I "'- " " ii , WILLAMETTE FARMER. ! . ; -, m. . M 1 b: 1 v; rt i lililM mstrsii ktbiiy riurur, nr CLARKE & OXtVIG, TUIIMPIIEIH akd raoriiiKTons. S. A..CIiAIIKE. D. AV. CItAIfJ. Term or Niibacrlptloii. Onoeopr,onoycnr(S3nitinbcrp) $2,J0 Ono copy, xlx months (20 mimljcri") l.Ufi Uno copy, tbrco month (13 ntimticrn) . .71 BALEM, FRIDAY, APRIL 27, IS77. Preparo for tho Coming Demand. "Wo liavo In our favor tlio present year (he almost cortalnty of a good do mnnd for ourbreadsturaln Europo at remunerative prices, and tho further prospect that California will have to de pend on us for a part, at least, of her supplies. It Is thought that Oregon will havo 200,000 tons of wheal to send abroad, which will not leavo less than In all probability sovon and a half millloiiH of coin in Oregon. Then wo havo wool for sale, and thoro will bo more of it this year than over before, 'with certainty of a considerable Im provement on last year's price. Wo sell stock cattle to be driven East and hor.ses to be sold at the best market. It will not be Hlrango If California will send to us for fat bcof as well as Iior sos. Our butter and ojrgs may find a bcttcrdemaud than usual there if times me exceptionally dry, and while Call ferula always did depend on us for oats, tho chances aro that this depend onco will bo greatly Increased iho pres ent year. It Is not pleasant, though natural, to thrive on tho misfortunes of oilier, and that is what .seems in sloro for us. It Is liardly necesiary to urge our friends to bo vigilant and energet ic In cultivating all the ground that is possible to culllvato well, for they aro doing ail that 18 possible. Many havo hard times at the protont, but they can tako coiirago from appearances, for n few weeks will bring tho harvest and wo may expect a fair demand and rea sonable price for all staple products. lId(l up, with reasonable accuracy only, tho products you will havo for mile, including (ho homo demand as well as that for export, and it makes a healthy outlook for Oregon farmers, and when Oregon farmers thrive then mechanics do well, and merchants and manufacturers aro prospeied. Tho outlook thou Is remarkably HiUtorlng for all and tho present hard times must servo as a lesson not to venture too much when prosperity visits us, so us to bring them back again. ouch Is uncongenial to Christendom; his rule Is u despotism distempered by nnnrchy, atroclty.stupldlfy and bigotry. The Moslem hordes that long centuries ago rushed across to conquer the grent nyzantino Empire, have hardly made a step of consistent progress In tho ages they have dwelt there. Strong preju dice rules tho souls of a groat part of tho peoples of Kurope, demanding that Turkish rulo shall end and itsiUrociMes bo atoned for. Tho Turk courts his fate, and whatever evil may bo laid at tho threshold of despotic Ilussia, not forgetting Siberia and tho knout, wo can subscribe to the belief that tho be sotted rulo of tho Turk is infinitely worse in comparison, for while wo niny expect much from tho former, tho lat ter blends with despotism a bigotry and superstitious ferocity that leaves' no ground for hope. Tho Crop3 of 1875, and of 1870. Russia and Tarkoy. Tho manifesto Russia has issued an nouncing an intention to enforce by arms tho claims that nation has assert ed against Turkey, Is the culmination of a policy, and a diplomacy that has consistently and unflinchingly endeav ored to attain Us ends for two centuries, At last tho tlmo has arrived when Turkish atrocities havo startled hu manity and shocked the moral sense of Kurope. Italian diplomacy has skill fully managed to draw tho Great Pow ers of Kuropu into the entanglement of conventions iuul tho framing of condi tions, tho enforcement of which I de manded of Turkey, until, ns tho cul . initiation of all, tho Turkish govern ment courts Its doom by rejecting tho piotocol and spurning alike (ho Inter ference oll'ered and tho protection promised from Christian nation. ItiiNsIa has thus managed to disarm tho well known Jealousy of her Chris tian neighbors, and by putting Turkey incoutestably In the wrongjustltle.s the warsho is about to commence. It Is Interesting and even amusing to lend tho opinions expressed by our powerful contemporaries tho Journals ' that come to us from (ho groat cities for, while one bids llula Clodpoed Jn doing good work for Christendom by driving tho Moslem out of Kurope, another asserts that it is only a war be tween baleful dynasties, and that there Is lio crime to bo charged on the Turk that cannot equally bo averted against tlio Russian. Tho last bias wldu of the mark ono way as the other Is in speed ing on tho Cossacks to hunt (ho Turks, Uiis.Mii hhowa groat capacity for pro. ' gnvwund Improvement; she Is in many SMMitlaN u Christian notion; Civiliza tion and rellnemcut exist there; --e!oiice nnd learning aro hprlnglng up in full unison with tho philosophy and litem, turo of tho most favored nations. No State in Kurope has made such progress In the lut quarter of a century as Jtusslu anil tho liberating of tho serfs ustiiMIMicK (ho irm'orniucnt of the Cair iv? becoming enlightened ami huintuu. 'JfHuklaldeapotiothtroMroptlllyttir to conui wherein sliowui liu lilwnriliud, bul of the Turk thoro I nnmifth hopj Jle ii out of nlui'ii lit Kiiny lira tc. It booiiii froai what flxuros hnvo bfion nmiloof lLo (;raln Blilpmoiils slnco last Iinr. vobt, that tho Wlllntnotto vnlloy emtio nearer to ronllKlnR n nliort crop In tbo year 1870 than at nuy othor Jtlino rIdco croj)s Jmvo boon Jinrvostcd ;tn Iho country. Tho Or effonian wo an ostitnnto of lliofiiirpliisof 1S73, whloli ltseoniM vrns'nlmut fournnd ono qnartor million of btiNlinli of client, and nlco Ravo lliol grain ulilpmonln (Including Jlotir) nhico Inst harvest, nnri It eooniHtlint tho3tirplusaf tho harvest year of 1870 nnd 13", will (.all ot least h riuilllott l.uMul idioit of llio ftliljmionls of tho yenr jirovloti. Thntitlono shown nlfileflclMicy of nearly Iwonty-flvo por cent, in tho MirpliiH wo liml for t.alo,fniid proves tho IasIMhu vest to havo hnen n very deficient one, but thorn aro Mill two facts that must bo nntfnrxtood to lonllzo wlint thatdnllclcncy wrh nnd (jl'.o us h cor rect Idn.i of its cxtont. 'J'horo whh n Rro.it tloal moro (troiind wowed to wheat nnd hnrve3lod In 1870 thuii v.'uh (liu cam In lfc73. It will probably bo safo (o put Iho iticruneo ut twenty por coat., nnd porlmjx It rouclird Iwonty-flvo per ennt. Supposing tho nvorH(o yield ofOrp;ion wheat Holds to liuvo'-'Obiinli- olHlolho aero In 187S, mid (hot n million lunholnof wheat woro lined for food and brcud,and that nIiowh u tolalnf wheat ylold In 1975 of H vo nud n'cpiartor million busholc, and a totul of Ii12,C0O ncros of land bowed to wheat. Add twonty.ilyoj'porcont. to that uorono and wo havo a lotAl or 028,12.') ncroi how n to whout .In 1870. S(II1 again, we aro UHlnjf nnd fshlpplugj.'ovory buhhol of wheat wolnivo lo wpaio, tho present year, whloli won not (ho easo lost.prlug,ftbr prices drop. 1HW1 uuilimnny thohl wheat over rather than tako prices ollornd, nuifrlnp in this vicinity from 60 cont to 87)5 contH. It Is cittiruatod that 0,000 tons ofwheaworo thus hold over and niArUolcd In Iho eirly fall, and If iiii waHllut cnHo, ol wliluh thoro hcenis no doubt, there was 1(W,C.M buahols of whout Hhlppod uflor tho harvoxt of 1870 that hhould havo heoacrudlled to tho jirovlons your, which would roduco tho ylold por ncro on tho aver ujio lu 1870 ;o not over l'JJi bmthelH per Hiiro, n much lower fluuro than was ovor known bnfor.t IiiOroKon. Wo (alio It that vtwenty biithels por aero Is u Biiiull avoriipto for h filr harvMt lu thltf Btato, and (hero appoara to bo mieh a great lncraso of acrougo abovo forinor yoara tliat It bOoniH aafi) to compute Iho totul at -100,000 ncies, whloli oiiRht to bring a yield of eight inllllouH of bUHhols, and kIvo us nnurpluaof 200,000 tons, equal to 200 cood nlzed cnrKOca to oxport, equivalent to 0,007,000 busholH. From what wo can gather, tho total whip, mout of California this year only nreKatod 000,000 ion HKaiuvl 600,000 to 1,000,000 Hint was anticipated. Tho (.late of tho crops thoro ut tho presont timo may bo mideriitood when wo learu that Rood J mines fear the total nurplus of tho Stato next year will not bo more than 100,000 tons, liven if It Is twlo that it Mill bo a leiriblo year for the firuiorH of California nud many ol I hem will bo cutliely ruined. Ono result of their mis. fnrtimoxwHl bo to add tliouiuinds to tho IKipuUtlon of Oregon. Never before watt thoro so favorable nu nniioatHi'.co of ornns in Onon,nnd tho almost too abiiiiduut nilim coinpnroMtirtDKOly with tho linidHlilpn and BUlt'eriiiKM ofour Houlheru nolKhhoru. Horsc-Powors aud Soparators. Wo havo IntbJy visited tho workshops of tho ImcIIIo Threshing Mnolilno Company In South Salem, nnd cm spsak of tho work thoy aro doing lu tinllalputton cftho needs of tho farmeri for tlio onnilng hurvr&t. Tho C3inpiny luvo rented Iho nuiculno nhop nud eiuployod the nrvlct of Mr. 1). L, Hlgne, ut whlolni ooiupotiiil corps of meolmincunro oiibho.1, Mr, 0(H). TUlothon bolnj; foreman. Thoionip.inynro also limning thoOeivais foundry In miinecllou with their butdup, iindHiooonstaiUly rcuolvlug castlna for tlio twoHlrei of horso-jHiwora they nro nianii factuiliiK. The value or Or. I'ellon'ahorso ptvwirn lias been i-ustalurd by setual orvlio done In OroROU, and it Is veil known that they firu iu&do in tho niw.t tubctuutlal nun per, ktronly iiiouuted, nud iioither ll.xlilo to bre.l:ao or to wear out iu llfotltno. Our reudori will rceoUccl thnccttlUcr.tcs'nnulolU' thulr favor by mut rolUUlo meu r.Htooork done list Heasou. Tho Inltintlon now K to maimfaotiire at lenst twenty of tho larj,'o tUo lower, No, 1, and forty of tho medium sUe, No, U, and they nro ulrcidy receiving ordets and havo mieoungemsut to bbllovo thoy Ciinuot lual.'o as tnauy maahlucs as cm ba ivndily hold. Tho roiiiKiny will nlo build ii number of modtuui'dxo separators Mr. PellonN patotit thouRU tho wotk of the pwkMit stuVKiu wiJ b olil. (ly dovoied to IlONM IHV$ri. TlW it Jill fHlllOMt libit, on the pan of eulorrtrtatng uum. to buildup liqmtMMiuiiilMlurrt-s, Ur. IV ton. tm lnutor MfiiitMLiMUurAj. (nleui, oouii amoo iw to tuakiiii litfiHlatttUk haiuo if ho cau Uuttd un ii iMiruiAiiMt bnilowkv, amt w nomiuAtid Uio mmWHffi&ani l iwkf mem m i y i a rMfrnhmlmMM . w' t mwwmi p' w 'LWJJJ1 i i'n jjji'iwm . ttrrtmicTWinatMartrajLxsxnawaem turn llllMa3 hxwa-jv KA.'m.tTJiiKrsLtcKxtisnnKmktjmmmm j Littlo Clara. Vi. -n. m m uata m-m . mm'w Died April 10, 1377, noir Smith's Frry, Or egon, uiara Mturr, youngcsi eium or j;, w and C'athoilno Starr, ngod 8 months and 2 tlays, Tho nnttol fnco no morn vo'll 330, Wo'll kl no tnoro tho lip; Tho lauirhlnpc eyes wo loved fo woll rociojoa in uomum tciipsu. Tlio littlo hniid, so plump and whitn, LIoh coldlipon (ho breast, And In tlio cold and cruel grAvo Does littlo Clara rost. 'TIs sad to think that 'ncalh tho sod Now IIoh tlio dulling lieud, And on our homo a rlimlow fal's, Since littlo Clura's dead. Tho falrost llowor hut bloonin to f ulo, Tho host bolovod must tlio; I.ovo can not bind tooiirth tho tblngi That only last on hlh. Jknnii: Sti;i:t.r. IN THE T5? 1E-Z 3E$ WORLD ! Bgq tliat our Trade Mark is on oacHPaokage! MWIIHMIWHmi Wanted, A cotr. i.V ci'nllonuil MUST IIP. VAIUtNTr.l) TO nn Lltid. nna to elva Ifmir fStiltntkM of MlLlv pcriliv. Aililrr, UnllnL' price. I.odc Itox 1011. l'QitTi M'' Ul'1""' ntiSTwS The Best Bargains Yet. REVOLUTION in Tim l'ltinzc oi' Dry Goode9 AMI- X.m1!GM imtl Gmiii,' FUKNISHINfi goods, GENERAL HBBcminnsB, AT TIIS oxjX sXwV"Nr -nr- H aviso noofinrorrTHK entiiik stock or CIotllu mill Ury Oooj of n .at jo BANKRUPT SAP.E -O san rranciseo, 0O2 CCJ02.-S7-t I.ctlmi notiul rot ol mtnufaciuJui:. I am rnabtcil l rvu ui l-lll(U VifiK I' I Olothlnrr, IGeutB' Furnishing uoouu, iJiuaa umous, ijinono, x-uiiiEojs, .uucniug, ijiuon uonnrHnua unns, iap- uinti,. i:iuiu:.'1v niiQOD, Hn s, Caps, &o. Xowor thin any OLlior IIouso I.TIIBhTATE. My tUV ef oLOTnnrft and fubnish- UX- (jUOUS Xai 3 xu. ana. o ax ku o, My Prices are Low ! Aud Gooi uf tlio 1IHST iMtfrUL Call early, Gold, SilvQ TaJi Striirn BarKftliiik ! all and ,aocl OttrroEOv. zm x Pat J nr. -jftKyjeB, 0) 4 a o C5 1 nPKKlr J iit Co. i o V o I o o s XJSO, PURE WHITE, FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK; Jot Blaok j and ALL COLORS. AND EASILY APPT.TTnn H'or Snlu Iy Ihu ApcntH: AND JOHN HUGHES, Salom, WlioicNnio DruirslNlti, urnl WcnloiH In Paints, oil, nnd Gin, .NO. W rilONT STBEKT. ..... . n ' -T. l.f 1.J.VI Ji-Tp -TJC PACIFIC THRESHING MACHINE COMP'V MANUPACraRKLS OP 5 fis'sS!Cd8 r.rl'-:ia SJ3iSrS.Ki.J VS ' "' "Jsi2k$ifi s-ttscs, jLtrtr?-nit.ircTvvi.vni'3- PELTOIsT SIX-FOLD MOKSE-POWEKSj Ana Counterbalaiico Sep.arat;.oi:s.. 1S70. 8. 1'KI.TQN. PnKSin?NT: .1. I iMUHfu tTi;il AT IALEM, OIlEaON. OCTOllEIl OMQ.Xtaw X:"'J' -,"i: "wporiqiiTO y ... -.- i :.-. . -. r.. t.'' -'. . -- ciit iui" JncmzTT- i-rw. Kirvc3- y kv- ji4 for circular never Ixx "vio.. , iiuic- . UJ1L, ) OU r.U MM'lD A lIF rf. I 1MB. or luithcr paiilAilar, AdJicii theXCIctr'nrr.o' jki,..Te. or l2lLfr ' - ' 7 i Hh MKs,a5h,i5,,r ver""ttfcj..?'AiW i?:? a- k. imb. . i..l r..- -l..t .-,. - z ' w litohf1eld&"manning, DBAltriS tx FAMILY GROCERIES, IJR.OVISX0Ja ABID Dr. H. SMIT-H, FT -i t. 8ALE.V, on'ijoo. OfilcemDvcdovcrUKKYSI.U ( imas.' NEW BTOnE OrUco hour from f a. Wt t0 3 p. m Country Produce. '! CAB J8 AG Vj, v&lvTwW FilllIR. FfiGO, B'COil & LARD, nti.o i oo u- ioocy. CMlliAI.K lli.V.STt lAi.nM. n!!!!?!! 1 l'r UV; Tunmtw j, ,BtK. i,-t ja'cH," or al 1W ! (JrounatlBy Ot ai.ti6ur. two crt a hit m.n ,--. - 4 w ,. ......v-g., ,,, .w- , rairnM to ail a vioituy orkUDoM, pr. OU Ml a r. MM.KX, 1 lUMi, Tw, OiUt, w It. ilvUBt, i 'O. 1 fUt frtlfcl UalfUl. llkl-nt:i, alktirril n 1) . .. ! aartmt ltk.X'1 kill 1'iiau.