.- w - i, i i V isyn Uy. to i 6 WILLAMETTE FARMER. PVPI0!8 f HSBDtlY' DIRECTORY. OFFICKItSoftlio NATIONAL ftllANUE. Motl'r John T. .Totic, Ilnrton. Phillips, Ark. OttrturJ. J. Woodman, 1'nw Paw, Van Jttircn, Mich. JctiirtrA. II. Hmcdlcy, Orcsco, Howard, In. SUwanlA. J. Vaiiuhli, MemiiliK Toim. Ait't Stiwanl Mortimer Whitehead, Mlddlcbutb, Somerset, N.J. ('naptalnH. If. Kill, Hprliujborotiirh, Wnrrcn, O. TrfumireiV. M. MrDmvrll, Wayne. Steuben, N. Y. iSrcrttanjO. It. Ki-llcy, Loulsillle, Ky. (Ialt-l'ttxr0. DIiiuTiIiIIl', Orchard (frovc, Ilid. Hera Mrs. Jolui 'I'. Junes. Ilarton, Phillies, Ark. Flora Mrs. Samuel l. Adims, .Monllccllo, Minn. yVmoflfi-Mrs llnrvcy Ooridnril, North (Iran by, Ct. Lmly Attltlant Stueard- Mlits Caroline- A. JInll, aT,oulstlllc, Ky, KJCKCUTIVE COMMITTER. 1). Wyntt Alkon, (Chairman,) Cokeabury, 8. C :. It. Shnnktnrd, Dubmpiu. limn. Dudley T. Chase, ('liiirinont.N. II. Alonr.o (I !der, Rock Fiills, Whiteside, III. W. 11. Chambers, Oavtctchco, Kin-tell. Ala, oniccr ni Oregon Ntnto Orange. Matter Win. Cyril", f do. trnt'cra. ii. nnipiey, uswrga. c;sr-Mrs. K. N. II tint , Sublimity. HcretaryT. I,. I)ivli!on. Ualem. .Sftwanf-W. II. Tliomn, Wiilln Walla, W. T. Arhtiwt.SIuiintl. W, Hldillc, Cunyonvlllo. l.'htiiitalnV. II. dray, AMorln. Tmit'irfrH. I. I.ro, I'orllund, GaU-Kir. II. Grahnui, Flnlicr'e Landing, Clark county, W, T. VWrn-Mrs. II. A. Miller. Jacksonville. Viiuinnii Mrs. H. D. Diirlmn, McMinnvlllo. Mom MrK. U, A. Kelly. Euet I'orttmid. Li'ly AH fitftpttnliUa. Georgia Smith, Hood It Ivor, Wusco conn y. Kneullr Vmmilltrr - Wm. Cyrus, Hclo ; It. Clow, Dallas; B. I.. Hmlth, lloo.l River. Stale HurtHi A'jtnl -H. V. Leo, I'orllund. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. fitato Grange Deputies for 1877 ltt OJlct. Htprtu. nUNTON. A Holder Corv.illls Corvallls CLACKAMAS. TCnoch Hklrvluu tluttu Cnolc H W Randall OivgunUlly llOtJHI.AH. J WHnyes MyrtlnCrr.k O M (imilnar ..Drain's Mntlun MULTNOMAH. I'lympton Kelly Kust Portland . . . . East Portland .MAIIION. 1' HCn-tlomnn Iliitti'Vllle j W Hunt Sublimity Salem JACKSON. TN T Miller" lacbsunvlllr- Jacksonville t'Ot.K. T A Pattuisoi Illckreil Salem i.aici:. J .1 Chnrllou (loosu Lake Jacksonville io-m-iiim:. Ihnltl KIcKtcr Korliyllla Jacksonville LAN I! Tame WMnilock Goshen I INN, HAInllii) Lcbsnot Albany wa'so. John End TjkIi Tho Dalles VA Mil I I.I,. 1)0 Durham MrMlimvlltn T Hapiilnuton (iiirlon (HUNT. I) II Itliiiliiirl Cnnjon City Ciiii)oii City rnumiiiv. l V Mil well Ciilumliln City TIM.AMKIIK, It I' Itoldi'i Tlllnmook North Ynmhlll IMIATII.I.A. J 8 White WvMon Wcrton I OIM, JIIcnryliimilor.... Ult waoiiinoton Ti:nitiroiir. I'l.AIIK. H W Itrown Vancinivcr roi.iMiniA. Jtl'Hteln Dnytim WHITMAN, I, bltlntrer Col fox Colfax nmiAl.l. M 7, (lim'lulii Klnirt riKiici:. HH .Mmkhii Chelmll l'tilnt TIII'll'THN, 1.(1 AIiIhiII l)iiiilii Olympln K I.oiiKtnlro ...Viliii MNfi. .IiiIIiik llnrtoii Seattle Hcnttlu i.mviFi. IiM 1'lernm CI:tiimto YAKIMA. UP Cook i:ilcnclmr In any county hero tho Deputy r.; pointed In not (liuniott mltnlilo, nr.il tho (Irnnue or lliuloctvllty will (iropurly liullcnlu tinnuu choice, I lll1oplrniid,for In lintiiy lntnnce I hnvobeen obliged to imiko np. Volntmentii without knowliilosn to lltiicru, WM. CVIttlH, Mnnlcr Onxon MtatudrnnKe, 1'. of It, Mooting of Bubordinato Orangoo UNNCOITNTY. llopo, No. HI, tiKHitsin Allinny, nil tho lnt ntul :i SaltirclivvH l t'lirli tiionlli, at It) it. in. Oak l'lixlti, No. II, In llnl.soy, -ml ami -Ith Hatttrdiiyrt nt It it. in. JUtiiior. No, 1U."), In CniwIorilMvlllo, lnt ami ,'ini MititiimyH, nt u n, in, Myritutiho iso. ihi, ui pillion Atameotlng of Marlon County Pomona Grange, wo, tho uncJoralgnotl, wero appoint ed a commlttoo to confor with tho sovornl grangos, farmera. nnd warehouasnion of tho Wlllamotto valloy on tho subject of estab lishing uniform, reasonable and permanent rated of froights upon tho Wlllamotto river, with power to tako such action in tho prom ises as in our Judgment would permanently freo tho farmors from such oppro3slvo rates as thoy wore compollod to pay to tho V. T. it L. Co. tho past yoar. After caroful Inves tigation of tho causes that produced that io suit, and tho eondltlon of tho sovornl compa nion owning or runnlug boats upon tho river atthlstlmo, wo are of tho opinion that tho samo causos and conditions Unit placed tho farmors wholly at tho morcy of ono compa ny In tho matter of frolghts tho past yoar, may at any tlmo bo ropoated, unless speedy and prompt action on tho part of llioso intor oslod bo takon to ollcct a consolidation of tho sovorul lndopondont linos of boats, or build boats and run thorn on tho plau of tho " 1'ooplo's I'rotcctlvo Transportation Compa ny" of Yamhill, now in successful opera tion, Wo emphatically opposo and doprecato tho plan of ontorlng Into contracts with tho Old Line to carry frolght at any figure for ono yoar or any othor porlod, for tho roason that such contracts discourago and defoat tho offorts that aro now boing uiado by tho farm ors to pormanontly froo themselves from oxtortion, and will forco ovory lndopondont boat oil' tho rlyor, nnd ovory observant mind must hoo that only tho oxistonco of thoso ln dopondont companion and tho prosonco of thoso boats Induces tho old company to innko tortus with tho farmors, and so soon ns thoso companion can bo brolcon up and tholr boats driven out of tho buulnoss, tho eatno (MiostlonH nnd dilllcultfos would ngaln pro sent thomselvos in a moro formidable mau nor upon tho oxplrfltlon of such contractu. That tho farmors of this valloy should lm proyo tho proHont opportunity to pormnnout- ly frco theuisolvoH from tho extortion of mo nopoly, there Is ovory reason to bollovu, and this can only bo done by u hmty co-opera- Hon nnd united action, And, in order to Hocuro thoso rosults, wo horoby call n MASS MKI2TIKU of tho KiirmorM, Wnroliousomoii, and liusincss mon of tho Wlllamotto valloy, to meet at Koed'n Opera House, In Knlom, on 1''uii)AV,tiii: Iru day of May, 1S77, nt tho hour of 11 o'clock n. in. of snld day, to con sider those questions, nnd that tho ngonts or olllcors of tho People's 1'rotoctlvo Trnnsport atlon Co., J. W.Cochran it Co., and U. 11, Hcolt it Co,, bo Invited to bo prosout nt said mooting. W. J. JlKiimiN, DAN'I. CLAIllf, F. X. Matiiiku, Commlttoo. aro quick to tako advantage of them. Tholr tlmo for pleasure Is brief and they mako tho most of It, then they go back to tuplr droary monotony at homo. For no matter how comfortnblo tho homo, how liberal tho pro vision of tho husband and fathor, there Is a lonellnoss about It which tho most loving wifo and daughter feels keenly. Tlmo was when young Amorlcan women, born and brod in tho country, wero clad to go ol,t fo do housework, and a woman's holp In tho house was capable and Intelligent. That Is past. Intelligent American girls, if tholr sorvlcos aro not required at homo and they nro obliged to wholly or partially earn tholr own living, bocomo teachers or cook employ ment in tho cltlos and villages. Tho farmer's wife, thoroforo, though sho may bo able nnd willing to pay for good assistance, cannot got it, nnd is obligod to mako n slavo of horsolf, working from sunriso to sunset through tho long summor days, until nature Ittelf fairly gives way. I do not exaggerate: I hnvo soon tho haggard looks and hoard tho woary sighs of over-workod farmor's wives in dif ferent parts of tho United States, ns well ns In Washington Territory; I havo soon ncros ol highly cultivated land groaning uudor tho vordant crons. nood houses nnd barns. lino stock, and money to tho larruor's credit In tho bank, but tho ordor and cleanliness that rolguod m-doors In harvest tlmo, when twonty hungry mon sat round tho lhrmor's board, as woll ns wnon tho family only wero there, wore too often purchased at tho prlco of tho premature old ago of tho wiro. Any thing that will break in upon this tread-mill llfo which , though not nnlvorsnl, is altogoth- or too common, should bohallod with Joy by tho farmer and his family. Now tho Grange proposes to ohango this stnto of nllalrs, nnd render tho farmers and their families ono of tho greatest horvlcos that can poisloly bo douo for them. It cll'ors thorn means of Im proving their condition raoutally ns woll ns socllnly. Othor Orders closo tholr doors ngnlust woman, nnd shut her out from tholr councils, but bollovlng thntsho Is tho holp- moot of man, nnd that wo need hor counsel ns well ns her aid, wo onon tho doors of tho Grango ami bid hor wolcomo. Truly Yours, a Grnngor frlond, J.S. Sni.u Fkkin, Cowlitz Co,, W. T. will ncgregnto about ?C0O.00O, which. In a business of tho magnitude carried on by him, Is a comparatively muan d...i.. ...v Ireely confesses that ho cannot pay (lollHr Jor dollar, nnddoesnottxpectioueuoioio uh so. Tho amount which ho can pay will probably bo determined at a mooting of his creditors, which will bo hold on Saturday. Fortunately, tho heaviest creditors " oxcood a dozen In number.riud it Is bolleyod that most of thorn will bo ablo to staud tholr losses. Tho failure will sllect no I ;t8 out side or this co8it, aim u i f"'"'" " tho creditors will divide their losses by ac cepting so much to tho dollar, find nllow Frlmllanderto uo on. Othorwlno, ho will go Into bankruptcy .-.S'. J', lhillctm. Kccordrr llnokett, of Now York, wild, in the courso of a recent trial lor burglary: "I havo never known parents to fall to eommlt porjury whou It was roxttislto In delonso or their children." Tho oldest clergyman In Now Hampshire In Unv. Alml Mniinlni.'. who Is tfU. The next iiIiIhM Is Hnv. Isaac Wlllev. who is In his 81th year. Dr. ilomiui Keod Is b2, and Rev . Nathaniel Barker is 8L Tho uuuibor ol postal cards itsitod by tho Govornmont last year amounted to 10,S1C, 000. Samuel Mnnn, agod 101 yoars, died at Tru mansburg, Tompkins co., N. Y Mnrch 10. For Sale ! H TUB FINK RESID1JNCE corner of Commer i.ll rtnl ntid I)lvllnti utreeli.. In demmliln u,,.i. ' UlLwItli lionaalarce. well Hnlhcd. nnd rnnvmic..' v nrmnocil. nnd cronndo tiutcfnllv onmmentnl U'ni ho fold -xrox'-y lew nnd on accomruodatlnc terms. Apply to h tEt Willis, Peu3l Pitton'i Dlock Stnto 8t.. Saj.km, To Xiftcllos. nils. DIl. CIIAIO Is now prepared to rc- cclvo patients at her oftlco. In Sutcm. Unrliiff tho past year ho has had v.xtenrlro practlco at Dr. Adams' nonular Mcdlcil Inftltnto nt I'orttaml. in trcatlnR ladled, and feel conlldcnt of atTordlns relief In most cajes of a chronic cnarncter. Hpcclal atten tion paid to femalo wcakncM nnd nervoim proi-tratlon. In connection with her treatment, fhonoei tho cele brated Medicated Klcctrlc Vnpor Until, which aid vastly In cfl'cctlnp cure. Otllco and reddeuco, t. c. corner of Center nnd Summer street?, Sulein. X. i-. Smith, Vx-tit, Kntem. (IreL'on. dealer in StercoscoDCS and Stereo scopic Views, nnd Scenes of Salem nnd tho surround ing country. Llrc.slzo Photograph, lu India Ink, Oil or Water Color. soil ORANGEE BTATI8TICS. Social Aspect of tho Grango, lers Mnllou, Itli u.tturiiiiy, at i p. in. Itobnuoii No, -I, nt l.ub.iuon, -d nnd Uh Nntiirday. nt III n. in. tlninif l'riiltlo No. 10, Itli Saturday. Knox ltutto No. '."J, Ut mid 'Ird Siitur luys. S.ititl.iin No. '17, "ud and Ith Saturdays, nt 10 n. m. HrowiiNvlllo No. 11', 1st and -ml Satur days. Tangent, No. 7, 1st and :ird Fridays, at 10 u. in, t HarrNbiirjr, No, 11, 1st mid !lrd S.ttur days, nt It) it. in, Miodd, No. il, lht and ltd SatiirdnyN, nt 10 u. in. , Happy hr mo No. 10, 1st Saturday, at 11 o'olool; a, in. Harmonv No. -1, tlrd Saturday, regularly, nxi'upt In Nov. Poo., Jan., l'Vb.,tid March, wlum thoy moot tho 1st Friday. HKNION COl'NTY. Soap Crook No II, 1st Saturday at 10 a. in, Wlllainotto Nn.A'j, iNt Tliurmlay, at 10 a.m l'hllomatli, No 1-', Ith Saturday, at ltia.iu. LANK COUNTY. CrcKHwoll, No. ill, Itli Saturday, I p. in. Ktlgono, No. otl, hi Ciiguuo City, Urd Sat tlay.at to a. in. Olmrlty, No. 70, '-M Saturday. tloHlnm, No. 101, IhtSaturday. at lOoVlook. Juiiotlon City, No. Ill, '.'nd Saturday, at 1 1. in. MoKounio, No, 107, Camp Creek, 'Jd Satur- l'Ol.K COl'NTY. 0k Point, No, ;i, 1st and 'Ird Saturdays, MAUION COUNTY. Ablima,No 1:1:1, ith Saturday. Hook Point, No IS, ltd Saturday, at 1 p. tit. llutto Crook, No. b2, Brd Saturday i ut 10 . in. WASHINGTON COUNTY. ltoavorton No. 100, moots 1st, Saturday, at 10 o'clock. An 1hiii:sii.iiiii.i: aitkai.. Somo sheep U)loiiglug In u iarmor named Hood having boon stolen In tho neighborhood of h colliery vlllagolu Purham, KngUnd, while tho thlof vttkH still undiHoovurod, a local proaolior, Laving a oolhii'llou to mako, thought ho would turn tho ovont to a gixul aoooiint, "Wo have a colleotloti to mako thin morning, and for tho glory of God, whoovor of you who stolo Mr, Hood's slioop don't put any thing on tliu platol" Of courso everybody Joluod iiithoonlliH'tlon. t Tho CalaoomliH nro ilitlorout and lvolated comoterlM, ami mo louiul In dltVoront jmrts of Komo. Mniolil utlu!ntcs tho aggregate luttfruiouis , 7,O0O,(W, Thoro Is nnothor fonturo ol thoGrnngo thnt nloito would mako It luviiluablo to tho farm ors of America. It Is tho bost moans yet dovlsod of cultivating social rolntions among them, anil In its social nspects it is n perfoct success. Few who hnvo not boon residents of tho country ran rightly undorstnnd tho monotony of a farmer's llfo. Day nftor dny tho fhrmor nnd his family puruo tho puino appointed round of toil. There Is no ohiingo snvo tho regular roourronco of thoSablntb, nnd nttondtttico upon rollglousservlcos,whoro such prlvllogos nro nccosslblo. During tho busy sonson constant toll loaves llttlo leisure on tho hands of any liiombcr of tho house hold; but whon tho long Winter sots In, nnd several months of forced Inactivity nro upon thotn, monotony is often very hard to bonr, and it Is fait ovon by tho dullost. Visiting is rare, and, as n rule, iNii'toneourngod. Strnngo to Hay, tho fartiiordoos not valuo hoolnl inter rourio,ttiid yet no ouo ueods it more. Ho lives n lonely xccludcd llfo, rarely caring to go beyond tho limits of his farm, except to visit the village or the country htoro on bus iness. Occasionally n circus, somo trnvollng show, or some political nioetlng, would drnw tho farmers out of their sooluslon, but, with this exception, the monotony wnsiiubioken. No wonder, then, that with constant toll mid unbroken solltudo ns his only compan ions, tho farnior should bo u careworn, pre maturely old man. No human being can oxlst without a certain amount of recreation and change. If these bo denied, tho whole mental and moral nature must Miller. Tho ludllloroiH'oof tho farmer to social pleasures and relaxation win, perhaps, tho worst fon- turo of tho ease. Now, If this was tho condi tion of the men, what shall wo ny of their wives and daughters Women tiro much more uopoiiuoni upon booiety ttum men; monotony niloots them quicker and more powerfully, mid thoy need relaxation nnd amusement to a greater dogreo than men; yet how Inexpressibly dreary Is tho lot of tho farmer's wlto and daughters 1 Theirs is life of constant toll; tho same routine day after day, week after week, with scarcely u break In it. X !unoral,or a wedding, or n comity falrnro great events In their existence, as thoy bring them together with their neighbors, nud allord them no mo llttlo so ciety, but as rule the loneliness of tholr lives laiuibrokon.thoy areeonthuHl to tho limits of tho farm and there thov must remain. Who that has attended a country fair, has failed to nolo the nol.y, and, at tlrst glauce, uuneceasary mirth of tho farmer's wives ami daughters! To city people, with scores of pleasures and amusements within reach, these outbursts may seem ridiculous, They are natural; they aro the assertion of tho pro teat of nature against tho long and dreary restraint that has been put upon them. And tho mirth of these women is as natural and Irrrsistlblo as the song of tho long imprison ed bird escaping from its cage. They laugh Tho Secretary of tho Nationnl Grango has recently mado his report of tho sta'udlng of mat institution. In 1875 tho total member ship wns 701,203, nnd In 1870 it had dropped to CSS,17, nvornglng 30 members to tho Grango. In somo stntos,na Iowa nnd Mlssourldonu- tios hnd organlzod more granges thnn tho torritory would support, bolug more anx ious for tholr own foos and tho namo of building up so many now grangos than for tho solidity nnd pormnnont success of tho ordor. Numborsof thoso grangos diod ol Inanition; othors consolidated; many foil In arrears; othors threw up tholr charters In disgust. Tho North wostoru, Westoru nnd Kastorn states aro very thoroughly occuplod; thoSouthnnd Southwost aro pretty nmoh tnkon up. In 1673 thoro wero 4,302 granges; In that year thoro wore organlzod 10,670 now onos; in I67-l,0,USl; In lS75(ulno months), 2,. 012, and lu tho yoar ondlug Octobor 1, lS7tl,SS5. Allowing for loiunlo mombors, children, etc, wo may fairly cstlmnto onch grango nt 2J families, roprosontliu 115 souls, so thnt tho nctlvo grnngos 3IS.010 farmord' families, or 1,711,550 souls. Aftor making ovcry do ductlon, therefore, for exaggeration nud misinformation, it will bo seen that this great rural order ombrnces nonrly ono twentieth of tuo population ot tho country. That tho apparent sarlnkngo Is In reality healthful, nppears Irom tho fact that while tho nutubor of granges has bton reduced 37' j per cent, tho number of paying mom born has only been reduced 22JJ por com., ntul the nyornKo strength of each grango has rucu Irom III 'a to nonrly 10. NORTH SALEM STOEE, a T TUB BHICK 8TOIIE, HAS JUST I1ECIV i. cd a full assortment of General Morohandi&e, Dry Goodc, Groceries, Boots & Shoes, Hardware, Ulotnmg Calculated for tho Cltynnd Country Trade. Doucht nt low. and will bo sold at as SMALL A I'HOKIT. ns thoso who SELL AT COST. rVTGoods delivered to inr cart ol tho cltv Ireo or charze. NovHy STORE. i havk runciiAsni) thh hntihe Interest of Mcsi. Ycaton .t LouL'hnry In tho Furniture Sioro on tho west tide of Couiincrclal Street, Salem, nnd shall keep on hand a OBNRUAL AS SOltTMENT of goods for tho retail trade. FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERY rarlor & Cltninbcr Sc.tH, BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, ROCKERS- fifcC., lly tho ttt or slugTo piece. Repairing and Jobbing DONE IN THE 11EST MANNEU. And at rcaeonablo price, ns I am a practical workman JOHN GRAY. Salem. July 19. l$.y " ' " n rt To CoorButter. jtril. A. W, CIIKKVKIl Editor of tho New XlJL .nf;iiirill runner. 111 ijr.u wvr vi nov, illu. atl vises all Dairymen to ttso Wells, Kichardson & Co.'s PERFECTED BUTTER COLOR He says, "His tho strangest, unrest, and cheapest butter coloring we lme cur used. For nil that Wo cm sec. It Is absolutely perfect. It should entirely supcrscdo tho lite of carrots, nnd nil preparations of nm.ntto," It gives tho f xnct thndo of the best Jersey butter It if itnro Intense, economical, nnd has no tasto or smell. It Is an linnrocment on our "Oulden Ex tract'belnsacnmbliintlon of tho brlaht cllmvrni. orlnjr principle of tho Unudcllon blossom, nnd It is greatly superior to carrots, etc , giving a better color, utid no wotk, V X Mninplo Riifllctout to color illty IioiiikU of Hotter tvlll bo sent to tiny ail tlrcits, noktiinld, on receipt often cent. Every Dairyman who wishes to rcall.u thohlchctt prlco should nhu it a trial how. Addref 1VI5LLS, HICIIAItDSON & CO., feS3 Ilitrllngtoii, Vermont. ' A Howard of $20,000 Has been olTerred by Congress for tho best nnd mot dttrnblo mo'hod of drnwlnir SVnter from Wells or cfs. terns. SHOOTS A COLWELL haro been awarded tho abovo on their TZXJ?A.TSTVLTSGr RUBBER BUCKET PUMP, for tho renson thnt It Is tho most perfect and Hcslrablo Pump is uso. Thin EXPANDING lU'CKKT Is tho only ono that Is or can bo I'ntentid Tho prlncliilo of cxtinnblon Is this: Tho llubbcr, ,ths or nn Inch thick, Is placed between twoCONVJSXEn PLATES, fastcocd tdgeihcr with a screw; tho plates being full est In tho centre, press hardest In tlio renter, which causes tho Itubbcr to expand, so thai It enn bo HEADILY ADJUSTED TO ANY SIZED TUBE, from I,V to 2 Inches, so ns to produce tho least possl bio friction anil yet mnkoa perfect vacuum, 'iho stylo ofOUIt CUlttl, Is new and desirable, with a ventila ted To), admitting freo circulation of air. Foul and poisonous ascs aro cjulckly removed by this N.ACIC PUMP. His known thnt tho uso of lmptiro Water cniiici Mioru sickness and death than all other causes com bined. WochnllciiL'otho world to produce a Punm flint equals 01lr Xl'nNDINO IIUIJUEH DUCKET Tho Itubbcr that wo use Is puro Vulcnnlzed White Hiibher. soil nnd I'Mslle. Tho metnl pnrt or Iho lntrk et Is FINK HKAfcs. which Is INDKSTHUOTIIILE by nnyaclds found In water. This pump In nil Itspnrts, N iho nemo 01 simplicity. DItAWINO MUltE WA T I It IN A GIVEN TIME: WITH LESS I'OWBIt THAN ANY OTIIEH 1T.HP NOW IN USB, nnd Is never obst.ticted by Ircexlnc ir properly adjusted, IJiicket patcnieil Jan. 0. i,7S. 1'ilco Jl'Jfor Curb, with lftel, tpout nnd (Irlpc, and llrst ltl leet of plpo and chain, nnd .10 cts. per r ot Tor nil below tho tlrst 13 rcet. tor l'uiiip, or County, Town orStato ltlRhtK Address, .MIDDACQH &, DEAIIDSLEY, Snlem, Oregon. AT IS. STK AJG, Imjiorter and Dealer lu Homo -Made and Hand-Mado 13 O OT S . IF YOU WANT A (iOOl) I'lTTINO FINE DOOT you can bo accunmodated by c.illlnj; Xt .fcuustroii;;' Shop, On StalK Street, oppoilio WILLlb'S HOOK STOItE. Alt Wur.U AllNANTKO. Pdco ltUAilN.lll.r. itepalriiiu: Miy((Ni;YM.i.''i ,oir. (1im me a tumm ,:C'M''1 XVJI' A-""VriCO.MJ. .VuciitH for tho AVIlliuuetto l'ni'iiicr. operators "''';: FRIEDLANDER'S SUSPENSION. Hepojts oftho hiisponslouoflsano Frlod lander wero quietly clrculntod ntnn early hour nftor tho opening of tho banks this morning. Humors of tho kind hnvo been Honied nt loast twlco bol'oro within tho past twoyfrnrp, but thoy wero premature. Wo regret that wo cannot cay tho same of those whispered nbout to-day. Mr. Krledlaudor has beon long lndoiitliied with tho laud anil snipping interests ot WHtorulii, ntul U wldo ly known ns ono of tho henvlost oporntorr in tonnago and whoat in this country. Ills inr roaenmg entorpriso tins been frequently as nittcli ola bonellt tootheisiw to his own private Interest, nnd wo urociulto sure thnt mo i'iiuhu wm sincerely regret to loam of his mutortuuo. It Is known that Mr. Frle.N lander Is a hoavv laud oivnnr In ilm sn Joquln volley, wtieto crop nro not nlwnys curtain. Much of this laud ho has sold to othors on credit, and whon tho ylold wns poor, ho has carried his clleuts along from year to year, but uot only waiting on them lor payments, but advancing seed nud sup plies to bridge thotn over tho dilllcnltles nt teuding piHir hnrveaters. lu this way ho has been nevuinulatlngn burden, which evon his brend shouldors wero unable to much longer bear. Tho drought this yoar, In con uectlou with other looses on wheat add ships, has culminated In his 8iipensIou. Over a year ago, In view of tho promiso of au uu- parallolod Wheat croo. linelmrrArA.1 Iimh uumbora of sbls to arrlvo from four toolght months ahead at 60s to 75s. In this business ho had a lively competitor, whoso uamo is frequently before tho public in connection with stock xpeoulatlons. It U true, we havo hipped more wheat than In any previous year, but wo shall fall short at loast 100.000 tons or what was considered tho minimum surplus a year ago. The liberal rates otlerM brought ships tiore from all quarter of the world. They came singly aud in schools, 5 1t",letl our harbor as ft has never been ailed before, A9 tho season wore on, freights gave way and whoat woul up. Mr. rledlaudor undoubtedly tried to get enough wheat berore thoadvauco to mako good what 110 KlieW ho lllOSt l(V nil nl,inu I.Mt in. nt altogether successful. It li innosslblo at lllld !. I.. r . ....... 1... ...I.... . "" """ i h,vo "is iiaouuies, as mucu Albany Amity Ashland llollvno llitetu Vista..., ltrownsvlllo..... Huttelilo . ... t'nuyou City. Cmyoinllle.. J E llannen It t.Slnipsdii "'I H Sl.ortrtiL'u iV .-.. .; Ji'ir Diuls Wr.i Wills, J Wllobirt ,. 11 Kirk Riclii'Iiler ..uu iiiiineh.iri Improved Ranges, COOK. PARL0K, AND BOX S T O "V" ES JS, And Manufacturer of Tin, Sheet-Iron & Copper WABE, Union Dlock. Commercial Street. &1.EM, OXEOOX. T ItESI'ECTPriTT.Y lNTntm in mv rm 1. filends nnd cstitomers tint I hnvo lesumed busl iis. nud Invito the public Kcnernl'y to cull nnd exam Ino my slock nnd learn my prices. Nov;l lb'Mt Salom Flouring Mills. UE3T FAMILY FLOUR, DAICEU'S EXTH.V, XXX. 8UrEItFINE AND GHAHAM, MIDDLINGS, IiltAN, AND SHORTS, CJonNtaiitlj- on IXnutl. IlIsyliONt rrieo in OVSII Paid for Wheat AT ALL TIMES. R. O. KINNEY. Sc''t "tf At-ent 8. F. M. Co Lanyomilii WT Hrlir"s I "millU City j..s Ma,,!;,; ClAtson Crawfonlnllle... Cove , Corvalll I'reswell Clacknm.1 Camp Creek Dallas Dexter Davti.ii ElUon , hugviie Fox Valley , rorest Uruc... Oo'lieu (vnat Halsoy Ilnrrlsburj , HllUboro Jlipncr Independence..., Jucctlon ,, Jacksonville KliiB's Valley.... Jctlerton , LewUxlllo uir.uettc. Lebanon. Monroft McMinnvlllo.. Moumouth.... Ncetlr New Era ....a... .irko u j .Morn-en .Jti-l.. rt tilnr . Keinlall L Wowlwartl ' KofCoo Knox W A Mills I! Hammvritvy ' DLee. D M Oiithrlo .'' Hainisaker luewton .V Drain ....KFnbi EC Haduwiiy A It Halm John Mci'lueg .... D i.artlner lliihe. W L Curtis J llnml.iiker s SI Oalnes ...TJ DhcU Hliam bmlth A Litelllii Morrow & llerrtn 'hiuHh'ilV'aNtVe.yi:Co.. W L Lenion M lVlenioii Cornier A Cicsno John W ltoland ........II OMcTlmmomH ....Url'oppleton. A It Ueniy SH Clau;luou Jos Kel.iey JUMorrls, A Ucld W Wuterhouso Wra Moreland J Casto .i"' lastieman ESTAUL1.M1ED 1855. Willaiaetto Hiarsorv. G. W. WALLINCI & SON, riiorjsiETORs, Oswogo, 01rAcl??.mas co., Oregon. WALLING'S !' I NowvlUUle... sca?: v::.v.v:.v:: sVtill ou... V blvltaymond ot. " Oregon City.. Pendleton.... IVorta Pilot Hock..., Fort lain! l'rlnesvlllo lVrryiUle ltlckroal ltoebunj , sjflo Mlvertoii Slusld's Sprlnadeld . 1. .II. . vi. ooipiey i. J II Schroeder ... wM llilrnn ..W A Whitman DrJ 11 Irvine rc r.mun. ...S F Lee, Agent State (irsnje u.MriinRlo ....McGrew's htoro .....F A Patterson " -..Tho Smith .....! V Jones, Thos Mimker ... M Towers, O It Wheeler A ii llovey 5wrjJmj:;:::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;:-JohCMSi Ivhtii.k !... !..,. ..,... ..11....S, .... 1 !.. llllr -..w ...,v ...., .. ..u..u.Wiiiixi iiepoudsou thosolvont character of his as so long. Such occasions, such opjortunItlts sots. Admitting theo to boas gool as ho for eujoyiueut como rarely to them nnd they Aleves them to be, bU uuwciuod liabilities Tin-out The Dalles.... Turuer Vnncoaver WUUmetto Forks F S Ilarzeo SL ftruoks i,;.v;. "WM lHUcry .S Hi-own. It UlKnnto wiiuivaiV0"' M W'M Waldo. J K Hrevr Vwicalta JHElUionVljSApplegato PEACH PLUM, Tlio Italian Prune, And tho best varieties of l'lllllt. Prune, reach, Apple, Pear. , Cherry, Nut and Shade Trees, IN FULL ASSORTMENT. Send for Descriptive Catalogue. -P. C. SULLIVAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OPERA HOUSE, SALEM. 8. E, corner, at head, of stairs. fcUy A