Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 06, 1877, Page 5, Image 5

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    1. 0. Q. T.
fJrnutl Oilltorn.
O. C. T.W. It. Dunbar. SUvcrlon.
O. V. H. Uoim Mrf. S. U. McCIudr, Kil"cno City.
O, W. V. T. lo-nitm Lylo. Inlta.
U.btc'y T. H. t'tawrunl. l'ortland.
J. A. Scu'y-L. StiLtm, Mnnroo
O. Trcnc Emma KclltyK, 1'orthnd.
O. Chip. Hov. .1. 1. 2C. Hell, Arlilamt.
G. Mar. J. V. titMneo, Hofclmr;,'.
O. D. 3tir. Atinlu K. I'ndcrwood. Cottaiji) CI rot o.
O. Ouard Maty Carln right, Tlio Dalles.
O. Sen. T.l'. barton, Amity.
i. Mu. ! C. . KMier, Staylnn.
V. 0. V. 0 T. Tltinon Ford, Silcm.
Hupt. Jnvenllu Templars Mt?,.M. K. lloxtcr, For
ost Qrorc.
Stntc Deputy O. IV. C. I'm,
Rev. .1. It. N. Hell, A'hland.
Win, ltii?cll. WVfton.
Capt. O. C. Appleratc. LlnkWlIc.
I). II. Allen, Ilalocy.
T. II. llatidley, lllllsboro.
Aia Shrove, I)a1la.
II. V. Urnbbo, Wilbur.
M'm. firnnt, Lebanon.
Itev..f.V. Miller, Dalh.
Iiov.J. S McCain, fciifionc.
W m. Harmon, The Hiltcs.
AVra. U. Carter. Conallls.
V. S. .Jamc l'ortl.iml
I,. .1, Itou'e, Summenlllc.
II. K. Itvnn, Indepcndnco.
W. 0. McMeeu, Cinyim City.
T. II. Crawford, Portland.
V. II. Vox, A'lorU.
J.l!nt. Crisrtell.
.J. K. llo,tit'm..ltincllnn.
Ilcv. II. C. Jeulilnv Monroe.
C. It. Wnlkor. Atnrli.
It. V. MeKlnnoy. llnUrClty.
Let I I.eliud. Orison U'ty.
Lako n. Wolfard. t'oniilllc City.
A. A. Mathew. LooUns G!a.
I,. C Klhur. htayton.
Hcv. K llnye. La Grande.
V'. II. Mvcrmoru, Ut. John.
niitrict xtt'putr w.ct'k.
V. T. lllchon. Turner.
II. O'DonaM, Porthnd.
J. r. CnrkvlriufC. Huaabiirg.
It. V. liiU', K.ialo Crock.
.Imiiei t'ollcy, Salem.
.l.uni'B Uinln, l'urt Klamitli.
tluit. .1. A. rrwtt, Pendleton.
L. H. ltoral, Albany.
A. .1. llirlow. CartwrU'Iit'e.
Mr. Anna VV. Spencer. (lardner.
.1. 1. Tnpper. Mnnhl1ihl.
C. U, I'aiml i, llillboro.
Stttioritliinto I.oituo.
2fo. Xamt, hxlg' Mymty. Aihlw,
i,.i:xceMiir W II drier Corvalllt
Id. .Western Star I'M WniMwortli Albany
11..Cnplt.il (loo A Kile ball m
14,.Miillnnra.ih lolm H U.irrlsou Portland
l7..lllllhorn S II Uumplircy lllllsboro
U1. . La Creole. ....... .Jennie I.oiriu Dallas
rm..Mlcr K01tamby tilherlon
:;'i..l!on HmtlyM Vandrvert....tfalem
IO..Atrl.i Tho. Jew elf" Artoni
11. .Morning Star MIS.THarrloii,l):ienaVtMa
11 Mnrlnii H Hutch Hubbard
S7..MllwanMi) John I'arker K. I'orllatnl
0'..Koiiiilnln VT Williamson.. K. Portland
TL.Viil I'ontlK TKl'CaWtt rua
ftiJ...lolm luv M VTlio:npon...t'a:i)on City
Q(1..Niinpnrc(l Mrs S T W Stcaruv... l'ortland
UI..LonuStar VA Mill Clickama
U,..l'lirii Montane.. . .Wm IlnrrWon.... Hiker Cltv
2l))..Mari'lml I.nclnn Rwrcta lVndletou
115..Hrmiklyii !n:ioMcOi-w...i:. 1'ortl.tud
1 is.. -licria in Til t'lilroner Mierlilau
1 .'!).. Dainai'Ciu MnttlnJ Kul l)aniaicii
l:ul..Kirot(lroi' I'll liiifnrd I'orett Ornvt'
lS'l..riprlrclcUl t A Kennedy Sprlnjiluld
lM..VitlVy I'TMnrr Ilalry
1.1s..Vi-iitoii lame Mrl:iictrlck.... iKin
l.Vi..Hcl.ii.iu Mlni'naSt.irr I unction
Hit. .Harmon Win Mltholl .Thollille
H..Hnloi Wti Hotter Turin r
HCKlkton W W Weill r.lkton
17s. . Lnurel I 1' I'.ilmer tfcutt'but:;
iri..lMclllc WWCtbcart Cottairnflroxo
tSI. . Mount t'l''annt....Iulin Holly Crewell
11..I'1I Vtsels ....' M Hcot Hosier
iss..(trvnl I'ralrto H I' Hond Inlnt;
ls'i..Ailibnd AD IKlnnu AfLbtid
1!lt..Klwiath ClnilcK Lynch. ,1'ort Klatnatli
llil..Ublli y:' I ClKtt :,1s"ll1m
lU7..i:den Mr II D.lone t'lionlx
1'ij..l.uol.ln3(!larv ! II Hartlii.... Looking (U
'I)J.,Tau;oiit Haniier...J .1 Hoird 'Iwiwnt
j31..1'ortl.ind Mr OACobnni roriland
j)i.,lltlilxc:inrt tt II Illitc .Hnlla
JlS..()choco TOIHkor I'rlnvt UIo
Jl'l..ltoWwU .1aaicRl'iiinip;an..l,ralrlo City
ll..I.i'lnnJ llolirrt Hakln Union
-Il7..ioheti I Handiaker Uothrn
villi. .(,'nAoii (I W Catclilo....Canonillo
r.'tii..Mrllo ,IM Smith Mjrilo Creek
i!7..Marh'Ulil I W A Culn JlaMlidild
J.'S..t'oi'illle W Wllij' Coonlllo
Mi't.. Onward .1 W froint. lbany
J10..IM Crock XaiU Hntloj Draln'f
;J1.1..hWtfCt Homo Clurle CMft Sncct Homo
.'H..i:;lu Creek lolnVaucnrni...K!rl Creek
'JTL.AIM I'. tillllini I'ilot Hock
jfl-.ttllUcuco SIMiirri.'iic Hoppnsr
.,ii HiImim Win 11 Com Sllwrton
3i;..CHwforJi"lll o ...Hohurt (ili..CrawfordfVl!U
iW..HrotiMllle AW Mani'd llrrm'iiHJl'c
ill. .Center t K l'arrlih HumimUI'u
:r I! K l'arrlh...
,-l CD IlaMUty
ill.. Mr.l, -.,.! ( ) I!.ir.llt v Molnw k
., rtii,.nr rvti.ftl f A Hoil't'rj MiencerCreeu
jm .Mnnroo L.TMarr ....Voiiron
iVt..V lodbittu II Hinney oixili'irn
j57.,Cryi'tiil HHWIImoi Heairion
n:..ireeii Momilllii ..Wm. lliinrfll Cnrtwrlahl
HI. .Wct Union Iubl L-no.... Ut I'nlon
iH. Triumph H William Imlependeiico
'..H.nl ' X Hurdoia (.crMili
IH..TW Horl: A Mor'luon san' Vn'ley
.(.'...Cailtou Mi.nncr Carr Cailtuu
J'i;..lletbl OLNoalo Hitbel
lM..lMra(lIi'ohpil!iu'..Cii Iloford H. Hoitliod
'M3. ..'ack'n lllo 1' lCahifer Iin.kiin llle
'I0..MI11 Croo"' W M Chr.ndler K'khorn
s;i..Idko Ciwl; tu-no William Hib-py
";.. lto.-uc lllror Tho' !iwiud Wotiihlllo
.ijn,,porn6llu H.iulol Knrli k Connltin
"II. Ocoan O It li'ackut'll (inrdiur
":S..MII,lri!u Miy It Smith M.irhll.ld
ojO. .Clov i -tid X' it Good Cli-voland
81..Dr Creek Sirah OnckclreaB..Hoi'bnrK
3..lalilmil HA Wallace la';bnd
ftM-JIowrll I'.-atrlc ....!.. A. Ki...lI.iMilirrnUlu
ajM..Hvorldtt A V tuoA ..... til. Jiriiiii
V.KUt Cred .TI.WIM'r.... tbt Creek
4'..WllllmCrocir....Jl'Hariloy AppWaio
n..Deflil. ,lol.u JSwl ,M' tou
4..l,ii'iiii Htll Vwr Woodward.. ..biii
ix..Mc)lt i v Ho Uuf.l I!nrU Mi JIli ii'll
i1..fn C.r.n A Mi Winner.... LnOmtido
Mr.buutniu .o J II It ui'.aii....mKrvll!
1t..X)t 1.1.1' S 8111ml- Tha Com
Stt-.I'tiil'iKiiiu Win Hartle 1'i.lliiU.alU
KUt.curX.ifl. Hr. .1. Carto fti tin
'JUiaAlllliy nnitr i i,wi.r.... ............
,irfi 0
CorrespoiuTeiica front tho G. Vv". C. T.
CrCK.MA-, Orogon, Mai-cUUilth, 1877.
V.u. Fahmxk: Slnco 1 rot you lat Ircm
tho tHrlvInRBblrb town of 11 Ilisboro, which
as kcopluif lw with tho i?Uto In Iuiiiom
mont, I havo vHlttd Lodges No. 201, lis, ."7,
SO, aud 01, atul Und thorn ns usinl autSvcly
onjiago I for tho coupo of teiniieMiico.
At Xo. 113 1 foinitl firo, fttal SlstcrTurnrr,
(formerly publlsliers of tho &tav), aldltii;.
..lanios McGrow nntl fiuilly, tho Kelly's,
IVdv. LaubAch, JM. liOar,' una othoro in
luakins It p.n excellent I.odgo. 67 is still
adding to Hi roll of nionibcroulp and will
inaho n (joo.1 showlni; at tho c!o30 of thl
List nisht oino thlof or thlsves cdVciwl
an entrance through a window Into tho fctoro
ifUro. MHUattliht vlauo anil "got awny"
wJUi Mvaral pilr of pnts, boou, otrallfc
xnd other wrtlt-lw toge;her ,itli whtt wsh
thoy conld Stud. Tju thUf fallal In tlndiug
U the neciQ tlibre wan In tha store At tho
Aim. U U thollrnt tiift in thli neighbor
hood for yaars. The public will ero lonj;
dcuMs b mai iwiuiiitdd with thonamw
f the thlvc aa Uro. Mills swtua dtnn!n.
-ilto ferrot thorn out.
lariut lu this rc-glou are ausbuUy wall-
ngTora fow dry days so they can slarttho
plow for Sprlug grain. Clnckamna county
wlllfjlvu n largo Kaln ylold thh year as
compaiod with formor ones,
In Faith, llopo and Charity,
W. 11. IHWllAH.
P. S. Many pltlxrjus of Clackamas county
oxpress surpriso that Gov. Cuny and Col.
Xestulth had not until recoutly hoard of tho
batlloof tho Ablqua In ISIS whon thoy thotn
solves had known of It so long. Homo aro
disposed lo think that oven A, F. Johnson,
himself didn't know any thlni; about it at
all nud that aftor nil it might havo been
some ono olso thou tho Jack boys that old
Crooked Finger, (Cowati), harrassed at tho
mill on llutto Croek. Foster, I could liavo
glvon tho "straight of tliat story" mysolf,
I think, and thou you would haro bcon
saved " much mlstako."
Kaoi.i: CnniiK, March 2Mb, 1S77.
Fn. FAUMiin: On tho cvoningol tbo'JOth
Inst, nflor a walk of six mllos from Clacka
mas Station, 1 hrouizhtup at tho houo of
that old tomporaneo warrior Uro. .I.F. (.'hit
wood, of DAinnncus l.odpe, No. 120. lit) Is
tho accommodating; poittuastpr of tho Dam
asous Lodge, post ollleo which hstippllod bj
tho mall carrier that leaves Portland on Frl
dayo for Sllvortou cmiiIus by tho way of ihid
place, Cloar Cteek, Norton, Molalla, Glad
Tidings, and llutto Creek, aud
and which returns agiln loavlni; Tuovlay
morning. After supper with tho kind fam
ily of llro. Chitwood wo mado our way to
Union .School houso whetu meets No. 120,
which la doing ti splendid work for tho c.iuso
and which Is nobly Supported by tho Win
stons, Ccoks,.T. V, Chitwood, Martha Kirl,
Tilda Chitwood, IMward Hirl, Dlnrdorlfand
a number of others. This Lndgo will nmko
a gain of (cvc-rsl mombors this term.
Tho Lodgo hero (which I visited last
nlgnt), ICnglo Creek No. 2:!3 has had much to
contended with but Is moving on lu tho per
formance of Its duly. There has boon a good
deal of sickness In tho neighborhood during
tho past threo or four mouths nud tho grim
monstor, death, has qathorod in a rich har
vest aud a numbor of tho mombors of tho
Lodgo havo been called on In advauca across
tho chilly stream that separates us from tho
shoro3 of tho great beyond.
II. W, Lake, Alice Cockelroaso, Mattto
Pastor and a fow others nro nobly bntlllng
lor our ciUBo. This place is hotter known its
tho " Fool of tho mountains," or Phillip
Fostoru. Mr. Foster ta yet living horoand
many old cottiers will romombor him nud
his kind family im tlis llr.l whlto folks they
"la'.d oyos on" nfior gotthiK to Oregon. I
had u ploasaut visit thu morning with Mr.
Fostor, and llstoncd with luturest to his reci
tation of early Incidents of tho bctllomont
or this pai t of tho valley.
Tho country is rapidly Improving and
many lovely farms uro fertile Holds nro
found ou cither hand. In Hunto.
W. H. Duniiaii.
lly thoGmnd Worthy Chlel.
If,'.. If a Commtttoo to whloli n chaigo
against a momlior has boon relerrod, toport
tho charge " not mtslnlnod," tho report will
Ho upon tho table ono wook, thosamo asn
rjport "siistalulug tho ohnrgos ," and tho volo
adopting tho report must bo by billot.
2d. In proforrlng acharo against n mom
bor n psrsotml kuowlodge of tho ollsttco
committed Is not uccossiry.
oil. A chirgo against n insmber should
(ptclfy as cloarly aud with ns much particu
larity ns may bo couxlstout, tlio uaturo of tlio
accusation with thu tlmo aud placo, so tbat
tho poison ncctuod may havo tut opportuni
ty to meot tho ullegailous. If tho chargo
simply u'.kj;o! that tho exvusod has violated
Art. 2d, of Constitution, or tho pledge, or his
obligation, It will not bo hold Innulllcicut nl.
though in Mitch tv.sos tho aroused may right
folly claim an adjournment ol tho hearing
beforo tho Committee, after haying had tho
spoclliu allocations brought out.
1. Chargon should be douulto nud distinct
but Iriogulnrlty or ludchnltcncs does lo.
bar tho light of luvcs ligation.
r. When a W.C.T.jneir achargo against
a member of his lodgo tho C'ommiltooof In
vostihiuion should bo appointed by tho W.
0. In charfjos for thy vlolatlou of tho
pledge, tho Committee of InviHitihatlon nro
not confined, In hwilng ovidonca, to tho
preoiw day or pliu-u tet forth in the aceubK
tton, but iuuy hoar tu ovldonco, any facts
calcnla ed to siwtnln tho ohargo nieti tuny
htvu occurred witnlu nuy rasoiuulo time,
either in-fore or altjr tho day llxed lu tho so
cusallon, or at any ether plaoa.
Uro. J. C. Cooper reports thtj Lodge ni
Amity and .MoJUunvillani"tlolug well, yea,
wry wc-11."
.1. 11. llartlu, L.D.of looking Glssssayt,:
"Wo aro doing a eplondid wmk he:o with
Nj. U."
llro. Uhodos of Llklon, says: "Our now
Lodgo h prospering."
W. P.. DunbRr, U. W. O.T., Is off of tho U.
S. pstltjury again and Is now outou &u olll
clui tour among tlio Lodges In Clackamas
county. Ho reports general activity among
tho members of tho Ordor,
llro. W. S. McMcou, n Stato Dsputy .writes
from Canyon Oity that John Day Lodgo, No.
so.h basing Inlwrestlug Meetings nnd tbo
causo of temperance l rapidly gaining
llro. Hyde, W.O.T. of P.svlval Lodgo No,
213 report a unnibor of new recruit? tho
prent month,
1'uv. J.K. McCrIii oao day last wek or
ganteod a nr.-t lodg at Hngne. No. li h
this urm wlddixl eighteen to In roll of mem
Ko, 61 has made a giln of a dQita mnj
bers tbte quarter.
llro. P. Gilbert, of Poona, is now a mom
borof Nonparlol.
A lively work Is being dono by tho Lodges
Tho public tomporaneo mottltiKs aro at
tracting much attention and groat good will
rosult thetofrom.
GKP.VAm, March 27th, 1S77.
Ki, FAHMim: I sond you tho following
from this placo. Mr. Leland, Grand Lvtur
or, whllo on his way to California, slopped
horolastovonlug and rrvo ono of tho grand
oit tomporaneo Loctures ovor given r.t this
placo. Tho houso was woll tilled. After tbo
locturo, ho succeodod In rovlvltig tlio Good
Tomplar Lodgo horo, with a good member
ship. M. Mitch km., W. S.
Tiik M. K. Oiiuncu and Thmphiiasci:
Tho Mctlmltat Qtutrtcrli RtvUw Tor October
contnlnsnn elabornte nnd very htlotrstltnr
iovIow of tho "Kelatlons or tho M. i:.
Church to Tomporaneo." Tho artlclo Is
uh ietly historical, tiud coininoiiclng with Mr.
Wesley's original rulo coudetnnlng "drunk
enness, buying or selling spirituous liiiuors,
or drinking them, unless lu case or ttremn
necessity," it traces the growth and progress
of tomporaneo sontltnont In the otlleial de
liverance of tho church down to 1S72, whon
thero was n rostatoutontoftlio pnstllon lakon
by tho church In tho ptt, and an earnet
nud heartv ondorsonieni of tho doctrlno of
total prohibition.1- Tho writer says t "Wo
nro nsa fhureha ttunnerauoo bodv, but tho
act is pcarcoly recounted." He 'advocnes
thodlKtinctorgnulzailonoi' the cntlro church
with Its ono tnllllou Uvo huttdrsd tiiousind
jnotnbors,ns a tonipprnnco f.oe!otv under tho
supervision of tlio Geuoral CnnioVenco, with
Its Annual Conforcnce auxiliaries."
That In eomo collcgos thore is a henithv
temporrncototio lshhnwn bv n recent Inci
dent among tlio fttud&nis of ICnox Collogo
of Toionto. A Junior studnit of that colhgii
lately dollvoiod n lecture at ltarrlo on tho
subjoct of tcinpornncn. lit which he f.uorml
inodornlo drinking. His fellow tmlonts IVU
thetmolvos so muchscnndnlircilhy hl con
duct in tbo matter that they subscqucntiv
hold n ninH meotlug and pnsod uunulmous
lvn iciolutlon condemning tho inodornlo
drinking views of tholr associate. Tlioso
young men nro croatlng not only for tho
prosont, but for tho fnturea MUeutiard of
character of Incalcimblo value. Xnttonnl
Temperance Advocate,
Col. Hickman, Hlght Wortbv Grand Tom
jilar of tho Ordor or Good Toinplar, landeii
In Now York February 10, aftor a long and
stormy passago from Llvorponl. His ml
slon to Gro'it llrltaln has boon eminontly
HiiccooAful, whom ho has nucceedod In in
organizing tho Oraud Lodges of lhighnd,
Kcotland, and Ireland, A recaption was
tendered to him by the Ordor in Urooklvn
nnd Now York on the 20tu.
Nt:v Yonic, March 27. The 7'. hum' Col
umbus, Ohio, npooliil siys tlio totnporanco
movoinont hi spread lug rapidly m that vicin
ity. Ovor a thousand have signed tho plcdgo
ntNowirk nlouii. and kiIoous bplng cloied,
tho formor proprietors oiiKiigintt In tho tern
pernnco work.
Tho Flax Business
Thero seems to bo a good deal of attontlon
paid Just now to tho ilax-produclug Inline tt
ofOro?on,nnd this Is nil based upon tho
well known excollencD of this section u n
flax producing region. Wo hear or a Mr.
llailott, direct from llolfast, Irolaud, whrro
ho hns had thorough exporloncoln jiroparlng
tho llax flbor for tho use of tho manufactur
er, who Is anxious to roinalu hniti nud con
duct that btihluess lu Oregon, If tho tanners
will give somo assuranco that thoy will pro
ducolla.vonough to Justify tbooudoavor. V,'o
of coursorauuotgivo8uchasiuranco positive
ly but those facta glvosttoug ovldonco of tho
value of our product as n fu'.uro prominent
Industry, and ihonstiinil icsiilt will bo to
glvo tho farmors couudonci) to cngago uioro
extensively In liar culture.
llocently tlioro has been considerable In
quiry as to tbo illxtmco of tho Camp Creak
iiiintis from Tlio Dilles. Tho 'JVilntnv lus
been furnished tbo following tnblo ot (IN
liincos by u gentleman who hMtr.nolod ovor
too ronton Hitiiibur of time": I'rom Thu
Dalits to 0.ik Grove. 17 mllooj to Warm
springs reservation, ,.i miles; to in. itaiii
wIii'huIhUoii, 10J miles; lo Prinavlllo, 12i
mlleij fnni Prtnevil.o to Camii creek, M
miles. Total distance from Tho iMllc totho
mines, 17o mile, luo stago le'iros Thu
Dal lot for Priuovilln overy .Monday morn
lntr, and rcturnlim, loaves I'riiibvilio oery
Tmiraday. Tim null Korvlco will bu cxtmiil
od in Camp Croak, and extra coaclioi bo put
on between Tho D xlUt and the mlneo.
Sr Locts, March at. Tho sixth annual
directory ol David K. Gould v as Usiiwl to
duy. It ihov.'j a o.iiisldornlilo inureiwe of
names, and, oouipii'ed by tbo uusl ruin,
innkoH ibo Mpn mi Inn of tbo oily .lol.lsti It
w)o gives ilin ofilcwl tnortdllty stutUtkii of
nil tlio iur.ro oicius In tu couut;y, vhicii
ehoiiM St. Lnuln to ho t(io hc-Hlthlut Ity, no
(I'ir.lliig totho population, In tho I'mmi, it.o
duiths hero l&k't tar li'dng only 7,m,o.
ConniXTioN. In Mr. J. Henry Droivu'fl
crtlolo of last week lu regard tu tho Dattlo of
Ab'qui, tho numo of Jhiiios Ford bhonld
havo boon James Foro?.
Iliicoitra'.'t'iiu'iil lor tiiu I'crtile.
Debility, whether It bo tuhurrut, or cauicil b) ov
crt.i.tid ctrcuth or protruded nine, ln a moil do
prcln luiluocco nt'on tbo mlr.d, brevslwi' an ubjuct
melancholy near) ukln to dipalr, and enforcing thu
absndonininl of cherllied projects and hlsh hopt,
Hupplly, tlio I'ufecb.ul ryuvm, even In eriremorat
c, ui:e;i;iblo of lm i.'oratlou. Ii li proiod by in.
coiifovcrllblo cUoence lint HottntterV Momaib lib
ter U aii iiufillliv rireLu'tLni.er of tl.o .isU. and
tlut In addition to vllalllof tho phjrtcnl nrAtilu
tlon, It otAbllihu nv-tica 1 y nn.ou,' thorn oryins
upon wl.dfo eUcltnt oifiLiii.'u at thu iIuikm luiiond
on thim by raluie, cintuiied ilorand health tie
Inr.il. 'l'nouaiid- of lntaucL inlyht he elttl to
rhoirthoru timratln Imlaeiico of till r-unltli-chlnn
ajent in cac- of (lui.Uli.. liver dlwsire, iyrwrn,
uervou ullui-l.t-, Kjiuui.itloii, lnurmllltiil tutor,
urinary ami utvrlni tioabtm, aout ai.d ilaumalWm,
and olncr isuladie.
Vo tell S. II. Keunwlj ' Ilr.Mi.ori; iiiiitiir
Dtr, the bait nnd cheapest dip known, and
will fcond a VRlueblo 1 00k to bheep uwnern
froo on application. J. McCuaku.v A- Co.,
l'ortland, Oreuon. nu'ni.
roolUhly fcpsnt, money twldrorcluldren'n
hot not promoted by SI LVKK TI I'd. Two
wotks Ik about thu Uino It tuktH a tiuart ac
tive ohlld to vcntlMo tho loo or n hhoo.
SILVlSlt Til's thv only preventive.
Also try Who O.inl'.ed feolos,
3B i
? mvn ox n?n, and ahb rkckivinh.
hratoil I'l.ow eer Imported lo tho l'nclllc cunt,
over before Known In thl State. Thojonow on
blaij ov
Wan anted Superior to a 113-
a K
Si 1-J1 .V5ffl MAA?fltf.3rl!
. 15WW fl. A EPTrfi-RTa' O.TTPV jaTTTT.T V PT.O"W-
Cuttlut; Hand 1(5 Indies, with :j;
...,,,..... .1 . . ... . . . ...
toning 1. inter, is wiiitoui u rival, it nns neon so tuorouginy icuii umi -
Its operallon In tiny soli In tho Stntc. These Plows n n old with that jriinmiity.
isjr .Send for C'iivtihus tittil Price Llsls. "viO.
-r r- . tvt ti i?ir
VrwrrnTiPKy jln jj vv
SllilI, Sept.'iS. 1S7
Ilo It at Omol!
If .1 tlthn of Iho tosthnontiilH now on hand
of tho viiluo of Hit. Wtsrr.u'M Hai.sam or
Wild CniUiiiVHunuld bo published, no ono
would stop lo rend tho bulUv volttmn. AmU
nuy dritKKUt nnd ho will tell 3-011 tluit this
H.UNiiin is n ronl blessing to nil nll'eeted with
tbroiitnr liinir illm'nmiM. All It Im 1 rod nlt'on.
tloiiK, Ineliidlni? llronchltlH, Horo Thront,
L'roup, iionrviiiess, ruins 111 1 no i;nost, nun
liloedhiKof tho Liiukm, yield to It wonder
ful power, Wondvlso nny ono tlrodof ex
poriiuonlinK with IMiyslchitiH' proscriptions
or quitch modteturs to drop them hi nnco
nnd uso thin Hai.sam or Wild Ciiuuiiv.
Sold by all drupKlslH,
A Nciixii ol' WYiirlni'Nn
Is oflon felt bj' peoniis who rnuiiot locnlo
nny p.irllmilnnllsoiiso. If thoy work, It bo
comes labor; If thoy wall:, thoy hooii llro;
1111n1t.il ollhrts beoomo 11 burden, nud ovon
Joys nro dimmed by tho hhndow of this
woiihnim wliich Ik enst over tlmlr lives,
Uwoumo U hud Komotlmos to ntlmulaiilH of
11 diinrjorotis ohiirnetor. Tho udvlco of phy
Hlclnusto rofr.ilu from nclivn labor produces
110 happy rosulth. Why? Tlio Hysliuu Is do
billtnted nnd noodH to ho built up properly.
1'r.urviAN Svnur will do this very ihlny;.
Llkolho elC'Ctrlo current, It poriuontos tho
eutlro M.VHloin, nud harmonizing with the
corporonl fnnctloiiH, It rnlHes up tho unfuo
bled nud bring tho color to tho clieok nguln,
and hnpo to tho despondent. It does Its
work promptly nnd well. Sold 1)3 nil drii);
Klits. A. L. STINSON,
Book and Job Printer,
HOIjMAN'3 block,
Old Senate Chamber, Salem.
re An. kind of lVitiiinj; neatly oxecnicd,
uiiil at reanjimuii' rau March ,'Sotf.
Sl"nA Vi-nrly I'rulit from
hula I '- IIciin, by Imnhlnu'
lis ill m-'' and ralxlnu poultry by
www mount of horMi manure
'lho('enteim(alaii,t oral (iold Mrdaln.
mid 1.' IMplonini, bia liicn nuiirikd I')
I'rnfmtor A I'orbi 11. No Warren ctreel,
N V, Twtmonl ill1 and I'iUIojjiio vent
ii ricrpl nf a ol -taiup. Tivl
-VTOIAIll IM IlI.IC. II rn I 3lnlo AL'i'lIt,
ll and I'ollci'liii ol i latin, uill nriiiiiiolvat
linil in am. I'll, in -i i iiriin,-i in l,i i.iii'. MaKINII
'ONVhVAM'Ks A M'Ji'IAl.fV. IIHlio ill tlio
I'u-i oniio, Xjolaniioii, Ox
a iii:a niiAi liiir
Clydesdalo Stallion,
l.i'l ! Ni tlH'rliy, il im 11 tin , Wallace, will Hand
Im Maria at Hie rami uf I'm pruprleti r,
KTonr lVcIlEix-tj-crlllo,
Wviuit uiiinl). ff'.H) lo lilMll'c, iwjublii when
Iho maiu la kikiivii to he In f m
Half Brolher to Caledonia Chiei; the
faste.it Trotting Stallion in Canada,
hlrod by llouc'e ltoal (for;,. Dam l 'Id Ilirka
way, I'm culebraiid Irlrh llloutl Ilorre. will taml lor
M.i;e In
Ea3t Portland,
Atlhoblablca nf.IOIlN I'ltAIllt. from prll 15th
10 July lit, iv;. I O to 1 11 iiro, iityahlu biu
thv M ire in knoHii ! In In cmI. t'M l"l Clt'!n
oil, Kiyabliiat tbo tlaiuof aerstiu.
RftY, FRIEDrflAfi & CO.,
Whilo thy aro oelling Goneral
Merohantliso choap, yot thov
vill sell tholr prosent otoclc of
Boots and shoes, on httml, at cost
Also, Trade or Oaeh paid for
"U...UUh --
tiik i.auoust stock ow nin
Tha unccpus of tbeoo l'lowy Iact ye
hind aro mado with new and jpeclal
OW Tlin A110VK cni,n-
nr rxcecded any
flow In the United States 1
W; n -ar JTSTtT
- Uoino Attneliineiit. and HS-ltilic:
. . . ,. ,.. 1 .. t 1... ..... ,.,, ,H,,,r.
m n at W A Qn"nTa All Si'P,.
iuin iiiiuunwi -"
r QtoffztfNflQrm
Monitor 3rtx'onclOrt
Seeders and Onltiirators
Tlio Celdiratcd Thoroushbicd Stallion
vyiu, stand tiii; r.syriiM fiKAsuN at
I'rnm Mircli Hull lo.lulv 10th. Man- nil bo lakcit
lollm l.lji'ry rilaliliiiif llcaii sJIvWm. or i-ent tu
inli'l .lAMIil'. llVlltCI.'. Mem.
Dealer In
Crockery and Glassware,
Wooden and Willow Ware,
Tobacco and Gigars
0.11 hi 1: uc ml. sTituivr.
Halcm, Aiirll 50, 187.1.
FAlaiUoiifii IlocUiotloii.
Only 5 per Tiiousaml !
OrdciN IMoniplly I'lllcil.
AddreaH , It. IE. HOUNDS,
InViuil Irvlutr, I. ono Co.
Groat Reduction
Rl7Kni!l" ROOTS
.lEcii'N r.oii EtiilI)ir Itoots, 2.(,
tiiicii :t.ro
Hoyh' " 'i.mt
aicii'H Arcllcs, - - J.7.1.
lyomon's Ovor-Sliucs, ,."
Mtl.1'11, Man li .'. I'm
Tfolting and Drnfl Stalliun,
tbo f'O-ui or. I. W. i-nllli, Dl.ti, 1'iilk.
iiiintv. unlat Ill'IlllIN X ('. M Mai'K. in biro,
on 1'rliliyi.uinl b.ilurdaya ofiatA ncuk titer thu IlMlt
or April
TKIIMH Tor tb hiax.o, iiT, nt tho end of thu
Hi ijoii. I.NM'UANCi:. Jll J, piynhlo uhin thu
M.UO 1 known to bo with lul. or whin l'u ounei
la. ,arud tillh her. All hllV pajabli' in uoldioln,
M.iri'n Iroiii a UUianeu .iiuri'it ami cared for at ft
pi-rmul. but nt rlU t'iki'0.
llt'M rlillon 11111I rillui'r, -Ulaii. Ktiuk
iiiii U to lunula Inilu a l.liih, ' nir old.aiidutlh'lnt
im r J 'HO II,. n liri.l liy ,ie l(eyuold, Kn
W in.iiiw, Ulne. lli dim ui llnnmii Miot'i'Mt'i'r,
ly feliiU" Muxnitfor, liy ISliilbrop Moa'tintier, by lu
pcruj 5!i-.cuyiT 'Itiu Ituyuold'a Mart), dim of
1II.ACK bTItA.M.Klt. wi-Ubo'j 1 I'm pound, r.m.
wa afliii'Miiiploof thu Muiutr et-KK
IILAI k hThN(,KI wat air.! li tbo 'yV
borae, a buy alHlllon viulhlni'l.UJO putiiida, and (ftt.
Icr of an extm lluv of trotting 1 ultn. CpMbU nl'
irottln.' blm.oir In U.to fur a nun., and ba rupuatcda
ly niadu b'-half uillo In I'lo Ho war rlrod iiyUmi,
iiiox, out 01 a .Mi'.aeiuiT mare, w.imiiibk i.rtu
Hwnil4. lil.ACi; hTKMiKlt bi wry paimfiil
ml of llin'i. try Hntl1. ulili tamlirvl uwi knH
Joint low iloHii, thu lioiiu iirocvaaoa and muwWii
pirfont Mkinplva of hU rand lru, in. Muot,
ifxF; rHrV oWectclrAnnU. I0 (httft Ft()
1 il
I il
: f-