Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 20, 1877, Image 1

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    $2,50 por Year.
"OnicAOO, April 13. Tbo Tribune Wash
ington apodal says tbo President aont a ci
pher rcquost to tho commission to-nlfiht, ask
lng tbotn to attempt nofurthor adjustment,
boyond what bo auggestod In that dispatch,
and that tboy return at tbo oarllost posslblo
momont to Washington.
Doflnlto word from tbo Louisiana commis
sion Is expoctod Monday or Tuosday. Tbo
.only fact known Is that tbo Froaldont will in
fno caso support Packard by tbo uso of Fodo
nl troops, ills government musi uupuuu
entirely on Its own resources. Tbo troops
sro llnblo to bo withdrawn by noxt Saturday,
and yot bo nour enough to prorout bloodshed .
VItu Hucll a policy it is nopou mo compnea-
'Uona will sottlo thomsolvos.
'. Havard has had soveral lntorostlnc lntor-
t -flows with tbo I'rosldont. Ho Is tbo Ilrst
Domocrat mtmbor or tno oioctorai commis
sion to chll on tbo I'rosldont. Ho Informed
thn Prnsldont ho WOtlld bv VOtO tllid lnllU-
onco support ovory measuro which bo would
Lava sunnortod bad Tildou boon olectod. nnd
would support Hayes' prosont policy nuduo
ins lnuuonco wun uii party to provont inoti
oub opposition.
Washington, April 10. A dologntlon of
Frionds to-uay culled on tno rrosiuonc wuu
a petition asking him to contlnuo tbo Indian
poaco policy. Tho I'rosldont said ho was hi
favor of poaco ovorywhoro. Ho, howoyor,
was not so far advanced as Qtiakora, and
thoro might bo occasion aomotimos to rosort
to military operations.
Ni:w Yomc. April 10. Tho Tribune snyn
tho recent malls brought Instructions from
Australia and Capo Colony to housos In Eng
land to mako up conslgnmonta of hard
wuro from Amorlcan and not from Uritlsh
products. Morohanta in thoso distant coun
tries aro captlvatod with tho beauty and low
prices of Amorlcan hardwnro goods.
Japan now exports silk worm oggs prlnol-
Eally by way of San Francisco. Tho routo
y India lms boon abandoned. Tho rail
road across tho American continent onables
Japanoso oxpottora to prolong tho soason and
Bond oir boxes down to tho ond of the yoar,
which would bo impossible by way of Hue.
Mossogorlo's mantlino Btoaniora thus loso an
Important frolght. . .
dor.uMiiiA. H. C Aorll IS. It la reported
from rollablo authority that the anbatoiico of
tho reply of tbo Hum oincera lo Gov. Hamp
ton s demand will uo iuo annuruuu wu iudj
bold tlitlr otllcos by declaration of tbo Htnto
tauvftssors from tho fuco of tho oioctorai re
turns ; that tboy wore commissioned by Gov.
Chamberlain whllo his tltlo waa undisputod:
that tholr contestants havo tnkon tho cases to
tho Sunramo Court: that Gov. Hampton has
no right to anticlputo tho judgment of that
court, or in tiny way puss upon tnoir title,
and that this action Is n violation of his
plodgos to loiivo disputed questions to logal
wottlomont. For thoso ro.isons thoy will ro
fiuo to glvo up tholr otllcos.
Sr. LofiH. April 10. Tho Times referring
to tho charcos of luulllulonoy of tho tiro do-
part men t and pollco doartment, says, over
nan tno tnreo nunurod peopio saveu irom
tho burning hotol owo tholr llvos to pollco
mon and flremon. Kvory ono who camo to
windows woro'savod oxcopt tho ton who
Jumped out and killed thoniHolvos. Had It
not boon for sovoral pollco otllcers who wero
firosont tho number lost would havo boon
nlly a hundred moro than it was; for threo
won made from threo to four trips oach, up
tho ladles ontranco and through tho hall
ways of thn dlll'oront lloora rousing tbo
guests and directing them out of tbo build
Nkw Yomc, April 10. Miss Anna Dickin
son abruptly closed her ougagemont with
Eaglo Theater to-night, owlug to her dissat
isfaction with tho management. Sho wilt
not play again until early noxt season, at
Fifth Avonuo. In u star ougagomont which
Augustiuo Daly has arranged for her.
Ni:v Yomc, April 17. Groat exoltomout
prevails among politicians ovorTwoed'acon
fosslou. Old ring niembora aro hard to llud
Blxby denies tliHt his brothor, Senator Blx
by over proponed Immunity to Tweed if ho
would ollowaO'Brlen'a claims to bo paid.
.Recorder Hackott declines to say anything
about tho statement that his paintings and
book cases wore paid for by tho city.
Wbeelor II. I'eckham, counsel for tho peo
pio against Tweed, says it is truo that Tweed
in ado a so-called full confession. It was la
kou to Albany last night by Townsend. IIo
says it contains thing he knows are correct.
Tlio lirpreaa contlrras tbo confession, but
says it is but a partial rovelatiou, and that a
full confession will even more sicken tbo
publlo conscience.
Tho World's Washington correspondent
Interviewed Gen. Sherman on tbo probablo
Russia-Turkey war. He says neither Russia
or Turkey ever bad larger or better armies
than now. They havo all the advantages of
the many improved arms and mode of war
faro, and tho result will be that the world
will witness tbe greatest battles ever fought
ao far aa destruction ol life is concerned. I
believe this struggle la going to coat a mill
Ion lives, and they will not be all Russian or
Turka either. I can hardly believe the Turks
can withstand tbe shock. They may aave
Constantinople; but if they lose every other
point what god will It do themT He alto
aald be favored allowing our officers to visit
the camps without pay.
Ba Buenvkntuiia, April 15. About alx
o'clock this morning a gentle rain coin
meneed falling, which continued with but
alight Intermission until two o'clock this
afternoon. Over half an inch haa fallen,
which will prove of great benent to growing
crops, making grain where only hay waa ex
pected heretofore.
Stocktok, April 15, There was a shower
of rain and hall here tbla afternoon, accom
panied bv thunder aud llehtuing. wbloh
lasted about thirty minutes. Grain Is look- J
lug parchod and dry. Many Holds on high
lands aro nearly destroyed. Uulosa wo got
moro rain soon crops in most lustancoa will
provo a complote failure
The Impending War.
London, April 14. Saturday Standard's
despatch from Constantinople, states that
Russia is bringing bor reserves In Asia to
tho Turklan irontlor. It is stated that
Germany docs not wish to soo tho ncutirallty
of Rnumanla violated, consequently tho
principal Russian attack will bo on tho
Asiatic sldo.
Tho Standard's Vientia correspondent says
Riidslau ofllours from 1'orsla roport that
forty thousand I'orslau troops aro concen
trated noar tho Turkish frontiers.
Tho Czar will start on tho 21th Inst, for
tbo vloinlty of tho army.
Tho manifesto will bo issuod Tuesday.
Suporlor oil! corn of tho Soutboru army
havo boon mnnmonod boforo tho grand
council of war lu St. Fotorabiug, to bo hoard
respecting preparations for marching n
qunrtor of a million troops across tho I'ruth
noxt wcok. Tho army has already ml van cod
but has not passed tho frontlor.
Paiii.m. April II. Tho Monitcur, soml-olu
cIal,doclaros It is tho lnlloxlblo resolve of
Franco to remain noutrul.
A tologrum from St. Pntorsburg says in
nlllclal circlos war is regardod as Inevitable,
but Russian military measures don't indi
cate tho Immediate opening of thocampaign.
It Is bollovod Austria will muko an otl'ort In
pnclflcatlon, but llkoly without success.
Nkw Yomc, April 14. Cablo dispatches
say tho Czar hlmsolf will Join tbo army on
tho 21th lust. It Is reported that Russia's
ndvanco troops havo already crossed tbo
Tho Journal ties Dtbats says tho Russian
fleets in tho Atlantic aud Facltlo havo been
ordered to concontrato lu tho Modltorra
noan. London, April 14. Tbo Veit Free Press
says tho Turks bavo commancod throwing u
brldgo over tho Danube at Kalafat.
Mr. Layard, tbo nowly appointed British
ambassador, left for Rrlndlsl. Ho will dm.
bark on a special atakmerJlH "ordaivio jaaoh
CfeMhm4iaoptointcXiy. T
tho rorio Doneves mo rup uro win bo no
laved until Russia haa communicated her In
tentlons (o tho 1'owora, but no liopo of n
poacoiui soitiomom is omoriainou.
Russian subjects In Turkoy aro to bo
Clncod under protection of tho Gorman om
assy. Couatantlnoplo will bo doclared In n stato
of slogo Ininiodlately after tho rupture.
London, April 15. Tho Standard's special
from I'ostli says: All tbo Journals horo nro
agrcod that it is Imposhlblo for Austria nnd
Hungary to romaln noutral. Thoy nrguo lu
favor of an nlllanco with England against
Russia. Austria nnd Hungary nro ovon
moro Interested than Kngland in provontlng
tho ontranco of Russians Into Bulgaria.
Tho Standard t-nys tho last etl'ort is boiug
mndo to avert wnr and a lastappoal lias boon
nddrossod to Russia lu good faith.
Tho Athens correspondent of tho Iiaily
Xcws stutOH that tho (ireek government lms
given ordors that nn army of 00,000 mon bo
In readiness for netlvo eervkolncasoof nood.
Tho fooling lu Athens Is of IntoiiHo anxiety.
A telogrum from Homo represents the Vati
can dated at tho prospect of war, aud hopes
Russia may gain some preliminary advant
ages, In which enso it lias porsuudod Itself
that tho wnr would becomo general. Ro
ports havo reached Cardinal Sominouo from
L'ontrai Russia lntlma'lng that an Interna
tional outbreak Is Imminent lu Russian
Poland and contiguous Russian provinces.
Preparations for tho movomunt havo boon
long going on.
Viknna, April 15. It Is officially confirm
ed Roumanian troops will oppose tbo pas
sage of tho Danubo by tbo Turkish army,
but will allow tho Russians to cross tho
A correspondent of tho Daily Telegraph
says ho has Just inspected tho Ottoman lleet
In tho Uoporous aud finds tho conditiou of
(ho Sultau's navy splendid. Tho vessels aro
fully manned and tho discipline Is as good
as posslblo.
will not bo nblo to 1
10. It la fearod Austria
lone remain a spectator to
tho difficulties; she is preparing to assume
in aiiuuuo oi uoionsivo neutrality, uno m
Huenco of Russian Sclav committees extend
almost to Austria's Irontlor. and Austrian
a ad a sen who consldor its vicinity a perma
nent peril and determined to check Us pro
gress aud are taking steps to annihilate ita
effecta on tho Sclav population.
London, April iu. rno jjauy acics' ot.
Petersburg correspondent says tbo war foul
ing is Intenso. There never was such a
popular war aa this will be. There is no
brag and bluster, but a quiet resolution Is
depleted on overy man's faco and la manifest
in overy Douya language.
In tbe House of Lords, Karl Granville
criticized tbe government's policy touching
me jutsiern question, ue aam me protocol
waa nearly the same aa tbe Berlin memo
randum . Why did not the government ac
cept that united action of Europe, which
then might have prevented war? Neither
Russia or Turkey had then taken an irre
traceable position. He attacked the min
istry , whose boaata about raising England's
position abroad now subject them torldl
oulo, and be advocated European concert lor
tbe better government of Turkoy.
Lord Derby vindicated tho protocol. He
believed the House would agree that under
existing circumstances it waa best not to do
anything concerning tbe future.
St. PirrKKsnuno, April 17. Tbe Czar
leaves for tbo army immediately. Ho will
conllno hlmsolf to Inspecting troops and will
not tako part in tho campaign. The order of
tho day announcing declaration of war ianot
yot Issuod In oltlclal quarters, It la repro-
Rontou mat mo presonc aituation compois
itussia,in a curtain uogree, 10 actsiugio
handod, Russia alono, nmong great powers,
having mobilized.
Bosnian rofugeos now In Austrian territory
number 100,000, who cost tholr entertainers
".00,000 florins por month. If In conscquonco
of Insurrection this number should be doub
led Austria might bo compolled to cross tho
frontlor with an armed foruo to localize tho
A dispatch from Pesth cays It Is oxpectod
war will bo declared April 21st.
Tho four corps In Bessarabia liavo ordors to
begin a movomunt to tho Pruth April lSth,
whllo two corps nro marching to tako tholr
place lu Bessarabia.
A correspondent confirms tho roport that
tho right wing, which la tho weakest por
tion, crosses Iho Doucostor at Choloynn nnd
goos along tho Austrian frontier to Pnsknng.
Tho loft wing, tbo atrongost, will cross tho
Danube between Rominnd Ismail.
A Paris correspondent to tho Times says:
It Is n mistake to think tho Turks would
greet tho Austriaus on nlllot and allow lliein
to punotrato Into Bosnia without striking n
blow. Such reslstanco would bn nn opliom
oral struirido. but would necessitate n decla,
ration of war by Austria. Tho entry of
Austria on tno ncono wouiu no iooKoa upon
as tho signal for a wldo coullugratlou.
European Grain Market.
Livnnrooi,, April 13. A leading grain cir
cular says tho hteadlly growing" ndvnnuu In
wheat, based on considerations distinct from
political, and progressing even upon tho
paolllo Instead of warllko anticipations which
provnllod, haa now, when thoro appears
scarcoly a faint hopo of a peaceful solution
of Eastoru affairs, become still moro dochlod.
Tho week commences with priced Is porqr
higher: afterwards 2s highor, and yesterday
aundvlco of 2i and St war notod In many
leading places of Iho Kingdom, accomimnlod
with a largo amount of buslnoss, both for
consumption nnd speculation. Tbo aamo
foaturos and transactions would havo boon
moro Important but for a disinclination of
noiuernio ouor ireoiy. aiane waaaiaoux
nltnd at an lUlvkURii. At Utlr.1u4rkAr.tn.1l1v
then waagoolanUauert o local and coun
try miners aim ueaiors, una mouerato uuai
nosa was dono for consumption at 2d advance
on whllo wheat nnd 31 on rod whe.it. Flour
was Is per sack dearer. Corn was tnkon to
n goon oxtout at gradually rising prices, mu
market closlug Is Od por qr highor than on
LivimrooL, April 13. BroRilstulls strong.
Corn, 25Gi2.'W Od for new mixed woaloru;
25s ad for Hour, 202Ss for western; who it,
lis ydGUIs SU for club: 10s TiIMllii Hd for rod
westoru spring, Receipts of whent tho past
mrco nays ,m,wo quariers; Aniorican -iu.uw.
London. April 10. Tho Mark Lane Im
press, in Ita markot rovlow of tho British
grain trade, says tho heavy tains have again
Hooded many low lying districts, destroying
spring inlllugo and lulurliu tho growing
crops. Winter sown wheat haa withstood
tho notion of tho ruin, and If Into frosts do
not Injure tho plant, thoia appears no reason
able apprehensions about ultimate prospects.
Farmers contlnuo to mnrkot their wheat vory
sparingly. An unusual oxeltoiuent hits pre
vailed lu Mark Lano tho past week mid In
creased tho strength which trndo derived
from tho diminished imports, nud tho stondy
consumption of stocks was Increased by tho
wnrllko aspect of tho K (stern question, Od
essa nud St. Pctcrsbtirir nro about tho only
sourcos from which wo could c-llbot largo Im
ports or red wnoat, nnd aiiouid wnr com
inenro tho door umv bo nartlallv olosod 011
Huppllos, as tho Turkish ileot Is tlioiight suf
ficiently powerful to harrass tho BlaokSoa
trado considerably, This contingency Is es
pecially momentous this yoar bocnusn Amor
lea seems ablo to hpnro h'i little rod wheat.
A largo advnnco lu prteou has niadii opera
tors cautious, but where millers havo bevii
obliged to buv to moet requirements, n rlso
of a ta-lahllllngi per quaiter In tho week
has been realized. Tho cargo trado shows
an ndvanco of a shillings, Thero havo been
very few arrivals of wheat at calling poria.
Mal.o, alter a long depression, auddonly
camo Into favor and tho value unproved ful
ly 2 hhlllitigH per quarter. Suits of English
wheat Inst week woro .11,215 quarters nt0!s5d
per qunrtor against -11,227 t 45-) 2d por quar
ter lor tho hamo week last year. Import
into tbo United Klncdom for tho woolc end
ing April 7th wnro 010,317 cwls of wheat and
iia,.iu ovtn
iof Hour.
Wasiiincjto.v, April 15. Froaldont Hayes
yesterday said In tho courso of u conversa
tion that ho had no concealments regarding
his Southern policy, which, howovor, hud
beon foreshadowed In oral and written state
ments. In this connection ho adverted to
tbe gubernatorial campaign lu Ohio in 1375,
which resultod lu his election over Governor
Allen, tho pooplo of tho State having full
knowledge 6f his sentiments on national
questions, Including, of courso those which
related to tho South. On tho 31st of July,
1U75, at Marion, ha freely and distinctly ex-
Fireaaed hia oplufons. This speech waa pub
lahed at length In the newspapers, and
thereforo his views woie generally kuown.
In that speech, after congratulating hia fellow-citizens
on tholr complete triumph over
those who sought to destroy tbe Union and
the grand results of the war, ho alluded to
tbe coming together again of Northern and
Southern men In a spirit of harmony and
friendship, Including thoso who had fought
against ono another, and as a prominent fea
ture In this evidence of good feeling, ho, on
that occasion, spoko of the kindly munner
In which Vice Piesldent Wilson waa receiv
ed on his visit South. In this era of good
feoling aud reconciliation, ho said, thoro
woro still persona who talked of bayonets,
aud who sought to rovlvo tho prejudices of
tho past. This waa much to bo rog.ottcd,
but thoro was enough to fill ovory heart with
gratitude, tbo houso being no lougerdlvlded,
and nn tne inhabitants Having 11 iair start 111
tbo raco of life. Iu this and In nil his othor
spooohea ho earnestly coudomuod reopening
tho old Issues botwoeu tho North nud South,
assuring that tho tlmo had como for complete
Tho I'rosldont lu n further conversation.
referred to tho fact that tho National Repub
lican uonvontion wnicu nominated mm lor
tho Presldonoy, pnssed a resolution aaorodly
plodding tho Republican party to protect ov
ory citizen of the Uultod Sttitos In their elvll
aim political riguis, hiki declaring that tno
Kormauont pacification of tho South should
0 effected uy removing nil causes of dis
cord. Tho spirit of this resolution was in
perfect accord with his own views previous
ly oxprossod, nnd repoatod thorn In bin letter
of acceptance of tho nomination nnd moro
fully elaborated thorn In his Inaugural nd
dross, consistently maintaining tho policy
of reconciliation nnd local soli government
apart from military support, and when ho
outerod upon tho duties of tho Presidency
ho Intended this policy should not bo ono of
sontlmotit merely, but of actiul administra
tion. Ho said:
"My bollof is that this courso tends to glyn
good government to tho South; tends loso
euro poaco botwoon sections and butwoon ra
ces and partloant thoSoutli,nnd to secure tho
rights, Intorosta nnd safety of tho colored
peopio. Thoroforo I am lu favor of tho poli
cy. I do not know wliothor I shall micceod
lu carrying It out, because thoro nro North
ern nud Southern men who, In various ways
may possibly thwart mo, hut of ono thing I
am confidant, namoly: I think it my duty to
try to carry out tho policy, nud 1 nm going
to do It."
TJ. S. Crop Reports.
Wasiunoton, April 17. Tho statistical
corps of tho Dopartniout of Agrlculturo ro
port upon tbo condition of whent In HdS eon ti
tles of tbo wiutor wheat region. From2IS
tho roturna nro comparatively unfavorable.
In 050 the condition la varying from average
to nuparlor. Thrift. la Indicated lu..tho
AttaMla Btatea norlh of N0.-II1 Carolina and
thoso of Ohio Valley. Thoro has beon far
less Injury from frost than usual. Of 320
counties, oniy u rejiort ueiowr.vorngo, and
slx-sovonths of tho reports from tho middle
States nro favorable. Iu Missouri unfavor
able roturna nro from 15 of tho SO counties
reportod. In Kansas from 17 of tho ."S coun
ties grasshopper rnvngos nro roported. In 22
countlosof Eastern KnnetiM, from Nehrnskn
to Indian Territory, as far west ni Sallnn
county, tho wheat growing district Is nUn
alive with grasshoppers, which threaten tho
destruction of crops iu several counties.
Moro than 20 counties report tho hutching of
spring uroous, iiiero is 1111 mcrensooimo
area of whoat In Texan, nud tho prospecta
aro la vorablo, with tho exception ol grass
hopper ravages. In other adjoining States
dry autumn nnd vnrlahlo wiutor havo de
pressed tho condition of wheat below uverngo.
Tin: CoUNTi:iiruiTi:ns. The Oreyonian,
April 17th, says: Inst Saturday nftornoon
Deputy United Stutes Marshal Burns arriv
ed lioro, having lu custody threo of tho pur
sons who havo been arrested In Southern
Oregon chnrgod with tho mnmil'.ioturo nud
circulation of couterfolt coin. Thn names of
the parties under nrrest nro Win. Hicks,
Enoch Baker nud W, 11. Cooper. Hicks and
Dakar camo from Jacksonville, nud Cooper
from Coos Bay. Tho purlieu boloug to two
gangs of counterfeiters. Bakor was with tho
man Mooro, who was killed in Jackson
county a low days ago. Ho iiindo his escape
at tho time, but was subi-cqucntly nrrostod,
At thn tlmo Mooro was killed a largo trunk
was obtained llllod with n number ot articles
which furnish nu abundance of tho must
convincing proof that tho ownorsof tho sumo
woro engaged iu tho mnmitttcturoof spurious
coin. In tho trunk was found a quantity of
1110 unso metuiH oiwnicu tno counierinitcoin
.(.. Imtii c.i.a.f. .liiiilliif.tiu r F i ! Jif.l.t .....,-
ly finished, a amall sauk 11 1 led with the
spurious coinage trade dollars nnd 50 cent
nieces aolds lu bottles, chemicals, etc. in
short ovory necessary appliance lor carrying
on the mint buslne on h limited scnlo. A
pair of Iron kuucklrs nud it faltopulrof
whiskers woro also found among tho con
tents. Thoso parties camo, u tow weeks
since, from Red Blulfs, California, and havo
been carrying on tneir unlawful avocation
lu.Soi'thorn Oreuon. Hicks nud Buker nro
comparatively young mon. To-day tho au
cuned will havo a preliminary hearing bo
foro United States Commissioner Wilcox.
AusTitAMA. Tho following extract Is from
an Australia letter dated February 0th:
'Wo are having tbo most mairnltlcent
weather; but think of it! not a drop of rain
for the last six weekal If this sort of thing
goes on much looter overvthlug will be lit
erally burnt up, It Is very disastrous for the
pastoral and agricultural interests. Sheop
are dying in all directions, and overythlug
is onnancing in price."
' " 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
iMronTKD Shad. A shad weighing one
and a half pounds waa taken the other
morning in tbe bay. This Is the second one
captured recently, and proves that tbe Paoi-
no coaat waters are perfectly adapted to me
Hah. Tbe tlmo will como, through the la
bors of the State Fish Commissioners, when
ahad will be found as abundantly In our
marketa aa In those of tbo Eastern cities
JUcijIc Jlural iVe.
lUlltAIIAi-lJUA, A'(l J.J. HUUt .JII.UV
and In moderate demand: Colorado washod,
202-lo; unwashed, W&lFc; X and merino
pulled, SS39c; No. 1 and super pulled,
30'oj Texas Hno and medium, Ib&lou;
T. ............. . in.ll 11 -.irtrl ...lit
coarse, JOjjiyc.
Volume IX, Ntimbor 10.
Letter from Astoria.
En. Fahmkii: Tho canneries havo not yot
oommouced canning salmon. but expoct to
commence at nny tlmo. Tho Hahormon aro
at prosont on n strllto for highor prleos for
flh nnd they havo ao far beon unablo to
agroo with tho proprietors of tho cannorlea.
In tho Immediato vloinlty of Astoria thoro
has been great activity amongst cannery
ownera nnd qulto n numbor of now cannorlea
built. Thoro aro now at Astoria alono soino
twolvo caunorlou In nil, eajmblo of putting
up soino four hundred thousand cases of Bal
inon, Iu conscqticnco thoro has been and still la
n groat amount of building going on. Houses
are springing up Uko mushrooms nud many
assort that Astoria will soon bo up to Port
land lu point of numbers chluaiuou nnd
whltoa Includotl nt lonst. Now, will tho
growth of Astoria bopermauout? Kvoryono
la asking this question, I think It will bo
pormnuent, wliothor salmon hold out or not.
But should It depend on tho pormnuoiiuy of
tho Hshlng Interest, ovon then I do not think
wo neod to four, for tho owners of tho can
norlea havo tnkon Hteps to establish n hatch
ing ground on soino ono of tho brnnohoa of
tho Columbia by which it Is assorted tho
run of salmon will bo miulo pormnuent nnd
greatly Incronsod over tho prosont run.
In tho way of publlonmusomotita tho town
boa had many treats during Winter, with
tho visits of Camilla Urso, thn Opera Troupo,
1V0. A Theatrical Troupo has been playing
to full houses for nbout threo weeks. This
wcok John Jack and MIssFlruiiu coiumonco
un cxtondod ougagomont, nnd nt tho aamo
tlmo wo are to have tho Jubilee Singers.
Wo hoar with much rogrotof tbo falluro of
1. Fried. andor,of San FrauulHco. Tho far
inera 'naver oVt"much by anoh .'-'riiors"t"
grain 'speculator doos much to oquallzo tho
prices of grain botwoon the Old nnd Now
world. Ho la n necessary element of Iho
whoat markot, nnd It is n romnrknblo truth
that tho average prloo of grain, for tho past
few yours on tho Paolllo Coast, with freight
nud lusuranco added, la greater than In Liv
erpool, where It Is carried. What has tnado
It so? It Is tho competition butwoon such
mon ns Priodlnndcr lu grain business.
Frlodlnudor has many frioudti to aympiUhlo
with him lu his Insius, A gUut In Intellect
ns well as In stature, ho Is well nblo to stand
tho shock, Ho remembered his friends well
lu business, It la to bo hoped thoy will ro
member him, nud glvu him 11 place ngaln
which so fuw otlic.ru can till.
Moroniiou, Cirv iivtiii:Si:a,
All persons who havo receipts for money
paid Cultirator that has not beon duly credit
ed will ple.iso sond thorn to us, uud wo will
mskothu proj'or vrodll, nud must Imvo tho
receipt to show Mr. Mart Brown In setllo
mont with him. Wo will liumedlatoly ro
turn the parties our own receipt lu place of
the 0110 aunt ns, Wo hopo all parties will
cc ply without further request form us, for
It Is lmK)ttant lo us to uinko nil eorrcctloiiH
us soon as posslblo whuro lulstukes liavo
occurred in tho accounts.
A Goldon Aunivorsnry.
Mr. and Mrs. Linus Brooks, of Biook'a
Station, eight miles north ofSnlem, colt-brut
ed tho II ft loth recurrence of their wedding
day on Thursday, April 10th, and tho occa
sion was made u festival by tho members of
tho family who wero at homo to attend tho
fostiyltlos of tho day, which were participat
ed in by many friends nud neighbors. Tun
anniversary of our friends happens on tho
day wo go to press and wo can glvo no par
ticular1 of what took pJaco.
Dklkoatk.s Ei-KWim. Tno P. of 11. of
Linn Co, havo elected tho following dele
gates to attend tho State Grange, which meets
at Salem, Tuosday, May 22, 1877: A. D. Mo
Mlcbael aud wlfo, of Oak Plain Grango, No.
0, W. P. Anderson and wife, of Grand Prai
rie Grange, No, 10, F. M. Klzor and wife, of
Charity arango, No. 103.
Tho different Granges of Lano Co. mot in
In convention on the Mb, and elected tho fol
lowing to attend the State Grange: J.C. Jon
nlnga and wlfo, John Whlteakor, and A, K,
Patterson and wlfo.
In Ochoco, a few days since, in an affray
(Via, Thompson (Bud) severely stabbed a
Mr. Alton, Thompson waa discharged by
tho Justice of tho Vmca, ou the ground that
ho acted In self-dofonso.
John Laughlin, of Ashland, Jackson Co,,
who was a soldier of tho war of IB 12 and
participated in the battle ChljMjwa, lain good
health at tho ago of MS,
l jI
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