Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 27, 1877, Page 8, Image 8

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So much Interest attaches at tho pres
ent tlnio to tho impending war lu East
ern Europe, that our readers will thank
us for reproducing from tho Sacramento
Record-Union a very ablo xovlew of
Russian campaignn against Turkey half
n contury ago, and closing with a grapulo
description of tho condition of tho com
batants at tlio present tlmo and tho dif
ficulties to bo ovcrcomo boforo even tho
Balkan mountains can bo crossed. A
glance at tho mnp,ns tho readorproceeds,
will explain and mako moro Interesting
tho facts stated and tho position nssum
' cd. Tho Balkan rango extends through
tho Centra of Turkey, south of tho
Danubo, reaching from tho Adriatic on
tho West, duo eastward to tho Black Sea,
n formidable barrier, whoso passes aro
utrongly fortified and will be easily and
stubbornly defended.
Undoubtedly tho most favorablo con
ditions under which Russia' over made
war upon Turkoy occurcd In 1827. For
novcn years tho l'orto had been engaged
in a vain attempt to suppress tho Greek
insurrection; tho destruction of tho Jani
zaries hndntonco enfeebled tho army and
raised up intenso bitterness against the
Sultan: and thobuttloof Navarluo had
annihilated tho Turkish fleet. Tho war
was carried on In Asia and Europo sim
ultaneously, and tho Asiatlo campaigns,
conducted by Prlnco Paskicvltcli, was
minently successful. It Is, howovcr,
tho European campaign of General Dlo
hltsch, that wo must follow, and it will
bo seen that what has boon so much talk
cd of lately, tho occupation "of Bulgaria"
had novor been n holiday business. The
Unit campaign of Dloblcsch found nnd
loft him on tho lino of tho Danube.
Varna and Scliumla had been Invested,
nnd two smaller frontier fortresses had
fallen, but though tho Russians had
crossed tho Danubo with 1 58,000 men
found It Impossible that year to oven at
tempt tho passage of tho Balkan moun
tains. J fuot llio campaign of that year
was practically n failure. Tho Turkish
light horse then proved itself fur moro
than a match for the Russian cavalry,
while tho defenso of Intrenched positions
by tho Ottoman was, ns It lias alwayH
been, peculiarly stubborn and desperate.
Ju tin? following year a still larger Rus
sian army took tho Meld, and Varna was
surrendered early In tho campaign,
through tho treachery of Jessuf Bacha. j
Tho Infatuation of tun Turks prepared
mo way lor iiti-incr JUissinn successes.
BoIIovIiik Scliumla (o bo tho objective
point of thnrampnign, they actually left,
tho passes of tho Balkan with a guard of
only tliren thousand men, and Dlcbltsch
Was not slow to avail himself of this
blunder. Jly adroit maneuvering be
tween Varna and Schumla, ho succcded
in convincing tho Capitan l'acha that ho
was massing his forces in front of tho
latter place, and tints kept nearly the
Whole Turkish army ponncd up there.
and theso enterprises will demand prob
ably 100,000 men. Then comes tho pas
sago of the Balkan, provided tho Hus
sions over got so far, which is by no
means certain; and oven if tho passes
should bo forced tho necessity of guard
ing them for retreat would demand
another considerable division of the
army. A forco compelled thus to weaken
itself at ovorv forward movement would
clearly bo in no condition to prosccuto a
great enterprise at tho end, and if such
an expedition succeeded in reaching
Aurianoplc, tlio -objective point oi tne
war tho possession of Constantinople
would bo as far oir as over. But It was
with tho. aid of her fleet that Russia
roached Adrlanoplo In 1828; nnd sho has
no fleet now. It is truo that sho posses
ses a moro formidable forco; that her
troops aro better armed, disciplined,
equipped, and perhaps commanded; that
sho has nn artillery against which tho
feoblo defenses of iltty years ago aro vain;
and that sho has tho experience of her
former attempts to guldo her. But not
withstanding all theso considerations tho
war must bo fought upon tho satno old
ground, nnd tho samo topographical dlill
cultlcsmust bo encountered; whllo thcro
is no reason to suspect mat mo nussian
army of ip-day will escapo tho diseases
which always decimate combatants In
that insalubrious valley of tho Danube,
and which so wcakoncd tho forco of
DIebltsoh that though ho crossed tho
Danubo with 158,000 men ho only took
80,000 back Into Wallachla -to winter
The Pioneer of Ywemite.
whllo ho dispatched thlrtv thousand men
to forco tho Balkan. Tho stratagem was
completolysuccesdul. Tho Balkan guard
was itauked u'ld routed with case. Aclri-
nuoplo fell without a blow, and tho
Turks, who only had 23,000 men botweon
Constantinople and tlio enemy, woro at
Inst half pursuuded and frightened Into
stipulating for peaco. Tlio Treaty of Ad
rlanoplo was tho result, and It was not
hlgued too quickly lor tho safoty of Dlo
bltschjfor whllo ho lay at Adrlanoplo
with less than 15,000 inou, lmvlng, dis
tributed his forces ovor tho country, tho
Pasha of Hcodra suddenly appeared with
ti'i.OOO fresh men, and declared ills inten
tion of putting astopto tho negotiations.
But ho cnino too late, rIiico tho treaty
had been already signed. .That was tho
end of tho most Miccossful war Rusnla
lias ovcrwagcdngaliistTurkey. Adrian
nplo was I hen reached, It Is true,
hut It could not huvo bectihold: tho Rns
hIkiih could not havo advanced any fur
ther; and if peace had not been made
there It is certain that u disastrous re
treat would huvo bow unavoidable. In
nun war. moreover, juissiu iiciu com
mand of tho UlaekSen, u condition tho
Importance of which cannot bo overes
timated. Sho transported largo bodies
of troops by ocean, thus avoiding the
douly and peril of marches aorows nn ex
ceedingly dlllloult country, lfor ships
jimu rumen supplies mr mo nriny, anil
throughout ills march to Adrlanople,
Dlcbltscli may bo said to huvo rested
upon tho lleet nsu base.
Now lot us H'o how tho past and pres
ent conditions compare.- Inlhoilrstpluoo
wo llud that tho relations of tho two
countries In regard to tho Ulaek Sou' aro
reversed. Turkey holds It uow, possess
ing u splendid and thoroughly equipped
lleet ot Iroiieladtf, aiidRusslahasiiothliig
to dispute piomlneneo with them. It is
tho opinion of no less n strategist than
on luoiuxo mat no juissinu army could
ovorreach Constantinople unlesw It had
full command of tho Blade Sea portH,
nnd other eminent military critics havo
oxpressed similar views. Iloio, then, U
a very serious druwback to tlio Russian
prospeow anno outset, in 1827 Turkey
Wo clip from alios ton papor tbo following
rolatlvo to tho first sott lor In tho Yosouilto
Valloy, California, Mr. J. O. Lamon ; n
brothor of Mrs. J. II. and Mrs. I. It. Moores,
of this city, MBny of our roadors will ro
motnbor Mr. Lnmon's visit to this elty throo
yours slnco, and will rocall with ploasuro
tholr romotnbrauco of his gonial mannors
and ploasant faco. Ills slstors had not soon
him nt tho tlmo of his visit for 35 voars.
JIo dlou suddonly, a nbort tlmonrtor his re
turn to California from his Salom visit.
Ho was a doar, kind, slmplo-hoartod man!
I cannot bollovo that ho had an onomy in
tho wbolo wldo world.
Olio Juno day last smmnor our llttlo
party dtamouutod from tholr horsos at tho
toll-houso noar Roglstor Rcok. Ah wo
throo forlorn-lookluir fomalos sauntorod In
to tho room, thoro roso up from his soat by
tho 11 ro a tail, straight, looso-Jolntod man,
nnii Kr"-''1"" "" i"iu ueuru, a spnrKling,
ploannnt oyo, and a frlondly faco, ovory lino
of which bospoko us wolcomo.
"This Is Mr. hnnion, tho ploncor of Yoso
mlto," said our guldo, and wo all shook
hands, with that indellnito fooling of friond-
iiiiuhh wo noiiioiiinoi leoi in grooting strun
gors, as though wo had boon intimate frlonds
hi sonio othor world, and woro now rejolcod
to moot again in this.
no was a wayraror llko oursolros, and had
meats, bat said that ho would rather push
on: that ho was a minor, and bad taken tho
valloy In on his way back to Mariposa, be
canso it was his last chanco to coo It. IIo was
going "homo," "way down East," to see his
wlfo and chickens. Un had made his Pllo.
ho said; it wasn't vory big, but it was big
enough for him. IIo was satis flod,
Mr. Lamon suggested Indiana, ho had
seon a lot skulking about a day or two be
fore, but tho inlnor laughed, and pointed to
his shot-gun, and pullotl out his pistol, and
nskod If ho ovor saw an Indian that wasn't a
cowara 7
Then tho plonoor spoko of a doop snow,
and tho nlaht that hml nrnnt Into tho valloy
already: but tho miner said ho know tho
trail well, and thoro was a good moon, and
ho had no fear, so he bado his ontertalner
good-by and 'trudgod 'away cheerfully
That night It snowod, nndthonoxt day
and tho next night; but tho day after that
tho sun camo out and shone brightly all day.
As dusk camo on, Mr Lamon hoard sounds
llko human voices, and tho tramping of foot,
nun truuu no vem out no couiu nnrcny oe
lloyo his oyos, for thoro woro five or six mon
coming up towords his cabin. When thoy
saw him thoy began to cheer, and whon
thoy cauiO Un thov Hhnnlc him hv thn hnncl.
nud tears fairly camo Into tholr oyos, in Joy
at finding him allvo.
Spino Indians, woll known In Mariposa,
had cpmo Into tho town tho day before, nav
lng plonty of gold-dust, and a silver watch,
and a pistol and shot-gun, for tho possession
of which thoy woro unable to account sat
sfactorlly. As 'his friends In Mariposa
knew that tho lonely settlor In Yosomlto had
all these articles, thoy roared that ho had
boon murderod by the treachorous Indians
and first placing them in jail, thoy had or-
KanKOU a nartV anil fllArta.l thn nnrl mnrn.
log in soarch of him, battling tholr way as
best thoy might ovor tho snow-covorod
Ono of tho imprisoned Indians aftorwards
acknOWlodtTOd that thnv lia.l wnwlnlil nnrl
jnurdprod tho lonoly minor, who "had mado
We0' TRnd was Kolng homo;" "and."
m mi, linmuu, wuu sjmpio patuos, "no
did go homo, poor follow. I found his body
tho next summor whon tho 3now had meltod
off, and dug a gravo myself and burlod him.
.No ono over know his namo."
I could recall .many moro of his storlos,
but thoy Boom llko husks now that tho
quaint, unalToctod manner, tho pleasant
volco.and tho ovor-chauglng couutonauco
Will luiaaiut
It was not all Yosomlto lore, for ho had
-...... ,nhu,. 11BV1UK KU11U IU II1U
Loiio Star Stato from Virginia whon a boy of
olghtoon, and in hlH memory was stored
many a thrilling Incldont of tho war on tho
Moxlcan bordor.
"You orpa child of naturo, Mr. Lamon,"
said ono of our party to him, at tho conclu
slou of tho prottlostlovo-story that was ovor
lienril or Imaclnmi. Tntinn.i n i ,-nniin.i
s"ly "I'm no child; I'm llfty-slx yoars
Kccoiiimcndcd by the highest authority for tho euro of
DNTervous Co m. plaints
Fains and Aches of all Kinds. .
For Salo "toy-
"W,ll Paper,
State Street, .... Salem, Oregon,
to 20o por pound. Those who woro In hasto
to sell last year could hayo dono bolter a
llttlo later, nnd It will bo safo to take It
lolsurely this year, nnd not soil too hastily.
There will bo llttlo wool In market for n
month yet, and tho markot may show bottor
figures by tho tlmo tho clip Is ready for salo.
We shall givo all tho Information at hand in
tho meantime for tho wool rocolpts will bo
an Important ltom in our spring flnancos.
European Groin Market.
had nrnotlcallv nn nrmv. Tlmt. vnr uh..
could only mit tio.ooo dlseltiiiiiPii mmw
in tlio iutienclied camp at Bohumln,
whllo Bussla began tho war with IBS,
IKK) men. At prosont tho l'orto lias 150,
CKHlmenou tho lino of tho Danube. 50,-
, Wl) dofondlnj.' tho passes of tho Balkan,
and 1(,IXK) or 150,000 in resorvo, while
tho ionerJptlon lists call for 300,000
woro lu ait emorgoney. Allowing that
-oniy one-rourtii or tliem can bo consld
ml disciplliied troops, it Is evident that
Turkey's power of resistant Is much
creator than it was liulf n century ago.
.Moreover, her truops ro nruioiF wRh
ropeutlug rWes. many of American
iuukp, ami uve ueiu parks aro IUIchI with
lv'W . Tho lino of fortivssos
uhlch defend and domlnato tlio Danubo
huvo all, been strciigthoueil slnco tlio last
varof 1851. and tlio defeusn nt Hlllatrin
nt thut tlmo showed that tho capture of
tlicbo trutoBlo polutti Involves serious
work. Turlu'y, again, has a flotilla of
uuiiooais on mo jjanuun, winch may rou
Ior tho passaj;o of tho river a dlllloult
undertaking, and ns tho Danublan forts
must bo taken, or tho Uiwsla'icomtminl
tuitions bo osiwsed, tho army of the lat
ter will havo to supply detachments for
tills purpose. Thut accomplished,
fccluiroln must bo InvcBtcd, mul Ycrna
stoppod torostou his way to "Snow's;" so
wo iirosseu mm io wan until our party had
nlso rostod, and thon go on wltn us,
Ah wo sat around tho roarlmr flro. moirln.
tor Hock Is n cool, damp placo oven In tho
mlddlo of Juno,) wo hoard muoh Yosomlto
loro told with tho ploasantost volco and lu
tho qualntost way in tho world,
Un flriil. unlilnil tlinrn tin Inl.l no In icen
whon ho built tho old loir cabin which Ntnt
stands llko a monumont of his lonoly llfo,
althoiiKh no longor occuplod as n roaldonco.
At that time visitors to tho valloy wero
fdv, and thoro was no ono to dlaputo him
whon ho stakod out his claim, planted his
orchard, aud cultivated his llttlo gardon.
For live winters ho lived thero nlono, novor
soolnga human raco othor than thoio of tho
Inillttus, nnd ovon thoso ho aaw rarely
ououRh to make him look upon thorn with
delight; and ono must havo indeed longod
for human companionship boforo thoso
hldoous caricatures of "a man nnd u brothor"
could bo pleasant to tho oyos. Thoy aro as
stupid and childish as thoy aro ugly, and It
Is only by paying thorn lloorally that thoy
can bo fuducod to sit for a nlcturo. Thnv
bollovo that ovory portrait Is a vorltablo part
or thotimolvoH, nnd Hint llfo Is thoroby short
onod a coiiHldorablosptiti,
In nddltlon to othor pocullarltlos, thoy
nro tho most unabashed nnd uublushlng
thlovoi In tho world, and as bofrgurs havo
no rivals, whllo trouohory nnd inurdor sit ns
llahtly upon tholr coiiboloiicos as down unon
Mr. Lamon know thorn woll, und had
nianyasiory to toll Illustrntlvo of tholr
Ono day as ho was rodinilng from n day'n
hunt, shot-gun In hand nnd.fat voulson on
his shoulder, ho mot a stalwart rod mnn and
his eqnaw, nnd tho latter staggorlnc nlonc
with K hoiivy baskot.
Tho snow lay thlok ipon tho ground, nnd
nil his wlntor's stock of Hour hnd boon
toll lu his miKiiardod custlo. so It holmovn.i
tho plonoor to bo somowhnt suspicious,
ogres-i from tho valloy boiug Imposslbloisave
iiihui suow-hhoos.
lho stalwart rod man was about to pass
him by with a grull grunt, but Mr. Lamon
stopped him and said, with u slKuhlcant
gosturoattho lingo baskot, "What Kiuaw
"Nothing," was tho rod mnn's unblush-
mg repiy, us no nuomptoil to strlito past.
'said our iViond. shlfllnc IiIh Khnt.
gun hi n wny thut causod tho cautions red
iiiiiu to iuuo.
What squaw got?"
l-'lsh," was tho rospouto. "Mo catctM
"Oo by my housot" was tho noxt nuostlon.
Tho rwl mnn Indignantly donled having
boon uoar his house, cousldorlug tho quos
tlon us Mynonymous with an Recusation of
Tho ploueor askod moro questions with
tho design of ontrapplug his frlond Into
making somo damaging ndml&slon, but
without ottoot; the rod man goMloulntoil, nnd
grow mora nnd moro indUmant ovorv mo-
mont, whllo the quaw shook her head and
said, ;No, no." 1-Tually tho plonoor said,
"Well, inn look." '
The red man would havo obleoted, ami
save vent to many romarks expreaslvs of
his Indlxnaut vlrtuo. but the shot-gun held
him in eheek, nnd when the cover was lifted,
lo, tho great basket was full to the brim with
ThOU tho 10(1 mail nalthnr hlnhil nn,
faltorod, but said, a-riiming,
"ou no bustnew leave door unlocked."
"Aud what did you dor" we naked,
"Ou, I gave them half of it, and took tbo
other half homo. I thought I could get
along," said ho.
Anothor story was more tragic.
One day toward dusk, in the depth of
whiter, a solitary white mau past! Mr.
i.muuii a enuni, lie nan uoi seen even nn
ludliui for ovor two mouths, und we can
Kuosa how cordially to wont out nud greoted
hlni, nnd hospitably ur?d hhu to tUy ovor
nlL'lit in his humblo homo.
The mau camo nnd retitcii for n few mo-
Wo Saw II! Ill limnv. nunn Mmnu .n,, tl.nt
hrst day; on tho banks of tho rlvor, nt tho
NovAdal alls, and In his cabin, whoro ho
PnV0 !!s R wo'como worthy on old-tlmo
j.iiuv wior. uo iook us through his garilon,
bownlling that rlpo strawborrlos woro so fowl
and took us Into his "nnplo-houso," sweot
scontodwlth hay and fruit. Ishnll novor
lorKot "is insimioiis caro In solectlng applos
for tlit ladies," nor hbfhearty laugh whon
our "Vlolot" modostly Inquired why ho did
not havo a "Lnmon-ndo" to sweoton llfo"
We i artorwards saw him many times in
tho city, whoro ho scorned to droop, llko a
wild-wood flowor in tho dusty town. Ho
had rocolved tho amount of his claim from
tllO inttAmlfn Pnlnmtculnnni. ...! .....
naratlvoly wealthy, but mllllous could not
havo spoiled him.
uo visltoa Oregon to soo bin sIMors, from
whom ho had parted thlrty-flvoyonrs boforo.
ami camo back so full of delight with thorn
ana tholr children, and of hnpplnoss gonor
nlly, tkBt tho sourest heart must havo boon
glad to fceo him.
IIo had Just sottlod up his business, nro
paratory to n visit to his boyhood's homo lu
v rglnla Inst May, whon ho was taken sick
with pnoumonla, and, nltor an Ulnoss ofn
fow days, ho dlod.
Thoy hurloil hlin appropriately at tho foot
of tho beautirul Yosomlto Full, In that won-
nWi'I v!li,loy' wtl,080 Klori' uml Krandour,
nnd loveliness, nnd pcaco has left Its boautl'
fill Impress ou his soul,
Improvinp; tho Tlmo.
Tho pooplo hi lho viclulty of Brush Col
logo nro Improving tho tlmo ns It pusses. On
Tuosdny evening of this wook tho Literary
S",'0'?: JW& ..i' Wfday, Srqlllng
T.V.. -' o . , i""JuV uieeung on Tiiurs
day; onaatuiduy ovonlng, Slnttlng pchooi;
"? ?n s!u,BJ'i ""'"y School, nt 10 nnd !1
.Vloe , ,ri, t,0.l1 Touiplara moot on ovory
other 1- rlday . Isoxt regular meotlng on tho
dfty "f M"y Waysioi:.
Ornci: Giiaxii Skc'v It. W. a. L. Om:oo., 1
Om:nojf Citv, Api 11 17, 1S77. )
To nil Subordlnnto Lodgos, I.O.O.F.:
vou nro haroby uotlilod that I hnvo mado
KiiniiKuiiiauut wiwi mo various rallroaue.
stoamlonts nnd stagos to convoy ropresontn'
rfsi'u Ma;,.n,,xt ftt Portland, for half
faro. Thoy will bo required to pay full faro
going, and will return on cortltlcJtes from
tho Grand Secretary. Fall not In cottlni;
certificates. Fraternally, oto bl"fe
J. M. meox, Ornnd Sco'y.
Ono of tho most popular platfbrm swnkors
Is tho car-drlver who tolls his miilo to hurry
London, April 21. Mark Lane Express
says aerlcultural advlcos aro still unfavora-
UIh bAart Im ,lti 9mrrmfBn f nnwlnr .il..t
which is already tediously protracted and
has beon carriod on moro or loss desultory.
Tho soddon condition of tho soil rondors it
almost Impossiblo to sow barloy, and farm
ers aro anxiously waiting dry wonthor In tho
low lands of Scotland, and farm work Is fair
ly ndvnncod but In tho north sowing has
boon Btoppod by continued falls of rain and
snow. Winter wheat mado sliuht progress,
and suppllos hnvo boon vnry light at tho
country markots, nnd farmors havo shown
llttlo disposition to soil tholr wheat excopt at
extravagant nrlcoa, as OS shillings for whlto,
CO for rod. Tho provincial trade has boon
oxoitodand prices Irregular, undor tho prov
alenco of political oxnltomont, but whoro
sales woro mado prices havo ndvnncod 3 or -1
shillings. Imports of wheat Into London
eontinuo moderate, arrivals from Amorlcn
bolng still Inslgnlllcnnt. In tho nbsouco of
moro doflnlto wnrliko nows, tho oxcltomont
In tho grain trndo nt Mark Lnno docrcasod
slnco Monday nnd our markot is moro sub
dued. Prices havo not, howovor, doclluod,
nnd tho prosont attltudo is ono of oagor at
tention. Honvy Insusanco Is bolng effectod
to covor loss or profit arising from tho wnr
prohibition of export from Russian ports,
with small suppllos immediately avallablo
and dally diminishing stocks. A portion of
trado scorns critical, ns froo Importation from
Russia was boforo rnroly needed so much ns
nt presout.
Tho Local Froduco Market'
Hero In Snlom tbo Salom mills nnd Mr.
Horron each offor $1.25 por bushol for whoat,
nnd tho lattor Is giving CO cts per bushel for
oats. Hay Is dull, soiling nt Wnlts' food
sioro lor (flo por ton, nnd will bo less whon
No. 7ft Front Street,
Wakelee's Bath for Sheep,
Cresylio Sheep Dip,.
Carbolic Sheep Dip,.
Corrosive Sublimate, Arsenic,
Sulpli, Zinc, Carbolic Acid, Ac,
The Prevention and Cure
of Scab, etc.
Gopher & Squirrel Killer.
Country OrilorN Kollcltctl.
rnoMi'T dispatch op goods.
iuo roans nuprovo nua spring work Is dono.
Potatoes nro nbundnnt nt 30 conts; apples
scarco nt CO cts: buttor 20 to 25 cts net i(. nr
Why Is n hon Iiiuuortal?
novor sots.
Modorn mot hod or tlylug ibr lovo.-Tnrn.
Ing red hair into black.
Whoat, Oata, aud Woof.
Thn wheat market has boou qulto excited
In KnKlnnd, and prlocs havo udrnnced initil,
in rospoubo to tho Influence ou tho flMlfornla
markot, wo llud that Saloin Mills nnd W. J.
Herreu nro oflorlnff JI.25 norbushBl hrin
9lem. Tho domnud nt home la all that Or
egou can supply with what ahort stooka aro
now in the couutry, and there are many roa
sons why we may expect an noUve demand
nnd high price as soon as harvest Is over.
Even with uo war in Euron whit m
urely brlog a atr price, and timet war la al
ready declared we cannot eaeape tho convic
tion that price will be austalned. Th n.
ttreoforopa In California will throw abun
daat tonnage our way, and cheap freights
will add to the certainty of good prices.
OaU are in demand at Portland at 70 cents
per bushel, and W. J. Uerreu Informs us
wia uo u reauy to pay CO cents for good oats
in ain. u,ja is more than was nutlet
pated, but the shnrp advance In breadstuff
seems to.'carry ail grain upward.
Tho WOOl lliarkrtt rMinL. Un... n.... i...
year, for parties aro ready t? engagoatlSo
fresh rollsi oggs 10 to 18 cts pcrdozon. This
snms up tnoohlot nrticlos of produco of In
terest to farmors.
Portland Prodnco Market.
Wo copy tho following from tho Oregonlnn
oT tho 25th :
Whont Tho market Is vory qulot nud nv
eraRO quotations f:2 s:o por cental.
Flour Host brands $7 00 por bbl.:
outsldo nnd couutry brands, 80 2oa0.50: tlno
nnd suporllno, f5 25n3 50.
a Ilay-Cholco timothy, balod, ?15.al0j looso
Oats Host. 70o common. (Oaffili.
lJacou Sides llnl2o hnms, lUaHc; shoul
dors, ho.
Lard Orocou-inndo. frosh. In tine. mve
pr lb; In kogs, llal'Jo.
Chlckona ?2 GOaS 3 CO por dozou.
inittor-22a3.'5o; Choose, ISalOo.
Kgcs-lS to 20o pr doz.
Potatoos 23 to oOc.
Knn l'rnuclhco IHnrlici.
toy TrLeonArii.
Ssn l'rancifco, April 2).
Wheat Liverpool price iinchaneetl, but In Now
York and Chlesso thcro Is a wculj Icellnft In the mar
ket. Shipping here quotable at ii BOa 2!5; mllllnc. 2
0t-t- 00O.3 30.
Uarlcy-Drcwlnc, Jl foajl S3; fowl, ft 72tfa$l 73.
I?K1 Tender,' PI buyhif; 03, tclllnj:.
LlTcrpool heat market to-day-llg 8dai2!i for
avcrago California! 12 t2 8d for Club.
Gopher and Squirrel-Killer.
Snfer, Better, and Glienper tlitim
Stryclinlue, PliONphoruN, Ar
nciiIc, or oilier prepara
tions nn a Mingle trlul
'M convince.
Wholesale Druggists,
No. 75 Front nnd 70 First St.. POU1X.1ND.
Administration Salo oi Land.
BY order or tho Comity Court of Mnrlou county,
MMo of Oregon, mndo April 1 lih, it,n, I will tv
FnV1. . .!c.".c,.," J'iV foUuwInc real property, l.clomj.
lug to tlio otate of Drurv 8. Staytou, dl-ccacd : The
X half of Lou 3 and tl fn nioek -I, having a bVrn
sb nf ?hi If1,?0' " bll.nuK SO feet W. ami 00 reel
;...? N; iV eomn, .ot w'cr n,ld Third Street In
0J.0??..ofJ?'ay,.on.'hcncoS.48feet, ihenco 7Jdes.
yuuiiu. ".wicci, mcnco.BJdeg. 83 mlu. W. 123
i'.H1!11"- m ft:ct ,0 l)ll,co of beginning. In tracti
i?-nif ?SIcli",?r': if' ?- "t 6 feet wldo on tho S.
MS,J:..fCiC,.vi,IoSnJne.N'.Wo of h0 Mulfcej block
fnVnV. vf; .k ' V. .? "emnninR ro reel B. of tho N. K,
fK55Hr,fM?,k.tGl0CK ln b,)'ton afrealu
fee ? ?h.,n!?.fcS, V!0-. fet. thecco W. 153
mm..nil I " i"Jj " "" ivvl ao "
VW.MV. .'. ..IITII
incncoi. Hi
ditch 1G3 feet,
Place of beglnuln:
toinnkoYoiiliniiyl Tho"I.nity."nneitlanre.
cxtia uarlv, WHITE URAl'i; Unnvn. Ripen mlddlir
of Attgiut. Hardy, healthy, productivo and overt
wjicrq rcuuoic, Mino year tctteu. and atmruv.
cd by lho bot HortlculturUt In'tbo Union.
year plant $1. 60 lnglo; I3 dox.; $100 per 1W.
".. ri"an. ""Sie, cajiioz.j 5ij per 100. pro
lwl(1iJ'y mal'or nref. circular nnd prlcollit of
OO Vurlctloa or firniira free.
GEO W. UA.MI'11ILL. Dclavfaro. Ohio.
IIiillai'tl, lULui'lon Co.,
lmtr.DCB or
iiil 0l hi's 5D "B W K E. ef tho 8. W.
'JJ-V ?ni 3d b"el InStajton aforeoald,
P. feet, thenco np tho W. Xv. Mfg. Co.'
ee , ihcnce 8. 21 tost, thenco V. ICO feet to
on tho 8. ,fa nfVh ',:;..., HZ' '"' ' '."L"
lo?atloZ!lSiJ0.Cyo',' ? hop.th'eT.mo bcln
J?I?ll??? .r. water.ivjwcr. aiut runnings, about 3
ir. ,u.tT:,."B80Iec.i'ndl3; Lot No. 8. atrln
?M o W.Wt?, 'm, foet. B. blngon tho
5ft,vSi9i,.lcktandMPN't re.ldcnce In
if5hl UiiR,?.'?'nP49? ft E. of the S.E. corner
Suit nlkly blcf k ,h0DCO s- 1-M feet to bank of
th!&.nvd,',,,5h,' 'nrnln then to beginning point:
M,Vh.en.t0 R y fec, thece 8. 80 dep. ! mln. K.
mcamlerlnittho btajton ditch, to tho S.end of the
mt'.,!ni ' . ai M,a dl,ch! conuinlng 3.73 acre,
moro or le, to bo sold In tract to nlt pnrcbaer,
and tho water-iiower tract will bo told with ilirht
S,i.,cr f W inch under a two foot head, or other,
wlw at may bo agreed on at thatalc. Said landfall
.,. n. "' Jolnlng. tho town of Stayton. In Slarlon
ou'",y. Orewon, and 111 be old on oATCRDAY tho
IVlU U4Y Of MAY. 1.S?T nnnti tlmncml... faviwil.l intn
ono thirjldoniioue third lu threo month; and tho'
mner third luiix months: pajment of note secured
v uivngago on mo premtee purcnated.
tsw iv 111 coaimenco at 11 a. ra.on ald day,
r-W) 1
t W t . IrtXT
AJwUilJlratpr'of eaid Estate,
Shorthorn & Devon Cattle,
XAfslvt I3riuiinli Cliiclcciis.
Young Stook lor Salo.
rig at tho farm, 3. and ihlppcrt for $0. Light
llramnh chicken: $1.30 each, thlpped, or 1 for threo.
FRESH EGGS, carefully packed nnd shipped, tl.tO
ner dozen. I have tried reveral of tlio non.altlern.
and tlnd tho Light Dramaht equal to them forces',
and far better for tho table. O. DIMICK.
uaK uravo diock rarm. .tiarcn V, 1817.
Executor's Notioe.
NOTICE 1 heroby given thatthe undersigned, pnr
mant to tbo laet will and tettament of Jo cpn It.
Hnbbard,deceaed, which wa dnly proved and ad
mitted to record by tho County Court of tho county or
Marlon, In tho Stato of Oregon, en tho 3th day of
April, A.ivjOTr, was ny rniu court uuiy commiaiioned
a executor of taid lat will ami testament. And all
pcreos having claim agalnit tbo citato of laid de
ccated are .required taprettm the tamo to tho under
signed at hi reeldence, In tali county, for allowance,
with lho propei voucher, within fix months front
tbs dato hereof THOMAS C. UUDDARD,
Dated April 2, l7w Executor.
In tbo County Court of tbo Stato of Oregon for tho
county of Marlon. In the matter of tho Guardian
ship of Gcorgo Farker, a minor,
IT appcarlna to the Court, from the petition this
day presented and filed by J. W, Tbornbnry, guar
dian ot the person and estate of George I'arker, mi
nor, to be necessary that the land of said minor de
scribed as follows, to wit: tho one undivided one-sixth ,
of the Donatlou Land-claim of Henry Martin and
wire, ln Sections , 10, and 11, In T. 8 K., H. 0 YV of
Willamette Meridian, according to the plat and larrcy
or the United States returned to the office of the Sur
veyor General of Oregen: ald lntcret being all the
ncht of the said George Parker a one of the heir or
William Farker, deceased. In tatd premlaes, dtnate lu
Clatsop county. Oregon: should be (old; It 1 hereby
ordered thatthe next of kin of fald. minor, and all
pcrfou interested In said estate, appear beforo this
court on the 4th day of June. 1S77, at one o'clock In
tho ancrnoon of raid day, at the conrthoatc In the
city of Salem, In Marlon county, Oregon, then and
thero to show caute why a llccnso should not bo grant
ed said guardian for the rale or tbo above-described
land, and that service or this order bi made on all
parties interested in ald csUtc, by publication In tbo
illamette FiUMKit. a nowspapcrof general circu
lation, publUhed weekly in Mid Marlon county.
Dated this Uth day or April, 167T.
vf J. C, rEEJDLES, Connty JndC.
? 4 '4ft-A.fJV
t ff
if.n ii yi
ii ,-J.
fl '
.: .s Xiiti..,, jfit
.,'7'"""' ' '." "' '" '" """ '" ' 'i' " " " "i -"-(-- n:inm-' cmj iomnmtuuxMiUMUJUiiii