$2,50 per Year. SALEM, OREGON, APRIL 13, 1877. Volumo IX, Numbor 9. BY TELEGRAPH. Tho JltrahVa spoolnl from Charlollovillo, 17. C, soys: Ilnraptou has arrived and mado a speech. Ho said bo was grallhed to toll tho pooplo of North Carolina that Hayes proposod no oompromlsn, suggested no coin mission, nor did anything but his wholo duty as Prcsldont of tho United Statos,. Ho patlontly board tbo fcta In the! case, anil bavins weighed and considered tliom ho is sued tho orilor removing tbo troops from tho Stato bouso In South Carolina, This, said tho Governor, was all bo asked. I bavo groat conlldonco in tho Provident. I bollovo him sineoro, honest and determined to dlsohargo tho duties of his oillco under the Constitu tion, and as tho Exocutlvo of this cutlro great Nation. Nkw Yoiik, April 7. Tlmt Orvlllo Jowott wilfully exploded tho hand grnuado which killed his undo, I hero Is no roaeunublo ground to doubt. Knowing all parties per tonally as I did, I cannot, bollovo Goorgo Jowott oirerod tbo loast violence to provoko tho assault. Ho wns unusually qulot, nmla lilo, and too constitutionally timid to engage In n sharp verbal controversy, much los physical violence. Orvlllo, on tho contrary, was frequently sullen, morose, quick nml violently illtompercd. ills mind was illy balanced, utterly illogical and unreasonable; Just tbo choractor to roadlly mako a deadly wrong or a moro business disagreement. About COO silk weavers, oniployod in tho factory of Giovorbrand Bros,, at Homostoad, Now Jorsoy, wont on a strlko yostorday. Tho proprietors or tbo factory reduced tho -wages, aud tho weavers loll their looms rnthor than submit. Piiir.ADKLi'itiA. April 7. Tho Heading railroad company bayo suspondod all broth orbood onglueerH employed upon tbo Gor mantown and Norrlstown branch to-day. They aro to bavo two days tlmo in which to docldo upon remaining in tho employ of tbo company at tho cost of leaving tbo brother hood. Cincinnati, O., April 0. Tbo official count of tbo voto or this city onmpioted gives Mooro, Republican, a majority of 1,031 ovor JobUNton, Democrat, American Jvnllo Company, at Northtlold, burned on Saturday. Loss not given. Ono thousand bauds aro thrown out of employ" mont. Washington, April 8. Fostoffices estab lished Hound Prairie, Douglas county, Oro jjon, Jos. D. Burnott, postmaster. Discon tinued Wlllougbby, Washington county, Oregon. Wahhinaton, April 7. In roply to tho address of Frlonds yostorday, President Hay os frays l:o ackuowlodgod tho Importance of gonoral education, inul that ho apprecia ted tho difficulties in tho way of establishing n general fcliool systom whoro nouo ox Is tod. It should bo n Stato Institution, but tho gen eral government should rondor nil tbo aid it could legally. Nothing gavo him moro nloasuro than to coutrihutn as far as In Ills powor to further nml olovato tho blessing of education, in tuofto.iiu incro was uio loss of school funils ami u general deraugomont of lluancos. Ho bollnvcd thero was no great er gurnntoo for tho advancement and preser vation of tho country than tbo Intolllgonco of bor peoplu. Tbo subject would recolvo bis attention. Mumcookk, Indian Territory, April 0. Dotoctlvo Doers, of Emporia, Kansas arriv ed this aflornoou in chargo of tho Koafer alias Homier family, recontly arrosted in Ar kansas. Tho deputy U. S. marshal, with a writ of habeas corpus Issued by U. S. Dis trict Judgo Parker, commanding tbolr re turn forthwith, arrived this evening. Kcnf or claims to bavo boon a mombtiroftho Wis consin legislature in 1500, aud rosldod thero until 1673, Kanss City, April 7. Tho Journal of Commerce to-morrow will contain an article in referenco to tbo Bender butcheries. It nays it positively Mated that the Dander fam ily wns captured by a baud of vigilantes and lvuebod while attempting to eucipo from Knusns. The statement Is hated ou a con fession of ono who participated In tho lynch ing. All tbo facts in tho cato are U to iiavo been knowu to Gov. Oubomo and oth ers over since its occurrence. Boston, April 7. Tho Now England Con foronco to-day unanimously adopted resolu tions that the warm, practical sympathy of tho conference for tho oppressed of our land is well known, aud now that legalized slav ery has been lorover abolished In this, our country, wo feel equally desirous that they who having been victims of that oppression wero deprived of their clyll rights and means for intellectual and moral culturo, may bavo secured to them all rights and privileges that their changed rolation to tbo country, and their consequently increased responsibility, so imperatively demand for them, Second, that we aro clad to reootrnlza In tho inaugural ad dross of our present chief magistrate, and In other words and acts of nis, a cioariy-aetined purpose on his pan so to administer tho government of these Unit ed States as to secure to all classes of our cit izens the full and free exorcise of all tbolr lights and privileges, and we pledge him In the execution of this purpose our bearty sympathy and support. They .will pray for this and for tbo restoration of good feeling And the prosperity of the country, Nkw Orleans, April 0. Tbo visits of tbo commission to Nicholls and Packard were entirely Informal, Nothing of Importance transpired as to the interview with Nicholls, , but it is understood be claims his authority 4m undlsputod anywhere in tbo Stato outside Of the State House. The commission organ ized by electing Jndgo Lawrence chairman and Gen, Hawley secretary. The latter says that in to-day's interview both Packard and Klcbolls make claims as to the extent of their autborlty aud recognition by citizens or tho sute s they have heretofore in publications ly them. Joint commltteo from tbo Democratic log lslaturo waited upon the Presidential com mission this morning at tbo St. Charles. Tho lntorvlow lastod two hours, It was so crct. Tho commission propounded nume rous questions as to tho statu of nllalrs. Tbo commltteo tlion mado dotallod verbal stato monts of tho status or tho government giv ing tho numbor of parlsbos and officials that acknowledged tbo Nicholls government. They will horoaftor prosent documentary facts to tho commission early next week. When tbo Domocralla commltteo retired. Packard's supremo court Itidgos wero admit ted to tno parlor aim oogan tiielr argument. Columiiia, S. O., April 10. Tho U. S. troops wore formod in lino aud moved out of tbo Stato Uoueo at noon to-day. Chamberlain has Just issuod an addres retiring from tho contest for tho Governor ship. Chamberlain's suddon wonkonlng causod much nurprlso hero because his recent letters bavo Indicated n dlllerent course. Ho could bavo prolonged tho dlspnto ludollnltoly ow ing to tbo nectillar condition of tbo courts. and ho has received much oncouragoment irom iiopumicaim uotu ortn ami mouui. Ho Is wiso, bravo and generous, and doubt less uaw clearly that it would all avail noth ing, and In tbo end would ruin him person ally nnd do Unnisgo to tho Stato nnd people and tho President. IIomw that while the great mass of Republicans opdoso this new Southorn policy that thoy ato willing to try tbo oxpcrlmout. His letter is uenornlly com mended on inuuly and able, but comowhat miter. Nkw Yoiik, April 10. Tbo JleraltVa Washington special forcshadowa that the contest for tho speakership llos botweeu Morrison nnd Itnndall on tho Democratic side, aud Garfield and Fostor on tho Ilepub lican sldo. Calob fuelling has started from Spain for America, Ills return is not probablo. Fos ter of Iudlann, Mexican Miulstor, is an ap pllcant fcr tho Pisco. Tho President will recoirolzo tho sorvlccs of Spotted Tall In bringing in tho bostlles so aa is inaKo an exampio 10 tno inuians oi mo treatmont of thoso wbo promote pnc. ..Mnri--- M'"r t.-iij -anwnimire in- moval of tho troops from Alaska, and Secre tary Sherman has orderoda rovonuo cutter to Alaska to supply tbolr place pkw xoiik. April u. At tno annual com moncomont or tho New York modlcal col lego for women, last night, nlno ladlos grad uated, Including Miss L. J. Kollogg, of Cal fornla. St. Paw,, April 10. Gov. Pillsbury Issued a proclamation to day sotting apart Thurs day, April tho 27th, ns n special day of pray er throughout tho Statu, tor tbo annihilation of tho grasshoppers. Boston, April 7. Fair demand, manufac turers purchasing as wanted and iltalors aro dlsposod to closo up stocks as fast us possible. Sales ot lleeces during the past we-k woro 2!M),000 lbs. including medium and X Ohio and PoniisylvauUnt:i9(7i,rJJj, XX.VI517, XXX niuf nlovo at ifetjCO. Good average lots of Now York. Michigan, Now Ilamn shlro ami Wisconsin sold at 3tf(j.!l3. Comb ing nnd dolalno stoady, sales 2U.000 lbs. at from -10&50; pullod, uiichunged, salon 171, 000 lbs ehoipo lots liistern supor tit MiQ III. Tho principal tale have- boeu In tbo run go of 33(J-10, tor supor and X ; tho sales of Cal ifornia lias beou 2s3,000 lbs. fall 10(i2lspriug lSJsG'-H. PiULADKLl'lllA, April 3. Wool quiet and in moderate demand: Colorado wnsuod, 202io; ttmvashnd, 100'JOoi Xand merino niillfd, SOQlOcjNo. 1 and super pulled, 3030c; To.as Huu and modltim, lt"(ij2oo; coirjo, 15QHPC. FOREIGN. CoNSTANTiNori.K, April 10. Tbo Turkish Chamber of Doputles rejoclod tbo demands ot tbo Montenegrins. Twenty-two members wsro absent, however , and their vlows will bo ascertained before n ilual decision is mado. Peaco or war doponds upon ltussla's rocoptiouof tboTuiklsh circular. Thero is fiomo question of prolonging tho urmMlce between Turkey and Moutenegro nftor April 13th. l Latkh. Tho Turklsli Chambor of Depu ties llually rejected tho demands of Monte nogro by C5 to IS. Constantinoi'li:, April 10. Tho Porto to day telegraphed a loug circular to all Otto man representatives abroad. Tbo circular lays stress on tbo Porto's doslro for peace and determination to oxecute tbo reforms. It does not reject tbo protocol absolutely, but only those points which admit of foreign in terlorenco in Turkey's internal affairs. It repels the declaration appondod to tho proto col by Count Sbouvalot), and says tho Porto will only con&ont to send a dolegate to St. Petersbuag aud disarm If Russia is disposed to disarm simultaneously. It asks tbo pow ers to luduco Montonegro to show a more conciliatory attitude. St. PKTEiisnuna, April 10. Tbo report that Russia has fixed the 13th for the date before which the Porto must give Its decis ion in regard to sending an extraordinary ambassador to St. Petersburg is oonflrmou. The A fl nice Ituaae says everything depends upon tbo decisions which the ambassador would bring, but in any case Russia having gono to the utmost limit in the path of con cession will not go a step further. The Bourse Oaiee declares war inevitable, and retreat Impossible for either party. London, April 11. A special to the Times from St. Petersburg says bad news has been received from Turkey. A war manifesto is expected on Friday. European Grain Market. London, April 8. Tho Mark Lane Express in its weekly review of tho British corn trade says tbo week has been marked by some what higher temperature and an abundant rainfall which has further rotardod Hold la bor. Tbo routimiauco or wot weather is be ginning to oftuso uneasiness as bosldos pro- voniingtno iinisuiugoi tuo spring sowing, i injuriously alleota winter rowii wheat. about which lomo reports aro less than hero- totoro. ueuoraiiy, nowovor, tno reports or ultlmato prospects aro hopoful. Dry woath or is tho great desideratum hero and on tho continent. Supplies' of wheat at tho princi pal country markots havo again boon light, and although tho holidays havo somewhat Interfered, trade has shown a very stoady totio. Prlcos havo advanced ono shilling. Incroased strongth was noticod In Mark Lino last weok and pricos havo boon woll sustained. Russian wheat has advanced ono shilling. Tho week's imports into London woro vory moderate, tho bulk of supply bo lug from Iudla and Gormany, Tho dimi nution of recolpts of rod spring from Amor lot, and the stoady absorption or last Octo ber's boavy Hhlpinonts or California aro leading features of tho season. Tho largo quantity or California atloatat tho beginning or tbo year is so reduced hs to dlspoll all ap probonsions of a depressing otlbct upon pri ces consequent on its arrival. Tho rocont rise in whlto wlioai at Liverpool supports this opinion. Tbo stocks of foreign wheat at London aro about 172,000 quarters, or about 1270,000 less than nt a corresponding Ecolod of 1870. Slnco tho ond of 1S7(J stocks avo decreased at nil tho leading ports, though not qulto at tho sanio ration, excopt at Llvorpool, whoro tbero lsa slight Incroaso, owing to tho bulk of California bolng direc ted to that port, whilst, as compared with this tlmo last year, stocks of forolgn wheat iu tho United Kingdom appear to uo ovor a million quarters loss. Tnoo llguros show tho inroad mado by tho oxcoss of consump tion ovor Imports.and provo tbo reasonable ness or tbo lato advanco and prosent healthy position of trado. Tho salo of English wheat last week was 37,008 quartors at 51 shillings, against 41.37 quartors nt II shill ings Gd laityeur. Import Intotho.Kltigdoin during tho week oudlDg March 29th were 310,507 cwt. or wheat and W,1S3 cut. or flour. LivitntiKii., April 10.-Brcadstufls strong. Torn, '' rt'ltotfJa tlfnr few mixed woatorn i 2Ca 3d Tor Hour, SSftiMs- Mr mUrb, wheat, lis 5d011s Oi for I'ltibi lOi Id lis Id for red U'ftatorn nnrliifr. lTnnAlntu if tvllAfir tin. tynut threo days 13,000 quartors; Amorlcau 7,000. The Granger Defended, Por.ic County, March 2(Jth, 1877. Ed.Faiimkh: Glnnolng ovor your papor or tho 23d lust., I noticed a lottor from a young lady of Lnno county, who was "young nnd Inexperienced, "nnd oxamlniug tho contents round 6onio vory unreasonable language. Now in will not bo doing (injustice I would llko to occupy a small spacolnyour valuablo paper In roply. I think tho young lady of Lnno county must hnvo written her lcltor in n very hasty manner, without even realizing what sho said. Sho Is no doubt, as sho says, "vory young nnd inoxporieuccd;" sho scorns to consider tho Fahmku an uuvaluable, un Interesting papor simply bocauso tho editor could not dovoto n largo spneo to tho temper anco causo. I daro say thero Is not a paper published In tho Stato of Oregon that is of moro Interest to tbo community nt largo than tho Fahmku. Thero Is not another ono that will or doos try to do Justice by nil as near as tho wn-i-AMirrri: FAitjn:it does. I'm euro tbo euro of ticks on horses Is of great Interest to tho farmers, perhaps not to that young lady. Sho considers tho I. O, ot G. T. organization us far nbovo tho grnngerlsm as heavon Is nbovo tho lost." I would rospect fully ask this young lady what sho knows about gruugorUm? Whon did sho Join tho grange, and how doos tho know tho prlncl pics tho grango ;is based upon? I fear sho doos not understand tbo tubjoct of her dis course, Yes, tho boys and girls of to-day will bo tho inon nnd women of our boloved country iu a fow years, nnd as tbey grow up Into manhood and womanhood may they all bo attached to that puro,truo, great nnd auo cessful organization, tbo graugo; that thoy may bo ablo to tako bold of our couutry's af fairs nnd make it a happy homo for all; blessed nnd respected without tbo curso of monopolies. And I liopo somo earnost and fulthful P. or II. will publish tho Fahmku In those futuro days, that it may for ages and ages, with lncrcasod usefulness, circu late throughout our land. I for ono will do all In my power for the bonetlt of that valu ablo paper and I think the young lady of "Lane" will exert but littlo Influence against Its circulation. I bopo she will soon get the facts gathered up so that we may see her ex posure or the "villainy or the P.orU." Now letmeask ber what good thel.O.G.T.has accomplished since they bavo been organ ized In onr country? I'm shure I bold no malice toward that organization, but the Woman Suffrage Association and the I, O.O. T. go too much band, in band to accomplish much. "I glory in her spunk" when she says she will battlo against tho demon, Rum, but she has taken a wrong step in denounc ing the Patrons of Husbandry, which teach os temperance by example and precept, I have written much moro than I intend ed, but I am a "Granger" and not ashamed of it. I remain a faithful friend of the Wn. lamkttk Fahmku. Yours, most respectful ly. Miss J, D.J. Polk county, Oregon. GRANGE MATTERS, Ed. FAitMEn: At tho convention of dolo gates of tho Grangos or Marlon county, ton Granges woro ropresontod . Worthy Doputy O. W. Hunt, prosldod. W. M. HUlenry was chosou See. Tho following woro obosou as Roprosontntlvos to State Graugo, which moots in May: D.wld Pendloton, or Buttovlllo; J. B. Loonoy, Chohulpum Grnngo: Mrs, Ironn L, lllllcary, Tumor Grange; Mrs. Voorhoos, Gervnls Grange Tho follow ing resolutions woro ado j tod: Rosolved, That tho law under whloh wo aro called upon to act In tho soloctlon of Roprosontntlvos bo construed to nutborlro tho convention to elect tho Master or ono Graugo aud a Matron, tbo wifo of a Mnstor, of nuollior mid soparnto Graugo. Rosolved, That It is tho souttmont or this convention that tho form or government or our Order should bo ho changed ns to malto It complitoly n roprosentntlvo system, nnd our representatives oloct nro requested to work for that object. It Is rocommeuded that ouch subordinate Grnngo sond ono or moro visiting or honor ary delegate to the State Grnngo. W. M. Hili.i:ahy , Sec. Salom, April 0, 1877. At tbo mooting of tho P. of II., hold in Dallas, April ft, 1S77, tho following resolu tions woro adopted ; Rosolvod. That tho oitlznus of Polk Co. bo nud thoy nro horohy invitod to attond n mam mooting in Dallas, on Tuosday, May 15, at 10 oclock n. m., for tho purpose of taking tho necossnry moans to build a steam- uont to naviguio tuo iiianiotto rivor. Rosolvod, That tho Dallas Jtemiser nud W11.1.AMETTK Fahmku bo lurnlshod a copy of this resolution for publication, nud that other Valley papors friendly to the cause bo Invitod to copy. R. Ci.ow, Sue, F. A. Pattkiwon, Chairman. To P. of II. Wool-Growers, in Marion nnd adjvluing Counties. Tho Into mooting or Pomona Grnugo, of Marlon county, In ordor to secure tbo bonetlt generally resulting from boiling wool In n'i largo lots as can bo convonloutly handled at ono place, appointed Win. J. Horrou, of Salom, as Its ngont for tbo salo or wool this season. Salom Grango, No. 17, nt IU mooting did tho pamo, mid appointed tho undorslgn od as a commlttoo to invito tho wool-groworn or tho Order iu those portions or Polk and Linn counties who ordinarily soil tbolr woo1 at Salom to Join hi this method or co-oporat-ivo soiling. All wishing to do to will com municate with Mr. llcrreu nt Salom, stating tho number of lleocos thoy will sell. Whoro action is tnkou by Granges, tho Graugo should formullv mnka Mr. Horrou Us Hgout, nud individuals noting soparntoly should do tho samo. Thoro being good reason to bollovo thattt largo portion of Oregon wool would soil hot tor In a moro discriminating market Mian our local buyors coustltulo, It Is purposod by tho Pomona Graugo to ship n portion of Mils year's clip which will bo classed ns superior to Philadelphia, whoro thoro nro parties willing to advnnco two-thirds tbo mnrkot on wool shippod to thorn. Those wishing to tako ndvuutngo of this plan cm confor with Mr. Horrou, or address him by letter, stating tbo nmouut tbey would IIko to ship, nnd tho kind of wool, ota., otc. All will percolvotho necessity of putting tho wool up in tho best possible order, Iu order to command tho hlghost mnrketmtos. Mr. Horrou can fur nish naeks and wool twliio nt marUot rules, J. MlNTO, Commltteo Shalom Grnngo, P. of II. WAKKIXK'S SQUIMIKL AND Goi'HKIt Ex- TKitMiNATon. Wo clip tbo following from tho iticMc Jlurul J'ress'. WondvortUo this compound with great conlldonco that it is worthy or tho pntronngo or our readors. It has been tried for years, and wo often in our correspondence iiud notes or success with it. Wo find In Mr. Wakoloo's circular miny testimonials from our readers auu cot res pondents, and thoroforo bavo ospoclal trust n them. For exampio M. F. Honan, who iwroto us excellent letters from Yuba City, and was largely engaged In leveo work there, writes au follows: "In tbo last six months I have usod ovor 20 cans of your ox terminator, and ilnd It tho host that can be used for poisoning squirrels and gophers. Your directions for poisoning tqulrrelsare correct, I havo triod many ways to get at gophers and bavo succeeded best as follows: I lind where tho gopher has thrown up fresh dirt, and dig down till I And the main run way, usually about six Inches, I then eloan out with my band any dirt that may havo fallen in, and place about one-quarter tor spoonful of the exterminator therein. I then seal the bole up tight with a hard lump of dirt or sod, being careful not t lot any dirt drop ou to the wheat. Tho air being thus excluded, tho gopher in passing through will Hud the oxtermlnator. People in Mils neighborhood aro trying this plau with groat success." Tbo Presbytery or Oregon held Its sesslou at Albany last weok, ltov. it. W. Stratton was olected to represent tho Presbytery at tke General Assombly at Chicago la May, Silver Mud Springs. Prof. Hurloy wrltos to Dr. Chapman or Portland undor dato of March 17, as follows: "I find It impossiblo to do much prospcot- Initnn ihn nntimnn v'h nlilllll. Oil BCCOUUt Of tbo loo in tbo springs. Iu somo places it Is two foot thick; I think it Is owing to tho snlt In tho ground. Tho ground Is thnwed out sldo tno springs. I prospected In otlior places wnoro tuero aro warm spriufjn mm Ilnd sllvor from & to $15 to tbo ton. Thero In no doubt nbout tbo silver bolng In the mud nnd I inn Inclined to think It Is unllm itiul! but l will bo nblo to toll bettor Iu a fow days. Yesterday 1 got mud nt tho lower springs itown nnout uio uuiwripm mmm and ilnd sllvor running from ?5 to SUO to tho ton. This mud was taken from tbo Miirfaco aud 30 feet (loop nud a mllo nnd a half nbovo on tho llat. I prospected black mud ou Dr. Vnndorpool's claim nt tho Sulphur bluings. On tho Mirfaco tho mud nssayodolght dollars to tho ton. nnd forty-two foot down, fl5to tbo ton. Tho springs at tho latter placonro largo, measuring bout 200 foot norotH. I could onlv prospect on tho margin or tho spring. Tho tubos went down forty-two feet without any elfort. It must bo very deep in tho center oi tho lnrgost t-prlng. Tho gravel I brought up In tho values asstyud ?:U to tho ton. I ilnd in tbo latter somo lino speolmons of sllvor ore. 1 nm most Intorest od now In tho source whlnli 1 bollovo to bo quartz lodes. Thero nro ovor two hundred voltis struck iu tho vicinity or tho springs. Tliov hnvo gono down bl.xteon loot on ono nud It improves fast ns thoy go down. 1 have half an Intorost In tho ndjolnlng claim. 1 bavo Interests In sovernl others. If any thing rich is struck I will bo on hand to get an intorost In it. Sovornl hnvo left for Tho Dalles, to procuro tools to initio with, as thoro nro none In camp scarcely sufficient ts prospect with." Sale of tho Orcgonlau. Tho Orcgonimi uowspapor business has l.itoly passod Into tho control of Mr. Hnrvey W Soott, who was fornior editor of that pnjiei,nnd bns bnra Collector of Customs at Portland. Mr. Scott poKccsses Journnllstla ability, nud expresses tho determination to puisuo mi indopoudent courso, avoiding ex treme partisanship. Tho OrtgonUm bos tho field ns tho grunt newspaper of Oregon, nnd It can thoroforo nllord to troat ull men nnd all subjoots fairly. Wo consider tho paper as possessing n claim to groat Intlueuco undor the manngoment of Mr. Scott. Citors in Cai.uoiinia. Wolenrn from L. 11. Applegato who iirrlvcd homo last Wednes day irom a protracted visit to Southern Cali fornia Hint Mm crop piospcot in thniStnto Is I'onomlly very dlncour.iglug. Mr. Apple cam spent tho winter nt Kanta ll.irli.ua. Throughout Miotmiiitry between thntplnco and Santa Clam valley, erops nrnnlmoitu fnlluro. OrtiFH litis nlso ailed on account or tho drouth ni'd stcck iu iimuy place:) am dying orstarvntloii. Through tho northern part of tho Stato crops nro better but Inll Inr short of mi nyerngo season. Many Calll'or ulaus talk or coming to Oregon, nml great numbers will comoiwnoim ai Mio roads itn provonud tho wathtr becomes settled. l,si(ui Tidiny, VicToniA, April 7. 'I'lm gunboat Rocket, Captain Harris, returned fioin ber voyage of Inquiry into tho Gen, S. Wright mystery last ovenlng. Sho brings four Klm-qult prison ers who woro safely lodged iu Jail. Two of tbo prisoners nro charged with nctitillug a trading fchoouer and murdering two whlto men somo time ngo. Tho otheis nro charged with complicity in killing somo of tho Wright's peoplo who nro nuppouod to bavo reached tho nhoro from the wreck. It Is said Mint tho cash box of Msjur Walker, paymas ter U. S. iirniy, who was lost witli tho Wright, Is In tho po'iKtt.lon of tho Holla UaMaliullnns at Kiiisquli. A piece of one of tbjHf right's masts whs discovered. Poison tiih Scjuiiuuim Now. Those posts, the ground bqulrrn'.s,uroout in force, nnd now Is the tlmo to destroy thorn hofoio tho young ones urn born. An ounce ol poison now is worth n pound of strychnluo by nnd by. Weathorford tte Co. havo Hodgo'H Gophor nnd Squirrel killor that doo tho work woll. Navioation on Tin: Lakks, A Silver Lnko corroHoudeiit of tho Ashland Ttittvya mentions that a brig has boon built for navi gating tbo waters of Silver lako and Silver river, and Mint Geo. Diirnud Intends build lug another. DIED: April 3, 1877, at tho roMdeuconf Mrs. Olivor S. Pettys, Willow Forks, Umatilla county. Orogon, Ml us Nelllo M. Lobdoll, aged 17 yoars and 21) days, of dlptnorla. Other papers please copy. April 0th, 1877. Iu Salem, Friday evonlng at 8:30 1. m., of depthorla, Fanny Pearl, old est daughter of James and Emma Cross, aged f years nnd 20 days. At Weston Umatilla county, H. O. Wood son, formerly of Yamhill county, nged 32. MARRIED: Married, nt tbo residence of Hon. F. It. Smith, tho brides father, Rev. Mr. Tower officiating, noar Salem, Adaui Ohmait, or Illinois to Miss Valleda Smith. In Cowlitz county, W. T April 7, O. O. Fowler, of Cowlitz, and Luoluda McCurdy, of Washington county, Oregon. At Salem, April 7, 0. S, Relnhart and Mlsa Clara Dowuor, (i- i J 4 w jX ii i ii , i C ;