! i I f .1 t K I Ii i ''l- I 7 iu0ifineiiim ! fa WILLAMETTE FARMER okluoji i'ioi:i:ii association. Tlio Board of Director of tlio Oregon Pio neer Association root In tlio parlor of tlio Chc jneltcta Hotel jCBtcrday, at 2 1'. M., according ro notice. Present, Hon. John Mlnlo, Presi dent! Hon. W. J. Ilerren, Chris. Taylor, and Jonopli Walt, of tlio Hoard of Directors; J. llcnry Drown, Recording Secretary; Wlllard 11. JtceH, Corresponding Bccrotary; Hon. John W. Orhn, F. X. Matlilou, It. 0. door, J. L. Parrisb, T. I). Allen, I-owis Pettyjohn, J. I). McOlano, 31. P. Mack, T. W. Darcnport, andT. L. David-ton. Mr. Itcca offered tlio following, and was adopt ed as onnnn or nusuows: 1. Selection of placo for holding tho annual ro-uulon for 1S77. 2. To ilccldo as to tho tlmo wlicnjtho ensuing -meeting shall adjourn. .'1. Appointment of Chaplain of tho occasion. 1, JCloctlon of Speaker to deliver tho Annual Address. 0. Hlectlon of Hpcakcr to dolivor tho Occas ional Address, rolatlvo moro especially to tho Jilstory of tho immigration of 1815. 6. Election of a special Pinanco Coromittco, whoso dnty will bo to solicit contributions to aid tho Association in dofraylng tho actual necessary cipcnsca Incurred in conducting its lmslnoss. 7. Appointment of Commlttco to employ a baud of niualo, superintend tho preparation of tho grounds nnd buildlnc solcctcd, including Lall for holding tho Pioneer ball. 8. Verbal report of Treasurer and Bccrotary as to tho financial condition of tho Association; amount in Troanury with outstanding indebted ness and for what purposes Incurred. D. Itiport of Committee on printing, with cstimato of cost of htibllshlog Ju pamph let form tho addresses of Judgo It. P. Hoirto and Hon. John Mluto, including tho unpublished transactions of tho Association down to tho adjournment of tlili meeting. 10, Adoption of programme- for tho annual meeting; posters of which tho Commltteoon Printing shall rauso to bo published and dis tributed on or be for o tho 20tli of May, On motion of W.J. llcrrcn.nll who wcro pres ent wcro Invited to paitlelpato Inlliu proceed- Jngs or tho meeting. On motion tho Htato ('air (Ironndu wcro so loctul as tho placo to bold tho noxt annual re union. On motion tho tlmo of closing tho next to union was lined nt Haturday noon, Juno 10th, 1877. Ituv. I,. II. Jiidton wassolecttd as Chaplain ; lion. i:iool Ilvaiimww chosen to dullicrllio Annual Address ; and Hon. Win. Wrong aa alternate. lion. Jool Palmer wruoliosen to dolivor tl 0 Deeasioiial address In nlalloii totholmmlgra Hon or LSI", and Htophon Ktaats as nlleriiilo. Tliofollonlug wrro npjmintcil ni l'iiinncl.il OominlKco : W. J. llrncn, Jos, Itolninn and IVernor llroyman. Commilleoof Arrangomenti : i:. it, Wnllo "W.J. Ilenen, John W. Mluto, Mrs. Mary Mm to and Mm. H. A. Clnrlto. Mr. doer moved that tho a rami March of tho Association bo held nt 1:30 o'clock P. M on tho llrst day of tho ro-uulon, Mr. Hies Introduced tho following resolution for action nt oicry session: ltesolvid, That Iholiimid of Directors pro nciit for thu coimUIc ration of thU meeting n plan by UHHossment upon tho mcmburH or other wiso, us to tho Hoard may ntm tiost, which will Irco tho AsHoclatlon of in prmont Indi Idctlnciw. Hon. A. i. ixirejoy was chosen to deliver nu ndditsii on tho Immigration of 18U, and Mr. Crawford as ultorimto. . Tho old Committed on Printing, consisting ill I!. N. Coolie, H. 1. C'lmdwlelt, Wlllard II. Rein, John Mluto and J. Henry Urowu, was on liiotiou rtwippoiiitcd. On motion, ndjounud till 7:30 o'clock P. M. "Since plowing boijnn last fall 10,000 acroa of now irround In western and Milton pro cinctft, Umatilla county, Lavo boon broKon up, and tho breaking plows nro ntill bolng run. Mnstnf Hin nnw irrnnnil hat boon fiOOd- od and a crop will bo gathered this your. As now ground gives au avorago yield of 30 bushels to tho aero, this now breaking may bo oxpectod to produce about 300,000 uusuoia for Hliipmont this year. A largo lot of now ground lias boon broken tills Hoasou in Walla Walla county, and a much Jargor aroa in Columbia and Whitman countlos. Tho slilpmont of grain from Eastern Wash ington and Oregon will oxceed a million and a half bushols this year. Opon tho Cas cades for tho coming crops." IP. W. Union. Ill olilon tlmo to kill or euro tlioy dosed us with bluo muss, nowadays wo'vo clianL'ou all tliat aim taKon to bluo glass; higher than kites It knocks disease, yea, knocks It Into Hinders. So euro your woes, tako oil your clothes and sit In bluo glass windows. To Horsemen. Look through tho coluniH of tho l'Aitn:n this wook nnd you will find ndvortlsod tho boit stock InOrogon, ranging from tho best racing blood, to suporb trotting podlgroo and at last not loast by any moans tho grand Porchorons of W. O. Myor. McCOItMICK'H llAUVKSTKKS. Wo Call llt- tontlon to tho advertisement of Mr. T. II. Walt, in tho FAiuum, who is agent forthoso colobratod machines. McCotmlck was tho lnvontorof tho harrostors, nnd thoyhavo malutalnod for thirty yoars their original roputatlon as first-class machines, lload Mr. Walt's advortlsomont, nnd then givo him n call. Season of 1877. THK IMPORTED CLYDESDALE STALLION YOUNG MARQUIS J AND THE- TROTTING STALLION AUTOCRAT, WILL MARK THE SEAiON OP IS", FROM April 1st to July 1st, as follows : At Win. Ackcr'S Union Slnlile, Taylor street, Portland, MONDAYS, after 10 o'clock! TfKSDAYS. WED NESDAYS, and THURSDAYS, at 1 p. m,j and At tlio Owner's Farm, Ilccilvllle, Washington county, on ritlDAYS, SATURDAYS, and SUNDAYS. After July 1st. at KEEDV1LLE, Washington county. TKKMS-AUTOCRIT, to Insure, $50. YOUNG MAWJUIS, to Insure, 10. Settlement to be made Mlicnmarcn are known to ho hi foal. PasturaRO at 1U:ei li.i.n limited to a few mare brought from a dis tance. Address, m. Gr. T m i.iif Portland! Or AliKCK IiOTlIIAN, Ilccdvlllc. apO 3m HODGE, SNELL & CO. WHOLESALE DRUGGIST $, IVo. ir, Front Street, PORTLAND, - OREGON, DEAIEI'.S IS During tho month of March 5,092,000 feot of assortod lumbor was oxportod to foroign countries from tho lumbor mills of l'ugot Hound. I'artlos on Whlto rlvor, W. T., are going into tho business of misiug bops on an ox- tUUHlVOHCalOi l'.M'.MMI HLSSIOM. Tlio lloanl met ptinniaut to adjournment. Daniel Clnrli nlKiiul in Chlif .M.mhal, mid in motion lion. It. O. (lour wamdwled a Chief jMiirnhul and JaiiUM KIKIm, of I.uUinon, I, inn coiiuty, AiMliliinl. MomhI and curries) that an admittance hv of Ml contu Ik) ihargitlto olImiloadiiltH, and oil iiiemhorH, m pay their mombciidiip ihicn wa Trco. 'J'ho ball tlcKrts m placed at !?2 Od. On motion, tho Iteeoidlng Koi'retary nan au thorized to letaln 1(H) cupicHof c.u'h .Mar'n (ran jctious of tho Atiiioclatiou In hU olllco, foi tho lino of tho AMdocIntlon, On motion, .Mr. K. M. Walto x.t authorlod to print l.tHK) copied of tho tramuiotioiu of 1870. Moved and can led that tho membcra of tho prw Ik) 1m Itinl hy tho HccroUry to attend tho io-iipioii. MomhI tint n awohition of IhanKn lo ten dered to the Hlato Ah'rlcultiiral Hoctvly for tho uso of tholr l'atr (lroniid. Tho follow Ilia u reappointed iu Commlttco tm Programme . Prmlduut Mluto, Ylco Treat dent 1'.. N, Cool.0. Secretary Urown, W. J. Her ten. and 1'.. M. Waito. Mr. lieu Introductxl tlio folloning resolu tion: lttolid, That tho Secretary fniuutt tho nocral up.M of thU cit. the On'KOiilaii, mid Standard, of Portland, itli a copy of tho prctwdliiK't of tlili iiUH'tiiiK, ro-iuostln an in t.ertlon of tho niuiio in tlulr ivpectltu column, Mousl and carriisl that Col. John McUraLen, A. T. AuUniy and U. II, l.mvli to appointed a fommlttev to ikvuro half faro on tho dlllerent lluea of tranupcrtatiou, Tho following rctolutlon was otic red and doptcd: lltMilrrd, Tint tho Ploiuvr Auociatlon of Onwu, fully apprtvUting tho courtc'tci ox lomUsl by S, P, Mathcit, pniprlotor of tlio Chcuu'kou Hotel, do heiihy uxtund to him uur lltidMt expnMion of ijood will and Uiwrest thatikt lor fjMim thoivn. On motion adjourned. John Mimtv, J. Hmkt lluovrs. Sco. TrMldint. Tho Kohl ami silver mliic-t of Oregon nre U-hig slowly iIonoIoihhI. but aro nrov hij; n mhiiyooI groat wealth to tho State. Wo iicwl tnoro caplUl mul energy. Cltlcaco Journal : "SjjUI a fond mother, nt tho table of a fashlouabUi Chicago hotel tho other day, ul you know, my little mii, that tho word nunn U l'rciK'h for bill f tareP" "Oh, y, mamma," v.u tlio nMirlni reply, "menu it!" The mother fainted rltht there, rho wag afraid her loy would grow up to U) a paragraph ed-Jtor.1' Tho I-ocal Produco Market' Sl At Saloin whoat still ono dollar. J.'iiropcun advices show advancoand ilrmucss In price, and small stocks to go on, which, with tho prosnoct that war will probably bo dcclarod Immediately bolwoon Itussla nnd Turkey Justlllos tho hopo for good prices immedinto ly nflor harvest. Oals nro worth C0mc; hay In smnll do maud, outside price f 10(Wlt! por ton ; potatoes dull atnotovor IlOofor any quality; iipples y7JT10o: buttor, fresh rolls, IXio por lb; eggs Ifiopor iloron. Tho gouoral prouuso is of oxtraordhiary crops nnd n coming good ninrkol, mid our fiirmors may roall.o noxt Kill groat pronpority. Portland Produco Market. Wo copy tho following from tho Orcgonlnn of tho mh : Whoat Tho mnrkot is vory qulot nnd nv orago quotations jl 00.il li')porcoutnI. l'lour Host brands ?." fiO.Kl 00 por bid,; outsldo mid country brands, $5,Soii5,G0; lino and Niipurlluo, $1 "Kali 00, Oats Host, (iOaO'2 common, 6"a00o. liny Choice timothy, billed, SICalO; looso gthilri. IJacon aidos lUalSo hams, 13alCo; shoul dors, 10c. I.irdpOregou-mado, frosh, in tins, lUallco pr lb; In kogs, l'Julslc. Clilckons $Z r0af 1 00 por dozon. llutter 'J-JnWie; I'heose, lSnlOo. Kggs IS to l0ii pr do.. rotntoos ao to ;i.')o. Sun A Howard of $20,000 lifts been olTcrrcd hy Concrcsn for the best and most durable moibod of drawing Water from Wells or Cis terns. SHOOTS &, COLWELL lmio been awarded thuaboioon their EXPANDING FriuiciNio iriurkvt. lUV TKI.EIIIIAIII. Sin l'mucisco, April 10. l'lour- Kxtrajohblng, M 85a7 33. Wheat- Very dull, none otlerliii;. Not ocr2 03 can lo obtained fur tlilppliu;, liillllug, t i 20 S7,tf. oat-fi vaa l. Ilarlej -llrvwlnc, ft C..Val 70; feed, f 1 57al IS. Ia'suI Tenders, W lni)lns; W, selling. I.twrpool wheat market to daj lis iMQUt W for aieraco Ciillforula, It fidftll nd for Club. RUBBER BUCKET PUMP, for tho reason that It Is tho most perfect and desirable Pump Is usu. This KXPANDIM) lit CKET Is tho only otic that is, or can bo Patented 1 he principle of expansion Is this: Tho Ittibbcr, l.tlis of an Inch tldck, Is placed between two CON KXKD PLATKH, fasti nut together with a screw: the plates bclnj; full est In the centre, press hardest In thu center, which causes thu Itubber to expand, so that it can be ltKADILY ADJUSTED TO ANY SIZED TUI1E. from 1 to 2 Inches, so as to pioducc thu least pd. hie (rlcilon nnd vul innkaa nurfict acuum TIiosInIo of OUIt CUltll, is nuwanddeslrAble, with h untuV ted Top, ndmltttOK free circulation of air. Foul and poisonous Kites sro ipilckly removed by this MAGIC PUMP. It Is liiiown that tho uso of Impure Water causes more slckmts and death than all ether causis com bined. Wo challenco tho world to produce a Pump that erpials our KXl'nNDINll HUlluEH UL'LhET PUJII'. Tho Itubber that wo uso Is pure Vulcanised Whlto Itubber, ,-oft and elastic. The metal part of tho buck et Is I'INIJ IlItASH. which Is lNDEsVltfCTIIILE by auynclds found In water. Thlspumti hmll Its parts, is inu acmu m s nun euv. iiuaui.nu num. va. TKIt IN A (UVEN TIJIBi WITH I.EbS POWKIt THAN ANY OTnEIt PUMP NOW IN USE, and Is nccrobst.uctcd by freezing If properly adjusted, llucket patented .Tan. B, 1S73. l'tlce dl'2 for Curb, with Heel, Spout nnd tlilpo. and flirt 13 lictof pluu and chain, and AU cts. per f ot for all below thuilrst Ufeet. For 1'iiuip, or County, Town orStntoUtuhls Address, MIDDAL'QII A, DEAHDSleY, tole'm, OrcRon, RAILROA LANDS, XjilfOi'iil XcrniM! LOAV I'lticr.il LUNG TIMKl lOW INTEltESTl Tno Oregon nnd California ami Oregon Central Kailroud Companies Ol'KEIt their Lands for sale npoi (ho following llbc nil tenns: Ono tenth of tho price Is cash; interest on the balance at the rati) of seven ;.r cent, one year niter Mle; nnd each follow lug year one-tenth of the principal and Interest on thu balanco at I ho rato of jen per cent iter ounii'ii. lloth principal and Inter tst p.ijnblu In U. S. Currency. AjUscount often per cent, will hoallowcd for cash. . w7.'ctil7." !! ','.u "'''If'."0'.1 '" l'' st'llULZi:, Land Agent O. Jfc C. It. It.. Pottlaud. Ortwui. Wakelee's Bath for Sheep, IlUCII.iN'S Cresylic Sheep Dip, TJIALLIJVCItllODT'S Carbolic Sheep Dip, TIPTOX A, IIl'UTT'S SHEEP PREPARATION, Corrosivo Sublimate, Arsenic, Sulpb, Zinc, Carbolic Acid, &c REMEDIES ron The Prevention and Cure of Scab, etc, HODOES OBLSBRATBD Gopher & Squirrel Killer. Blue Stone, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, &0. Country Orders Solicited, BODOS'S Gopher and Squirrel-Killer. 8UHE AND BELIABLE FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF GOl'UERS, SQUIRRELS, RATS, MICE, CROWS, &C. Safer. Better, nnd Cheaper than Strjchnlne, IMioNplinriiN. Ar- Ncnlc, or oilier prcpnra- tloiis an n Nlnglo trial will convince. SOLD DY DEALERS GENERALLY, AND DY HODGE, SNELL & CO., Wholosalo Druggists, No. 73 Front nnd Til First Stc, IMIUTJbAND. YOU WANT A "LADY" to iiinlco Yoii liiiM)'l Tho"f,ndy."ilnctIaree cxtia early, Will TE UUAl'E known. Rlpciu tnlilillu of tuit(t, Hardy, healthy, productive andcvor ivlicro rcllultlc, NIiip tar tested, and nuiirriv ed by tho be!t llortlcultitrlsts In tho Union. Htrnnc ycir plants (i. 60 sjiiKle: J IS doz.: $100 per 100. !!-yeiri plants, $2 i Injjlc; $20 doz.; $150 per 100. pre pild. by mall or express. Circulars and price list or OO Viirlctlcolrniirirreo. GEO W. CAJiPIIiLL. Delaware, Ohio. G. W. DIMICK., Hubbard, 3Xarlou Co., Or., nnEEDEn or Shorthorn & Devon Cattle, BERKSHIRE PIGS, Ll-lit Brnmuh Cliiclccus. Young Stook for Sale. TIrs at tho farm. 3. and shipped for $(1. Llsht llfamih chickens: $1.60 each, shipped, or $1 for three, FRESH EGGS, carefully packed nnd shipped, $1.6CV pcrdncn. I hao tried scleral of tho non-stttcrs, AND PARTICULAR ATPENTION GIVEN TO THE , J-iicttcr Kr & tabia """ O. W. DIM cST PROMPT DISPATCH OF GOODS, Oak Groio block Farm. March 8, 1817. -FOR JOHN WIN TO, llllEEDEII Or W.WEATIIEIirOIIU, J. W. WEATIIEIirOlU). t Weatherford & Co.. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, Patent Medicines. CHEMICALS. Por ru m o ! y T0ILET GOODS, Etc, oto. PURE WINES and LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. Modiclnos Oompouudod, and Proscriptions Fillod. Weatherford & Co., Commercial street. NALK.TI. MERINO SHEEP, m.VKES plvasuru In iXTerlni; to tho WoolOnmers of m. OresiiiuiiHlilioailJiiluliiirTerrltiirlfs thu chance tO lMinll.ll-0 TllOItOt'OllllltKI) MKKIN'IW nn.l x urliiK parties Intirested tbat they can. and will en. iii)'!, Wi'i u'1.1.'!'.1 l.,..,rJ.'.10 Mm "jnalHy 'i I'd alue nt SUCH CHEAPER RATES than such can porIhly ho Imported. Examination and romparlsnii llh otli. er Mu ep ollered In tho market are cordlallv lin Itid. tAddress JOHN MINTO, Sillim (iriMvAn N. II Tho Rims and Ham Lamb of tho iloik ran .salem. or at the r . i t ... balein, viteiulier 10, Js;3. THE PIiEASANTOIV SUN-BATHS. Hccommcndcil by Hie highest authority for Iho cure of jer-voixs Complaints NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, Pains and Aches of all Kinds. IT'ox Snlo loy JOHN HUGH ES, DEALER IN CSriroooiries and Provisions, PAINTS, OILS, WINPOW GLASS, "Wall Ii.3pi, AND BUILDING MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS, Stato Streot, - ... Salem, Orogon. FLAXSEED x&b 5,0 0 0 BUSHELS -QV- EflPl V n. ii -nut itim ami nam utmbu or tho Hi J'ee.V'ioii the ISLAM) TARM, aiUolulii" . 'Iho heic.iu ho ?cn nt iho rimu pltce, oi 1111. 1. lWll.M fourniidalmll mllctfoulli oft m3m 3i1? Premium Seed Potatoes. Snm Mnltc. per bushel. i.urcua, ... EMia i:ailj Vermont, Ilrouiieir Ilenuty, - . Cumiiton's Siii'iirlNc, Ilarlj l'oncMti.'Ii, l.ale ltose, Lurly Ituio, DliuUU, Oaritcl mul ItliiKol l he Knrllvs, ThU ; my price fi;r them, wcked and put on tho c.iriitllHl;Kird. All warranted tn he true to name, aiidtnri'.uhan) point nlom: tho line of the O. .V t. Railroad In kimhI order. Money In nim of ten do), larnaud upward liny ho tent hy expre at mv e. pide-otherUo In reentered loiter Addn M""- J. II. IUXMCK, liubliiiril, Or HMO l.no 1.50 1.00 1,00 .75 FUKN18HED TO FREES OF CHARGE Farmers ron ivitr Tinno ,V,","..ri,rln u,x ff'0 ' K. AAWOf llll 1'iui nu, llUKimtiiKtou Nurory, 111! VAItnKII RRPKNTI.Y ARRIVKl). .h AiiMrn rtau . miiu, autumn n nrtkviv FARMKK,"carvof Mer to T s. 'x - ... - . r:-i-. . --" - UK utiui, ineaiiun, uo oi in land. etc.. etc.. illn-et tn "KA T. Citimliij;hiii A fo , Portland tuhlwul Southern Planter & Farmer HlClI.nO.-TID, VIHOIMA. CHIKK-AGIIICULTIIRAL JOURNAL OP THK South, devoted to Agriculture, StiKk, Hortlcn). turo aud It unil Atlalr; riUircrlptlou tl per ur. lu counretlon lth thU iHr, e hae ViriilutH VrniB in ocry orilou of the State for talc, bend ftaiip for dcrcrlnthe llr. DlfKlSSON .V CHRWNINO, Ktchmoiid, Va. REAL ESTATE LOANS. OllKGOX AM) WAS1IIXGT0X Investment Company Trnst OF SfOTL.V.Ml. gotlate loan In ener l.Ml'lU). KM LANDS, for miUS Company t prepvred to negi X um Irom tMt In iWAXV) ecu re J VKl) CITV. PHOPElrfv and HAKSI nxe.1 perlou er )cai, or reiajablo by half-yearly In tallment. For term, apply to ,i juui.i.h uMu, Jianacer, U Flrt street Portland. noUT A A t with any lume neatly rtntis thereon VI '"l to auy aiUlrvm uihui receipt of 'ii I'euu. auaa sceut tamp, AiMren, -i W v, 0, CuiiKr, Salem, Owsoa, I SALEM FOUNDRY, & 3Xaoliluu Shop, -LKU OREGON. B. P. DRAKE, Prop'r. . TEAM ENGINES, 8AW MILLS, GRIST MILLS, 3 Reaper. Pump, and allkluda and ttjlea of Ma' tnlncry made to order. Machinery repaired at a hort Eftft lrll'fnl'Bio? n ail It', arlon. fJnSi; as4 all klmU of lira and Iron CaMlnw rumWhclai ftf' ??ce. Ahto, mannfacturer of Kntkhi'kisr VAfANKR. an JUTCUEH. and ST1CKKHS nrt BUAl'KKS. ilav4wU (uceeor to A. N, Ullbert A; Co.) C. UZJAFOVAiBE, ..Dealer lu,. BOOTS & SHOES, Holmtu' lllock, Comrupjclal bt., Uuec door north pi Hie IVt OOlce, SAIKM, Or. apjly J Sowing in tho Spring of 1877. THE BEST CROP FOB CHANGE OF LAND, FLAX STUBBLE EQUAL TO SUMMER FALLOW FOll WHEAT, IS THE TESTIMONY OF ALL THE FLAX -RAISERS I13. tlae JSStcvte! PAIR, AVERAGE LAND WILL PRODUCE A GOOD CROP. THE BEST LAND, WELL PRE PARED AND SOWED TO FLAX, WILL YIELD LARGE RETURNS, IN MANY OASES FROM 20 to 30 Bushels to the aore, the profit from the same being muoh greater than that derived from any other orop. snSi6???10118 jegarding tho preparation of tho land, sowing, harvesting, and prices, furnished to all applicants. f9It&K? J,EAI- U6 furnished to all contractors, to bo paid for in Flax Seed, if desired. w"wwk Aildres ss, Or, ALHANY FARMERS' CO.. Auuxv. JAMES IIHKELV: Rro" ;&; ' Ji O. I'AriEIteON, Wiuje Walla. PIONEER I.OKD CO.. Iliuismin! KING & DELL, COBVALLis; OIL CO., Snictu, Oregon, ' "-. .' -i aitiAWA Jknmiym . t-i - ,-. r il"iTrt1nri. lu .i .i..wmMiyiwiww.fciimmiwitE.iiw