WILLAMETTE FARMER. 1. 0. Q. T. DIBECTOKY (irauil Oillccr. G. W. C. T. W. II. Dunbar. Sllvorton. G. V. C. Coun. Mrs. H. C. Mcdting, Eugene City. G, W. V. T. Joanna Ly!o. Dallas. G. Sto'y T. II. Craw ford, Portland. G. A. Sec'y-L. Stat.ntt, Monroe G. Treat. Emmt Kclloirir, Portland. G. Chap. Kev. J. It. N. llell, Acliland. G. Mar. J. W. Strange, Hoscbiin,'. G. D. Mar. Annlo E. Underwood, Cottaso Grove. G. Guard-Mary CartwrlRlit, Tlio Dalle;. G. Sen. T. P. Uartoti, Amity. G. Me. L 0. . Fisher. Stayton. P. O. W. 0. T. Tllmon Ford, Snlcm. Stipt. Juvenile Templara Mr. M. E. Iloxtcr, For est Grove. State noiuity 1. XV. C. T. Itcv. .T.H.N, llell, Aelnand. Win, HtiMcIl, WcMon. Cant. O. C. AnplcKStOi Llnkvlllc. I). II. Allen, Hal ey. T. II. Handley, lllllsboro. AsaShrevc, JJalla. 11. V. Orubbe, Wilbur. Wm. Grant, Lebanon. Ilev.J.W. Miller, Ilalla. Itcv. J. S. McCain, Eupenc. Wm. Harmon, The lUWet. Win. 11. Carter. Corvalll. AV. S. .lame Portland. J,. .T, I(oue, Btimuiervllle. II. P. llamp. Independence. AV. S. McMeen, Canyon City. T. II. Crawford, Portland. V. II. Pos, Aotorla. I.lln't, CroMvi-ll. , .T. :. Houston, Junction. Itov. II. 0. .TenkUiv Monroe. O. II. Walker, AUnrla. II. N. McKtiiney, HakcrClty. Levi I.ekvnd, Oregon C'tv. LakoD. Wolfartl, ContilflcClty. A, A. Matliew. Looking Glaf . I,. C. PMier, Stayton. Itov. K. llnye. I. Grande. W. II. Mvernwre, St. John. i;,M. Alien, lTinowue. DlMlrlct llcputy O. W.O.T'b. W. T. llldic. Turner. W. II. O'Dnnald, Portland. .1 S. Ciicki'lriMiie, Konelmrff. If !! t ..l... l'm.lrt PnwL' 41. . f.iiret, . . IAIue9 VIIII17, f-muni. .lame Krwln. Port Klamath. lion. .1. A. Prnett. Pendleton. L. II. ltojnl, Albany. A. ,t. Harlow. Carlw-rlght'. Jlr. Anna W. Spencer, Gardnor .1. P. Tupper. Miirhtlid. K. K, Fnuiil ik, llllliloro. Georco llclnlscr, Union. R. L. SchlefTclln. Hock Point. Mw. M. J. Thorn, C.'nnyonvlllc. Zi'O. 0. 10. 11 l'J 17. it. .11 M. 40. II II 67. II.-, 71. 81) M. til. 117 101) in. lis. 120, 13'l. l.VI. 151. 15S. 1VI int. ifiit. 17S 17!) 1SI 135, 18S lb'.l. ml 191 1!I7. IMS an. J)7 214 313. -Jtl 'J 17, aiu JM -JIT 2iS. 21!. J10. 211 213 3VI. 211 'J 15. 2 7 S50. 231 231. 231. 333. 23'l. 2.37 23S 23'l 2II. am. am. 201. 21PI. 2117 am 2111 270. 271. 273, -JM, 277 37$. 27! 3J, 21, 3S1, 2VI tMI, 2i3 31 247. 3vi 2J. 2U. 2'lt. 2li. 2.11. 211. 2J3. 2'W. Stlborttlliiito IiOdilCN, Xamt, lAtlyt l)imtj. KveeMtir W II Carter .Western Star FM Wadwortli, .Capital lien a ittie , Multnomah John HGarrlmu .tiniilinni. S II Ilumnhrev.. .l.a urcoio deiuuo i.oebii A1J1I1W. ...t'orvallll Albany Salem ....Portland ...HllUboro llillna .Silver H V Hauifhy Slhcrtuu .Uoui KmllyM Vandcrvert... .Salem .Aftorla Tlio. .lowetf" AMorta Morning star. .mi.i iiarrifon,iueua yimh .Marlon S Hatch Hubbard joiin racxer 1;. I'oniani ....WTWIIIIanuon.. K.Portland .1 K 1 firtvltf -i.lKl l.lohu I)ay..".!!...M V Thompson.. .Cuiiyon City .Noimaroll MrSTWStoarui...l'ortlaiid .I.niid Star W A Mill ClArkamr. ..win linrricon.... nauer uuv ..I.iictnn Everetf lVndleton ..Jameii McCirnv...l.'. Portlaud ,.T II Falconer Sherli'on ,.JameiiTChltwooil..lAiimrciis ..I' G Iluford ForeM Grove ..' A Kennedy Sprlniilleld ..1 Mllwauklu... .Foiintnin.... ,Val Fontl .Ultra Montane.. .Marshal Ilrnnklvll ..... .Sheridan... . ..I)Aiiiaicut.... .KorwtGrovo. .Kprllik'llclil... Valley , . it uriiiii...... Delarau .llnrmnil .Union A Kimneiiv. IT Mnrr Ilnlnev , ...Inmeii Klrl;mtrlCk'.... enon ...Mlncnn Starr Junction ...Win Mtchell .Thomiles ...W(l Porter Tiinur Ullilnn V M' W11IU KlUtUll .Laurel 11 riinrri.,.tKintimtir lMClllC n 'l lilliani.... i.i'Hni:unnii .Mount PItaant...John Petty Crcswell .Fall Creek (1 M Ncet Dexter .nrnd Prairie II F llond Irvine . A dlil mil ..Klamath .LabUh JCdeii .Looking War.. n'.infv(inf lliiuuer. .Portland .llrlclfTOiinrt ..Uchoco.... ..Itevlval... ..Lcland.... .Uotlien.... ..Canyon... ,.Myrtl... ,.Marinncia... ,,Coullli .Onward ,Vi Creek.. .Kwirit Homo ,I:ai;lo Creex """"'llnli.'rt KaUlu. J IlHiultakcr.... (1 W CUcIiIdb.. Ill Smith V W A Craln... ... iiuyei. A T ll.tlmnn AlltAtlll ...lamcK Ksuc....Fort Klamath , . W 1) Clapcett Salem .Mr II D .lone Pbirntx ...I HHartlii....Lookliii; liht ...I J Hoard Tangent M.. 11 Ciiliiirn Portland nil lilir ll.illn TUlltKer Prlnevtllo Jamen Fluii(i;aii..l,rairie city UIIIUII (Joi'licu ..Canyoiivillu .Myrtle Creek ...MareMeld ITomllllii . ...t W I'rotitt Albany ....LouUa Kii'ley Drain' ....('harlet Craft Sweet Homo T..I.I. V'AlirMrill l-?ili.lil Proi'l? :AHa"X..:r;::::::.V(iiiiiam-...:....otii .DllUenco S P Garrljinc Heppner .A-blQiia Wm HCo..........blIyertoii .Criw'forJi'vlll o...ltolert OIa..Crawfordvlllo .llniwmvlllo a.V Btauaril llrowimv lie Ceiter GKParrUh llrownsvlllo r.V.V...i. 11 llnr.ll.lv Mnnulf Isnencer Creek '.'.'.'. J A Hodiren ....SpencerCreck Monroo .lui nmrr ii.inuu u'.,iiliiirn IIS Hornier Woodlmrn Crytal llllWIImot. llenverimi Aiiiltv James A Llkerm Amity .ftlllU). .. ..,,.,,,..11 r,irliorl.,lil'l .(recii .MHIllliaiH " "' '" ii. . ifi Welt Union David Lenox... ...Wert Union Trlnmnh H William Independent-!) .Ue.val ' S Punlom ......uenai .TAliIO ltOCK A .iliit'iriii......". r . u'li; . Carltou huninc r uirr. . .Dethul (1 LNealo..... .ParartlreStirlnK..Cii Hojford..., .Jack-onvllle 1. Ualufer..., Mill Creo'f W M Chandler it.ako Creek Iieuo WlllUrax . I Ilun ij iitw mi T-iiinm plmltll... 11 U It, i!L'U'i1l tilltflni'r ....Mary 11 Smith Mirl.ild .... IM c limine!! Sun.ncr ,...FM Good Cleveland . . . .Sarah Cockvlreano. . ltnu-buri; II A U-ltitrii Ollkl.lliil ,.la. A. Ku.f.i.liouuirrauio Tin nn Hirer .Corncllui.... .Ocean .Mllllcoma... .Homcwooi!.. .Clevoaiul .Deer Creek .Oakland -Howell Pralrlo. .Carlton H.-tucl ,..!:. Portland ,Jackoulllo Klkhoni Ilalm-y ....Woodvlllo ......iniviiu .1Im.riile. ,.SIteCrei'k.... ,Wlllhm Creek .Dcrliuce....... IMn.4sllt Hill.. MrllT, lie... .Lnfiranto .. .Kummarvlll" .. .Dunlur ,1'bilomath .... New-Era , Lower MoIatU-, ,Canby A to l.i.urm.il St. JoLlI ...J L Wilder Slat'J Cretk ...I V Hartley Applerate , . .Joiin Zell M'lton ...More IVooiIwaril....Wetm , Kmll Hurlir JIcMlnnxlll- ...J AMcW 1 rter.. ..Li Grande ,.. J II Itlnuburt.... S11nnr.cn lllu ...N S Hlank Tue Covo ...Wm Hartle Philomath ,...Dr. J. Cttn .New Era .. Wm Hamilton Molalla ...WmKnljikt Cunby Correspondeuco from the G. W. 0. T. Salem , Om:aoN, April i, 1677. Kd. Fahmeh: Slnco I wroto you from Tostor'a, (loot of tho itiotmlalns,) I ha3-o do llyared public lectures at Columbia City, St. Helons, OroRon City, New Kra, Canliy andGervals, and liayo visited, No. 60,201, 12, 291, EM, 203, and 11, nil ol wblch arodo lug good service for tho cause of teiuporanco. The Lodno at Now Era I ft new otto, but CRro. J. Casto assisted by Uros. Kuight, Har bour, Foster and others, nre makluR It a aplendld Httli reorut'.iuf; sttitiou for tbo Ordor. New Era 1 improving, uud tho kind and hospitable Dr. Casto will spare no pains In mafclntc a town or It yet. Tlio LodpMju Canby in another new one, and there Hro-J. Kvw, Knight, Walt, llrad lev. and Hart, nested by many other noble workers, tiro building up tho canto In that H6iKlborhooJ. , , , Oti tho 0th Inst. I reorganized lha LodKe at Gorvahi, with th'rty-lnur inembcrs. Hon. i. Hrown, Is W.O.T.i Mollle .Mahtonoiu W. WYT.: S. L Oalnci. .S.; Dr. 3 . V. Moen, I'.W.O.T.i Wm. Pom-, ldRU jjopnty. lnht-te, W. . Du.vij.vk. Bro. Citvltt, one of tho votoran 3voikors of' Valfoutis, No. 70, or Zona, wrltoa that they will celebrate tho tenth nnuivoraary of tholr organization on tho 6th of May uest, by a picnic excursion. Tho Lodgo Is doing woll and a good tlmo is anticipated. Hro. Hurt reporla tbo Lodgoo nt llalsry and Lako Crook, doing a better work than ovorboforo. Mr. V. Thompson writes from Canyon City that tho Lodgo thcro, and thoonoat Pralrlo City, aro adding rapidly to tholr motnborshlp, T. T. Goer, 11. V. Grubbo, Uattio I'arsonr, and II. J. Gerking, all writooncourglugly of tho outlook In tholr dllleront localities. Uiidor.Drniu Plow. Wo had a call a low days slnco from Mr. V, A. I'attorsoii nnd Mr. Jamoa Tatom, of Polk county, who gavo tholr oxporieuco ortho successful working of a molo drain plow on tho farm of Mr. Pattorson. Last year Gon. Nosmlth sout K.ist for two of these plows, otio for his own ttso nnd ono for Messrs. Piitterbon nnd John Osburn, his neighbors. Gen. Nesmlth tried his In very wot black muck ground, and found it did not .succeed . It M-cmo that tho ultimo of tho sell prevented Its working to ndvautngo, its tho muck could not lolultt tho tlralu clian no, butctvod m. In probably takoa fomo clay In tho soil to mako n permanent drain. Mr. Patterson has used hi plow this spring, making nbnut n thousand toads of drain that works with perfect success, Tho biirfacoof tho soil Is uot disturbed, hardly marked In ftct,but tho "mole" runs nbout 10 oris Inches deep, and In tho groy prairie toll, at Mr. Pattorhons placo leaves an excellent drain. Ho has drained his gnrden with it aud has boon ablolo plow It n month earlier than usual. It unods n ditch to start from and of courso tho drain must Incline So successful was tho plow that whon working in ground that showed no flurfuco wator, tho water started In tho drain as soon as mado. Tho plow ruiulros six homos abreast, and Is vory hoavy work at that, but all who saw Its workings pronounce It an entlro succors and prodlct that It will proro of groat practical wine, uuloss gophers and moles stop tho drains. Tho plow cost.dolivorad ntS.iloin, $23,25,80 It Is within tho means of ovory firmer. Owing lo Itioxperionco, Moshrs. Oibtirn nnd Patterson met with dllllcullics In getting tlio plow started to work, as they had frequent breakngos nnd tho team was uot up to tito work, but aflor a short while they had no trouble and tiro perfectly wills lied with with the rosult. Wo nro Informed by them that othor porsons in Oregon have hnd theso plows in uto and wo suggest that it will bo a tnnttor ol gcuoral lutcrost for such porbons to mako their cxperlouco known for tho bonellt of tho public. Too great advantage cannot bo attributed to good draltingo, and If a drain plow can bo pur- Lfllmsodat stnaU -oxpenso and run ehonply wan mo assisianco or n row prollmlnarj' dltchoa much wot land can bo mado very profitable. country has been undordralned by natuto, ho ii co ft Is naturally dry andadaptod to fruit growing, and when farmers got tholr eyes open to this fact, I fancy that ero long ovory man will plant 20, 30. JO, and ovon fcO acroH to npplos, plums, and poars. If mon would plant out largo orchards wo could do hotter front tho ealo of fruit than wo could from tho snloof wlioat, aslttnkos morolngrodlonU to from wheal than fruit. Heaver Crook Grauge No. 115, has surren dered Its charter j ll monibors nro scattored to the four winds of tho earth, Dan, Umatilla County. Mutton sheep nro sailing for ?1.75 shoru aud 82,G02,75 tin shorn; cows, from $20 to ?30; horsos, from $75 to 8150; wheat 03c. per bushol, lust rail; oats, 35 cents; snoop shearing, this year, 7 cents por head, orOconts without tying tho lleoeos; frolght on wool from Umatilla Land ing to Portland, $20 por ton, or 315 when balod; wheat, flour, oto., 80 00 per ton. Up frolght, fast, 525 por ton; slow, ?20 per ton. Tribune. School District No. 21 (Salom) ro-nloetod It. II. Doarbnrn Director, and Jay W. Cox, Clork. Thoy also voted to lovy a tix ol three mills for school purposos. School District No. 23, Marlon county, olectod H. Simmons, Director, and D. M. Morris, Clork. Senator G rover reached his homo in Salom, last week , Iiiu-oiirnxciiicut tor tlio Vcrlilc. Debility, whether It bo Inherent, or ranted by ov ertiiMtl elrctigth or protinctcd Ulnetf, tin? a nwt tie. pretflng Inilut'iice upon the mind, breedln? an object inclanclioly nearly nkln lo tlefpalr, ntul enforclni; tho abandonment of cherished project; and lilglt liope. Happily, tlio enfeebled pyMem, even In extreme C.1 o., In ritcceptlble of ImUnratlou. It It proiedby In. conttovertlblo cildcnce that HottetterV Stomach Hit ter" 1 on unfailing treimthetier of the weak, nnd that In addltti ii to vltatlxlm.' the ph)Ual on:anl.i. Hon, It etabllhe ri-ula lty among thoo iiriran upon wliofeetticlcutdUrhan'eaf thuilutlen luitiu'iil tin them by Miliire, continued ilsoraud health t'.e- l'ond. TnoiiFatid or IlKtance inlcht be cited to fhow tho wcneratlni; liilluence of thin lealtli-Kltn ngeht In c.nei r debility, liver dl eare, dyrpeptla, mrvoiM nllmetit', conttlnatlon. Intvrmltleut lier, urinary and uterine trouble, gout aud lhcutnatltm, and other uialadlc. Wo soil S.lI.Konnvdy'N IIr..Mi.ocic Hiir.iu' Dip, tlio boat nnd cheapostdlp known, itnif will send n valunblo book to sheep owuors free on application, J. McCuaici:n A; Co., Portland, Oregon. mr27m. From Linn County, Kn. Faiimi:ii: What I writo nt prcsont must bo vory brief, as tho time Is now vory precious. You know when tlio plowman comes in at night his foot nro both tired and sore nnd his thoughts mlxod up n little, but still ho can do his thinking behind tho plow. Wo now havo boautlful weather nltor our stormy March. Tho first throo months of tho year are gono, Fohruary was n beauti ful mouth, with tho oxcoptlou of tlvoshowery days, tho romalndor of tho month wns nil very good. March enmo In liko a lion nnd went out llkon Ictnb; wo had (on wot days ull tluy,and three showerj days. This of course will not bo correct for tho whoIeStato of Oregon, but It Is for tho neighborhood of Albany. From tho llrst day of January till tho first day of April wo find twolvo wot days all day, and ton showery days, Can any ono find I'uilt with such n lino wlnlorss tills has boon ? Cortalnly not. Now tito Spilng Isdollghlful; chorry, peach nndpoar trees havo been In full bloom for two weeks back, and tho grass In vory excollout also. I huvo never seen It better at this tlmo of tho yoar. Wo farmers nro all busy plowing at present, but It Is rather wet yot, tho ground turns up slick and bright; this Is not good; it tho sun comes out hot it will ho vory lumpy. Thero will bo u vast ntuount of wheat sown In l.lnn county, for thirty days to couio; after that it will bo getting too Into. If tho weather keeps finoruhlo and good, the farmers will ha well dune by that tlmo. J. J. FlNLAYSON. rim remainder of Mr. F'h letter, being devoted to the Darwin theory, will appear In next Issue. Ha. From Beaver Creek. MI kYnrlv l'rollt from 1 'J Honk. Iiv tinirltlm? I-if i4 ntul rflUttit iinnlfrv hv tt4.t.lii f Ii am . Iitmiiiti.t . pyr -r tiiv .ii t't iioiru uniiiuiv, M'iiii ntilnttitl a1 Mil I ant'itiit1 llnl1 tiflnli J II W viiiviiiiihi nil i r. I hi iwm ,iii!iiir, nnd Vi Diplomat, luve been awardetl t Profentor A. Corbctl, No." Warren street. N. V, TeMlinnnlnlf and CatiloRiio tnt on recept of 3 rent i tamp. "w t A. L. STINSON, Book and Job Printer, nOLMAK'3 BLOCK, Old Scnale Clminbor, Snlcm. f'C At.iiklndaef Printing neatly excenlcd. ami at reanonablo ratrr. March Ultf. KSSFEMZtt OESE BILLS! Printed on tlio iiion( reasonable tcrniK, mid In tlio IicNt Ntylc, by A. L. STINSON, IIoIiuiiu'h .IJlooIc, Balum. Kn. Faiimkr: Not seeing anything in your paper from this Immcdiato vicinity, I thought I would write you n few lines, l;o llovmglttobo nothing tnoro than our duty to koep each other- posted us to crops nnd things In genoral, Wo have a good prospect for a bounteous crop this Fall. Fall sowed grain never looked bottej; than it does now. Spring how od grain is looking vroll, but I beliovc that wn ohould not sow our grain too early In the Spring when tho laud is filled with seeds, thoy come up and choke out tho very seed you want to grow. Plenty of fruit this Foil. Tho men or this tloiulty say thoy aro going to put up a Plummer Dryer oach, for the purpose of drying all tho fiult that Is grown in tho neighborhood, which will he many Ihotuand buihels of fruit, apples, pluui-i and cherrkn with considerable small fruit. Having a dryer at our door, or nearly eo, will baa great help for wo can afford to haul our fruit two or three miles when wo could not six or seven miles to tho Oregon City dry house. Wo can raise fruit to per fection In this county (Clackamas), south of Mm rtaiikamoM river Hnd north oftlie Molal la river, all or nearly all of this scope of the i:Mi?orMM:r Trotting and Draft Stallion, BLA6K STRANGER: WII.I. STAND. TUB NtKSKNT 8KASON, AT I ho rnriii of. I. W. Nl'Mllltll. Dixie. Polk county, and at DUJtlllN i VO.'H r table. In hALKM, on PrlditH and Saturday ofeach week, ufter the KMIi or April TKliMS For tlio Hetioii. tit at tho end of tbo Season. INSUItANCK. (ItA, iiayt.iilo when Urn .Mare Ukiioun to ho with roal, nr when tint owner tan patted w llh her. All bill pajahlu In iold coin. Murun trom a tllttanee pantured and cared for at $1 tier week but no rlk tuki.ii. IK-nrrlpiliiii niul J'ciIJuree. linn; Ktiiv iikii lit 111 lunula .1 luche' l.lulii I' yearn old, and wcluh tiurlt.M0 llif. Wa bred by oo IteyuoMH, Knj Wlmt'oM, Malno. Hl rtam a Unman V Meneii.'-r, by btone .MereiiKCr, by Inthrop Mett't-nu'er, by lui portt'I Metrcnpur "Ilie Iteyi.tiltlV Mate i'iw if 1ILACK hTltAHClKH, weli.-hed 1.SS0 poundii, aud wa ntlnoramplool thoMem-nitcr tock. 1II.ACK svJtVNt.I'.It wa fired lv the 'y-r' home, n bay tnllltin welKhlnul "iVI pound.. n..tl Bet ter of an ixtrtt Hue of trnttlnu' coltit. Cap-iblo of trottlne; himself In $:V) foramllu. and lias It peatt il ly made IiIh half inllo In 1:111 lie wait fired by (ien. unus, nut of a .Mfn'oneer maro, welhlus J.)to pomiiU 11LACIC KTItAMISIt haa very powerful el of llm'jf, very utralubt, with -ainbrtl uud kute jiiltit low down, the bone iirororreit ami munlcit perfect (ample of In itnind rlre, Uen, Knox. 1.10irMI.-On the 2nd day of Jan. lt71. the under ' ci ml found two palrp ol HOOTS, on the road loading from r-alem, to Turner, near MurrlV lau.'h terboui'e. Thu owiertati havo tbo amo byptinlii' proptrty ami iniylnirfurtlit notice. IuiUlru of Mi Kli.l.ey. bmltli it C., at Turner, or tho iiiiderltrneil. Aprllo pd. f. i;. HUtyPKItMAXN. HIGH.OLA8S POULTR TBT. J. VV. HOBART, IMPOIlTr.lt AM) IlItl'.KOKIt OK 1'IItK Illti:i) l.lultt and llnrli llltAII.ir.t and llroivn and Wlilto I.KtJIIIHtN 01l.JolS.oxXM. amt AVI.KMII ItV DUOKI3. , , , SatWaitlon cuaratttecd. Yut Pruu I.lt, I-owU, aud Co;. addrv J. W. noilAllT, ajiiini'l liuena VUta, Or. KELLY & UNDERWOOD, ,ry) (h RS mz m Carriage & Wagon Makers, Salem, Oroson, AVE ON HANI) A I HOICK LOT OP KOL'lt bprln "Wagons, Carriages, & Buggies, of their own make, Manufacmrtd of the I'KST tjuallty fiMvrscy Hickory. tiheu.a call, aid exam vu our wotk, and juilue for vomn' vtWt AflklmiN of ltepalrinrf andUeneial Jobblnedono at ihort notiw- 'I''5 "VIF GARDEN CITY PLOWS, IiMDPROVED For love. WK HAVE ON' !IN1), AND AUR ItRCRIVINO. THE LAHOEST STOCK O" THE A110VK CEI.B brated Plows cer Imported to the Paclllcro'wt. Tho Kiicet"" of thoo Plow lat year exeeeded any bluij ever before known lu till State. Thofonow on band nro mado with new and ppeclnl Improvement, Wnn-niilctl Superior to any i'tow lu the United StntcM! THE GARDEN CITY SULKY PLOW, Cutting if niul It; iiu-lie. wllh ;t-hoi-so .ittiu -liiiivnt. mid IC-lulic lolling Cutter, Is without it rival. It Iiih liooii no (htiroiiKhly lostfil Hint wo wnrnuit Us operation In tiny will in the Ktnte. These IMowm tue wiltl with that ciinranty. r.i" Hunt! for C'liviilar.s and 1'rlee LlslH.jj5t I! NEWTON WAGONS, All Sizes, lVCoxxltox X5roncl-Ont Seeders and Cultivators, G-ARDEN CITY - OULTIVATORS AND HAREOWS. T. CUNNirVGfilAM & CO. S1I.EM, Sept. US, 1S7. Wl-XSLESIL-ESJEJ E' PATENT Squirrel ' l& " ,"S,S ' ' '"s-"V s a;nd Gopher This is tlio Original Artiolo-AllOthors arolni'orior Imitatidns! KuiTon ltniui, Piii:m Dear Hlm- I have Jut tnadunit vxpcrlmt'iit with prepargil iiolnu for Ulllltifr Ftiilrrel. pulttui; uut n ran nicb of the follmvlnt; polfour: A rim of Harney', a ran tif Hit-elo', and aeti of tho ortlilu called Wiilelen' Kxteitnlnator, Ono ran of Wnkt-lt-oV kill im many a rern of Ilarnuy'ri Miulrrcl 1'iilfoii, mid n many n ten uiiinnf rtteelo' r-'iiilrrel Polroti. Tliliiklnj; the reeiilt ulll bo lnti"ct liiK to Jour render. 1 finl It lor tlielr beueQt. our, very rerpeclfnlly, H. P. WoiiliWAUl). Ilayuard, April f, 1H7H. Ill i'urchiislns, Care sltotiltl be taken to order WAKKLKK'S. direction"sT6r usipjg. KAIII.Y IN TUP. MOHNINI! HPHISAI) A1IOUT ONK-QPAUTKIt TKAHPOONKUI. IN l-'HONT 01 l'.AC'll Stjl'lltltlil. IIOI.K. Aller-Jlhour. ir (he oll 1 niltafile. It I dilrnblu Ioko over tlio name urmind andcloe till the hole. A riniill portion will be re-opt lied, m tbo thtuuopetatlmimay bo repented: Threu apKllcatlon illl iteiierally be tiilllclenl to tlt-rtroy uvery hqulrrt'l. Cold niul windy or rainy da) nro unfavor able. It will bo an reunion!)', ill fax ornblo time, to mix from one quarter tonne luium! of lit at to each tan of Kxlermlnator, 111111; only oiieiiiarlirleapooiifultif mixture o obtaliied, A few minute' experlmcut will rhmv ilm proper lreni!tli nt pitch time. l'or (K)I'lll.llb' four on live eniln may be plaeed ut the open hole; but wherevrr frerh dlrl I llironnup, till! (timially n few- luche) till tlio runway I fouiiil, removunuy earth Mhlrh may have la'len In It, plnro there in from mitt third to ono tt-arpotiuful, tluliily el tho hole with a lump of larlh cir pimI olinrvlnj,' that luidltt fall In tho runway. .MIC!.', eta., die where the Kxtermluator I eaten. Auuitn for orrjion, 1, A. DAVIB dk) OO., I'orllund. H, P. WAKELEE & CO., Jnipoi'toi'M ol JDrtiM niut OImmiiUmiIn, AOKNTS AND MANAOKK8 (lOI.DKN C1TV ClIli.MIC'.M, U'OHKH, NAN l'lAN:iN10. Lt-toxitioxx, Horsemen ! MSr- XMSi IskirwWsKZESztt; '.vmMxM L KaJrwi&'xin--- "'rlV'TTtJf JHi'" Kp X Iff wlf TV fn R-J'M B w ' yB it"FT ii ih tXrl "-w. B... Hfc, fc-JA J IM'jV IB 1 nf nwiriww ' ,m a , ui TTW W WV ( WvMzt' W$f dxxy . (b&&sitirizd Tho Iraportod Porohoron Stallions, WHITK PRINOI AND UEN. VLKURY. Win liiinl t!ie i-niilii!( riiiMUt riiiniiii'lirlnj; Al'im l, am) (uutliiiiirti.- tlu I'.'li (if .It 1,1. nt thu cliil.lu of JI..A. II. MAIMIAI.I.. .ll3xxy, on'll llAV I' M . niul WKIlM.MlMY and TIIUItHKAV. A .M.. r i-arh wi k. At tin- Muliit- ft 111. !.-. .V, DAN lllhON, ivlo3ii. "it Kltlll.W, P.M., ami :i,Vr l'I(lAt r . MONDAY. M . of tnih wti-k. 37ox'ua VSZiC IN I . b. OOI.D COIN, Till: KKAKON Due at the vml of tbo eiimn. I liavo somo vory FIno JFjtSEY CATTLE for Salo. Kvery family t.mt l,ei-pH -- tl it a JDltSHY, nr at left u blf blood. Paiullleit that bi'o iimi! them will not tin mIiIm.ii! tl.ini. If tin-) .10 tiibi) liuil. Kurly In A pnl 1 . Ill tii-a tlrtular with flue eiiuravlni; of mv llorft- uud Mate, n ti"- of 111 H table;, with a hU'oi) uf Hie I'erilicron. mid why tht-y uru pteturnil lo olhcr lure lurf : oiiie tiliit mi Jrwuilln; the dcmaudlor laru horn In llurnpo uim Auurlcit, t tc. '1 bey w III be rent no application. VICTOR, A HEAVY WlAUillT Clydesdale Stallion, rilrt-tl by Nttherby. dam by bay Wallace, will eland lor Male at thu I'arui of thu proprietor, Yaumili. loiiiity. fcUO ti liiHiirt-, payable when thu tuaru I known to be In tun'. MILT03NT, Half Brolhcr to I'alcilonia Chief, tlio fastest Trottln; lallion in Camilla, Sired by Ilowo'f Il"al OirK Dam by old Ilarki way. tbo oelubratvd Iflrli 'Hood llorre. will taml foi Mure In East Portland, At the stable of JiillN PltAZKIt. from April 1Mb loJuly It, IKI7. 10 H limiiro, pi)aiile when the Mare I known i n In "l fili lr lliohi-u-kttli, i)aWoat the tlmutif rervlte. JjlxH REDMOKD. JUrcUW.JSTT. Great Reduction IN RUBKtiK, BOOTS Ail) .SHOES! illoii'M l.oiiprlCublicT UnotM, ifil.OO Knoo ' " S,50 tloyh' " .50 Moil's ArctiCM, - - 1.75 WOIIIUII'M OVOP'SlKMIrt, .50 JOHN W. GILBERT. Ualcm, March 3. '.'m -it S. U. CLAUGUTON, ATOI'.VHV IMllll.lC. Iloitl Itttulu AL'fllt. 1 and :tll-'ttr ol CIiiIiiim, will promptly at I nnd to aix biii-num entruituil 10 hi care. JUhlWI CO.NVKYANCKH A bl'rx'IAI.lY. Olllco at Ut Pott oiUt, Xiolsnuon, Ox-, II I J J u .-. S m Ii v r t r ( .iv'Gaa. aear JfvStt3i 51- - tTv .. )