rifiwlw iwi aaaaaaaM jjra'- mJiW. "'"" ",'"""iri ' ' '. I"11" PMMJ WTT.T AfTF. FARMER e Mil PJEOflS Op rJsBAjlDtY PIHI.OTOHY. KKIOIJUSoillio NATIONAL GIIANGE. Maittr Jolm T. .Tone?, Ilarton, PMlllps, Ark. OcenurJ, J. Woodman, Paw Paw, Van Uurcn, Jsc'turtrA. 11. Hmcdlcy, Crceco, Howard, In. Htttcarl. .T. Vanshu, MetnplilM, Tcun. Att't itctcanl Mortimer Whitehead, Mtddlcbneb, Somerset, N. .1. rnaplainH. II. Elllrf, HprliigboronRh, Warren, O. TftiumtrV, M. McDowell, Wnync. Steuben, N.Y, H'CitlnnjV. II. Kellcy, Louisville, Ky. (Jnte-h'cjxrO. Dinwiddle, Orchard Grove, I ml. f Vw Mm. .lolm T. .lone, Itorton, I'hllllu. Ark. JVeni-Mr. Hninucl K. Adnmi-, Munllcfllo, Mluti. Jnwna Mm. Ilnrvcy (loddard, North Oranby. Ct. fi Atthtaal SUivurdMln Carol In o A. Kali, Xoulsvlllc, Ky. rxDetrrtvE committee. I). Wyntt All.cn. (Clintrmnn.J Cokcelmry, 8. C 1.. II. miUHKUlUU. I'llliUUUC- JO Dudley T. Ulmie. Jiiliiiuue. Iowa. CldMinnHt J If Alonr.0 (J Jlder. Hock Fnllf . WhltCflde. 111. W. II. Chambers, Otvtctchce, Ituocll. Ala, Ofllccrft of Oregon Ntnto tiritngc, Maittr Wm, Cyril", Solo, Octrfcer-A. It. Slupli-y, 0wcjo, ' .ifr-Mr. K. N. Hunt, Sublimity. SicrttaitjT. Ij. HavIdon. Halcm. tiltwartfW. II. Thonvu. Wnllix Walla, W. T. 4jftan Stfuxtrd G, W. Hlddle, Canyonvllle. t'Arfn W. II. Gray, Astoria. TiKUurtr 8. 1. Leo, Portland, Vutt-h'irirA. II. Graham, Fisher's Landing, Clark county, W. T, 6VrM-Mrt. II. A. Miller. Jacksonville. Jitiwna .Mr . S. It. Durham, McMimivlllc. 7oni-Mri. J!. A. Kelly. Knt l'ortland. lAli Af't Sltttiml-iltt. OcorKla Smith, Hood Illvcr, Waf co conn y. fCeicutlct U,mmtt'm. Cyruf, Hclo; II. Clow, JJallat; I", L. Htullh, Uood Itlvcr. titatt lliitlntii Agtiii-tS, P. Leo. Portland. State Grange Deputies for 1877 Pott Offlct, Exprte. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. .Corvallli CorvallU 11INT0K. A Holder CLACKAMAS. Kiioeh Sklrtlno Tlutto Creek N WJIandnll Oregon City tXlltltl.AK. J W Hayes Myrtlo Creek U M (latdncr Bruin's Htatlon MULTNOMAH. 1'Jynipton Kelly Ktst l'ortland. ...East Portland MJkllHIN, ' 1 K Castlemai Uiittcvlllc ) W Hunt Btibllmlty Ualcm JACKSON. IN T Miller" Jacksonville Jacksonville roi.K. V A Patterson Illckrcal Salem LAKE, J JChnrlton UocaoLnkc Jacksonville JO'IM'IIIS'H. Daniel Fleeter Kcrbyilllo Jacksonvllto LANK. Jamcj W Matlock ...,flohon ,..,,, LINN, It A Irvine I.cba.ion Albany John Knd Tjirli Tho Dalles rAUIIILL. I) 0 Durham McVliitilll,i I 8n)ilnulon (laiton IIIIANT. D II Itlnelurt Cinyon City Canyon City riiLiiuniA. I W Maxwell Columbia City TII.LAMUOK. It T Holdon Tlltamok North Yamhill IIWATIILA. I 8 While Wistuu Weston J Henry tinkler Ott WA8IIINUTON TEURtTOIlV. er..nit. U W Itfawn Vancouver COLUMBIA. ItPSleln Dayton WMUNAN. liSHInger Colfax Colfax CIIKHALIS. MZ Goodt'u i:ima 1'irucK. 8 8 Maiktmm Cllclmlls Poiut TiitTiMra.t. I. f) Abbott., ..........OJymiila - Oljmpla JS Luuttiulro. ...... .Ywlm. ..,......... KIIUI, Julius Horlon Seattle Bcattlo l.Kn 10. ItM I'lersoi t'lft'jiiato YAKItU., CP Cook Kllcnshuri; Inauy county whero tha Deputy i(polnteil is not tho most suitable, aril tho Oranges of tho locality Mill properly Indlrat? to mo n choice, I villi bo plcasvd, for 1u ninny lnslnncvil liAvohccn obllRfd to make ap polntiucnta without knolcdo to iltucvs. WM. CYHUrt, Mwtcr Orecon Hlato QtanCo, 1. of II. Atamcotlng of Marlon County Pomona Grnngo, wo, tho undorslgnod, woro nppolnt' od a commlttoo to confor with tho Bovoral grangofi, farmors. and warohouqemon of tho Willamotlo valloy on tho subject of tstib. llshlng nniforui, reasonable), and permauont ratou of frolghts upon tho Wlllametto, rivor, with powor to tako such action In tho prom ises as In our Judgtuont would permanently freo tho larmors from such opprosslyo rates as thoy woro compollod to pay to tho Vf, T. fc L. Co. tho past yoar. Aftor caroful Inves tigation of tho causes that produced that ro sjult, and tho condition of tho soveral compa nlos owning or running boats upon tho river atthlstlmo, wo aroof tho opinion that tho samo causos and conditions that placod tho farmors wholly at tho morcy of ono compa ny In tho matter of frolghts tho past year, may at any tlmo bo ropoatod, unloss spoody and prompt action on tho part of Ihoso Intor ostod bo takou to oflect a consolidation of tho sovoral lndopendont linos of boats, or build boats nnd run them on tho plan of tho " Pooplo's I'rotcctlro Transportation Compa ny" tif Yamhill, now In successful opera tion. Wo omphatlcally opposo and doprocato tho plan of ontorlng Into contractu with tho Old Line to carry frolght at any Ilguro for ono yoar or any olh'or period, for tho roason that such contracts dlsoourago and dofat tho offorts that aro now bolng madoby tho farm ors to permanently freo thomsolvos from oxtortlon, and will force ovory lndopendont boat off tho rlyor, and ovory observant mind must boo that only tho exlstonco of those In dopondont companies and tho presence of thoso boats lnduoes tho old company to tnako torms with tho farmors, and so soon as thoso companios can bo brokon up and tholr boats driven out of tho buoluoss, tho samo questions and dlOlcultlos would again pro sout thomsolvos In a moro formldablo man ner upon tho oxplratlon of such contract. That tho farmors of this valloy should lm proyo tho prosont opjwrtunlty to permanent ly freo thomsolvos from tho oxtortlon of mo nopoly, thoro Is ovory reason to bollovo, ami this can only bo dono by a hasty co-operation and united aotlon. And, In order to ooouro thoso rosulls, wo horoby call a MASS MKKTINd of tho Farmors, Warohousomon, and Iluslnoss mon of tho Wlllamotto valloy, to meet at Hood's Oporn IIouso, In Halcm, on I'juday. Tin: Itji day or May, 1877, at tho iour of 11 o'clock a. m, of said day, to con sldor thoso questions, and that tho agents or ofllcors of tho 1'ooplo's Protoctlvo Transport ation Co., J. W. Cochran it Co., and U. I). Scott & Co., bo lnvltod to bo prosont at said mooting. V. J. IIKMIEN, Dan'i. Critic, r. X. Matiuku, Comwltteo. In Memoriam. Mooting of Subordinate Grangos UsNN COUNTY. llopo, No. 21, moots In Albany, on tho 1st uml a Saturdays or cnclt month, at 10 a. in. Oak Plain, No, it, In ilaUoy, 'Jiul anilltli U.minUysit 11 u. at. lliuntor. No, ia, lit Crawforiluvllla, 1st midllnl Knlurdays, all! p. in. Uyrauitko No. fci, ut Millora Station, till Kuttinliiv. nt 1 i). in. I.otmnoii No. 121, at l.obauon, -d and Jth Unturdity. at 10 n. m. tlniiuf i'nilrlo No. 10, Ith Saturday. Knox Jlutto No. ,', lot uud Urd Satur days. Siiutlam No, 37, 2 ml and Ith Saturday, at 10 a. in, llrovviisvlllo No. U' tint and -ml Salur days. Tnii(;ont No. 7, Ut tntl 3rd Fridays, at 10 n. m. llarrlsburKi No. II, JUt and 3rd Satur days, at 10 a. m. Slioiti. No. it, Ut mid Ctl Saturdays, at 10 u. III. Happy hc mo No. 10, UU'JiUiirilay, at 11 o'clock a. in. llarinoiiy No. -1, 3rd Satuiday, rogularly, xco)t In Kov. Doo., Jan., I-'ob., and March, when thoy moot tlio Ut Friday. aJKN TON COUNTY. Soap Croo!; No 1 1, 1st Saturday at 10 a, in. WlflamutU) No. ri'J, Ut Thursday, at 10 a. in Philomath, No IVUh Saturday, at 10 a.m. LANK COUNTY. Croaswoll. No. (II, Ith Saturday, tl p. in. ICiiKono, No.i.l, lu I.'ukoiio Cttyj ?nt Sat tUy,at 10 a. m. 5harlly, No. 7(1, Sd Saturday. UoHhon, No. 101, Ut Saturday', atlOo!clock Junction City, Xo, i:i, Uud Saturday', at 1 p. ni. ..McU'onilo, No. lOTj Camp Creek, 24 Cclur ly. POLK COUNTY. Oak Point, No. 3, Ut And 3rd Saturday, MARION COUNTY. Ablqiu.N'o 133, Ith Saturday. IUok Poict, No IS, 3d Saturday, at 1 p. in. ltutto Croc, No. 82, 3r4 Saturday, at 10 m, ui. WA8WJNQTON COUNTY. Roaveiton No. ;00, meeu laL Saturday, at 81'UiKonKr.D, April 20, 1877. i:i. Faumkrs I will say that Btvingtleld Grange, No. 13, la aa Uvd a Grani m thare Jln Otogou,and the mewUra has deue u much to adraiue tho IntereaU of the Order m any other Orange in the State, and we t hUnd tlrm aa yot. Our regular uieellug U ' on tho lint Satimlay of each mouth at ten o'clock, and if any member sees lit to visit tu ou that day, he can do so and be hU own Jiu'tfO Of tho coirectue" W alwieUited. A MPJWKWi Whoroas, J. S. Wright departed this lifo tho twelfth of March laatt and, Whereaa, tho said J. S. Wright was a worthy raomber of Center Grange, No. 07, and waa an olllcerof tho said grango, having held tho oillco of Ovonoor tor nearly three years: and, f- Whoroas., this grango has lost a useful momuor nuu n good oituou, ana Ills family a good husband and father: tftoroforo, be It Resolved. That tho mombera of this grange coudolo with tho allllcted family In tuolr uoroavemoiit,Bud that a copy of those rosolutlous bo spread ou tho mlnutoj, o' "' Jtt'iKKiiuiun and tho " HighU Demo crat for publication. Jacoii Nyk, W. J. PlIIWOTT, John W. Uiu.ir.ANr, Committee. Resolutions. Resolved, That we, as Members of Saloni UrniiKo, aro In favor of Mistalnlng tho pros ont ludopoudont StoamboaU now on tho Wlllamotto river, at all hazards, eo ioiif: as thoy coutluuo Jo donl fairly with us as Pa trons of Husbandry and producers. Resolved, That a copy of the forogolug bo prosontod to tho WaLL.vMi.TTi: FAUMim, for publication. 1). JKri'p.itso.v, boo. Di:i.r.o.VTKs Kmigtrd. Tno P. of II. of ,1j1uii Co. have oloctod tho following dele gates to nttoiul IJioStAtoQraugo, which meets, at Saloni, Tuesday, May 2J, 1S77J A. D. Mo Mlchaol and wife, of Oak Plain Grango, No. O.'W. P. Audorson uud wife, of Urand Prai rldGrango, Xo. 10. F. M.JCicr and wile, of Charity Uraugo, No. 103; John llryuut aud wife, of Solo. Tho dlllbrent Grange of Lnno Co. met In iu convention on tho 0th, and oloctod tho fol lowJivt to attend thoStatoOiaugo: J.O.Jon ulngstuid wife, John Whitcakor, and A. K, Patiursou and wlfo. Wui.JIoldorwrltcnus that itho following were oloctedfrom llonton couuty : A . Iloldor and Mrs.. J, A. Holder: Henry Miller aud Mrs. Millar. Thb Olaokamas county Granges iavo elect ed as dcJoj'.c.tos to tho Stato Graiigo tho fol lowing: Arthur Warner, IX. V. Slicit, J. W. llltiokwoll, Mrs, Rachel Thompson, Mrs. KlUabotU Warner, and Mrs, Mary Short. Statk l'.mu A pamphlet Issued by tho State Agrlctiltuial Society, has been laid ou ourtablo by JJ. U. Walto, tho Secretary . Tho work was printed by Mr. Walt, and contatus a list of the premiums ottered at the next State Fair, which beilus ou the Stbof October. It alto has Jhe list of premium awarded last year, and aiuch other valuable Ui formation perUWiiluR to tho aUaira of tha SAjlely. To A. h, StiusoM has Ueu Awarded the ooatrtwtfordolngtheSocletr'a printing the urMt year. Ht bid wm $330,68, being H38 tower than E. M. Walte's bid. Theahlpuientofbeefto the Hngllsh mar keta has proved ao proUUble that a cattle dealing firm in Holland ha aUrWd the en terprise of transporting Rye stock CrotnthU country, tuo Kotterdaiu steamer nave been engaged for this purpose, and cattle will bo transported as soon as the ueoessai v arraugemeuta oau bo mado ou board tho steamers, ' A Pleasant Time Oswcao, Aril 10,1877. 13d. Faiimeu: On tho seventh of April a grand Jublleo was hold at tho new school honso noar Bridgeport. Tbroo Lycoums, Hazella, Star ortho West, and Tualatin com bined and gavo an oxhlbillou which was omlnontly successful. Mnslc consisting of solos, duotts, Lqnartotts, and choruses was furnished by a choir of eloven persons from Haeolla, and led by A. R. Shlploy. Gordon K, Hayes nnd C. Davidson dollvored decla mations. Thoy nro both good dcclalmors. Josoy Byrum represented tho little folks with a longthy and Interesting speech. Miss P. A. Hayc) nnd Miss LIxzIo F. Llbby did thomselvos muoh crodlt as select readers. Mrs. C. U.Shipley road an essay on Conscl onco. Mrs, S. A. Hayes read a romlnlsconco which was a very pleasing skotcb. Milton K. Shlploy read an essay on sllont cities, wh Ich showed much research . Tho Ilazolia Gazotto was road by Miss Cora . Shipley, This paper possossod a high ordor of literary morit, and was entirely composod of origi nal matter. Tho Star of tho West Messenger, was read by Miss Ella Gago and was a pleasant and lntorotling paper. Tho Tual atin FroojPrees, waa edited by Mr. F.Tay lor. Tho tone of this papor was hardly in keeping with tho high moral and intellectu al character of tho rest of tho entertainment Tho closing exorolso was a debate on the question, "Resolved, That women should enjoy equal political prlvllegos with men." This contest was an Interesting and splrllod ono, aa most of tho contestants woro experi enced dobaters. Tho Judges woro two for thoafllrmatlvo and one for tho negative. -A bountiful dinner, ovinclnc truo country hospitality, was sorvod, and tho occasion was ono of great social as well as intellectual orjoymont, Peoploaro waking up to tho fact that mental and social culturo nood not bo confin ed to the towns. Lycoums aro scattored all ovor tho country. This may bo dlroctly at tributed to tho Grnngo. A spirit of montal Improvement la abroad In tho land, such as was novor known among tho rural popula tion boforo. If wo bavo not tho prlvllego of listoning to tho talon tod preachers, locturors, dec, or of attending concerts and mingling much with tho roilned socloty In town, wo can oducato oursolvos, and perhaps in tho end wo shall bo as who if not as pollshod as our city sisters. Mns.C. E. SmrLKV, NORTH SALEH STORE. "W. X.- WAIE, A T TIM BHIOK BTOnB, JAB JU8T MOJOY- Goneral Merohandiso, Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots & Shoes, Hardware. Clothing CalcnUtcJ ror tho City and ConntwTradc. Bonpht i low. and will bo sold at fti BMALL A r0"T. M Soio who SELL AT COST. rST Qoofls dtUvcrcd to wit part ol the cltv freo of charao. ovav FURKTITUEIE! STORE. t havp nnnrmAsrcn THE ENTIIIR Interest or Messrs. Yeton A Lonchnry In tho Fnrnlturo Storo on tho west sldo of Commercial Street, Salcnij nnd shall keep on hand ft GENERAL AS SORTMENT of coods for tho retail trade. FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERY Farlor & Cbnmbcr Sets, BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, ROCKERS- &C, By tho sst or slnglo piece. Repairing and Jobbing DONE IN THE BEST MANNER, And at reasonable price, as I am a practical workman JOHN GRAY. Salem. July H.lSts.y . For Sale ! THR PINK RESIDENCE corner nfmm... iTclftl and DItIsIoii streets, In desirable sltunUon. ILwIth honsclarcc. well flnlshcd. nnd convi.nin.W7 v arranccd. and cronnds tastefully ornamenlcd. win i bo sold trory Xoxxr and on accommodatluc terms. Apply to . tKO WILMS, tcvii Tatton's Block State Bt.. Salem. To ColorButter. MR, A. IV, CIIEKVEIt Editor of tho New Enplond Farmer, in that paper of Nov. llth, ad vises nil Dairymen to nso Wells, Kicliardson & Co.'s PERFECTED UftOOLOR ci , ani Ho says, "ItUthoetrinRci 7., and cheapest OUltcr coiorinp wc unvu mur ureu. ror an nisi e can sco, it Is absolutely perfect It shonld entirely supcrscdo tho use of cariots, and all preparations ui annatto." ......... It elves tho exact sharto of tho best Jersey bnttcr. It is paro, Intense, economical, and has no taste or smell. It Is an lmtrocmcnt on onr "Golden Ex tract," bctng a combination of tho bright jcllowcol orlne principle of tho Dmidcllon blossom, and It Is Rrcatly superior to carrots, etc , Hiving a better color, andnouork. , fPtT A snmplo suflletcnt to color flflr iionndn ol Ilutler will be sent to any ad- Urcss, postpaid, on receipt often cents Every Dairyman wno wisnes to rennzo nrlco should clvo It a trial now. Address Home -Made aud Hand-Made b o ojr s . IV YOU WANT A GOOD-KITTING FINE BOOT yon can bo accommodated by calling At ArniHtroug'N Shop, On Btato Street, opposite WILUS'B BOOK STORE. All Womc Waiwanted. Trices Rbasojam.i:. Kciialrlnir ntatlu amljmmpUy ttont. Give Mb a Call. Cl6tfl M. AIWI8IIIONCJ. Tho Wnllft Walla Watchman of April 13tb, Buys: "Finlgrauta bexln to pour in tho coun try. Worou loads alter wagon loads pots through town ovory day and as UBUal, thoso coming at early Spring aro In pretty fair clr ouinstanco, but thoso corulog lato In tho fall aro mostly poor and sometimes. uttorly dos tltuto. Yet aftor all thoy and tholr stock Winter it through without a struggle Much of this is due to our mild climate, abundance of provisions for man and boast and aboyo all the .charitable disposition or old settlors towanl,new comers, for which onr peoplo aro noted throughout tho West. Within tho past woek we hesr of qulto a numbor ofporaons who bavo repaired to tho north aide of Snalco rivor for tho purpose of takingup laud. In that section of country thorp is any amount of dcslrablo land that can be takon up under the prootnptlon or homostoad laws, Should tho country con- uuuo iu prosper, inoso tanus in a vorv mw. RAILROAD LANDS. Xjiborril TcrniHl loav imci:t LONG TIME! LOW INTEREST 1 Tno Oregon nnil I'nlirornln nnd Oregon Central Itallroml Companies OFFER their Lands for salo uporutho following libe ral terms: Ono tenth of tho mice In cash; Interest on the balanco at the rato of soven per cent, ono rear after rale; nnd each following year ono-tcnth of tho principal and Interest on tho balanco at tho rato of seven per cent per annum. Iloth principal and Inter tst payablo In u. U. Cnrrtncy. A discount of ten per cent, will bo allowed for rash. OT Letters to bo addressed to I'. SCUULZE, Land Aut O. & U. It. It.. I'ortla&d. Oregon. fc33 BurllnutOH, Vermont, A Reward of $20,000 ns been offcrrcd by Congress for tho best and most' dnrablo method of drawlno Water from Wells or Ols- tbrns. SHOOTS A COLWELL. tiayo Dccn awarded' tho ftboro on their RUBBER BUCKET PUMP, for tho reason that It Is tha most perfect and desirable Pump la use. This EXPANDING DUCKET Is tho only ono that Is. or can bo Patented Tho prlnclplo ol expansion la this: Tho Robber. :ths of an Inch thick, Is placed between two CON VEXED PLATES, fastened together with a screw: tho plates being tall est In tho centre, press hardest In tho center, which' causes tho Ilubbcr to expand, eo that It can bo READILY ADJUSTED TO ANY gIZED TUBE, from 1 to 3 Inches, so as to produco tho least possl bio frlctlon-and yet mako n perfect vacuum. Tho stylo of OUIl CUltl), Is now and desirable, with a ventila ted Top, admitting freo circulation of air. Foul and poisonous gases aro quickly removed by this MAGIC PUMP. Itls known that tbo nso of Impure Water castes moro sickness-and death than all other causes com bined. Wochallcncotho world to prodncoa Pump that equals our EXPANDING RUliUElt DUCKET PUMP. Tho Rubber thatwouso tspuro Vulcanized Whlto Ilubbcr, soft nnd ibstlc. Tho metal part of tho buck et Is FINE DRASd, which Is INDESTHUCT1HLE by nny acids found In water. This pnmti. In all Us parts, Is tho nemo ol simplicity. DRAWING MORE WA. TEH IN A GIVEN TIME: WITH LESS POWER THAN ANY OTHER PUMP NOW IN, UBK, and is never obst.nctcd by frccxlng If properly adjusted, Bucket patented Jan. 0, JS75. Prlco 12 for Curb, with Reel, Spout and Gripe, and fiwt 12 feet of plro and chain, and SO cts. per fjot for all below tho nrit 13 feet. For I'unip, or County, Town or Btato Rights Address, MIDDAUGH & BEARDSLEY, Balcm, Oregon. 1 P yeara will bo worth from Ko tn.aA -cto. Prof. TV"1 irom a Chicago University, i:.tXii'pAny with I.lout. C. K. 8. Wood, of tort Vancouvor, loft on tho steamor Califor nia for hltKB. It Is their purposo to ascend mouiii i'.iuis, wiiiou is presumea to bo nigh rst poak In North Amorlca. Tho mountain staud a llttlo ovor 50 miles duo North of Sit ka, nnd nbout forty ihIIph liilund, midway tho liouudary lino botweun tho Ilritlsh Pos sossIoiih nnd Alaska, Tho sides of tko moun tain uro brokon nnd precipitous, whllo po ronnlal snow lliiKors nbout tho summit. No ono Ims ovor been known to hnvo mado tho ascent of this luountaln.nuJ it Kouoral Intor ost isfoltlu tho result of tho nttempt obout beluj; Hindu by thoso wutlomen. Thoy ex pect to bo absent nbout two months. Tho suspension bridge nt Niagara Falls Is reported, ufter n thorough oxatuluivtlou, to bo eiulrely s.-vfo. Out of 1,150 wires constituting tho four livrgo cables, ouly 10 of tho minor ones vtro louud corroded, nnd they bavo boon replacod by now onos. No tlmo has yet been eot for tho resumption of trntllc, ns n formal examination by practical engin eers will fcoou bo made, Nr.w York, April 10. A good deal of ox eltomont was caused to-day at tho appraiser's store, corner of Jalghtnml West streets, by tbo dlscovory In it cnsl: of wlno of n largo tin box flllcd with dynnmlto cartridges, wluch woro nttnchcHl to wires and. guttn per chajiiscs, The cask was ouo of a cargo from tho atoamcr Frisla, which were brought with .number or othcrsito tho appraiser's store. Jt was invoiced' at thirty lltros of iviuuumi is NUPPUSOU 10 CO iroui Jlimilinr,- It was addressed to a'porion in Huutlugtou. Illlimla .Mil 1 .limititi. ... I. . r t i . ' attempt at sotno porson to shipdyuamlto to this port. Had tho pxdIosIou nwiirrt.i i., the apiiraisor's storo tho consequences would hnvo been very disastrous, as fully four uuiiuivu Hkuuiu ru em juu,) i'ii moro, anil tho property in tho place is valued at a mill loit and a half dollars, ' Judah I llenlamln, rSuco Confederate Minister ot Warbut now a Q.C,nJoylng tho largest commercial practice at the Eng lish bar. lately returned all bis brleis for the Uuildhall sittings, accompanied by cheques for the fees he had rocelved with tbeai, be cause all bis tiro would be taken up by the causes at Westminster Hall, and he did not think k right retain payment for bualctis to which ha could not aund. Great Reduction IK RUBBER BOOTS AND SHOES! Men's Long Rubber DootM, $4.00 ' Knco jut ' Boys' ' '-"' -0O Womcn'N Otcr-SliocN, .50 JOHN W. GILBERT. Saicm, March 2, sru HIGH-OLASS r ou 3Lot mssr. J. W. HOBART, IMPORTER ANI) HRKEDER OV l'L'ItlMIREn LlKlH and Ilurli IIUAIl.tIA and llrown und wiiitc Li:;noitN olilolK-oxxisa. ami AYLKSIIUtY XXTOJHCS. ' Sutlsftictloii guarautcul. Tor I'neo LUt. Fowl. and Km, address J, W. II01IAHT. "PC'UJ Buena Vista, Or. B. STRANG, Importer and Dealer In Improved Ranges,. COOK. PABLOR, AND BOX STOVES, . Ana Manufacturer of Tin, Sheet-Iron & Copper WARE, Union Block. Commercial Street, SALEit, OliEOOX. IRESrECTFUULY INFORM ALL MY OLD friends and ci utomcra that I bavo rrsutned bufl iicm. and invito tho public Roncnlly to rail and exam ine my nock and learn my prices. Nov:l 1670tf Tlio total production of boet-root sugar iu F.uropo U uow estimated, jg cialderab)y ex- To Xiadloa. JtH. BK. CRAIG It sow prepared to re Hve patient at her office, in Baicm. Daring tha pttt year (be ha had eatcnjlve practice at Dr. Adaau' popular Medical Initltnto tt Portland, in trMUag Udlci, and feel confident of tnordlns relief la mot cue of a chronic 'cnaractcr. UpccUl atten tion paid to female wcaknet and nervou prottratlon. In connection with her treatment, tho u,ei tho cele brated Mediated Elcctrlq Ytor Hath, which aid -attly la rdectlng cap. Office and rotldence, , c. corner of lntcr aud Bamnier itrceti, Salem, X. A. JBxx<H, Vx'tieat, Sarfni, Oroon. dealer In Stcrcctcopca and Stereo tcoplc VIcai , and cene of Salnm and tho nrroiind- MidtKV I CVler8ra w 40Ul '" u" iVottr (.olor. Alterative To Purify tho Blood nso ir. jnyncs AUorntto. it nets directly on tho blood, stimulating tho absorbents, overcoming tho obstlnntostnto of tho pores of tho skin, ami Imparting u healthy glow to tho Complexion. I'lmplcs, Pustules, Tetter, nnd Skin Diseases of nil kinds, Mercurial Affections, Tumors, nnil nil varie ties of complaints arising from de praved or disordered blood, nro ef fectually crndlcntcd by this remedy. ScrofWa In all its Forms is cured by tho persistent uso of lir. Jnyuc'K Alterative. It destroys tho poison ous prlnclplo which originates Scro fula, nnd ultimately drives it from tho bystem. It will rcmovo enlarge ments of tho Glands or Bones, nnil is a Mfo remedy in cases of Ulcers or Sores of nil kinds. Dropsy and Dropsical Swellings nro effectually cured by Dr. Jmjbo'n an sUt. Dy btlmulating tho action of tho absorbents, nil wntcry or U careous depositions aro gradually carried off, toning up tho pationt at tho samo tlmo, by strengthening tho Ulgestivo organs nnd exciting tho Liver, Kidneys, Ac to perform their fuuetiona. For Dyspepsia nud Liver Complaint it has proven a remedy, and it has established cures in eases or L'pllepsy. It may bo saMy relied ou.by any ono needing a mcdk-lno o butted up tho system, cleanso tho -blcKkl,4r to rcatoro tho normal notion of tho Stcrctlyo Orgaiis. T. A. JJAVXS t CO., Wh0llo Agent, PortUnd Salem Flouring Mills. DE8T FAMILY FLOOR, UAKEH'S KXTHA, XXX. EUPCRFINn AND GRAnAM, MIDDLINGS, DRAN, AND SnORTS, Conntantly ou Ilniicl. IIItvliCHt Prico iu CuVBIS. Paid for Wheat AT ALL TIMES. Sept l?tt It. C. KINNEY, Accnt 8. F. M. Co ESTABLISHED 1806. Willamette Nurserv G. W. WALLING & SON, PROPRIETORS, Oswego, Olaokamas co., Orego- WALLING'S Orvfioa. ocjs&l I'lHl PEACH PLUM, Tho Italian Fnue And tbe beet wietles or Priuie, Pecfc, Apple Fear, Chcrrr Nut and Shade Trees, IN FULL ASSORTMENT. Send for Descriptive Catalogue. r. o. suuunr ak. ATTORNEY AT LAW, OPERA HOUSE, SALEM. I S. B, comer, at head of etaUe. ftltt --