tj 1 ! ' f I ,'. I ! I 8 WILLAMETTE FARMER. Canada Thistle. En. FAitstim: I aeo that tho patrons of your Taluablo papor aro on tho alort aa to tholr In torost. Thla fact will bo soon by consulting tho vnhmblo corroapontlonco of tho Wil-iiAMin-n: Fakmhr. Now, aa wo havo can vassed aovoral Hiibjocla through tho Fajim i:it,lotua Bay aomothlng about tho Canada thlstlo. It la BtnonB us and wo must got rid of It or it will compel us to retreat and loavo our farms to grow up to Canada thlstlo. Tho first that was notlcod horo waa In Portland, 3 or 1 yearn ago, now it Is all ovor tho coun try, moro In tlmberod land than In tho prairies, from tho fret that tho woods gortni iiato much moro readily on account of thoro bolng moro moisture Tho Canada thlstlo grows about 2Ji foot high, with n groat many Hldo bratichos forming nn oyal hoad, and will grow na thick ns torn, with a pink bloom. Whon tho aeoda got rlpo, about tho llralof uoptombor, thoynro carrlod formiloa by tho wind, aupportod in tho air by a kind of lint fustonod to ono ond of tho sood, It Is tho noxt thing to Impossibility to handlo thorn whllo binding grain ovon with glovoa. No kind of stock will oat it, and, if thick enough, its forma a comploto hodgo. II. 11. M. March 31, 1877. Tho Oregon UnlvorsallstStato Convontlon will bo hold olglit mlloa Southeast from Ilal oy, commonolng Juno 7. 1877. Thoro will boconvoyanooaatthollnl8oydopot,on Wod jiosday and Thursday, to tnko all who como on tho cars to tho plnco of mooting. All wish ing to avail thomsolvoaofnfroorldo,asBboyo atatod, will ploaso wrlto to tho sccrotary, lot ting him know on which day wo may ox poet thorn. Como ono, como all. A. J. Wiom:, Soc. liarrnburg,r.Orogoti. SALEM. Salom Is tho capital city of the Stato and la beautifully located, viz: on tho east bank oftbo Wlllametto rlvor on a magnllcont prairio, on a plain that commands ii distant vlow of tho surrounding country and especi ally tho snow-clad portions of tho Cascades. Situated on tho O, &. C. It. H., CO m ilea south and 11 mlloa west of Portland and CO milos on an air lino from tho ocean. ThoStato canitol la now nearly finished and will cost $500,000. Marlon county court houso cost $110,000. Tho State penitentiary la located horo; it la a large, commodious atrutturo built of iron and brick cost 875, 000. A Ibnialo acadomy, under direction of tho Catholic Church, cost ?CO,000. Thoro aro Ilvo common school bulldincs, built of wood, In which aro maintained, by tax, frco schools tho ontlro year. Ono morchant flouring mill, run by wator, with a capacity of grinding 800 barrels of Hour In 21 hours, ono custom flouring mill run by steam, ono largo lumbor mill with a capacity of making u.uuu itet ol mincer por day, ono nnscou oil mill, (capacity, 125,000 gallons annually), ono furnkuto factory and ono chair factory, two sash and door factorlos, ono foundry and two machine shops, ono plow factory, two wagon shops. Tho city has tho best wator powor In tho Stato; nover a Hood and novor n lack of wator. Ton churches, ownod bv aa many denominations, ono onora houso, ono banking houso, two grain olova tora, tho city ligbtod with gas; thoro aro turoo daily nun tnroo wooKiy nowspapora and 020 maga.lno, ono soml-monthlyama-totir papor and two Job printing ofllcos. Cor. Jiait Orcgonian. nnd which no doubt will attract thonttoutlou of all buyors and dealers. Tho following account of tho abovo men tioned salo Iibs been recolved In tho regular nows dispatches: San Fhancisco, April 17. FalknorBoll ifc Co., to-day hold their first auction sa'o of wool at their now warohouse, on Townsond and Sixth Sts. Tho nnternriso has attracted conaldorablo attontloa lrom wool-growors and doalors. bolng tho inauguration of a so rlos of similar snlos expected to oxorcison good deal of influence on tho market. Tho attendance waa good and bidding spirited: tho wholo lino bolng disposed of by 12 o'clock aud tho Halo opening at 11 o'clock. Thoro woro otlbrod 1,115 baloa California nnd 32 balos of Australian, all carefully graded, and prlc6S woro on tho wholo rather hotter than ruling at prlvnto rates. Tho bulk went oil' at lrom 13 to 18 corns, tomo bottor grodea bringing higher ligurcs, and a lot of north ern going at22c, whllo tome poor aud hur ry sold aa low aa 8(T(,!)c. Tho bidding was all by local houses, but it ia bolloyod that a cwuHiuurauio portion was actually taxou lor I-astorn, probably Boston firms. Tho salo was conafdored by tho nroloetors a comploto success, surpassing tholr oxpectatlona us to tho quantity tnkou and prlcea reallzod. It is expocted another salo will bo hold within two or throo months. The Wheat Market. Knoeh Smith, of Utigono City, na wo loam from tho Mercury , shot hunsolf on Wednes day morning, whothor nccldontally or not la not known. Tho wound la Htipposod to bo mortal. In 1HC0 ho waa aontoncod to bo Imngod, with ono or two othors, foramur- dor lu Polk county, but It bolng ascertained that ho was guiltless, ho was pardouod by tho Governor, tho pardon arriving ullor ho was taken to tho gallows. Ooor Hiiowino. To show what n farmer's Wlfocuu do, wo mnko tho following state mont: Mth. Mary Kuinp, of i'rouch Prairio, last year mado 12H0 pounds of butter, nnd Hold ll.'K) pounds, from which alio realized f 120. Tho first two mouths Hho milked throo cows; In tho mouth of June, sovon: cows; thou Ilvo till Sept. 1st; thou four till Nov. 30th 5 thon ilvo till tho 1st of Fobruary. SmuiPK, ltalph Wilcox, clorkortho U. N. District Con it, committed sulcldo In his ollloi', Wednesday morning, nl Portland, by flhooting liiuisolf with u pistol. Ho Ion h nolo Haying whisky wna tho rauso. Di-oirAitoiin. W. (j. Morand, chnrgod with tho inurdor of T. I). Davis, had a longthy hearing bororo Judgo Wooilwnrd, at 1 'or Hand, and was discharged on Tuesday, tho ovldonco l)ulng lusulUulont to hold him for trial. Krcoiin or a I'ionkuu. Tho Portland import report Hint u lino slab or tho llnost Italian innrblo lias litum prepared at that oily, to Ixi erected ovor tho grnvo of tho lato Jlov. II. lI.Hlmiildliig.nttlin hapwal Agon oy, Thoslab lioiirH tho following Inscription: Nov. Henry Harmon Spalding, Horn at llatli. N. Y., Nov. 20, lh(U. Cominenceil tho No. Porous Mission In lSIltl. men among iiih peopio ul l-iipwul, I. T August II, 1871, aged 70 yrn 8 iuom. and 7 (Is. Jllcst with iimiiy souls aa seals to his min istry." Aftor-Dlnner orator: "It's In tho wonder Inl insight Inter 'iimttti nutiiro that Dickons gota tho pull ovor Tliiifkury; but on t'other liand It's In tho brilliant slmus o' satire, t'gethor with u keen sun ho o humor, that lllitkery gelH tho pull over Thackens. U's Just this: Tlnckery Ih tho huiuorlHi, and Dackeus In tho hutlrM. Hut, alter all, It's 'liNiini to Itisloot any roiiiparlNou between Dackory nnd ThlckoiiN." So noiio was "In Htooted." Tho newly illsooviiroil coral reef oil' tho const ol Spain forms tint summit ofnn Isold list Hubiiiarlno mountain, haying a circular base, with a radius from the summit of tweu ty miles. Tho mountain rise rogulnrlv from a depth of 1(1.50(1 to 11,500 leet, tupped with Ilvo coral. Tho bank around tho edges gives Widlcatlons of eoniimiatlvolv recent volcanic disturbance. Sunday Tiiainh in Canaha. Itmlwuy trains aro not to bo permitted for tho lutiiro to run on Sundays In Canada. Tho Doinln Ion government has (hmkhI orders that no twins aro to bo run on Sundays, excepting lu eases of great emergeuoy. Of this einer geney tho authorities aro to bo tho ludgo, no Sunday train being permitted except on ill met government oider, William SnookH, bolter known as Hilly Knooks, a resident of the Warm Spring Ito-s-irvntlou, alter an liuilleotual attempt to elope villi one of his father's wlviw, bwamo ills uusted with life and committed sulelde. All mm occurred vMiuiu inn last ilvo or su d hi me mworvstioii, MonnUwmr, HAHVi:srllANii.s. Tho Walla Walla I'num hays: "In view of tho indications ot euor iiioiin crops llio larmers aro beginning to htiuly tho pnblem or harvest lmiids. Last 'if t'u'y were not as plouttful as they might have been, and this year moro than ovor will bo rt(iilrtHl." M.iiitli:it.Oii April 2d 771110 houso ol the bride's father, by II. Jennings, J. P., Mr, John Murray to MIm Louisa Cone all ot Marlon county, Oregon. 'Sal,,' said one girl to another,"" "I am no liM 1 have no beau now!" "Why sot" Hwked the other. "Oh, 'cause 1 can eat as many onions aa 1 please." A thrifty wife wonders why the men can't luanagoto do something useful. Mightn't they us well muko thenutolvNt smoking Lama as well aa cigars? A congregation lu Maluo hay concluded d that a preacher may skate lr ho wants to, ..... uu .....a. iv'i na tiiuuiu auui nuuu Ills loot lly UJK TheoommlsslouorofthegonorHl land olllct at Washington has approvwl a list of 3,113 Mcrtxtuf laudlii ltugell valley. ays Miih. Lyma S. Uatiiman. Denth hna boon vory actlvo among tho bonovolent womon or Cincinnati during tho past wlntor, but uono of thoso who hovo boon callod from tho liar- vost iioiu win uo moro missed hy tho poor than Mrs. Lydln J. llatomnn. Ilor namo has boon h houaohold word in many a novortv atrlcKon homo, and many could say, na thoy wopt ovor hor collln, "Wo havo lost our host frlond." Though hor sympathies and chari ties woro unlvorsal, yot hor work among tho colored pooplo of Cincinnati soomod ovor nearost to hor heart, nnd that work waa tho last to ho laid nsldo. For moro than ton years sho hud taught in tho Huxton Colorod Mission Sabbath School a largo class of mothors, in who&o families alio l'olt n warm Intorost, nnd for whom aho enred at ovory uiporiuuuy, nun mr wnoso liiiprovomonc, in ovory way, sho laborod assiduously, novor too woary or too busy to mid to tholr com fort or rospond to any claim for aid or sym pathy tiioy might mako upon hor. Hosldos nor own class, who Intorosted horsolf In ov ory moinbor of tho school as ono of tho vis iting coinmltloo, sooklng tho ucodv nnd tho sick at tholr homos, road lug tho iiiblo nnd praying with thorn or giving matorlnl nld, suporliiteudiug n sowing school for tho col ored children for sovornl winters till hor hoalth fallod, nnd ovorywhoro mnklng hor solf a powor lor good among tho colored peo ple. Her tenderness for children wns tin boundod. A dovotod mother herself, nhn folt deoply for tho orphan nnd noglectod child of wliatoyor rnco, nnd this tonilernofts mnuo nor an lnvnlunblo moinbor of tho Hoard of Mnniigors of tho Chlldron'a Homo for many years preceding hor doatli. Thoro aa well ns in tho Huxton Mission hor loss will bo doonlv felt, nnd her nlncn linnl in llll, but oura tho loss mid bora tho gain. Yot so humblo waa sho it will bo with n glad sur prlsethatsho will hoarlhosweot, 'Inasmuch na you did It unto ono of tho least of theso, you did It unto mo." Tho nbovo la from tho Clnclnnnti Commer cial, nud tho lady roforrod to was it slstor of O, M. Stroud, tho woll known Conductor on O.ifcO. ltallroad. Stuiki:s Fimii:ii.mi:n. A gontlo man Just from Aslorla Informs us that thoro Is a Htrlko among tho llshormen at that place. Tho disposition to compol tho own ers of tho largo canning cstnbllshmoutH to como to terms and pay a hlghor price rorllsh this season than over boforo.socmstoprevnll to a very largo oxtont. Already 2s'J men havoijiiit work nnd signify their dotoriiilna Hon not tocomnionco agnln unless tho pro prietors of llshorlea Bocodo to tholr tonus. nieso iisiiermou uomauii &u coihh tor every salmon, whllo tho various canneries refuse to pay moro than 37'j cents npieco. When our Informant loll thoro was a gonornl lock. OrcyonUm. Tho Tiicoma JlcraUl says: Tho tlrst In stallment of railroad Iron, now en routo ror this port; will arrive on tho next trip of tho steamship City of Panama. Thouaftor, each ocean steamer sailing for this port w ill bring 250 tons ol' Iron until tho ontlro amount Is received. AnooiiaOoaih, Largo numbers ofAugorn goats aro being exported from California to Mexico, where, It Is thought, thev can bo raised with greater profit. To give tho ox perlmeut . proper test, tho Angora (loatiw soclatlon of Kl Dorado c., has purchased tlilrty-two thousand acres of land in thostate ot'Slualoa, about eighty miles from Maatlan. Members of the Christian denomination nt Ashland havo subcrlbod $'.'50 toward tho erection of a houso of worship. Tho Wool Market. Tho price of wool gie.Uly lnlorosla our roadera, as many of them look to coming wool sales for tho means to assist them through harvest. From tho Sim Francisco (Vmmm'fiil llcrnUI, tho be.-.t financial and commercial authority wo know of, date April 12, wo take tho following: It now seems probable that November next will find California In possession often por cent, less sheep than It owned last No vember, so great Iiiih been the destruction of Hocks every wuero outh or tho Morcod rlv er.caused by lack or Red. V. en on tho Nor rls ranch, a few miles east ol Sacramento, the sheep aro starving to death In tho sight oi pieuiy, i no market lor iroo long stapled Tho certainty of war In Europe and tho furthor knowlodgo of a short aupply until harvoat, baa caused conaldorablo oxoltomont in tho Fngllah morkot for breadstuff and an ndvanco to twolvo shillings por contal for tho vory oholcoat lots. Thoso nro tho oxtromo figuroa and tho nvorngo ia conaldorably loss, though probably Oregon cargooa will bring that price. Twolvo shillings ia not a high prlco for wheat in Kngland, or nt least not nearso uign ns It occasionally roaches. It ia a hlghor flguro, howovor, than hns boon quoted sinco early last fall. Wo givo flguros forLlvorpool quotations for club wheat of former years, a,t thia tlnio, ns follows: April 11th, 1870 10a to 10s Cd; lS75-(samo dato) 0s wi to va loci; 1871 (same (Into) 12s 8d to 13s; 1873-lls0dtol2. From tho Commercial Herald wo lonrn that frolght ratos nro moroly nominal In San Francisco; that vossols aro waiting Ihoro for tho now crop to bo markotod in July, with no groat prospoct of cargoos thon. Thoro la no whont shipping to Furopo from San Frnn- olbco, but tho prlco in Ltvorpool nilocts tho mnrkot and causos tho ndvanco wo fool horo In Orogon. At Portland, tho quotntions givon nro 2 to ?2.10 por contnl, nnd Salom buyers nro in tho mnrketat 81.15 por bushol, which is nt tho rnto of J2.I0 por contnlnt Portland, nnd, calculating frolghts nt nn avorugo prico nnd othor chnrges, would bo equnl to 13s per contnl nt Liverpool, or ono shilling moro thnu tho hlghost quotations. Our mnrkot on this coast is roally dopendont on tho homo domnud, California has no aurpliis nnd wo aro shipping Hour thoro, nnd tho domnnd thore causoa tho ndvanco bore. This stnto of thlugs will doubtloss coutinuo untllrnflor harvest, nud it is llkoly that tho homo domnnd nnd tho uorthorn trado, with British Columbia, Pugot Sound mid Alaska, will requlro all wo can oparo. Tho prospoot for tho future la good in any ove'nt. A miller nt Oregon City snj-s ho la ready to contract for 20,C00 bushola of wheat to bodollvered niter hnrvect, nnd gives his privnto opinion thnt If tho Kuropcan war does not tnko plnco wheut will still bo ono dollar a bushel In tho fall. Tho farmers of Oregon havo ovorything in their favor, and thru know it, nnd nro bonding nil tholr enor gios to sccuro n largo harvest. Last wook wo gavo prlcos nt ono dollnr n bushol horo in Salem. Thoro was uo exclto meut nt thnt tlmo, and Mr. Hcrron was not in tho mnrkot na a buyer. Friday, tho day after wo wont to press, wheat wont up to $1.07 nnd has sinco ndvnucod to 1.15 por bushol. Snloin Mills nnd W. J.llorrounro both lu tho market nt that llguro. Ah to tho remnants of wheat still in first hands, Mr. Kinney sooms to think that 20, OOObushols will reach Salom from tho sur rounding country, nud that thero is still 30,. 000 bushels to como to tho rlvor from Polk county. At tho presont prices thero is ovory Inducomont for holdors to market tholr grain. Tho Local Product) Market' HODGE, SNELL & GO. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, A'o. 75 Front Street, PORTLAND, - - OREGON, DEAI.tllS IK Wakelee's Bath for Sheep, Cresylic Sheep Dip, lUAMLIXCKItODT'S Carbolic Sheep Dip, TIPTOX A Ul'IlTT'S SHEEP PREPARATION, Corrosive Sublimate, Arsenic, Sulph, Zinc, Carbolic Acid, Ac, remedies ron The Prevention and Cure of Scab, etc. HODOE'S CELEBRATED Gopher & Squirrel Killer. Blue Stone, PAINTS, OILS, GrLASS, &0. Country Orders solicited. AND PAIITICULAK ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE I'ltOMPT DISPATCH OF 0001)3. HODGE'S Gopher and Squirrel-Killer. SUHE AND UELIAULE FOR THE DESTRUCTION or GOPHERS, SQUIRRELS, RATS, MICE, CROWS, &.Q. Snlcr. nettcr, mul Cheaper than Strychnine, Phosphorim, Ar- Hcnic, or oilier prepara tions an a single trlnl will convince. SOLD DY DEALERS GENERALLY, AND DY HODGE, SNELL & CO., Wholesale Druggists, Noj. 73 Front and 1(1 First St?., POIlTtAND. YOU WANT A "LADY" Co iiihUo Voii lnippi I Tho"I.iuly."ilnc!tlarcc. cxtm early, WHITE (lUAI'E known. Rlpcnn mlddlj of Aiiuuet. Ilnnly, hcnlthy, productive nmlcvcri U'licro rcllnlilc. Nine yiars tcftcil, and nniiniv rd by tho beet Horticulturists In tbc Union. Stront yuar plants $1. SO single; $15 doz.; $100 per 100. a-years plants, JiliiRlei fa) doz.j JlJOpcr 100. pre paid, by mall or express. Circulars and price-list of 00 Vnrlcllcn nrorniioHfrco. GEO W. CASU'UdLL. Delaware. Ohio. C. W. DIMICK, Hulrtmrtl, Marlon Co., Ox., unEEDEn or Shorthorn & Devon Cattle, BERKSHIRE PIGS, Jjlg-lit Brainnh Cliiclccn. Young Stook for Salo. PIrs at tho farm. $5. and shipped for $t). Light Ilramah chickens: $1.50 each, shipped, or $1 for three, FRESH EGGS, carefully packed and shipped, fl.SO per dozen. I havo tried several of tho non-slttcrs, and find tho Llcht Dramatis equal to them forcges, and far better for tho table. O. W. DIMICKV Oak Grovo Stock Farm. March 8, 167. FOR P Work Imu Ih'kuh on the llfoivlnn Htiitlotm nt Capo llanwok, mul on SliolwHtr ly, A .atiUlou wlJl Hlso Ih etwtiHl itt Neuh bay. wools ruiunhiH vory stronir, but till elasxo- of tioiM'iivo wooim nro lowor m prloo, mul must k'ontltiuo to ko loir to moot tho vlowa of KuHtorn liuynrM. l'roo lontc, ll'ti,o; Hurry, UtCfi'AKij friH) short, 17j-0o; Hurry short, VI (lCWo. Sultw; Cliolco, 3,700 lbs, ISJoj vory i-lioliHi Northorn, lO.tXX) Itu, ', tYoo lout; lino, tK,000 lbs, 'JIo: I'rco Iohr lino, lftO.OOO tbi, ISti'JOo; frto Ioiik tluo. .',f)(X) lbs, Hio. An other ivrtj roH)rt.t wiIimj In lots of 000 blis (IIOO.OOO lt.) KoconlliiK to ordur unit condition t rj'iQIOo. Wo submit tho following kov unmiK ruuvs oi uio mitrKot. Tlio un ilermKnotl bollors of wool in this city utlont tho following rules to coreru in tho sao of wool, ami iiUhIko tholr fklth to strictly ob servo thusamo: Ail wool will bo sold "as 1m." TrluuniuK Hnd selootlm: by Bradts will not b submlttvd to. All wool will bo sold tor pjuih In p'lil win. Tho trmibfor of wool from ono wartdiotiNo to nnothor forKradinu will in uo oHto bo couhlderod asudolivcry to tho purohasor. Tho wool can only bo ship lod with tho coiibunt of tho sollois, and lu all cases tho bills of lading shall only b. como tho proporty of tho purchaser iiH)uthe iiiu ivtj uieui ui mo agreeu irico. un 'men day 17 lust., Fullmer, Ikill it Co. hold their regular imblio trsdo salo at their wool ware hotibo, 11, M, Newhall it Co.,, At Salom wheat still ouo dollar. Kuropeaii advices show ndvanco and flrmucss In prlco, und smnll stocks to go on, which, with tho prospect that war will probably bo doolarod Immediately between "Russia and Turkey Justifies tho hopo lor good prices lnunodiato- ly aftor harvest. Outs nro worth OOOMcj hay in small do maiul.ouUsldo prico ?I0l'J per ton; potatoes dull at not over Wo for any Quality; annlos 37'sti UVj; butter, fresh rolls, io por lb; eggs inojior down. Tho gonornl promiso Is of extraordinary crops and n coming good inarkot,and our farmers may renllzo next Fall groat prosperity. Portland Produco Market. Wo copy tho following from tho Oregoniau of tho llUh : Wheat Tho market is very miiot nnd av orai;o quoUtlous Jl W.l WKr cental. Flour Uest brands f3 50ati 00 ier bbl.; outsldo aud country brands, ?5.25a5.60; tluo and susirllne, f 75a5 Q0. vats iiwt,iiOatrj common, 57at0a. Hay Choice timothy, balotl, J15al0; loose llttl5. Uacon-tiides 12al3o hams, 13al0o; shoul dors, lOo. Lanl Oregon-mado, fresh, lu tins, 131 Ico pr lb; in kegs, l'Jaiso. Chickens 12 50al 60 jor dozen. tumor .mc; cnoose, iaiuc, ' -KK 18 to Wo pr doz. PoUto-30 to 35o. Su PranrUco Murucf. lor Tiutururu, tin Francisco, April 17. Whct Liverpool price unchanccd, but In New York and Chicago there It a weak feeling in tho mar ket. Shipping hero quotable at ICa SU; wllllui;, (i K75. 0t-J W&i ai. Barley-Brew Inc. f I KJ,Va$J 70; feed, f I 57af t 6S. Legal Tenders,) M bujlnir, W, selling. Liverpool wheat market to-Uay-il li.'oils ?d for ac-o California; lu W1J W fc-i dub, THE PjLEASANTON SUM-J5ATIIS. Kecoiiimendeil by Hie highest aulhorlty for the cure of iOTervoTi.a Co m plaint NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, Pains and Aohes of all Kinds. Por Snlo toy JOHN HUGHES, DEALER IN G-rooeries fvixcl Frovisionsy PAIiATS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, "Wall Ia,p2r, AND BUILDING MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS, State Stroot, - Salem, Orogon. FLAXSEED ' -d2&t 5.0 0 0 BUSHELS -or- FURNISHED FREE OF CHARGE To DEetrixLers -rou- Sowing in the Spring of 1877. THE I5EST CROP FOR CHANGE OP LAND. FLAX STUBBLE EQUAL TO SUMMER FALLOW FOR WHEAT, IS THE TESTIMONY OF ALL THE FLAX -RAISERS IXX til &tttGl FAIR, AVERAGE LAND WILL PRODUCE A GOOD CROP. THE BEST LAND, WELL PRE PARED AND SOWED TO FLAX, WILL YIELD LARGE RETURNS, IN MANY OASES FROM 20' to 30 Bushels to the aore, the profit from the same being muoh greater than that derived from any other orop. Printed instructions regarding the preparation of the land, sowing, harvesting, and prices, furnished to all applicants. OIL CAKE MEAL, will bo furnished to all contractors, its Ll e paid for in Flax Seed, if desired. Address, PIONEER Or, .U.l!:Y FAHMEHS- CO.. AUUNT. FLORn . ret Tn..nn. OIL CO., Sulcui, Oregon, JAMBS H1.AKELY, Bnow.NiLti; J. 0. J'AITEKSUN, Wim Wiu. 1UJU KUSG & BELL, CoitVAiw; xA !"' " -! - -ij-iJttHftti-r-