Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 27, 1877, Page 7, Image 7

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'f "W
TrE 4ortE Giggle.
Conductor by MIm Uatiie H. Claiike.
A wondor-workor all night long
Hag wrought bis task for mo:
Now, by the cold ami distant dawn,
HIh nilraolos I see;
Ills graving on the window patio,
Of maglo tracery.
Iloro lifts an Alplno summit, stoop
As Is tbo lioavonly stair, 'C
A way-aide cross bolow tho path,
But not a pilgrim there;
Mo sad faoo of humanity.
No agony of prayer.
And hero, before a lonoly lako,
A frlngoof roods and fern;
Across tho wator'a orystal chill
No dying sunsots bum.
You hoar not on that rushy shore
Tho call of drakoor torn.
Xlorollos a crowd of brokon boughs,
A windfall lu tho woods;
Sotno wild and wandorlng hurrlcauo
Uath wrockod those Rollludo3j
Duton that tanglod dreariness
No living step Intrudos.
And horo Is Arctlo waito and woo; '
A irlaclor'ti mighty face,
Malostlo In-its Hwful inarch,
. Slow soaward from Its place
nouaath that fiown of solemn doalli
TliorollvOH no human Imco.
Hut slowly from thojoyful Kist
ArcoiiJh tho dawning nun;
Before his look of llglit and llfo
Tho maglo lu undone;
Tho graceful plcturos on tho pauo
All vanish, 6no by ono.
Alast jiiust nil tho songa I sing,
Tho trncorlos of my brain,
Tho llttlo htoWoH sad ntid glad,
Bo uttorud nil in vain?
And vanish whon tbo maslor comos,
Liko plcttues on the patio?
Or will they, In somo kindly hoart
HomoiubouHl, slug nml Rhino.
For wrought from man's humanity
Not limiting frost aro miuo;
I lovo not.to bo (inlto forgot;
To dlo nud lenvo no slau.
Tho murmur of a waterfall
A mlloiUMiy,
Tho rtwtlo whon n robin Hah Is
Upon a spray,
Tho lapping of a lowland stream
Ou dipping boughs,
Tho soiiud of grazing from a hord
Of goutlo cows,
Tho echo from a wooded hill
Of cuckoo's call,
Tho qutyor through tho moidow-grasi
At evening full :
Too subtlo aro tlioho harmonies
For pon nnd rule,
Huoh liuista is not tiiiderstood
JJy any eobool;
And whon llio brain is overwrought
It bath a spell
.Ueyond all human skill nud pOWwr
To uiako It woll;
Tho mniuory of a kindly word
Kor long gono by,
Tho frngrunco of n fading flower
Sent lovingly.
Tho gloaming of a suddon emtio
Or suddon toar,
Tho warmer procure of, tho hand,
Tho tono of choer,
Tho hush that moans " I cannot spoak',
Itut I havo heard!"
Tho nolo that only boars n vorto
From God's own word:
Suoh tiny thlngo wo hardly count
As ministry:
Thatglvors dunning thoy havo shown
Scant Hympnthy;
But whon tho hecrt Is overwrought,
Ob, who can toll
Tho powor of Huoh tiny things
To make it woll.
Saturday Night.
Ei. IIomkCiucu:: I wondor how
unany housekeepers, besides myself,
.find .Saturday night tho busiest part of
tho wcok? I fancy that most pooplo
consider their weolc's work done, when
ivu Is over and tho dNhcs aro washed
on Saturday night. JJut, nlaS for me,
tired out and discouraged with a long
linrtl day's work, I must now go over,
in grand revlow, all tho labors of tho
wnolc, to sco if thero aro any finishing
stoucli03 to add. Thero aro stockings
todurjinjul many otlior clothes to mondj
in fact, such an array of llttlo tasks to
do, that I havo not tho courage to enu
morato tho half of them. I do not
wrlto this thinking It will Interest any
ono, but for tho enko of ympnthy nml
advice. If nny lady (or gentleman,
either) can toll mo how to do tho work
for n family of six and from two to four
hired men, and to keop It dono and do
it properly and at proper times, I shall
bs very grateful to that lady (or gontlo
imm) nil tho days, of my HTo. When I
somotlmes get out ofpatlonco and ns
sort tlint It Is too much for nny Woman
to do, I am often met with tho roply
that pur mothors used to do It, and spin
nnd weave besides. I only wish I hud
been my mother or grand mother.
Work ns hard us I may, I can never
ilud time to mako any 6f thoso fanciful
little articles which go so far toward
making n- hquso look homo-like nud
'Cheerful. ' I would liko to keep my
hpmeju'nd little onus looking neat and
'.tlllyy but there h always so much work
I am compelled to do, that I can never
.Jlnd Umu for anything else.
ThUHsahlto bo nn ago of progress1
and reform, and I sliould liko to know1
If there, is nny way to got along without J
working solium all tho thno that woi
Jiavo no chance to Improve our minds.
Roan, j
Eugouo City. April 8, 1877.
A homo ruUr a imm') wife,
About Flowers.
lllo ceo, qui quondam orchinH and apples Imve snnc.
i lower Konamqitc cano.
Perhaps not nn exact quotation, but
then it is many a day since I went to
school, and my Virgil is not handv.
1-rom frnlt to llowors is not a lonir ston.
and ho who enjoys tho one, should, by
nn easy trausit, also lovo tho othor.
lioth eoem to Imvo boon given by tho
Good Being gratuitously, ns it wore, as
wo coma live without either. Hut nar-
ticularly have flowers boon given only
wr our pleasure. Tho plauts on which
tho flowers grow do Hot need thoso
wrmmnr unis tnat please tnd'oyo so
mucn, nor that fragrance so grateful to
our nerves, to mature their seeds, for
our most userttl ones, such as wheat,
oats, ac., havo no fine flowers. As God
then has given to us tho flowers oxclit
siuely for our ploasuie, let us onjoy
them. Your invitation to givo some
thing on flowers for the "Homo Circle,"
I comply with gladly, though with
sacrifice at this time of year, hoping
l couiu contribute n llttlo to tho induco
mont to make homo attractive, and
particularly tho homo of the farmer,
whore now wo1 see so little or nothing
of shrub or flower, though I vonturo to
say that in Oregon not a farmer's wife
or daughters can bo found, that would
not gladly culllvafo n rose, snowball,
lilac, peony or lily, and the liko hardy
plants, if tho men would furnish u tae
plnco forja small flower-bed, and it is
one of tho best trainings for children
too. A gentleman tho other day in my
groenhouso remarked that by a law in
England, no butcher can sit ou tho jury.
"For a similar reason," snid ho, "a man
who loves and cultivates flowers sliould
be particulaily adapted thereto."
As you desire, we will say something
about rose, tho queen of flowers, and
tho more to in Oregon, whoro wo can
cultivate out of doors the moro tender
varieties, the Teas, and Bengal or Chi
na, and tho Bourbons, that In tho East
erns States, North of the Potomac, will
not survivo without good protection.
Wo will take thorn by classes:
First, tho Juno rose. It only blooms
once, but is the hardiest or nil. To
theso belong tho running vocs Pralrio
Queen and similar climbing ones, and
Madam Plantier, not a runner, often
used for graves of dear departed ones.
Second, tho hardy garden roses. Tho
Tho best or these aro Lu Tay, General
Washington, La Franco, Giant of Bat
tles, La Keltic, and many more. This
class Itj most grown and bloom at Inter
vals through tho summer. Thorough
pruning away ol" tho vholo stock or
branch of tho old wood (not shortening)
and good manuring will give good re
sults. Theso bloom on last year's
wood. Tho Tea rossos aro tho most
pleasing, and nro really tho monthly or
dally bloomors, and most, not all, ira
fragrant; but unfoitunntoly thoy are
tender, and Winters liko throoyenrs
ago froze most of them, ovon In Port
laud, down to tho ground; but nearly
all started ag.iiu from the roots. Yet
with a llttlo covering over the roots
with coareo manure nud a llttlo flr brush
stucl; around, will In most Winters bo
a faulllciont protection. This class
blooms on young wood, and by shorten
ing tlio branches one-thlid "or hulf, wo
get young .shoots that produce buds
and flowers. As soon ns tho flowers
rade, pick them oft'. Novor lot seed
pods como ou. This inlo holds good
with all over-blooming plants. Tho
objector nnturo Is to produce fruit and
seed, nud by taking away tho dower.-
wo mako hor try again. Our host roses
nro subject to blight, against which sul
phur is u-jed, sprinkled over tho bush
whon dow is on in tho ovoulug. Snuir
is applied against plugs mid rose bugs.
My next will bo on varieties.
H. M.
Woman's Rights
Ed. IIomij Giucm:: I seo you Imvo
omo correspondence against what is
generally known ns woman's rights.
Mrs. Cauliflower hcoms to want;to cur
tail women's rights n little. It Is tho
teachings of tho Grango that women
are equal tomon, nnd. no doubt if thoy
wero to ho denied uny of their rights
In tho grango thoy would not liko It
nnd would say It vas unjust. Accordf
Ing to Mrs. C. It is degrading for wo
men to tako tho h;tfot in hand, only In
soerot, nnd If so, why not thero? Her
first propo-jitio'i Is msuredly inconsist
ent; that tho ballot would degrade wo
man. What elevates woman and has
plncod hor Iji her prosvnt stntion in po-i
clcty? Irf It not education that ban
dono if? viut class of penon U it
that commands respect ? Is it tho low
dawn, or is it tho refined and educntod
that are our equuls?- What mako per.
so?. rwspoelodV Mo.t iifciirudlv if Ig'Ci
Pflllfll lllOnfnl nlilltK. nrl innnl ..nllnr.. i
nn,.ivor. What give men KlJiA
ii is not uioir muacumr 9UnKu that
elovntes them, it is the ballot that is tho
door to full power! No person who is
deprived of tho ballot can bo tho equal
of thoso who havo It, for that is tho
highest badgo of American liberty.
Women nro respected because thoy nro
our equals; it is not because they nro
our inferiors. It Is power that com
mands respect. Where nro M'omon re
spocted the most? Do wo find it nmong
thoso who think thorn inferior to men?
If it is necessary to deprive womon
of powor to mako them respectable,
why not stop educating thorn and keep
thorn out of tho sight of men, that
their modesty may not bo offended and
thoir delicacy respected, so that no ruf
fian have tho chanco to insult them!
This, ofjeourso, would not bo done; but
it is u poor rule that will not work both
ways. This old fogy idea has been
haudod down fiom tho dark ages whon
It was consldored that might was right.
It is thought right for all men to vote.
No mattor whether thoy can read or
write, or how low down, thoy nro all
allowed to chooso tho rulers of our
country. But womon, though they
may be intelligent, nro denied that
privilege. Is thero any roastm why
women should not havo a voico in
chowiug their rulers'.' Thoy are as
amenablo to laws as men. It is tho
teaching of tho day that they arc now
men's equals, and thoy aro allowed to
go to political meetings nud nil other
meetings-, and they are anxiously wait
ing for the time to conic when they
may havo a say us to whether saloons
shall curse our land nny longer or not.
If wo do not want women to believe
they nro our equals, dl-jcnul thorn from
the Grmigo and tho Good Templar's
lodge; curtail their rights and bring
them bade to their former status, for
knowledgo is powor, nud if wo continue
to oducato them, thoy will take the
ballot in hand and become clliens, and
stand side by side with their equnls
and bear their part In tho government.
The children will bo bettor educated
than they nro, ns tho women aro tho
educators or tho children.
I. II.
What Girls Shall Read.
Hi). IIomi: Gihcm:: I Imvo Iwon con
hldoralJy interested from tlmo to time
in reading tho communications on. tho
nbovo heading. Just what glrla should
read at all times would bo hard to tell1
but I think thoy should rend that which
would expand tho mind Intellectually
nnd morally. Ao a rule, thoy Hhoiild
not rend fiction or anything which ex
cites the imagination.
I never saw but tluco or four novels
In my llfo that wero woith anything.
Girls should road something tlint would
prepare them for tho stern duties of
life. I would recommend music, bot
any, anatomy and physiology. They
will havo to tako their mothers' places
soon, nnd they cannot bo too well pre
paied with useful information. Hop
ing to hear more on this subjoct, I
remain, MAinoNPmr.Mfs.
Clackamas, Or.
We aro very glad to fob tho ladles
Icglunlng to tako nn Inteicst In the
"Homo Circle," nud hoio they will
coutiuuo to exchange thoughts ami
opinions through its columns. It Is to
bo hoped that tho cause for complaint
cited by "Koo,"in this Issue, Is nn
exceptional one. It has often boon
faald that if farmers took ns good carq
of thoir wives ns thoy do of thoir fine
stock, thero would bo fewor proninturo
ly old women inlhe-woild. This re
minds us of u toast; given in tho Sorosls
Club, New York City, not long slnco:
"Tho men God bless them; the wo
mon God help thoin."
Llttlo Tim.
Tho boy with tho basket of opplou
was half an hour lnlo yesterday, for tho
flr&t time in hlx mouths, and whon ho
enmo in ho was without his basket, nnd
his eyes wero red and hwoIIoii. He's
been such u tailght square boy that ho
has many friends on this tornor, ai.d
ho was at ouco nsked IT tho bootblacks
had boon cobbing him.
"Nuot that," ho nnhi, " but don't
you romomber that lootio Tim,' who
enmo horonnco in a while with mo'."'
'Llttlo Tim! Yes-ho N your broth
er." Tint's wimt no was. and i wns
breaking him in to soli apples and
mnkdclmngo. Well llttloTIm to dead." i
NoV" ' '
"YoBywhon I woko up atdnyllglft
this morning ho wnw cuddled up tO-mv
back cold.) nnd dendUi'hu Lord took,
him in tho night, hlr,nnd wasn't it aw
ful, sir, that 1 wn't mwakn fo put jny
arms over him and hug hlilUUu head)
upuwlerlnyC-hJn!" .?
"It's too bid-too bad.'? . '
" It' awful jiti us nll.ftlr. Futljnr's
siltNg In the tloiner,crying liko u child; I
moilii;i'ii uoopliigiuid walling, uiid'Ulo
ohlldren 'tro smoothing llttlo Tlm'h
oiiiIh and culling on him. to wake nn!
iMi'-i why 1 haven't liiiaiirht tho ii-
(o bury leotle Tim, we hav
don't seo how wo can over gather
around tho Btovo again of nn owning
and ho lying in tho grnvoynrdl I'm
big, sir, but I enn't liolp crying, ami
father can't help but cry, nnd 1 wish
I !" .
And mny tho Lord sent llttlo Tim nt
ids right hand nnd glvo him n crown or
A Maiden speech. Yes. -
"Tho sunshino of sweet looks."
Whoro ton men offer to Iny down
their lives for n woman, only ono will
carry in tho clothes for her ou wnshiug
When pooplo have good times, and
keep a bright, nlcnsnnt fireside, nud
ate glad to see friends, thero will bo al
ways bo friends to come.
Wnsto of wealth is nomotimes re
trieved; wusto of health bcldom; but
wnsto of time never.
Dr. Holland snys that the most pre
cious possession that over comofttu man
in this world is a woman's heart. R
Would seem that ho has novor observed
tho tender enro with which ti man han
dles a meerschaum plpo that is just be
ginning to havo n bilious look around
the basts of tho bowl.
Don't look out of car windows when
thoy ate open. Tho habit Is exceed
ingly injurious to the eyes, as tho sharp
draught of air caused by rapid motion,
badly affects the optic nerve. Several
cases of total blindness havo occurred
'from this cause.
Whon you moot u smnll youth play
ing tho drum, at the head of two-foot
soldiers, with a stick and brass kettle,
you may know that his mother has tho
preserving fever, and has sit down to
wring her hands nnd wonder "what on
earth hn3 become of illmt boy" sho
sent after Mrs. Jones' kelllo two hours
An old Scotchman, on marrying n
very young lady, was chuffed by his
friends on tho inequality of thoir ages.
Sho will bo near me," ho replied,
"to close my eyes." " Well," remark
ed one of tho party, "1'vo had two
wives, nud they opened my oyos."
A three-year-old llttlo girl was taught
to closo her evening prayer, during tho
temporary nbsonco ol hor father, with.
" and ph'itso watch over my papa." It
sounded very sweet, but tno mother's
umusement may bo Imagined whuu
she udded: " And you'd better keep
uu eye on mnmma, too."
Tun dor lmmtnl trnko a neltlo,
And ItHlliiRHjou for your pains;
Grasp It llldi n niiin of mottle,
And It heft nn Milk roinulnn.
'TIh tho Name with ulrar nature,
Uny thoin kindly, they rebolt
Itut bo rough iih nutmeg trratorH,
And tho roxurM obey you well.
As u medicine for children in tho
Sirring, use u good doso Kochelle salts,
nnd follow it with erenm tartar nml
sulphur for a few days; doso u toaspoon
ful. Mikuti: Pudding. Eight ovon tn
blospoonfuls of flour, ono pint of cold
milk, wlllt u ploco of soda tno hI.o of n
pea dissolved in it; stir In tho Hour
gradually with the milk to tho consist
ency of thin starch; add four woll 'beat
on egg-; on sitting down to dinner put
itlu the oven; butler tho dlsheu woll,
and put tho mlxturo in ouo'Uighth of
uu Inch thick, us It rNcs ho. rapidly;
servo hot from ovon with cold sauce.
Pi:ack Tapioca. Sleep in warm
water two tablespooUfuls tapioca, until
perfectly solt. Peel unij Rtow whole
two (quarts of peaches; when fonder
stir in tho tapioca, cook ten minutes
longer, tho swooton to tnsle, nud cook
ubout five minutes. Hut cold.
roollnhly Hpvnt, money paid for chlldroM
bIiooh not protoetod by HIIjyiSllTIiy. Ti
wo6knlnnbout1ho tlmo ItUikonn uumrt tut
tlvo child lo yonlllulo lUo too of a b'iuia.
SILVOl TIPS tho only nvoillvo.
Also try NVIro Quilted .Solon.
Uu it uUhco It
If a tituo of tho tcftl'nioulalH unit onibantl
of thn valun of Dr.. vViktkii'h Kaisam or
Wu. titr.nuv hhonld'bo publla'.icd,. no ono
would Htbp to road tho bulky wlurcn. Aik
iiuy ilrDKi;lt and lia.wlll tell ou tUnt thlM
Ihilaam U a roil bljmlci; to nl) alUiothd with
throat or hint; dhonwa. All kltlrwl alloc
tloiiP, Inuludlnn iirondiltU, ka Tliroiit,
Croup, ttouiseunu, I'Alimin thoUhoat, nr.ii
nicimllurof tho lMinKd, ylold to lu woudir-.
fill pownr, Yoadvlno My ow tlrod oC ox.
porlinoiitln; iv!tU I'liyNialnua'' pimerlptlorvi
or qiiaok niodrf 'niii to Urop. thorn ia !,
and uio tuiM Balsam or Viu Ojrr,nv,
tktld by nil diunnMH.
Avtio ol'WriulllCHN
is onon foU by porriOUH tho cnin'.ot locato
any partliular iUhoiho. If Uioy wtkt it bo
ooioon lubor; ir thoy will:, thoy hou tiro;
inoutal oit booomtvvt hurdea, ud oven
JoyB aro dimmed by tliu Blntiiow of th la
witknuu which 1h vah over thoir Uvea.
Hitcourmi 1 had KOivatliunn to .HviuUnU or
a dauairou- qliawo'ir. Thoodvk)o of iihy
loluiitorofraln tioux notlvo labor protluwyi
HO lVllH'V rOHUltti. WllV? Tlid vul..., I. .1...
I)illtutb(fand norTii to bo built up propr-rly..
iiuiiAfipin iyju ur vtiiii ery niuifr,
Uiko tho ftloctrjrt ouroa , U pinneati.s the
totllro hihtoin. and Jii)nuolilRln(; with tho
j;pOrol (iinonoiiH, I', tUn up tho enfeo
bl4il;iint biluxN tho color to tho cbcok aunln,
and hopo ti tun dp prmd'.i'. ft dfjou Uu
work pimp.ly and woll. hold by ullUriij.
K'',t' i ,
nyanK0KjtaitmitrnaitKunutr bvscm
(Auicrr to A, h.'t.lUitrt A: iTpi)
itfffi'iggjgy ft: "" i,uo" '?X0!
xeli ninir .. ....... .. i.. .
ii, , ? . i .ud. t.,!'," '"" lDn, ttli.i'rwir.'ui'aV
0, ttlKl I i r-oV.J. .-f"J?i .S nt
UU PhyilelM. U 6t aorg'f and 81. B.irthita-
mtw't HotpiVil,, London, Curator to
8b Eltubeth't, cle.
Afttr vt of th tnott mhorlnu r
1 etarth and iHeHotion, ami after tho
tmcUealmppltatUntiH trrafment to thou
tantli of ptntnU. aeo.Chmndlei', A.M..
M.lt., now mtmu to thm American twb
l(o the following rttttdUi, hit m ll.
toctru and provZrttf. tho tfitatt) ofiehtth
is attested m tho rotmmluoif quanUtu of
ttfllmontali, the untollettet offering of
uffrlng and dlttouraged patient, tcho
have not only rrctlvea) relief ami benefit
from their eonttnuert uu, but hare been,
raillealty cured of atlmenta anil ehronla
etHitjittihitii, tehleh have been nitjutlgetl by
tho most eminent phytlelan at lieptlest.
Titt Incomparable! IiEPTTTtATirV la
It power fill ALTKllATIVj:, TOXIO, VI
VUKTIV, lilAfllOltl.Tia, anil Al'Mltr
JNT, eomblnlna virtue tehleh rentier
It Invaluable ami never-fhltlnp. anil bit
its continued ute ttll thoroughly eradi
cate all illaeatet of the blood, lit Ingre
ill en 1 1 are of a purely harmlett extrac
tion, the vroiiuctt aathtrca trout remote
J.'ginttan Province, and tehere there If
the eltghtest taint of dlteate In the yi-
icni, it uvror aim ti ejecting tnat iiitenna
through the ttioifiuiii of the shin, or ex
pelling It through the ninny mid rarloum
channel of the body, theieby allowing
and, indeed, forcing alt the organ lni
their proper normal ami functional con
illlton. A very brief epace of time will
rnnvtnce any patient wing It, of lit tin
iliuVtetl reliability and tvomlerfut eurtt
tlt l properties, U being, vtoH vnquetlon
ii bl ii, the rent nemo o incident rrltimjiur,
oiiil the iireatent dlieovciy of the present
tine, in the tieatmcnt of every tllscaio
tehere tho blood ittelf In primarily tho
gent of tho lesion or dttortlcr, eiieli am
SOllOWXiA and tho tliousand anil ono
cause that lead to thtt tcrrlbto affliction,
of tehleh all elelllteil conimnnliiei aro
cognisant, for lllblleal Truth hat assert
ed that the "Hint of tho father shall
visit even unto tho third and fourth gen
erntlonsS and to JlttOKKy.lltnrjf A JV
j:xrj;i:nT.i!i voxuxitvtjoks it
powerful rejureuator, catislnit tho irrreb
vf man onee mora to assinno tho Ood-UUc
lurm of manhood.
l'ZAINTS (ami to tlve gentler ten it I n
boon long touuht for by teniltlve, useri
tlble, and delicate females, at it tahem
direct action upon their ailments) ANI
At. I, 201131H br CHltONianiHVAHV
jn witiair ma htmod ih xuv svat
Ol' TllH TROVllhE. it it invaluable. A.
ptr severance vlffc thlt remedy wilt jirorn
i positive and ttertnanenl ,cnri hr
CllILLH and VKYJCUH and all MALA
II I At, P01HONH. ,. .. . .,
Thousand of Testimonial attest tho
truth of these tifntm.
Price, One Dollar, in largo bottle, or
(at lollies, 08. mmmm
OA&TRQN it a tafe, speedy, and posi
tive cure for that most depressing of ail
ment, and n brief courte of treatment split
restore the digestive organs) im their pris
tine strength, and promote the healthy
action of the stomach and Intestines. Thn
nervous irrttmblllty of literary and ult
person pnrrulnsf m tedentttry life, I
tpeedUu rstntve . by W agent. Tho
lomaeh it restored to health and the key
note of the system wilt mee snore rtspomt
tn the tierfvrmane of labor. . . .
Price, tin Jpollar, in Urge bottle, or
9lM bottle, $S.
At tllght tO'talleit eotd mill oflllme
lead tm a serious cough, tehleh, uneareit
for or badly treated must have but ono
result It must evesttmate in a tettltd case
ofmtONOHTTIB, of tchat is nurse, tho
sttmdly CONSUMPTION. To all suffering
from harassing cough and expectoration,
without Judistous) treatment, must com--munleatm
Us poison to the vesicular ub
ttunee of thsyUsssg, degenerating and de
ttroylntf IAI mot esssnllal of nriinns,
and ultimate only in an early and un
timely death. XHAOUEON ha no eiualt
much lest a supmrlor, and its use trill not
only remove the deposit, thereby affordlny
great relief, but heals the membrane unit
Itmves the votlcmt in possession of healthy
lung tissue.
Price, JWfttt Ccntt per mottle, or l
PILES. Hemorrhoids.
riLo. (
3f any causes tend to product thlsptitn
ful-and distressing tints. Tho blowl is
retarded in Us returns the too frequent
use of dratllo purgative tend to produce)
oengestlan of fit bowels, torpid action of
the liver, and iiuimaiou other causes ara
the toureo of this complaint, and hitherto
nothing effectual has been preeented to
the public, which trould rapidly allevlato
symptoms and ultimately prove am cfficl
ite curt. In 1'ILON tea Tiara a remedy
tehleh not only acts almost instantly, but
trill remove the largest tumors of the part
(Vllet) by absorption, and tmany tcho
havo received not only benefit, but havo
been radically cured, have been atsut'eit
fprlor to using this treatment) oy emi
nent surgeons that tho only relief they
ever could expect in life, teomtd bo by an.
operation, unit removing it or thsm frotn
the body by a procedure teMeh necessitat
ed tho hulf.. This remedy luto been hulled
telth tltllghi, and 4s nous prescribed by
tiinny practising physleiuns, tehb are cog
nlsunt of its merit, as tho only linotctt,
uro otirm for PILES.
Irleokvifty cent per paclage, erelu
fort Tm,9,
run Aiorv nr.jrr.nrrn Ann
Ihorouyh in the irnilliallon of Iho illfler
unt unit ttirtou inutilities denominated,
utui aro the result of patient, stnrehtuu,
Ittlwlqns, nntf, scientific illvistltiiillou,
MUtittclnff a peiln.t of tnutnj yea?, its
ifltroite ami Anstrtca,
t . tfthe opeetlta illiccllont are rpniplled,
tiillli,lhiiieuilifn of patients will licap tlt
urit to their teltillro merlin, mul eorrob
uyiito dtKii' assertion, II hero thctn nro
tii'tli'J coiiiidlsutlonn vf dlseits.0, and jnt
tlcnt to lUsIn; UU. CIIANHhWtt will
lo plfimnt to olve all iiifotmutluu, umi
tit-ut Vylelttx If ueeeiritrn.
W1 f'fi"(i.' lbiW0l(fs, -" oire (y
' " 1110 ErKa77, XJcw.ylj Cfty.
testis ft tttntitts
VlULVUJSua owvrm ts manna, rtitaoie, anw
tsermanent relief. It augments expecto
ration, and enables the patient to expel
Uiat terribly tstttlo deoosll. tehleh. if left
ncMerfpHifl nnif 4 xwannwru 'JITCU.
lav pf (Im at ovo cuicittek sent on receipt
i.f sl'tnlp, If ihit I'UtH'UIJiTAUY
T.W till 1WI 1-M 11i tWt ilrir tTtik
Ono Q-ood Tjevey Povor,
QUtfUM ? ' y OH tmiH iiohhh-ovw
D i)iHH4 fikr "' Mfyl, . I. ,ptluf tottl. pump
luff HMnr.ulirliukflu X liu kc.uIuuiu'
ttiuhri ktf l.t' ta Koii'h ilira,
8ittlFii1i,tkn, n. . jonv.
, , . --. , pju fjji.r.w-ia., s.-,