3r WILLAMETTE FARMER. 53 CENTAUR LINIMENTS. One Kind for the Human rnnilly. Tke other lor EIorscH nntl Aril- lllillN. Thcso Llntmctile ate simply tlio wonder of the world. Their effect ftro little less thm nnnclloti! The IVhlto "Liniment Is for the hum.ti hml ly. It will drive Kti-itmntlnn, Sciatica and Ncnrnlgla from tho sjstcw; cures LttmbaRO. Chlllblalns, Lock Jaw, rlsy, Itch and inot Cutaneous Eruptions; It extracts frost from frozen hands or feet, and tho pol eon of bites and sllnRt of venomous reptiles; It s lib-.i..n- .,uiiinr. unit nHrrUtcn nnln of ovcry kind. When sprains or brnlscs occur, It Is tho most potent remedy ever discovered t heal tho Injured parts. Tho Centaur Liniment Is used with great clllcacy for Horo Throat, Toottoace, Caked Ilrcaat, Ear ache, and Weak Back. Tho following Is but a tarn, plo of numerous testimonials: "Induma Uoxa, Jarr.Co., lnd., Mav 5J, 13TJ. "I think It my dnty to Inform you that I havo sur fcrrcd much with swollen feet and chords. A few bottles of Centaur Liniment has dono tho work for mo. I have not been free from thesn swclllncs In cleht years. How I am perfectly well. Tho Llnl aunt outfit to bo applied wjg. mm The proof Is In the trial. It Is reliable, It Is handy, It 1 cheap, and ovcry family should have tho Whlto Centaur Liniment. The Yellow Centaur liniment is adapt ed to tho tough muscles, cords and flesh of horses nnd animals. It has performed more wonderful cures, lit three years, of 8pavln, Btraln, Wind-Rails, Scratch.. cs, Sweeny, and General Lameness, than all other remedies In existence. Head what the great Express- .., ... nf tl "NewYoiw, January, IS. I. Every owner of horses should give the Csstacii I.tiMENT ft trial. Wo consider it tho best nrtlclo ev er ued lu our stables. .. "H. MAHSH, Hunt. Adams Ex. Stables, N. . K.l'ULTZ.Stil.l.U.S. Mx.StaMcs.N.. 'ALI1KKT B. OUN, Stipt. Nat. Ex. Stables, TN. ." Tho best patrons of this Llnimintaro Fanlersand Vctrlnary Surecons, who aro continually using some Liniment. It heals (Jails, Wounds and Poll-cvll, removes Swellings, and is worth millions of dollars annually to Formers, Llvcry-mcn, fitock-nrowcrs, Shcepralscrs, and thoso having horses or entile. What ft Farrier cannot do for $S tho Centaur Lin iment w 111 do nt a trilling cost. Thcso Liniments aro sold by all dealers throughout the country. They aro v, nrranted by tho proprietors, nnd iv bottlo will bo Riven to any Farrier or l'h)slclan who doslrolo test them. Laboratory of J. 13. Hosu & Co., 40 Dsv Sr Saw Yoni;. Honey, Pltcber'a Caatorla is complcto stibttltato Tor Castor Oil, and Is as pleasant to tako as Honey. It Is particularly adapted to Teething and Irrltablo children. It destroys worms, assimilates tho food, rcRiilatci tho Stomach, and cures Wind Colic. Few remedies are as efficacious for FcTcrlshness, Croup, Worms and Whooping CourU. Castorla Is a scienti fic nd pur.iy v.R.tblo preparation, moro cilcctlvo than Castor Oil and neither rsrs nor gripes. Prepar ed by Messrs. J. I. ItosnJtCo., 11 Dey Street, New York, from tho recipe of Samuel rttchcr, M.B., of Ilirnstablc, Mats, X.TJ0ZU8 BEIiL, 8aecoortoJ. M. Keettn Co.,' 85 Liberty NlM - - NKW YOI11C, CbmmlHwlim jVjront "Eton BUYINO AND FOmVAItniNO KIIOJI Jb Now York via Isthmus. Faclnc Itallrotd, and fipo Horn, all kinds of Mcnnaudlso. and for the sale of Vroduets from tho l'aclflo coast, for the collcctler. of money. &c ocl!,t' Final Settlement. NOTICE Is hereby given that J.M. Ilroun. Aduiln iJltiwr of th-AW of Joseph A. Wright, has this day tiled his final account, and Saturday, tho Uth slay of April, at 11 o-clock a. m. of said day lias been 1Utd for hearing iho same. Then fore nil person In-IcrettwlinsaUli-statoaw required to appear in tho County Court of Marlon Couuty on or before the said tiayanU show cause. If any thcro be, why saldaccount ,UouUl not bo allowed. q ,.EEBLE8l March Id. ISTTwt. County Judge. ATTEMTinM SHZEP GROWERS!! A BUIIE CURE FOIt Scab, Scrow Worm. Foot Hot, AKD ALL Parasites that infest Snoop. TT IS SAFER. BETTBH AND VASTLY CnEAP "THAN ANY OTHER EFFECTUAL REMEDY FOE , "HE TREATMENT OF 8JJKBT. IT Improve.! the Health OP TBS ANIMAL, AND TUB QVjSLVSY OP THE WOOL. oBd e llon Is enough for oco hundred to two tunirc4HteV,ellas t9tht.tr age, itrnigth, and condition. It Is put op la TIYB-OALLOH CANS-I'rlce, 113 BendforcIicaUito T. A. DAVIO & Co.,1 TORTLvin), OREGON, IVnoleaalo Aecvata tor the Mate, Or to vow ararest Rttall Dmcslsi. n6 J. A. GTRATTO.-V, Attorney at Law, SALEM. OREGON. Office en StatsStrcet, opposite tto Bcsre'.t Uozsc. f?&is jrA-itX.ti i Dr Mil A WISH. uy m:r,Li: w. cooia:, Llttlo robin, HlltliiR tlioro, In tho bmulock shado', Tlio boughs bend down And touch your crown, But ou tiro not nfinld. Winds tnnj whistle, l'lplnp loud, TosshiR aurub nnd llowor, You do not mind A putt of wind, tYH'i'u your miuilo bowor. Llttlo hummor, Darting thoro Mid tho blossoms red; WlivI'don'tyou I'cur, You lltllo d?nr, That you will bump your head? LnuuhluK pnnslcs, Slnrlnp up, Shako their IichiIs nt you; You enn duly Tho daisy's oyp, And rnco tho gnrdou through, Llttlo darlings, lovo you Botter than the Honors Or winds can lovo, Hut, If I movo You rush, llko wlud-blown showers. You would novor Fear me thus, If you only know I wish somo bird Would mnko a word That I could say to you. A LETTER TO BOYS. Miss II. U. 0., in tho last number of tho "Argus," Rddrcascs tho following remarks to boys: KniTon Anous: Thoro wa a piece lu your last papor entitled "WhiiHSaw," nnd thoro was a llttlo levon In that for all of us to learn tho habit of observation. Notlco ev erything you ico ns you go along, especially linw noonlo act. nnd thon tlilnlc others nro doing tho snmo, and you will not bo half us apt to bo rudo on tho street, and earn tho uatnooi "Jiootiiums." iuu iruw u, uujo, you noodn't bo nlnild to bo good, for you can't bo too good If you try, nnd good boys donl't dlo young, oxeopt lu Sunday School books, (you know Methuselah lived about n Ihousuudyeano, nnd thon being good pays bolter In the long run. Somo people growl, whon tho boys aro too noisy, nnd cull thorn lazy llttlo rnscnlsnud think they nro in tlio way, but they forgot tlio groat possibilities thoro nro in a uoy. After a whilo whon tho men of to-day nro a good donl older tlmu thoy nro now, thoy will bo laid on tho sholf nnd you boys will havo to tako tholr placos. So work while you work, and playn llttlo loo sometimes, but always havo tho Idea in viow that nomo day you will amouut to somothlni: bosldeH a "uulsauco" as you nro sometimes called now. , , , Novor do nny thing now that you will bo ashnmod of whon you grow up. And whon you aro mon, don't lorgot that you onco woro boys, and troat all tho llttlo 'shavors' ns woll as you know how. Tlioro ought to bo n reform In tho way boya aro treatod why somo folks think thoy aro only uiBdo to bring In wood and wator, nnu run on orrauus. Ilido your tlmo, boys, and thoy will soo alter a while that thoy woro mistaken. II B 0 Eomember This. Now Is tho tlmo of year for Pnouraoula, Luug Fovor. Coughs, Colds, and fatal ro Nulls or proiilsposltlon to Consumption nnd othor Throat and Lung DIsoaso. lloscmni's Okhman Svitur lins boon used In this neigh borhood for tho past two or threo yours with out a bluglo falluro to euro. If you havo not usod this modlcluoyoursolf, go to your Drug gist :.......... nnd ask him of Its wondorlul hticcess among his customers. Throo doses will rollovo tho worst enso. If you havo no faith in nny rued Iclno, Just buy n Sam plo llottlo of IIoschkk's Gkhman Svr.ur for 10 couts and try it. Iteg ular Hi9 bottlo 75 ccuts. Don't negloot a cough to 6avo 75 cents. FREMIUMSfFOR NEW SUBSCRIBERS. Quito a numborof ponons linvo availed thomsolvos of our oiler to allow a yenrs sub scription to any ono who will send us threo now names, of tubscrlbors who will pay thoir subscriptions lu ndvnuco or within tiio year, so wo repent tho proposition lor tho bonotit of our readers, Any person procurlug throo uow subscrib ers who will ray lu ndvnuco or will pny within tho year, can hao tholr own copy froofortho present yoar. It is or course- adylsablo to Bend tho money with tho namos whero practicable, but whoro it is doslrod wo can wait until next Fall. Any ono not a subscriber can havo tho FAnMi'it ono year on tho same torms. Thoso of our friends who aro lu urrears can havo a year'a crodlton account for overy threo subscribers procured for tho Faumiiu. All will of course uudorstand that wo can not credit them until tho subscriptions thoy Bond nro paid up. As wo cannot afford to pay traveling agonts, wo inako this llboral proposal to any and all porsons, whether thoy aro subscrib ers of tho l'Aiountor not. Times being a llttlo hard, Just keep this mailer In mind and savo something for your selrt as well as bolp, us, Do eJI niotnbors of your Grango or Lodge, and all .your resnonslblo";noighbor8 lake tho Faumek 7 If not, why not? If they will tako It, Vu can make a commission by sending In theJr names. Mrs. Robver'0 New Remedy ron T.ms xuiri 13 Mi!TJ.fO TfITU WONDBBTUL BVCCS33I THIS FURBLY VEOB-.'ABLB RltMEDY DAS no uttl In iho relief ant"1 "re or Cougn, Colds, Asthm, llronchltls, Croup, tooptec Coagb, Me. sUs, Ac. It has produced som reaiarkAbte cures. Sold by drotralsts pcEerallT. .rtepred only by JOJE-1 JL. 1UUPHS Jtonmoath. Or., Te wfcem all letters of basinets sh 'culd b KWrfsstd. SPECTACLES, SPEMACIBSI ror oui ancs yocincf. Far-Siglited and Ncar-S'JgTited, S.'inottus-Glnsie Tor Nportaiuen STEEL. SILVER, AND OOLD PJtAltES. I AM prei Jred to I jpplv fipcetscles to fit all eyes, at prlcvs tosjiu V. V. .TIAKTIN, .lJi,lw.(: Ontl'f-". (Ic.rlc lllnc! H!t., fit I Sakia, May I'j, !?. 6a Letter from Klickitat, W. T. GcMiuxDAMi, W. T., April 11, 1K77. Kn. FAitMKit: I'orlmps a fow Ileitis from this (Klickitat) valloy will bo Inlorihtltifr to somo of your renders, ns many persons In tho Wllluiuotto valley nro tunilnK Ihotr faces In this direction lo search for homes. This valley lies on tho north sldo of tlio Columbia rivor, and runs parallel with the snmo n dislaueu of forty or fifty mile. Its width being about tolvo miles. A hlt;l rnngo of hills Ho between this valloy ni.d tho Columbia river, nflording txoellentliniuh grami pastures, whllo on tho north of the valley lieu tho Sinicoo mounlaius vthoo Bides aro covorcd with plno, fir, tamarack, and o.k timber. Tho summit of tho liimiu tnln Is doatltuto of tlmbor, but covered with rich bunch grass. It Is to thcto rich moun tains pastures tho shcop-honlcrs of tho val ley drlvo thoir Hocks lu in Id summer when tho grass of tho valloy becomes dry, and water In many places scarce. Tho Klickitat -rivor, tiulto a largo stream, has Its sourco nonr tho base of Mount Adams, runs soutnwnra across tuo west end of tho raliey and emptlos Into tho Columbia fifteen mllos bolow Dalles City. Tho population of tho valloy Is said to bo about twolvo huu drod, mostly or an oxoollent class of citizens, who aro making for thomsolvos comfortable homes. Slnco arriving in tho valloy I havo mot many old frlouds and nolghbors who formerly lived In Marlon county, Oregon, among whom I will mention: Old Father Griffith and wifo, James Uurnottaud family, John Haws, Samuol Darling, Ienao Darling, Lavl Darling, Jacob Short, llobort Mall, Undo Jacob Adams, Mr. Fleck nnd others, who nro all In good health, and oxpross thouitolvcs as well plensod with tho chango thoy havo made. Tho soil in this valloy, especially In tho lowest portions, Is a untidy loam, from two lo four foot deep, and very productive, growing all tho corcals ns woll as vogotnblcH to perfection. Fall-sown grain looks qulto well aud promises a good ylold, whilo a grcator ncroago of spring grain is bo lug sown than over btforo. Quito au Im petus has boon glvon to farming in con&o quoncoof tho complollon of two grist iiiIUm In Goldondalo during tho last year. Now tho fauuor can cat bread inauo of wheat of his own raising. Thoro Is yet much unclaimed land lu this valloy, not all liowovor, suscoptlblo of culti vation, much of it bolngtoo uneven for tho plows, having in agos past boon thrown up (either by tho notion of wind or water) into llttlo hillocks, varying in dlamoter from ten to ono hundred foot, aud in hlght from two to tlyo foot. Tho spaco botwoon thcso llttlo mounds aro moro or loss rocky, though not outlroly Udolcfas. for thoy abound in camas on which hogs llvo ftvl two-thirds of the year without any cost to tho owner. Hall timber In somo parts of tho valloy Is scarco, aud has to bo hauled a diatancoofsix to twelve miles. Goldondalo Is situated on a branch of Klick itat river about midway of tho valley, cast unit WMl, KM.I in It tnrlVlng llltlo-rlllaaa, containing two dry goods and grocery stores, two blacksmith shops, two grist mills, ono school houso and ono church building. It Is Improving fant nnd will fcoon bo thocoutorofa largo trade. Mr. Thomas Johnson, tho prlnclpal.morchnntof tligplnco, nnd also owner of ono of tho grist nil Up, has It protty much his own way nt present, but I oplno thnt oro long ho will hnvo a lively competition in which tho Inhabitants of tho town nud surrounding country will take gront Intorest. Thoro Is a good oponlng at this phico for n baddlo and hiirnebs makor, tinner, boot nnd Mioo makor, wagon mnkor, Ac, but for tho vendor of strychniuo whlikoy, this Is no plnco. The moral charac ter of tho M'onlo of this region beiug of that high stnndnrd that thoy tolernto nothing of tho kind, nnd for this oxibitlon of tholr worth as a community, I bosponk. for them a prosperous future. llov. Klrkman, of tho Mothodlst church, pronuhes regularly at the church on Sabbath at ten o'clock n, in., whilo an Interesting Sabbath school Is conducted In tho aftor noon, A doop religious interest seems to porvado tho community. Near this plnco aro twosnw mills lu conduit operation, nnd two othorij will soon start, which will furnish abundant lumbor for building nnd fencing purposes , which him hitherto been lacking. Stock of all kind Is in 11 no coudltlon, mutton sheep bolug to fat for good eating, I am infomed by tho residents hero, that tho winter has boon very mild, ushering In an early spring, nnd at this tlmo tho bunch grata is nIx or tight Incies high, This Is coitalnly as nonr a paradlKi for stock as can bo found anywhero, and will in tho near future bocomo ono of the inott Interesting and wealthy portions of Washington Terri tory. Tho lan Jscapo hero is a beautiful one, htaudlngou Helm's JlutUi, which is situated near tho center of tho yilloy, and looking westward, you behold Moiut Adams stand ing out iu bold relief fcorro thirty miles dis tant, covered with its eternal mautloof snow, and standing an overlastlnj sentinel over the beautiful valloy bolow, wlilo still farther to the westward Mount Ilcod and Mount St. Helen can bo teen, will tholr summits towering far up in to the impyraan voglons, and like Adams, olothed in dazllng white neas; to the north llo the Mmcoe mountains, running parallel with the valley, which in mid-summer send down tholr refreshing breezes to cool tho he tod air of tho valley, Looking eastward you fee an extended bunch grass pasturo witk countless herds dotting tho hills and yalliy. T tho south ward, and lying botwoon tao valloy, and tho Columbia river, in a htili range of hills clothed iu green with lero aud there r sturdy plno, or poetical Juriper, on which to rest tho eye of tho gazer, riifsfccmie isoor tainj'.v worthy tho attoUlcn cf tho palntora brush, aud will no doubt In tlmo wlorn tho studio of wany on artUt. K. L. Hum a Hi), IWhy Titles Occur later Each Day. As tho moon reilvcs around tliocuth frm west to u.tst slio advances eatwardly In her orbit about thirteen degrofis every twon-ty-rour hours. Hence, when any part of tho enrth, lults lcvolutlou, comoi uiulffr h pHit of tho heinous v. lieu tho moon Is not thero, but lias gone eastward thirteen degree, and thoroforo tho earth mu&t turn on its a.xIm rs much lonpor us Is necessary l bring lh.it pnrtngaln under tho innon, which ri quires generally, not always, nVout fifty minutes. Tho emtio thing occurs tho ne.t youIng and tho evening niter, nnd thus tho moon rises most of tho year about filly minutes later each day. Now, as tho tides aro pro duced mainly by tho moon, it iWll at onco hotcen fioiu this eastward movement nud this later rising caeh day, why thoy must occur about filty minutes latercach succeed ing day. While tho lunar lido Is thus dally Inggiug, tho solar tide occurs at tho snmo tlmo. Honco theto two tidos always begin to acparato aftor now moon, bolng further apart each day, until thoy ngaln colucido nt full moon, when thoro Is n higher tldo than usual, called spring tldo. Thon again they separate, until now moon occurs, when they onco moro unlto, producing anothor spring tide. It must not bo supposed that tho wholo body of tho cccan, to Its profoundeet depths, Is equally moved by tho tides. Tho tides aro mainly superficial, arid oxeopt whoro tho water is of modorato depth tho lowest parts aro only slightly disturbed; but to what dopth tho tidal current extends can never, porhaps bo satisfactorily determined. Tho gulf stream Is ""about threo thousand foot deep, having for Its bottom u bod of cold wator of various depths; but as tho stream is tho result of other cntiMOB than thoso thnt produco tho tides, it is not safo to estimate tho depth of tho tidal currents by tts own. JJx, Washington's Dinner. Twontv to twentv-fivo llvo years nco it wns our ploasnro to visit nt times an old homestad In. Ithcdo Island, whoro lived In tho Mounohold nn- old lady, Hinco passed away, at tho rlpo ago of nearly ono hundred yonrs. Sho took gront plcnsuro In relating ovonts In tho early history of this country. Ilor father kopt for many years a country tavern lu Rhode Island. At ono tlmo word camo to thorn that Gen. Washington and his olllcors would nrrlvo thero on u given day and dlno with thorn. Thoy began Immedi ately to make preparations to rocelvo tholr distinguished visitor, and nil woro dotor mined that tho dinner should bo tho very best which could bo provided. Gnir.o and dollcacles In great varloty woro obtaluod without regard to trouble- or exponso. Tho day arrived, and Washington and hlsofU cors reachod tho tavern at tho oxpectod tlmo. At tho appointed hour for dinner tho distin guished guosts woro lnvltod Into tho dln nlntc room, whoro their oyoa fell upon tho tnbio loaJoil down and proaentlng an tho family all confidently foil a moat appetizing appearance Washington nnd his ofllceis wcro seated, members of Iho family were lu attondauco to wait upon thoiii iu tho most pollto aud aUcntlvo niaunor. Hut great wns their disappointment when Washington turned his head aud spoko to her mother, aud askod tho question: "Havo yon plenty oftallk In tho hoitbo?" Upon receiving an alllrmntlvo nnswor, ho then tnld. "If you can I wiih you would give mo n bowl of hasty-pudding and milk." Tlio hasty-pud ding and milk woro furnished, and of these ho niado his entire dlnuor. After tho dlnnor was over, ono of tho family, lu their dlsap nointmcut, said to Washington: "Your work is fco hard, wo should supposo you would ncod bomothlng moro hearty than hasty pudding nnd milk for your dinner." Immodlntoly placing his hand upon his head ho replied: "Horo li my work:" Jloslun TmnacrfjU, To maui: l'ur.vioKs Miiai.v. A Canada paper hays: "Wo havo found from our.own oxporlenco that potatoes aro very watery from tho month of March till tho market otfers in now ones. Iu our kitchens we overcome tlio soggy disposition of these valuable vcgotnblet by Honking them a lew hours In cold water, nud putting thorn Into hot wator to boll, without salt; thou when thoy nro tender nearly nil tho wny through turn tho water oil, and refill tho saucopun with cold wator. 1'ut In salt nnd boll till they nro qulto dono; drain oil thnt water also, cover ns tightly as possible, and sot on back of range to hteimi , lifting the cover for nn instant onco or twlco; then with ono hand holding down tho lid, shako thuHiucopan gently, quickly nud steadily for a moment, and servo your potatoes hot. If rightly tnannged they will bo llko snow-balls." NKltvot'rt Coiciiu.NO. Dr. Ilrown Scquard onco gavo tho following directions, which mayprovo serviceable lo porsons troubled with a norvous cough: "Coughing can bo stopped uy pressing on tlio noneaoftho lips In tho neighborhood of tho nose. A pnssurn thoro may prevent a cough when It Is begin ning. Sneezing may bo stopped by the same moans, l'rosslug, also, In tho neigh, borhood of tho r may stop soughing. I'resslng very liard on the top of the mouth Inside Is also a means of stopping coughing. And I may say the will has an immense power, too, There was a French surgeon who used to say. whenever he entered the walla of his hospital, 'Tlio first patient who coughs wilt bo deprived or food to-day.' It was exceedingly rare that a patient coughed then." Flotcher Webster, the second and lat ton of Daniel Webster, was killed In buttle near Washington, on lueSO'h of August, IfeO.'. A melancholy rouiembranco of tho inmlly was revived in tho Senate, tho otjior day, by the Introduction ora bill to incn-uso the, iK.ni.lnn ot tho widow fiom t'.O to fiO a month. Tho laoyisnow waty-lUo jours ct age, and us Mr. Jknitwdl stand, upon presenting the bill, In a condition of actual distress, A coroner's Jury, In tho caso ofn man who was killed by a tailing Icicle, rendered tho Yordict that ho died oi "mm! drluu," AN INDIAN BATTLE. 'Many yen re ngo, when tho Indiana east of tho ("nscntlo niotinttilns vVerqtho niot troublesome to tho curly pioneer, a party of volunteers left Ft. vnllii Wulln. In purMiit of it bund who ltntl lied over tlio Blue Mountains into Grnntl Hondo valley. Tlio party in nursuit of tills bund of liuliiuiH, Iniving tjn f I'urcil consid erable Ioh iu stock, wcro determined that untiling shoit of oxtortnlimtion would satisfy Mieni, nnd, their wrongs constantly before their mitidy, tliey pushed forward rapidly after the Hoeing ciivnces. Tlio Indliuw, knowing what they would sudor should they bo overta ken, hurried iii rapidly us possible to Urundo Hondo Valley, then uninhabited havo by the wild (leer. Tlio band reach od tho valley curly hi tlio evening nnd made their cninp In a deep cnuyon thnt opened into tho alley. Tho party in pumilt niso reached tho valley that night, and enuiu to u clump of trees on a mountain that towered far nbove the Indian camp. Neither tho whites or tho Indinni woro awaro that thoy wero on camped so near each othor. Tho whites put tlielr miards out for tho night; nnd about four o'clock in tho morn lnir tho Indians woro discovered, l'ronara- tlons woro Immodlntoly mado to attack thoni, and If possible, surprlsoand surround tuom. Tho ludlnus being down lu n deep canyon, a party of tho whites wero sent to tho oppo site sldo, thus completely hommlng them In from both sldos. Tho pursuing party charg ed down upon tho Indians, who wero taken by surprise and (led with precipitation out Into tho valloy. Then followed n tceno tor rlbto to witness. Tho Indians Hod across the valley n distance of 6omo thirty miles. They mndon desperato stand nt every citumpof troos, but ns often ns thoy did so they wero ropulsod with great slaughter. Mon, wo mon, nnd children woro cut down by tho whites In tholr mad Ireuzy. When tho re maining Indians reached tho mountains on tho opposite sldo of tho valley, only about one-fifth wns loll nut of tho baud. Tho pursuing party having obtained such roveiign upon tho Indians, made preparations for returning back to tholr homes In tlio Walla Walla valloy. Tlio lHue mountains at that tlmo, (and In fact the entire country lvhiRoastof tiioCascado range) wero Infest ed with bauds of raving Indians, nud tho party cautlc dotoi mined that It was necessary to use caution on tho wny homo. As they wero but about two day's Journey lrom homo thoy felt nam. Tho first day on tho return trans plrod without any occurronco or interest. At night tho party camped down In a doop rovouo, nnd htatloued tholr guards for tho night. About midnight a gun was fired, and Immodlntoly ono of tho guards camo run ning with his pleco smoking, nud wounded in tlio leg Willi an arrow. Jin mini umi uiey woro nurrouudod with Iudlaiis, and thoro wns no oHcnpe. Tho other guards also came In nnd mado the samo ntatemont. Tho party at onco prcparod to soil tlielr liven as dearly aa possible, and thoy had scarcely prcparod for dofonso whon tho torrlblo war-hoop was sounded, followed by a rush of tho savages upon tho bravo party. Tho Indians woro mot with a rattling tiro from tho repeating carbines of tlio whites, nnd threo Indians' wont to tho happy hunting ground, nnd as many moro woro wounded. Tlio Indians, liowovor, woro no much moro niiiiioroim thau tho party, that It bocamn evident that tho only means or escape was for ono of tho numbor to romaln nnd keop up as rapid a llroas posslblo, whilo the rot of tho party stolo away In tho night. Ono bravo follow voluntoorod to sncrlllco his life, if uood bo, nnd romaluod, whilo tho othors safoly escap ed In tho darkness; and In our next wo will tell somolnlng of tlio Advoutures which thin bravo man exporleucod before ho escaped rrom his perilous situation. Salem Ai'iun, ""perfect faTthT" John IS, dough relatod tho following pa thetic episode In a lecture nt St. Louis re cently: A story wns told or a strrot boy In London who linii both legs broken by a dray passing ovor thorn . Ho wns laid nwny In ono of tho beds or a hospital to die, mill anothor llttlo creature of the snmo class whh laid near by, picked up with fnniliio fever. Tlio latter wns allowed to Ho down by tho sldo of tho llttlo crushed boy. llo crept up to ljm ami said. "llobuy, did you uoxnrhcar about Jehiih'" "No, 1 novor hoard of lilm." "Hobby, 1 wont to a mission school onco, and they told us that Josus would tako you lo heaven whon you llu'., and you'd never havo hunger any more, and no moro pain, ll'i'ou iixud him." "I couldn't ash such a great big Kontlomnu ns ho Is to do any tiling for mo. Ho wouldn't stop to speak to a boy like mo." "lint he'll do all thnt if you ax him..' "How can I ax him if I don't know where ho" liven, unci how ciiild I got thero when both my legs aro broke ?" " Hobby, they told mo nt mission school ax how Josus paMHfH by. iTenclier snya as ho goos around. How do you know but what ho might count around to this horv nltal this vory night?" You'd know htm If you was tflsoo lilm," " lint I can't keop my oyes open. My legs fool so awful bid. Doctor a tyn I'll din," "Hobby, hold up your hand, and ho'!! know what; you want when ho pascs by." Thoy got tiu hand up. I: drooped. Trlid ngaln. It slowly fell buck, Threo times ho got tin tho llttlo baud, only to let It tail. Hurstlng Into tars, ho said: " I give it up." "Hobby, loud mo ycr hand: put ycr elbow on my pitler; 1 can do without it," So one hand was propped up. And when they came iu tho morning tlio boy lay dxad, his hand ettll propped up lor Jisum, You may search the world ami you cannot find n grander illustration of sfmplo trust than that of tho llttlo boy who had been to mis sion h'jIlOOl but OltCO. Audacious Roblioiy. Ono Win. Jones, hailing from Solo, was ar rested by Ofilcor John W. Miuto last even ing, charged with 'going through" Mr. .tch Heed, who lives at Kueiia Vista. It appenrs lrom the evidence shown before He corder C. W. Howie, that Jones and Hall be cumu acquainted with och othor on tho steamer Occident yesterday, anil upon tho arrival oi that boat atSalem, the twain camo ashore and Immediately proceeded to fill up with "bonzlne." In tlio courso of an hour or two Heod became "sleepy druuk" and retired behind ono of tho Commercial street saloons and took a nap, Somo what later ho awoko nnd found him self minus about 110 and a wntch. Su. plclon imiuedlatoly loll upon Ids now frlond,' a warrant was sworn out: Jiiiinrrr..rl.i ,..i searched. Ten dollars vuh found lu onu oi hi loots and some silver change nbout bin person together with thopiusou the robbed man, O.hor ciroinimunivs lr. m-iii m iii.iu during tho examination, Induced tho lie under to hold J,tH over i t trial, under Miiinuui ui ?.w. ra.uug to procure ball tlio prisoner wan turned oterlo the keeping ol Shorllf llakor. In tuu examination l'rosMjutlng Attorney G. il. Iliiruott appear ed lor the btato and Mr. 1'. D. D'Aroy for tho ucuuecd, r t 5 J I V f 9' V J.. I J