HI5J,. m n e ' f 1 i f v : ) u n K a , t &. PTl0ts F HMIY' directory. OFFICERS of tho NATIONAL OI1ANGE. Matter John T. .Tones, llartnn, I'hllllps. Ark. Oieruer J. J. Woodman, Paw Paw, Vna Durcn, Jtlcli. jActurtrK. 11. Hmcdloy, Crcico, Howard, la. Atewanl A..T. Vaughn, Memphis, Twin. AmH tffcircmf-Mortlincr Wbltelicad, Mlddlcbnsb, Somerset, N. J. ... Vna)italn-a. If. Kills. aprltiffborouch, Wnrrcn. O. Tieiunrer-V. M. McDowell, Wayne, Steuben, N. Y. tfcttaru-0. II. Kelley, Louisville, Kv. . , . (!ate-KtriKrl). Dinwiddle, Orchard (frovo, Ind. CVrr Mrs. John T. .loncc, Uarton, Phillips. Ark. .Worn Mrs. Samuel i:. Adams. MonllccIIo, Minn. 7tioni-Mr. Hancy (loridard, North (Jranby. Ct. Laity AtsMant SteicardMltt Caroline A. Hall, Louisville, Ky. EXECt.'TIVE COMMITTJSB. I). Wyatt Alkcn, (Chairman,) C'okcsuury, 8. C, It. II. Hhanklanil, Dubuque- lima. Dudley T. Chase, C'laromont.N. II. Alonro (I)lder, Hock Kails, Whiteside. III. W. II. Chambers, Uewccchco, Rusecll. Ala, OfllccrM or Oregon State Urnncc. Matter Wm. Cyrus, Sclo. eicerteerA. It. Shipley, Uswcco. Ic'meriU. K. N. Hunt, Sublimity. ifCttlnry'V. T. Davidson. Salem. fitewiml-W. II, Thomiu, Walla Walla, W. T. Attittant htniarilQ. W. Itlddlo, Cunyonvlllc. VhtiitalnVt, H.Oruy, Aatorla. Treiunrtr S. 1. Loo, Portland, (ialfKeeirA. II. (Jralmin, Fisher's Landing, Clark county, W. T. lltrt Mri. II. A. Miller, Jacksonville. Tumnm Mrs. 8. I). Durham, McMinnvlllo. Jw-Jlff, K. A. Kelly. Kant Portland. Uvbj .!' Nttuaitlyit. Georgia Smith, Hood Itlvcr, Wascncoiimy. Kremlin Ommuttr- Win. Cyrus, Sclo; It. Clow, Dalian; It. I.. Smith, Hood Itlvcr. Mate JJfuOiu AytntH. 1. Leo, Portland. Stato Grange Deputies for 1877 l'ott Office. Eiprtn. Corvallls Corvallls I1KNTON. A Holder U.AIKAMAS, Hnorh Hklrvlne Iliitlo Creek N W Randall Oregon City imrn,AH. J WHayeK Myitlo Creek M (laidner Drain's. Station MULTNOMAH. Plj mpton Kelly Kitft Portland. . . . Kaet I'ortland VAIIIIM. V Oastlem ill Ililtlovlllo .;. CI V Hunt Sublimity Salem .7 N T Miller"' lackKonvlllo Jacksonville 1" A Patterson. Itlckrcal Salem ,T .1 Charlton.'..". (loose Lake Jackronvillo Jnsl.l-lltNK. Daniel Floster Kcrbyvlllc Jacksonville I ANK. James W Mallock Goshen "NN, Jt A Inlou Lebanon Albany John Ktnl..""'. Tyuh Thu Dalles YJMIIII.I.. liODiilhniii McMIiiiivIH.i .1 Happltiuloli (IiikIoii HIIANT. Dlllllmlmrt Caii)onClty Can j on City I'oMIMIIIA. W Maxwell Columbia City Til I.AMUIIK. II T llnldi'ti Tillamook North Umhlll fMATII.I.A. JH Wlillu .Wcslon Weston cocm, J Henry SliioediT Oil WASIIINIITlW TKIIMITOIir. (I.AIIK. B W Rrtmn Vnutouvcr MIUTMIIIA. Jtl'Hlolii Dayton 1MIITVAN. ,. LbltliiKi-r Colfax Colfax niHiAi.ie. Mi! (Jomlahi Klma I'll: mi:. UH MaiMmin Chulmlls I'otnt TllllllTHN. ... . I. (I .Minn OlympU Olympla JC l,nii;mlru Yelm .lulliiit llorlou Scnttlu Hrattlo IKWIK. !,M l'lcrroii Claiiuatn YAKIMA. CI' Cook KllcinOmrp; In any county w hero tho Di-pnty untntcl in not the mot mljublu, nt il tbu (Irnnuen of Ibu locality will Vroporly Indlcnlo lo'num cbolco. I will liuiliniil, for in ninny Instance I havobieii uIiIIkimI to make np. polnlment wllliout kniiwltdirua to fltners. WM. CYIIUS, Master Onxon Slatodranuo, I', or II. Mooting of Subordinato Grancos I.IXNtJmf.NTY. llopo, N'o.lil, iiiooIhIii Allmiiy.on tho 1st ami IlHutiirdiiv of unuli nioiitli, nt 10 u. in. Oak l'litlii, No. H, in ll.lwyi 'Jml uml Itli Huttird.ij'H ul II n. in. . ... llittiiior, No, Hl', In ('mwlonlHvlUo, lnt Hiiil.'lm SutiiriliiyH, ntu i. in. Hymutiwi No. Wl, t Mlllui lorn Station, Itli biiturtliiy.iit i p. nt. Ulmiuiu No, t!l, itt I.olmiion, 'At and Itli b'lUurdity, ul Hi i. in. (Jnind I'mlritt .no, hi, mi nuturuny. !.....- Hull.. V.k Ik mill !Inl Ki Iht mid tint Sntur iiia i.iiiiu ..., ww, llllVH. Siintliuii No, :i7. Jnd mid Itli KiiturdiiyH, ill 10 a. ill. llmvriiNvlllo No. ll'i l"t niul -ltd Siilur dllVH. hiiiKuitt, No. 7, ltt mill :ird KrldnyB, at 10 '" ...... IliirrNliurp;, No, II, lut mid !lrd Suliir- ilnyN, at 10 a. in. Shodil, No, tl, Iht and ;id HidtirdayM, at 10 ii, in. Uiippy lirino No. 10, liit Saturday, at 11 o'clock, u. in. Iliiriuonv No. 1-1, Ilnl Saturday, roKiilarly, oxi'oiU In Nov. Duo,, .Inn., b'oli., and Muroli, whim tlioy moot tint Ihi Friday. 11P.NTON COUNTY. Sn:p Crook No 1 1, Ittt Snturdny at 10 a, in, Wllluinotto No. r., iHt'l'liurHdny, at 10 a.m riilloiuiith, No 1., Itli Snturdny, at 10 a in. LANK CDl'NTY. CnnNWoll, No. (tl, Itli Snturdny, 1 ). in. KiiKOiiti, No. Ml, tn l.UKunu City, lint but. day, at 10 a. in ci litirltv. No. 70. Ut Snturdny. (Ionium, No. 101, IhI Snturdny, at lOoVlock. Juuulloti City, No, t'J, .ml Siiturdny, nil 1. in. MulCoiulo, No, 107, Camp Crook, U Sntur tiny. l'OMC COl'NTY. Onk l'olnt, No. !l, lit mid Urd Sidurdnys. MAUION COUNTY. Alil(U, No i:U, ltd Snturdny. Hook l'olnl, No IS, Hd Snturdny, at 1 p, in. Hullo Crook, No. b'i, 3rd Saturday, at 10 n. in. WASHINGTON COUNTY. lion vci ton No, 100, moots lit, Snturdny, at 10 u'ulook. PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. Not loo U lioroliy ulvoii to tho MnMorn of tlio dlttorout Hiibordliiitlo OraiiKw of I, Inn oouuty, thnt It tx tliolr duty to oloot tliuo tloloKHto from tvioh (IrmiKo to nttond a eon volition In Albany, on tlio socoud Monday lit April, lb77, at 10 o'clock a. in., for tlio puriHiMoof oloctluc rcprosoutativtvn to tlio HUtoOraiiKO, whloU ihooIh In Salem on tho fourth Tuesday In My, 1S77. It. A. litvtNi:, Deputy. 1. U very ooiuldonito In lrauiw to wilfully not llro to no tmlhlluKu thnt nro not well In oiiriHl. It Hiddom hnppoiiN that nil liuvtidln. ,ry lliti orlKliuitos lu an iiulmnirod. bnlldltiK. EXTRACTS From Address of Mrs. I. L. HiM.EAnY, Lccturor of Turnor Grango, March 121th. OUn rAILUItKB AND TIIEIH CAUSKS. For tho aitko of argumont wo admit thoro havo boon failures and ohall endeavor to traco Ihom to tholr causo. Tho main troublo boganattho outsot. Wo woro tooconfidont of success, oxpoctlug groat gains without labor, o von now this foellng exists ton groat oxtont. "Our short history has taught us, thoro In no standing still, whero thoro Is no advancement docay bcglrs." In tho days of our infantllo wealcnoss, Btorllng vlrtuosand honost Integrity, which woro to bo tho llfoor doath of our Ordor woro very llttlo thought of. Numbors, dollars and con to, scorned our ruling passion. Our hoarta oponod to all worthy or unworthy. Tho social and oduca tlonal foaturos which should havo stood up permost with us as a class, worosoldom thought of or montionod. Tho sad conso quonco was, many, very many, fttiiod to roap tho goldon harvost, whou tlioy had not sown . Thoy becamo luko warm, cold, thou doath enmo. Many of our now recruits woro ofthls satno fovorish, impatlont, monoy loving class, whoso only aim in Hfowas gain. Thoy woro distrustful, susplclonal, afraid of boing "bit." Thoy did not know how to holp thomsolvoH, or how to recolvo help whou It was prolforod thorn. On this point many of our failures havo arlson. This class could not bo traoatod In turn. Whou tortus woro mado In our favor thoso brothors woro so Ignorant, so dlshonorablo, so thoughtloss, thoy botrayod tho trust conildod, Our ovory hopo of safoty is to ayold such u practice Is it to bo wondorod that soino of us fall? Monoy Is a most power ful lncontlvo. "J.nvo of monoy Is tho root of nllovll." So It provos tho world over. "Tlio timo has cotno whon not only tho wol faro of tho agricultural classes thomsolves, but tho tafoty and prosporlty of our govorn mont demnuds i-onio organization which shall oducato, olovato,aud strongtbon a class which has hilhorlo bcon so much neglect od." "A country llko this ucods n class of farmors ns wlto, Intolllgont and cultivated, as any part of Its pooplo, Tho fnrmor must not only know Jliow to roach thohlgostand most Intolllgont results In way of produc tion, but ho must also add to tliolr wldo rango of knowlodgo tho oducatlou of tho merchant, to onablo him to buy and noil, or tlio HtnloNiuaii that ho may volo wIsoIy,of tho lawyer that ho may both crltlclso and UNO tho laws. Our professional m on must bo educated men. Thoy must not only bo ablo to do , but know why thoy do, but tho limn of tho broadest and mostgonoral educa tion should bo tho farmer, becauto his sue cons reipilros a wldor rango of knowledgo and a sound and accuralo Judgomont of princlplosnnd facta in dllloront HoIiIh." Tho (J rango is educating us inoro In tho ways of tho world, and sorloua thinking is taking tho placo of thoughtloasnoss and ignormico. E?A great troublo and drawback Is non-at-toudanco, Many still hold to tho Qraugo, who visit It, on an avorago about ouco iiyonr. Thoy pay tholr duos whon called on by tho Hoorotary with 'iidtin, audaro heard to ox pross thomsolvos In this mannor: "I do not expect to attend, I will koop my duos paid up mid whon tho Orange gots to paying soiiiothiuc, thon I shall bo on hand." How aro thoso brothors lo know whou tlio Grango is paying? Is It supposed that wo must run niter thorn ovory timo wo wish to IiikuIii noiuo lluanclal Hchomo? This will uovcr do: tlio working portion of tlio stronghold, Is bettor oil' without such lnombors. When wo wish to club togothor for any doslred objoot, tluiho bnithors are novor on hmid, If tliolr i'0-oporatlnu Is drsltod thoy havo to bo hunted up by some brother who has thu wolfnro of tho Ordor at heart sutllclout to sne rllh'o thotliuo. Ofieu nller tho club Is liiiulo up and tho ordor bunt oil", horo tlioy cumu mul want to bo counted In Uxi. Tlioy aro always coming In at tlio eleventh hour. As u good brother has said, thoso nro our balky horbos, and tlio whole strength of tho faithful fow Is ollou ro quired to pull thorn along. Thoy aro good at eating oiiIn, talk long and loud about what wo ought to do, but whon tlio load booomes heavy thoy slop lu tho midst of dlllloultlos. How appropriate tho expression, "Invinci ble lu pence, liivlslhfo lu war," Invincible In words, Invisible In deeds, Itrothors, If It Is llniinco alouo you want, you must attend promptly, if you wish to gain knowledgo, nttond promptly, If you do slro tho enjoyment atlorded at our bocial fonsts, altoud ptomptly, do not bo so con toniptuously wivlngoftltno (lint youiiiuuot spnro ono dny out of a month when you know tho (1 1 ango Is our only anchor. Keep it over boforo you that oory other working class has its "triulos union," thnt you nro as good an thoy, mid aro determined to help yourselves, Solf proven ntlon is tho llrst law o! nature. It was never intended thnt tho tillers of tlio soil, God's own beautiful garden, should bo fj trampled, so orushod; wo wore intoudi-d mi Cio bono mid sinew of our country aim n in-rtlonof tho brains also. The mootl.. fiht'i-ir.ini-ofuniUhosii season ofrofctumli jOMiieiit,) Ich Is an absoluto neciiMlty t ... Hihtort,tUid tho galuiuenfoy mont mm ' ili a'uni t'i ol lo bt compuliHl In dollars H.i i ai'i Merit, i iior u il vig to one of appar ent sllex .i in it. , enould bo rowardol. Novor rMo .i rco 1him ti. death Is an old say ing, but tliue is truth and warning in it, which in mnnv Instances wo would do well to hood. . We should teach our children to respect tho Ordor, tench thorn thoro Is a higher, n more noble motlyo than mere gain. "Tho whole spirit of tho Ordor revolts at tho vory Idea of pecuniary gain alouo." Twiohthetii to lovo niul rovero tho causo from honest ami upright convictions; thnt a zealous Ht- "WILLAMETTE taohmont to tho Ordor la an absoluto necessi ty to tho Intorosta of tho organization, to shun ovory thing that opposes progress and notimitato tho moneyed "celestial" who koops right along In tho old ruts, novor using a labor-saving machino. for fear it would tako away hla omploytnont. Woo Is tho man or woman that goos backward or ovon standa still. "May mo uay nasiou when wo may number in our band all who till this smiling land. Peaceful victorlos wo Bhall gain, movod by Right's roslatlefes pur pose Serfs and vassals thon no longor, chained to labor's coasoless oar; but with minds that honor froodom, with strongth that shields tho woak.wowlll onforco tho rlghta wo seek, with freodom'a peacoful weapons." A Grange Victory. Sovoral years ago tho leglslaturoa of Illi nois, Iowa and Wisconsin enacted laws as sorting tboir power to Ux tho rates that might bo chargod by railway and othor transportation companies, and fixing tho samo by olaborato sohodulo of classlilcatlon. Tho railway corporations roslsted thoso laws in tho courts. Thoy woro dofoatod andap poalodto thoSupromo Court of tho United Statos. Tho act known as "Tho Pottor Law" of Wisconsin furnlshod tho text for tho dis cussion of tho rights of corporations and tho noivors ofStato loRlslaturos ovor thorn, that agltatod tho country from tho Atlantic to tho Pacific for two yoara or moro, and had, por hapa, ns much lnlluonco in starting and ox tondlngtho Indopoudont political party aa all othor causos combined. Tho controversy was ondod in tho Supromo Court on tho 1st Inst., by a dcolssion against tho corporations and sustaining tho powor clalmod by tho Stato leglslaturoa. Tho Court says that Stato locWutureH havo this richt as to railways wholly within tho Stato, and that Congross has knot. Ae to reads pnrtly in ono Stato and partly In nnothor, or in sovoral othors. tho right to regulato its rates on faro and froight bolongs to tho States through which tho road runs nud to no others. Thoy lay down tho doctrluo thnt railways aro not prlvato property, but proporty for public uso as well ns for private gain, and subjoct to tho samo laws In regulation of tholr chnrgos and manngomont as forrlos, hacks, bridges, etc Tho opinion of tho Court was road by tho Cblof Justico, all tho Justlcos but Plold concurring, and ho will tlio a dissontinit opinion lu a short timo. Tho argumont of Konntor carpontor on tills point, two yoars ago, in dol'onsoof tho Pottor bill was novor overthrown, though ofton sought to bo by many of tho grontest lawyers of tho country, Including Kvarts and Stoughton. From an nrtlclo in our Grango donartmont, it will bo soon that tho war which has ragod so long throughout tho States botwoou the farmers and railroad corporations lias at Inst ended victoriously for tho larmors, This will plnco a now pfiaso upon tills branch of busluoss. Tho groat industrial olassoa of Amorlca nro now uo longor nt tho mercy of thoso poworful corporations, but have bo como tboir mnstors. Thoro is onough good fcouso, wo think, lu tho agricultural ranks of tho country to uso this power Inn mannor thnt will bo vastly bonollolnl to tlio proporty of tho country without inury to railroad cor porations. Undor this construction of things, tho aiding of such ontorprlfcos by moans of a subsidy Is by no monus as dis astrous a busluoss ns undor tho old dispen sation; as tho pooplo have tho poworof regu lating tho tarlil', and proventlug tho croaturo of their own orontlon from becoming a mo nopoly, What ntlbct this dooisiou will havo upon tho construction of roads lu tho futuro, Is hard to toll; but it is quite probnblothat companies will oxorclso greater precaution, and requlro moro asslstauco lu undertaking gigantic ontorprisos than herotoforo. llocky Mountain J lunbamlmun. Granges In Wisconsin havo on litintl f2."V 000 towards a Stato Agricultural Improve ment Sooloty. Thoy havo established forty ono co-onoratlvo associations lor soiling f;oodn nrul manufacturing, mid tvtonty-nlno iiNurauco companies, nil nourishing and representing capital to tho amount of ?!, 00O.C00. Called by tho Angola. Tho furmor'H wife U Hitting alono In tho dusk ofu wlntor'ti day, While over tlio hills tho shadows fall, And ovor tho meadows i:niy, And tho cares of many a busy liour Stonl fast from hor heart awy. Her eyes lmvo woudorod through mist of i ears To tho church-yard undor tho hill, Where the snow, lllio tho wings of a brood lug dove, LIom 6oft and pure and still, And where nor tiotisuros, so long ago, Sho laid at tho Maxtor's will. And ah I how oltas tho days go by, Sho starts, as hor listening ear Has elmosi caught on thu passing brcco Voicos so sweet mid ulonr "Tls thomigols ciillluRl' hhothlnks. Ah mo, It Is woary waiting hero.' Tho larinor from his work, nt lust, In tho dusk of a winter's day, And ho sits him down by his Mlthful wile, And sho parts his looksjso gray, And looks In his fuco with a loving smilo That years novor stoal away. And back again as her dim eyes turn mo mo inn wuero tno siuuiows run, Sho thinks, "My treasuros aro lylug thera, Hut ho has not taken all, Since ono is waiting bosldo mo still Till tho angol's voices call." Hut tho weeks aro slow, and tho aged two, In tho dusk of mmiy a day, Will watch tho shadows como and go O'er tho meadows cold and grey Kr they, at tho Maxtor's will, may lio Whero tholr treasures aro laid away. Harper's Weekly. Charity Grange. Ckntiul School Housk, Linn Co., 1 March 22d, 1S77. f Kd. FAKMitn: Charity Qrango. No. 103, is etlll Mire, ami Is working lu tho Patrons' good causo. Wo met lu tho Ceutral Sohool House at 11 o'clock a, m. ou the 17th lust., and though it was right In tho buslost sea son of tho year tho Patrons wero out In force, Thoy don't mind spending a day now and then whou they seo their work pays tliem well. After tho Important business was gone through, tho question was wheth er or not the Itrothors (or Sisters) should use tobacco during grango mootlngs. This open ed a largo Held for discussion, ami by the nine mey mi nan meir say tuo uay was jiret-1 FARMER. ty well put in. Our next miotlng will occur on tho 17tlTof April. Slstor Hunt, our Wor tby Stato Lecturer, will visit us on that day, and deliver a lecturo. I do not know on whatsubloct sho will speak, but It will of courso bo usoful information to tho Patrons. Largo famlllos which havo grown up togoth erhnvo more harmoniously-doveloped and ovonly-balancod charactora from continual contact with each other, nud tho grango la intendod to do for tho masses what tuo lam lly does for tho individual. ItiB IntolllKont, educated, thinking men and womon that tho ngo demands, and tho grango is our schaol. Nono aro too old to loarn-nonosowisobutthat thoy may gain In wisdom. Sisters, let us look out for homo oulturo. Thoro Is no society that has over dono for woman what tho grango hao, In raising hor up sido by sldo with man, whorq, sho can bo n truo holp-mato anil co-woruer. Sho should rocognizo this by showing a will luenobs to work with him nud oducato tho young, so that good morals, common sonso, and honost labor, with forethought, may out rank whisky partloa auu money. To Zjadlos. NHS. DH. CIIAIO is now prepared to re ceive patients ot her olllco. In Salem. Dnrlnj; tho past year ho has had extensive practice at Dr. Adams' popular Medical Inftltuto at Portland, In treating ladles, and feels confident of affording relief In most cases of o chronic cnaractcr. Special atten tion paid to femalo weakness and nervous prostration. In connection with her treatment, sho uoj tho cele brated Medicated Klcctrlc Vmor Until, which old vastly In effecting cures. Offlco and residence, t. c. comer of Center and Summer streets, Salem. X. -A-. Sxxxltla, Artist, Salem. Oregon, dealer In Stereoscopes nnd Stcreo :otilc Views, and Scenes of Salem nnd tho t nrrounil- lng country. Llfe.slzo l'hotographs, In India line, ou or Water Color. scll scoj NORTH SALEM STORE. W. Ii. W-AJDE, A T TUK BIUCK STOKE, HAS JUST ItECBlV SL cd nfull assortment of General Merchandise, Dry Goods, Grooenes, Boots & Shoes, Hardware, Clothing Calculated for tho Cllyand Connlry Trade llonrht ai low, and will bo Fold at as SMALL A 1'IIOKlT. nt thoso who SELL AT COST. rtfaood delhcrcd to any part ot tho cltr frco of charvo. NoiSr STORE. I HAVE l'lmCHABEI) THE ENTinE Interest of Messrs, Yeaton . Lonijh.iry In tho rurulluro Store on tho west sldo of Commercial Street, Snlcin, nnd shall keep on hand n DENERAL AS SOIITMENT of goods for tho retail trade. FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERY Farlor & Cliumbcr Sets, BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, ROCKERS. &.C., Dy tho sst or tlugfo piece. Repairing and Jobbing DONE IN THE IIEST MANNER, And at reasonable price, ns I am a practical workman H1 T, in JOHN CRAY. Homo -Mado and Hand-Mado b o ojr s . IK Ol WANT A fiUOD-FlTTIN'O PINE BOOT )OU can lie accommodated by calling .it .irinstroiiK's Shop, On Stato Street, oppodto WILLIS'S HOOIC STORK, All WOIIK WaIISANTKII. I'llCCH ItKAtOVAIll.K. ICiialrliiu Matty unti itmnntly ilonr. Dim: M a Caiu InclMf) W.1I. AlC.tlSTIiONfi. AkciUn for tlio Wlllaiiictlo I'nrmer. Albany ,ik Hannon Amity.. RLSImprou As hhind -....I H bhorlrkbo llcllvne. JeirUal jlncuu Utit Win Wells. J W IIulNirt llrounsvlliu W It Kirk J W llichelder I) II Ithlnehart WT llrlfjs PS Mattefon W II C'larko It J Morrison Robert Glass UK Kendall Uulteilhi! . l'an)ouC'ity.. L'aii)omlllc.. l'iulllu tlty Cole' N .illey. Cl&tsop Crinv ford J llli Coo ConallU E Woodward Crcs.nell Roscoo Knox iivtoimisd. W A .Mills ramp Creek O It llammcrMey !' J I) Lee. HMUuthtlo i. "Vcr s HamUiktr i'nUn's Krcwson .V Drain lliniascus KFmbc J!,V'"n UO Hadaway b,kt011 A 11 Haines h"'"0: John McClnng JoxNalley A 1) (ianlner KirvtUroo S Hushes, W L Curtis l;otion j Handsaker (jon ills s M Calues !!'y. TJ lllack !!rr sbme Hiram Smith jllllilioro a LiielllnR llepner Jlorrow A Ilertvn Independence v h llodsln Junction Smith. Hraslleld .t Co., W I. Lemon Jacksonville M l'cterson KliiK s alley Conner ACreno Jeirerson John W Roland Lewllllo 11 C McTlmmonds Lafayette Or I'opplcton. A It Henry Lebanon fi h Clauchtou Monroe , Joa Keltoy McMmmllle JU.Morrl. A Held Monmontb W Waterbouso Needy. ,,, 'm Morcland jew hn.. , j Casto NewelUilllo... l'K Cattleman North amhlU IlOStewart Oakland s K KaTnond Ofi'KO Alt Shipley utt. ...... ......... .,...,, J H Schroeder Oregon City J M Bacon rciullctoQ -. Whitman Ipofta-... , ,Dr J II Inlno I Hot Rock e OUilam oftUud. b r Lee, Agent Stato Orange lrlneslllo OMrilnsle JVrryiUle McOrew' Store '"fkjeal FA Patterson Itosebnrg ThoSmlth fjf.' FI Jones, Tho M linkers bllverion T II tllbbard hheild'... WM Fowers, OR Wheeler Springfield Afl Hovey Sublimity John Dow nlns hueeillsmo lien Marks Sheridan Tanaeni KS lUrreo Iho Dalles s L Brooks Turner W M Hllleary J . .tticoater...... S W Brown, It B Denure WUUmettorork ,...m WllUns alia WalM , JK Hrewer Waldo. ,J u Elder onv&ua. ........ ..... ,.,J l EIUjoo, P,S Af jlep-atc lA'Vii- jwffi if To ColorButter. Mil, A. XV, CIIEEVEIl Editor of tho New England Farmer. In that paper of Nov. 11th, aa Mcs all Dairymen to uso Wells, liichardson & Co.'s PERFECTED BUTTER COLOR Ho says, "It Is tho strenpest, purest, and cheapest butter coloring wo havo ocr used. For all that wo can seo, It Is absolutely perfect. It should entirely eupcrscdo tho uso of currots, nnd all preparations ol nnnntto," It Rives tho exact shads of tho best Jersey butter. It Is pure, Intcnsp, economical, nnd has no tasto or smell. It Is on Improvement on our "Golden Ex-it-rt" Vwtnt n combination of tlio brlcht yellow col. orlnp prlnclplo of tho Dandelion blossom, nnd It Is Rrcatly superior to carrots, etc., giving a better color, and no u ork. . ... tjfr A sample nitfllrlimt to color liny pound of Mutter will bo sent to nny ad- (ircss poniimiu, un iuvviii. . vum., Jivcry uairyinaii wno wirues io ruuuu nrlco s hoiild clvo It n trial now. Address Every Dairyman who wishes to rcallo tho higher! uu pivu M MUUf MIClIAItDSON A: CO., te21 Iliirllngton, Vermont. MILWAUKIE NUBSERT. Ore tit est Variety of FRUIT TREES lu Oroffoii, Consisting of Apple, Fear, Peach., Plum, Prune, Cherry, Grape, Cherry Currant, Lawton Blackberry, Raspberry and Strawberry Sets, California Walnut, Black Walnut, Butternut, & Filbert, WHICH WILL BK SOLD LOW, FOIl CASH,- s. luellTng &SON, l'roprlctors Mllwauklo Nursery. Nov. 1,1870. B. STRANG, Importer and Dealer In Improved Ranges,'. COOK, PARLOR, AND 130X S T O -V ES &r And Manufacturer of Tin, Sheet-Iron & Copper WARE, Union Block. Commercial Street. salem, onsaox. IRESI'ECTFl'ULY INFORM ALL MY OLD friends nnd csutomcrs that I havo rcsuinid busl ncrs, and Invito tho public generally to call and exam ine my stock and leurn my prices. NomI lb'Mf Salem Flouring Mills. BEST FAMILY FLOUR, BAKER'S EXTRA, XXX. SUPERFINE AND QIIAHAM, MIDDLINGS, BRAN, AND SnORTS, CouHtaiitly ou Iluiitl. HItfliOHt Prioo In CASH Paid for Wheat TALL TIMES. R. O. KINNEY, At'cnt B. F. M. Co Bcpt istr ESTAllIilNIIKU 1855. Willamette Nurserv9 G. W. WALLING & SON, I'liorniKTORs, Oswego, Clackamas co., Oregon. WALLINGVS PEACH PLUM, Tlio Itnliaii Fruno, And tho best varieties of lMiim, 1'ruuc, lcncli, Apple, Pear, Cherry, Nut and Shade Trees, IN FULL ASSORTMENT. Send for Descriptive Catalogue.- v. o. suLiiXVAir. ATTORNEY AT LAW, OrERA UOUSE, SALEM. S. E, corner, at head of stairs. l?y Mrs. Rohrer's New Romocly rOR THE LUNGS IS ItESTMQ WWII WONDERFUL 61 CCMS THIS PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY UAU no oanal In the relief and enro of Conr' , Cclds, Asthma, Uroncbltls, Croup', Whooping Cooph, !! sles, Ac. It has produced somo remarkable cure, Sold by drusrsUts generally. Prepared only by JOHN I.. SlUHl'II Y, ilonmouih. Or., To whom all letters of business should bo addressed. For Sale! T11E FINE RESIDENCE corner of Commer- lnf an.t ntil.lnn ...iiiit. In iln.i..Mrt .Itnntlnn illLwlth hniKliro. well rtnUhetl. and rnmenii'nt- ly arranged, and erouuds tastefully ornamented. Will bo old vory lcvu1 and on accommodating terms. Apply to " i.i:r avillin. ecpS) ratton's Bloc fitate bt., tixux