Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 20, 1877, Page 5, Image 5

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0. Q. T.
Grnnd Ofllccr.
0. W. C. T.-W. n. Dunbar. Slhcrton.
Q. W. C. Couii. Mrs. 3. CMcCIudr, Kurciio City.
G, V. V. T. Joanna Lylo. Dalla.
U. Sie'y T. II. Crawford, Portland.
CJ. A. Scc'y-L. Stnt.nu, Monroo
O. Trea. Emma Kollngir, Portland.
O. CUai. ltev. J. H. N. Hell, Arhland.
G. Mar. J. . Stranpe, Kotcbnrir.
G, D. Mar. Atmlo E. I'mlcrwooil, Cottairo Grove.
G. Guard Mary Carlwrlfrlit, The Dalle.
G. Sen. T. I'. barton, Amity.
G. Me. h- C. . Fisher, Stnyton.
1, 0. W. C. T. Tllmon Ford, Salem.
Supt. Juvenile Templars Mr. M. K. Iloxtcr, for
cat Urovc.
Slate Deputy O. IV. C. T's.
nev.J. H. N. Hell, Afhlatul.
Win. nusicll, Wcton.
Cant. O. C. Aiiplesate. Llnkvllle.
U. II. Allen, llalucy.
T. IJ. Handlcy, lllfltuoro.
Aa Shreve, Lallu.
II. V. Grnbbe, Wilbur.
Wm. Grant. Lebanon,
ltev. J. W. Miller, Dallas.
Hev.J. S McCain, Eugene.
Wm. Harmon, The D illes.
Win. II. Carter. Corvalll.
W. S.Janie Portland.
L. .1. lloue, 8imime,rvlllo.
II. P. IUmp. Indepeiidenco.
W. a. McMeeii. Canjon City.
T. II. Crawford, Portland.
V. II. Pox, AMorla.
1 Ilu-t, Creswell. .
.1. E. lloutnii. Junction,
llev. It. C. Jeiil;lti, Monroe.
J. It. Walker. Anuria.
11. V. McKlunry, HakcrCtty.
Levi Leland. Oregon C'tv.
Lake D. Wolfard. Coqitllle-City.
4. A. Mathxw. Lnoklnc Ulnr.
L. U. Kirlicr, Mil) ton.
ltev. E. Ilnyp. La Grande.
W. II. Llvermoro, 81. John.
E. M. Allen, PrlneUllc.
DUtrlct Deputy . YlC.T.
VT. T. Jllclic. Turner.
W. II. O'Douall, Porthnrt.
J. S. Cockelreii-e, l(nfliiirg,
II. W. Laku, Eaalf Creek.
.lame Coder, Salem.
.lame Krwln, Port libmntli.
Hon. J. A. PriiHtt. Pendleton.
L. II. lloynl. Albany.
A. .1. Harlow. Cartu right . ,
Mr. Anna W. Spencer. Oanlncr.
J. 1. Tupper. MarrhllMd.
K. E. Fnunliit, IlllWioro.
fleorro llelnlircr, Piilnn.
E. L. schletTUIn. Hock Point.
Mr. M. J. Thorn, Canyonville.
Miborilliintn I.odnc.
.Vo. Xamt. t'Oity' Ilil'J AMrtu.
n .Hxcclilor WII Carter Corvalll
10..WertolllStar V M Wad.worth Albany
ll..Catiltal Geo A hde Salem
l'j...Muuuoraau ''"'".." """
...ll uumpnrey jiiiiFuuiu
.. .Jennie Logan Dallai
...llt'ltamrhy Sllvcrtou
. . .Kmlly M Vandervcrt. . . .Salem
'I I. .La Creole..
.'ill. .Silver
.')!).. Hoa
. . .-riinr. i eweu - - Anuria
II.. Morning Star.,
n .tianon
Jiatcli nuunaru
...John Pucker E. I'urtlatiil
,...WTWIIIImon..K. Portland
...J K PCaUtt Zena
7l..Val Konll..
bU...Iolin Day M V Thompson.. .Canyon city
Nil..Komiarol Ml t ' rienni...romaiiu
til .LMioSinr.'.. W A Mill Clackama
H7. .Ultra Montaiio....Wmll'urlron Halter ; Utv
100..Marhal Luctati nmel Pendleton
115 ilrooklTn..... .!...Mmc Mcrew...E. Portland
lis'.'.4hcrlduu T II Kalcoinr Sheridan
1-M Ilamarciu JanuxT Chltwooil . . Damarcu
liM.'.VorestOrmo POllufnrd. l'orol (Iroyu
l.M)..Sprlni;lleld PA Kennedy bprliislleld
ih Valley PTfclarr llaloy
15S We"toii lamcKlrkj.atrlck....Wcrton
lB'i Delavan .MlnenaStarr ...In nctlou
lill. .Harmon Wm Mlchell Ilia Dalle
iftl Union... W l'"H' Turner
Ki hlktoi ........ ....W W Weil Klkton
17S aure 1.... .......1'f Palmer Scott-burg
17;:paclllc S milliard.... CottagoOrovc
ji lllnnNfillt ...fullll Pl'IIV CrCWCll
ISS.'iKall Creek G M Ncet Iloxtcr
18..GrindPralrlo "'''V","' dlu$
18'i..Ahlaud ADIIelman Ashland
Kii..Kinmih lame Kuc....bort lilamatli
11)H..Iji1)1Ii J7 . f ;
197..Kden Mr II l. one
nn..I.ooklnffGIa JHHartlii....
, Phii'iilx
Looking Glut
2iW..Tangentl)auuer....I J lluanl...
jol.. Portland.
.Mr w A.uuiiriu
G II ltlgg
.lame Plnnigan
. ...Hubert Eaklu...
1 Handaker....
, ..Portlaud
Pralrlo City
SID. .Canyon
'J..MarhlIcId .
JJ't.. Onward
21').. Pa Creek .,
2Tl..Hwect Home
y...E.i2lo Creek
St I.. Diligence
.Xlyrtlo Creek
G W CalchlOB
..I M &m mi
.1 W A Craln.
W W Itayc
..I W Propt Alliany
.Loula i:nley urain
..fhrirle Craft
Sweet Homo
...lolm Vancurcii
Kaclo Creels
.Pilot Itnck
.Wm It L'o
3i';..Crafordvlll.o...Uohert (Jlat..l'ravrord.v o
,5ii..llrownvu e t omiii j.,..,..,-...
M Center'.... 0 K ParrUh l!rownvlllo
5 1 Mohawk. U D HrdMy Mohawk
aslfioencer Creek I.MIodgen M.eiiccrCreck
25S. .Monroe i,.i r-iurr...
-Ji..Woodburn !' ?? .,.,..!1c'
257..CrvUl ll"0J.
w..Aiiillv Jaine A iiiKcna Ainuy
Tvi (Jreen Mountain. .Win. itur-ell Caitwrlghf
n.;. n-. itni.,,, iijvlil Lenox et union
Sui 'Trlumnh II Williams Independence
2Ui..(io val i -J ruruom....
ai..TIilo Uock A Mor-Ifon....
ana.. Carlton Sumnor Carr..
Sam' Va'ley
,.K. Portland
ft.5s!!l'ara(llo Spring. CO Hnford
.iT.-iiL-inei " ?'"'
..1..MI1I CrcoU
...W .M Chandler
...Irono William..
...Tho Ui)moud-.
.. Kmma Smith ...
...(! It IJ'nckw.-H .,
,...Mry It hmlih..
....IMCllaniiell ..
271.. Lake Creek
2l..Uoiit Ilher
STT.. Ocean
!;ti..llomiiwood .
SSI. .Deer Creel;..
....t'.M Jiuoil
Sarah Cm Uelriae..Itoeburij
II A Wullan' MKianu
-J1..''l.l. -; " ,,-'. Il....ull1r-llil.
v .ltiverlde A 1' Learned .St. John
,.iv:Lt.iu cr. ,-k .11- Wilder Slate Creek
'IW. .William Creek.. . .J V llnrlby A'lViSi!
235..Plea.anl lllll...
9V.)..MeMlini lie ...
2l..I.a (iWllrte ....
2). .Dunbar
2 II.. Philomath
2)3.. Lower MolalU..
. .i.iiui .-'ii --.
..Moi Woodward.... Wcton
J!mll lion-. McMlnnvUl
...I A.Mi-WtKirter....IjiIraiide
..I Hltluetmrt.
,...Tho Coe
... .New lira
..Win llartu-...
..Dr. ! I'arto....
, Wm Ilaintlliui-
,Wm KultfUt....
Uy tho Grand Worthy Chief.
1. Acuargowas prntwod Btsnlnst a nioiii
ber for Inioroper aud abusive language
toward Biiothor inntiiber In tho lodgo rwiin
aftor lodse had ndournod. Cliarco prefar
ved at next regular meeting. Itoferred to
coainiitteo which reported uhargo suctalnMl.
In duo course of thno n ballot was taken by
the Lodgo and tho charge was not HUhtainoil.
At our nost regular inet'Um; n motion to ro
commit tho caso jirevallod. W hh tho action
of the Lodge In recommitting tho caso legal?
Ann. It was int. Tho Lodgo could lmvo
Tosommltted tho cso or rofarrod It to a new
oommlttoa any time before Jhiul uction but
biirelv not at nonio eulwrqiient meeting.
2. Can n caso bo recommitted after ballot
ha been talson? . , ,. , , .
Ans. Mv Impression Is that It would riot
bo In accordance with law. I mil euro that
it could not bo done at tho following meo!
inc. 3. Has h Lodpa JurUdlcllon ovor a mem
Tjor after Lodge lias adJoiuiiwtT
An. ALoJge may dUelpHno a member
fbrotlenses aginst the law or for conduct
unb!oming a Good TempUr, whether In or
ontof tho lodge room when tho oflent-o was
CTvllen a member has been regul&rly
tried upon clint-goa nuil noiulttoi, tho action
cauuot bo roconslclorod by tbo Lodgo uor
can ho bo nrralgued for tho sanio ollonso.
5. '.Vlion a inombor Is ou trial for nil of
fonso npralnst tho law it Is Improper lor tho
Lodjro to ro Into Iho commlttoo of tho whole.
Tho W.C.T. Must bo lii tho chair during tho
0. If a member porslstontly rofuso to oboy
tho commands of tho W.C.T,, making uso
of insolent lnngunRe to him and other mem
bers, ho may bo suspendod or ospeUod
7. When n mombor rofusos to oboy tho
pavol it is not nocessary to prefer charges,
but tho Lodgo may forthwith afllx such
penalty as It deems propor. '
W. It. Dunbar, G.W.O.T., wlllmakoofll
clal visits to lodgos ns follows:
Sllvor Ix)dgo, No. 30, Saturday, April 21,
Western Star, No. 10, Tuosday, April 21.
Goshon, No. 21", Tuesdaj, May 1.
Fall Croek, No. 183, Thursday, May 3.
.odgos will bo oallod at tho usual hour
for opening. Ho will dollror public ad
drosses ns follows:
Ablqua, (Cross Koads) Sunday, April 22,
Turner Station, Monday ovonlng, April 2.1.
Knox's Dtttto, Weduosday ovenlug, April
Tangent, Thursday ovoning, April 2(1.
llarrlsburg, Friday evening, April 27.
Grand Prairie, (Near Irving) Sunday,
April 30,
IliUHosnako, Weduosday ovoulug, May 2,
Appointment further south next week.
J. II. Itailoy, 1 W.C.T. of Marahnll Lodge,
No. 100, wrltos to G.W.C.T. Dunbar, as fol
lows: "Wohavo a lodgo of which wo may
well bo and nro proud an IntoroUlng mom
borship of nftyslx mombors earnest hard
working advocates of our cause. Many
liovo Joined us sluco your visit Lute, llusl-
lioss hero in Peudlutou iu good, va'.unblo im
provements aro being mado ko.
Kmma Kollogg, G.W.T., rojiorls four In
lllatleus In Multnomah, No. 12, Inst mooting,
nn lucroaso of twenty mouthers so far in tho
O.W.O.T., W. It. Dunbar, starts south
ward in a few days. Ho will go as far as
Ashland. Wo publish appointments this
Itov. J; 11. N. Dell, n fow days sluco organ
Izoil Forrest Creok Lodgo, I.O.G.T., in Jack
sou county, with thirty-eight inomborH. K
D. McKoo, is W.C.T.; L. C. Goary, Lodgo
Kofi; Hi .i., Linn Co..)
April 12th, 1377. j
Kd. FAUMr.it: Perhaps somo of j'ottr road
ore may bo iutorostod In a few linos from
Oils purl of tho valloy, nnd also with n re
port from our liltlo Lodgo ofGoodTomplars
that Is working for tho glorious causo Of
letnporanco. Our loduo 1h doing vory woll
atprosout; wo Imvo had a long and con
tinued solgo of opposition , but tho light Is at
las', begiuuiiig to dawu upon our path, nnd
tho good cause moves ou in Its noblo work.
Wo lmvo a inomborshlp of about thirty, nnd
slowly Increasing, nnd mny our llttlo baud
of (run Hrothors pnd Slstors bo over found
with their shoulders to tho wheol, and may
Cmitor Lodgo, No. 2.'1, bo with thullvnlug
nnd not tho dead. Yours truly, In F. II. &
O. a.E.V.
Plunimcr's Fruit-Dryer.
Mr. I'luniincr informs us thai ho 1ms
already orders for sovonil Inrgo frult
drycr.s for th coming season ttnd ex
pects to mnko a largo business of man
ufacturing tlio various sizes of ma
chine. Ho litis received positlvo as
surance from "Washington that his ma
chines nro no infringement on other
patents, as assorted, and expects to ro
colvo several other patents for improve
ments ho has adopted. His dried po
tatoes, of which wo made mention
somo tlmo since, readily sell at eight
cents per pound, and that insures a
good profit to both producer and man
ufacturer. Potatoes aro cooked first,
tlion mashed and dried, so that It only
requires the addition of hot water to
proparo thorn for lmmcdiato use.
Thoso thus put ou the markot havo
given great satisfaction to captains of
vessels who havo used them, and If
prospects nro realized thero will ho n
great business built 141 In that connec
tion. It will make It prolltahlo to uso
tho dryers all tho year round, on differ
ent varieties of fruits and vegetables,
which will, of t'our-e, add to tho impor
tance of tho business by making it
moro permanent than merely drying
fruits when they happen to bo in sea
son. These remark of courso apply
to all good dryers of whatever make.
Tho Improved value of our old or
chards when tho fruit Is mado available
by drying Is plainly shown In a letter
from Mr. A. L. Alderman of Dayton,
Yamhill Co., published In tho Oregon
licporter in which lie say.-:
I wish to glvo tho finnorH of our county
t-oiiienfinyoxiisrluncaln fruit-raising. lor
several years 1 h.ivo hftd a largo amount of
finlt hut It was of vory llttlo value, bo that
I had about decided to dig up tho Ireo-i and
larin tho land. Ono year ago I would havo
given auy man Iho uso ol tho land, ( 10 acres)
tor ono year, to oluar It if fruit trees- No
0110 otrori'd to do this, and last year I conclu
ded to dry my fruit, and after nbcutonohalf
of tho crop Jind prhed, I got a I'luinmor
Dryer. I dried fj-.ou worth, aud my dryer,
Inuliidlug u building soxSJ fvet, cost mo $ 700.
ids hand, iisin ono half cord of wood, can
drv sixty bushels of miues In ten h mrs. 1
prbpoto 10 plrtiit -."uo prune treo In tho
spring. I beltovo n tan do hetter than to
ltt our fruit uame. I liko ny dryer very
much, and mil now t:Ud 1 did not dig up
my orchard.
Wo havo no doubt that hull' ft million
dollurs u your would bo added to tho
value of Oregon farm products if all
f 2S?rV-era, -h
our fruit wns thus utili.ud, ami perhaps
tho increased value would double that
amount. Our pcoplo must recollect
that when fruit is properly dried it hns
tho world for its purchasers.
Itov. Dr. Muhlenberg, author of the
beautiful hymn beginning, 'i would
not livo alway," died a fow days since
in New York, in the eighty-second
year of his age. Tho hymn was writ
ton iu 1S2J, and has been sung with
rapture by thousands. Tho authorship
of tho linos has been the subject of so
much controversy, that tho Dr. has of
ten expressed tho wish that ho had
never written them, as tho queries pro
pounded implied ti doubt of his word.
Sam:m, April 13, 1S77.
Kn. Faumuh: Hon. Klwooil ICvans of
Olympla.W. T., has couseutod to doltTrr
tho annual address at tho Pioneer ru-unlun
to ho hold at tho State Fair grounds ou Juno
lGtli and 10th, 1877. Mr. Kvans Is a gentle
man of lino culture and an oloquont speaker,
and his ollbrt will bo reeond to uono Hereto
fore dollvorcd, although Oregon's best
speakers lmvo nddressod tho Association.
Mr, Kyun.'j Is a pioneer mid well posted on
tho early history of this coast.
J. Hknhy Huow.v.Keo.Soo'y.
Umatilla County. A letter to us from
J. A. Downing, Weston, Umatilla county,
says: "Wo aro haying beautiful weather;
this reason is at least n mouth earlier than
usual. Grass Is good, nnd stock in Hue con
dition. Our prospect for good crops has
novor boon bolter at this time of year than nt
prosout. Thoro has bcon about ouo-thlrd
more acros sown this year thau ovor bofore,
and farmors aro Jublleut with tho prospoct of
being nblo this fall to blanket a good portion
of tho Columbia, from Wallula to Astoria
With sacks ofwhoat."
Two hundred Nez Porco Indians. Includ
ing Josoph nnd his followers, aro now on tho
Umatilla reservation visiting. They nro
going to lmvo n talk with Agent Cornoyor
nbout Josoph 's troubles with regard to
Wnllown valloy .
Kiicouruircructit for tlio Feeble.
Debility, whether It bo Inherent, or caued by ov
ertaxed rtrengtli or jirotractcd llliictf , ha a ino-t de
prcidng lnllucnce lion tho mind, hrccdlnr an object
mclanclioly nearly akin to dcrjialr, aud enforcing tbo
abandonment of chcrlthcd iirojcrts and high hojics.
Haiilly, tho cnfccbicd ytetu, even In extreme cav
er, I uceptlblo of Invlgoratlou. It 1 jirotcdby In
controvertible cvldenco that Hotctler' Stomach Hit
ter I an unfailing Mrengthcncr or the weak, nnd
that Iu addition to vitalizing the tihydenl organiza
tion, It establishes regulailtr among thou organ
upon whofu efficient dlrchareo ar tlio dutica lniiotd
on them by nature, contluucd Igor nnd health de
pend. Tnourand of lntauce inleht be cited to
rhow tbo reicneratlug Iniluenco of thin bealth-glvlng
agent In caci of debility, liver dltcao, dyieln,
nervous ailment, iontfiiatlon, Intermittent fever,
urinary nnd uterine trouble, gout aud rheumatism,
Wosell S.II.Kounedy'a Hr.MLOcicSiii:i:p
Dip, Iho host and chcapost dip known, nnd
will Hond it vnluablo book to Hhoop ownors
froo on application. J. McCkaki'.n it Co,,
Portland, Orogon. im7m.
Exeoutor's Notice.
NOTICE I hereby Given Ibat tho underumed, liur.
iinnt to tho lart will and tettament of .lorenu II.
Hubbard, deccajed, which wa duly proved and ad
mitted to record by tho Comity Court of tho county of
Marlon, Iu tho Slato of Oregon, on the Mil day of
April, a.ii. 1377, wa by cald court duly commlftlonrtt
a executor of raid lat will nndtettameut. And nil
pernor having claim agaluM tho ettato of raid do
ceated aro required to preut tho ramu to tho under
lgued at hi reldence. In raid county, for allowance,
with iho iiropei voucher, wltliln rlx month from
o data hereof tjiu.mas v. iiuiiiiaiiu,
Iu tho Countv Court of tho btato of Orcjon for the
county of Marlon In tho matierof tho Uuardlau
hlp of Oeorge Parker, a minor.
IT aupearlmi to tho Court, from tho petition thl
. day iircrcnteil and tiled by J. W, Thomliury. guar
dlan ol tho perron aud crtato of Ueorao Parker, u mi
nor, to bo neccscary that tlio land of raid minor (Iu
rallied n follow, to wit: tho ono undivided onr-rlxth
of tho Donation Land-claim of Henry Martin and
wife, In Section 9, 10. and 11, In T. f N., It. It . of
Willamette Meridian, according to tho plat and urvey
of the United Slate returned to the ollico of Hi hut
veyorOeneial of Oregon; raid luttrert being all tho
right of thu raid (leorgo Parker a ono of tho lielr of
William Parker, deceased, In raid premtri, rltnato In
Clatrop county. Oregon: rbould be cold: It I hereby
ordered that tlm next of Mil of raid minor, aud all
perron lntcreted In rtld ertatn. uppcar before thl
court flu tho lib day of June, 1H7T, at ono o clock in
thoafieniooiiof raid day, at the courthouo In Iho
cltj or Salem. In Marlon county, Onvon, then mid
thereto howrauio why a llcenni hould not bogrur.t
ed rild guardian for tho ralo of tlio ubovo-dccrlbcd
land, and that rtrvlco of thl order tin mado on all
pirtle Intere'tcd In a!d u.Uto, by publtcatlon In tho
Wii.i.AJiBTTrr'AiiNKii. a neHrieiiieriif general clrcu
l.ttlnn, publl.l.cil weekly Iu ralil Marlon county.
UatoJ lhl I lllwliy nt April, isn.
I,v .1. O. PI:KIILI:s, County Judgo.
Administration Salo oi Land.
BY order of tlm County Coin of Mailon riunly.
State of Oregon, mado April I lib, iT7, 1 ttlllecll
nt public auction tho following nul pioperty. Iieluiig
liiBlotlioi'ltoiif Ilrory H hlayion, ilerenrrd; 'llie
N. half of Lot 6 and tl In Illock I, having a barn
thereon, Lot .no. a, neginniug -.tin-Bi . huh i inn
ri of tho N. W. corner of Water and Third htreet In
tho tov.n of Million, theoco H IS feel. Ihence U dig.
W) mill. W. !1 feet, thcncoN.SJdeg. : mill. W. Itt
feet, theuco K. liO feet tn place of beginning. In tract
to mil purcharerr; IM No :), B feet wlilu on tbo S.
rldo of tho Mulkcy block In tho town of htnylon; Lot
No. 1. fit feet wide on thu N. ldo of the Mulkey block
aloicrtld: I)t No. r, beginning 0) litt B. of tho N. K,
corner of the Mulkoy lilock in Maton afore.ald.
theuco K IM feet, llunco N. Ul fell, tbenco . JM
Icet, thence H. Ill fiet to plteo of begin
nine; Lot ."to, 6, IimIiiuIik m feet E. ef thu b. W.
corner of High aud 3J Street liihtaton afoieald,
I hi lice N 10 feet, Itrnco up tho M. Mfg. Co
ditch 1M feet, thenco b. '.1 loet, llieiuo . iM feet to
Plica of beginning; Lot No- 7. a piece of land ti fot
trout on thuri. rbluof thuHtajton ditch, aud ou thu
wct of Pnuell X Hooyu' wrgon rliop. the ramo lielng
location for watir.pm err. and muiilligS. about fi
fe-ttocc lliieof rec. KlardlS; Lot No. 8. Hrtrlp
of Und !') fet wide and 27d feet long, lying on tho N.
rldo ol O. W. forlcx' land und prerent rerldemo in
hUytonafonrild: ..... .. ,.
,,.-,. i i,(. .iniilnc. jni t.-i V. .nt tho K. I!, corner
nf ill,, Mu'kev lilock. Ihenco S. ISO, feet to lunk of
btajion dlich, returning then to btt.'luiilng t'olnt:
II,..;,.-.. M I'M fcet. IhiMico i: -J1S feel, thetiau N !'"
feet, thi nee K. 3UI feet, llieuco h. Nulig. 3.1 mill. K.
84 1 feet, ihenco rl. XI feet, ihentu Koiitb eturly,
meaaderlng the hut'in il.leli, to tie . end of tho
llrtt run lino nt rl,l ditch; contKiiilug 3 73 acnr,
more or ler, to ba rold In trait to rutl piiirlia.err,
and llo watr power tiacu will be told with IUh'
of water of V fmhe under t. trto foot hi ad, or other
wire flr utiy b hred oo at tin rale, bald UuOr mi
lie in, or a'tjotnlng. tho lown of huylon. In Marlon
lonutv Oregon, and will 1mmI4 on nA'f I llll'ti the
liih d.i of May, 177. upou the pml, forld iiln,
one tin il.iwu, ou third In tnre inoiith-; and thu
(rihvr third Im ill noattir; pymvut of i.oiw a;oure4
ny MitMW the prmlra puri'lui.oL
Ualu v ill cojmow at 11 . w.on ald day.
(I. W. LAWrON,
ii8nrl AdwlnWwtoc of tall Kw
3 3Ea CtW
3F"o:r 1876.
XSTR ii.wn ON
r ever Imported to the Pacific coiM.
brated Plow ever Imported to the Pacific C01M.
hlag over before know n In tlil State. Thoenow on hand nro mailo witn new ami peciai improvement,
Wan anted Superior to any Plow In Hie United State!
",ieits:riirt i.v,i-; iib i sj ' j ? -ji
-y?. i. - mv jesati ag.sr
rutting It mill Ki Indies, lvltli iS-liorse Attachment. ml lt-lnlic
rolling Cutter, 1h without n rival, i t has been ho thoroughly tented (hat we warrant
Its operation in any noil in thi Slato. These Plows are wild with that guaranty.
KaT Suntl for C'liviilars and l'rlco lilslM.-tai
S4IiEI, Sept. as, 1S7(i.
Stiiayiui. A Htnall light buy or brown
maro mulo, has worked hauling my pumps
about tho country; has CM. branded dimly
on hip, perhaps ono letter on each side, I
don't rocolleut, light colored nbout tho homo.
Hultnblo reward will bo given for Informa
tion by A. ruitfcorr
irll 12w2
I'ump-mitker, Satetn.
lMntllM. Spring 1.11.' free. V.
Piiiiinix, IlloomltiKtoii Nuror),III.
Mr A A Vcnrly l'roll
Mill II I VJt and rnlrlng y
IV WV mein of horre i
'1 ho Centennial and reveral (lol
l'rollt ironi
hale i ng
: poultry by
lold Medal.
and U Dlplomar, havii been awarded to
Profer or A. Corbet!, No, 7 Warren lreet.
N. Y, Tetlmonlal and CaUlogue rent
on recept of tl cent rtatnp. 7w I
Book and Job Printer,
holman'3 block:,
Old Hcnulo Cluimlicr, Stilcm.
CW Am. kind of Printing neatly executed,
nnd at reasonable rate. March :lf.
T. H. X7VJS.X.V,
Ocnrral Agent for Oregon and Wahlii'ton Ter'yfor
Tlio McCornilckniaililiu' urn Ihu IIIIST nnd mort
dumlilo that luvii ever been couttructed,
I'AIIITIKIIN Imiktojoiirlnterei'trl CWdctlio
moro light, rart Inili. '('heiip.lolin uiiiehlui. Wl.iii
ou gel ft McVOIlillVK, and nro II with prooer care.
It I good for twenty ) ear, .lolm and Wm. Pugh. of
thl county, havu one they have run for ISCS year,
and will rtlll lontlnuu to lire. The McCurmlck Hit
verier look tho i lx't nvoixi.i.-vt.im. t
tho tlregon KUUo Pair ol "Aril VKIl I .. O fllhUS.
Donotordiritny but llie MiCormbk. nnd joii will bu
plcared with your purclmre. Ai.-o,
Wait's Porlaliln Power Hay Presses,
Unlit to order, nd vwry onu warrmitu! toliut.iual to
tho ono that took tho flrrt premium ul the Oregon
Klaio Pair of W.
Villi Jitmim, oi i-mlui rhtuliiti,
r. It. WAIT,
apio C'limn-i'liil S.ll.KM.
Trnst Investment Company
mlUH Company Ir prepvnd to negotiate loan In
X rumrlrom .VOto t31,UK) rei urei over IMPltU
VKIl CITY I'llOI'KltTY and PAItM I.ANllH. for
flxwl prrlod of yeair, or repayable by half jvarly in
htallraent. For lennr, apply I" ,,, ,,
WILLIAM ItKIl), Mauagur,
noP,ir U Plrrlhlrect Portland.
ITlOt.'Nll. On tho Slid day of Jan. 1k77. the Ulider
' rlKiieilfoili.il two pilr ol HOOTS, oil the road
leading from halem, to Turner, near Morrl.'r slaugh
ter hou.u. The owner i an ham tho ramu by proving
property ami paying lor tin nonce, untune oi nir
1111.11 I. .".-.. VV. ...,,...u r
, C'h at Turner, or tlm uiidi rrlened.
homey, nmllli .V
April 8. pd.
'-"i t
Carriage & Wagon Makers,
Salem, Oropson,
Wagons, Gnrriafioo, &. Bugcloa,
oi their own malto,
i!ar.ufanurwl of tiie lll'.ST quality ol.lmwy lllcljory.
(Utsihu call, aLiluxumiLU our woit, and jud(o
'Afl'klwdi of iUpairlug aud (Jeiual Joliblmt douo
at bKt nollt. "l
' A W.H1I t
Tho ucce of theo Plow lat yc
Tlio UCCe oi ineo now inn yenr exceeded nny
All Sizes,
3VEoailtox' Ei'onclOnt
Seeders and Cultivators,
j, w. wxATimironn.
Weatherford & Co..
Wholoalts and llctall Dealer In
Patent Medicines.
por aria. m o r y
Etc, oto.
For Medicinal pnrpocit.
Modloines Oompoundod, and
Prescriptions Filled.
Weatherford & Co..
Commercial rtroot. NAIiKHT.
Season of 1877.
AND Till:
April let to July ll,a follon:
At Win. AcKei'.S iriilon .Slalilo.
Taylor wtreol, Portland,
NIMIIAYH, and TIII'ltHDAYH, nt I p. in.; and
At llie Owncr'N Farm, IU!mIv1II,
Wmhliiaton county, on I'HIIIAYH, HATl'ltDAYS,
and HI NIIAYH. Arter duly lrt. at IIKKUVILLK,
WahliiKtoii county.
'l,ICIt.'IS-AI,TO(:itT, tnlniir. SO. YOUNU
MAHitl'IS, tolururu !(. Hollleini'iil to ho inadu
ulicii iiinrii" nro known to ho Iu foal I'urliinio lit
Hi:kii ii i.k limited to a few mare drought fiom u dlr
tuuee, Addrer,
. O. XIEED, I'urlluml,
Or AM'.OK MITIIIAN, llftUvllle.
npil "'
Whilo thoy aro Boiling Gonoral
Morohandiso ohoap, yot thov
will ooll thoir prouont stoolc of
Boots and shoos, on hand, at cost
Also, Trade or Cash paid for
Only $5 ijer Tlioibiuul !
it. it. HOUNDS,
Irvine, l.uiio ;.
1 4 l'.U3Il!U KltCP.NTI.Y AIUIVEI), wlrjio
IV. iii rout JJix-a. .Mii'r 'iy
liiKtinii, location, rile of urin, amount uranium
mini, eic, etc., oirtci m r.u i.ii, '"",',: ,',-,.
'it muuinKuam e v,o , nmwuii,
' M