X 7 WIJLL'AMETTE FARMER. 6 r ffljjjlilhimtU rimtur. ihobd evrnr minir, nr CUA.J.t,JJ cSc CHA.IO, reni.miitns and rnorniETons, S. A. CLAHKK. I). W. (JIIAIU. Term nf Ktibucrlptlon. Onocopjr, ono year (6U number) ....Q2.J0 Ono copy, fix months (SO riumhcre) l.lifi Ono copy, thrco month (13 numbers) 7fi SAlitiM, FIUDAY, APKII, 13, 1877. Tho Tick Question Arinr. 2, 1877. 13n. Faiimi:h; I am ratlior sorry tlw Tick riuostlon has closed as I hud n fow things to nay about tho animal, wooing It linn assumod ho much Importance In rogard to ProfoBsor Johnson's nay nbout tlckH I nm inclinod to think bin Idoas aro bosod upon his reading of tho Kanlcm tick. I would suggest thnt wo liavo n different tick lioro, or, what Ih moro prohablo, HovornI dllforont HpecloH of thorn. I know that HOtno of thorn havo wings, and Itlsqtilto probnblo with io thnt tlioy all do at tho porlod of egg-laylng (If Ibis Inttt Ih tholr way of propagating tho species.) That wo Imvo Ulllbrent spoolcs Ih apparent from tho fact t lint wo havo, whon of iimturo growth, Homo hh largo its tho ond of your finger, and nonr ly exactly round, whllo Homo at maturity nro rjulloHinall, Hut and elongate!. ThoKasloru tick also Hootnod Inclinod to fusion upon and food upon tho human body, whllo tho Or egon lick sconis to havo no Inclination ot thoHort. It was about tho lontli oTOctobor, hoiiiohI.x yours ii'o, In tho neighborhood of Mwoot Homo, Mini Co., whom Mr. .). W. (lllliland Hhowod mo Kiiinn ticks having wlngH. Ho hod Just l:lll( d a dcor whon I h.iw homo doc on or twenty ulugulnr Hying IiisocIh Hitting about In i; dlHturbod dominion. In answer to my Inquiry iih to what thoy woro, Mr. Ollllland said thoy woro ticks. lind caught oiiouud hhowod It to mo; ho thoro h no mln lalto about Oregon tlckH having wings. I hiipposo Hum, that llltoitll ollmr Im.rolH which pass through illlloront phuwi of lllo, oven- tually unsmiling tho wingod Hlato, thoy malm this their propugutiug porlod. This porlod, olliuni havo iuformod mo, Is In Hoptomhor mid October. This, I bollovo, 1 havo no- tlcod homo of my horses In Hoplombor with tho hair on tholr iildon and hacks lorrlhly confus.Hl, us though tiio homo had boon bit In lilimiolf, citiiHod, I Hiipjioscd, by homo local Irritation in Ihohkiii. I oxamlnrd sov or.il hut could lind no e.iuso. Homo two or thioo months himco, liowovor, I found llioni uovorod with tlnhs. My conclusion wan that tho irilliillon was caused by tho Hying tick, In iiuwllug about tho horxo doposllim; his ogKH upon tho liUln, and Unit thco eggs batch out all through llm Winter, but prin cipally m November und December. 1j1!o Mr. Klnliiyiion, I havo looked i con hhlor.iblo upon tho bush for thorn, but havo novel' soon ono ilium yot. I wlllhiiggott this to all (ntonmtoil that thoy prociniiHiilpliU-iitid mix hiilpliur and nail lit about cpml quantities nud food your borhos all through Hoptomhor and October, onco or twlco u week, und tho ticks will not bothor your horses that Winter. After Ion lug two fine rolls In ono early Winlor, tho no.t I ''.ill 1 ttlod tho ubovo lomoby and suc ceeded ton traction, I miohoiiio say they will not bolhor a fat homo, This Is all bosh, as nonio of mine, tho fullest lu tho lill, iiull'iirod tho most tho following Whiter. Ticks nooii mako a tat hnrso poor, and HiIm f.ii!t accounts for tlmt ibilon. About Oik grubs producing thorn tho horco being tholr most iiceopUblo liomo, thoy houso whores or dropped from tho Iioimi, If thoro Is biush to protect thorn In tholr liatiNforiuallou. As tho horso, In loedliig, roams much uioto in o.il; than Mr, thin will account for thai opinion. As to ticks iiutt Dirwlnisui, It Is wronp; In Mr. Plnhiysoii to in Mo that nuoslloii. If fiOinodlsclploiif Dirwlu thinks IiIh father or miindl.ilhor was u lick, just Ul Aim think o. It It ti any consolation to him, it woro doubt loan wrong to disturb his ropo-o. Homo loon havotiwry low origin, ,'and if, pcrohiuen, thoy uro bUtlsiWnl with It, let them enjoy It. As to Mr, I'lnlityeou, ni.ifcolf and (ho edhor ttftho Kaimmi, wo claim a higher, oilgln. lr. l"lk la not authority for us. Kmumi MajIuw. Another. MoMimnvillij, April 1, 1B77. Ed. Fahmuui 1 ce, by rending your p.v pr, tbfttttioTlokquwliiii s tho grout hIi. wrbinK loj'lo of tho day, and to M.ltla thU Important Miit Joct In tho in toils of tho inm phlmhmted 1 would simply y thnt 1 Studied llokolopy smuu liitlo, and 1 dUuovcr that ticks, lil.u nil othor vermlu, hio Keuorat d from tilth mid ciri'leinocss, mul tuget rid Of thorn on horwm, and eMpeoiully on oolts, mix ono te.mHionliil of eeiino wppr with cuniuion f' v f chop or brsii, then feed to tllnnlin,il, and then, if Mr. Tick dcesn't let looMliIstftiom; hold ami ttUuppcar, I will ly Hit il'imiigw. T. II. 0. Tlipslivf Tweed's ihcapo and wmulor InXsU full ul oxoliliig and remnutlo Inter est. Ilo diMipHred Dciviiibcr ft, a year ii(o, and was coiu'ciik'd by puifcMiloual urlmliMls, in actuitl winlit of Now Yoik, and hUlmeinumtly .( tliulounly loughim' reiule voiiscii StMeii UUiid umll toward tho nild die ol Knliruury follow iit. Theiico ho went o Kb-rltln where ho leiimlned till inldsiini nier, ihtn filiuiluto In ihoivi.t light hotue, Wh(Us'hoeiowst tol'iitia, hh( Uioiuv) pro cw ilwl lo SmIii In tho vcsol lrom which ho vws exwuttd on bur arrixiil. Weighing nearly K) pounds In his jwliny davn, be hhiAiii; to ll but U now uitldly ImpiovlnB. r(mn.N, Aplll VI, 1S77. lilUWU Of Tit Kl'AKM Kill 111 "our lA.t tin- Ur ft Loy utii ntn eld wriHo Im1 a do. Ha iwL tW It mm ttiH IVeltlo (Wt Third MhtoriML)wi(M). 1 think that is not felr. i tm a Uitw boy nim ymik old OwanUHH V, QlHttS, Don't Kill tho Birds. Thoro Ih troublo on our track If wo do not at onco tako mcauuros to protect and lucroaso tho bird family. Tho msootsaro nltor lis; tholr numborH nro legion; ovory plant, al most, has its onotny. Many of thorn havo a host of cnumies that nro making war upon ourmiccoh.s in cultivating thorn, and yot wo Invito tho Hportsman to coino in and destroy aiir only ally in tho ovoi-prosoot conflict wo arc holding with tho Insoct host. All tlioso onouilosaro rapidly on tho Incrcaso. and tho dcH'.ructlou Ih fabulous lu amount. Prof. Aughoy Ih tho authority for tho Htatemont that "tho amount of damago douoinaycar throughout tho United States, by InsoctH is not loss than 8100,000,000. Illinois, alono ban htinbrod to tho atnountof $73,000,000 lu a singlo year," Hovonty-tlireo millions of dol lars lu ono Htnio, destroyed by inBocts In ono yoarj and yot olru-kllllng gooson unuor tuo jirotoctlon of tho law. Homo rash Individ tialH claim that birds do not dostroy lnsocts, If thoso porsoim will oxamluo tho stomach of a bird klllod by thoo hunters, thoy will no longer afwort that tho bird has not a mis sion in Insoct. destroying, and If pormfttod is not faithfully at his post performing duly. If theso insocis aro not dostroyod In Homo mannor, wliat may wo oxpoct? Prof. Aug hoy is authority tor tho following, nlbo: "Apnlo, pour and plum trees havo about 100 speclos of Insoct enemies; 50spoclesof Insocts mtorioro Willi graio euiiuro. xuore are tu loast 20 insect onomlos to our gardoiin. Most Hiioolosol'InsoctH havoa inarvoloi'H fpcund Itv; ono pair of grain woaviln will produco 0,000 young botweon April and August." According lo Heaumor. ouonnhldo. or plant- louse, may bncomothe projoultor, lu aslnglo LCttijoii, or 0,000,000,000. Tho fomnlo wasp producos, lu ono hoason, :!0,000. Tho white ant (leiH)hlts eggs at tho aveiago ruto of sixty lo a minute. Ourown Nllkworm, which food m largely on our wild plums, producos from COO to 1,000 eggs per hoahon. Loam tboto facts; and yot tho gunner Is iiormltlod to dos troy our greatest, hopo. Moro birds aro needed of Ibo insectivorous class; and all that aro soug'it by tho hunter aro of tho fam ily that Is continually destroying tho great enemy of our harvests. Dogs and traps should bo prohibited by most stringent leg islative enactments. Tlio ftiwdoysofrosplio from labor and thoolllco, that aro found In tho Held or torou with the dog and gun, may bo missed: bill what Is that lu comparison with tho fabulous amounts destroyed by humoring tho drsiro mid removing tho pro tection to tho crops, and our bread and but tei? Let tho experiment bo tried for three yearn, ot permitting no ono at any time in year to kill any bird or fowl. Such a law would woik iiimisiiips to no ono, nun it hav ing to tho Wi"it initfhl bo In amount more than our nalidiiel dobt. The law-makers of our several Utatcs now In session should take prompt and milted action hi tho matter, and onlorco It at once. I-Uctori (mil Mtrm. Managing I'oultry. llMporof I. K. Ketch, rrad bol'oro tlio Mass nchiibotts fliito llouid of Agrlouliuio. HalslugehlckeiiH should pay a prollt of ueariy ono nuiuireii per coot., mil h nog lidod thoy will run ono In dobt. T,io smaller tho Hock tlio greater tho Indi vidual yield. Filly hens nro tho largest number that hhotild bo allowed to run in ono llouk. Tho loesls should ho low and level, uiid nui ono about another, like the rounds ol u ladder. Tho chickens will nil seek tho hl'(hst loost, and many will bo crowded oil', ttud probably lniuoU by fill ing. Uous that nro accustomed lo low rooets uro less luulliied toscilo lences, and may be kepi lu puns with loss trouble. Tho ground under I no rooslH hhoiild lu of looo gravel, mixed with loam. Two yards aro better th.tn one, iisonoiimv ho culthiiteil whllo llioiiher l. occiiplod. In thla way roots and other forage m ty bo grown for tho low, Moil hind fertill.od by their droppings. Tlio open shed Is very important, us iilfoixl Ing protection from cold lu winter ami bout In Milliliter. I would feo.l h Ul or dough In tlio morn lug, grocu cabbage, roots or other forage at iioiiii.and grain ul night, lions must ho fed well to bu prolltnhlo. ami if well cared for are like a niHctilno with tho power iipnllod it must work. If lions in o well toil thoy iniiHt hiyeggs or die, Clover rowou Is ox cillent ler dntei' loodlug, lu place of tho giceu Htutl vbli'h they get in summer. Close breod'ng for three joara will cause thoejrgs lobe unlertllo. Itreod ovory year, mid change old stock for new. Young lowls pay much beuerth.iu old ones, llratiumhs should seldom bu kept moro than two yours, If ono is seeking tlio greatest prollt. Nevir keep more than one hundred growing chick ens in thus who yard, and If of dltloivnt agoi not so many. Tor selling hens 1 prot'or half b.irroln with out headhunt In the ground liulf their depili. Make uosisol hay on the earth. In cold uinUhorsiioh nostsexeludo cold air from bo noiiih tluiixus. lu warm we.uhor tho esrth tliould bo inoUtoiied by poiirliig on a pall of w iiior. Muoru suoiiin tie gen: ny iinnii.seiyes topruNont any itiiuoyaiuio troni other hens. A coop placed over tlio nest largo enough to allow ot a dust b .th works well. Havo tood convenient, so the bird o in out and go b.iuk to the ui'su ln.ioru the eggs got cold, Amiikuun I'i. .s rou Hi .ia. The.liscr iron Airii-ultui it tor Msicli tho lht h..s: Ono ol the most iiuttci.bloef ricent ecc'ui ionics Is the piiictiswoot (enttiouvaiul Auier lean plowM by the Uiis.-Kin ti )eriiuunt, for ili.iriliu.tn hiii. Ik. the titimoibot ldishla. Thoro Is moro in iMsth.ui would soem lo lw at P.rst sight. It l ci ltalnly t cixiit complt iirmt us welled u iilimbls acknowledge meiil ot mcr.t to AjiinrioHii Uk'rieuliural liuiilciiuii'. makers, but It iiupllo thu tho loinpotl'.ii'ii ot American tanners lu tho ICmopein gr.im iri.delmstoiutlicdwli.it has been uoumiieniil an Inviitner.iblonpot. The wheat groiert ol tiomluni Kussla supply what is known hs ttio bu.'k Su tr.i.lo, wild being miu h nearer to tho miu ket thin wo urt their wiietu lmbulagroU inhaiunKo ovaroui, ISu'. Aiuerkuii wne.it li is ills-pli.i-od the ltuusian whsat, to aeoiibldorsblo e.Meut, In the lhigilsli uurket, mid tho It.u fciuii tHiuitrs lme now to exert themselves t.i hold ouii u poitiou ot thai tr.ide. Heiioo U Is deiei milled to try ttio plows that we aro using; wuh a low to produce wheat moro eliciply tintii ht.ticno. Hut thero Is some thing eluo lieedod. The man tli.it holds the plow is ol moro iicoouiit than tho plow, mid ilierouro no f.irmers lu the woild who nro more tntolllgont or more stvllltul than Auier lo.ui fitsiiitrs. Hut wo ciiiiiot nll'ord to rest iiH)ii what wo have gained, Tlio Important luct inukvil bhows that our eoinpytttor im by no uitans idle, and Intend to Improve their liiethoda of work us fur as (Msslblo. We niiibt meet their linproveinuuts by oth ers ot ourown. ltooiciusiuaiv. Mrs. Snyder Is currying on the business of a bookbinder in Salem, llor tvstubUsbtmuit U in li ray's bkvk. If you hiwom.y books thut neod re-bliuling, or any shee.sof niuslo thnt von wish to pro verve, or any other binding to be done, call on bur, and vou will hav tho work dona in tho beat manner. Mm iUmw nil tho wotk that parlutns to a book-biuder. Another ow of hinallpox bus been report ed in. Seattle, lu wblvh the lutlunt, a wunuui by tho llama of Kluwboih Kauige, illl, BREEDS F0K THE DAIRY. At tho anuuol incotlng of tho Wcstorn RosorvoDalrymon's Association of Onlojust closod In rolatlon lo breed of cows host for milk, or for dairymen to food for milk , and for gonoMl utility, tho following testimony was givon as reported In tho Ohio lxrmcr : Mr. Olds has kopt nothing but grado Short horns for years, and ho regarded thorn as much moro prodtablo than any others; thoy woro good milkers, ond woro yaluablo whon wanted for beof. Mr. Taylor had an Ayr HUlro holler that emno In at two voara old. and for sixty days aftor gavo forty-two nnd throo-quartor poundsofmllk poruay. on the avorage. This yoar, at throe yoars old, nbo nyoragod thlrty-l'our pounds por day. His neighbor, Mr. Fuller had Bovoral Ayshlres nnd thoy averaged ten pouudH per day moro than his other good cowh, on samo food E. II. Loo had an Ayrshire that emtio In at two years, nnd gave an nvoragoor thlrty-flvo pounds por day for 100 dayH all hoforo sho was thrto yearn old. Mr. Iloovo bad a throo yoarold Ayrshire that gave an ayorago of thlrty-ono pounds for tnlrtvono days, and gavo horowu woight in milk lu nlno-teen days. Ho had a grado Shorthorn, ulso, that avorngod forty pounds n day for nlnoty days; Hho wan a largo cow, and on oxlra feed. Mr. Taylor said ono of tho Shorthorns woro good milkers, but It was only occasionally one waH found; thoy uro not reliable to brood for mllkoni. Ayrshlroa woro almost certain lo produco good milkers, any time; thoy were vory docile lutolllunnt. cmsv kcoueiH. Mr. Untos lind a two-yoar-old Jorsoy heifer, catno In at eighteen mouths, and for seven months thorosfior averaged seventeen lli, of mill: por day. Tho milk was much Htiporlor lu quality to that glv6ii by his other cows. Tho general verd let was that for quantity of milk no breod equaled tho Ayrshlroa In proportion to feed consumed. Tin: Kxi'hOMox.Sovt Ynrlc, April 0. Tho Ttvici to-morrow will publish, from an authentic uotirco, tho true story ofilio ex plosion, rovcallngtho fjctthatn diabolical erlmo was perpetrated. Orvlllo 1). Jowott wasndmllted lo tho firm of which his father, whon nlivo, was a member, elx or soven yoais bko, simply becauno of tho relation ship. Ho had bton somewhat wild, and paid lltto attention to tho business, which booiUH not to bnvo been to his tnslo. Ho had been absent hist winlor lit liermuda yacht ing, nnd on bis return, recently, exprodsnd n desiro to withdraw from tho firm. Ills partner did not wish lo mako auy change lu tlio business, end opposed his letlrlng, but ho perslted lu his de.eriiiluiitloii, unci finally beeamo ho dlSHi'ree.ible thnttliev consented to lilu roquoat, und tigroud to pay him J200,- oju mr ins interest. Tiio noeesi'ary papors woro drawn up and woro to havo been signed yestorduy. "i oung Jowott, iirobablyeraod with lkpior, catno to tho ollico with a hand gronndo und pistol. Homo angry words pas std, and ho pulled tuo grenade from his pocket, throw It on tho Hour mid Ihotx plo sion followed, Tho clerk was killed, his own logs wero brokon nnd ho ueelved threo terrible wounds lu Iho abdomen. Ho then drew tho pistol mid nttempted to shoot hlui selfthrouuh Iho head, but liiaulm was luuf tectlvo. Ilo died Ibiu evening In tho hos pital. Dean, who was Injured by tho ex plosion, Is understood not tu bo In u danger ous condition. Tin: Or.nusT I'uteni.r Iiion. Tho oldeat pieces of iroti wrought Iron) now known am probably tbo sleklo blulo found by Oiilzuiil under tlje base of n splilnx In Kar liue, Hear Thel.nM; tho blnJu louuJ by Colo nel Vyso, Imbodilcd lu tho masonry of tho Uroat Pyramid; tlio p-mlnn of a onm-otit Hnvoxhiiniedat Xiuiroud bv Mr. I.iyaril all of which aro now Jii tliollritlab Museum. A wrought b.irol' 1) iiii.teiushtoul wus proseu ted by King Poms to Alexander tho Ureal; anil tuo rasor ateol of ('hlea fur iuny eon turtoi 1uh hiirp.ifscd nil Kiiropo.ui utoel in temper and durability oi edg. Tho Hin doos appear to havo made v.' taught iron directly from tho ote, without passing It through tlio fiiruiicc, from Umo Immemorial; mid elaborately wrought masses of Iran nro still found lu India which Unto from tha early centuries of tho (llirhtlan en. Iowa Cirv, April f.- Six men, mipposnd to bo moiite operators, attempted to ubdiict Mm. Ueorgo w. WnUt-n. n weallby unit ao coiiipllshed young womnu of Massllon, Ohio, from tho lbck Island train, between ltnck IslAiul mid this plnco, list night. Thoy entered tlio tram at Uvk Island, mid under tho pretenHn thai she was en escaped lunatle, kept her gtt'jged nni held her down nt each sUition, Hfeo 0'Cip.-il iVmii them r.l Wilton alter n desperate H.iijglo, during winch hhospnilmit heriiukie mid peuaded iho conductor ot hersauiiy. yiie was nllow ed to tiiko rooiua in a hotel here, whom sho Is well known mul respocteil. tlio otiicet unj . it. I. .1.1 1- ...t.r.- iia ulm .v-n rd.M sho was richly drih-sed., Tho remnltiH of several historical pflinon nueswho wero bebrndrd lu the Tower of I. union moro tluur throa hundred yoHricgo havo lately been uuonithed In nwitliii; ex ctviilloiis. Tiuwo which who thoroughly lilotitllUiI nro tho koleliins of tho I'o.iutosH of Salisbury. Itobert luidloy.lho father of hidy Jauo Orey, uud tho unbuppy Aunlo lloloyn, Theio nro Mime ten oltk. bkIiIb from whnt Rrocalb'd iuliier' oft'ntv, In tholll.iek Hills. T'ie totid populstlonortbo Hills Urtlniitinii bv tho bust Infoi inl !on to b ninmt 10,(HK). K-'l i atml aii.'oiint oi gold taken nut about $7; 0,000. lUmdw.vJ iua Cur ato tba prin- ii-ftl eltle. Cutir, at one Urns, hd nbout a.iVo people, but i-o. dhmubibiHl Wiintwhtt. Alittln oii ot Mr. Dull', ot ('aueninh, wi's bully iiijuroj iMl wtssk by tbo e.-lo-s.oti of wo, gin . 'sder. lie had plH"l lie p wvdor In n ors'tr ciu, . I phmtwl it III tbefcrtnind, niwi then w.4 tiro to It. The i xploMuii kuockid him oer, bu ily burning li nice, ami It U (buUuml uuoiber he will c or bu able b sen sg tin. 1'iiWT IJoi.i) I'iMMVKKKii. T. O. 1Uoh moud.of H.ilHi.K ib lUiuied, was the first man m ho wsfcht 1 nut ,i.Jd vm' ot tho Pas ca los, and deii'O-istiu'.od positively that thoro wus realty gold to bo bad In that ww tiou. It was on Uurir river that ho llrt "pimied" out the yoltow stud whllo pissing through with a p U train In ISM. ltemi:er. An lntelllgontouih, reoenily engaged In rt isjinmsiMial ollloe, made out u shipping lull for'-fourty'' ojrrel-s of Hour, His cm plover allied tils attention to nil error In the Mulling of t'orlv. "Sum euougb," replied tho promising olerk; "I left out tho jA." A fatal dUwso, iwembllng smull-pox In liutntu beings, has broken out among tbo liursos nt Montrvhl,Cauaiiti. Tiio veterltiarv H.irgiHins do not khow whnt to uuko of It and tho fatality Is vory gre.it. Tho Dukrt of Wel'ltinton, wheu inked wl.v ih.. iinwfill.'H nl' Ihb sohllOfV dill lKt caura tho ulariii find icnlt Ui ihe rapln ud violeuco coiumou in Uiu aajs oi iTnmww, repll&d "Tin oh-ol nmter U abroad." The school nppmionuwut for Marion on'uu tr U now ratty, bolwt th lantt vr uwJo i 90 por hcholur. A ou.11 on lo ta br Uin two lu tie buub, v Spurgoon says tho modern roncal linlso a vory oxompiary society man. It Inn chap down In Indiana wtiofencw trying to mako a flying machine Codar Falls, Iowa, has votod a tax Mr tho establishment of a frco public library. ThoStnto of Virginia will collect a Six o! ono cont on each drink of liquor Eol0at a bar. Moro tlum ono hundred thousand yards of cottoii cloth Is niado weokly at JanosMlIo, Wis. ' Isaac Mnrks, recently hnnpod In Ten don for murdor, was tho first Israltto Eng land has legally put to doath In 200 ycan, Now York mllkinou soil milk to tho poir at throo cents a nuart. A llttlo moro watir than usual Is all that Is required to do it. Thoro aro nojfomalo volcos allowed In th uatiioito cuoirs or ungianu oy oruor uaruinai Mauulug. Tho Kmnrosa Dowacor of .Tanan has con tributed tho Bum of 30,000 yon towardo founding a school in Tokio for young nobloa, On Saturday a farmor living noar Ayltnor (wost)wus fin od six dollars mid costs for un necon.sarlly dojrglng and ill, treating auothor uiau's cow. Tho Vatidorbllts voro who to keop tholr money In Iho family, Instead oi distributing it among groody lnwyoM, Judges, bAlllIs, cicrKs aim witneusos. Tho Kugllsh Ulshop of Mancliostor says (hat those people who pretoud to have a religious horror of theatricals and circuses do not mako good Church mombers. Doni I'odro finished n discussion of tho re ligious qiiostious with tho Popo in Just "0 minutes, which considering tlio Importance of tho subject, Is iho quickest tlino on re cord. Tho premium balo of cotton wh'ch won tho 1,000 prlzos at the Centennial Inhibi tion, Is lobe sont (o tlio International Hor ticultural Kxhlbhlon lit Holland, by tho Cotton Kxc'.nuigo of Memphis. Tlio Paris, Lyons and Mediterranean Kail road extends over 3,103 miles, and tho whole system, whon cointiletod, will covor bli'l, u gronlor tnlloago than tiny Amorlcau road can show. Japan, whon sho ontcrod into comorclal relations with othor powors, promisod to put llghthousoH nround lior const, nud now lino thirty-six, ton being oftho Urst class, nnd employs twonty-tlvo l'.iiroponus and ono uuudrod Japs lu tbo lighthouse sorvlco. Tho American markot for potatoes Is prac tically Inexhaustible this wltitor. Ono com pany basentorod Into u contract to ship CO, IH)0 bushols to Now York from Montreal and liuobeo, nil Intondod for tho Cuba markot. Tl J 111 rr.flirf lVttii nil Inlniitiridnii li Hong Koug, has boon called to the bar of liiiicuin'H inn, J.oudon. fio is tlio first Uliluaiiuiti who over uttnlnud that distinc tion. Tho nmountof spoclo In this country Is steadily lucre tslng: tho amount oxportod since January 1st has b.en fJ,GS0,811, tho iimouiit Imported f:t,;i.")l,l70. Tho rcmunut of tho Modous nro nald to bo getlltig along very woll upon their reserva tion. Thoy do not havo as much excitement tin whon In their lava bods. SIM. JOnil nrirnoi. -. i ji-w. i-.. i.aa Just bec.iuio tho mother of her forty-linh cniiu, ami note pauoor uiuo giuss m tuo hoiibo eltho.. Knthor Hvnolntho'H proposed leeturos In Paris havo been nbamloned, permission, to treat religious Mibjocta having boon refus ed. Tho dobt of Now York CHy Is 100,000,000. The takes nro 3W,000,0'JO, Tho population is 1,':00,000. Thu dubt amounts to $i:ui per man, woman nud child of population; and tho taxation Is fli".S0 per head. Soeretary Kov hays thnt tho men of tho South am really bettor fellows than wo think, mul that what thoy want in Notth America is good government, tranquility, brotherly love, ono flag, ouo country, nnd one olive branch. Foolishly spent, monoy paid for children's flhoos not pmtootod by -SII ,'VA TI PS. Two wciks Is nbout tho time It talus a smart na tive child to ventilate tho too of n shoo. .SII'i:il Til's Iho only preventive. Also try WIro Quilted i-'oles, Remember This. Now U tho time of year for Pneumonia, I.ung Fever, Couijhs, Colds ood fatal re nulls of predisposition to Consumption and othor Tlinnt and Iiiimr I)lS(.in. Kuukk's Ur.njiAN Svitu; has bi ell iiiwl In this neigh borhood for iho pint twoor thieoyoirs with out a single filluro to emo. If you have not turnl this intxllcloft yotiroeir, no loyour Drug- gb1! ami it.l: him of Its woiulert.il hiicccss tiinong hlHCit.stomers. Thrco iIo'.hs will relievo tho worsi case. If you h:i o im fattti In anv nied leliiD, Jast buy n Maniple IUn ! nt l'icni:r.'n liKRM.N S hvi foi lOiMiu.nn.l uy It. Keg (liar -lno b ulo 75 euitU. IK'u'f. nogltct a OOUgb to eVO 7f) iMl)ts. MglWtf www yi -,.Miwrwwp mum Tlw t'elebra'etl TuoronglibTCtl SiaWon BB. &INBSXJSY jyiLb STAn Titi i;.oi'tno ukason at From Unrt-h !0.h to JiiVt ' Hh. "Hartfi Mil bo taken itIi1.w. nr iriit tu to tti l.liviy bUb i' Kou A 1itIi1.ki mm JAMBs K. llVaSB. Sil.nn. J0HIT G. WEIGHT, UsJr la FAMILY $B0 OBEXES, Crockery and Giassvare, Woodfn and Will" Ware, Tobaooo and Cigars, COKXHKCTAL, STRRRT. sin, April in. dAsfti 5 5 $?? JWl,dlS11S?. t) Tho farnioM In tho north-westom states nro rapidly reconstructing tholr methods of funning. They find that exclusive grain growing Is exhausting their lands, nnd nro now moro nnd moro mixing stock funning Into tholr plans. Tho manuro from this source is found botli profitable nnd necessary. Thus tnlksnn old farmer nbout his hoyd: From 10 to '20 they knew moro than I didint 25 they knew as much; nt CO thoy wero willing to hear whnt 1 had to say; nt33 they asked my ndvice; nnd I think when thoy get to bo -It) they will noknowlcdgo that tho old. man docs know something Society Journals mention that bridal trips aro becoming unfashionable. Do It at Onco It If ft tltho of tho testimonials now on band nf tho valUO Of Dll. WlSTKIl'S Uamam ov tWiLii OiiiniuY should bo publlshod, no ono tiny druggist nud ho will tell you that this IlnlsRiu Is a roal blosslng to all airected with thro.it or lung diseases. All kindred affec tions, including Ilronohltls, Soro Throat, Croup, llonrioiiois, Pains In tho Chost, nnd Bleeding or tho Lungs, ylold to Its woador til powor, Wo ndvlso any ono tlrod of ox porlinontliig with Physiomns' prescriptions or quiick medlolues to drop them at onco and iibo this Uai.sam ok Wit.ij Oiikskv. Mold by all druggists. A dense of "Wcarlnc is ofton folt by porsons who cannot locato any particular illio.ino. If thoy worli, it bo comes labor; If thoy walk, thoy soon tiro; mental oll'orts becouio n burden, nnd oven joys nro dimmed by tho shadow of th!a weakness which Is cast over tholr lives, ltecourso Is had somotlmos to stlmulautH of n dangorous clmrr.i'tor. Tho ndvleo of phy sloians to refrain from nctlvo lnbor produces no happy results. Why? Tho tystom Is do billiiued mill noo.ls to bo built uj) properly. PimuviAN Sviti'i' will do this vory thing. Llko the eloctrle currout, It pormoatos tlio enllro system, nnd liiiruionl.lng with tho corpore.il fuuetious, It ruUos up tho enfee bled and brings tho color lo tho ehoek again, and hopo to the despondent. It does Us work promptly mul woll. Sold by nil drug- gists. WHEA'-ff Aft.D ATS Chojjpod into Feed, Por Oxa-o-Toaa-tJa rJCo2U.. ....Aljo.... fSasli. Doors, BBnds, IVToxrlclixigej , Tiirnltipr. SUiIr tvorli, Stcdstcails, 2u rutins, .sintxlH, Tables, And aSI K.:ih!m ot Fnttiitittc, At URIMtOrK I'ltlO.'tS. Shoiial Agdcnlliirnl Works btuldlug, Nuleill. I'i'.l) O V. II:NN2N. The Ilaiulsoino Young Half-bred dy&oo&aie Stallins, n o. Anx7TiTr7iiYr)Ti ci mmiri a mtiii rami: imioi'khtv or wilu.vm riiAutnits, X will ctniKl at Oo3.'7Jtclirx XPnxtxt., Liirnulliif. iitlilr.L' mi cuiinty, llm dimlm; mt.xjii, from Avrll lot to July im. They galtuil two urt lire-:iilum-at iho Ot'VimSmto Fair lft full, for tlio lc. ,lli,t'.'.'.vi!',rc,'l ,,niri co ' a"'l ,,,u hett fjrm iw Ti.lt.Mh eao to ItiMire. t'Btiuln when Iho miro U known to tn tu rasl. Mnrci uti,io:l of bo- fore toslliiK, to ho iialil for ut lu foal. mliSliiil Wit. c'lAUfEIIS. Administrator's XToUco. fipnn nmliTi'lciicit. lin. Ins lici'ii rtu'y oiijielntcil liy X tlm foiini C'.mn of Jlarlon cniiu y. OroKon, nd mliibtraioref tho o.iaioof 11. o. IJajmii, lato oftalit county, iloreafcili Hi uf.iniall ncriMiin. Imi lis claims iifiaui't i-atil iMiato ill l..jro ircunt tho nurao to tbo aamlntii'nitor at lil loHor.co, mar Itu'.i.vnl, in raUruiiuty. wlilil'irl'iiiunth lrom thl itato. ana viaiiuwliig falil wutcw III K'ni make iiumcUI ito paymeiit. I,. 0. DAYTON. Atlm'r. -March &1, lsTf I td. -4- 3CS0- Exbectora, YM y f j "SHl33d- A- Stubborn Coughs ant Colds yiow promptly to tho heiiling ami etira tlvo propertle.1 of lr. Jaytioi Xx IHf tnrnot. it loosens und proniotcvi tho expeetorutiou of Irritating nint ter, mli-.T'is much jjoIu a.-.d Jti trcss, nud c':i?a.s Infiauimi.-m. Aslhma, BroRchltls, am) viu-nat JLiHiillisS. u0 -I t"lt0 vn..v.a by lr. Jeyiie" Cpcetorout. It ro Jiiovesionitrietion of tho llrcichlr.l tuben, lowons phlogm, pixj'.Iks mul heal tuo mucous niembraue.nrri. tu nny feverish ten leney, nnd Ik 'pa to forward u gradu.d euro. Consumption, Pleurisy, ant1 Limn Aft'cctions nro Generally controlled nnd ameliorated by lr. .7ayee Es-CR-ctoiTiot. It saves tho lungs from, mucli irritation nud distress, by ro lioving tliein of tho Irritatlnr; matters by which thoy aro clogged, it nb suppresses inflammation nnd gives tbo ntreeted parts a chanco to bcal. Whooping Cough.Croupantl Hoarse ness are ertlcaelously treated by nr. Jnyjia's lsiicetomnt. It rcmovoa (UtUeulty of brcatblug and oppres sion In iho throat or lungs, promotes tho ejection of mucus nnd subdues tho vlulenco of thcbo eoinplalnta nt tho onteet. It Is a Safe l'ninlly Cura tive, of long-ostftbllsbod reputation, and v.hBre promptly administered, luu euabloil many to Qae-ipo scrlotu Luug Aft'eetious. T A. Oroson. BAYfS & CO.. Whotwalo Auscli. PeUnd nrlSiiiJ an. k. v. oijasc, THEVETU.Co! WteSrseonU.8. Yclcctee, - w-tii, j.mwai awcs.uv :it:. icTl ''