tf V 1. 0. Q. T. DIKMOTOR Y. v Grand Olllccrs, " '0. VT. C. T.-W, Jl. Dnnbar. Sllvcrton. O. V. O. Cotin.Mrs. 8. C'.McL'lnnir, Eugene City. O.W.V.T.-JoaiinalAlo Dallas. O. Slc'y T. II. Crawford. Portland. U. A. Bcc'y-Ii. Statnn, Monroo U. Trens. Etnnn Kcllorg, Portland. -Q. Cbap.-llov. J. (. N. Hell, Ashland. U. Star. J. V. Btratijro, Itoecbura. U, D. Mar. Aimlo K. Underwood, CotlflRC Orovc. U. Guard Mary CatlwrlRht, Tho Dalles. .0. Hen. T-F.llarton, Amity. .O. Mess. BrteMshcr, Stay ton. l O. WOT."Tumon Ford, Salem. Snpt. Juvenile Tenlplars Mr, M. E. Iloxtcr, f or ttist Uroto. Slato lfcinity . AV. (!. T'n. Tlov.J. It. N. liell, Ashlaud. Wm. llnssoll. Weston, v Capt. O. 0. ArtplcRato. Llnkvlllc. I). II. Allen. llalcv. T. 11. llandlcy, llllleboro. Asa Shrove, Uallas. 11. V. Grubbe, Wilbur. Wm. Grant. Lebanon. Tier. J. W. Miller, Ilalhs. Iter. J. 8. McCain, Eiiacnc. ' Wm. Harmon, Tho Dilles. "Wm. II. Carter. Corvallls. W. 8. .lames Portland. L. J. House. Snmmcrvlllo. U. V, IUtnp.ilndppeudcucd. -J f ',- - -W. 8. McMocu, Cani'oiLCl(y, T. U. Crawford, 1'oriUnd. ", V. H. Vox, Astoria. ' ' . J. Hurt, Crcswcll. .7. K, Houston. Junction. Jlcv. it. c. Jcnkln, Monroe. ' 0. 11. Walker, Astoria. . II. N. McKlnncy.llakcrCUy. Levi I.chnd, Oregon OHy. .- . Lako D. Wolmrd, ConnllleClly; " -V. A. Mathews, Looking (Ham-i . . Hi. U. Vishcr, Staylon. ' .. , Hoy, K. Hayes, Ln Grande. . . , W. It. Lherninro, St. .Tolins. 15. M. Allen, l'rlnovlllo. nutvlct VriHity . IV, 0. Tfl. W. T. Itlchcs, Turner. W. It. O'Dimald, Portland. -.1. 8. Cockclrcasc. ItosohurR. It. W. Lake, Knglu Creel;, lames Coflcy, Halcm. .lames Erwln, lrt Ktamilli. Hon. J. A. l'rustt, Pendleton. I.. II, ltojal, Albany. A. J. llirlow. Carlwrlcht's. airs. Anna W. Spencer. Gardner. .1. 1'. Tuppcr. MarshlMd. i:, 15. FnnnliR, Hllleboro. Gcorgo Holnlccr, t'nlon. K. L. tichlorroin, Hock l'olnl. Mr. M. J. Thorn, Cauyonvllle. Subordinate I.otlistx. Xo. Xitm(, tolgc Ikputii, Aitilmr. .. Excelsior W II Carter ConalHs l()..Westcrn&tAr l'M Wfwlsworth Albany 11. .Capital Geo A Kdcs Salem l'j.. Multnomah John 1) Garrison Portland 17..1lllliboro fill Hurupbroy lUIUhoro ill.. La Crcqlo Jentito Logau Dallas ::'I..Hther ItUIlamsby Sltierton :in..ttosa I'.mllyM Yandcrvcrt....Pa1cm 10.. Astoria Thos. Jructt"" Astoria II ..Morning Star, Miss 8. Tltarrlson.Uuena Vista ll-Marlon 8 Hatch ....Hubbard rT..MIlwaukle ...John Packer E. 1'ortl.ud (1.1. .Fountain i...WTWIIIlamion..K Portland 71. .Vat Pontl I IC I'CavItt Zona bO...Tohu Dsy M V Thompson... Canton City fl.. Nonpareil Mrs ST V Steams... I'ortland HI. .Lone Star W A Mills Clackamas HI. .Ultra Montane. ...Wm Harrison linker (,'ltv 100.. Marshal I.uclan Kvorets ....l'ciultetou ll.V.llrooWlyn lames McOr.'w...U. Portland 111.. Sheridan T 11 Falconer (Sheridan IN., Damascus JaniesTChltwood., Damascus lOT.. Forest (Irtnc 1'0 Iluford forest Orote lS'i..Hprlut'ilcld PA Kennedy Springfield JM..Vulley : rTMarr....... ......llalc) lM.. Weston .lames Kltkpatrkk... .Weston lVL.tinlivan Mlnerv.ibt.trr Junction 1CI.. Harmon S....Wm Mlchcll .TbaDMIcs 1M. .Union .W G Porter .Turner l"il..Clktou W W Wells .-.. .Klkton 1M.. Laurel P 1 Pnlmcr..,.....8coltiburK 17U..Pacldc SKDIllard.... CottaqeOroto j8I..Mnnnt Pleasant. .. John Polly Orcswcl! lJ..l'hll Crcfk.. ...,0 M Ncct Dexter lSL.tlrjinil Pralrln U v "V",: Yihii'nS 18J.. Ashland S.DH """V',?C ! vil..KJimath IamosKauc....lort Klamath MUU.ll W ,W. KhinlU i9i..::dcn ?.llf0WS'v:,:,v.Ett llH..I.O0Wnslllsi ju iwii..uw.iui,. iin..Tauuent llanncr....! J lltiard... lai urcnt out.. Portland. ao7..Hrldseport Ul'i..UCIMICI 213..1tevlval at4..Lelund 117.. Goshen :ll9,.rjitnynii i()..Mirlle !;i7..Marhfleld " Onutrd JWPropit .A'b?n,) lrj n A nlnirn I'nrlljnd 0 11 ltlSS .l1al,.7" TCUauer :...Prlr.cillo James Klnnecan..Pralrlo City . ...ltobirt Kakln Unton .....J Handsaker Goshen ( W CatchlnB....Canvonvillo .'.'.'i' W A Cr'la...'.!..Mrshflold nuiiio bany llltl'M r" r .. ft..!.. frrr suwt liomo S ::dIK..;v:.:::: ...;vi-?!H ssss oik a hliiim X XI i Bllltnwll ai,,CrtwforrVlUo.UiUrt 01ais..CrawrordvlJ! a 'Hrownsrlllo ... X W Stananl.... llrowis u 51 (L?er.".........0 K l'arrlsli UroHlisvlllo .3i:.Mohawk ........CD Har.llsty.... Mobak Jtt Monroo . LJ hlarr ...aipnroo "Woodhuru.. II S llouucy Wooiburn "st Cms 1....... .KllWIlmot. lHnvcrlon 2il"li. """.. James A Likens Aiully :.leeMpnDtaIn..Wm.lV.elL....Ca ,. It Williams Independciico .i u iMirilnm Goixals . .'.A Mor'lson Sam's Valley ,.bnmucr uarr H?"'.01: nt Voln lllth,. !::SnlHW.-8tt?iS::::::iiKM ,ii' 1 lioino Hhcr... .Tims JUymond Woodvl u IS::?iwX'i::::v::.MiyHV mcm JT'.i..ltomawood i;VJa"ile1 flcieianil ::k-:M;c;g S:Summ.nHio::....f II Kin-ban 2U..Philomath ViJ"i"?iiUi ' "owl"" .)! Nuw Krn Dr. J. l-csin "J,",:'. I ::&rMoialU.V...WmHamlUon.. uI..Wiat Union. il.. Triumph 2W. .Ge.vals.. ...... or. I TAliln nock.... Oil..Carllnn SM..Cunby,. . , m ll3!Ill";: , .Wm KnUht ,. Canny TUb &)llowinulavo'l)oon chosen offlcorsof Silver rdgo, No. 80. I O.G.T., '" suliiB lorm, vU: U. D. Allon, .O.T.! Ornha Cranston , W.V.T.s Doo. Slmphon, S.i A. l niwsketby, W.K.S ; B. P. niMts, W.T ; n.O. IUuiby, W.M 5 ioll!oJn:o, W.I.O.; AUfH'SlppyOi P.W.O.T. W, ,U. "J)uubr." OW.C.T., on Uio 21st lost., vWtd Silver Lo.lgo n iiveni, on Uio 2J Inrt sp '") to nonllvo RUll .enceontnu A.lqu at tho Crow ltaH Donnogan'H bliop. l. l llpwM.y und P.of. Xana, of Silveron .Jytli'Miltspd the moet inc for ft oh Hmo after Uio kcluro, KXfUiiM Prairie Uw l llu!j tt good work MiiHwIjlluR l Hs wiberi-bln cvury Meeting. . W,U Dimbsr, O.rt C.T., im u tlt '-iin tiia Ilth Inst. h l-itd ito buw Udgo ftt aervaunml lntrnel ihiiwmbsws Intlie Drt!rj"t vwork, tT)-. Unlff liroujls wall, XV n-Mifrn, Ulrs.OUA'oi ind r.-r, 4n. d.trwlwl Vbfct haU l t.Mm.-. pwWl-'istusurH was given on SW h vatMC In tb eburrt WILL'AMETTE ' FARMER. 5 Wbloh ws lUtouoil to by n good nudlonco. On Alonitay ovonlug ho vlslfod Triumph Lodge, at Imlepondeuco, nml roportg It do ing a pploudld work . llros. Itninp, Parrlsb, Wllllntus, Claggot, Slopor, Osborno and oth ers, nro old workers for tho Order nud ato conducting a good Lodge Tho public meeting hold lu tho church on Tuesday oveulng was largely attonded. 13ro. Handiakor, L, D. or Goshon Lodgo, reports four Important accessions Jet moot ing. W.K. Dunbar, a.W.O.T.' will arrlvoat Dralu'o Station on Saturday ovonlug May 5th, and will dollvor u publlo addro3s on Sunday May Cth. On Monday, May 7th, ho will pay an offi clal visit to tho Lodgo of I.O.G.T. at Oak land, aud thou go on to Aehlaud. At a mooting of tho Ochoco Lodgo, No. 212,1. 0.G.T., held April 12, 1877,tho fol lowing resolutions woro adoptod: Whereas, It has been tho will of tho uiviuo i-ruviuoneo io remove iroui our midst our woithy Brother KlchardSanford; tbcroforo, llesolvod, That, by tho death of our worthy Brolhor wo havo lost a trtio member of our Ordor, and shall miss his presouco at tho luturo mootlngs of our Lodgo. That, whllo wo mourn his loss docply, yot wo bow with submition to tho, will or our Heavenly Father, hoplug that our loss Is his otornal cain, Thatwb tender to thoso to whom our Hrolhor wiw cndiaiod by tho ties of relation ship our heartfelt smypathy in this their sad hour of heroavomout. That tho chartor of our lodgo bo drarod lit mourning for twenty days in respect for tho memory of our lato llrother. Thntthoso resolutions bo spread on tho record or our Lodso, uud a copy bo sflnt to tho Willamktti: PAiiMint nud lallcs Mountaineer for publication. T. 0. llAKl'.B, (J. A. Al.t.KN, Tnos. Alld.v, Cointnlitco. Indians am giving now proof not only of their canacltv to brnmn nlvlllml. lint In . . . r . .. . " --.--."., ... ... nctuniiy lean in tno mlvauco-guard ofclvlll 7Jitloti. Tlio Now York livening Ju an nounces that a tompotanco convonllon or Iudlaiis has boon culled by tho Cattaraugus Indlandsof this Stnto, to bo held In tho Prosbi-torlau Church in tho Cattaraugus re servation, on tho 2.'tli of nuxt September. Tho convention will bo compoiod of six dolegittes from cnohtrlho of civilized Indians In tho Vnltod Statos and Canada, aud, says tho 2W, "It is oxpoctnd to adopt homo ox tronio moasuros by which tho salo or all hinds or Intoxicating liquors may bo pro hibited aiming tholr trlbos." Wo congratu late tho Indians, and hopo tholr convention may accomplish all that Is cxpeo'od of It. A'a. Tern, Advocate, Eollgion ill Curry County. i:. Fahmkr: Thinking that a lltllo relig ious nows from this far-oil' part of t)rogon might provo Interesting to wimo of your roadorri, ospoolally to many of our old ac quaintonces In tho Wllhimetto valley, I will glvoyou a brlof account or Romo rovlval incotlngs hold hero thl3 wlnlet: In tho later part of February Uov. J. G . Moshor, of tho LTnltod Urothorn Church, mado us n visit, aud soon after ho oamo lonny woather sot ' and ho could not got away so bolng Hnx lous to mm-. 4Il0 )88t t0 ,0 00l,,d of (ho tlmo ho commenced a jv..i ,,(Utt.inir ou ltogtio Itlvcr near tho mouth of tho Illinois River. Hero tho meollug Instrd eight days mid provod a giont succors. It was tho llrst preachlug that many of tho young pcoplo over hoard, uud theio was otio old man con verted that had not heard a sermon for forty ono years, Tho entire neighborhood was converted with tho exception of ono man; it was a thorough work, a clussof20 mombcrs was orgaulzed aud now iubtoad of training rncehorsos thoy aro faithful, reAlous Christians. After closing this mooting, ho proachod two tormons In Kllcusburt:, and from thoro ho went to Kotmd Grovo school house, nud held another protracted meeting, which lasted eight days aud rosultod in great good. 8It wero convortod and, ten added to tho church, aud tho church gently rovlvod. i Among the . couverts horo aro some of tho foiomont and inllueiitlal young pcoplo or our county. Tho storm mill last lug auolhor meeting was commoiicod at Pleasant Hill school house, which lasted a few days, and closed with ono oonvorslon nud a gonoral good Coaling. lly this tlmo tho stormy weather had ceflfcod and tho Uldor had to leavo us aud go to work for hla Master on other fields or labor. Holra93 universally loved and ro spictcd by ull lovers or truth, and our pray ers nro that tho siino fucces may attend his labors In other parts or tho vltioyard that has attended them bore. A. It. Millku. Kdonsburg, April 10, 1877. Im'amouj. OUTitAOK. Mr. It. V. Short Is a reijKotod cltleii rslding near Iluttovillo, and ho has lately been tho victim or u llond U assault, rrom n nun namod Iluohanan nKaluft whoo gonoral character ho gavo ovldeucs In a trial held not long boforo, In that neighborhood. Soino days after when riding past Hachanan'a place, that individu al accosted him and Mr. Short waited for blm lo come up when ho was assaulted, pulled from his wagon, beaten until the bones or hla ftico woro broken and his fjuturos undlstlogulshabb, Frightened nt his own work, far Mr. Short was' not n man or great physical ntrangth, liuchanau took his victim near homo towards uvoulng, callod tho fainl I vand then loft lxiforo any onncamour. Mr. Short suffered great lnjarlesfiom which we hopo ho may recover, but it may bo ths hn novor will In full. 1 f thfiso nro tho fat. nud they are thus given In tho J2nterprMnt last week, Huohanan will unuouutociir e Indi'-ed and punished by sever st l,,''e," .letirw Mr Jhort c;avo m u hU un$",ma,o ' chbrctc or ani i cmnwmr. f Tho U.X"lauJoir of (ontH lits JOint inn r w , . ftuiunn ttftttit 111 IllM iOJs .' T"" ""' Driving Sheop across tho Mountains. Ed. Willamkttk FAmtnn: In your papor oroth Inst,, I eeo.a commuulcatlou from Mr, W. A. on driving shoop ncross tho moun tains, For tho bonoflt or those contemplat ing driving shoop tho couiIur sprltiK. I will glyo my oxperlonco. ' W. A. siys ir bucks aro brought In tho band thoy will bo wishod In somo diabolical placo beforo many days, nud it Is hotter to bring them soparatofrom tho baud, A'o. This a mlstako (u Mr. A's part. On or about tho llrst of Juuo 1S72, 1 drovo a bjmd of sheop to nutter crook, Umatilla county, having threo bucks. I wishod to (ako iwCwklch I pttrchasod of M. Wllklus. I could not thluk of driving throo bucks by thomsolvos. On such n trip ll would havo cost moro than, tho bucks would havo,bcon worth; so I drovo thorn in tho baud nt almost no oxpeusoj landod on Kuttor crook July 1Q, took my bucks out tho 20th, but could havo loft them in tho band till August 1st, with porfoot safoty. Soon niter I nrriyod on Butter crook, my ohoop began to dlo. I moved thorn Immediately to tho Bluo Mountains , wboro thoy did well about two wooks, whon they began to dlo with tho muiio complaint as boforo. I lost soyoral of tho largest nud fattest sheop in tho baud with a complaint llko tho colic, I laid it to thous'ooi dry feed, as it was thon some ilmo In August. Tho shoep that woro raised thoro did not , scorn to bo ntleoted by this complaint. I sont for sulphur, mixed ono third tho amount of sulphur to that of tialt, fed my shoop onco u week, and novcr lost nuothor shoep by this complaint. Dor. Isabol,LnnoCo, TAKE PAHTICULAR NOTICE. . . L All pursous who have rocolpls for money paid Cultivator that has not boon duly credit ed will ploaso aond thorn to us, aud wo will make tho propor credit, nnd must have (ho recolptto show Mr. Mart Drown In sottle inout with him. Wo will Immedlatoly ro turn tho parties our own recolpt In placo of tho onoEout us. Wo hopo all partlos will comply without furthor requost form us, for It N importnut to us to mako all corrections as soon as posslblo whoro mistake? havo occurred In tho accounts. Milmm'.hy, Mrs. Milllcau's popular es tablishment, whoro tho uowost styles of bonnets, laces, ribbons, llowrrs, A-c. can bo found, Is on Counnorclal Btreot, llrst door south of 1 troy man llros. An Irish gontloman, hearing of n friend having a stouooollln mado for hlnunir, ox claimed: "By mosowl, an' that's a good ldcol'Shuro. nu' u blouo cofllu 'ud last a mnnhls llftitiino." lly tho way, tho grave or Fulton has no mouumont. Wouldn't it bo appropriate to plant n boltor around thoro noniovJioroT Ills momory Is groatly steamod, you know I ItncoiiraKcmeiit for the Veeble. Dchlltty, whether It bo tuhercnt, or causttl by ov ertax il strength or protracted Illness, has a tno,t dc pretrlnir Influonee upon tho mind, breeding an object melancholy nearlj akin to despair, and rnforclnj; tho Abandonment of cbcrlshcil projects and IiIkIi hopes. Happily, tho cufeebiwl system, orcn Inoitromoras-- U susceptible of Invlirorstlon. It Isprorcdhyln- thst in addition to ItalUInVWR !.ff&'?1 tlon. It establishes regularity ainon3 rtAiPJ8.'',?: upon whoso efficient dlschart'o af the duties linnorYu on them by nature, continued vlt;or aud health do pend. Tnourstids of Instances mlvhl bo cited to show the re jcnoratlin; liillucuco of this ln aent In cases of debility, liver disease, djsjiepsla, nervous ailments, constipation. Intermittent Rur, urinary and utortuo troubles, Kmitssnd rheumatism, and other maladies. Leo Willis, BEOS LKaVB TO CALL THE ATTENTION 01 tho public to his new stock of Pianos and Organs, In store and to arrive, which are oflurcd at Greatly - lloIii;ocl JL'riocw, cither for cish or on Installment. ins STOCK 01 Books and Stationery Is also COMI'Lirrn, nd will be told at prices to suit Urn times, Will furnUh, at short notice, any Hook published In Ihu I'nlt.d elales, it publisher' rate. Ordeis solldted, aiUuu examination ot his stocV rcspcclf jlly luvlud. LEO WILLIS, apS-ltuT Sialo Street, Salom. WAKELEE'S" '" SQUIRM AND GOPHER Exterminator ! THE ORIGINAL AUTICLE! All oilers are Inferior Imll'illons ! Euitoii' Iti'iui, I'liEt: Dear Hlrs. I hao Jus kill iinu aid kills as i.iauir as tcien of liarm' -iiilrrsl rol,on, and as many as ten cans of Htcels riciulrrel l'ols(u. Thlnkln.i the remit will I o liH0lini; to jour rrscir, i scuu u lor incir neneai, fours, tery refpeclfn'ly, K. 1', WonjiWiiui. IU) wards, April h, IbtS. IrtsrKriiilfuls. putting out tan aIi of tho foihiwlnt; poisons 'A can or uamey s. a can oi monies, am u can cflhn arllclo alicd Wukcleo's llxUrrr.lnator. Ouo ca of wakcleo iuIuW a uswinlum lfair. unil Lhs otodaei uudl l th CutauUl s '"K I IMS 14 ."" or s3p1,r',n l 13P- win s, XQ.Id ("" III purchatlep, caro shouM bo used tcrorCcr t70F-ls.oloos. T. A. AVIS & CO., vdrMAXD, mduaU Aymt4, WAlCRhl' I'VS BATH FOR SHEEP A MN'OI.K TUIAr, OM.Y Unccessary tupruults superior LlUcUucy. H. P. V7AKKIi213 b OO., Tmporlcrs of Drugs ami ChcmlialK, .uK.vrs axi viXAtiKna aouuax oirv ajAltu- i-.V IMtVNCIdCO. BSSK Bit. J. v, cijami:. 8T IXOoIm bU)ioronU.H, YoitDUers, - DmWk's Ulok. IB outre. fT 3Ew IO) W IMPllOYED GARDEN CITY PLOWS, WK HAVR ON HcNl), AND AUK RGCRIVIKa. THE I,AHOKST STOC1I OW THK AllOVn CRfiB brnted I'towrs ever Imported to tho IMcltlo coast. Tha success of thoso l'Io last yeir exceeded any hluff over beforo known lu this Stato. Thoonov on baud nro mado with now nnd special lmpro cments, .Vnriaiitctl Superior to any LMow lit flic Vnllcd 8(atcNj - 'T s m ME ' . f i vt ,? : 111 WUSKZSSSSSSS ss ': iSL THE GARDEN CITY SULKY PLOW, CuUliir; llaud 10 1:sclio, with IMiorso Attachment, ami t-lnhc rolling Cutler, is without u rival, rt hits been ho thoroughly IchUmI that wo warrant Itf operation In any Mill in tho Stale. Thoso Plows aro sold with that guaranty. 3i'8end for Uirouliu-i and Prloo JjiHttt.'t&a -(! NEWTON WAGONS, XVXoxxitoi- 23i'0cl-0vMt V f-,W,KrifcrfriIIlrtjrt.-il- XnS$MJ Soedoss nnd Cultivators,' Wytemm gardew orair v,,i.,.r.w.,!yTrHSViSiaAr .SAi.nm, sept. UH, IS1) (I. CULTIVATORS AND HARROWS. T. OUMNlMilAJl & CO. . HTKAven, -X Hiuixll llRht twy or brown ninro initio, Iihh worked linulliiu; my puinpsi about tlio country; lma O. M. brruvdod dlinl.v ou blii, porbniiH ouo letter ou oiudt Hldo, 1 don't rncolloot, light oolotod about tlio homo. Sultablo roward will bo kIvoii for Inroriua lion by A, I'mc'c-orr, April 12tl l'utup-umltor, Suioni. tansrfinwiiisiisniinni imwumim nml I'lnntsj, Sprint; t.lsls free. 1'. K. rmrtNi.N, Illoomlnston Nutsory, III. Troos, MI iVnrlv I'rollt iVimi l' llciik. liv halthluir oitl's and mlslnir miultry ly menu nf hnrso nnnuro. 'J hn (Vnteiinlal and sunral (lold .Mciltls. nud U Diplomas, hw.i been nwiudul t) I'rufmsor A. Corhelt, No." W.irrcn slnet, N. Y, Testimonials nnd C'atnloui' s nt on rvcept of 8 cent stamp. "v I B5sSaCZSU A. L. STIJNJGO, Book and Job Printer, HOLMAN'S BLOCK, Oltl Senate Chamber, Salem. r Am. kinds of Printing neatly executed, and at reasonable rates. .March UUIf. mCMVftVAIXSi X . -tiff rjF T 33. "WAIT, flencrnl Apcnt for Orei;on ni.d Wnshlni'tou Tcr'yfor MCC ormick's Harvestinll 3VIVOXZX3NrX2XT.-V. Tho McCorintckmsdilmsarotha lllIs'P nnd most durable, that ho rcr bciu (onitructed. F.IC?IltllN look to your Interests' tXT'detii'S more Hkht. rat Irob. 'C'htup John' machliiLS, hen u cut a MtVOllitlVK, end use It with proper care, ll ls;oo.t for twenty j rirs. .Inlivnud Win. ruph, of this county, havo ouo Ihej hvo run for J2CZ icars, and will Mill conlluiio to iipo. Thu MiUnmilck Ilr cser took tho Xlvntt ip?.-oiLiixxxm. at the Orexon Slato 1 .ir nt "MCU IV.V.' .1 1.1. OUIKIIH, Do not urdtrnny but tho McComilrk, and you will bo pleased with your purchuso. Also, Wail';; PorlaWn Power Hay Presses, lit io order, ami icryunc vtarramcn ioiio thu nuu that tool; thu first pruiituui ut the 'Sou (Mil (iJ tjumlm, or uivlfvr tircvUr. T. II. W.HT, apJO (hum' nlat Stmt ii.ll.KM. REAL ESTATE LOANS. 0KKU0.V AXI) WASIIIMiTO.V Trust Investment Company Of hCOThaMI. rSVHH Company Is prepared to iieRotlato loans In .1 mum Irom l.VONi SHlxvifccuri' I over IMI'ltO Vrtn CITV l'HOl'r.ltTV and I'AltM LANDS, for fixed periods .f )tais, nrrepayablu by half yearly In stallments, l'or terms, apply lo WILLIAM I1RII), Manager, novlOr U I'lrsthtrett I'ortlaud. lis il tl ho sli ttrlniiuu, Tho owner ijoi hao Ihu amo bypruilu once, miiuiru in .m - O., at Turner, or tha uiidsrsliinrd, j. i.. miirri.ii.u.i.i.ii II UNI). -On thu 3ud duy of Jan. 077, tho under sltriud found two pairs nl HOOTS, on Ihu roal endlnij from Hulrm, lo Turner, near Monl's sltui;h- F feid propcily aud ptylus for this notice, Iii'jillro of Mi Kiiu.vvrlinilli A, April & Pl. KELLY & UNDERWOOD, ffiS w . Oarriar.e & Wagon Mm nillUUlj UIUJ,UU , Ur Mnjr TTTVVROK IIASli ACIIOIC'K f.OT 01' VOUIt Vagono, CarriagSB, Si. Butjfrloc, of thoir ovn ruato, iff ib I1BI MUsHty of Jrwy Illebory. iU fc) v wu e dot wu, aud iudJit fllvBsJslrur huKHmis.! JoWitsr iIasmi M rtkvr, itutlca, Si-'i MiiultfirW UlS4lllt JH tot&kffo w.witAvitnnromi. j, vr. wciTUKiirono. rf Weatherf'ord & Co., Wholesale and ltotiill Dealers In v DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, GLAS, Patent Medicines. CHEMICALS. r X"vl m. r y TOILET GOODS, Etc, oto. PURE WINESand LIQUORS, Io r Medicinal purposes. Modlcinoa Compounded, and Proaoriptions Filled. Weatherford & Co.. 1'cOir Commercial street. NAIiKilf. Season of 1877. tiii: iMi'oitTi:T CLYDESDALE STALLION" YOUNG MARQUIS, AND tiii: TROTTING- STALLION AUTOCRAT, riTII.f, MAKi: TIIK HKAbUN OV IbTtt VltOsI 1 I Apill At Apill 1st tu July 1st, as follows! Win. Acker'N Union Stnlilo. Taylor n trout, I'oi-lland, MONDAYH, after tn o'clock; Tl'liiDAYH. WUI) NKHDAYr), and TIIUIlHDAYrl, at 1 p. in ; und At tlio Ownur'H t'arin, ilocilvlllr, WnslitiiEton comity, on I'ltlDAYH. SATUltllAYB, and KUNItAYH. After July 1st, nt lll'.KUVlM.i:, Washington county. TlJIiniS -At'TOCIt VT, to Insure, $ 50. YOUNO MAIK(UIH, to tiMiim 10. KsUliinunt In bo Hindu vhliuii initios aro known to bu lu roil, IMMuranu at Kkkiivii 1 1. limited to t f w mares brought from u dis tance. Address, fa. Gr. Xt-niDXD, IMrtlailil, Or AliKCIC I.DTIIIAN, KueUvlllc. np(l Jim RAY. FRIEDMAN & CO., Whilo thoy aro oolllng General Merchandiuo cheap, yet thoy vill sell their proaont ntoolc of Boots apd. shooB, on liand, at cost pricon. Aluo, Trado or Oaah paid for Hides. hop j&ooiks. JF'vTaTXloxT at Xlucluotiouj Qnly $3 per Thousand ! , uiuei.i Address, ,,t rriituiitiy riucd, ' t i:. it. no'tNiiy, Srvliitf, V.uuo Co. i I'Ainilllt Itltt'KNTI.Y ATlUVHI), wlsJiOfl il. v 3f-v Jirsueitxx. Asism slat. ?tgisf1flUtUo,I'wHUnd, Jhl&n 1 .? i i w I ...1 I -' ti