$2.50 per Year. BY TELEGRAPH- "Washington, April 22. ThoToslofllco cpartment lias concluded to wlnco tlio null service upon tlio following now outcs, and will rccclvo proposals until Juno utli, for contracts to run from 1st Jay of next September to June 30th, 1878. In Orecon: .From Canyon City via Samp Harney and Alvord to Camp Mc- Jorinott, isevndti; irom uooso Lnlto via brooked Creek, Cbntanooga and Summer jnko to l'rlnevlllc: from Falrvlew to oqulllo; from Sparta via Iittthburg to 5ilubrln, Idaho. From Gray's river W. '., to Astoria, by steamboat. wasUlne on Territory From Olympin to Elinn; rom Snohomish to Fall City, from Col x to Pnlouse; from Tacomu to 1'uyallup; rom Seattle via ltctiton coal mines to ,ako Vuishlncton: from Coal Klines. daho, to Hook Creek; from Marsli 11a in to Kclton, Utuh: from Idaho City to ianncr; irom luigio kocic via iiurcii reck to Junction. Montana; from llutto :ity to iJouiucr vaiioy. Tho followliipc postal chnugos have eon made. Nnmu of site chanced Cellogg, Douglas countv, Oregon to imttii'si'crry, and A. H. Langdon np ointed postmaster. Appointments iVm. Cliance, Astoria, Clatsop county, regon uco. nurse, Llnkvlllc, j.aKo ounty, Oregon; 11. F. Houston, Mo- lawk, Lnno county, Oreuon; Mrs. Julia Hayes, while 11111, Lake county, recon. Omaha, April 20. A llro originating n Pioneer block last nlclit destroyed icarly tho ontlro block. C. F. Greed nnn, druggist, loses building and stock, .nlucd at 150,000; insured for $20,000. J. '. jucnmnn, pawnbroker, loses building nd stock valued at $18,000, partly cov ral by insurance. St. Louis. Anril 22. Thos. ILWll- inmsoii, formerly n stook broker In San raucisco, committed sulcido by shoot- tip dlnn-oif through tho head at 0:30 his morning. Ills wlfo was divorced rom him seven years ago. and caiuo lore about a wcok slnco from Hot princs. whom ho had been for his icalth. He attempted to affect a ro" onclhitlon with his wlfo with n view i emarrliiMo, ki.t falling in this blew his rains out. Yki.ica, April 22. A man named "V. 1. Scott was found on Snturdavmornini; bnurdered near tho summit of tho moun tain between Strawberry valloy and (Bquaw valley. Ho was evidently shot liy a man in ambush while ho was driv- ngnlongtue road. Alter being Killed ils Horses were uniiltciicd irom ills wng n and attached to his body, and it was lingged into tlio bushes to somo dls tauco from tho side of tho road. Tho lecoused was a trnpuor and lived in Iuckloberry valley, whoro ho also had omo stock. Ho was In Yrekn on Thurs- ay selling vonlHon. Nncluo haa been ot discovered to his murderer. Ni:w Oht.i:ans, April 23. Tlio morn. ig papers win contain tno loiiowiug: xkci'tivi: Di:i'ahtmi:nt, Stati: ") oi' Louisiana, J Ni:w Oiu.ka.ns, April 2t. J By direction of tho Fiesldont. tho V. , troops nowstaUoricd In tho vicinity of 151. Louis Hotel and elsewhere within tho limits of this city will bo removed to heir usual barracks at noon this day. I'ho welfare of tho Slate demands and i'fiy ofllolal honor is pledged that tho car tying out of this order will result In no 13, 1 .la.ul.-i ..ft nan! tai fnvMin.minii limnnP ..Mll.U..IIV.t,', mill III iiuiiivianv.u iii.i.ui I request and urge ciuzons oi Louisiana to nuisuo their usual avocations and ab- taiu from congregating In tlio nelghbor- ood ol tno bi. .Louis iiotci. FiiANcis T. Xichoi.i-s, Governor of Louisiana. San Fhancisco, April 21. Yesterday, no i . H. t ircuit court, v. uuizioi, oi o ,au lrauclsco .Mall, brought suit alnsl tho hnterprlso Publishing Co., recover so0.000 for two al eced libels iblljhed In the Territorial Fnternrlso of Irsi'dt City, Nevada. Tho articles lured to bo libelous wero published arch 17. 1S77. as follows : 11" tho editor of the Mall is not a convicted u transported KnellBh thtel, ho una never own papers to Drovo the coutrarv. and bo- ro D. Dalzlol of the San Francisco Mall kes any mora appeals to gentlemen, wo uiuRURKosuuat it would only uo lair lor io jmuiisu wuat ms rigni name was in land, and what he was transported foe, FOREIGN. The Human Armlet Moviag. ISCHINEFF. Anril "1 Tlin T"miwmr Russia yesterday reviewed tho 9th y turps at umberenka and JJlrsula, Iresslng the olllcers at tho latter place r-uiiieror said: "if you should eu- llter tlio Cliemv. Mmw vnnrlvns vo and uphold tho ancient glory of ir regiments. I bono tho vomit? men lOUg veil Who have not Imnn nn.W It, ,. .,lot show themselves inferior to ir eteran comrades. I trust you K,p!! reluru cvcred with glory mo tninerop nisn nM-.En,i i. m LQf tho llth cavalry division. Ho SALEM, said he hoped their regiments would dts: play tho samo brilliant courago as over. Tho greatest cnthuslatm provalls every where among tho troops and people. Tho Emperor sleeps to-night at Tlrcs not, where a review will bo hold to-day. His majesty afterwards goes to Uncheui for another review tho samo day and will return to KichlnclTabout midnight. -. London, April 21. The News pays tho long expected war has now practically begun. Tho Times says If a lingering hopo of pcaco swaycu in any mums it must bo dissipated by to-day's news. A dccislvo step has been taken and llussia may bo said to bo virtually at war with Turkey. Tim Tolccranh savs llussia has at length committed n direct act of war and plainly revealed herself In lieu wonted character of aggressor. This re fers to the arrival of a small llusslan dc tachmcu nt Bucharest. St. Pirrnitsitimu, April 21. Tho Gov ernment Gazctto states that tho begin ning of tho Montenegrin war Is delayed by Peter Ovitcli, Montenegrin envoy at Constantinople, who has been appointed commauucr-in.ciuei, naviug emwi. lor his return homo a circuitous route. rCiiiscnuNiHT, April HI. Tho advanco corps for crossing thoPiuth will bo 23,000 strong. W asiuxotox, April 22. Ex Congressman Long (eolorod), of Georgia, ox presses him soirns fully satlsilod that tho President's Soutliorn policy Is noedod to bring nbout about good fooling among nil Southern io nlo without rogurd to politics or color. In Uoorgla, ho enys, colored pooplo lmvo no causo of eouiplnlut; tho feeling botwouu tho two racoa Is irlondly, and nil nro Hccurod In tholr rights. II o spoko of tho llborallty of tlio Stato In providing educational means for eolorod as well as whlto pooplo. In his own city (Macon) whlto and blnck unlto In select ing tho beat uiou to ofllco without regard to politics, Aloxnndorll. Htovons rodo out to-day for tho llrst tlnio for eovoral months. Mr. Stovons callod nt tho exocuttvo mansion nnd had n talk with tho Presidont. Ilonaldhe was glad (o soo tho Prealdont pursuing uoh a course tui would bring togother the discor dant elements O'f tbe-nonnlj.n linrmuiiy, and .hot nil tho rrosldeut had to downs to perform his duty to prod uco thai deslrnblo rosult. Tho Prosldout lh roply ronmrkod, It was his purposo to pursuo tho couo ho dootrtod best io servo tho InteroAts nnd har mony or the ontlro country, thinking tho tlmo nnd como when ovory ell'ort should bo nmdo to that end. Ho expressed his ploasuro in milking tboacquntntnnco of Stovons, nnd thntgontlonian roclprocnted tliocoiuiilhnont. April 23. Tlio Plrst NiUlonnlllJnuk, Wash lngton,vs Whitman, orror, to tho Supremo Court of tho District of Columbia. In this ctto It Is hold that tho prayer of n check which has not boon accepted by tho bauk on which it Is drawn cannot maintain nn nation upon It against thobnnk. Payment ton strungor upon nu uunuthorlxod endorse ment docs not opornto as nn acceptance of uiociiecK, i-o ns io nuinon.o an ncuon uy uio reui owner :o recover u amount ns uion nu noceptod chock. Vins.v.v, AprJl 23. A correspondent of tho J'Vee JYciic, under dato, Gnlntz, April 22d, glvos n dotnllod account of tho Kucslun movement, IIu says ono division of Infantry, n brlgado of Cossacks and throo batteries of nrtlllory lmvo nrrlvod nt Kuber nnd Kital, oloso to tho Houmnulnu front lor. Those nro bohnvnd to bo tho advnnco guard of tho 7tli and 10th army corps, which form tho llus slan loft wing, Tho right wing is i.1m oh tho frontlor higher up on tho Pruth. Vughcnl andSkuyenl.whlthor the stall-lmvo remov ed, nro at tho Junction of the llusslan and lloutuauinn rwlUvays. Tho bulk of nrtlllory and lnrgo bodies of infantry nro hlrcadycon contrated thero. When tho houthwnrd march of tho army begins it is bollovod tho liendqunrters will bo transferred to Puzos nud afterward? to Plopjeioht. Wastk or I.ANH, 11 n farm of 1C0 acres Is divided by l'tuces into Holds of ten ncrcs each, tlioro nro llvo miles of foncos, If each fonuo, row, is ono rod wldo, uo loss than 10 acres of tho land nro occupied by them. This Is equal to O'f por cout. of tho farm, and tho loss of tho land is exactly equal to n churge of GJ-. per cent, on tho wholo valuo of tho farm, liut nearly ovory fonco-row in tho country is made n nureory lor wcods, which stock tlio wholo farm, and makoan immoiiKO amount of labor nocessary to koop them from smothering tho crops, Much damage al ways rosults to tho crop from those weeds, and If these expensos aro added to tho llrst oue, tho wholo will oasily sum up to 20 por ceut., or a tax of one-flllh of tbo value of tho farm. To roiuedy this, wo would have fower fences, or we would clean and sow down the fence-rows to grasn or clover, and mow them twice a yoar. Ten acros of clover or timothy would at least supply a farm with seed and a few tons of bay eyery year. We would, lu short, consider tbo fence-rows as a valuable part of the farm, and uso them as such. American Agricultural. l)nowNi:, On Thursday of last week, Lieut. Kuapp, U. S. A., Dr. Andrews, and Mr. Moore, started to go from Astoria to Fort Stovons, in a small boat. Slnco then nothing has been heard of the parties. The boat was found tho next morning on tho beach capsized, and tho occupants wero un doubtedly drowned. Tho Palolgh Xeu-s reports tho death of IJonj-miln Johnson, of CVdUam, N. O., at tho ago of 120 years. Uo lived to sco his grcat BKaVgrandchildren married. OREGON, APRIL 27, .p Clearing off Brush Land! Ed, 1'AitMKn: I notice an article In your papor In regard to olonrlng off brash land. My oxporlonco In tbo matter la thli: To slash In tho right timo, and burn in tho right tlmo. lho right tlmo for slashing In this part of tho country Is Juno and up to tho mlddlo of July. Lay your brush all one way; trim tho limbs of tho largo brush, and lot tbo brush lay ns closo to tho ground as possible; nud burn In tho dark of tho moon in August, it poptdblo, and you will havo no sprouts to show thouisolvcs, and in a few years thoy will h11 rot, so that you can plow thorn out with a spnn of horses, or ono yoke of cattlo. I slushed olyht acres llvo years n,o of brush hind; I slnshdd iu Juno; I burned lu lho dark of tho moon In August. 1 hnvou't soaii a sprout in nil of thatolght acros; Hio growth was crab npplo, hazol, willow, nldor,nah,chlttlm. nud vino niaplo. I hnyo fouud Juno nnd July to bo tho boat tlmo for slushing. When you slash early tho uudorgrowth of vcgotntlon comes on so f.wt Hint It prevents tho nlr from circulating through tho brush to dry It, nnd tho llro will not run so woll wlion tlioro Is n thick growth of green vcgotntlon. Tho main .thing in cleaning oil brush laud Is to got a good buru, nnd In the rlRlit tlmo. Now, If you think this will bo of any beuollt to tho rondorsof tho Pahmimi, you can insert It In your impor. 1 urn trylug to get up n club for tho Kaiimi.i.; I hopo 1 will succoed; If not, I shall toud ou lor myself soon. A word In refurd to tho society In this part of God's creation, Wo havo church to-day, nt Lewis lllvor Grnngo llnll, for tho llrst tlmo In six months. Wo havo graugo moot Ings llrst nnd third Saturdny orosoh iponth. Wo lmvo n literary dobatlng socloty, thoy moot ovory Saturday ovoulup; thoy spoil and havo rooltnlions. and dobate. Tho quostlon for next Saturday ovenlng is. "Hosolvod, That woman's Intolleot Is equal to that of man." Lcadors afUrmatlvo, Luolln Pozartb; negative, Wm. Htratton. J, S. Still, Poklu, Cowlitz Co., W.T. TiiixOciioco Minks. A letter from Ooho co to lho Mountaineer haa this: The mining fover still glows with a steady, JUmv. I gueaa that thoro -Is no longer any dumb as to there bolmr nloutv of sold and 1 hi.ro. TM only quwllnn It nan It l rnnd la uil- oioiimunmiium vo nny io worn, inoro np. pears to bo a broad bolt that assavs td to ?35. Almost nny of (ho dirt will show traces of silver, uutnonooi H Dig, tiiat is, ovorijao, but thoro has boon uo prospoctlugatall dono yet to amount to anything, but undoubtedly thoro nro somo very rloh volns soniowhore, nnd when thoy nro struck I think Camp Crcok will bo tho richest minos over found. A letter from Prluovlllo to tho Dalies 7Vi (unc, spcsK'H thus of tho prosjitcllvo mlnos: Tho irtuh Is (lint thoro has boon but ono shutl started, nud Hint by Mr. Wcddoll on tho Greenhorn ledgo, which hns probably boon lowered to tho denth of twontv or thir ty foot, uhlloiho best assay yet inndo was $000, and tho best averago on nny claim, taking tho dlilorent assays together, wns $50. Hut you must mind that those wero obtained from (ho surface. No ouo has yot oven trlod to nrospect their claim: nil nro widthm- un til milium will como nnd thoy expect to soil to them. Thcio will bo tho llvollost limes hero Jumping claims ovor hoard of. Thoro aro somo poisons that havo from llftcon to forty claims located, that havo never wo r Ic ed them nnd never intend to, us (hey took mom up io son. RUmatilla roi'NTV. From tho J.tt Ore rtoiui,: Dr. Dialed: bus purchased a largo body of laud near Milton lu tho eastern part of Umatilla county, nnd Is now in the midst of gigantic improvements: n saw mill in tho mountains In now cutting lumber with w hlch ho proposos to construct a llumo about 12 miles lu length, which will deliver fencing nud other lumber ndjAcont to his IminotiHo Held of 2,000 acres. Ho now has eight gang plows at work ou tbh tract, nud will thor oughly proparo 1,000 ncros of It for plnntlng this fall with wheat; from which ho will ro nllzo from 30.000 to 35,000 bushels. Ho will require lumber fur 10 miles of leuciug to IiicIoho his Hold; and wilt havo n suillcicnt number of artoslan wells Lorod to Irtli.nto tho ontlro Held If uoccssory: Hlthough hero toforo tho sHino character of lands lmvo pro. duced from 30 to CO bushels of wheat to tho aero without Irrigation, when sown as thoy should bo, in the fall. Western district I'matlllii cnuuty,' will build n 3,iun school house, Two tchools aro now taught In tho district. Prof. Goldw In Smith, writing of (ho Uni versity cxtouslou lu I'ugland, says: "Thero is ono modo of extension ngnlnst which trans-Atlantic oxperlenco emphatically pro tests tho multiplication ot universities. Tho cllects of tlio 'oue-horso university1 system in tbo United States nnd Canada havo boon ruinous to hiRh education and to tho valuo of degrees. Whon a college, after obtaining from a niello Legislature universi ty powers, falls Into decay, It keeps powers, which unhappily retain a pecuniary value, though their literary usefulness has ceased. Three unlvorslllos aro enough for Kngland." Heavy sums wero wagored lately a upon Katllir In Natal, who oll'orod to run against a horso in a tivo-mile race. Tho race was ruu on the road, nud though tho animal was nowhoro during tho llrst threo miles, his enduranco proved tho greater In (ho end, end ho won nmld great applause, by ten leugths, Mrs. Hayes receives her daily callers at tired In a plain blaok silk gown, with her hair simply drotsed, and wearing no Jewel ry, and (ho fashionable ashlnKton womon who llvo Inoxtravuganeoon money borrow ed or stolen by tholr huibaud., don't Hko It, 187 Breeds of Stock. A correspondent of tbo Now York Worhl thus rovlows tho qualities pf tho dlilorent breods for tho dairy or for meat: Avroshlro Good size, n Rood feodor, well adapted to hilly farms, producos n Rroatllow of milk of ordlnnry richness, making good outter nud cnoese; ami ns a dairy cow is hlgbly osteomed. Holstolu This browl Is of Dutch origin, is larger than tbo Ayroshlro, nn enormous eat er, with n vory largo How of milk, exceeding all other breeds, and of good quality. This brcod is better lor beof than tno Ayrshire. Short-Horn Tins Is (he brcod tor good beof, docldedly tho belt that oxlsts; and tho most beautiful In form of nil breeds; nud In slzo nbout ns lnrgo ns tho Uoltoln, but do not equal Hint breed lu tholr How of milk. Tho short-horns aro not ndnptrd to hilly farms and short pasture, nourishing only whon highly fed. Jersey This breed nnd tho Aldernoy nro now rated ns tho samo breed. They aro small, and unlit for profitable beef. Tholr now or mux is small, nut oi astomsning richness, tuaklug two pounds of butter from tho samo quantity of milk that makes but ouo pound from other cows. This brood Is mostly kept by mou who want but one or two cows, nud prefer quality to quantity In milk. Mrs. Crawshey, whoso scheme for tho In troduction of "Lady Helps" created some morrlmoutnt llrst, has proven tho utility of her Idea, Tbu Loudon agoncy cannot meet tho dom anils upon It, nnd employers ac knowledge tholr perfect satisfaction, Sovor nl provisions nro created for her proteges. Por instntico, no ono can bo ongnged singly. Thoro nro strict guarantees that they shall not bo nsked to make fires, carry coal, scrub, wash pots or kettles, or black boots; that they shall havo a tnblo to themselves, n room in which to rocolvo tholr frlendi, tho uso of tho piano and freo opportunity for ohurch nttondanco. How muuy liundrod wouion do wo know to whom such n llfo would bo a paradise, If they could only bring tholr prldo (?) to that point wheu thoy could'roallzo that paid labor, oven in nuoth or's household, Is less degradation than bolpless depondouca nt homo. Walla Walla Vallkv. Tho Union y. Kram October 1st, 1875, to April 1st, 1S70, tho total rnluinll lu this cltv wm H.81 Inches, From tho 1st of April to the 1st of uctooor. lHTO, uio rnui'iuii was z.vi iuciips, of which amount 3 HI Inches fell during April and .May. Last year tho (train crop was considered a vory good ouo, tho averngu yioid was largo, whilo tho berry win geno rally plump nud woll tilled. Prom tho Int ol October, 1S7(J, to tho 1st of 1S77, tho total rainfall ban been 10,23 luchou, being mi ex cess of 3.00 Inches or rain over (lie total fall from September, ls;5, to October, 1870. So far this mouth tho ralti-lUU has been slight. Hut enough has fillen during tho past six months to insure good crops. Ho.vrox, April 21. The wool market con tinues very dun spring California arriving lu inoro liberal iuantltleii and moots with somo attention. Pall dull nt oaUor prices. Thirty thousand pounds now spring wein sold on private tonnv. At lioslnii tho wool market Is moro active, nud tho sales of Cali fornia lmvo boon larger than for sometime, nnd Is chiefly fall, in rango of H'CISc, nt which prlco a largo llliodo I shunt houso mado largo purchases. Silos Include 75,()0 lbs now spring at 21f2ric; 31,7000 lbs fall at lay-ic. Agontlotnuu wheso acourncy In vutichod for, who lives near Niles Michigan, says that ho has kopt an actual moasuremont of tho snow fall tho past winter, nud up to (ho IStli, tho snow lull had leou 11 feet and I inches iu that section of tho State, At llrst thought tho llgures seemed lucrediblo, but when wo stop to lomemhor that snow has fallen moro or leas', for fil or 00 days since Docoiuber 1, one in Is Inclined to bellovo them accurate. U mml Jlapiiln JJuhIc, Mcsrs. W. S. Mooro and Prank Klco lolt Ibis morning by wagon for tho Klamath Iloservailun, lu Southern Oregon. Mr. Mooro Is to lmvo nliargo of the oarpontor and wiii'.nu uiiikr'ii shoji under tho new iiKont, Kov. I. 11. ltoork,nnd Mr. Illco tho lilrti'khiiu-li hop. The road Ira fore them Is a loi'g on", but with god wr.nthnr mid lho Improved oonduion of lho l.lghwnyn tho trip eniinot but be a iliasni.t ouo. TliorilJoht iuhabllautnf l.oguusport, Ind.. says theio has been nu such weather ns that of the present season experienced in that neighborhood since tho vcar IU 13, whon, on the 22d of Pebruary, tho snow was two foot deep, and six horso teams crossed (ho Wa bash on tbo Ico, drawing heayy loads ol pro duce as late ns (ho 0th of April, Hawley, Dood A: Co. aro on hand with their spring advertisement, which you can't help but see, and which though not very pretty is decidedly strlklag. lUcognlzing that Oregon Is on tho ovo of a wonderlul har vest, they bavo mado every preparation to supply machluery to till overy uso a farmer has, The north-west dairy region is understood to be the north half of Illinois, tho south west fourth of Wisconsin, tho north-oast fourth of lown, and thosoutli-oast fourth of Minnesota. Iu this region (he chorso pro duct of lost year is estimated nt .tf.OOo.OOO pounds, while Ohio ot Itself produces 11,000. 000 pouuds per annum, H. J. Preston, of Green lUy, has reonvorod 1201.80 daumucs for tho loss of n horso which was fatally injured by falling Into a ditch in ouo ol tho streets of that city, Volnnio IX, Nnmlior 11. DISTANCES. Tho .Woiim'rt.'iicer contains tho fallowing tnblo of dlstnucos, which will bo vnluablo as n sourco of futuro roforonco: Tho total dlstnnco by tho Columbia nnd Suako rivers from Portland to Lowlstou is 101 miles. Portland to Vlotorln. by way of Northom PacIIIo llnllrond, 20(1 miles. Portland to Astoria via Columbia rlvor 110 tulles. Astoria to Low ston via Por laud, oil miles, Portland to ltosoburt: via O. it C. 11.11.. 200 mtlcH. Portland to St. Joeonh via O. C. 11. 11.. -IS mllos, Portland to tlio Dalles via Columbia rlvor. 131 miles. Portland (oSttkn, 1,I'0 miles. Portland to Olympin, 2& mllos. About this time tho squirrel killer should bo nbrond In tho hill country, whoro tlioso posts havo led their winter harvests nud linvo already commoucod eating tho young growing grain, fairly digging It up by tho roots. Wo havo had strong assurances that Uodgo's poison is death ou squirrels nud gophers, nlso Wnkolco's is woll spokon of, nnd Ifolthor Is usod It Is probablo tbo pests will bo destroyod. Many proparo poison themselves. Any wny to bo ell'octunl nud mvo tho coming crops. Knnpp, llttrrell it Co,, send us n cntnloguo of tholr goods nnd maclilncH, with request to inform nil interested (lint they cnu rocolvo tbo samo on application. Guav'h HAitiioit, Captains J. D, Piles nnd Chariot Holuiau, with .Mr. Polk, leavo this morning for Olympin whoro thoy tako stngo to tho headwaters of tho Ohohallsund (houco by boat to Gray's harbor. Tho In tention Is to loam tho prospoats of trading with tho farmers on tho Chohalls nnd G ray's harbor, nnd finally with tho oystermou on Shoalwator bay. If sulllclont oncourngo mont Is given tho Gnsslo Telf,lr will bo placed ou the route between Portland and uray's harbor, tukliig iu Sboalwnter bay, Qreyonnm. Mr. l'nrvluo, of San Pmuclnco, n uontla. man Interested In tho now process uf deal Ing with re factory ores, and which process Is now generally used In tho mines of Mon tana, sent J. G.Wright, President of (ho Cap ital Mining Compnuy, tho rosult of two as says mado by him of ore front (ho Capital mine, Inst week. Prom nro taken hap iiii. ard from tlio dump bo gets $S3 00 In cold nud silver, nud Irom i elected ore fi77 10. Thoso assays does iml liu-ludo the lead, which was in tho ore iis-uyod lu sulllolont quantities to p.iy lor working (he mine. Tun Giii.ati.st Woman Tiiavi:i,li:h. Madame Anna Iluhon, lho Pm.llsh cautn- trlco, linguist nud (nivoler, has leturned to I.nglaml. nticrasucccsslul tour arouuil the world. .Si mo. IJishup Is tho greatest femalo traveller now living, If not tho greatest that ovor has lived, rot excepting tho Into Ida I'foltler. Thero Is hardly a (own of note In tho civilized world she has not visited, nud it bus been her good fortune to slug be fore a greater iiumbor of pooplo during her professional career, than any other artist living. Tho Mercury Htys lload Supervisor Price will commence work In n low days upon tho now county road, loading Irom South Kitloiii toward Pettyjohn', lorry. The now road will avoid somo very bad hills, is laid iixm belter ground, and will Intersect with tlio old Leabo ferry road somo live mllos south of Sulom, Mossrs. Thompvuu V Mead, Walla Wnlla, who shipped 1 10 ImIch of hops of Jnst yenr's growth 10 l,lverpool, told (he lot there tor 33 tents a pound. Hut the eostu wore enor mous; tour cents toKau Pniuclseonnd above fifteen conts to unil In Liverpool, It would havo boon belter to soil at homo. Hereafter a steamer will bo dispatched for Portland overy live lnyn, distend of overy seven days ns formerly. This will ureossltate employment of three vessols, tho Geo. W. Klilor, Cltyof I'licster, nnd AJax, Mr. Porter, nshcsor of Marion county, says be will endeavor to collect a poll tux oil' nlitlioChlunmou hoenn Hud lu tho county. Tho road supervisor of H.ilem district Is also going to make thorn work tho roads. Tbo DciQcrat tays that on Mondt-y of last woek, ladsuii, sou of Nathan llarrott, living uear Jordan Valley, was thrown from a horso, and sustained n painful fracture of his loft thigh. Carriages with blue glass windows aro quite fashionable. Thoy euro ovory thing ex cept jealousy and envy. Por this aHllctlon ouly green glass should bo used, Fanny Hester Is tho namo of a Ilrooklyn woman who caugnt a burglar and hung to him till a policeman catno. Ho loosenod all her tooth, but she wanted thorn out anyhow. Hon, J, S. Smith and wlfo, who havo been visiting in California during the past winter, returued to their homo lu Portland last week. Itov. f.. M. Nlckerson. of Sulom, nnd fuml ly will soon remove to tlio Klamath Agoucy, Tho Iliisslans lmvo over 3.000 torpedoes lu tho HlHokHon. Tho population of Ilerlln has doubled in seventeen yeors. Tlio crusshoppors have hoard of Tuxes and aro appealing there lu largo (.quad'j, ' V V n!.c WfH j w - a 4s