Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, May 04, 1877, Image 1

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    tessS&A iff
man fJSrt' fe&r;fa i i .
B.VJVt. UTCll kfar-MLI-GKU
ymmmwfj a Hivr m v h a h hh v a "bv 'v v fv n vwjif.i x ru LUc.nn .itMtinnrf
2,50 per Year.
Volume IX Nnmuor 12.
Washington, April 28. Tho World's
Washington special says a bill will bo Intro
duced at tho coining CongresB reducing tho
array to 10,000. Tho Indian war la ondod.
iNelthor Sherman uor Shorldau bollovo it
will bo resumod.
Oon. and Mrs. Grant, with their con Josso,
will sail lor Liverpool from Philadelphia,
May 17th. President Hayes and cabinet or
ferod hltn pnssago on a government vessel,
but tho General preferred going as a private
Tho public dobt statement for April, which
will uuinsuuu xunauny, win nuuw K reduc
tion in tho debt of for tho current mouth of
about three aud a half millions, and an nc
gregnte reduction slnco July 1st of about
twontv-elght millions.
Washington, April 00. Tho following
Jostmastors havo been appointed : Walter
effreys, San Marcas, ban Luis Obispo
county, uai.; n. u. iiny-nono, uaaton
Washington county, Oregon.
Tho internal rovenuo recolpts up to tho
:10th of April show a gain of two million six
hundred thousand dollars oyer ton months
of last vonr.
Secretary Soburz ban appointed 11. H.
Dates, J it. catien, anu u. o. Tiffany, a
board of examination from the corps of the
llrst assistant examiners, to tho grado of
principal examiners of patouta to till
Two hundred and fifty omployos, mostly
females intno uureauotongravint-nnu print
ing, woro discharged to-day. The bureau
will bo closod for throo days, whon Me
Vhnrnon will Mnumo tho duties oi chief.
Khoxxiux, Tonn., April 30. Kx-Sonator
W.Q.'Browniow oioa nere suddenly to-uny.
Njjw Yonic, Mayl. Tho Tribune says
Onkoy -Hall's family will noon Join him
in London. His law library linn boon
removed for Hale, ami It Is rumored his
dwelling hns also boon eold.
CliUVi-LANn, AprlltiO Tho body taken
from tho -shore of Lake Erie, about -10
miles from Ashtabuln, ami supposed to
be that of P. P. Bliss, tho ovaii'-ollst
finger, Is kown not to bo such.
Coi,unsuB,Aprll 30. RopuHcan claim
ants for State olllees will to-morrow con
sent to proceedings before tho Supremo
Court, which cuds tho contest ami seats
all the Democratic Stnto oQlclals.
Wabhinoton, April 30. The United
States Supremo Court to-day gave a do-,
cision, ending tho protracted yter war
between Manland and Virginia. Tho
- -(imMmmMit
nor jurisdiction wnuo protecting nerowu
London, April 30. It is ofllclally an
notiuecd that the govcrnmenUean sond
50,000 men at a moment's notice to
Egypt. Of this forco I,000' will go from
England nnd 2j,0(X) from India.
Tho Times continues to doprecato uu
uccex&ary alarm, and says even If wo had
tho most positive assurances that ItuwHla
intended to bcslego CouMnutiuople, there
would bn ample timo to tako needful pro
cautions lonj- after fior army crossed tho
Danube, Hut to assume that the Ilus
flan leaders havo any such design Is to
suppose that they havo takon leavo of
thelrsonse. it lsnotTurkoyalonothey
would have to meet, nor Turkey and
England, but tho wholo of Western Eu
rope Wo may safely assume that itus
la Ik not altogether .devoid of common
Hone, and uieanwhilo wo may keep our
selves cool.
A Bucharest correspondent says tho
Action of tho iluvdaii authorities In clos
ing tho navigation of tho Danube cer
tainly indicates an uiKleitnudlug with
Austria. The KumjIuuh aro mid to Iw
nlvancing again by tho railways, which
wro temiwrarlly obstructed by recent
A Paris correspondent announces that
ou 'luesday Duko DcCaze will make, In
tho Cbaniboi-, a declaration of neutrality
whloitiH believed to be lu eoncort with
Comillcatlous aro expected to arlso In
the eveit of tho Itus-ian lleet in China
being oijerod to tho Mediterranean and
demanuhc a nncsnen tlimm-Ji dm Rim--
canal. V
, A,j. cenral stearaerH nnd ships havo
left Gala2ud Ismail.
mjCMAtis. April 30. It is rej)orted
that abokt -IVOOO Ituhslans entered Itou-
jimiHiin.terr.tory yesterday. It Is est!
mated tlkt 7000 haro so far crossed the
- L?S
j tin., v
in Russia under British protection,
'"it ANeisco,AprIl 30. Mrs. Chrlsto-
o yesterday, in attemntingto
'Jncal train In Oakland, fell,
"Dor licud. rocidvlnif InliirlcH
iruin wi. on sue tiieti in a low Hours.
San FitANCifco, April 20. Tho party
of surveyors who arrived last night, en
routo to Victoria to lay out tho line of
tho Canadian Paelllo railroad, will leave
on tho steamer City of Panama to-morrow
and proceed at ouco to the under
taking beforn them.
San Fjiancicco, April 30. Chas.
Webb Howard, president of tho Spring
Valley Water Company, came before tho
water commissioners in opou session to
day with a proposition to sell tho workH
of thocompany to tho city, in conformity
with arrangements of tho commissioners
to receive proposals for supplying tho city
with suitable works. Tho prlco demanded
was $10,000,000, with rather an odd reser
vation that tho company should have tho
privilege of asking less if they desired.
Saturday, between 8 nnd Or. t., Henry
Deforest, aged 03 years a carpenter work
ing at tho powder mills, was murdered
and robbed back of tho old Msssion place.
Ho was shot'lmck of tlio right shoulder,
tho bnll passing through tho body. Tho
ohot was hoard by dlllerent parties. Tho
body was dragged across tho road and
behind Homo willows, where his pockets
were emptied.
Sax Fuancisco. May 1. As Mrs. John
Roberts was walking aioug Froelon street
this evening with a little dntighteraged
nineteen months by her her side, a panel
offence which had been placed against a
lamp post whllo somo repairs were being
mado to tho premises, was blown down
by a gust of wind, killing tho child in
stantly. San Luis Omsro, May 1. Two men,
Alevander Murray and a man named
Todd, died this afternoon lu lltucouada
valley, about 11 miles cast from this place,
from tho effects of poison. They chanced
upon somo wild p&rslcy which they ate,
They survived but an hour.
Santa L'kuz. May 1. It Is bollovcd tho
murderers of DeKorest aro arrested, and
under circumstances that will uiako their
conviction certain. Sheriff Orton, Uuder
Sherlll'Hunt, and City Marshal Llddell
havo worded day and .night.
. "ii will i i ial' ' m- 1 ! . -
Trs T.1::?v!',"ivriK?'
uu jjvu Tceuiveu a cirwiiT at so
ciety of tho above kind, that was organ
ized last December In Portland, by tho
friends of that branch of oclcnco
throughout tho State. It hasI.ev.ThoH.
Condon for President, Rev. P. S.vnlght
for Secretary, and Mr. 0. 1J. Johnson for
Curator of tho Central Museum, which
the committee havo decided to locato in
this city, and for which purpose Ooy.
Chadwlck has allowed the five uso of a
room In tho Stato Capitol building. Mr.
Johnson has lately removed to tills city
for tho purposo of .taking charge of the
work of receiving, classifying nnd dis
tributing tho material -sent In by the
rnombors. The plait of tho society Is
such that a member by collecting exten
sively iu his Immcdiato vicinity, and
soii'llug to tho Central Museum, is un
titled to rcccivo full sets of all of the
speclmons received from all of the mem
bers from dlflerent localities, according
to tho amount sent In. Iu this wnv a
school or college can obtain a good
cabinet of specimens for study nnd
reference nt n small cot. We aro glad to
sco a step iu this direction, and hope it
may rccelvo abundant encouragement
throughout tho State, nnd especially at
tho hands of our citizens, for tho rational
study of nature Is a factor of great
importance lu education, and is receiving
marked attonlioii In the schools and col
leges of tho East.
Mow that Russia has declared war and
opened the campaign with Turky.lt ap
pears likely that England, will arouse to
tho memory of n treaty. mado in 1830,
whcroln, Franco Austria and England
united to guarantco the integrity of tho
Ottoman Empire in tho future. It Is
truo that the treaty of Paris, referred to,
which took placo as tho conclusion of
tho war of tho Crimea, has slnco been
repudiated by Russia, but Austria and
England seem to four that, In splto of
his assertions to tho contrary, tho Czar
Is bent on conquest, and wishes to
Includo Constantinople in his dominions.
Whllo It may bo well enough for Eng
land and Austria to Interfere to provcut
tho absorption of Turkey by Rtissialf
that power can achieve the conquest of
Turkey, which Is somewhat problem
aticalIt also seems as If Christian na
tions should hastily unite with Russia In
securing tho rights of the Christian sub
jects of Turkey, evon if only to'bo se
cured by nio aowniau oi tno ottoman
power lu Europe.
One of tho English revlowslntoly pub
lished an account of tho degradations
and miseries endured by tho Christian
subjects of the Porto, which shows that
they till a position of abject servltudej
havo no rights a Moslem need respect;
aro beggard by unjust taxation and op
pression; havo only mockery of Justico
to expect from tho courts, and not only
so but are liable to see their daughters
torn from them to till Turkish harems,
whllo their own lives us well as prop
erty are subject to tho tloreo greet! and
passions of fanatical Moslems, whoso
very religion, as laid down In the Koran,
teaches them that the Christians who
dwell among tlietu aro unworthy of tho
common oftlccss of humanity, Intended
to be spit upon and trampled ou and
made vlotlms of their lust or greed or
Tho article referred to Is thorough nnd
exhaustive lu quoting the proofs of this
state of things, and wtf'mur consider it
beyond a.clou 14 that Mjuix-ulllIoni of
VUicts of i
rtc are vic-
Alirll SAA lllinillnll hnn.
Bucharertdated Monday, says the Rus
? ,Rrer-dvanclng vety slowly. The
-ii i "ESt" at . Grand Duke
JJicbolas i Vin establish liU headquarter
t Jassy toJay, whence they will after
wards be aVauoed to Plotz.
A speclarrom Galatz reports that the
wwage doVi tlm n.nnU I., nn. !,..
Bible owl neb obstructions placed by the
RuMiaus atho mouth of the I'm th.
i .fn'tft!1 -W Tho Russians are
building a Uige over tho Danube here,
lho Czar ls telegraphed tho PrJnco of
Montenegroi"! am ilrmly resolved this
time to reaVe the sacred mission of
Russia and ly predecessor. God will
aid us." V
St. PCTunsAio, April 30.-XotwJth-Inc-Turkev'H
Winn t?uui.. ..-t ..
JliKly neruiitijttttoman aiihwi J tn ?!! opltol,commenolug August g
jjjgij ywwmoman BUiyects to re- continuing la eibsJoafcuray.
Oregon Pioneer Aitociatioii.
The sixth annual reunion of the Oregon
Pioneer Association will beheld on the Stato
fairgrounds June 15th and Ulth. Hon. El
wood Eramr, of Olympia, will deliver the
annual address, which will bo followed by a
plcnlo dinner at 1 r. u. There will be a
grand parade at half-past two o'clock, under
the direction of Hon. K, C. Geer. On the
Mine occasion lion. Stephen StaaUand Hon.
U. Crawford will deliver addresses deacrip
tire of the Immigration of l&tfand 18J2. In
the evening a grand ball will be given lu
the pavllliou. Acamphro will be lighted
at eight o'clock, and short addreesoa will be
mado dcscrlptlvo of the mode ot living,
traveling and condition cf tbo country in tho
early days.
Tho next Annual Stale- Teachers' Institute
III to held in tho Senate chamber in tha
I, 1677, and
-l-LJ .t Wo
leet frnra tho iw per we refer to tho Vol
lowing copy o; tho form of burial, cortlfl
cuto that is given tlierc when a, chris
tian dle, as follows:
"Wo certify to the priest of the church
of Mary that the Impure, putrliled,
stinking carciss of , damned this
day, may bo concealed underground;" to
which Is impended tho oillclai signature
ami date. ThlsalonoKliouldbo sulllelont
to show the Intolerancennd bigotry of the
rurklsh government and .people. It Is
duo to thu interference repeated ihirlui?
a century past, again and again of tho
nations or j.urnpc, classed ns tho most
enlightened and Christian, that their
brother Christians, numbering many
millions iu tho Turkish dominions, are
kept In an abteet and halffnl curvllml..
from which they vainly pray the other
nations of Europe to deliver them, and
falllngof their intercession pray for death
as a relief from unbearable oppression.
No doubt these things are so, and In so far
as Russia proposes to battle for her
brethoren and tecuro them equal
privileges and relief from woes unspeak
able, sho deserves the moral support of
uiuuiinnuiiii wuriu..
There is a unity of race that Impels tho
Russian to aid tho Urouk ChrtN-lmiunr
'iiirKcy, as they form a portion of tho
oinvio race oi wuioii iiussia herself Is
almost entirely composed. It is sug
gested that tliomosthatlsfiictorysolutlon
of tho European question, and onu that
would preserve tho unities to tho best ad
vantage, would bo found In milting tho
Herman population of Austria with tho
German Empire, and forming a great
qiuvju j.mi)iro to iuu eastward, includ
ing tho Slavic provinces of Austria that
border tho Turkish frontior. andTurkoy
In Europe.that Is comiosed largely of tho
Slavic element. Then Europe would bo
balanced with thn Slavic peoples, consist
ing of 00,000.000 souls, in tho Empire of
Russia and tho now Empire to thoSouth;
Germany reaching from tho Baltic to tho
Medlterrauean, and tho Latin nations,
Italy, Franco and Spain to the west
ward. Tins would preserve the unities,
create a natural equilibrium based on
race distinctions, and might be expected
to insure more neaceful relation than
with the Incongruous elements that now
exist lit Southeastern Europe.
It Is a blot ou tho faco of Christendom
that Turkish stupidity, fatalism and
fanaticism exist at nil ou' European soil
and rulo with terror tho Christian peo
ples that compose tho greater portion of
her inhabitants, and It remains to ho
seen if tho nations who boast of such
enlightenment will interfere again to
preserve tho autonomy or Turkey, nnd
not bo satisfied to merely restrain and
control tho Russian idea of conquest and
perwH tho Muscovite to force tho Turk
to grant equal rights to his Christian sub
jects, and, nt tho worst to drlvo tho Otto
man power across the Uosphorus, to occu
py thn lauds of Asia Minor where Its rule
will not soon bo disputed.
Wo adrortiso in this issuo tho freigbs tariff
recontly adopted by ;tho Wlllamolto Trans
portation and Lock Company. Boats will
bo run as far a possiblo up tho rlvor all
through the sutnmor. A Company of such
enterprise is woll worth patronage. Tbo fol-,
lowing resolutions wero adopted by thocom
pany :
WiiF.niiAs, Tho Wlllamolto Transporta.
tlon and Locks Company aro tho owners of
tbo locks and canal at Oregon City, and a
largo number of steamboats and other prop
erty upon tbo Wlllametto rlvor Incidental to
tbo transportation business; and
Whkukah, The managers of tho said Wll
lamotte Transportation and Locks Company
aro fully convinced that tho truo interests of
this company are idontical with tho pro
ducers and shippers of tbo Wlllamotto val
loy, and that they should mutually corpor
ate to dovolop tho resources of tho Stato ;
WiiEnr.AH, Said company having already
ample faollltlea for transporting thn pro
duct of tho Wlllamotte valley nt all tlmos,
(with tho necessary moans to create addi
tional faollltlos If required), nnd bollovlng
that tho producors, nnd tho publlo genorally
are entltlod to an assuranoo on our part that
freight on grain and Hour shipped by said
W. T. iV L. Co.'s boats shall not oxcood cor
tain flxodraton; therefore bo It
Itcsolvod, That for tho period of ono year
from tho 1st day of May, 1877, froluht on
grain and Hour shall not oxcood tho follow
ing ratos, viz i
Hero follows tho tablo of ratos to bo aeon
In our advertising columns.
To the abovo was added a resolution that
grain and Hour shippod through to Astoria
will bo cbargod $1 a ton additional; also,
that 8. G. ltood, Vlco-Presldflnt of tbo Com
pany, bo authorlcod. if partlos desire it, to
enter Into contract with thorn for any speci
fied time not cxcoedlmr tlvo voara. Tbo ob
Joet of this last provision seems to assure a
oontinuanoe or inoaeraio rates or iroigui tor
a long and definite period to such as want to
avail themselves of the opportunity.
Ed. Record: Darlnt April. 1877, there
-re 7 day dariaR waloti rain -Ml. negro-
jmmm MMi,M,iUi
there wwVHrtwe ef rata en ta Mi1:
WH Bet mmcutat to aaifeer In tha rain mu
Tfe mean temperature for the month was
60 00. Ilinheat daily wean temperature for
tho month 01 on tho 25th and ttJ'.h; lowest
dally moan temperature -15 on lUth. Moan
temperature for tbo month nt 3 o'clock p, ,
00.10. Highest Ihermmuotor for tho month
7 at 2 p. m., on the 2tUh; lowest thermom-
etr ;n- at a.m. on tno Kith. Tho prevail,
log winds for tbo month woro from tho
tho north during 1M days ; south 7 days;
IfgbtthundorsboworaUp. ji.on tho 20th.
Fronts occurred on tho 10, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23. 21.
During April, 1870, thoro woro 18 days dur
ins which rain foil giving ft.37 Inches of
watorj -i oioar nays anu cloudy daya other
than those on which rain full. Moan torn
peraturo for tho month, 47.32: iiighost moan
lotcperaturo for tho month, 65 ou tho 28th;
lowot daily mean temperature lor tho
month, 40 on tho 2d.
Eof-Ai May, 1, 1877. T. Pkauci:.
A Good Whoat Sale
Ralph O. Goer sold about 1,600 bushols of
wheat on Monday at fancy flguos, Tho
roads havo boon so bad that tho wheat could
not bo haulod, and this fortuuato delay
u.uuftut mo BUY nil LOU liriCO. 1110 WUOat DO-
longs to him, Cal deer, his son. and Phillip
liowors, bis son-in-law. was sold for f 1 -2
per bushol, with the prlvllogoof any rise bo
tweon this timo and tho llrst of Juno, and
tbo partlos have through tho month of May
to deliver It. Ralph always is iu luck and
has his dish turned right sldo up when It
rains porridge, and this llttlo trade must
make him fool as good as It lately did to fight
tbo Rattle of tho Ablqua ovor again.
Tho somi-monthly lnatlluto of tho Salem
Publlo School toacbera, on tho ovunlng of
tho 30th tilt., was ono of unusual Interest,
Tho subjoct under special consideration , was r
"Composition writing In our Publlo
Schools," Introduced and lod by Mr. 8. A..
To toll nil said by him, on tblssubcot,
would occupy too much spaco; tho basts of
his remarks was, that that especial branch
of publlo school study educated tho powers
of perception, conception, memory, and to
somo oxtont reason, It was hold that somo
syntom of composition writing should bo
commoncod in our lowest school grade, and
kopt up through all sucoosslvo gradoa. Mr.
Randlo thou oxhlbltod specimens of highly
morltorous work from some of his pupils,
tbo class work has shown toprovo his theory
successful in practice.
Tho work shown was that n second grade
clasi, tho samo as tho grmlcd system now In
operation in this city, will In a short timo
produco from a third, or grado of ono year's
study, but which will require n llttlo timo.
Children aro tho better for thinking aonso'
than nonsonso; thoy will think olthor tho
ono or tho other. Under propor gullancn
It Is truly wondorfal to boo tho amount of
work a more child will perform without tho
least Injury to Itself. A yoar gatnod atsohooL
Is as ono more yoar of life to (ho child.
Tosoo thoell'octs.ovon at this oarly stago
of tho ndoptlon of tho graded system, you,
fathers nnd mothors of children, nro Invited
to visit your schools. Tho dawn Is hut be
fore you, nndJnBtoponlug to n full nnd sun
lit dny.
Stnto Superintendent Rowland spoke
brlolly, and strongly in favor of grndod
schools, nnd ndded that ho hopod any and
all persons wore not allowed to say what
studies n particular pupil should pursue.
City Suporlntendont Oregg ndvocatod that It
was tho duty of suporintondants to soo to
tho oourso of study pursued lu country dis
tricts that ono system should bo main
tained. X. X, Stkkvks,
Secretary pro, torn.
rThe AmtMrf4.-43iTi.lM JBiiplli at' this da
kUttitlOH tookplace at 2VM.le-dty.,TbMe
in prciou. iuu iuiiowibk imiie ana ajemie
mon,frlondv of education t Gov. S. F. Chad
wlok, lion. S, C. Simpson, Dr. L. L. Row
laud, Dr. A, M. Dolt, Mis Mario Smith, Mr.
A. Stanton, 1 S. Knight nnd Dr. till,
Tho pupils exhibited great prnflcleuoy In
rammur, geography, arithmetic, etc.
rpuciuiuns oi moir writing
nomn fitioy beud
upus present, turco
East Sbipmestt Marios Ztcmt.
Mr. J.M, Johns writes us from Marlon.
thin date, as follows :
I havo this day shipped the last of Mr.
uubler's wheat, consisting of eleven car
loads of as fine whoat as over was shipped
from Marion. "
lluslness Is looking up in this town. There
will be about six thousand bushels ot oata
shipped from here In a short timo, which
will complete the shipment of era n until
the new crop comes In.
rJVco?ISDy..u orBl!n to bring water
from the Santiam.
Lewis Russell was brought up before Re
corderO.W. Bowie this morning, charged
with stealing a gold watch from tbo oarou
of George Barker. The crime was charged
to have been committed yesterday. The no
cuwd waived an examination aud wa com
mlt d to the County Jail to await the action
of tho grand Jury.
The Philadelphia KvenlngHtar says that
Senator Grayer once taught a elan in ien.
uanshlp" it: Ducks county, iunsylvanla.
The honlery factory at Jefrorson will nm.
monce oeratlons thn coming wk, under
the Hjpervbdou of Mr. Dlauchard from Dal.
la, Oregcn,
woro shown nnd
u.nrLr rlhfltAti,n,iiHlnniiin
femnlos. five malo adult-, and one bright
boy of lifuicn. Two feiualu pupils wero ab
sent. At tho conclusion a brlof nddress was
mado by Gov. Ohadwlck In which ho highly
complemented Mrs. J. Dawnn for thu groat
improvement tho pupils had made during
her brief period or Instruction. Dr. Ii. L.
Rowland madoafow remarks nnd was fol
lowed by Syl. C. Simpson who highly prnls
od tho pupils nnd expressed himself as par
ticularly will ploased becaiuo ho could
soo that tho examination had boon
a fair ono nnd not u parrot renelltlnn
as la too otton tho case in soma of tho so
called exhibitions In schools. Takon alto
gether tho oxamlnntlou was more than bHt,-
isiao.ory to teachers, pupils und visiters.
Gone to Eaitoi-n Oregon.
Hon, John Mlnto left tills afternoon for an
oxtonded trip through Eastern Oregon, a
section of our groat Stnto that ho has not
vlsltodslnco 1811, tho year ho camo to Ore
gon. Ho will, ere his return, visit Umatilla
and Wasco counties mid return to tho valley
through tho Mlulo Iaa. Doing largoly In
Urested inVool growing ho will post him
self in regard to tho growing ot that staple
In tho sootlons he visits. Ills vlowa upon
the country through which ho will pass will
be communicated from timo to timo to tho
oolnmns of tho IUir.v Rkcoho, and his let
ters will be looked for with Intorest..
SlBg-Uar Mishap.
Yesterday, May 1;, Mr. Charles Stewart,
of Mollala Prairie, lost a valuable mare that
had taken a premium at two successive State
Fairs, In the following singular manner t
The animal was attached to a lever in a cap
stan that was being used to raise oak grubs
out of tho ground, whon tbo chain broke
letting tbo levorlly baok with such force as
to break one of tho mare's lefts, Mr, Stow
art ItnmedUtoly shot tho horse, as it would
have boon cruel to havo prolonged lis life.
Thoro will bo n plcnlo given under tho an
splcoaof tbo Patrons of Hukbaudry at the
railroad hildgo, south of Ilarrloburg, on May
10th. Ali granges and members are cordial
ly Invited to meat with UarrUburg Grango
No, 11 ut their hall In Uarrfsburg with their
ret-alla r.t half past nine o'clock a. m. of said
flBDr,- - -.l
laag-h-i v-, SMzM
," v-