"WILLAMETTE FARMER. warn ISBUKD KVEltT MIDAY, BY CLARKE Ac CBAIG, rununitns and raorntETons. H. A. CliAltKK. I. W.OKA I. Term or Subscription. Ono copy, ono year (M number) $2.M) Una copy, rlz inonthH (20 nambcrr) l.'Ju Onncopy, throo month 03 nnmborp) ......... .76 HAL1SM, FllIDAY, MAY 1, 1877. Faying tho Public Debt in Greenbacks. A subscriber in Linn county writes: " When my subscription is out stop my paper, unless you udvocato tho paying of the public debt in greenbacks." There may bo several ways of paying tho public debt In greenbacks, and we may not understand exactly what tho writer means. What we mean is that tho government should act in good faith and pay its dobtsus it has honest ly agreed to do, whntovor that agree ment may bo. If tho writer wishes to take tip tho outstanding bonds witli greenbacks and thou never pay tho greenbacks but uso them perpotually us currency, wo must hay thai wo con sider tit: t courso very dishonorable, because Hooding tho country with two thousand million of greenbacks would make that currency of as llttio value us the Continental money ami me French assignats wore a hundred, or Jess, years ago. Neither were over paid and they gradually became worth less, which would be tho caso If wo were to have all tho national dobt con verted to-morrow Into irredeemable palter money, and it made a legal ten der. The result would ho to stagnate trade, paralyze industry, ruin produ cers and dishonor the government that did Uio deed, while tho people would have to construct a currency in some way that could bo clothed with value. Jliiko wheat double as plentiful as any demand could arise and the farmers of Oregon would bo ruined. Make money over-plentiful and it would become practically worthless. Silver has bo come over-abundant and therefore lias depreciated in value Neither silver or gold possess as much valuo us they did fioino centuries ago. They hao both become more plentiful and leas valuable. Wo aro not in favor of re pudiating tho National or State indebt edness, though wo luivo to pay taxes on our share of both. Now, there is a policy that wo favor, and believe consistent and honorable, that meets this question halfway. Wo believe that the national currency (not tho national bank currency, for wo seo no use for national banks) should be is .sued to tho fullest extent the business or tho nation requires, and that nation al louds should be decreased thereby to a great extent, and Interest on tho national debt thus lessoned. An Intro convertible bond, bearing four percent. Interest, could bo made the medium of regulating the issue of currency. Whcnovor tho Issuo became too groat it could bo exchanged for these bonds, and when more was wanted the bonds could bo returned for currency. Tho tlrst thing should Ihj the issue of su in dent currency to answer all puriKwes, and with the interchange always possi ble wo do not seo why there should be tiny trouble with over-Issue, or with speculation. It Is not exactly our business to set up theories for national nuance, but, as with all other subjects, wo havo our own opinions and lutuiid to stick to them until we tlud better ones. We have no patience, on the one hand with the National l;uik ring that wuuts the national nuances nmuitirwl in Its inter est, ami we have in little patience, on the other hand, with the class (to which wo sincerely liopo our correspondent docs not belong) that .seeks some sub terfuge or pretense for repudiating tho nation's debts. We are lu favor or paying tho public debt lu greenbacks, M far as greenbacks can bo used safely, and no further. MAGAZINES. VVo find on our table tho following: Tho Semi-Tropical for April, published at Jacksonville, Klo. eontalnlDR IntoreNtlna de scriptions of "Tho Mounds of Florid;" cultivation of com, whoat and rice; "Oar don ln all tho Yoar Round;" Catle Kahlng lu South Florida," and a groat deal rnoro of that Ssml-troplcal rogion. It Is ably and pleasantly odlted. two southern I'iamcr ami J'Urtncr comos from Richmond, Va., lsahandsomo maga zine, tronts of tho wants and products of tho "Old Dominion," and, whllo especially adaptod to that latitude, contains a groat deal of very valuablo loading on Agricultural inaltors adaptod to evory locality. It Is a practical Journal, and shows no tondonoy towards merely fancy farming. Tho Sanitarian, published In Now York, is a monthly magazine and tho organ of tho Medico-Legal Socloty, "devoted to tho preo orvatiou of hoalth and mod leal and physical culture" Such a magazine as this, bring ing common hoiko vlows of hoalth. matters homo to tho family and nlfordliig valuablo Information gonorally, will bo vory valuablo Tho number boforo us wo Hud Intorostlug and Instructive on topics of tho greatest ltn portauco. Wallace' Monthly, for April, gives tho history of IMiHti Allen, and papers rolatativo to othor groat trottors and racers. It is do voted ohlelly to horso literature and opposod to pool gambling bo Is a vory responsible publication conductod with great crodlt and ability. Mr, Wallaco laan onthuslasllo lov or of tho horso and givos a wonderful amount of information in his monthly. A'crilmer for May comos to us llllod with Intorostlng mattor. "That I.aBS o'Lowrio's" Is llulshod lu this numbor. Tho story Is by Mrs. Duruolt, and is now published in book form by Scrlbnor, Armstrong A Co. Mrs. Harriott has also In this number a short story, ontltled "Esmaralda," which ought to bo both amusing and pathotloto Amorlcaus. Thoro Is somo North Carolina dialect In tho story. In "Nicholas Min- tun" Dr. Holland touches on the doad beat, for which contagion ho Intonds giving a romedy further on. Thoro Is au artlolo on Smith Collogo, oiio on Soa Trout Fishing, and takou us a whole, tho magazine Is vory readablo. at, iiciof.t mr may commeucos wltu a poem, "Rod Rid lughood,' from tho potio Johu U. Whlttlor, u frtu-slmlllo lottor from Chas. Dickons, a talk about "Ivanhoo," which will Intorest all boy-lovors or Walter Hcott,astory entitled "Tho first time," by Sax Holm, "Trotty's Lecture, Ilureau," by Kllaaboth Stouart Phelps, and somo vory protty plcturos drawn by Kytingo. Dr. UolUnd ban a talk with big boys, and there ar a great many othor things of Interest In this number of St. AY?Mw, ftjSyaffBKBssBasSZlLa aPlMBUBlBiraKaSBfflfTiBsm tlSmSvtSfimSimWmBKik I WW l! mVirWmijlmifKmt.( V'VsffJlNvl'SII . K?Vl 0'Vl'aiVWMaTal1s7LfllT7a9Li mmmmmmmmamwimmammKmaammmmmmmmmmtmmamm i wmmm a aaiii am mnmBmmmevmnmmmmmmmmamommmammmttmmKm Nbti.Ce. XT S E THE! T have Aiou.n and iot that i ' 85 tgi, &f& S-jflsteSESlf ? X wluli tolmduforlandlnllinniiiiilry. Title (rood. SSS lssl Mr 1 ' " ir-il B) May 1st 1977, tf. J. Ill'.NIcV llltOWN. ... . . IN THE WORLD! Mr.T. 11. Walt, Sleiu, UagoutforOr. egon, for Uio MeCormlck reaping nuil liar vesting niachlnes. TIimo machines Mora thoroughly tried lu tho harvest Held of our Staltt last year, ami took llrst tinmiluius at the Suto Fair Ust fll. Mr. Walt is Invent or of a hay pres too well kuowu to netnl pialiw. llroymau llros. have their spiiugadver. tlbomeut lu the por this week. The whlto corner Is bound to sustain Its reputation and of course every one will call and set what they havo to offer. v The thuroughbrxHl stallion Delaware, Is now the property or Mr. Henry Ankuey, iee his advertisement. rOWKLt.VALI.KY, MULTNOMAH Co., ) April ia,1377. Ki). Faiimkiii lam tryiug to get you the thousand subscribers you ailvortlsed for. When I come across n farmer that does not lake tho Faumku, 1 try to get hlui to sub scribe for I thluk that ovory farmor In Or egon should havo It and read it. I belleva If tho farmers of Orogou would read such ossaysas those ol Sister Hllloary and Uro. Ilolshaw, and pondor ovor them, it would be better for thorn. Somo of thorn I ask to Hubcrlbo say they can got a better paper for tho monoy, others say they can't get lime to read auy paper but tho OrtgotiiaH, and they must road that If everything else stops. I tell thorn that If they would take the Faum ku, and follow Its teachings, they would soon havo a napor as good as the Ortgonian, and time to read both papers, but they can't soe it that way and we will have to wait until they do. I like tho Fahmkr aud like to read it hotter than any other paper that I get and will do all I eau for it. Yours truly, T. K, Williams, Nr.w Kra, April SO, 1877. i:. Fahmkr: Lodge No.aM,I.O.G.T.,of New Kra, voted at its last regular meeting to have a plculo in the grove near this place, Saturday, May lt,aud invite all Good Temp lars in tho valley to conio in regallaland en Joy the day with them. Members of the Order will form In procession at 10 o'clock, a, m,, march to the grovo, where there will be tetnporauco speeches by distinguished speakers, singing, Ac; after which a basket dinner will bo partaken of, as all who can nro expected to bring lunoh with them, Thoro will be a number of boats which cu bo had for boat-riding. Fleuty of trout in Heaver creek for those who delight In that sport, Let all the frleuds of Temperauce putlnuu appearance early. If this should reach the oyo ofour G. W. O. T. Duubar, I hope ho will bo with us und glvo us.'oue of his strong lectures, A Mkuiikk, M, Myor, Salem, Grlswold's old comer, advertises his spring stock of goods this week, and from tho looks of his store ami tho statements ho makes eoncorulug his goods tt U evldout that ho means business, soour readers will naturally give hlui a cU. TAKE FARTICULAE NOTICE. All persons who havo receipts for money paid Cultivator that has not been duly credit ed will please send them to us, and wo will make tho proper credit, aud must have the recolptto show Mr, Mart Drown iu settle ment with him. Wo will immediately ro lurn tho parties our own receipt lu place of tho ono soul us, We hope all parties will comply without further request form us, for it is Important to us to mako all corrections ashoou as ikhsIIiIo where mistakes havo ! occurred In the accounts. Hon valley Is located at tho loot oftheCal apoola mountains, ueur tho northern line of llmiiftttM fniiiitv. Th mill Im nf a tltttm tilln. vial t.iiuwlt. iMiia.,lnll v uilitntiul In Iwiii mil. I tuu. Vitus, after the unit year's plautlug, I Dr. aud Mrs. II. J. Dawiio will take chargo hategronu tbcio forty i&ot Iu height. of JttlVrsQii lustitu'.o for tho summer, The P; P. T. Company's McMINNVIIIE WILL LKAVK Portland lot Snloin Evory FllIDAY. rctnrnlnir on 8ATUIIDAY, FOH DAVTON-On MONDAY aud WEONF.S UAX; rvturntDKod'TUBSDAIH sua T11UKSDAYS. Fatroniao. Ypur Own Boat ! Protection nj-altiHt High Ciiuruntccd. BRETMAN BROS., )f AT TnB WHITE CORNER. SALEM, Haylnir Just returned from San Frauolsoo, aud having brought a Rate. 5 lT BllzffiM ' 1 -5 L SSIki J) 11 o TBTlTsWlrr riwl " mi f P I 3 e. WSsmSKmmtm SI SBBSfSSSMO" Of Selected Goods, now oner Groat Induce ments for Spring and Summer Trade. Their Goods consist as usual, of FINE SELECTIONS DRY GOODS, T.VNOY DRESS GOODS Notions, And a vollsolected Stock of OLOTHINO For Gouts and Boys. CROCKERY, GROCERIES, And a large assortment of BOOTS and SHOES. XJLOt 3Doeixc3L ! See that our Trade Mark is on eaohlPackagei: a (R e m 9 5 - a o a- PURE WHITE, FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE RJT: Jet Blaok : aud ALL COLOHS. AND LASTLY APPLIED. XJo Far Sale bar the AfrentH: JOHN HUGHES. Salom, HODGE, SHELL & COM IVliolcNale DrugglntH, aaa Dealem la PalatH, OIIn, aad Glams. XiTf. Otxrk AND NO. 73 FJtONT 8THEBT. PACIFIC THRESHING MACHINE COIIMV MANUFAOTmiETJl nv " yotfSj1'"" -CTSfc . JIb'bV PELTON'S SIX-FOLD HORSE-POWERS And Counterbalance; Separators. TVrniUlAl) irwrr am u a T !. iitnsit niwi.r.. .. A.wuvi.mjw ni onbr., uu&iit uuiUiimw v. laTO. b. IELTt)V PPPSinRVT T TWV - .---- --. . t . . , , w..(.11t uv -. , iLJ KAui-aiusijrowor lltr.1 ill h. & I ill llllLlllk .77 i or B. I'HLTON. PHRSinRNT. C" fill w-ivW -' - - . - ' --' -.. i!rfr"'--r. xa.3-w in. uso. nixir MmmlMC- Carpets, Oilcloths, Rugs, Made a spoct.ilty. and Come aud &o for Yourself. r- .. ... : .rrr .t. 7-.."? . mp ..wu tub bKKtiAS,BW& iMS r terrss? i?rf.-.:f . royfrts liwm-uik. .".::.-' --....,, v. mm.w, uamcuj oiia for clrvuUt, partlcnkr, aJJiv theoCkcni named above, ot- BALix, Aiarcit 83 ly 3a7v Store, LITCHFIELD & MANNING, DKlLKRt IN FAMILY GROCERIES, rnovxsxoxs AND Country Produce, FLOUR, FEED, BACON & LARD, BKEYMAN BROS. bay tfJ, llcltcJ, Tcrat, cb, vr Ha CoBllcmmcnU in. Dr. H. SMITH, DESNTIST, 8ALEM, OREGON. Olllco moTea over I1REVMAN HU03.' NEW STOW: Onice hour from 9 a. m. tus i.u CABBAGE, lpTrSAI By tlici lOO or lOOO. CAUBAIJP. PLANTS. SUcperlOO; CAULIFLOWBH tl JH'r UO; Tomato p'ant. lc vach, or tJ.W ir 10J Grown at my Off tu hone, iwo aua a half mile easl from balm, llUcor.ut nllowed o Ucalfr. r' - . ri t a. .'A.-. 1 llYSleBl, Ja?0 -iuk.,j