WILLAMETTE FARMER. 2 i Mr ,i "'. m ',, fillmiwtfjc jfaxnur. I1HUED KVKlir IT.IDAT, BT CJILi.JiJvJJ & CUAZG, rcDMinens and rnorniETOM. N. A. rfiAKKi:. I). "IV. CltAIR. Tcriun or .NuliNcrlptlon. Ono copy, ono year ("2 numberi") One copy, fix moi.tlif (SO number) Ono copy, tbroo tuontli (13 number ) .$2..'.l) . l.!2G . .7! SALEM, FKIDAY, Al'UIL 'J7, 1877. Ar.xi.svir.r.n, April 18, 1877. Kr. l-'AitMr.'t: Soinu wctltHngo Inld, In juu "'Ai'Mi'it, that I Imd foon liiunbors of porsoni plowing a thioo-hor&o loam, using a short ujiriuht lmj)loinont ns nu t'luallzor, HoanatiRod at to rcqulro tlio draft of ono liorfo to balaneo tlio dratt of two. I aoUod Hid (jnoi lion, "Ih said IitipJeiuont, what it is lutomloJ to bo, a truo coualizei?'' IT it is not, why? Tlio cjtictlott linn not been uu mvoroti. I bavo board n fow iKjrsons say llio.v havo tutod thu said Implement, ami It does not fjlvn Batbfadion. I will not lioro ),'() into iv mathematical dbinonstratlon to provo Hint tlio said itiipliiinont Is not h propurono lo bo used in plowing or harrow- ing, but I any It I not. Any ponon may undorMand (ho roason who o.in undorhtaud why n wiifron loaded heavier on ono Milo limn on rbo other, canies mi iiihijiiiiI draft on Ibo two liwtvi. Tho samo thltifc tidies place when ii Wilson hi running on uneven ground, 'MUsIm: ono hido to bo higher tbiui thoothor. Nuppo'o Ivu men plnro a rod timlur until!' ol tliubor for thu purposu of lifting it, und Unit tho Mli-I: bu hoavloron ono Midi than on thu othor: then, to ((juclizo tho volglil Kuppt'i'.id by Ibo two mm, the inldditi oft'io jo'1 xvouHl l.axo la bo placed dlrcoily untUr Iho ooutur of grtnlty of tlio Htlclt. Jnsisolu plov.ii:); or other wot):, 1 have n-'Aiitlx fctmd tLo nccilPd Implement for n tbrco-lioiiw thim. (mo pmroof ilmbei und n 1'iHV light i oilers ami chain, umbo up tlio wliolo ilg tho wholo iMingfjinparalivo ly light. Tlio hotmmire all (hi own nenr Ibo draft, nnd tho ll.xltnoa aro ho nnnngod that tlio bomua mint acrosw.tjly pail itn (UhI dralt. In plowing with thli miplotiiont, it would bo best to ii'.o tin ciui.i.i:n plow, on aci'Oiinl of Its convenience In ii'i-iilalliitr tho hud lo botal;on. 1 bnow llvn or six pur oim xvho hnxo Irlrd Ihhi implement, mid all m putt It highly In Iih pral-i. Ii any ono-do-.shot to pnii'iinilhls oxi'olldnt iiiiphiinont, ho miyilo hit by culliiig on Frank Kiev, ol Sjuth fcUoui. You xxill not rrgrol it. W.M. L'ttllll'll, A aOLl)ENWDDING. Atuong tho mill Kiiuxmi and much ro MiiocU'd laiiilllo iituiiiig Iho id toillor (4 Jdarlon County, In ihiuof .Mr. Mum lliooVs, proprietor ol tlm town of Hmol'v, on the i-Kllruud, olglit iiiIIuh iinitii ii tiiliiu, at tiio iioiilhnin mid friiitlul o Ig ol "Vcnon I'nurlu. JMr. IlnHil;", ul'li Ids xxlft", thrcn boy mid diiugbtor, cmio In Urignii In IS.VJ und tool: iho donation olalm xxhotu thoy now live lu 1S5I, having untitled Ihnreni lor twontvslx yoarH. Klnoo that limn Hut Mayo coach thht i nu inly hiiinl occasionally p.it-l tho hiii.io ntiuiii liai glvini pNcu lo tlio rallro'ul: Hid Hlatlon and cliiMtor of MUti", hliitjis mill luiilM'M U closti by, and Iho toliool Ikiiiki and gnieiiful chuu'li j iro, wltli UiuHlvn homes on (ivory band, lorin a sinking contrast In tho baio priUilohtioichtliat i:rttttd llmo.uly dull lor. Miu'iiIIkiii thu lios Hum) grown lip mid gnno fmtb tttiholr llln m it., only one being lofjtcll near homo. Hnuiiiil l. Ilicnl.'., lliooldtist, has lor many yum Lofii a pros pfrous iiKiichiinl a d inllmniiul ui.(u ol Thu Dalbw, vthiTtt ho In Itnown as a workor of good. Ho Is niiuili'd, I nit l liny bavo no t'lilidioii to bilng to iho lid li.iiiuuiirad MmU Itroohs, tlio only daimhtor, iiinrrlctl "SV.K. Mialuard, a prosperous I'm iiutrnndfrull ralHor, sbosti farniNab.iui liitir uitlos Irom ICist t'oriland, on lb lusit lino road. K. Sitttlau Itronl.M larins laud of Ids own, nil Joining llin boiiio lui in, ban a h.'autilul oot Kgo lioiiif mid wl'o luul il.Hl lo mid lo Its oharinc. Ilni.iv.1. llr.oiHviHui I'liolmlw, Low U I'omux, W. T m.il lilis Mm uwpon--bio position oi rouuix t'l(.ih ct ilmv coun'y. Ho nlrio Ins a l.iuiily and iiidy ioo c.uiiu homo to runt 110 p.iuius 011 tbo ilulotli itlurn of nu iiiHUMsgo day, width wih Thursday, April It'.h. lu nddttlon to tho umii. 11 in I ilitlll'llltil'.l lltllllllllt. ihlHU WOrtl orv low Irlonds puisoii.. Aumng thciu' woro llov, O. Dlcliluson. Mr. I). t lor ninny vfius pastor ol tlio ('oiicrngiuloiml Cliiirh iitSiiluni, ol' wliK'h tho luoiubors of tho Itiookh' family v.mo I'otiuiiiiiiU'nuti, and bis present' 1 and thai ol Mp. 0. was vory appioprialo on hucIi a titoniorablo iiniii vnrsari . Tlierrtwnsnu OMidiont dlniun, t eoimio, mitl mioh an ora ol go d letding la Ul'"1 prnpnrly littsunes siioh mi umiiI. Aftt-rdln-iicr it Imiipy lusplrnluii 1 tugii.ti d that tho grauilahlltlrtin slinnlil lu baiiii'.i I a; lint old family htiinohtoad by thu partuith' oany I'lll'lUl llt.tt p. I t'M, Whlt'll h-iltM tvnn hold In Miiy lioprnt'ivo ni'inner. Ii was u day lo liuovor uuiiMiibcitiil lu Ilia; family and Its nfotnory IibikIihI down to loiuoto goi'i'in ttmiB. Mr. I.Iimir HrtiiUM was bom lu ISO,"), lu Ofdiigu t'taiiMx, ii tin, li ing tho tilth sou ol xnIiIIh ptreiit.t I'iiiii .hi wintt ih now tho rich flnd popiihms Wtistorn IIimuvo. llo uiuvutl to llllil )ls, Ir tu u liioh Huiin ho cat in.' lo D10 grm In 1SJ0. Mis IUihiUh travidhul, in lMt, Irom lu r blith-pbit't1, WiUliiiKfortl.t'onu,, in witgons, to Hiill.tlo, N. Y , tmd has initio thu loimjouiniij fitim H'f AUaiillolo tho I'aoltlf liv tho mtnin I'onvn.x ance, oMvptlng iho thort at'iotfli of tho loiigth of lak 1 Krle, lu ism, whloli portion ot tho x ay xvim uuulo by htMiubinil. Hut Hu-ro i.htniiilili'g nionior ituliiln tliat KtuMnti u Joiiint-y, lor l xus In tho bott iHtHt " Wall; ihv Watni," iho dri MiMiulioiit Hi xoxer xus put nil l.akti Kilo, , Uhiiscltloui lhat Mux xmhlun Wtuldiug 1,1,,, tl tiv tiavillei'.tiu liio xMary roul tli.if ,'r. ' ' bitv and phmsiirn lo wwitl t! ; V . .V"i .. " : ,,,v, ovW"'1" '"x it .'. ' i -clU-iifH of tho r.U.iidu wu iinnmn villi V ud u tl It. 1 ill 1 1 1 . t ..it IV. bavo y.. 'I'llHHit CI. inollotMir tiuu lii'd bi''t Utttlnn u.ili till I. 10 thu Mnn rMrnnts mill ohlltlrtui ".)' oirns ami uixn xwtt. llti.y BY TE5L1SCRAPH. WAsiltNfiTON, April 20. Tho Prcel ilont this tifloinomi nddruSfcd :i leltci" to Secretary McC'ntry : k.vkcx'tivk Mansion, April 1.'0. S'V Prior lo niyciiteiingiipoii the du ties of tho Presidency, there had been .stationed, by older of my tncdece.sor, 1 tlio Iniincdluto vicinity of the building tifced us n State House in New Orleans, Ln,, known as Mechanics' Institute, n dotncliiiient of l. ,S. inrmitry. l'iiulliig them in tiiat nlaee. I liux'e thouglit pro per to delay a decision of tlio question of tiieir removal until 1 cotiiii ueterniiiio whether the condition of nflalrs is noxv such ns to Justify or require continued military interventiou of the national government In tho tvllhlrs of the State. In my opinion tner.e does not exist in Louisiana such domestic violence as is contemplated by the constitution as it giound upon which the military power of the national government maybe In vokml for tho defense of the Slate. Tho dispute which exists us to the right of certain claimants to thu chief executive office of Hint Statoate to be settled nntl determined, not by the executive of the United States, but by such orderly and peaceable methods as maybe provided by the constitution of tiio State. Hav ing nsiiirancelhat 110 violence is contem plated but on Hie contrniy the disputes In question nre to. be settled bv peaceable methods tiiMier hum hi accordance xviui the laws, I deem it piopcrto take action in accordance with the principles nn iiouitced, wlion r entered upon the duties of the the Presidency. You tiro there fore directed to bee that pi oner orders are issued for the leiiiovnt ol said troops at an early dale from their present position, to Mich regular barracks in tho vicinity ns nmy be selected fortlielroceiipatlon. II. 11. II.VYK9. To Hon. CMV.Mf Ciiakv, Sre. of War. I.HMION, April i.'U. A Vienna corrcs- pouiJout telcnaphu ' I am lufoimed from Jlueharest (hat Prii.ce LMmrlus re pel veil a copy of tlio J'tis-lnii manifesto, which contains the following declaration: WhcrctiH evci.v endeavor by the jmii peior of l'lissiu to prcerve pcaco hits lulled owing to the stubbornness of the i'orle, whllo the condition ot the Chris tians in the Kast Is uulninrovod. their lives ami properly have been endangered; therefore Ills Majesty In the name of hu manity and with n full con.-elniisne.-s of his Kivcielgu dulled as natural piotector of Hie Sclavonic nations In the Kusl has been comjielled to resolve on obtaining bv force 01 arms such guarantees fur his ditro scd fellow bellevors on TtirKlsh soil, as appears absolutely ntsjessary for securing their welfare. The document proceeds to state that tins ai men intervention is not meant tor the purpOMi of conquest, and will end af ter hcciii lug the above mentioned resuJts. A Standard's dispatch fiom St. Petors burg announces that Lord Lotttis, Eng lish ambassador, Is on the point of leav ing fur home. This Indicates no change in the satisfactory lelations existing be txveen l-'uguiud and Jtuusi.t. Thu llerllu correspondent of tho Daily Is'eWH reports that Austria ly preparing 1)0,00(1 men who can be mobilized in u few days. San PiiANPisco, April t!0. f ho Argonaut ''rank I'lxlny'M noxv xvookty p.ipoi1, xvlll intbi iImIiUih I'olloxvlug to-niorruw : Vo undei stand limn a sonrco xvldch xxo bcllnvo to bo thotoutjlily roliiiblp, Uini lliero Ih ui xv lit tho poeseiiKioii r f a Hiuator of Iho I'liitotl Stalls nt pvrsout In tliia city a p.ipyr of thu utmost ihOH1c.i1 linpnrUueo to the eouuiiy, and ono which, if all thai Is s.dtl about H bri true, will croato such a sonsation as tho country hs not knoun i-lnco thuda6 cf iho oloctoul tribunut. Tho p-xpor Is nothing moro or loss than a copy ol a sot ot ipsnlti'lnui which It is tho purpow of Jhium C, lllaluo lo lutrodui'u lu tlio bomtto at thu nicpting ot I'ongrcNH in Juuo. Too iwolu tlotiH, alter silling lorih linn, tlioio oxlsts graxn doubts Inlhoiulmla of a largo pro portion cf tho Amotion!) people ns to tho le gality (f tho tlnnl H'ltlonuuit ef tho l'rosl liuntml (pitmtton which nittdtud in tho lu augutailou of Mr, llayos, goon lo k Hint llli duo to the Aint-rliMii people, anil pr tlculatly to tlio ir.lllious xvho, bolluxing that Mr. llayos had bfm fdrly UilVit oil, vet mi"'! cd Ihti dec slou in his t'vvor in good fulth, lo sub mit tho question to tho lluitl aiblltamrin. of thu highest tribunal knnxx 11 to tho consti tution, tlio Supremo Court ol Iho I'tiiled Wales; that Inaniii.ch as the ptopnety ol such priuu oil lugs nmy bo lipid to bo nihtlur of doubt, hotauxu of tlt l'x"t Him live mom burs of that court xvoro nioinlieis of iho into oltc'.ornl tiibuual, Ibeioi'mo the rrxoiutions poposo Hint it grand court of arbitration created esnivl.xllv lo consider a!l rnnxhiluns that uiav bo brought iiofor. 11 rolm'ug to thu Icgalltyor Mr. Mayes' initio, wlintb r lu tho tMittro" of quo MirrwJto or otherxvii-R, and thr.l itAitl emit bo c iiiuositl of tho I'hlof .IiimIcc m' tho Hnp-itmo ( eiir of riu'li tftato 111 111 Tll!.- :? Iui?ii lo tti 1 lust llfi HAitnsT, April 21. Tho Ittissliin gencial nnd stnfl' lias left KischcncH' for Unglienl and Scutari. Tlio oavnlrv force Is innrciting toxx-aru the Danube. The artillery isconcontrat- Jug lit I'nghenl, the infantry is march ing In the direction of 1'lioty, Scutari and T'egheul. Sac uami'nto, April 21. The running race, mllo heats, for 000, entered IJazar, Lady Amanda and Morphine. IJizar fa vorite at 30, Amanda 10, Morphine 0. Itaznr led around on the flrjt heat ns fur us the three-quarter pole, xvhere Amnndu overhauled him, and took the heat at 1:4 IJ. Second hent, Morphine led to tho half in 60', Bazar second, Amanda third. From half out, Amanda pulled ahead nnd took (be heat oaslv 111 1:111. Win ning the race! Bazar second, Morphine third. The grand trotting contest between Goldsmith Maid and Earns will come of I at tho Salinas race track, ItiHulinns City, at 4 o'clock r. M. Saturday, May "th. under tho atisnlco of the Monterey County Agricultural Association. The race will be the throe best In five, mile heats, for tho citizens purse of Sr.'l,00d being S'J.OOO for winner nnd $l,i)00 addi tional If Occident's famous record of 2:103 be beaten. a'TjAiiTz". miningT Mineral bearing lodes, tire elefts or rents mndu in the mountains during ge ological ohauges and tilled with quail, whlcli contains Hie mineral that gives to I that Iodu Hi parlieular value. It inayj bo gold, sllx'cr, cojiiicr, tin, or ontaiii 1 ono or more of the above, or other niet-i als that are of ue or value for the use of man. When n lode Ins been found, the flrsl step Is to ascertain the kind or value of tho mineral, then tho extent. The for mer two lequircintutscan he ascertained by lunkiinj assays either by llro or wet assays; nnd tlio extent by prospecting, that is by digging into the lode to uscer tain the width, depth and angle, 'and course; the extent or distance both tip nml down the mountain or hill where Hie llrst Judication Is sliown. After jgL.'&32Ltl.c2za.9 S5ro2."rs,03.'iaL vftBWiiliiteiit Sl5cu'-A- 'sr Tlio Importod Poroheron, Stallions, WH1TJS PRINCE AND GEN. FLEUHY, M.. or each week. At thu r tabic of lllN A JJAV1DSON, Blcvloxaa, a PIHDAY, P. M., and sxr flHMY mill MONDAY. A M. of oncli cck. '' 1"oiax-SJ2C3 IN t . t. iOLI) COIN, TIIK SIUSON-UiionftlMciiaof thoteanon, I havo soino very Fine JEltSEY CATTLE for Salo. E -cry runlly tli.it keep r. row hoii!il have n .IBRSUY. or nt lont a liill'.WCoil. TamllUs that Laictis! them will not rlo without them. If liiev nre to lio h.ul. i:irlyln April I xvlll iMiiontlrciibr itltli llro cngravlm- of inv HoMcit and Mairi. n view of my Stub! xvttli .1 lib lu-j or the Poirlieroii, 1.111I w hy tlivy oro i.refurre 1 to other Inrgc liorn-f : feme hints on brcdln! thu (lim.inJfo' large Uortv In Ditopc aim Aiuulca, k!c. They xvlll he tint oiinpiillcullon. ' a!3m3 MWTWMWM Southern Planter & Farmer! ltIOI2.1IUni, niKJIMA. n'HEr Aoniofi.TniAii JontSAi. J Hdiith. ili'xolcil to Acriciiltiirr, Slurl tV TIIK Ilortir"). Itiritllut IE lir.l .!l'llr! fft.i. rltitlnn i liirti,r. I i roi.tit-rtioii with thl liapiT, wo hatr Yirtrllilo I'niliift in ury linitlim of ll't-Stale fr r. v. bcMl ptawp fin tliprHi ilvo li, l)li IvINs'jN .v ril7WNiyJ. Kl hiuonil, n. "ix nf ft jrjifi' I UMflWrJ3JlA 1 &?dAiXjkFX,2t liALHM UIIUUO:?, B. P. DRA2CE, Prop'r. TCA'I KNfllNKS. SA'.V MII.hH, niitS't' MIU.5, T lloaiicr, I'umim, aurt nil kiit,l4 nntl rtylin uf M- thititry matto to onlor. itauhlnery repaired t n rl.wtt . ... . 1 ..... nnnpii iiTiji.ti.Miiii. it... 1 1 1 in 1.1 t 1 1 11 . . A.irxti.. r. .. I loso prcllinlnaries Iittvn neeii settled, i and nil Ulaii; of JtoMnni Iron CMtinrV r;m,l'h.it the real work of developing tho mines , nmrt tiotiec. Airo, l.iar.ttiicturer ori:MTi:itr!iyit coniineiice,hlcli Is generally to organ-;'7;ANKt on matuiu, una UTiwcEita nnd izo 11 comi).tuv, and comniciice the llrst 1 "tiiZ! 3','v"vtl or nrosiioctlng tunnel. Tills is done by facing down the hill so u lo prcent tv perpendicular surface of the required size gonemlly about ten feet square, then comniciice blasting away the rock and make an entrance in the mountuln about seven by live or six feet, the top in n oirctiJiirfnrui and the bottom or iloor lloorllat with it very slight Incline for tho purpobo of allowing the water Hint may bo found (and there Is nearly always water inuiul after digging in a short dis tance) to run oil' and lo assist tho oars and whecl-hariows lo run easier wltli their heavy loads of toi-k ami mineral hearing tjimilz to tho place called tho "dump," xvliero thev ai discharged. me rocK is generally tinned in by mm Premium Sssd Potatoes. B' 1 r v: I lion ill tlm .tisnlaun.i. ViVutli j.iOjYifett' this limit lalioo tho totmofa bill, lo xxhlch it adihtil a iirovlNlnn that a.y pcisnii v.Uw than a do'ciit.xil cixiulltJatu iiikv I ring 1111 action to tiiMjiXdiess tl.o (irosniu hn'iinibp.it. I'lttfAiio, Airll ill. Tho fi)l;.wliig x ax feetit from htiiditiarters "military di vision of M 1 mill lotion. Augurto-day: I'uit xut, April -I, ls77. Tiidrx. ( (. . At t-.ru, New Drlcans Itv tllriu'tliiii til' lli. 1 l.l.i. it. OitiieriU thr liohjs of 11, and lrt or '21 Incls deei xvhere they would bd tho most tidvanlu geoits to throw out or loobcu thu rock. l;ormerly, and sllll lu a gret many mines, tbc.o holes aro madu by steel burs shnrntiied and madu very hard: this drill It Ih called Is held hy ono man whllu iiiiuwu.T utriues 11 vury imni wltli it largo sledge; nnd at each blow It is tinned quarter or half around, Hum cutting into tho lock, the dust is cleaned out by an Instiittncut called a spoon, cup shaped and shallow, and small enough to move easily in tho hole and attached to a rod of small iron. When the-hole hits been made to the desired depth, (ho blast Is thou put in. If blasting powder Is used, the required amount Is poured in and packed by it rammer made out of soft wood so ns not to cause any lire to be niado by friction, as It would by an Iron rammer striking tho hard stone, when packed, the tiro Is then inserted and generally a layer of piper Is put over the powder, then sand is then used to till up with, and packed tight, tho blast Is then ready to lire, which is done by Igniting the fuse, allowing tho miners time to securu places of safety. Jlut often giant pnwderor nllro-glycerine or other powerful explosives tire used constantly attended wilh corresponding danger. Tho latter manner o( jirepavltu the blast la too long for tills .uttiele, 'i'hoto Is now guuiirally urcd diamond drills to niiike hoh.s for bl.vMv, 1 ml run by machinery, xxlnoh lui'koa lapiit wcrk, but require more capital thuti mest comjmules havo. Allcr a tunnel Is run, or dug about f.O font, hoy become sodmk, Ibat attltlelal Hjfl.t Iihs to bo UK (I, coiiritquontly tho incu nia divid ed nif Into xvhnt aro caliad "unifm," that h, liiiei-ot of men work n itnhiiu niiuiborif hours .11. d tl'jy nio rcl,tv?d bv (i.eUiflr s,, tluisCnyoU !:t x;iuk day ami nl:lit, fo' h makes m iliirci t.tiri In the tunnel xx hothur Ii Ii il.iy Mnioor ui!ht time, m It is always l!ltih iKrlt xvhoro tin v aro ht fork, (iouo rally there iita alilo ,ta ur Icedtis run Into tho nir.l.i k'.tl, and l bey ntoloiuwtd aud xx orked, Wl.ou thn inl'tca Hx-o Iron dovolopod cno'iuh lo !- :! v tl'.' vxpctittunre, mill is I'lvi-'fil iv ' 'i-n i ih qusitz Hiul extract flit' n.iiii'iiii, 11 I tho nitiiikHr-ii aro x'aried und iiUi.tii'Xiei lvo, mi'l vtrvosi'onlvc, and PruuvIIalto, per ImihIiuI, lilll'Clttt, ... siNira rurly Vtrinont, Itrou'iivll's JZoautj-. - i'MMptllIl'N iitU'ltriNC, Barly Kloncsucli, JLtiiu BIono, l.'sirly Itnsu, SUlmlck, f-rtrtioi iiiitl Klti:rciH Mtu UarllvN,. Thl If tny pilco trthnin, fuelled nml put on thu enrnt lluhhnrd All Xfurimiti'd to ho tiuu tomiinn, nnd to reach any uiiit &lorn tho lino ot .lit O. t V. ltnllroart In i;oml '. nlcr. Moio'y In riiun if ten dtl lnr'niid iiiiwmd uny lio rent hy exi ini4 ntmvv.x ptd jc otlicnt lc In ro.'lMrod lot'rr A(Iilnn fftimll J. if. UliUlttK, Ilbltlmrd, Or :;.oo 2. o t,oo .73 VMJtiAT AND CATS Chopped into Food, ....Auo.... Saslt,, Doors, Blinds, 'rnrtilt;, smir tvoin, j.m..u.iw. liut'cnus, Staiul.s, TatJlcs, Antl all klnttH ol Fiivititurc, At 11RP JtOCIC l'UICKS. Shop a Arlcnlirnl Wmks buiLitiu. Salem, pc't o v. im;nms. yrJIIO I3Cl301tTJEl Trolling and'Drafl Stnllion, ii! Wlf.t. t-TAM). TIIK I'lir.SRNT SKASOX AT t, tlm r.irm or i". V. Atii,3lli, IJ xlc. Polk A totinlv. nnitn! I'l'li'lI.V fu.'ii tililo. in ixlit ) on I'rl.lijui.itfriiiiirtljji'oritOixtiiclf.ofturtliolOili I III Atit-ll . v.VHI ( 'I'KliMS Fnr tho Mparon. M, nt tho iml of Its Miiro l l:tioxn in lie xvlth foal, or when tlio owner I us pnrlvd xvlth hci. All litlU jnyalilo In cold ccln. Muri" .'rn n d!:.ino imstiucd aud cand furatll per ivftlr, Imt in rl.-Vis 1nl:in. ' (r.('i'lpilou rind l'illtrrro IIi.ick E:mr. (I a U 10 Imutls :i Indium liiuli. tt icarat old.nud wflsti turllK) l.i. W.11 hiod hy nfo Jtrynnldf, Im, Winn tm. Maine. Illn dnni whk lleinmi'ii Itetnnstr, hy Sfono Jlrf t ni'or, hy XX lnlhrii MviKpiisir, by In. imrtol MfiMuuir. Thu Itoyniild'it Jlnro. thm (I IILAI'K bTIt.M UH, wolshcd l.sw iound, sd ua n Hup pamiilu of tho Mi'Mftiaer etock. IlIiACIv HTlt K.KIt unit sired ht tlio Wjer'i lioino. 11 liny fl.itlhiii M'IdIi1ii1.'J.Vj piimidK, and cet Kr nfnii u.xtra l'.no of lltitthn; coltn. Capable of irotUii' lilinrvir 'o- U:fO forn mho, and lmmtnitnl. iv ma ill' hl lulf talhi In 1:10. Ho wf tired hjOtr. Knox, tint of n Mtctiurr inar, Mtdshlnz 1AJ pnuii.U. llt.ACIC Sl'ltANGKlt li.un vury powttfid ot of limb, vc.-y ilral"h,1 xtlth ci.mhicl and knre lolntit low tliivvn, thu hotio incctcn ai.d rnmclci pirfuvt ain:ilcb uf liln unind ilto. Ucn, Knox. A HCAVV l)HA JOUT Clydosdalo Stallion, r Slrcdhy It'ctlicrby, dim by ha. Wallace, xvlll ilttl lor Man nt IlioParm of tho proprietor, jCtTo-a-i- molVllaaLia-will, VAMiiiixonuty. $30 to SriNttro. pa)ahlo ntc tho mtuo '1) knoivu to hu In fua'. JOHN MBNTO, annsDL'K wr Halt Brollicr to Culedonla Chief, J8 " fftoicsl Trntllns lalllon In Cnnado, filrrfl hy llnxvu'a ltoyal tloorjo. Dam liy ola aukv xt-ay, iho c.di'hruti'd Itk'i lllood liurfv, xvlll ttudftt M tr In Tiist Portland, .it the (itAlilvii of .IMI.V SHAVIin. from .Vnill Uti 1 M.liilv l-i, Is;;, j..0 to liiMitrc, ii) able bci the Mnro ! ItiitiiMi 10 ho In oul. $'la for tbevt- , utiii, piyauioai i.tuiunooi forvicc. n fnilowliig ttilegi.tiihh tinier from (Jetier-1 un proont a pteltuo cf tliiibiyiittind kltuU nl of tho nrmv is forwarded for your 'of inllli that aro often ih.mi1, iu.i by xxaior- act Ion anil gtiplanee. rieafo rtjiott oy power by a Urge ov..ih!iut xx hoil. Tim tu.'inol.i in mines ao t'ot generally tdralglii mid level, Lui x'uy n(v,:din'; to the lods, ami xshtiii n rich liodv t'l oro i ''muni, they ''sink" or go doxx 11 nis n ihi in seoonl Iiir to tbu depth x Ulied aiio tl.mi t-t.irt on tho xtln or loiloagttin.aint ibis poliioix Hiallcl a "lixvel," and when ou tend of 'MOO iipt lovol" nr "lUill f.i( l lhVfi!" It miai.i. tlmf llinv 1- .it. ' are Ih.ttdlslanoii bolaw tii.i t.i-i ct" iho i-romul these ixt the stanhiK ntacx. Tiniso irxols are very Vpleu of the order of the 1 xxarin, ilia loiiirKtrttturo Inorewas ono de;rrio fSeoretruy ot war xvin , t;r every iiunnro 1 ft ut toward-.! tho canter of .1. ....... .... 1 ..'. .. .. 1 . ,. ... t.rut Diji , llll,IMll,ll Hllll IUHII. Vt'U H'lIK 111 r ni tir m " '". f.. A,. .,11.. .,....- .....I 111.-" intitiij 1. 1I1 llr-.i r.r Im to'H'UllMx "".... .-.'t,.lv history of givt valt.' ,0 ' Itilerohtud. . H somethlnn Our old frliuul, l.luiiw lliiNK,i -rieiotivts ufa ptsit, ninl xMiihink his l'fi ts tHHisltlen xvlth x fr.i;ninn' uf verso of JiU t"- unit totuu in roiit'xvn : "Ami iKuornl t anl xihllu llfo mIiouIiI K '1V do the xvork hs Imd to dn leforthjvHxyxRflof llfHlnimM. " " A ImloflMw., eltur and blight, Kkwls llglit hU (Mthxtav o'ar, And i.ireiiin of purw ciluial Huj A-Mtwd lilm to the further bhoio. t, tolegraiih llu-execution of theordi-t W xuuiNiiTo.N, April Ul, ls77. P. 11. tsiiiitiiiAN, eomnnindlugdivl. on of Missouri, C'ltlfago, llllnot.i-Vou xvlll pleno iinltrtht trn.ips noxv posted i.t or in tlm liniiitilliiM vicinity of the .state iiouso in exv ui leans to (no I . h. barracks, on Ttiesdav, Aniil '1.1, at niceiatih, nntl ifp. ut the Met to liimiliiujiuvi. l'n.Itkn( mill ..milt ti vfin 11 lli'ill.jiiil miiiMiiiM finitv .... . . .. .. " "IV .-.. ,. l.,,..lL .,....,.,, 11.. .,,.,,,,, ..I.,,.,! ...,,1 xvut tie win 10 ticii Migiirtiirect. 1 "iii.n.nii'.uiiu 1 ."" ' .-r-... .,. isii-ovd) W I' -iii'i-Mxs (S.nM ilwvi)t.ibohiipilI(.dwlHi idrpii:ip.xlto Ihoni i1?! !u '. v'.V'v iVtiwi ! P'lwpaa nut, Mbssiu'ly thaw tt. t. . J'ltt 31, .k.i t AtiJ t ticn 1. iin'flil li'ticen sroi'iiliiif 1.0.M.0N, Apiil 21. -A bppU,l frtim th lfii r m'liwwUo xvotks in Ihoso IVni suxsltls repurtcd HiRt Hiissl.t has Uo. , Js 0 uutvwly attotul.xd xvlrh dtngfr, decided to Stiud it Ht'cotid circular to the' and many huiulrods losi thclv llvps every powursaiul nwait 11 leply Itforo deohu'-.Mtr froniaivliit; in of rojks, burstlug fortli lug war, The bad cmiilitiou of toad in of xvatur, f ml or pxisimnus air, or thu oaUMi- At'X lo ,intwl,l.uiil Mm imimn .it 1 11.1 un. . ll'U of tiro vlf ! II n'l 1M Of t'le tUUUOlS or parent littiatlini. A tMtis v'oriponiitnufoys: "t near, i jpMid authority, thut In tt. PelcrH- MERINO SHE EI rjAAKKS plcnfiiTt) InolTorlut; toiliu Wuiildiowtriol K. Orexou ami shu adJtilnliu;TcrrltMrl''ii llio cb.irco to ptircbAito TUOltOl'illUlifKI! MulllNOS. nml nt 'nrliKpirtli;ilntcrclodttiat thuy no. and xvlll va tlvavtirto. iicUblii'ipof tlio fuiuo nimlily iimI xnliit'iit MICH UIIKAI'KIt lATgS than Wh can po.Mhly e lmptirti.tl. Kxiinilnatlon and cniiiparinon v. Ilh oih. ir Sheep flt'crcd la thu marUct nrn ruidl.illi Invited. AddriK Jill IN MINTO, KiiK'in, Oioiroa. :. IJ. Tho Itamf and Him Ijunlni nr tlio dock ran honcfiion tho ISLAM) FAItM, ndJili.liiR bnlcui. Tho 15wm can ho ;vn ihu fiunu place, or nt tlm II I LI, KAH.M four and n hall mile wrath of the city. falem, Si'pttmher 10, IS73. The Celebraled Tlioroiiglibieil StaMon BK. MNDiSLSY VTIT.L STAND TIIK HNSl'INO H1JAS0N AT teJAXilsaX, Kroni Mnrcli lO.h to.In'v iu:h. Mare cm lis tnlioii lo Iho l.hiry biiililonf IVnn .t UivliUo'i, or vuit to mh'. JA.XIUS 1'. llVllb'i: Salem. JOHN a. WEIGHT, Dralcr In FA3HILT GEiOCBRIES, Crockery and Glassware, Wooden and Willow Ware, LTobaooo and Cigars, CO-IBSIRUOIAXj qalcm, April SO, 1513. kiti J March fO, 1R7?. JOHN REDLIOND. Kontuclcy-Brcd Stallion. Tho Flat? Miiiiilirino Trolling Slallloi SUSBY. Awai-ded Pirst Promium at tkel Oregon State Fah', 1876. iiKsriitiTioN' An puiiiciinn. Lutbr b dark hroun. Ui hand hlj:h, hih a hired hy Krtciti li ilxin !y llootln: l hy llruv Hiilv; 3d hy Aiw liilcHiu lit t'inv' tUiulirliio hltl, out nf l)n troll!; martiXr. Candlo. riayV Mamhrlno Chief ur liv Vamlirliio l'nviiiattcr. who naithv Mnmhrlio.ci of a inua hv l'avitiaflcr. Mamhrlno vet a wo Imp. Moncnccrr lio xva the ilrc of Ahflirlji,Ddt pr.iiid iru of ltydlck'a llainhUi'iniIaii, a xt'"'1 .MninlulUoCliUf; tho dam of iho luitt-r xta a broti rMArn h ri-lchratiul roadfirr and fanonr hiri'iHr.tl"1 hy urai hnro. a ton of imp. Mttrxiijti'r, xiho ttoc in iinciitrn co., N. v. Krlcion ia a rccom 01 ., ,'!d liout, tit four ) e,ir old, nnd I Iho lrc of IMc. jvi n r. 1'iinior sv't.nt tour xcaifom, aim uoui--, rtcnrtl of 2. txi4, al tivo yrar 'Id, nd 2 in. ut u l o'd. W. O.iMh. xilih ivcord. -J;8iiv. itt three )ti old; nud It iho alroof waiiy tith ru nM tin. TEltMrt-Thubeukon. VIS. 117.. ITAXJi IX S.iT.Bir. at Diirhln' fl' TiitirKitny. rrlciij.kiidHntiililay. .17' .ilil.lXV, 'lomluy and ritiirkt'oy. J OHM YOUNG. aolOr-vl I'rutrlflAl Tho llamlsomo Voung Half-bred Clydesdale Sfciil'iions dwll OH 'urtf. Oontiauiluoplo and li-udo'.i tho t. t nutliorntixHi dlplomtitUU bi'llByo OOt ir tiuikt I'onte. tlm v Uhur cii tofet In Iroiilie, slmflii, or br"klint of nuehlnory, or nooi dfiiMtlMt imuiift Lo foreswm or ovoUUtl. J. 11, M. Tb xvv to Rvoll iu8orlK front oorns Is I said slip, to avfft ft) wKM'i ,,,'l ,lK"hl fW'linuni" s g'J5 VUH1U) ! 111 IMlli uwu, Admlntstvator's Notice. rilHn uudenlKiicd. hirina hcn duly upiuIiiUJ X v JL th.1 f DUiity Court vt ! t-lou tonu v, Hreon, d-ii-.tnl.liator ff tho ttaoof It. C Donm, late or 'd cninlx, defa.-iH1.: th'rif.ir'all perMins bavlufriria,-n!i itj.ln.t aldo'i'o will pUaij vioiit tho mum to tbemininUiwosattil'ttit'B'". i .ir iu'inl, In xld county, xxlihl-xtlx in ir i f om t'iU dtie, aid prniioliv;rald4tate xrill plt wtt Imwrdl ate payiHcrit. u. C. UAVTUN, Adai'r March ga. ta7?w4 pd. 655 e S77 iWfflttiffi: .O2i!0i ROMANCE & ADVEKTU8! rilHE I'llOPKltTV ov wilmam ch.xi.mrh Jl win nana at Comolliv ZPiS': I.t.n....i I'. .. t h. ........ .1... ... . ..I. . ... ..U viiitviinp i,ar,i,rit t'u yviiiilt. luq vi.cu.ti. vvr-j f'oin .xarll Ut ti Jiilx tid They italtied fxo f.ft Pi mluui' a' thp un-rnn talo rlM-?t fill, ftr iho tl thr. t..r o tl draft cqlt acd tin ' farm tvsm Ti;i(Xi- 'Hl in InnnivM. n. nl.l.i ubtn mtirdU !nii)t,ui hu 111 Tftl M.ir- jj tiua til t.ir.. I114II11J li In. Af.t.1 f1n In tofil fi.--jia v.xt cnuMrasi Ihjp. lUlf-Urcl i,!)(Hd?V, fVB OP TnrS-VtI!-'T l-IMf"!'. 1MUXI n ul.A ill. lll ..Hi... IiIAu.. . H . - . l. .Ll .JU mi Ouaiii S.r.i'.u I ilr. 1S"i.. l ii .. v 0 T Cltil.MI'.'t'. i'.-t'i. y 0'' "a xx te i.M biH-n U, It) mmuI rut, . j, tit.fiara at J. W. THOUN'Hna. f.orvah, W.crv"o'r"i,. O-.o-- 'v- .! c-c1!" and tit kiit Uii.-- tt thu fitim t J. Sil-PIXCFIILI), llowoll Tralrlc. THUVtd-ejKO to i-j Ti2.'o, pj lt of -.Taa. H,m t r Ulitjrer 1 irc um a to foal, V 0: XV VJjL M: v n . "tW!IS5SBSaiKKaftrtJS; z .ssszrr""1' Ai" .twi"ifaMa ihmmm jaii . I .. v. m?z Hl "l'lo,iliiiii'iw!t?'tjjjftliIihj ""m IjjIjjIjjIjjIjjIjjIjjIjjIjjIjjIjjIjjIjjIjjIjjIjjIjjIjjIjjIjjIjjIjjIjjIjjIjjIjjIj