Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 20, 1877, Page 2, Image 2

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H j
f ' i
ilkttwtt 3pnwr.
isaukd Evenr rr.iDAY, bt
OLA.XtJli2 .Ss OltyVIG,
runueiiEns ami rnoniiETonii.
S. ,V, a-.lUKI!. . IV. OKAI.
Term of MiilmcrlpUon.
Ono copy, onoycaffM number) ..$2.i'0
Olio copy, fix mot.lh (S'l number) l.'.'o
Oiwrnuy, Iliri'o month (la number.! 7A
BAL.HM, FltlDAY, Al'HIL '20,;i877j
Cutting Underbrush
Kt. Fakmkr: As qulto a nutnbor of farm
ers hnvo (old their eziierlonco in cutting
undot brush, I will glvo mlno. In May, '73,
I cut homo underbrush; at this tlmo tho
brunh huh In full leaf. About tho 10th of
August I cot tho slush on 11 ro, and a good
part of It burnt oil'; tho part that did not burn
oil' was rather thin of brush , and tho roots
of tho brush throw up strong growth about
ol(;htociu Inchon high. It was was burnt oir
ubout tho llrHt of October fjllowlng tho tlmo
circuiting. New, for tho rostilts tho pait
thut mum burnt oir In August aro just alive; a
good pitlr of ozou, or fttnu of Iioisoh, with n J
Hinall bumking plow can go right along,
turning every thing boforo them. Tho roots
on tliu imrt that wiih burnt till' tlio first r
October aro iloitl, I inty sny roltou, lor It Is
notioiiblu to plow through thorn, though
noiiio of tho hIooIh woro otio foot by eighteen
Inehoi Molltl. Now, Mr. Kdllor, I havo dono
coiishUirHbIn stashing, mid am satisfied that
tliutoiirv but a low dny at most In a your
that brush onn bo cut whan It will dlo. A.
Jiydi', writing on this Miljict, mys: "Au
gust h tho month lor tho uhj of tho hcylliu
and tli'j bushwhacker In llio panlineM. An
old and oUcrvhig physlolnn onto Mild loti,
"out limho'i In tho old of I ho moon In An
fttiMt. and lliuy will dlo." Wo tiro not Mich
lunatic ns to holiovo (but tho moor has
muuh Iniluoneo (inanlmidH or vugotabliH,
but It In truo Hint vt-Koliitloii of all l:iuiN
MillurHtho greatest shock If cut while ihu
imp, its llfo-hlood, Is mostly In tho br.inehoH.
Tho renin iiucd llio return of this -ai oxIdU
td by eonlaot with tho ulr In tho Itnvos, to
glvo (hem renewed vitality. It may notdhi
the flint i o.ir, but tho cutting will glvo it tho
on:iHumptlon,or a typhoid condition, and
another cutting or two will ond tho patient.
Wo should not wait for the old moon,''
Tho dllleieuco botwoon tho mouth of May
and August, abovo written, would neein loo
fir apart lor fainter. to Iry experiments,
but lot mo nay that tho writer quoted Is an
JviMoiii man, and vogotHllou dlU'ora, Tim
hi'ifoftho ernlc Is In full HUe, at dllferent
t Inn h. In dill'oront locations; o with tho
liuiil. About hl.x yenrs ago 1 cut lour acres
brush, nearly all htv.ol, tho third fourth,
and tilth nfJuly, '7:t, and now It is not very
bard work to tako them out though very
largo. This was out after tho full hIzu of
tho leaf.
As to gottlug rid of fern, I am quite tor
iin that wo as fornioro cultivate Hindi hh
wo destroy It. Tho way to economize labor
and kill tho furu, Is to put your laud in con
dition for a spring crop, and bow cats; when
you aro dono, thou sow tho hiiuio piece of
laud to clover. If you now red clover put
ten iHimubi to thu acre; If idslko, four pounds
to tho aero. When your oats begin lo lieml,
cut tliuin for hay, mow llioin close to tho
gouud , eo you will leuvo no fern stalks with
leaves on. Cutting your oats thun in a few
days there will bo now stHlks start which
will proteut tho young clover, which will
come on and uuiko a pretty fair crop; cut
again. Maimgo thus three years, and you
can cany under your arm thu foru that will
grow on ten aeros, II. II, M.
Tho Pcnch Plum.
Ki, r-'AiiM:ii: If It would not be tresspass
lug loo uiiieh upon your kludiics to luiort
another comniuuleutloii Iroin mo In tho
columns of your valuable paper, 1 would
beg to ask Mr. Leuelllng a question or two,
uiiii to make a little further Htatoiiient In
rosjioelto thu Touch Plum, which seeniH
now to bo coming Into notoriety, whether
upon lis own merits or not, makes no dltl'or
euce. Tho people of this great and growing
frnl -rulHlnir State, who iiutloiimt'j hotting
out iToliards and who are anxious to bo In
formed as to the ustfulncKsol illH'etent varl
titles, have a right to know hoiuethlng about
this as well as other plums, and for their
hdiellt and iuforuutiou I am not sorry
tho controversy has arUen, That the lii
vontlgiiilou will result In good lo tho people
ofOngeii I havo no doubt.
Mr. I.euelllug lliuls fault Hist with my
h atiiiiniit that "I havo a droldtil opinion of
my own," and says "ho Is after flint decided
opinion." Let me ask, did I commence this
controversy T Was over a pet ton requited
by any rule of law to make his case on the
fore widely whin raided hero and especially
so In tho Peach Plum case," how, please loll
mo, aro wo to "know a treo but by Its
fruits"? Will a pear treo of tho Kt bring
forth an apple when brought to this Slate?
Will a prune be n plum or a poach or an
apricot If transplanted to our soil? I under
stand that tho nnturo and csceutlal qualities
of thu fruit hero aro tho samo as thoy woro In
tho Knst, but that somo variolic? do bettor or
woroo as tho cnto may bo here, than in tho
Kant, but the fruit is unchanged.
A word now as to tho nnmo. Mr. Leuoll
Ingsays: "Mr. Walling Is mistaken when
ho sayn that tho nanio of his Peach Plum
wan charged to G.W. Walling; fto says tho
socrotary of tho group of Judges." Now, I
havo only tho testimony of Mr. A.J. Dufur,
commissioner for Oregon, on tho cubjent,
which I hero Insert verbatim, with tho ex
ception of Inserting in his latter tho word
"lato" boforo tho words Peach plutm:
PlIILADKLrillA, Aug. .11, 1870.
G . W. Wam.ino, K-n.lJair fiir: Permit
mo to acknowledge tho receipt of late pencil
plums and red Juno apples from your farm.
Thanks for thu contribution.
The CommllUo clnlruod tho right to alter
or chango nsmos, and olmngcd tho mtmoof
your pitims lo mo u. w. waning, untso
plums wero so fur superior In sl.oand qunli
ty those nl similar varieties rrom othcrfe'tates
lliattho Coinmltteo pronounced them an
other variety.
J'ruit paeUetl in dry mosH conies In Letter
condltlrn than uny othor wav. Ynutnio
spoctfully, A. J. Dnrtrit,
Conunlsslouorlor Urcgon.
Now, If thoro U any error or mi.satato-
ment, or using rlaln Kngllsh, If that Is not
truo, 1 ro.'er tlio tho gentlemen to Mr. Dufur,
hau whom , Is my estimation, no man elands
higher In Oregon, and I am quite euro ho
would not wilfully stutoor wrllon falsehood.
Tho Idea of Mr. L. as to tho best way to
settle Die iiuostlou, would bo to obtain mmohh
fiom thn llastund wait. Well. If tho tnonlu
who mo lulorestid and who anticipate set
ting out plum oiuhatds are wllllinr to wait,
I can too. llut.rduco Mr. h. bus commeno-
ed this eontioversy, Ifho wishes to dool fair
ly with It, lot hlin stato his propositions, and
assumo tho one Hide or tho othor, and if I
dlll'ei with him In opinion, wo will oiler our
proof and arguments.
O.W. Wat.uno.
Wllhtmotto Nursery, April 10, 1677.
Tno Darwto Theory.
i:. Kaumkii: Mr, It. M. aurnoy,ofl)oug
las county, miif.t havo mistaken my vlows
regarding tho Darwin theory of evolution.
Ui) says f gave this tlioory a poke In the
ribs. It would bo nylons for motocondomii
a theory that Is upheld and believed by
M'lonllllo mull tho world over. Mr. Darwin
Is like Oollatli of Oath: ho Is hoad and
ahoulders above all soloutllln men In the
world at tho present day; for proof of this,
Mr, Darwin has rccolyod a testimonial on
tho occasion of his (iiUh birthday, an album,
a magiiillcent folio, bound In velvet ami
sllvei, containing tho photoginplm of 151
nii.n of suloncn In normally. Thu list con
tains somo of the best known and most high
ly honored niinos In Kiiropo. lie likewise
roculved on llio samo occasion from Holland
nil album Willi Urn )ilintogruiiin OT217 ills
tiugtilHhed tiroleniors and lovers of hoIoiico
In that country. The ulbum hears on tho
tlile pngo tho Inscription, "Dein ltelormator
derNaturgesohlehto" Charles Darwin, tho
Keformer of History Hut If 1 was to toll
Mr. (liiruey that his groat grnndf.tttmr was a
monkey,! don't know but ho Mr. Gnrnoy
would glvo mo n poke m tho ribs. Mr. Dar
win is douoimml by nearly all tho ministers
oftho gospel, both In tho pulpU and out of
it, aim by a great ninny others itUo, for what
ho Is not guilty. Men aro often blamed for
what they nover say. I ask Mr. Ourney,
bus Mr. Darwin ever tald at any tlmo either
In his writings or r.ny other way that man
sprung from monkeys? If ho lias I have
never heeti it. Mr, Ourney says my quibble
Is not argument. I don't want any argu
ment. I want tho proof, If ho Ijhhm'Hi it
in D.irwin'H writing!, or In John FisU's
I'osuilo Philosophy, 1 would like to have tho
proof, lint I think Ibis Is like licks (lining
fiom oak grubs, llecaute ticks are found on
Oitk,Ilr, and haxol grills, and aUooutho
grass ef Douglss county, decs this prove
ticks coiiif from oak grubs? If Mr. Ouiney
saw a man riding a bare-backed houe,
would Mr. Ciiirney say thut man came from
homo" Wo llud ticks on horses and alo on
cattle; why not say ticks come from hon-cx
as well ns from giubs? lit ctuino they don't,
Nature has a place and n way forovery thing
to coma forth In Ha nntmal way; eo come the
ticks and tho wings altcrwatds, Wo ilml
tha hoi'oy bee, tho bntteitly, and many oth
or grubs, lli.-U without w lugs, with wings
In coiicIihIou, let mo ray lo Mr. Gnrnoy,
this ItUthltm generation wlllnotlollovoauy
thing without proof. Now, I ask Mr, Our
ney if lie believes, an bo certainly does, that
nuin ..line from monkeys, how did wo lose
the tall? Please to glvo us a reasonable
answer through tho WiLLAMirrri: Paiimku.
iei.-iuouuiiia;ni(i(iciecMheai ichki whs a minium Philosopher, awfully sako.
made ugaliiht him? Now If Mr, l.euellliig , Too enlightened by fur for this h.irbaroim
will in" l;o Ins clmrr.rs direct. ttrt tlmt the .. UK
Peach Plum in controveray umm, or ini.i nef, '
orlirliinlrd by me, I will either ionfcsor
deny. And then If he will thurxo that the
said Peach Plum i.i, or u iiif, Identical with
the Pauh Plum f tho ICiist, I will either
toufoM.ur deny, and then luvordlng load1
nihil of law Mr. l.eunllliig will bo ox pitted i
to piodncu biitlloliMit proofs to make out at I
least a prinKi uric oi boforo 1 blmll oiler
any pui' U whatever.
The young fUr Is iiiiiloubtedly ounulng
and liiKeulous In trying to diuw me tint,
and whliHt I am willing lo imct him In hii
open Held, I proimso to gle hlin no advan
tage. I.l Mm state his protwl!oiis .n dear
and niiii'.oe Isiiguugt-, and then statu whether
lie pni.mi-es to lake tins tiillriuHilve or nega
tive, hu 'hi I Ituol'drawiiiK mo out he had
us Mull alumina. Come firth wltli the proof
ofy.Mi kldi -I Hie question," Mr. l.auell
Ingl li.v.inr .laiement boineot, lliwCtho
HitiiK' .ii.tyot fruit ralfvtt liilholtHdlf-
lias ooino to tho front with hU no'er-falllug
And boldly aRserta th.it monkeys aro men.
Oli, Ihoapu Is a study, tor Mime men at least,
Tho' at most he Is only a small hairy beast,
Uncommonly futitiy mid out ..for his sir.?,
And covered with hair from his lull to hla
You would not havo thought It, but yet It is
That the apo, small In sire, to a liinmpauzoo
And when ho was done with thowholoapUli
i: nidged In thu shape of a modorii man.
How our small hairy brother concluded to
Or what tcnool or collrgo ho learned hU
Tills modern sage leaven ns all In tho dark,
Por the fsmily records Mere left In tho Ark.
Albany, April 10, 1S77.
The latest law In legard to gambling pars
ed by tho Nevada l.ejMslaturo makss It a
inlMleuiMiior for part leu owing uiouoy to
gamblo ituwtiy.
Umatima Cot'.viv A correspondent of
thoCorvallls Gusitti writing from Weston,
.ay; "Tho O. U. N Co.'h boats learo Port
land Mondays Hnd Prlduys of each wopk,at
5 a. M., for Tho Dalle.-" and Wnllulu. Tlok
ot.s to tho lBiidiny, $10 each, not including
meals. Charge for " horso wagon, 830.
.Stage fare to Weston, BO miles, SO W. Sw
no good farming land for 18 or S!0 miles.
Hut on tho road loading to Umatilla IMead
owh it is uboutO miles to tho (arming coun
try. This Is tho finest grszlnc; end agricul
tural country I over f-uw. It Is n black,
loumv soil, tho low lands slizhtlr Randy.
Tho roads aro best here In the Wliitor-fo I
am told. Sheopnro worth from 2, to ?2 50
per head; cows, from ?'-0 to ?.'W; horses,
from $7." to 8160; wheat 05 couts per bushel,
last Fall; oats a5 cent.; ahosp shearing, this
j-ear, 7 cents por head, or oeeiils, williout
lying the fleeces; freight on wool from Uma
tilla Landing to Portland, '20 por Ion, or 615
when baled; wheat, flour, etc.. fdpsr ton.
Up freight, fast, $25 par ton; slow, 20 per
ton. This Is rough on Immigrants, as it
frequently taken all their monoy, and crip
ples them, financially, for yonrs. Hut. tho
O. H. N. Co., have a grout deal to contend
a;alnst, ns they havo to ro-shlp freight eight
times between Portland and Wallula. There
aro thousands of ncrosof good land lo bo tak
en up, yet, but water is very scarce, Hiidyou
do not nl ways strlko It by digging. W ond Is
also scarce somo farmers aro compelled lo
haul tholr wood and rails from 11 to JS milt--.
Uiils In tho mountains aro worth ?1 M) por
iiuniireti. i would udviso ovory poor man
lo como lo Oils counllv, as tho cIihiicps lo go'
rich, are good. Stock, of nil kinds, look
well. Weston is a town or 300 Inhabitants,
iiipldly Improving, and contains two storey,
hotel, blacksmith shop, livery stable, hutch-
er shop, good school and chuichef.."
Hat.t ron Caiiuaoi:s. Tho Piachenl Fruit
Unorder gives the experience of n New
Jersey gardener in tho cultivation of eah
liages, who eonMders salt netcusary to tlu.ii
dovelojimeut. osnoctnllv In nlncoii far from
tho coast. Ho duds them more cri.ip. ot
better flavor uuil to keep better wheu fill N
used than without. He uses It as follows:
"A low days uftor Mtllnc out tho plnnls, aud
when they p.ro damp, either after or bpioro v.
ruin, or when tho dew In on. I tako a htnnU
dish ot fine Knit, and walking utnong tho
rowu, ipriuklou iltilo nlnrli ol fid t on tho
center of ohcIi plant. Whontho leaven lupin
to grow I repeat the dulling, and when tho
tMiiterof the leaves begin lo form tho head I
apply tho salt again, Fcnt'.orhiK it over the
leaves. Alter this I look them ovoroecasioii
ally and If I find plants that do not bond
well or ritiiH'iir dlscicpd. I sprinkle tho salt
ovor freely. This will savo all nch plants.
A quart of salt Is Milllcluit for live htimired
plants In u .scnFon although moro can bo
us u wiui raioiy."
Horn Is an Hem of Interest lo our gurdf ti
ers and small faimors: A geutlemsn ueur
San Joo produced last year on live acre,
oiny ono-thlrd of which was at full neurit"
ngo.ihlrty-Mx tons of plo-plant, which sold
tor (10 pnr ton on an average, or ?l,lU0 lor
thoprodueoof llvo acres ono season. Tho
cost ol oultiviitlou, mntkotlng. eta., for the
soasou would not exceed ?."(H), leavlug?l,300
clear prollt. A young ereliard lsurowing on
tho fame ground which produced 20) worth
of fruit bosldos maklnx a siilendld growth.
j&.ftejCLtj1J3L, BCoE'soaaaLoa. 2
Tho Importod Poroheron Stallions,
M . of each week. Ac Hie -table or UIN & DAVIDSON, SoloZU, eu KHIDA , P. if., oral BAT-
lillMY niul .MONDAY. A. il..ut each week. ,0 . . ,
'JCox-saaLW-esaW 1 I'. OOIM COIN, THE HEASON-Duonttuocndof tlto ecaton.
I have somo vory Pino JEkSEY CATTLE for Salo.
Every family thnt 'irepn a cotr should Imvo n JEIta3Y, or nt katl a hilf-blood. Families that bavenHd
tlivtn will nut ilo without Ibem, If tlicynio to liulmcl. .... ... ,
Early lu April t ul.'i Unno u cfrs-iMr wllli line cnjrranjj of mv Hei!0!i anit .Maicn. a view of my8UVt;
wltli a LIh'oiv er Inn Pvrelicrons, sail why they nro prrlfcrreil to other Iiwj lionif: ; roiuu tilntg em limedlmi;
tlio ilemstiilKi"- larj;u hoi (ok la Karope una America, vti. They will ho sent oa nppllentlon.
W. O. 3SE-5T33TB..
CoMrur..soitv ICiht.uion i.v Uitio.Tlio
Loglslattiro ofOhlo hasjust jaged u Com
piilsory I'Mucallon law qulto modorato In ha
rniuliomonts, U Marts nut with loouirinu
ovory child between Sand llyoarsol ago to
attend a Dublin school for at least 12 weoki In
well school year, coinniotioliiir Sept. 1, und
prohibits his btislnoKs eiuiilovmeiit tor the
buine time; but It provides for material ex.
captions to iioin provisions fitKt, when tlio
child I.i physically lucapaultulr.d for studv;
fiicoud, when It Itan ulro.idy nritlreU "tile
Draueiies ot learulin: ordlnsrllv tiiuclit hi
common schools;" third, when It Is under
iirivaui instruction; loiirin, wuen It relies on
lt own otl'orta for support, and llfih, v lieu
Its labor is necessary to tlio suppoiiof lis
parents or relative. It In provided that
when paroutH are unnblo to hudiiIv their
children with uocesary school bookx thoy
shall bo furnlbhed by tho Hoard of IvJnca
tlou. Ki:ciu:taiiy Hvauts. Kvarts b n llttlo
follow; thin us u shad, with ns iininiwa
head as over topped a full-grown nlr of
Hhouhlers, and a hatchety, Indian sort of a
luce. Hh suggests nothing ho strongly as an
aiiimati'd tomahawk, A great sharp homo
overshadows nil tho fat-o except tho uioutli,
which In too M'ldo to bo overshaih'wcd. Its
comer (tho mouth's not the node's), are
pulled down iinlil the f.tco Is given an un
pleasant, vlin'gar oxpresslou, which Is not
IcMiPiH'd by tho blaeknetH of tho luveruous
depths out of which ttio little steel may eyes
Deer itlWHVH with u keen aud watchful loo!;.
Tho chin Ii as sharp as tho corner ol a touri
hawk, and In shape Is very llko It. Cu.noio
only the chin Is sunk upon tho olnt, us
though iIim thin net k was loo weak to sun
tutu enct thu weight of bntln. He generlly
wen wlih his arms folded, nnd bus the ap
pearsin'o of being always in a lit of deep
meditation. He.
In Miinii putts ot llelgluiii afempla have
i'V u mi. tin in c.mii ia.(, iiiu luuiua iruiu nut
od. Alone of the most elegant chati'iuiN lu
tho country, surrounded by a park adoinod
liv msgmiiceul lawns, men woro employed
to catch and kill llio moles. Alter a lime
thuy were killed oil', aud illHipi.carod entir
ely, In coiitequt'iieo of which ihe velvoiy
uiatoi ui' thu lav. u soon withered. Tho
muso nf tho mischief was a ttuall white
worm which hsd been kept down by the
moles. Tiicto llltlo Hiilmuls, though trouti
letouiKiit lluiis, nro, as the above Incident
proved, ory iielul nan eslato. Tlio pro
jiitetoihiif thu chateuu, after he had made
tho dUcoxi iy, was ohllutd lo Mock his ilnc
whha litxli supply of moles, alter which
the lawns il'iirlt.hed as formerly.
i-iinut' HoitNaroitTiii: Daiiiy. It Is ten
eiaily sue poi d that It Short-horn cuttle hvo
any ntplul purpho to till heyoml that of
models lor the most wonderful aud smnr.lng
style of Kiiimal poitralt that has ever heen
known, nils piupot-o islnprcdueo beefor.ly
A dahy eattle,i'ew perms ever think of
hort-hoiii co we. Itut II the larua u.ilk
lalrymnii wero asked "what breed thoy pre
fer lor theJr elalrles," they would unlver
H.lly reply "OrailoNiiort-horus." Thermae
two re.ions for this preference. Thu ilrt
in, ibat tin he cow., yield a copious mesti of
rich and well flavoied milk, of great sub
stauco and high color; tho second le. that
when their milk falls they rapidly lake on
llrsli, and aro o.ully saleable at good price
lor beef.
Tlio Teoplo waut Proot.
There Is no niedlelno prescribed by pbysl
clam, or bold by Druggists, that carries -ueli
evldeiicoof 1U bucccm and superior virtue
as lioscitKtt'M Gjiuman SviU'i' for stven
CougliH, Colds fettled on tho breast, Con
sumption, or anv iUtao of tho Throat and
l.uug-. , proof of that fact Is that any per
son atlllcted, can get a SauijiIo llotile for 10
coins and trv t superior ell'ict befoie Inly
ing the regular alee at 75 cents. Itha lately
bon Introduced in thW country fiom Her
many, and Its wouderful cunt nro asnmMi
Inc e'very one that uses It, Tlirm ili will
rolloyo any case. Try it. Sold by
Southern Planter & Farmer
mtUMlOMM, VIltfllNIA.
tfimlli. (IcMiUil to Aurlciilmre. ttock. lfortlriil-
Inrcairf ft lirnl tllulr; riih-erlptlca ilpirjcur. In
cm iiiitl'jii with this paper, wu htiMj Virginia
I'iii'iik in evi-ry lmttlou nf thu btato for rule.
Suiiil stamp furflc'prlptlve llsf.
Mtioliiuu slxoi,
B. P. DRAKE, Prop'r.
3 ItiPipif, l'umps, nti'l nil l-.luils ami styles of -Ma-:hliury
isadc to enter. JItchtBiry repaired at a short
notice I'altom-niiiliardonnlaall Its virions forms,
(ml all kind of Ilrw niul Iron Castlni l'imlhednt
sl.ort notlco. Al. mnti-'toctiirer of K.NTEHI'ItlaK
1'i.WEH nil itATCIIKIt. and bTICKICKS and
SiHAI'EUrf Mav4wtl
Ohoupod into Peed,
Sash, Boors, Blinds,
Turning-, St:i!r worlt, IteMlstcaelN,
Efuri'nn.s. Ms:ntls, TnltluN,
Ami all E(!:nl4 of Fiitnlturc,
A HKI) ItOCK 1'ltt-v J Sh l nt A)Hcniii-al Wnrki
liuiljh.. (nielli. Lee o V. DKNNIS.
Premium Seed Potatoes.
nniiwilaliv, per UiinIicI, $.00
r.ittoitu. ... :t.o
r.xlc-u r.ttrly Vorinunt, - a.OO
ttrowni'tl's nuniy, - - i.no
Coinptoii'K Mti'iii'tso, - - I.no
CnrJy tVonvhtich, - - i.oo
E.ttio ICosc, - 1,00
tBfy ltos, !lni9cK, Gnrnet
ftiitl kCluir il diu l.'arllcN, .75
Tlil I my piU frtlu'in, mckol nd put on tho
car At llittili.ird. It wirinnU'd to bo true to nanio,
ned torr.e'liiiiiy poltit iilnn thu llnu or tho O. A C.
Ihilliikvl In t'lxxl oritur Money hi rums of ten dol
liirauil tipuard miy lui ronl liy cxpn' atmv ex-pL-le
oiheiuliiela rivll'rt'il lut'e-r. Addri''
fttini'i .1. it. iti.ngrK, liubiiuril, Or
imuxsca ot
fllAKKS ploa'iuo In oftVrliu: to llio Wool-Grower of
k. Orvioii niul ih mlJoltilni'TiTillnrl-K thu cbanca
te iMircliaoo TlIOiamilUUIKI) MKltl.NOS, and nt
iirliiKitrtU'iiiltriuiittiai they can, ond will en.
deivor to. nil Mu'i'ii ol tV- enmo iiuallty ai.d value at
Ml't'll ClIKAI'fllt IIATKrt llun Wli can po.bly
ho Impoili'd. hxHin.imtion and romparlron with otli.
vr Sheep ottered hi ihu nutki t urn cordially Invited.
Snleui, tlrefoii.
N. II. The Hani" and Itnui ljiml) of the rl-rk can
hueeiion the lSI.ANt) t'AH.M. adjoining Halem.
Tim Kwchcun hu ..'iii at the rarnu pUre, er at Ihu
1111,1, VAHM foiirundahall mllei' outli of the city.
.lelll, yintemher in, fs7J.
Tho Celebrated Thnroushbred Stallion
Prom March liH'm .lu' 1 it'i Mii an he liken
to thf laier M.tli.e u ll-an .t IMvld.nn, or rem to
man .IAMKn f. IIYIIKK Halem.
Dealer In
Trotting and Draft Stallion,
blmk mwm
TT tliu r.irtn of J". W. NokiiiUIi. Iilxte,. Iollc
connn-.niidutPI Itlll.V A ((i.'-i Mtaiiiu, In bar.,.
on PiMi) and tatnrdrtysofeacli wink, nfier thoiuirt.
or April
Tl'.UMS Por the Siwon. $'i at tho end offho
Hcrtron. INbl'IfANt'i:. flii, piynhlu when the
Jlare '. known to ho with loal, or uhen tliu owner
ha patted ultli her. All hllli piyuhlo In ioIdcetn.
Mnrei Irom n illi'tnnco p'lrttired and cared fur at tt
per week hut tit rlnka taken.
Iescrlilloii mill reII(reo. IW.ack Ht.-ux-okii
Id HI lunula ;i IiilIib l.tcli. " c.tre oll, nnl wtlh
oicrinil llx. Vn hrud hy Vnu Itoynoldii. Urn,
Wlna'oiii Maine. HIk iI.iiii as tlomans .Mcrreiifrcr.
Ii Htone Meffeiiffcr, hy Wlrthrop Mi:firiieer, hy Ji
nortc.t MeveiiL'iT Tfio ltnnoldV Mnro, dam of
ni.Auiv niuAniiKK, MPiuiiea ij.xi poiuiut, and
iv.ti a lluu camplu or llio Slvracntrflr stoclc.
"LACK STIIAMIKlt was ulrcel li tho Wycr'a
liomo.n h.iy rtallloti wtlihlnul.!l.0 pound, and get
ter of nn uxtm llnu or trolling colli. Capuhlu or
trottliiKhliiiiiuir In U:',ll Airnrnliu, niul has repeated
lvmaituht half mllu In 1:10 lie ivnc tired by Gen.
Knox, out ol a Mr-tanuer mare, vvcllilmt iaui
poanU llf.ACIC STItANOKU haa n very powerful
iet or llmtii, very rtraluh', with pimhrcl mid knco
Joint low down, thu hone precede mid innftles.
perfect ramtile of hi jrranil fire, (leu, Knox.
Clydosdal Stallion
Hlreil hy Nethcrhy, dim hy hay Wallaco, will itanil
lor Mart's at thu t arm uf tno proprietor,
3STovr 3VTo3Vrix.ti-7dLllo,.
YAJiiiii.i.eouuty. $30 to Insure, payablo when,
tlio maru U known ui hu In fua..
Half Brother to Caledonia Chief, th
fastest Trotting Stallion in Canada,
Sired hy Howo'a Itnyal tJeorgo. Dam hy old Ifarlu
way. thu celebrated Iilh lllood lforo, will aUud for
Mare III
East Portland,
At tho Stable of JOHN FHAZKIJ, from April loth
to July tt, 1ST?. iJ-JO lo lilHiirc, iuyahl wheo
Ihu Maru I known to hu In oal. f25 lor tlioNcn
noil, payable at thu tlmuof inrvlcu.
March TO, 1KT,
Crockery and Glassware,
Wooden and Willow Ware,
Tobacco and Cigars,
li!em. April 1 IS7S. dAwtt
Administrator's Notice.
Kontucky-Bred Stallions,
The Thoroughbrod Stallion
PKniOItBlt-TliI relehrated horo 1 by War
Panco. thu immi or hexliorton and Heel.
ThltMS Thu beaeou, t'lZ,
Tho Fine Mambrino Trotting Stallion,
Awarded First Premium at th
Oregon Stato Fair, 1876.
DKSCIUrTIOX AND PEfliaiinK. - I.uhy In .
lUrt: liiuwn, in hand hlcli. and wa rlre-il h Kricon.
Utilamhy llooilu: '.M hy dray Kaijlc; VI hy Aratq.
krlcon h- V'n)' Mamlirluo i hur. entof thetrottlnir
nmruAfit Candle. lly' .MambrUio Chief wa cou
hy Miiuhrlmi IMymanlt r, who un hy Mamlirlro, outt
or a miru hy l'mati'r Mambrino n a on oC
Imp. Mt'Mijrr ho wa the fire or.VSdnllah, aud tho
(.rand .ir of ItjiMUV Hamblo'oiilan, well
.Marabiliio Chlil; tho earner tho laltva a brown
mnro, a celehruted roadster and fauicu breeder, lreil
by a eray ImrKO. a inn or Imp. Mefumm. w hu tood
In Iinrlicx. co., N. . Krlcnn liana ueord or S.sev.
.Id Ixnt.ot lour year old, and I thutlreofKrlc. with
a record pr 8:JSl,, at four ear old. and flobln, mIUi o
'WIJ" ',U.itwoytaroM, and2'.0,at nxyr.
"It "-J-'aab. wlih record. S;tv, .t three era
elJ; and I tho lro of mn ntlm. ;ood kbc.
TKUMS-Tho Season, fi5.
WILL 8TA.VII IX SALM ot nnrbln'a Staole.
Vburfduy, Prlcuy.andSatulduv,
ATAl.HAXV, Muuday aiiaxiiuradny.
aytOmM I'rcprletor.
The Handsome Young Half-bred
Clydesdale Stallions,
riliin under..-!
1 lh- t'omuy C
d.havliis Seen -"x'y appoicted by
urtor Mi-ton roua v. n ..!. .r.
in'nliraior nt th e.laie of II. C Uj'n, late or wild
c. uiiiv. dHTiMttd: tlwicfeiv all nw.on hulm-.-iilm.
ijintiivl ald ornate 111 pleann vuvieiil tho k-heb to
tj.i a mliiu niinr j' hl imukhn', near tebb rd. In
aUleoiintv wl hln lx iarii frtim thU U-iio, and
ier.'not . -.u. e.UTo mil utiM'o nuk irumedl
ate ia mn I. c. OvVi'O). XumV
MhhU f,t 4jd.
.-. ln Q4ttFri'
KhllV.AHRMt, MftlRe.
J Mill tlld AC rf1--T-- "-S . "Clnv.W.
j t-ornelln. Vi.-wMiticiou county, ibo tnahuj etoi.,
from Aerll Ht to Juh- nt. They tallied two rtrt pre-.
lialuni'iitibeOrptoahtKieValrUilfdlJ, for tbo bee.
n...:." " ui nm ne oeni-iria team.
IbKMM 'i(t to liikiirrs 'vablo when tha
maru t Wiimn in ho In iot.l. laren elUeosed ef bo
fore fo.ili, to lw jld for a la leal.
Jattrul W.M. CHALMKBS.
Siiroeor to .V, N. fif.bert & Co,)
..healer In..
llolnun' Block, e'luamejci.il St., t'jreo dwr north or
tho I'ojt Otrko, SA .?i, Or. aptly