Portland, April 28, 1877. Miiyl-nm m HBRREN & FARRAR, Will pay tho HighGst Market Price ron '500.000 POUNDS w SACKS A1DSTWI1E . Xr'n.riilNlicJtl., . Khulro of IV. J. IIKUREN. I'AHHAK HROTIIEItff. Salem, May 4, 18TI-3m. , .. , THE FINE Thoroughbred Stallion DELAWARE TrriLIi STAND THE BN8UINO SEASON NEAH Tke Farm or H. K. Ankeaj-, 10 Miles south or 8nle, lxwer Sautlam llottom, iioder thn charso of, and at the residence of, Mr.. I. T. UKCKWITlf. Reason commencing April 1st and endlnj July 1st, Hcrvlce by I lie Season. 15; IasHinicf $29. Payable In cold coin, at the time of service, or when inaru proves to be In foal Mares from a dlrtanco pastured and cared for at $1 por week, but no risks taken. Is a blood bay; H?4 hands hleh, and weighs 1,130 lbs. maylml Wanted, A COW. MUST DK WAURANTKD TO HE Ll.nl atut In rtlvn Ha.B. tflallAnn JX. setitjo and nt MU.K per day. Addres-, stating price, Lock flux 100, l'OUTLANI), OltEOON. ap27w8 &xxxxx3a.oxxm. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marlon, George A. Kdc. and Ithoda Edes his wife, I), P. Camp bell and Martha I.. Campbell hi wife, M. U Mump er and Mary A. Mumper his wlfu, John O. Wrlylit uud Caroline M. Wrlnht bis wife, Charlen Uxatov. :tu aud Mary Uafovifo his wife, and James C, Hi own aud Narcl'te Drown his wile, Jialntljt, VS, Oooirii Anderson and Martha Anderson hi wife, and Lewis Johuson and Abner Allen, lkinlant$. To (Icorce Anderon and Mirtha Anderson his wife, Lewis Johnson, aud Abner Allen, Defendants: Iv tiik Nine or the Stats or Oiuoo.s: V011 are tu-ieby required to appear aud answer the compUmt tiled UKalnst you la tho above entitled suit ou or be fore the Ilrst aa) of the next term of tho Circuit Court of the State or Orevon for the County of Marlon to wit, on or before the 11th day or June, A. D. IBTT, aud If you tail t to ucswer, lor want thereof the plalntM above named will take a decree for the relief prayed forlu raid complaint, to wit, lor the partition, according to the estati sand Interest therein of the respective panics to this suit abne named, of the follow Inn deicrlbed real rftate, to wll: "situate In Ma rlon County, blato of Uregoii, and beluj; a part of Ibe Donation land claim of N V. I'olwcll, In rectlous 213 and 31 In T. 7 . It .1 W. or tho WilUmette Meridian, aud described as follows, to wit: Commencing at a point on the ttaco road leaatni: from Halem to Albany, at the H. E. corner of a piece of land owned by John Crim, runnliu tttviice S. a ex. a) mln. W. alonv raid road "W chains to tho N. H. corner of the Odd Fel low' Itural Cemetery; thence westerly aloui; the North lliut of said cemetery, S3.U0 chalus; tboncu bouth with the Wc.l Hue of raid cemtery 3IU-J chains; thence N. 71 de. ) inlu. V. ll.ill chains; thence North 19.'.VJ duln.; Ihcnco N. 71 def;. ') mln.W. ma chains; theucu N. S7 cleg K. sa.ll chains to a point ou the South boundary Hue of th'i land of Abra ham Myen; tbenco Easterly with said line to the place 01 beulunln;;, contlnln;nlnity-cl?hl itW) acres of land, moro or ivt," for such other and further re Itel us the Couit may deem ciulUblo and proper, and lor toM aul dltburcme.l In nald tuft expended. TtiUtiintntun Is published by order or llou. It. I'. Ilolsc. Jude of said Court, made ut chainhtrr. In tho c lly or S-tlem, Marlon county, Oregon, 011 the fcth iby ot April, A. I). 1S77. JOHN J. SHAW, aud OfcO. 11: lU'JtNKTT, May 1, IS',7, AUorLcj for I'lalntltTs. m The Best Bargains Tet. REVOLUTION IN Tim PRICK OP OLOTHIKTO, Dry Goods, -ANt- XjticlION and Gouts' FUENISHINCt goods, AM) GENERAL MERCHANDISE, AT TUB HAVINtl ItOUailT OUT TUB KNTIUK STOCK of Clothing and Dry (lood of a lareo BANKRUPT SALE San Francisco. AT 40 Ir Cent.! Less than actual cost of manufacturing, I am enabled to sell my entire stock of Olothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Dress Goods, Linens, Parasols, Ruohing, Linen Collars and Quits, Nap- kins,Trunks,Valises, Hats, Caps, &c, Lower than any Other House IN TIIK STATE. My Mock of OLOTHING AND FURNISH ING GOODS Xa X xxx xxx ono, My Prioes are Low ! And Goods of tho IIF.ST material. Call early, and Secure Bargains I Gold, Silver, and Currency, all Taken at Far ! M. MEYER, apJ7 . ORl3YOLl'8 1IT.OCK. SAl.SU. Leo Willis, B KQS I.KAVK TO CALL TIIK ATTENTION 01' tuo puunc to in. now siock or Pianos and Organs, In store and to arrive, which aro oflcred at Greatly - Rotlnood JPrioi, cither fur rash or on installments. 111. stock or tun Books and Stationery Is also COMPLETE, and will bo .old at price, to suit the limes. Will furnish, at short noMc. any Hook published In the Unlttd elates, at publisher', rates, Order, solicited, and an examination ol bl dock respectfully invited LEO WILLIS, apttmS State Street, 0lo A. L. 8TIN8ON, Book and Job Printer, AND Bookbinder, HOLMAN'S BLOCK, Old Senate Clinniber, Halem. 1ST" Am. kinds of Printing neatly execnted. and at reasonable rates, March U)tf. V. 13. WAIT. Ooneral Ageut for Oregon and Washington Tcr'y for M'C flarvestinu ormick's 3vrA.o3Eixasr3an.-xr. TheMcCormlckmschlncsarotho HKST and most duiable that have ever been constructed. FA U TIE UN look to your Inturwti! ZCTUctuo moro lltht. cast Iroh. 'Cheap John' machine.. When you Kit a .WnlJOllillUK, uud use It with proper care. It la (rood for twenty ye-irs. John and Y m. PukIi. of this county, havo one they have run for SO cr, anil will Hill continue to use. The McCormtck liar voter took tho llrHt nv-jDxxxi.yM.Tna. at ibe Oreon HUlo t air 01 "W.Tv l'A'77 ALL U IUMI?. Uo not order any but the McCoruilik, and you will be pleased with your purchase. A !, Walt's FortaWn Power Hay Presses, Unlit to order, and iviry ono warranted tube 0 iial to ihu omt that took tho first premium at the Oici;on HtttoFalrof isril. , . ViUI uwl ixwulM.or riulfor crcular$. T. If. WAIT, 8p(j CWfl'rt 'rtiill Mrttt, rf.l I Kit, lilt. i;..V. OIIANK. B REVET Lt.Col., latoBurKton U.S. Volunteer., - VWCCi W3IUU1 . UlVOl'lV iwu.a . &j -2ifci AE-. -a1 1, w, wsATiixuronn Weatherford & Co., Wholcealo and Retail Dealer In DRUGS, PAINTS. OILS. GLASS, Patent Medicines. CHEMICALS, 3E r Tx m ery TOILET GOODS, Etc., etc. PURE WINEsTflnd LIQUORS, For Medicinal purpose.. ,1 Modioines Compounded, and Prescriptions Filled. Weatherford & Co., Pc2tf Commercial street, NAI.KM. Season of 1877. TUP. IM POUTED CLYDESDALE STALLION YOUNG MARQUIS, ANU THE TROTTING STALLION AUTOCRAT, WILLMAKU TIIK SKAfcON Ol' IBTT, KUOM April 1st to .Inly 1st, ns follows: At Win. Ackcr'S Union Stnlile, Taylor Ntrect, Purllund, MONDAYS, nfter 10 o'clock; TUCSDAT3. WUD NESDAYS, nud TIIUHSDAYS, at 1 p. in,; and At the Ovritcr'H Farm, Itccdvllle, Washlneton county, on KUIDAYS, BATUUDAYS, and SUNDAYS. After July 1st, at UKUDVILLK, WashlnRton county. TKUUW-AUTOCUVT, to Insure, $5U. YOUNO MAlKtUia. to Insure. $10. Settlement to Ih mado when mares aro known to bo In foal. Pasturage at ltr.r.nvii.i.R limited to a fow mure, brought from a dis tance. Addrvs., i. O-. PorlUud. Or ALKOK liOTIIIAN, Reedvllle. apn .1m WAKELEE'S SQUIRREL AND GOPHER Exterminator 1 THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE! All others are Inferior Imitations ! Eiiitoiu UuitAL PitEiis: Dear Hlrs-I bavo lust mado an experiment with prepared poison for kill lug Squirrels, putting out a can each of tho following poison.: A can of Harney's, a can of Steele'., and a can of tho artlrlo called Wakcleo's Kxtermlnator. One can of Wakelco'a kill. a. many a. son en of llarnoy'a Squirrel Poison, and as many a. ten can. of Mode's Squirrel Poison, Thinking the rosult will bo Interesting to your reader, I tend It for Ihoir benefit. Your., very rcspcctrnlly, H, P. WooutVAtiu. Ilaywards, April 8, IbTH. rjr In purchaslDg, caro should bo used to order VIilE.oloo'a. T. A. DAVIS ft CO.. PORTLAND, Wholtialt Agtntt. WAKBLIiE'S BATH FOR SHEEP A SINOLB TltlAL ONLY I. necessary to prove Its superior efflcleucy. x. p. WAuin at oo Importers or Drugs and Chemicals, AUK.VTS ANU UANAOKItH OOIDK.Y CITVK CIIICMICAI. WOBKH, apximl MAN FKANGISCO. KELLY & UNDERWOOD, Carriage & Wagon Makers, Salem, Oregon, HAVK ON HAND A CIIOICK LOT OK FOUIC Spring Wagona, Oarriages, &. Buggies, of their own make, Manufactured of tliu IIIIST finality of Jersey Hickory. Olvousa call, andoxamliu our work, aud Judiru for vourselves. Afl klmds of Hepalrlug andOenoral Jobbing dono at short notice. "I1 BEAL ESTATE LOANS. OKKCON ANU WASUINGTON Trnst Investment Company OF MOOT I. AND. THIS Company lr prep.red to negotlato loan. In sum. Iroui M to 8W.000 .ecureil over IMl'ltO VKD CITY WtOPEKTY and l'AHM LANDS, for Axed periods of yeais, or repayable by half-yearly In stallment.. Kor term';, apply to WILLIAM ItKID. Manager, novlOr U First Street Portland. F lOUND.-On tho iiud day of Jan. 1HT7, tho under- h-mllnir from Halom. to Turner, near Morris', slaugh ter house. The owner tan luo tho same by proving: uroperiy aud lutylng for HiU notice. Inquire of Mi- lilunev, bmltu A. Cd.,alTu 'uruer, or Ihu underslirued. April 0. pd. ii, r.. mr.r r i.ii.ha.. m-Ann 1'lnilla. Spring Lists free. Y. K. Xr665s PtiiKM, llloomlngtou Nursory, 111. SI A A Vcurly Irolll ftoin nllRB - ''tl by ImuMiic ill IB I "-'K and raising poultry by V W metus of horsu manure. IlieCeiitenulalaiUsoveral OoU Medals. ondlJ Diploma, hv boon auatded tu Pmfeiir A. Corbctt, No. 7 Warren street, N. Y, Testimonials uud CaUUK.uu tint on recept ol 3 ut itamp, ", W.WXATHKRrOnD, 2fe 5 ' I I ' f III 5 :.l '..! m iu I ' iVli I nis "aup M i M$n m . kv - align J i. ,rt juajty .jrviMfca.'b tfiJtfntrtif iff fltftM Vt MMtrjfcltyattr