Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 20, 1877, Page 7, Image 7

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    TrJE HQE dfCUE.
Conducted by Ml ItATTin I). Clahkk.
Tho Two Armies.
As life's unondlop column pours,
Two marshalled hoata nro soon
Two armies on thotramnled slinros
That (loath Mows black botwoon.
Ono marohoa to tho drum-beat's roll,
Tlin wldo-moutbod clarion's bray,
And boars upon a crimson scroll,
" Our glory Is lo slay."
Ouo moves In sllenco by tho stream,
With sad, yet watchful oyos,
Calm as tho patient planet's gleam
That walks tbo cloudless skies.
Alone I ho front nosabros shlno.
No ulood-red ponnons wavoj
Its banner bears a sluglo lino:
" Our duty Is to savo."
For thoso no doathbed'sllngerlugshadoj
At honor's trumpot call,
With knitted brow and lifted blado,
Iu glory's arms thoy full.
For tlio'o no Hashing falchions bright,
No stirring b.ittle-cry;
Tho bloodlos stabbur calls by ulgnt
Kach answors, " Hero am I."
For thoso tho sculptor's laureled bust,
Tho bulldor'H marblo piles,
Tho nnthems poallng o'er tholr dust
Through long cathedral ulslo'i.
For thwo tho blossom sprinkled turf
That Hoods t ho lonely graves
When Spring rolls In her eea-groou surf
In ilowory-formlng waves.
Two paths lead upward from bolow,
And atJEoW wait above,
Who count each burning Hfo-drop's How,
Each falling toar of Jovo.
Though from the lioro's blccdlug brcwl
Her pulso3 freedom drew,
Thougu tho whlto llllles In hercrost
Hprung from tho boarlot dow
Whllo valor's haughty champions wnlt
Till nil tholr (.c.trs uro shown,
Lovo walks uuchallongod through tho gato
To sit behind tho throno.
Tho Old Songs.
1 love to hoar tho old uotigs sung;
Around my heart-strings twluo
Tho momorlos oflovo among
Tho Irltmds of " Auld Lang Syuo."
And In tho dear familiar notes
Of oach romombored Mruln,
Soinu voice comes back from out tho past,
And my lost youth ugalu.
I got a glimpse of chestnut cm If,
Tho glancaof morry oyo,
And press onco moro thu ncurlet lips
Whllo " Comlti" through tho Kyo."
I hoar tho plash oi "Sad Sen Wuvcs,"
I seo tho breakers foam
Down by tho boueh whoso pebbly edge
Lay near my ' Homo, sweet Homo."
Thoro slandt. tho " Cottago by tho Sea,"
Aud even now inicj more,
By old Long Island's foa girt Mopoi
" My boat U on tho Shorttj"
ITnro Hwiugs the lake gnu.s In tho wlnde,
Thoro uro tho whlto witul'dituoi),
Ah painted by somo fairy hand,
With tuolrold-fashlonod tuuou.
The long, low roof, bout In with ago,
O'orgrown with lichens gray ;
Tho luulu by tho window, whuio
My mother's Hlhlo lay.
Tbo shelf of bouku upon tho wall,
Tho doll, quaint ssmplor knit
Jiy uMmlmn, when she waa u girl,
With mottoes woven In It.
My feot havo trod In many l.mds,
Ity soft and suiiuy Isle;
In Kx.vpt, whoro the Pyramldo
Looked downward on tho Nils;
And where far up tho rock-ribbed hllU
Lifiddtl olreroutu of pines,
By vnlloyu thick witn orange blooms
Aud houvy-ludeu vines.
And onco I foil my spirit thrill,
My eucekn w lib. tears grow wot,
To honr bravo " Yiosken Dtodlo " playod
By tort-crowned La Valletta.
And when tho gnu with Lolchof flro
Opoiied Its Iron throat,
Above the powder Miinkn Is'iw
My country's banner lloat.
Ah no! tho pealing organ notes
Kail dull upon my ear,
In tho great Minster choir, whoro
Tueiluted columns rear,
From marblo pave to ureUitrap,
Tholr graceful forma filoli.
Or where tho Misercio tounds
Almost as heavon sott.
-And whoro with gloroand blaze of light,
With princes and with kings
For Rudlonco In tho crowded iicutie,
Tho prima donna hIiiks,
Koiono of theee with hull" the lorco
My inmobl heart has htlned,
As thoso sweet, unforgmton tunes,
Tho songs my boyhood hoard.
Tho Boys of My Boyhood.
One of tho ontertalnniont.s of tho
1oys of my tlmo was what is willed tho
"rulsinj;-," meaning- the erection of
vtlio timber frames of house or barns,
to which tho bouid.s wore to bo after
ward nailed. Hero tho minister nnulo
a point of being- present, and hither tho
able-bodied men of tho neighborhood,
tho young men especially, were .sum
moned, mid took part in tho work with
groat alacrity. It was a spectacle for us
next to that of n performer on tho
tight-rope, to seo tho young men walk
-steadily on tho narrow footing of tho
jjuum-. iu 11 groai iiuignt irom 1110
ground, or as they Mood to catch in
their hands tho wooden pins and tho
braces Hung to thorn from below. Tliev
vied with each other In the dexterity
and daring with which thev went
through with tho work, and when tho
skeleton of tho building was put to
gether, some ono among them gener
ally capped thocllniax of fearloai activ
ity by standing on tho ridgo pnlo with
his head downward and his heels in tho
Another of tho entertainments of
rustic life in tho region of which I am
speaking way tho making of maplo su
gar. This wai a favorite frolic of
tho boys. The nppiirntu- fur the sugar
camp was of a much rudir kind than
is how used. Tho sip w.i-brought in
buckets from tho wounded tree-, and
loured into a great caldron which
.hung over a hot fire from a stout hori
zontal pole supported nt each ond by
an uprightstako planted In tho ground.
Slnco that time thoy hnvo built In ov
ory maplo grove a sugar liouso a little
building in which the process of mak
ing sugar Is carried on with several in
genious contrivances unknown at that
time, when everything was done in tho
open air.
In Autumn tho task of stripping the
husks from tho cars of Indian corn
was made the occasion of social meet
ings, in which tho boys took a special
part. A furnior would appoint what
was colled a "husking," to which ho
invited his neighbors. Tho ears of
mai.o in tho husk, sometimes along
with part of tho stock, wore heaped on
tho barn lloor. In tho evening lanterns
wcro brought, and seated on dry husks,
tho men and boys stripped tho cars of
tholr covering, and breaking thorn
from tho stem with a sudden jerk,
threw them Into baskets placed for tho
purpose. It was often a merry time;
tho gosip of tho neighborhood was
talked over: stories went round, and at
tho proper time tlio assembly adjourned
to tho dwelling-house, anil wcro treat
ed to pumpkin pio and cider, which in
that season had not been so long from
tho press as to havo parted with its
Tho cider making season in Autumn
was, at tho time of which I am speak
ing, somewhat correspondent to tho
vintage iu tho wine countries of Eu
rope. Largo tracts of land In New
England were overshadowed by rows
of apple trees, and In tho month of
May ajournoy through that region was
it journey through a wilderness of
bloom. In the month of October the
whole population was busy gathering
apples under tho trees, from which
tho tipples fell in heavy showers as tho
branches wcro shaken by the strong
arms of tho farmers. Tho creak of tho
cider mill, turned by a horse moving
in a circle, was hoard in every neigh
borhood ax ouo of tho most common of
rural sounds.
From tlmo to time, tho Winter ovon
ings and occasionally a Winter after
noon, brought the young people of tho
parish together in attendance upon a
singing school. Some person who pos
sessed more than common power of
voice and skill iu modulating it, was
employed to teach psalmody, and tho
boys were naturally attracted to his
school ns a recreation. It often hap
pened that tho teacher was an cntnusi
ast in Ids vocation, aud thundered
forth tho airs set down in tho music
hooks with a fervor that was conta
gious. A few of thoso who attempted
to learn psalmody woro told that they
had no aptitude for tho art, and wcro
set aside, but that did not prevent their
attendance as hearers. 1 11 thoso days
a sot of tunes were iu fashion mostly
of Now England origin, which havo
.since been laid nsido iu obedienco to a
moro fastidious taste.
Tho streams which bickered through
tho narrow glens of tho region in which
I lied woro much better stocked witli
trout in thoso days than now, for tho
country nau been nowly opened to set
tlement. The boys wcro all anglers. I
confess to having felt a strong interest
iu that "sport," as I no longor call it.
I havo long slnco boon weaned from
tiio propensity of which Ifcpcak; hut I
havo no doubt that tho Instinct which
inclines so many to it, aud &01110 of
them our gravo divines, is a remnantof
tho'origiual wild nature of man. An
other "sport." to which tho young men
of tho neighborhood sometimes admit
ted tho elder boys, was tho autumnal
squirrel hunt. Tho young men formed
themselves into two parties, email iu
number, aud ilx a day for tho shoot
ing. Tho party which on that day
lirought down tho greatest number of
squirrels was declared the victor and
tho contest ended with sonio tort of
festivity iu tho evening.
I havo not mentioned other sports
and games of tho boys of that day,
that is to say, of sevonty or oighty
years slnco, suco as wrestling, run
ning, leaping, base ball and tho like,
for iu tlicfto thoro was nothing to dis
tinguish them from tho sumo pastimes
at tue present day.
Broken Friondship
Friendship Is a good deal liko china.
It is very durablo aud beautiful as long
as it is quite whole; but break it aud
all tho cement in the world will never
quite repair tho damage.
You may stick tho pieces together so
that, at a distance, it looks nearly as
well a'j over; hut it won't hold hot wa
ter. It is always ready to deceive you
if you trust it; aud It Is, on tho whole,
a very worthless thing, fit only to lie
put empty on a shelf aud forgotten
Tho liner aud inoto doiicato it is, tho
moro utter tho ruin. A moro acquain
tanceship, which only needs .1 little ill
humor to keep it up, may bo coarsely
puttied liko that old yellow basin in tho
store closet; but tenderness, and trust,
aud sweet exchango of conlldenco, can
no moro bo yours when angry words
have broken them, than can thoso deli
cato porcelain tea-cups, which woro
splintered to pieces, ho restored to tholr
original excellence. Tho Hlightc.it
crack will spoil tho ring, and you l;ud
better search for 11 now friend than try
to mend ho old one.
And all tills lias nothing to do with
forgiveness. Ono may forgive and ho
forgiven, but tho deed has been done,
and tho word said; the dowers and tho
gilding are gone. Tho formal ' making
up," especially between two women,
Is of no moro avail than the wonderful
cements that havo nnulo a cracked ug
liness of tho china vtino that you ex
pected to bo your "Joy forever."
Handled delicately, washed to purity
in tho watets of truth, conllded to no
carde.it, iiusyinpathlzlngh mils, friend
ship may Itiit two lives out; hut it does
not pay to try to mend it. Once broken
It Is spoiled forover.
Can a pi dii cook nlsj bo a pretty ono?
Let him who noglocts to raiso tho
fallen, fear lost, when Ito falls, no ono
will stretch out his hand to pick him up.
With a whlto chip bonnet, paper of
plus, and a box of miscellaneous feath
ers, lace, ribbons and flowers, any girl
of tho period, with a small stock of In
genuity, can convoy to the public mind
tho idea that sho has at least half a doz
en bonnets.
Tho fashionable color this season will
ho buff In all Its tints, but tho favorite
shado of it Is called " tilleul." This
takes tho place of cardinnl red.
A young lady sent a poem to a paper,
entitled. "I CannotMake Him Smile."
Tito tulitor thinks sho could If she
had sent him the poem.
You can train tho eye to seo all the
bright places in your life, and so slip
over dark ones with surprising ease.
You can also train tho eye to rest on
gloomy spots, in uttor forgetfulness of
all that Is bright and beautiful.
Tho former is tho hotter education.
Llfo Is too .short to nurse ono's iniiprw
Hurry across tho lowlands that v6u
may linger on tho mountain tops.
An experienced lady observes that a
good way to pick out a husband is to see
how patiently ho waits for dinner when
it is behind time. Her husband says
that a good way to pick out a wife is'to
seo whether tho woman has dinner
ready In tlmo.
"Ueforn wo woro married," said lie
to a friend, " siio used to say ' by-bv ' so
sweetly when I wont down the stop."
"And now what does she say?" ask
ed tho friend.
" Oil! just tho same," oxclainied the
other man buy buy."
Ah! I see," said tho other; "sho
only exorcises
a little different spell
over you."
Pop Ovnts. Ono cup of sweet milk,
ono cup of Hour and one egg, ono tea
spoonful salt. Stir well together, and
pour Into a hot buttered roll Iron ami
bake quickly.
Conx Mrn'ixp. Six ounces Hour,
three ounces Indian moid, two table
spoonfuls sugar, ono tablespoonful of
molted butter, ono egg, one-half pint
mill;, three tublespoonfuls baking
Quick Wedding Caki:. Two nmi
one-half cupful.s flour, ono and one-half
eupiuis sugar, ouo cupful buttor, throe
quarters cupful milk, two eggs, two
tublespoonfuls rum, ono-half nutmeg,
Iialfpound of raisins, ono-duartornound
currants, ono-quarter teaspoonful soda.
Economical Fmrnnts. Savo all
your hits of broad, sonk thorn in cold
water and mash flue; add a little nut
meg; threo or four largo spoonfuls of
sugar, part of a teaspoonful ofsalcratus
dissolved In two largo spoonfuls of milk,
a llttlo salt, and stir Into tills flour
cnouirli to hold unnsnoon. Ilrnn in 11
little from tho end ot a miooii into hot
fat, and fry. After ouo trial no bits Of
bread will ho wasted.
Minci: I'm Four pounds of lean,
cold boiled meat chopped fine, nine
pounds or apples chopped lino, thrco
pounds of raisins, two pounds of
currants, half pound of citron, flvo
pounds of sugar, threo teasnoonfuls of
ground cloves, ton te-ispoonfuls of flno
cinnamon, flvo tcaspoonfuls of ground
mace, ouo teaspoon of ground pepper,
six tablespoons of salt, ouo quart of ci
der and vinegar mixed with ono quart
of molassos. Mix all, aud add the Juico
of two lemons. Keep in stone Jars.
Ho holds tho Fort of Heaven.
Wo havo received a now song from
F. V. Ifelmick, r0, West Fourth .St.,
Cincinnati, Ohio, entitled "Ho holds
tlio Fort of Heaven," and which is a
beautiful tributo to tlio memory of P.
P. llllss, ouo of the victims of tho Ash
tabula disaster. P. P. Ullss was ono of
tlio ''Sweet singers of Israel," and a
great number of our religious songs
woro of his composing. Ho was tho
author or "Hold tlio Fort, for 1 am
coming," and now " Ho holds tlio Fort
of Heavon, triumphant ovormoro."
Every family should pos.soss a copy of
this beautiful now song.
Paul's Answer.
I'm irolni; uwuy In tho morning, niotuor,
OJj I soon youMl iiiIm your boy I
I'll try to liiort your uariiing, Motlicr,
My vlotorluN will bring you Joy.
r t e
yp, baok from thocilty to-day, Mothor,
Awny from coin pan lonH n bod ,
Wlio dudcuvorbd to k'tid moautrHy, Mothor,
Who triud Imrd to ruin your lad.
WJionlwuvtbowIno wnrm nnd red, Mothon
(It looked io toinpting mid gay),
I tuoiightof nil you had Hold, Motlior,
And tbeu I turnid quickly awny.
Aud tuoro woro lmlU dazzling and brlubt,
Whoro gambling and vice relgnod tu
prwup; And v, lion 11: up at nlgbt, Mother,
Thoy r&Huniblod ioino beautiful dream.
But I know thotomptcr wa tbcro, Mothor,
And when they uald 'twas no harm to
Ptaji In,
I would oiler a Kllnnt prayer, Mother,
Aud turn from tlio dooru of ftln.
Once, only onco I fell, Mother,
I w ish I eouid ay not at hI I .
1 would h id it not to toll, Mother,
Bo quick nnd co abort was tho lull.
I called ono day on your (rlond, Mothor,
HNdaughtir, Kvnngellne.
TvMiMtoherploading voicol bent, Mothor,
Aud 'twas ho who gavo inolhu wino.
I Mrtlirhtwiiy thought of you, Motl cr,
Hut I tasted; then betting It down,
Vroui her proonco I withdrew, Mother,
Unheeding sneer nor frown.
Foolishly sront, monoy paid for children's
shoos not protoctod by SILVER TIPS. Two
wooks Is about tho tlmo It takos a smart nc
tivo child to Youtllato tho too of a shoo.
SILVER TIPS tho only provontlvo.
Also try WIro Quiltod Solos.
Do It nt Oiuo tt
If n tltlio of tho to3tlmonlalM now on hand
of tho valuo or Dn. Wistku's Hai.am or
Wild Cimimr should bopubllshod, no 0110
would stop to read tho bulky volumo. Ask
any druggiit and ho will tell you that this
ItAlsam U n real blosiiug to all alloc tod with
throat or lung diseases. All klndrod all'eo
tlonx, Including llrouehltli, Soro Throat.
Croup, tloarionosi, l'ahm In tho Chet, and
Wooding of tho Lungs, ylold to Its wonder
ful power, Wo odvlso any ono tliod ot ex
perimenting with PhvsielanV proscriptions
or quack modlelnes to drop tnoni M once
ami uo this IIai.mam or Wild Cmuuiv.
Sold by all druggists,
A Mciinc of WcnrliiCMs
Is often felt by persons who cannot lectio
any particular dlso.wo. If thoy work, it bo
comes labor; If thoy walk, thoy soon tire;
mental efforts become 11 burden, ond men
joys nro dimmed by tho shadow of this
winkness which Is cast over tholr lives
lti.cotirso Is hod sometimes to stimulants of
a dangerous eharni'ter. Tho advlco ot pn -slulans
to rofraln Irom activo labor produces
no happy results. Why? Tho system Is de
bilitated and needs to bo built up properly.
IMniuviAN Svnuc will do this ory thing.
Llkoth'i electric current, It permeates the
entire svstmu, nnd barmonlr.Ing with tho
coiporeiil luuetlons, It inlf-es up tho enfee
bled and tilings tho color to tho chcok itgoin,
and liopo to the despondent. It dors its
u ork promptly and well. Sold by all drug
gists. Great Reduction
iiubkkr" BOOTS
.Men's ILnng Iluliticr
' Illll'O
' Kojs' "
Itlt'It'N Al't'tll'N,
IIootH, t.OO
Women's Otur-SltocM, .00
Saluii, MirchH. S
TiTMtv Dill. HI. Ilrnl lCtllln A unit.
1 uii.l Collector 01 CIiiIiiih. will immii'lly t
loml lo all litiMiiM cntriifli'il to liWcnro. MAMMi
eoNvr.YANor.s a himcoiaitv.
Olllco nt
l'urt OMcc, XioTorvxxoxx,
Llhoral Toimiih!
low IUtBUlIM
i.ov inti:ui:st!
Tno Oregon and California ami Oregon
Central Itallroud Companion
OVTRIltlmlr Land for niloupoii Ihu fnllowlni; Ulic-
ml Urnii: Ono U'liiu or inn price in caii; imurun mi
Hie balance nt th tutu efrccn percent, imo yrnr
niter 'ale; nnt tnch following yenr enotenlli of tho
iirlncliitl hi il Intcrurt mi tn balance- nt tho rate of
uen prm nl iH'rannu n. Ilotli principal unit Inter
irt pnynlilo In If. S. Currency.
A illrciiinit of ten per ct nt will io allowed for cadi.
tyr I.illir lo bo arii!rirul to V. HC1IULZI., Land
Aeenl il. .v tt. It. It.. Portland. Orcuon.
poult n. "ST.
Mirlil ntiil llnrli MH.VIini.t and llrouu
nnd Wlillo I.KiillolIN OUloICOXIS,
!Nillriiilon KiuranU'inl. I or I'rnii I.Nt. 1 oww,
nnd IIa'h, "ddn.a .1. W. UOIIAItr.
n-d.i.i't llui'iia Irtn, Or.
To Purify iho Blood m r. jyiw
AIl.ralHe. It acts dlroctly nil tho
blood, stimulating tho iibhorboiitH,
overcoming tho obstlimto Htato of tlio
poros of tlio khi, anil linpiirting n
healthy glow to tho Coiiiploxlon.
1'liuplP.s, Pimtules, Totter, nnd Skin
Diseases or all klndii, Mercurial
AiroetlniiH, TuiiiorH, and nil varie
ties or compluliitH nrldug from do
jmivod or disordered blood, nro itf
feetuiilly eradicated by thin lemcdy.
Scrofula In all lis Forms is cured
by tbo pei-Histont uho of lr. Jiiyni-'n
AlteriilUe. ItdcstroyH tho polhon
oiis princlplo which originates Sum
fulu, nnd iiltlniiitoly drives It from
thonystoin. It will rcmovocnliirgo
inonUi of tho fJlandH or Hones, and
is 11 frafo remedy Iu cases of Ulcerrt
orKorcsof all kinds).
Dropsy and Dropsical Swolllnns uro
t'tleetually cured by lr. Jiiyno'H Al-
Cerailti'. Ity htlinulatliig tho action
of tho ubhorbcntH, nil wutcry or iul-
tsireoiiH dejiohltloim nro gradiinlly
carried oir, toning up tho jiatlont at
thuhamo tlmo, by htieugthoiiliig tho
digestive organs mid oxclllng tho
Liver, Kidney, ,Vi. to perform their
function-). Tor Dyhpopslaaud I.Uor
Coinpliilut It law proven a remedy,
nnd it has established rare In mimw
of Kpllepsy. It may bo wifely reli l
on by miy ono needing 11 inedh lno
o build up the Hystom, rloiinso tho
blood, or to rehtoro the normal action
of the Secretive Orgaus.
T. A. DAVIH X CO., Wl.olwslu Aent. I'ortl.ini
Orcsou. lSmi
1)11. K. V. ciiiam:,
BRKVET M.C'ol., UtoHurmon U.H. Yolnniteri, -Office,
llublu'a bleclc nu ulr. tuly
I Iterative
Lais Phyttelan to St. Oeerga'i and 81. Birthslu-
mew'a Hotplialt, London, Curator la
8k Eliubeth', elo.
Afltr year of the tnoit tahorlotiB re
ecnrclt and inetttlyatton, ami after th
practtcnt application in treatment to thoit
eamlt of patient. Geo. Chandler, A.M.,
Jir,., woir nretenit to the American pub
lic the follou-lno l-cnunlle, hit tole dlt
corct'it and property, the ejfteacy ofteMth
in at it iter! in the rofumiiiuii quantity of
testimonials, the unsolicited offerings of
muffcrlnn and tllseouragetl patients, eho
have not only received relief and benefit
Jrom their roriltmirtf use, but hare been
ladtently cured of ailments and ehronlo
complaints, tchleh have been adjudged by
tho most eminent physicians as hopeless.
Tills incomparable TfEPVIlATlYE
rt powerful aLtKUATZVK, IONIC, 1)1
VltirriC, 1)1 A PHOltXTIC, and AVF.M
T.ST, eomblnlnff virtues tehteh render
4t Invaluable aiul never-falling, and by
its continued use trill thoroughly eradi
cate all diseases of the blood. Its ingre
dients are of a purely harmless extrac
tion, the jtroilucis gathered from remote)
Mituptlan l'rovlnces, find where there I
the slightest taint of disease In the sys
tem, it never falls In ejecting that disease)
through the tnedlum of the skin, or ex
pelllnii it through the many and various!
channels of the body, thereby fil(oitlnn
and, indeed, forcing all the organs into
thrlr piswer normal and functional con
dition. A very brief space of time wilt
convince any puttent using it, of Its un
doubted reliability and wonderful cura
tive properties, it belnn, tnost uuquestton
ablu, the very avmo of medical triumphs
ami the iireatest dlteotery of the present,
age. In tho treatment of every disease
trhere the blood itself is primarily tho
neat of the lesion or disorder, such am
nOltUl'VLA and the thousand and ono
causrs that lead In this terrible affliction
of tehlch all civilised communities aro
cognltant, for lllbllcal Truth hat assert
ed that tho "Mn o" fi iiriei-J shall
visit even unto the third and fourth gen-rr-fit'uiif,"
and to ItMtOKKIf-liOirX AK1
powerful rsjuvenatov, causing the irrrrfe
vf man once more to assume the Uod-lllio
fi'WftJVTAirSb vs visrASKs, vmx-
A Tt'l)lS0nKUS,i't)Nl,TlVAT10tr OH
H)srtri:si:ss, i.tvim and kmiiSky
iiVS 1) 1! It I VI TV, UllUV M A TI H Wp
YlL.tXl) UT.A K XslAlltJ UaiKKTH.Kl'l
Ai'r'i-trriosH ov Tin: inSF.s. ixim
1.1: st vj.aKiis, riJMAi.i: cosr-
I'IjAISTS (and to the gentler sea it is a
is tu mn Tin: 111.000m thkhkax
OF Till: TJtOUllI.i:, It is invaluable. A
perseverance with this retnedy trill firorr
it ikmKIvo nml iirririciiiriii cure tor
OIIJI.1.S and FICHUS and all MALA
JlIAIs I'OISOSH. At , , ,...,.
Thousands of Testimonials attest the
truth of these claims. MAt
1'rlee, One Dollar, in largo bottle, or
tlx bottles, 4W. mtm
OISTRO.V is n safe, speedy, and post
live cute fur that tuotl depressing of all
tncnts,aiid brief coursoof treatmentutlll
restore the digestive organs to their pris
tine strength, and promote the healthy
action of the stomach and intestines, Tho
nervous irritability of Itterury and alt
person iiurxuiMil a atdentary
vptedlttf removed mhy this agent. Tito
stomach is rraforrtl to health and the heg
ttoteof the system telll once more respond
in the performance of labor.
I'rlce, On- Xtollar, in large bottle, or
tlx bottles, $8.
A slight so.cullcd cold wilt eftllmf
lead to a serious cough, which, uncared
for or badly treated, tnust hare but ono
result It must eventuate in a settled caso
permanent relief. It augments expecto
ration, mi. vnuuin io jwtt.-i w ,.
that terrlblu septlo deposit, which, if left
without Judicious treatment, tnust com
municate it poison to tho vesicular sub
stance of the tuny, degenerating anil de
stroying that most essential of organs,
and ultimate only in an tarty tind un
timely death. rilAOllHON has no equal,
much less a superior, and its use Hlltio
only remove the deposit, thereby affording'
areat relief, but heals the membrane and
leaves the patient in possession of healthy
lung tissue. . . ,
i'rlcr. Ftfty Cents per 6olll cr l
bottles, $3.0t. mmmm
PILES. Hemorrhoids
Many causes tend to produce th It pain
ful unit dlstnsstng state. The blood io
relardrd in its return 1 the too frequent
us of d rustle purgatives tends to pvxltn
cnngrslton of (ho dowels, torpid action of
tho liver, and numerous other causes are
the source of this complaint, and hitherto
nothing rffietual has been prestuttd la
the public, which would rapidly alleviate
eymptonu and ultimately prove an effect
ive cure. In l'll.ON wo Mave a remedy
which not only acta almost instantly, but
will remove the largest tumors of the parte
fl'lles) by absariitlon, and many who
havo received not only benefit, but havo
been radically cured, haee Gtcn assured
fin lor to using this treatment) by etul
jitjut irr;ron that the only relief they
ever louta, expect i tije, wouia oe ay an,
operation, and remavluy it or them from
operation, in removing
the body by a procedure 1
cd tho hn Ife. This rented
1 mnedii has been An lied
1 witicn necessun-
with delight, and is now prescribed by
ninny practising physicians, who are cog
nltunt of its merits, at tho only hnown
turo euro lor 1'lLl'M.
l'rlee. Fifty Lints ptr package, or tin
for (fJal.
Tin: Aiiori: imsrsows Ann
thorough in the t radical Ion of the differ
ent ami in Wmi tnnlaillrit denominated,
and nro tho testilt of patient, searching,
laborious, and scientific Investigation,
embracing a petted of muny years, O
Jiuropo and liarrlni.
If the spiclllo direction! are compiled
wlth,thauniud of putlrntt wilt bear wt
usa to tholr illative merits, aud corrob
orate eiery assorllon. II here there ara
jiiioil coiiiidirutloiM of disease, and pa
tle.it" so 1111 e, Olt CIIASDl.Klt will
liv phased to l va all Inlormutlon, aud
Ileal by letter if necessary.
Descriptive and 1 rplaimtory Circu
lar of tlio ul'ovis itmidle sent on receipt
vf slump. If tho ! It 0 1' 11 T j:TA It iT
MTlintiiXliH nro not on sale at your
paitteiilur druggist's, send orders to
1470 Jlroidway, Hew-York City.
mnt was. so,
Ono G-ood Lovor Power,
utnr iii.k r ... i.i!
I J liv in .1 lnr p 1 1 il.
uH Halur " itifi 11 rn
M.U1111 i my dn i' 'ii .1
bta'u,yi).w, i'.-
.ihu lent 1'innp.
flu ' 111I11 iim,
II 8 J ItY
DIMin long SOUtllll IT VU arn;,,vv, i.iji.-
iJMc, nml ilellcnlo females, as it !$
illrrer action upon their ailments) AS1
or JUlONUlliiJK, or wnut s worse, in
deadly UOSNVill'TlQS. To all suffering
from harassing cough and expectoration,
'rit.mili:oS otTeru a sound, reliable, and
i-v gitKJmit t..