'f J 4 WILLTAMETTE FARMER. i't i J . M w Mrthpyy . KITE &! rriVLT'K c?Ert E V? OX ieuKi) EVEiiv rntruy, nv AJ6KK Jte CRAIG, remiMiEns An rr.orniETons. ,V. rliAICKK. I. W. C'UAK!. Term f or Nitbftcrlptlou, Ono copy, omi year (5a niimliorc) Onoco))y, fix monthf (3niium))cr) Olio copy, thrcu itHintliH nJlnmnlH.ri') .$2, no . l.liTi . .7fi H-VIiKM, i'KIDAY, A1MIIL (I, IS77. THE AKMY IN THE SOUTH. Tlio rccont dlHpntclies Hay Hint Prcittloul llnyos mid lilu cabinet lmvo declclnd to ro tnovo tlio nrmy irom tlm Htnlo Ilonso In in Columbia, SoutU Cnrolfnii, mid tiomilt tbo poojiloof tlintKtnlctomis'.ulii Iho Slain kov ornmont of Hampton or Clinmborlaln, at tlicy niny rco lit. Jlo.li oi thoso would-bo OovornrirM woro In WnhhjR!on ut tbo lltno tbo nmttor wni di-clilod nnd Clinmborlaln Ih said lo lmvo concoded tint tbo r-llora of tbo ordor would bo lo ostnlll-tli Iiiinlcn ih (Jovornnr. Wo may then conwdor micb to bo tbo result, nnd It is to bo hoped tlir.t Hunipton will JiiHtlly tbo nxp'jf'tntlnii'i outer-1 Mined or bliiiuid will fully rodooin hi pnitnl'io to provldo trjunl rights nnd R'jud J Kovornincnl lor tbo pcnplool" tbtxlStnto. Ah lor (5ov. ('hntnlierltln, It Iieoncecd tbnt bo hn'i governed IhoSIMo woll, much bettor tlmn tbo liidii who bnvo proceeded blin ol Into years, nnd bo will rceclvo tbo iupoct of tlio(;ioutinnurlty of I'ltlxont of nil clnvsps on bis ralliument. iow timl hotitli t'lirrllnn Ih (liipoi.au of wo must not forgot 'lr.n'u rs it limy (-eoni that nt tho November nleellon vciy nuny porsoim In llmtSt'ito who voted for Huycs lor l'(8libi:it alio into iornainptmi forliov uriiori tboro wiiMfthtnni;; fictloti tbnt Ih ro ported to lmvo volod lor tlm Uoptihllcun I'rcMdoiilliil llul.ol nnd tho Hampton stntn ticket. It NnolcANy (um'o JiK eniiso for imbu; tbo United Hlalo.i iiiiuy to upbold iiMnte Kovoriimoiit tbnt tunnut exist wllbont it. Tbo inlU.'ilio wiih ni'ido of putlfiiff, tbo bullol Into tbo InindH of u million or innro Inm--nnt ireodinen nnd tbo ovlln Hint nro mm jilalnod of nt (bo South fallow. Now tbnt tbo norro('H lmvo tbo liullot they limit bo prolocted In Us evereNo, mill bow Hit) liuir unroof tbo blwkn mid tlio prejudice of tlio whites ii to bo reconciled mny woll pii.zlo lliu iiiIiiiIh of tbo wNck: Mutosiimn. Very Illcely tlio best way l.i to let them nlono lo hoIvo tbo iiioitloii, nnd no doubt tlimi will do It. Tho ncRrocH nro dnjiondunt on tbo white ii, who nro land ountirx, niitl the white1 nrndepuudeitt no tho Inhnrof tlio hlnt'iii to till tbo hind. This inntn.il ilr-puiulouco may in tbo end lecont'llu all dlU'uronrea. ThoMiKKoiitloniol lVonldunt tJr.mt, Hutu eortiiln tunonnl of lntelllh'ineo Miould bo ro (pitind (d u olar,nnd liclcln,; tbiithusbotild not poviw tho rl5in of Mnlfinco, hcoiih to bo btroiiKly liiiprnHhln ItnoU on tho pnldln iiilnil. There liuwrwrtN in Itmi wlion Nlolld ivnornneu euiild lend stioni(tb to tho conn ellw of nnllon, or bo Kilnlv ontniKteit to million! mend lis l.iv.'N. I'nlverMl miIImkc. il'tbo mnjoriiy of voten nro Ijcr.onmt, wilt iniiroly ',lvo tluiiin;:iiiii u tho control ol u imtlon nnd miiKo f.ui Kovernmeni n lart'o If not it curve. of traiisactiiiK business ul'jo lead- lo errors nnd ontnllH nddltionnl expound In keeping accounts, To ccrry on a nowpaper bnlnofl on credit is both unsatisfactory and embnr rasslng, nnd ovon wlion niakliiK the reason able dlil'orcnco in cliargo botweou thoso who py Inndvnuco nnd llioso who do not, wo fail to pet ovon on those who never pay, of whom wo rcgrot to say there mo always sorno. With nn incroaio'l sulncriptlon v;o can do botlor for you than liorotofore, nnd wo Invllo nil tboio who doslrp toj sso tbiil paper satis f ictorlly rojiro'cnt tbo farmers of Oregon nud Wnshlnpton, to assist in securing tbo pntron iiko wo noed to oiloet tho improvoinonls wo lmvo in viow. If nil will leop thin niattor in mind nnd loud a littlo ell'ort for Its accom plishment, v.o can nuko tho WiMiViirrrn Fahmiiii such u newspnpor ns ovory iarmors family will bo proud of, For the Wlllnmnttc 1'ir.ncr ' Homo Manufactories. In comparing tlio amount of ourevptrts with thoso of otbor States', wo llnd that Or 0Kn exconds, pr capita, in valintlon, any other Stnto in tho Union. In fact wo find thrt tbo nxportof raw mntorinl from nrcjion, umoittitMto nlniosl one hundred dollars to overymnn wonriu nnJ child In tboSca'.r, Thischould rondcr us tho most rrospotous and Indopondonc pooplo in tho world, nnd still wo boar Iho comnlnlnt on all nldos of "hiird time," "seflroltyof monoy," "want of employment," tVe. Llho cnusss Invnriiblr prnduco lllco of foots, null whoro n Stnlo or nation export ti o raw material to bo rotttinrd for j:enoral com- sumption In tho firm of manufactured nrti nlx, n deplotion of tho money market, pro WAWTED-OHE THOUSAND SUBSCIU 1JEKS. At I lie proMMit time tho Wii.i.xmim i r. I'Ait M till htnud.i in tho Mdo and eijiecl U Journal north ol C'nllforul'i, deMilnd to the Imerestot nurli'ultnie, nnd the miccom wo lmo uelilov odiillerMt ninny yuir ot ellmt (i'.iowh ckii cliulvidy (bat the fanner of the r.u'lfle not lliwcftt nro wllvo to tlm ut eeaiilty ofntlord iui; nn ivinjilo hiippoi t to J mrtmltMu dovoti d to tholrowu Interests. Wo lltno liltlioilo ninde tlio KAttMim nil thiit wo could jHslbly nllord widi tbo menus nt our disposal, mid mo nltu lolni proMi nud eiilarico tho HHidbnc matter In lib ucilumiiH as Miou us inercnscd mtrutiago will Justify iii In no dolnic How noon tlm' will bo tiiiiht depend on tho ;iirtvlu:lou ami Bupj ort wo uliall rotlvH, Tills nprpiK wo nil hao Imrtl tiuwi nvtl itoorvlly of tuonoy to ooiiietul eualut, aud ol aourae tho tUut.t tmvo unieh to do with business prosperity , tut wo hvo nbundiut urop jrowlon Mud if avtuw kuis. m Uwulu ih eiioa tbi Imrvtstta l ni,iw u imioh uremer nupply of w l;et ihnii ev r bn rarWi Tbutii l i pn net that priie will Ih) Hootlaf'er linuvoi, and tlureaeui.iH)ii. boo tudouU they wi'l U file, nnd wt.b lair prln lu lUpteniti't thi'o I no reatou why properlty hhould tot l: tho wl.ulol'o lumbln river rolua. W Uh troHptirby k tf nltbraugti tbo count) y m mm ho nuou Why tbo Wit.t..Mi.iTi: rAttMicti Uivuld unt pain another ihoiwnd nibM'fiburs.Bii 1 wtih liwt Inoroit'O of patron.iico a 0 shall bojiuttt'. cil In RddluR nt asl i.o-thlid nuicnto our lOiilhiK uiattoi . 'lmi uudOKlro in lo mnUo tho luu::it moro ttMifiit n4 an cdueiitor; to fuiuKh .noii with i lull tynoklH 01 tlio iiow; toemiuii- ago eorrt'jandeiieo 011 nil Important I10n.1t lopIe; lo KlMMimtu time to idrotlnl duUt; to gather from id I Kottrcoo kuiu of llteraiy merit, IVet.i relatluto the jiroidtHofH'loiuv, InliUkllni: uiuMi;tN of bUtciy and htoitsn phy,nH woll u eloctku fiom tho bt ugitriiltiirul lourittto of r.iaUtr oh)Ki.illy ptuonwlto fawner Hi 11 cIimh, In (not, we hoim to iiiako tbo I'akmiui hi vMleibloann Aiim mid iMtully naa!i'nntr tlmt ilip.vplo will not bo wlllluK l ilo wlUwHt It, nud will h wllllnic to jHty far a im (utwoov. With OMb in bKUvl 0 cu iiwvofi btttlu.'ws to b4tir mlvwiU, wbll with aurmt tiWMy uUrJjMuHt tu arfoti we labor umlw Mtmlnil iliWwtlihM aU uiabarmwrntuU una wt wJt mnny Imm, mil wy (ration orhiiF.luu9s,nnd n ilmiiod mniUet lor homo ptodiietlnus Is uro to follow, What then can bs of renter iniporlnneo to nur poo. pin than to Introduce, oucourii:e,nud patrnt lo homo nmiiufictorlas, ft'ls truotho innu ufaeture of inutiy iirtleles for homo i-oustimp-lion citnnotbo to prolllnbly roiio Into on nn oxtonslvo scit.n nt piosentns in tho old nud th lelcly settled Htntes. 'ctlll .uory nVempt to esiiibUsb trmiKifiietorlns In our Stnto nbould bo O!'.couriiK0d,niKl ourpeojilosbould bi'trn Hint tho money sent from Oregon to piy fornrtlcles lor consumption that tulglit :is well bo mnnufdictured nt homo, is ore Krund roason why Now lCiiKlAtid with her sterile soil urn! rhrorous cllmntn cm build rillrond'i nnd luiiuel her mountains, wliilo Oregon with ono of tho mlldostclimntos in the world, mill 11 noli unsurHis?u(l for pro ductiveness, Is HnKUlshliu for public In -provements tlmt tlio very cnplfil sbo eiiunti dors on foreign amnuiaclorie'i would ntujily develop, Wliilo comparing reports of soll.cllnuU, productions, A'c, hut Miiiuuer, witit koiuo i;intlemon Irom Now Kti(;tiiiid, I wm forci bly struck with iho icun.k of Hen. Oliver from f'ntinnrllnnt who nfior carofol oxnntlr itiK our Krnlit, llax, fruit, nud tlnilwr, turn ed to 1110 npd vild, "tbo way wo tnntco our living in Now Knptland Is to immtr.iutnro our stuuU trcei into plnnn ov., uiQuhaiidU, und clothe pins, nud your inoplo pay for It." Hut wo bellovn our people nro beinnltii; to bmrti that iinportlnt; second ol.im mnnufac tu 101 irom tbo Kisteru Stuten itud Snu Krnnclfiea, nnd cxpnrtliiK (;oid und silver, Is j;eUlii(C to bo 11 losing liunluesi, nud if u o iiilNtnko not the Hmo Is not far dlitiint u 1: 11 Kioto mteutiou will bo p.lven to manufactur- liu: our own matorhil mid lcoepliu; our tuonoy at homo. I was highly pleased iho other day lu vlsltlui; Iho boot, shoo, nud leather nmuufiiutoiy of Uvy, l-'rlodnmn ,t Co.,ofHalem, und the buslueti euletpiho mnulli"tod by Ibeso geutlemou In '.utabllsh lug nn Industry that is bound to be of so much Importance to cur c-v,ato. Hero wo Niwourrau l.l.le leing iuauii.aetiircd 11110 Icln . call, upper, and s-olo Jtutliur, ot tho but qtiiillly, and under thoer.uiu root this If atlnr bolniworlceil Into booth mid shoos of oery vailetytbat too market dsm.uuU, which, for ncxiluoss of cut, tluo nud itiibstnntlal worUoiaushlp and tlnlah, lu not tiiii'jnsse.l in aiii' of the mauufAutorie3 of tho older Ktnus. Wo woro intoimod by the xupotlutotidbiil tlmt tbo K:std'Ba wns ,ut In its infancy, lia lujj boi'U ttaitod tbo tirt ot Jaauuty, P77,iiDi;rylm; oaly ton imumim oi' uo penitotlitary 01 llrt, but tho m o in w 10 Bivlnu uch uouernl MiUfactuni unit tbo do inuud lucrt-niuK o rxpi.ily, tlmt I hoy woro now 1 nii'laylutf Hrrty-tlvo tuviuta B'ld live fieo nun , Kbd turoluR out ono huudrjd und tiliy doiUra' vsorib ot'bioia wud stiovs dily, a ml would vet 11 bj wnn polled to d ut'b ihtlrop'lty for utuuuUcturiuw, to mwt iiuit'klujt Oun-.audtt. 1 in Me util iH)iiinKn'in Uw rbjhi ki (I of bUklOOita III Vt ligbl dt't, ltit VV bbspi'fkU f.,r -Mmjiu. Itiy, FriiHiuinii it To., tbo n" oonrawemiiH , J BttonsRo, uud nppon of tlio otitiro Hoploo our buio. lu tut, let tlio pttveKu of Uotno mauufactorlos become the waU'tiworJ of tbo friuors, till tbetr In tiM:aanibo laiiriooKcd wlih lhoo f tho munutm'tiiror Hint a luuio marUoc Urtbo produitaof tho one, with nn ebum'iuU sup ply of tbo niniiufuofjre.. of tho otbor, tdiull render Oregon tmrlmlwl (cr piosjHirltj by iy other looaliiy on tbo reillo (SMt. A.J. lU'ffit. Portland, A or 114, 1S7T. mwmmivi fimmvrm EEL10VAL 01? THE FARMER 01?riCE. ! w yvkzm wixvijt -Mnmupuiiv wi rjjuxoxxrxnzmmamnm RMiiiLuwjoartKTtiiAtiavAft-.riixroca'i ,k.t .vtVBfcV,A'UMFMAa4Wfcto'iij.A4.. UnrltiK tho wee I; pnst, wo no kouo through ipilto nit ordeal in tlioromouKf the Faumku otlloe to C!rtv' lblck llloek, StfttijSirtHit.cornfr of Idberly Stieot, where our tYleiuU will timl us ery pleninntly I vetted. 1 wbn nil ftrruiiRf monts nr complct od. TU work of removal ha.sgiU.vdU,mrbd tbo work mid buin, of the ofliee, nud if wtKorNUit ur eonut ml y of ourcor.-os-jsjudeuw ftml tlwlr latter Mnkrirdor blua sat UiK If), W tratt toy will Postal Chanoics. Wn inRton. April 1 Po itniwlorrt iipnolutcd TI inter I). Harlc nes, llnod, Josopbino eounlv; Allison Steer)). Mount IJood, Waceo county; Jero mluh 12, TJonkle, I'hliomvti, llinton coun ty; Hllns W. ('rune, Sumner, Iliuton county; Snintipl T. Gnia, Scappiixo, Coltmibli coun ty: Mrs. V.. It. Leo, Vn nn Springs, Wasco county: James Hormntt. Pleasant Orovo, Ynlclmn county, Wmhlogtin Territory, Mr. nnd Mrs. ,f. I. Thompson, of Kilt, burled nuolbnr child Inst Saturday, milking bvt they lmvo lost in h our(i of 11 few wroks, from Hint ilrwdrul d'spno, tho dlphthorln. Tlinulllicted parents havo tho syinpntby of tlio outiro community in tliolr sad bereavement. "O S3 2S3 1) 3 ,rt,J ui&n Kil a? 3E3C 223 IN TJIE WORLD! EOEBE BILK! Se that our Trade Mark is osi eacliiPackass? ia" ft'lufctf on llio most rcasoittililo lomis. smtl in the host style, liy llnlninu'H Oloc'Ii:, rttil.m. "Stll'Ml. On tiiuSmtOiiyof iAn. tsli, ilia iitulor. ,V ("lyni'il fmii'il two pvi rl MiiTn, t.n tlm mi' kaillm Iimui hHluin, loTaroor. M.ar soril tiuuti- lur iiuiifo. llivi ovuHTcau luvo i.'iuknmo hy tiiinle emjivrl) nml iimIiii fur iltli. r.iitlro. 1 iiinlra of Mr iviiiui'v, .-MiniM ,c vu.,ai Jinnvr, nroiii April r ptl. I lIl(lcrlLMll(I. i.ii:ffi:i:mann. HIGH-OLXSS 3F O XJ :jLa "3? IFS. "ST. 3) 0) J. W. HCBART. i TMPOIl IT.It AND llltKKPKR OF X L.li;lit nml IlitrU IIIIAHIiA i'i iti: mii:i) i anil tCrotvii i nml untt r.uoiiotiN o"ta.lo2K.oai.. ' nn j ui.ouritY 70xyaxsr.ru. hltU'iiitloii ftmi.iiiUnl. Kur I'r i !.!, t'owN, i sml i:i, mJiln-.i. .1. V In HI (C, i niii It... i v ii i. Oi. v X-Slfe'- WZMmiP sI a. 5mt Co. 9 KELLY & UNDERWOOD, Carri52c li Wagon Hifcc Salem, Oregon, ;?? 10, HAVB tN HAND A CltOICt: LOT OP POVIt S,irliij Wagouo. Oarvlacsfl, & Buggies, of tJtoir own mako, M.niuf.iPiurnt of ttn dSdT (imlltv ii(,l..rpy Ulokory. "mh tnu, ai ii vniii v uur nurr., ami iiiuutf .loblituirileno nl iui M'iiinlm Ah tluiiN or lti'iMilrJyt nud ikn jmI at lut wii'm. Setuion of 3.877. ths ixirottrr.n OLYrE:vtLK STALLION m II HE W o PUEE WHITE, FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WQBK; Jet Black ; and Alili OGIiQHS. 3&ffiis:ea. XLoxciv SToa? AND BASILlf APPIiIED. 1CJS30, E'or S:lu !y t3iu AiMits: JOHN HUGHES, 3 a uT tf2 ut w -t r. a nau as.M (u AND .'W.Tir.MT fsauuji Snlom, ffj & CO. 9 ..'i.um,l,l mv VVOI) VSi:cs;t3n m-KSiotx, ami Ocnlcr.s I faints, OJIs, urul Jaxs, NO. "A WONT STUKKV. ..... .a. ft.rT.Triiri iUVt U lc' a'4 MANllWcTUItUlS or .nr--": ' :vfer -, , TV Z&r tpr IV rn i ran. e. ia?s fr &' 5 TEOTTJM STALLION J3k.XJ aX3 O O 5?C -SL Z yiu. Mivi: Tiin si:m ov imi, ruoM 1 V .(al !. to Jul lm. a Ul!o r i At "ii. AcUvv'S S'iiIuii StaJile, Taj lor stri'0 I'ordautl, .MONDAY, afi Ji) oVUck: Tl'K$lUs. WEH Ni:l)AYS. nml TIlUllSDAYS, in ly,u, sul .tt ttioOunor'M iTat'ta. KvctHIllo, Watililoii county, in Fi:il)AY, SATt'litUYS. nml SfSlYS. ARor July M. ut ItRKllVlLU:, Viihlui;liu i unity. 'I'ltttlls-ACTOt'SVT, lo tinmi". i-30. YOt'Xii m m !. loititura ii. -xiivmrni 1.1 ik' Biarlo i Kttmin i iw nt '.'' iviunme at i.ihiW m a ijh uviiv mkuxm ituw a in I rjgiyf 'li't. LVK Sj St V .. r BBtarrr'M'N'' wHmsiK, i;rt.-"v "S PELTOK'S S1X-FOLO 'tkOR.SE-lOWEES And Counterbalance Soparators. YNamroitATEU T 1.ALSM, OUKCON. OI-T011.-.K 7 WW S. PP!.TO. VHWIOFNT. .). UEY .i'i1.- ?iM.Ji,..i: V:l;V,.:,.':!.,,ru'.',1,.lrvj'l,,'.:'x,0lK!'',L MwtilviU. lllh lOWi.l. LA<i n UI-t-'ilME. iv i i ' iJiki4v- ma v.iiAi.i. i(r inuoci- inruciiuii. vnl for ilr.ulaK. 'WW W.Wh tlWTV t'.ecmct'lr llTOlltht)00, OV LITOKFIELDTMANNINa, Dr. H. SfUlSTK, -iiEvitn is- n 1V i Ku'iim lftK U UK mo. f: 3FT53J22SX?, I'orthuul, oi .vr.sKiK i.i':i:jan. ucaiittr. tfil y H Wi&LjSJSKSI m Qmhf -i li'in m, 9r ,iftW MtA vDJls uaawrMM ix t W , vmwwin, i. tmmi mmi tts? mkmu gsoosesssj, ilOVXS203M5 jaK-D Country ProrUtcs5 PI OUR, TEED, BAC0H& LARD, v,,ixu,rur :o :sr 'x5 x 3 "3? OQci iuu .SALKM, OltKUOS. '. o.i uieyxun SWO&.- KCV,' . h i ' i Iro'n h r. i, to ." . .1. STonu iia3Bvt 5t:i tij-b a jrnAr. liy tlio IOO ox I OCX CABBV.K I't.A,NTn Mlc perlOO; OAVU? fl per uk Tiwuto !, IX- Hh, or 41,: Grown at my a;pon Uwtt, ntH n hi Kit from &4m, NKITKI IOOO. OWF.R MiirlOl IiaII rntle domuKllt ltonlt'klriWi. uuivrtiii t'ii4D r I u m