WILLAMETTE FARMER: H II i Ji I1 ' H T I t Thai Spelling Hatch. Samim, April 1st, 1877. "Words aro uhoIoss. Work doos nnd will loll. Wo havo boaton Mr. Elliott and school. 1 will go to Linn county at any convonlont tlmo and colloct ray old school and go through tho branches taught In tho common" schools, I am willing to spond tho first wook In July In this mannor. Kemombor Mr. JClllott, that wo stand Idontlcal with our whools. My school and I will try to work all probloins, diagram and parso all sonton c:oh, and so on, which you may propose, and you anil your school to do llkowlso. To do ollno this proposition will bo to aeknowlodgo that your victories (?) woro not roal. Af.iiinvr lIo(u:s. European Grain Markot. London. April 2. Tho Mark Lane I'xnrcsi says: Consldurablo rain has lallon tho past wcok,andthowcathor has boon unravorablo for agricultural labor. Tho tomporattiro, liowovor, 1ms boon moro equal than of lato, and pusturos havo boon bouolltod by warm sliowors, which havo dono no harm to tho growing plants. Somo jirogross has been mado with sowing and planting, but dry woathor Is much noodod to bring land into mutable order barloy sowing. A mnjorlty of tho country markots havo boon scantily sup pliod with Kngllsh wheat. This shortnoss of tho supply will probably bo notlcoablo .somo tlmi), ospoclally as a strongor tono and advancing prices at .Mark l.ano will causn lioldorH to becomo caroloss of selling. A markod altorntion has takou piano In tho local trado, and a heavy demand has boon oxporlencod for whoat in all positions, at an mlvaneoof KiN porijliartor. Tho tlmo has now arrlvod when buyors cannot shut tholr oyos to tho fact that our romilromonts bo tweou this and harvest will bo groator than oaii bo mot with tho available suppllos, as long as Imports continue on tholr prcsont limltod scale, whllo at tho same tlmo no doubt can bo ontortalnod that tho stonily con sumption which has Iwon going on, has so reduced granary stocks that higher prlcosfor whoat, opelnlly red, will probably provall tat alio. ! t - llkll 'Pltll aifAllllHl in uiu iiini nvii nil numu tuiiu. iiiuiiunun. strength nf trado may bo attributed to a hoalthy action of consumption against sup pllos unsupported as It Is cither by specula tion, enterprise or political uuoaslnniis, Up to 'ho proM'iit deficiencies of supply havo boon mado out of grauarlos stocks, but tho Kilnt Is now reached in depletion of such stocks throughout tho country which com pels holders to ask themselvos If thoy aro Justified In parting with wheat at present price, there lining no Immodlato prospect before them of Incroasod supplies to meet tho steady requirements, in such situation wo turn Instinctively to Ainorlcau Imports into London iroin Atianuu pons, which tor the week past havo been Insignificant, and last week were nothing, whllo shipments thenco wero meagre. Tho conviction forces llsolf upon us (hat America has not a sur plus to moot our requirements; Hussia may hond us wheat as soon as navigation allows Us transit from tho interior, but tlioro aro grounds for believing sho Is tumble to sup ply moro than tho usual quota. Nolthor Is much to bo o.x pool oil from Australia and Chill, where tho crops aro very dollclont. California and India may bo rolled on for while whoat, but tho oaso with which supplies al ready como forward havo been absorbed leads to tho conclusion tlialovory quarter that may roach us will bo roipilroil. Tho noteworthy feature of trado has boon thoal)Knco of sooulatlon. l'lm.Mu.i.i'iUA, April II. Wool (pilot nuil in moderate demand: Colorado washed, lOC'i.-do; unwashed, KJQ.'-Ou; X and inorlno pulled, IlilQ, IDu j No. 1 and supor pulled, :ii)Oj,:tiljj Toxas lino and inodlum, 'A(iJ30o; Portland Proiluco Markot. Wo copy tho following from tho Oregonlau of thofi: Wheat Tho markot Is very (pilot and nv orugo quotations $1 PtUI Id per cental. Klour Host brands f.1 oitoil (Ml per bbl.; outslile and country brands, $,VJ5ari,G0; lino and stiperlluo, $1 7fmr (H), Oats lliutti iHiuiRS common, KTnoOd. I lav Choice timothy, baled, ?l,rmlil; loose SI In I Ji. Uncoil Sides I'JalUo hams, Ktullto; shoul ders, 10c. I.inl Oicgon-inado, frosh, In tins, lll.il leu pr lb; In kegs, ll!ai:io. Chlckens-fiiMaJI M per doon. Ilitttor '--Jalt.'iej CIkhwo, lr.alilo, l-.ggH lh to l!0o pr do.. l'olatoes ;tO to Xn'. Tho local Proiluco Market' Trado at Sulom has been dull ol lato, but tho meriihaiits aro generally getting In new stocks of goods in anticipation of tho Spring demand. Whoat Is still ijl at tho mill; oats and hay us previously stated j no change of lnior tiuu'ii In groceries; domestic products abun dant and tho price In accord with tho season. Potatoes aio nominal, stock small, llutter, froslt rolls, li'io; eggs, per doou, Ifa; apples lu good supply. fcitii I'ruiiflM'o Market. Inv Txi.rniurn.l Km Francifco, April 3. Plimr KximJolililiiK. $il 8.VuYT 'i WIumI ery (lull, none interim;. Not over C3 aa ho ubtaltud (or rlilppliiK. ihIIIIuk, ft 13,SG. 1 O.Ui-Jnv,VJ . Hurley Hi.winjr, fi nsM liS: foul. 1 40il 15. Loyal Tender, WS, Imjltii;; wis,, nlllii. I.tmpool wheat market todayto Willi ivl for tiMTtL'o California, 11 UMJMl ll for Club. Tr 30 .11....... U.. ...... t l. rt 1. I- COO( 1'iiom. lllmmlue,tiu Nurory, 111, Caul will! itny iiuuio neatly nrlutoil then on cut to uny mtilri'M iihhi n-cclpt of 'ii L't'itU. jiiiIm 3 cent stamp. Aitdrer. . .1, ClAUKt., HAIOm, OrO),MII, Notice to JTax-Payers! VLI, lKltSON3 OWINtl TAXKS IN MAltlON Count), iniirt lay lu MHW beloro (tin ill.t tUy l -MAHCMI. Is17, as Itii) Dclimiueut l.Ut will lo m-ulootit at lliat llnic. J. A. IIAKKIt, Marfh '.'s. rtw) SIutIiI" of Marlon feuiity. aFk.X.3VC. HHOKNTI.Y AUKIVKD. lhc . Auiwor rial. amount of arnblo A t'. II Mt.lt iV to l'oiit In. iMrtiiB l.ki'rf.l.iii k1... t 7... H ..... !'..... FIIV t. .111111. MltlWIIllI ill II..IV laml, lc, ilc , illii'i't to " KAltMKK," lareof Mrr '1'. CuunluKliam A I'o , I'ortlainl, rutillmil Southern Planter & Farmer c iiHii.no.ni), viiujiNiA. UlKt"AUItlC,lM.TPIIAt. JODHNAI. Of TlIK toulli. ik'ohil lo AvrlriiUurv. Mint, llorllrnl. luro ami It ural Allalrr; ruln-rlitlou $1 per tar la fouimtlim wllti lliU cr, i liao Virululn jl'iirm III I'wry ihiiIIoii of llm titalo for ralo. AiuJ ruuii, for.li'K-rlrlhi' lli. yiCKlNbON A CIIKWNINO, JtlctiuouJ, Vu. HODGE. SNELL & CO. WHOLESALE DRUGGIST S, Xo. in Front Street, PORTLAND, - - OREGON, DEAI.KIIS IN' Wakelee's Bath for Sheep, IJLTCIIA'S Cresylic Sheep Dip, Carbolic Sheep Dip, TJITO.V A III'IITT'S SHEEP PREPARATION, Corrosive Sublimate, Arsenic, Sulpli. Zinc, Carbolic Acid, &c KE.MEDIE3 FOIl The Prevention and Cure of Scab, etc. HODGE'S CELEBRATED Gopher & Squirrel Killer. Blue Stone, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, &C. Country Order Solicited. AND I'AUTICl'I.AK ATrCNTlON (IIVIJN TO THE l'KOMI'T DISPATCH Of (1001)3. HODGE'S Gopher and Squirrel-Killer. SUItD AND UEUAIILE FOJl THE DESTKUCTION of aoriiEits, squiriikls, hats, mice, cnows, AC. Safer, llettcr, nnd Cheaper tlinn Strychnine, IMiohpIioi'iin, Ar- Hi-nlc, or olhci- itrcpura- tloiiH an a Nlnglc trial will convince. SOLD BY DEALEUS OENBHALLY, AD BY HODGE, SNELL & CO., Wholesalo Druggists, No.. 75 Front nnd TO First St.. IOIlXIi.lM. YOU WANT A "LADY" to ninlco Vou linpiirt The "I.iuIjV finest lnrcc, crtin early, WHITE OHAl'B knon. Illpcn mldillo of Augimi Hardy, henltliy, jiroiluttivo nndcver wlirri) rrllnltlc, Nino years totted, and approv ed y tliu lect Horttcultnrlsts In tbo Union, Strong year plants 1, 60 sIhrIo: I3 doz.: 100 per 100. a-ycars plants, 2 Iiir1c; fsodoz.i flMpcr 1U0. pre paid, by mall or express. Circulars nnd price-list of 00 Varlctlcsi of Urnitcn free, OEO W. CAStrBiLL, Delaware, Ohio. G. W. DIMICK, IIull)ar-cl, M.urion Co., Or., nnEEDEn or Shorthorn & Devon Cattle, BERKSHIRE PIGS, U-lt Brainnli ChlcltciiH. Young Stock for Sale. Pics nt tho fnrm. i'i. nnd shinned for fli. I.lclit lltntnnh chickens: $1,M) each, shipped, or $1 for three, I'ltllSII E(H1S, cnrcrully packed and shipped, 1.60 perdnren. I linvo tried several of tho non-sitters, nnd ll ml ilia Lluht Bramnha ciiual to them tor eircs, and far hettcr for tho table. O. W. DIMICK. Oak Oroc Stock Farm. March 8, ltt?7. -FOU Till: PI,EASANTOIV SUi- J5AIIIS. Jtccoiiimcndcd ly the highest authority for tho cure of 3NT ervous Co xxx plaints NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, Fains and Aches of all Kinds. Ior Scilo Toy J O 11 N 11 U G II ES, DEALEll IN Orooeries VDtxcX Provisions, FAirVTS, OHiS, WJIVPOW GLASS, AND BUILDING MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS, Stato Stroot, Salom, Oregon. FLAXSEED 5.0 0 0 BUS II E LS -01'- good cXiEkisr SEED! FURNlSlllD FREE OF OllAliGE -l-'OU- Sowiug in tho Spring of 1877. Till BUST CltOP FOU CllWCa: OF LWD, FLAX STUBBLE EQUAL TO SU3I31ER FALLOW FOR WHEAT, IS THE TESTIMONY OF ALL THE FLAX -RAISERS I13. tlxo Btate ! FAIR, AVERAGE LAND WILL PRODUCE A GOOD CROP. THE BEST LAND, WELL PRE PARED AND SOWED TO FLAX, WILL YIELD LARGE RETURNS, IN MANY CASES FROM 20 to 30 Bushels to the aore, the profit from the same being muoh greater than that derived from any other orop. Printod instructions regarding tlio preparation of tho land, sowing, harvesting, and prioes, furnished to all applicants. OIL CAKE MEAL will bo furnishod to all contractors, to bo paid lor in Flax Sood, if dosirod. Address, PIOiAEER OIL CO.. sulcui, Ot-cgou, 1-A.n.aMC pJTKfwi IIWCI3IJE!3VE3E!rCrBIi S. -tf.tt'f:?c33SS3 v. . irfcAjfr .w-x .---.? ac .Irr'dftH..T'..'-3 "KJiiaV-- T-CV- --si.7- qSKWt'fX PVi5rif?EnS Ct- ? 3 ? ul Ti V-WZ ftf It I-JN - .Bi v&&"mHmm. mamm PtIK k TV' I U (.HttU IM. 1 1 f ' TM U 'a 7 ... .1 Ulltfi A . T i . 7" .I.VII w tVIT U(l. ir4WTH ', AI.UANY FAItMKIlS' CO.. AuiiW. JAMKS III.AKKI.Y. 1Iruuniui; i, u. I'Arrtusy.v, walu waua. Fl.OKD CO.. RiMKnniia: jilNU A UKLL, CuKauj,' v.VkR -tp.va TfM-nv,Y" mmimsm THE EVANS SULKY PLOW: Iron Beam. Iron Frame, Iron Whoels Easily Oporated. The Latest and BEST Sulky Plow in the Market. Bas tho Hitch and Draft direct from the end of tho Beam. Arranged to work throe Horses abreast. TooK tHe First lrexacLi-mxaa. At tho Orogon Stato Fair, 1876. ZZT Soo tla.o JGrXTWlNnS tooforo You Taixy ! uxS THE OLIVER CHILLED - METAL PLOW, Will Scour whore others fail. LIGHTEST DRAFT PLOW im ported. Ask your Neighbors about thorn. A VVLU ASSOIlTMISfT OF THE F.XTHA-HAKDENED C&LetTOCL&lOJOL " 3VE01130. PlOWj: Acknowledged by nil intelligent Fnrmerd na tho 11EST Steel Plow nindc. Vc Imvo a full nssortinciil o!" everything in our line : Hill-side Plows, Left-hand Plows, Cultivators, Har-' rows, Buckeye Broad-cast Seeders, Buckeye Grain Drills, BAIN Farm Wagons, Spring: Wagons, Pacific Fan Mills, Portable Crist Mills, Mishawaka Ring- grinder Chopping-Mills, to Victor Sca7es, Cider Mills, &c, &c. Our Goods mo nil FIKST-CLASS not rubbish tlint will not sell In Cnllfornln tST Send for our Cntfdoguo nnd 1'rlee List, "jlii K1VAPP, ISUKKEIiL & CO. I'oitluiitl, Oic!;on, Oct. ;, 1S7. w.wrATtisnronD. 3. w. WBATiicnrono, Weatherford & Co.. Wbolcralo nnd Itctull Dcalcrr In DRUGS, PAINTS, OIUO, OkAOO, Patent Medicines. CHEMICALS, 3E erfumery TOILET GOODS, Etc, oto. PURE WINES and LIQUORS, For Mcilicuml purjiorca. Modioinos Compounded, and Proscriptions Filled. Weatherford & Co(J vesir Commercial itrcct. S.M.K7T. N .mr.'.-Z'- ' .rv'js.i' u-' tEGQhY r""tVC,yVV-V 'i,?r' r&JtoKl gATACOCUl &&& Ker??ji My annual Cntaloguo of Votnblc ami riotvcr ceil for for. w 111 bu rraily )y January, nml cnt kiiki: toall ho aiply. Citflcniierii of lat n'a.ou mot not wrtlo for it. I otrer ono of tho larof t rolK'ctloiu of vege table tvA ever n'nt out by any n-t'tl bouo lu Amcrlci a laro portion of which wen" crown on my ci'cil f.irm. J'rlnltil ilhtctloii fui . Jnith on tnri iwluat. All n'Cil told from my itHblUlimvnt war rantcj to bo both frch and trim lo name; o fr, that phoulillt liroMuulu'rwUo, I will roflllttio orjer t:ratU. A thomlKlnal lutroJuccrof tho Uubharil ana Mar bli'hcail tJouathe. tho .MarbK-hrail Oabbage, anil n coro of otner uew voiMt.ibli', t tnMto tho patroiuga atoll who art anrhxi to Am. 'htli ! li'iith.trut,niut of tht ary Utlttrwlu, New khutaiill a H'eciaitv. il.VMK.!. II.Uni.uour. tleiflwll Marbleheail. Ma. Premium Seed Potatoes. Siiowllake, iter bushel, $:).() EureUu, - - St.UU KMiu Kurlj- Vermont, - 2.00 Ilrowncll'N Ileauly, - l.ftO Coinpton'M Surprise, - l.5() Enrly ioneiiicli, - - 1.00 Lnio Itowe, - - 1,00 b'nrly Rne, Dlmlck, Rnruct autl KIiik of Hie EuiIIcn, .75 Thl I my inlco fcr them, tacked ami put on tho can at Hubbard. All warranted to bttruu to name, and to reach auy point aloni; tho lino ol the O. ,t C, KallKvid lu Kood order. Money in mm of ten dol lar and upward may bo ent by expre at my es. ped(c otbemltotu reci.tored letter Addrert fi9m3 J. U. Dl.tlICK, Hubbard, Or REAL ESTATE LOANS. OKKGOX AND WASUIXGTOX Trust Investment Company OF .SCOTLAND. mills Company It prepared to ncgotlato loann In 1. um Irom f3) to ai,lW ecure'i oer lMl'HO- VKI) CITV I'JIOI'EKTV and V.HH U.NI)i. for flxiHl period of vi , or n payable by half yearly In- tallmrute. For term, apply to WILLIAM IIRII), Manager, noWr 9 Flm dtm-t 1'oitlacd, A Itcwtird of $20,000 llm boon oiTerrcd by Coii(tren for tho bout and mok durable method of drawlnc Water from Well or Oli. tirni.. SMOOTH ,fc COLWELI. lino been awarded' the above on their 12Xl?AlVrIlVGt RUBBER BUCKET PUMP, for llio rcavon that It In tho mnM prrfect anil ilcelrablo I'limplH ufo. Till KXl'AMUNO lll'UKET Is tho only ono that l. or can bo Talented Tho princlplo or cxtianrlon la Ihlf : Tho Itubbcr. .Mlm ir an Inch thick, It placed between two C'ONVfcXKD I'l.ATKS, fateneil toRcthcr with a crew: the platen belli-: full KtlD &S c,n,Ji'iJ"l" harden In tho center, which 11EADILV ADJUSTED "TO ANy'sIZEI)' TUBE, from IV to 3 Inchcf, on to produco tho leant poMl ''loRK'lonnmlyctinakoaptrftct vacuum. Thoatylo of OUH t'UHIl, inowanddelrable. wlthn entlla ted lop, ndmlltluk' free circulation of air. l'oul ana poltonou Ra(e sro ijulcUly removed by this MACIC PUMP. It U known that tho uo of Iinjuiro Water cautctt more lcknc and death than all mhur causes com bined. U o cballciiL'K tho world to prmluco a Tump i,UtMl'1UaU UUr 1,'Xl'rtNUIIU' lIUuUKK HUCKirl' The itnbbcr that we uo pure Vulcanized Whlto Ituhber, noftandelanlc. Tho metal part of tho buck et l l'INK II1IA8S. which In INDEbTHUCTIIILE by any acid found In water. 1 hi pntnii In all It part, Jl'o, nemo ol lmpllilty. UltAWINO 1IOUK WA T j U IN A , "IVKN TIAIK; WITH I.KbS l'OWEIt THAN ANY OTHKIt IT.MI' NOW IN UBE, nml I; never obn.uctcd by lree.:lnc If properly ailjutcd, "ucket paten'ed Jan. 5, lbT5. Prlco $ I $ for Curb, wllh teel, bpont and (irlne, and llrt Vi leet of plpu and clMiii. and So ct. per f ot for nil bilow tho nrt IS reet. t or l'ump, or County, Town or btnto IMkMb Addrcis, MIDUAIOH i; DCMtDSLKV, Salem, Oregon. JOHN MINTO, niiEEOKii or MERIJVO SHEEP, rilAKES pleauro Innirerlm; to tho WoolOrowcrs of M. Ori-onniiilthoailolntntfTerrltorl.' tho chanco topurel.ao T lOItOUtillllltEl) MfcMNUS, and as- urlH(rpartlelnteretedthat thoy can. and will en- MICH CIIEAri.lt itATliiM than uth can poilbly bo Imported. Examination mid comparlon with oth er sheep ouercd lu tho niaiket aro cordlallv Invited. ItAddrcs JOHNMINTO. N. ll.-Tho Ilam and liam Lamb of the llockc'an boeonon the lbLANl) FA Kit, adJolnlnK Salcm.- iinm!1,1"1 ,WI5 "V1,1!0 ?mo Ilcc, tr at the "? PAJtM four and a hall mile tiuth of tho city. balem, Sejitember 10, 1875. ' EAILR0AD LANDS. H,llornl Toi'iiin! LOW l'ItICF.5! i.ong xitii:: tOW INTKIIESX f T'omSR.'ffi.tf CALIKOUNIA IlAILltOAD CO. A oner their Land for ralo upon tho following llbol ml tenn: One tenth of tho price in caili; lnter?l on thebalancoat tho rato of seven per rent. "one vear after fatej and each followlnc year one-cnth offhS principal andlntcreet on the balance at the "rate of .Ji-!.1" of.teU vcf f ent wiH hc "oed for cash. SALEM FOUNDRY, & AXaoliiuo Shop, 8ALKM OnEQON. B. P. DRAKE, Prop'r. JITKAM KNQINKS, SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS.. 3 Kcapers, Pump., and all kind, and" tyle of SU J?.nr "Sf to ordK' fhlnery repaired at a ihort KVS vr,,,ter?-1nuklnR do In its various fomi.. ?hor?1lnHnri, 0f" nd .Iron Canw fimi.hed at iS5?,u MATCUKK. and bTICKKItS lid aiUU gits. Mav4wU (Murvcaaor lo A. N. Gilbert A: Co.) C. ITZJAFOVAGE, ..Dealer In.. BOOTS & SHOES. nolman's IIloclc, Commejelal St., threo door north o tbe 1'oet Office. SALKii. r.' v" .V?.. ' ., v.. ftyifif uffahan."uWta .aMmfamialfowe--' wi'hhii man " " aayttfsrw .njuiew.tilimlii