Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 13, 1877, Page 4, Image 4

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ll 1 "
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i ;
i l
ifitcxD zvrnr rniDAT, by
rcm.ipnr.iij and rnorniETons.
.S. A. rWBICK, . l CltAICJ.
TrrniH of .Niilcrlitlon.
lies of ft region cannot possibly sustain
opposition roach. Public policy would
hardly demand legislation to regulato
prices where competition is both posii-
I ble ond natural. In most of the im-
portant branches of trade It will bosafo
i to encourage compotitioiiaiid leave the
I issue to the nature of things. Interfer
ence with if-agos and customs of busi
ness would often bo revolutionary and
onccopr.onojiMMnnmbtrf).... ja.sp dorftructiue. but the fact is fully cstnb-
Onccouy, fix month" (J'iimmhcrii) 1.2ft ,,,,,, ... . , . t i n
Ono Mipy. three nnnthn (13 nnmlioro) 1h llshcd that tllO Jtigllt Of LmlllOllt Do-
TsAi7KM7FniDAYrii'nii;i.'i;ls-7;""' I""!'1, MGii ,tlc State and no act of,
legi-.lalion can defer or Impair it. itii i
The Eight of Eminent Domain.
this safecuard the public good is .secure
of preservation so long as the producers
and consumers of the State are awake
The consciousness
The late decision of Judge Shaltuck
sustains the act of the last Legislature to their Inst rMiK
appointing a Hoard of Canal and Locks iof ,,ower Js t0f ,jghtv and the rich
Commissioners, nnd providing for su- j monopolists will not caro to wake a
pervision of the Locks at Oregon City slccninir Samson when they know ho
and protection of the rights of the .State
in that properly. There is no doubt
that tho Supreme Honch of Oregon
will fully sustain tho decision ol Judge
.Shnltuek and we may consider the
sovereignty of tho State as maintained
by the courts In tho fullest oiixp.
Luto decisions of tho Supremo Court
of tho United States, in cases brought
to it from Wisconsin and Illinois, un
der tho so-called "granger laws" of
these States, establish the poworof'any
State to hold almost unlimited control
over business transactions within it
can pull down tho templo they have
reared to bury them all in its ruins',
Tho Salmon Trade.
Tho buslnois of canning nnd packing tal
inon, on tho rivors of Uroon, tins ilovelopod
Into ono at gtiui proportion). Fortune! nro
I nuilo ut It by tho.'-o who havoold established
' linlitiriy and cannorltH. Tho H-ilruon bust
I rifss on tlio Columbia river nlono, In tho yenr
170, must havti nniountod to a toUl of $2,-
."jO'i,0), and ir tho lUh contlntio lu good tup
, ply tho buhlnoss of 1S7T will amount to u
i million dollars moro. It hna becomo oyl-
limits, wliero the ntibiicgood demands tlltiu ' t0 tho 10 ongHftod 'n tho buMueiH,
Inffirnroiif!i. In other words tho neo-1 l,,8t tl "apply of fish must rapidly dfiorenso
plo have a right to bo protected by law
against imposition or monopoly. It is
sustained that rates of fares and freights
on railroads can bo regulated by law,
and, carrying out tho .same principle,
that all public enterprises that subsist
on tho patronage of the pooplo are
amenable to regulations of law, wo do
not f-oo why all sorts of transportation
cannot he regulated by enactment. No
doubt common carriers can bo so con
trolled In every respect, In every State
of tho Union, for carrying tho principle
out fairly, it Is evident Hint If the
people possess this Inherent power, inl
and iiitlinatoly entirely nil, utiles' fomo
precaution Is lukr-u to projmguto tho (lab nnd
so replenish tho htoclt. An It lakos n fcnlmou
Kt li'fist lliroo years to attain u good slz.i, thoro
Is ovory roanon to bplloyo that beforo propn
gallon can mmcct-d In roplcnhhtng tho utoek
It w 111 cortuliily deoroit'o grontly In quantity.
Tliorclnro tho ownoru of tlshorlcH Hi:d call
lutrlcx huvo prtidrntly t.ikon Mopn to lmuio
dlatoly coimtrnct nnd oporato halchorlos, and
lu Mils connection tho Orcgonian Any a:
"It In nronospil to rnNoa fund of twenty or
twnnty.iivo thniiNand ilollarM to put In oporu
tlou u hatohlug establishment ou hoiuo ono
or tho tributaries of tho Columbia. It It
Ikitly Hint a HtriMin oast of tho Cascido
niouutaiiH will bo nolocteil. A uommlttoo
rr-prcHfintlng tho llsliorltw and tho buslnosn
Inierostsor 1'ortlnnd Is ongagHd In Kolitfitliig
dor tho common principles of law, no i milificriplioiiH. mi fur, with encouraging ro
I mrlultiiiim cini iin niiiicl iiiimN i ore-1 Nl,lw- " Nluriny nlghl Inst tho amount
Legislature can jmss onat imeiiw to pit .,lmlmi lml reftl0-;i , thwimnml dollars
Judlco the rights of the people, or create h it mhkkI that tor about twotity-flvo ihous
corporations possessing powers to con-1 -; lfifcM
trovert tho public good. j 'arKH.MMrwillHociirothopropitg.itlouorilvo
'J'lio Supromo Court at Washington mililloti u.n nmumliy.''
holds that State law can legulato tolls, Wohtutodhomotlmohlnuo that tliln matter
tobochargel in warehouses and 0(..i wftH talked of and tlmt thosolntorosted w'oro
, lr ... ,,i.. i.n.i i ,. In tommunlotllon wlthSoth Oroon,who has
valors, and If so why not tho tolls to be M w,r,011M1 ,. ..,,, Mm 1V nxnnr.
charged by mills? , There Is, In fact,
under tlieso decisions, unlimited power
lu tho hands of tho representatives of
tho people to legislate for tho public
good, and this power will find its limit
nnd bo regulated by thoo high coiwid-
limttitslu uouiuutlon with (lull brotdlug, and
tlmt It was posalblo ho might bo hulucod to
visit Oregon nnd glvo bin direct kiiporvlhlou
to tho construction of tho hatching1 und tho
(Hily working of thorn.
If wdiuo not iiiMnkon, nt tho tlmo htepi
..nillniw Hint, must Lrovern an educated vf" Mon l" MW" ",0 ,,vor" morula,
, n i , ... I. , s'fiiiuUir Corbott n!mi occiired a imndnomo ap.
,, enlightened people. p.rH.ion for tho ..,, object, on tho Col-
"v '""" "". ' . . . ".' inniiin anil other Oregon ilvor, which war
llig lino mo exercise oi nroau icgixiiii
Ivn powers, that In our country will be
sure to temper the oxcivico of almost
unlimited power by tho people. It Is a
Hatisfaction to know that wo pos-e. a
rcstrniulnguud governing power beforo
which monopoly and Imposition miM
hesitate. It IsaNo true that while the
people may have tho power to Impose
terms they cannot compel theirokserv
uuco, as tho corporation or person In
terested can decline to run railroads,
Ntnge.i or steamboats, or to operate ware
houo elevators or mills, when the
ten iw imposed are below what Is rea
sonable. It has been well mild that
" a boy can lead a hoivo to water, but
forty men cannot maku him drink."
So with a railroad, when rates are un
reasonably reduced It can cea.e opera
tions. Thero Is a mutuality pervading nil
the operations of life. No one class
can claim to be Independent of the oth
ers. Capital Is more Useless without
labor, than labor without capital. This
mutual dependence liuint regulate our
relations mi as to protect both labor and
capital. We have seen monopoly rule
"with iron hand, and while that Is dan
Keren, there Is al-o dinger, when pop.
ulur sovereignty I-. fully established, ;
that It can bo carried to extremes. It
is now beyond controversy that tho
State has almost unlimited power to
regulate all the commercial relations of
the people, u ppwur it will bo danger
oils to oxotvlso except with the utmost
caution, while, In fact, the very knowl
edge that wo possess this power w ill of
ten ri
iovo tho necessity fur Its ever-
..i,. Vu,,u t'10 oiHilNt under
Mauds U,.-vt ho l"M h Pilviloges by
mi uncertain 'm. Iipomi! v tho
popular e,-,tliuAtiJ of what constitutes
the public k'ootl' ho W,U hoVOrynUI'
"oils lu attyi. 'tlUr siinutlou orliu
lxisitlon and Wi M bt,u,y lo h,uuor nU(l
"''ttwn publlotlu xt 1,V!Urtn0U)"l,Yl'r
niliMiijit lo btillv ami WV ' , n
wild, j., the life of inuli,
l..llgrMu,,tonLf,K,tV WZ
m nm tieely exl,,,- buu. lin
not always bo competition In , ljlJS.
tniittiwimioii, for Irwjuemiy V,o
never usd. llo.vovcr, tho inon Interested
ahow giioiiHOUho in not waiting for govrm-
, incntalJ, but lu Htipplylug tho mo.iun from
tliolr own pncl.ntH, hs 11 ey cannot idlbrd do-
Uj' and thuy criii well otl'ord to Hpnro from
thrlr Urgo prolli.s tho comparatively unnll
i auiiiw ueoitod to commuueo operations.
I lu regard lo tho o.xtontof tho nalmon
j tindi) It Is not only truo tlmt many now cuu-
i.nrlos nro commonclug operations on tho
Columbia, but establishments nro bolng
pUcoil on nil tho Hiuall riven that emptr
into tho ocean and tho dllVerut Imv nnd
I'uget Sound, Including Uogiu Klvcr, I ho
i Uuispn,(.oUiU(',i. xh,sium(uv, Hiiilotncru
m urcgou. i-iuniioiiuosuuumuinui uatcnur
Iik hhouia no pmceti at nu oariv day.
Timo tho Avongor,
Tho old saying tlmt "Murder will out,"
iHoxempllllid In tho caso of John 1. Lie,
m ho, tnouty yoirs alter tho duadful Moun
tain .Mt'iuIov.M Maacio, has loon ttied.con.
vloUid, ond shot on Iho very spot wj.no the
iniisMiiTOOivuiiOil, tor his leadors'ilp in that
torrlblobturhory. Thoro U proof to coin let
thu Moriimii chiircli of having rrl-rri lo
to carry out this mnsero, and when in
Salt l.akfl yoarnago wo learned that Itrl(.lirm
Youiig fjryoar- rodo in n carriugo that bo
loiigcilto the vktliiiH. I.eo was but an in
htruiiuut of Mormon nvarkv nnd ougeai.co
and tho churoh wus tho real ottoudor, w lh
Hrlglmiii Young at Its head, and when a
loiliu w.im demaudeil, oen at this Into '.ay,
Jul n I), hoo was given up lo Ills fate, but
Justus. will n.it lo appeased until tboo
und. r whoso order J.so acted meet with
UKa puuUhmeut,
Pomo.na 7kasoi: Maiiihn Coi-.st. This
grnnpo bold lu regular meeting at tialeni,
Friday ol lust f ok, prewmt u largo attend
ammainl much lutirist manltthlcd, Work
lu tho flP.li ihgrco wr.s vory lulereatlug, and
tbo biiKhuvs o( tho Oriu' va lookvd allor lu
tho mtwt o.v refill maiinor, nliqwliig thond
vantago c I' this degree aa n btisluiu-M toiitiiro.
IMucitloa niul ldl'o lunmuu-o weropruml
iioutly dlM'ticmHl, Tho meeting oontltiued
until a Into hour In tho evening, Tho nest
UHotlng will bo held at SUvcrton tho Urst
Friday lu Juno,
Wcathoi furd Co., tno well know and
popular dnii;,' ist of Salom, nro ou hand
with a full hpringfctock of meichand lto, In.
oluduig drugM, niiHlIelnes, tollot goodt.
palnih, oil, bruslii s, and oory thing elo in
thnt line or iraoV. Mr. J. NV. VvHinrford
has Jnst letumed from j.iii Franol'no, wbqro
ins)Mint sorl weeks lu making pundits,
and s that bou 4y cs, down tor KOiulb
U of eiuiM) MH'uros tho lt iirilclts aithe
lovtMt value.
lillJWI iWi.
On tho extension of tho N i-'h Paclllo rail
rond.'JIO whlto men und luO Chlnevjnro nt
work as grtulart. Within ton days thoy will
roach Ciirbnn river, 22 mllis fiom Tacotna.
Stuayi:!). A xmnll light bay or brown
maro mule, has worked haiil'mt my pumps
about tho country Ins O. M. l.rnnden dimly
on hip, poihups ono lottor ou Otieh nldo, I
don't recollect, light colorrd nimiit tho nose.
Suliablo rownrd will bo glvf.ti lor Iniorma
tlon by a. I'myivrr,
April I22 I'umpiiHkt'r, aulHin.Z
niAkiftAViJ4W,'.rr.U IUfcAW!MA,VA KttMlM JIiWrf.tK 4AMAX1l3titnil I.V . .lAtffcO-attafaCi
XJ JEi 23 E37 3BC 3S3
Wlaaaai arrafi.iiaai, fa. mmmt, mmHB, rne 9
-6 -i?7S SSSASi e?Wfwj -f-& V KC
I 'J W 1 !! I .J.- 1
Kentucky - Bred F tall ions,
Tho Thcroughbrod Stnllion
rnniOIIKK. Thin cclelirat-d lur-o Is ly Wnr
Ilniici. tho rnti or I.exlt.iVon Ltiil 1: nl
Ti:HMa-Tlibciiiou, ii5.
The Fine Mambrlno Trciiln? Stallion,
Awardod Pirct Premium nt 1 ha
Orogoix Stato Fair, 1S7G.
ilnrk lirimn. Ill hnniW lilsli, nnd vrnn rlrnl liy Kilcran.
lxlilnm hy llontlii: SJ liy (lru'I'i;lc; 'M liy AtnUm.
Krkion by i"a' Mitmbrli.o lif. out of On ironliic
inaruMi Cuii Uu iMj" Stimlifiio i .i-r vnrot
liy Mai'ilirliin rit)iiinUr, who w liy Mamlullio. nut
in Mnru liy I'.iunnf'.ir. llinilirli.o a r.m uf
Imp UivM-rrir ho n tliuilrool AlJila bli Mul tlif
lirinil nro uf I'y.dkk'i l!iiri!:t)inul.it, nt violl u
Mnmhilno ('lib f: II'h!aiii uf tlio l.Vter wr.o n bnNn
marv, n n chrulisl rn.nl ii- nr.il ramour hrvi'tlcr, rlrcil
hy u fray linrn n ran or 1111(1. .Mrnriii't-'r. ho rlooil
In I-'iiiliif cii , N. Y. KfiiTiiii hae a rciorj of S.30".
.'kt hoit, (it four ynir 11W. Ami In tho Mrer Ktlc, it lib
a rerun! of a S-V. at f"''-' ti'sn" lrt. eti'l DnbU. itlli a
nsMiril of S f'4, at livo y ar oM. Mill S VO, st in yr.
old W. Coiutin. ilili record. S.KU.V. t tarre uar
uld: mid U tho rlro ol nuny uttiirK"(l oucii.
TE1JM8- MMic hcon, t'J5.
WILL STAXl) 1X.VALFM, nt nurMa'n htaWc,
'I'liursila), I'rlrny, nd Salnlilii).
.17' Al.lt.lXy, lUoiulny niidTliitrmlnr.
apli3m3 I'roiirUlor.
T. 23. "tTO'.JXXO',
ii.'" ialAcii for Orcjinn ami aliiri'.uii Tir'y for
w n
ormick's fiiarvestiavi
Tin-Mi ' rmu k urn lulu art) Ibtf 11T cd mint
lu- ill! il. 111 li- i-icr Im u loii.liLrltil.
I'llEliKfts l.-ok. In yon-Ill irv-.tp" Clli-ino
m in llklit. i.i.t I mil. ( hi-i Mill' niuiMl i Wbi-u
ii-Uk'i-tn V-i A' MCA". nl '-i Il wiir.roiorMro,
hi. .ul fur'w.-iilt ii-stF. Jrtlni ana m 1'ukIi. ol
thlr i.-uiiti. law .iin'ihoj Usib run fur C.t3 Jtar,
and Mill -lit! iui,iiiini to utc 'flic Mil ..rm.rk II ir
wIit iiKil. tiu ilx'wt van-OJi'xixi.'r.!. t
Ihu uiotfiin St.u,. I urol "f 'l ' ALL "J Jit!
Oo lint i.n'i r til it I ill llie
liIiMnid wllli jour I'lirJ..!1!
. niul )ou will 1
Wail's Portal'lii Power flay Presses,
t rrcoa
llalli lo iinlcr, anil ecry i-iio warranted tol ejiiil to
Man' Pair of l.a
the ono ihm took tlm flirt iirvmluu at tho
(i.7 um
r,iii or niilfi r i-nv lUtrt,
COmmntliU Strut SAtl.'if.
Bo 22.ot; Deceived !
See tliat our Trad Mark is on oaehlPackager
ii ffw--"--y -v 1 "' iT I sf?. IS
11 ea vsfwiw&i? ;Cv"S?l'' iMW O lit
Jot Black ; and ALL COLORS.
3fIi:cl IFS.octcis7" 3To3r use.
Vav Sale liy t!i AponfA:
riinIc.sti!o B)rim?lNts, uJ Ocalcis In I'altils, Oils, and IaN
NO. 73 HHONT hTRHET. ....
XOXI.,I,Xj.3J3C, Or.
Tniii m
I f f&f?
HmteaateZT?rt' -. r .. N. o
5H?tfP6SS ?rSrEv
" zXZJ-
And Couuterbalauco Separators.
wiuio inoy aro somng uenortii i ud forcinuhr
Morchandiso ohetip, yot they
will Roll their present clock of
Boots and shoes, on hand, at cost
Also, Trade or Oaoh paid for
1 miuis, uu rn.ldent . W &. Olii-iunt, Sicntary. XST feixxxsojt-ioi. to i
vrr--.K!ir "rt--cr5T- or fiJonnvatoi" now ttr -xtts-.r
uiiiuat AAI.A.M. OltKi.u.N, ol Orruil Iriiuai... wumliu niuiciwl. lltb fOS M LAC la n. LIPK-'USIK
IHU bUl'.VltTOK s.WEs THE lilUlH. Vm lotttn jmrtttular.. oJJu. tbvudlccrK nairtU alxmi. 01
Siu.a, March S8-ly
IST&'W' SBt;oie-
ST'fvToxxloxafe XTLoclxxotioxx.
Only $3 per Thousaml !
p?.ovxaxoi7d AN
r M. Sn13TH,
23 3 IT X' X Si 3? .
OfUi;om9caocrDItRVM.N nitl).' HV STuKE
Oil; t toni rto:n u a. . tii 5 un:.
i-oinii(i riiuti.
It. It. Ull!MN,
lrtiiiffi Lnuo Co.
Oonntey Produce, OABBAtUi, 'JS'l
I U.vUio lOO p,r KlOO.
! OAnUAUS 1't.A.Srs. 5tlc-pr jol; CAUIJF1.0 t K
I f 1 rer 1W); Tomsto n unit, ,wt f, l , w tl.iu i im)
.. ... nu. n.. Ivd.!...... 1.... .. ... .. ..... .
I MiuniiHimj H.n muw'II, IHU Mill a Kill llVH
WUl Imy Aud M) on (ommUlon. Conjlgnmantj f o- eat from bilcm. UUrauiii sJlowrd toDo.l.i
llollisl, Tmi, Citli, Ot Ut trjulvuleut, ja' ' jaar,1n3 XftMliU t'lliLl),
-U,m MMtJfam