Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 06, 1877, Page 3, Image 3

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one Kind lor the llumrm Family.
The other tor Horses anil Ani
mals. These Unhncrfls mo etmpf tho wonder of the
-world. Their eff.-cta aro little less than r.ianeMons.
The White Iilnlmcntls for tho hutntn fatal
ly. It will drUc RheumatlMa, Sciatica nud Heral;;la I
froinlhowstrai; curca Lnttbago, Chlllblalnts Lock
jaw, Tnlsy, Itch and moift Cutaneim Eruption; IX
extracts frort from froxentand or feet, anfl tho poi
son of bites and etlngs otTcnomous rcptll; it ift
dtcs vWtf.ltiRf, and allcrlatca pnln of every 1:1ml.
"When tpnlns or bruise occur, It lb the morotru.
wmedy 'oyer dhcovcreB t heal thu hufircil P"
Tho Ceuiaur LlalnicntH naod with s?oat otllcacr for
SoroTh.-oat.TootfctKC, Caked Itreaitln, Ear
ache, and Weak Back. Tho following is but c saia
plo of "numerous tcsltauontalt:
"Indiana HoMK.Jirr. Co., Ind-ly' l?7"';,..
ittiihinv If mpiliitvtn Inform voo that I two nr-
fcrred much with Mtollcn feet and'Chordt. A row
bottlca or CcnWnrVtlnlment has dono tho work for
me. I havo cot teen frco from tfceso ewApncs In
Uht years. Now f am perfectly -well. -TLo Unl
meat outfit to towllcd iAKnr unoWN...
Tho proof is in Too trial. It U rellable,tt Is handy,
iU Is cheap, and evory family thotrld havo tho Wlilto
Centaur Liniment.
Tho Yellow Ccntanr Itnlnicnt Is adapt
ed to tho touRh tnofdes, conls and flesh of hones
and animals. It has performed moro wonderful cures,
iu thrco ycarsf of Spavin, Strain, Wlnd'calli1, Scratch
es, Bwccny, and general Lamcuei-s, itfcan all other
remedies tn ofcHtcnee. Head bat thcgriat Express
.men say of It;
"New Yoiik, Jamyry, 1671.
KTcry owner of Morten ihonld cIyo tho CrsrAun
Linimmt trial. Woconeldtrlt thabcet artlclo ev
er used in our names. .,.,. . v
"II. MAUHII, Supt Attaint Kx. Stable, N. .
K.I'ULT,Siipt.U.H. Hr. Stable. N.Y.
'ALBKKT S. UU.N, Supt. Nat. II. Stables, N . ."
Tho bcrfpatrons of this Llnlmmtaro I'anlcrsand
"Vctrlnary Burueons, who are continually iielng some
Liniment. It heals Oalls, Wounds and Foll-ovll,
removes Swellings, and is worth millions of dollars
annually to Farmers, I.lvery-mn, Stock-grower,
flhccpralscrs, nnd those having borcs or cattle.
What Carrier cannot do for 30 tho Centaur Lin
iment will do nt a trilling cost.
These tlulmcntsaro sold by til dealers throiwhoiit
tho country. They aro warranted by tho proprietors,
and a bcf.tlo will bo given to any'Knrrlor or 1'hyelclaii
ivho dcslro to test them.
Laboratory of J. B. iltosB & Co.,
10 Dsv St.. New Yonu.
Pitcher's) Caetorln is a complcto substltnto
for Castor Oil, and is ns pleasant to tako as Houey.
It Is particularly adapted to Teething and Irrltablo
children, Itdcstniys worms, assimilates tho food,
regulates tho Stomach, and cores Wind Colic. Tow
remedies am as clllcacloiis for Fovcrlshncss, Croup,
Worms aud Whooping Cough. 'Castorla U a tclentl
iicsnd purely vcgetablo prerallon, moro effoctho
than Castor Oil and neither gags nor grlucs. Prepar
ed by'Ucr. J. II. Itosr.ACo., 10 Boy Street, New
"York, from tho redpu of Samuel l'ltchcr, M. V of
JIaraitablo. Mats.
11 'ISlIt --""" "IMHIIKSW
Successor to J. 11. KzcLrn is Co.,
95 Liberty ntM - - NKW YOKK,
Commission Vjurcnt;
Now York via Isthmus, 1'aclnc Kallroiil. nnd
Capo Horn, all kinds of Mcrchandlsn, nud for tho sale
of Frodacts from tho Taclilc coast, for tho collectlpL
of monor. 4c. octolf
Attorney at Law,"
Ofllco or State Plreit, onposito tho Dennett House.
Final Settlement.
"lajOTICE i hereby given that J. M. Brown, Admin
S?i lstrnt.tr of tho Kstnto or Jntrph A. Wright, ha
this day tlloil his tinnl account, and Saturday, tho 1 till
.lay or April, at It o'clock a. in. ot said day has bciu
nd for luarlng tho same. Thcrcforo all persons In
terettcd In said otato rt re,ulre(l to .ppcur hi tlm
County Court of .Marlon County on or before llio Mid
itayand show cause, if an there be, why said account
chould not bo allowed.
March HI, 16m.4. County .ludge.
Sheep Growers.' j
Sorow Worm.
Foot Eot,
Parasites that infost Sheop.
Improves the Health
XSf One gallon Is enough for one hundred to two
hundred Sheep, according to their age, strength, and
It is put up la FIVE-GALLON CANS-Pricc, 13
per can.
Send for circular, to
T. A. DAVIS & Co.,
Wliolenale Acent lor the State.
Ot to tout ncare-it BctaU DrucsU t. mv8
.rWPOK cSheepdip!d
Lottir from Ohio.
Ep, Fahmku: Sinco it seems to bo apart
of tho illvlao ocoiiomy that pooplo slioulil
llvonltnoat nvorywhoro, lot a trytotoU
eaoh othsr how wo nil got alorjr. Now
Smith wiya, you havo good laud, nud good
trait, good water, aud good rldlug horeos to
tho 'WHUmotto valtoy, but tho Inforual fegs
andralua, nnd damp nights, is just what ho
would 'joyer ouduro. I nsltod iiitn how tho
preaoiU March iu Ohio corruspondoil with
'Oregon, and ho said that this month bant II.
WolL that la rough for tho woather. Hutu
tho old orthodox -opinion of that tropical
country bo truo, It U cortataly warucor thoro
than It has boon horo during tlso proaent
month. Tho most of February wnsas balmy
8fl Italy, tho roads voro dry mil dusty,
business rovlvod nnd everybody said Ihoy
had novor soon suoh n February. Tho elm
and muplo buds, those earliest frocursors of
spring, pushod briskly iorwnril to ushurlt
In , but mot March ou tho road. March nl
ways boariiK a bad name enmo. Tho Dutch
watchod for tho qtinrtor dayn, nnd to their
inexpressiblo urlitf thoy botokonod bad
woalhor tho yoar through, thoy cussod tho
palo-faoed moon lor morning changos, nnd
woro not iu uuywlso thankful for tho good
woathor In February. Thoy all olnlmod
now to know that wo must havo bad weather
to uinko up for tho good woathor in tho pant
month, they novor know that fail thoy Bald.
Wo havo had ouo mighty freshet which loft
many mills not n dam. Carried lots of corn
to Now OrleauQ to husk. Took tho bottom
out of roads. Thou snowod nnd froze for
three days. Then rnlnod, thon miowod,
thou fror.o, aud to-day tho 12th, is ruining
again. .Stock nro iulurod moro by tills
month's woathor freak, than by all tho
rigor of winter, which provnllcd sovcroly
from DoccunborUvtto February -1th uninter
ruptedly. Food will bo short, nnd snlos
novor woro no common. Folks going to
Virginia nnd Missouri. Many who havo
means nro scouring homes In tho Shenan
doah valley , ut niorely nomlnnl rates, no tho
origlnnl proprietors are mostly bankrupt,
and thoy nro goiug to Goorgia und Florhln.
No bettor plnu can bo pursuod than to occa
sionally sot up tho lncts with regard to your
olimato, tho mlklmiis of your winters, nud
toll your own correspondents not to nay
much about sheop son o) and wild oats over
thoro. Tho quietus which hns been put
upon political oxollomont Is hulled hero with
satisfaction by nil, ns tho vibratory motion
which It gave overy dopartmont of business
was very nuuoylng to all clnsxeH without ro
gard to political faiths, or rollglous bollofs.
I sou in your last issuo that you hnvo
morged nuothor pnpor In tho FAUJtiat, nnd
hopo that it will produconplonsurablolluau
oldl sonsntlon.
I nood not toll you or your renders Uinl
Aunty Uunaway fromS.tlom (which menus
penco) hbs dono mighty talking on horpnt
thomos,nnd I beliovo tho papars goneraily
spoak of hor ns being n forelblo sponker, nud
a vory noblospeolmou of femininity. Ablo
to spoak oven beforo tho law givers of Illi
nois or anybody olso. My daughter who
heard hor lcoturos nt Mt. Pulaski, Illinois,
on life In Utah, courtship, marriage, nnd
divorce, JSo,, mijh kIio t-poko hor nieces well,
nud tickled tho iiiiilinnoo muchly. I mutt
draw this desultory oplstlo to a clofco nltor
again passing you tho iilpo of ponce, whilst J
remain most respectful to you End Webfoot
roedurs of Iluckoyo nrtlolos.
John Watuks.
Lcouardsburg, Murch 12th.
Quito a uumberof persons havo avnllod
thomselvos of ouroll'dr toullow a yours sub
scription to any ouo who will sond us three
now namen, of subscribers who will pay
their subsgrlptlous In advance or within tho
year, -o wo ropcat tho proposition for tho
beuotlt of our ronderw.
Any porsou procuring throo now subscrlb.
orswlio will pay in ndvnueo or will pay
within tho yoar, can havo their own copy
froo for tho proeent yoar.
It is of course miylsablo to torn! tho money
with tho names whero practicable, hut whore
it is deiired wo can wait until next Kill.
Any ouo not it oubscrlber cm have tho
Faumi:u one year on tho h.iino toruin.
Those of our frionds who nro in nrroirs
can havo a year'n crodlton nocount for overy
three subscribers prootuod for the Faii.mjui.
All will of courso umlorstnud that wo can
not credit them until tho uubjcriptlons thoy
send nro paid up.
As wo cannot ntford to pay traveling
ni?eutn, wo make this liberal proposal to any
nod nil persons, whether thoy aro subscrib
ers of tho Fahmi:k or not.
Times bolnp a llttlo hard, Just keop this
matter in mind and savosomethlnif for your
selves ns well ns help us,
Do nil members of your Gringo or T.odgo,
and all your rojponsiblo.neighburs tako tho
Fajimi:? If not, why not? If thoy will
tako It, you can muUo a commission by
sending in their names.
Beaver Glen Nursery.
ruit "Jreos
Proprietor, Sl'UIil.ttlTY, .Tlarlou Co. Or
For Old and Young.
Far-Sighted and Near-Sighted,
ShootlnK-nlnanca for NporUiiieii,
I AM preptred to supply Spectacles to fit all ejes, at
prices to suit. IV. V. .lIAItriN,
Jeweler & Opt Ulan, hank UlocW, State St.
Salem, May it 137lf. Cm
Mr. Charles W. Popo, of Oregon CHv, was
dra'vned Wednesday afternoon, March 'JSth,
in tho Clnckamss river about twelvo miles
from its mouth. Tho partlcuhusof thlsmel
uuoholy atTrtir nro snustnullally ns follows:
Weduesdav morning proving vory bright
and beautiful, Mr. rope, Louis Barlu nnd
Oeorgo Harcllug concluilod that they would
spend tho day In trout nogllng. According
ly a Bklff was obtained, aud tho trio, nrmed
with tho necessary tackle, started up tho
stream. Lntu heavy rains had swollen tho
Clackamas to a higb stage, and tho current
proved swift and strong, Tho party rowed a
considerable distance up tho strenm, stop
ping at Intorvals to ilsh. At length ouo of
the party proposed to proceod to a certain
point whero it was thought bettor success
would reward their labor. This was agreod
to, and tiro party startod atouce. In passing
nround a bend in tho stream, tho current
caught tho skill', and boforo it could bo con
trolled, was thrown nglnst a sharp sng.
So powerful was tho blow that tho frail
oratt was broken in several places, and nn
Instant later tho three men woro struggling
in tho water. They caught hold of a limb
nrolnctlnir from tho water, but the curront
was vory strong aud tho water as cold as lco.
lteallr.lng tholr Imminent peril, tho men
shoutod for assistance, but tholr voices woro
drowned by tho rushing, roaring water.
They know that It would bo Impoaslblo to
hold on long to tho lltcb, as chillnoss and
exhaustion would soon ovorpower them. It
was proposod to dlvoat thomsolvos of tholr
boots nnd coats, and attempt to reach the
shore by swimming. This wns done, and
tho three men committed tuomsolvos to tho
inoroy of tbo waters. All threo wero expert
HWJinmors, Jji'spuo inoir euoris, tuo bwiii
ly flowing current boro thorn a long way
down tho stream. At length Darin and
Harding maunged to reach tho bank, al
though in u Mate of complete oxhanstion.
Mr. rope, after n lnng anil desporato battlo
for his life, was forced to succumb. Ho was
carrlod down aud roso uo moro. As soon as
posslblo, the Binvivors procureil grappling
hooks and ropos nnd began to drag the bod
of tho stream. Ktforts wero contluuod yos
terday by a largo uurabor nf persons, but
tho body of the unfortunate man had not
been rocoyorod nt tho latest accounts.
Mr. I'opo was agod about IU years. Ho
has resldod for many years in Oregon City,
whoro ho had acquired nonMdorablo wealth.
For a numbur of years Mr. I'opo was engau
oil In tlm steambonllng business on tho Up
per Willamette Ho was a widely known
nnd uulvorsally rospoctod citizen; of a gon
ial nnd sociable naturo, ho maiio his no
qualntnncoshls friends, nnd thocircloof tho
lattor is ns wiuo as tuo tanner. Aiauy nro too
tours of deop regret that will be shod us tho
nows of his untimely death spreads through
out tho hitnto. Tho boroavoil wife nud chil
dren have tho heartfelt sympathy of all the
community.. OregonUw.
Movkmhnt of Tjioofh. Onlors havo boen
recolvod at Fort Wnila Wnlla directing com
panion 12 nud h of tho First Cavalry tolo.ivo
tlint post as soon ns practicable, for tho Wal
lowa country. Lieut. W. II. Mlllor who will
net as Quartormantor of tho expedition has
bicu soul forward to examine tho roads over
tho llluo Mountains. Upon his return tho
uttoof tho movement of the troops will bo
fixed. It is understood Hint theso troops
will ottabllsh a tbiro company post near tho
Wallowa Valley, from which dutuchmonts
can be kopt coiihtantly In that vnlley. It has
not boen deemed best to establish tbo post in
tho Wallowa Valley, Goneral llownrd being
of tho opinion that tho requislto protection
can bo better nliordcd thosottlers by locat
ing tho prist on nno of tho main approehosto
tho Vnllov. Tho two companies muster ovor
100 moil, and will bo under tho command of
Captain H. Q. Whipple, a vory cool man who
has great experience In dealing with Indians.
It' IV ir.t.'nn
from 1'arls, dated March Mth, buys: Tho
commission appointed by tho French Acudo
my of Sciences to InvoMIgr.to into tho phyl
loxera insect, report that 125 dopartmonts
have born ravngod, nud in muuy districts
povorty, privation nnd misery havo replaced
aflluoneo, In coueerpionco of tho destruction
of tho vinos. Traillo on railways and canals
bus dimiuLhod , nud tho public taxes do not
yield enough to piy for collection. Hostile
thodamugo already done, tbo districts of
Hurgutuly, Champagne, l.olrouud Cher aro
now threatened. The commission rocom
mend various measures for Isolation of thu
intco;od districts nud the destruction ofnf
footed vines.
An Oi.ii VirnuiAN Oosi:. Mouroo Hodg
os, v. gentleman who has resldod In llonton
county, ucrom tho rlvor from Albany, for
many years, tiled ut 10 o'clock last Weducd
duy morning, having attained the great ngo
of bii years, IIo wai hurled Iu tho grave
yard ut tho Gluglo's fcohool houso yesterday
tho funeral being nttoudrd by n largo con
course of clthwns of that community. Ho
was n veteran of tho wnr of 1812, having
fought at Now Orloans under "Old Hicko
ry." Democrat
Huui.vKfw Faimmii:. Conslilomlilo oxolto
inont lius bebii caused iu this city dining
tho hist few days by the failure of tho llrm
of Parker A Morris, who havo boon dealing
fixlonslvely In whoat in Albany for .everai
years, Tho failure is supposed to have been
caused by Boino ho:iyy ahininouts of grain
mado by thorn direct In Liverpool, upon
which they lost considerably. Wo under
stand tho creditors nro now iuvoitlgutlug
the ull'ilrs ol tho llrm. but hivo not yet re
solved upon any dollnllo lino of action.
Haiiiiok of llbFinjj:. A correspondent
writlug lrom Nowpott, Vaqulaa Uy, Muroh
20th, says: Aftor a long und tlorco Morm,
with n hlgn sea running, tho U. S, steamer
Shtibrlnk Is now lying In what wo hope,
Homo day, to bo tho Harbor of Hefugo" tor
this North P.iciflo coast. She Ii unloading
light houso f)Upplles,and Is as (pilot as though
sho wasauohored in tho Iluy. Gazette,
A privAtu Toronto dispatch announces a
dociblon of tho Court of Appeals in that city,
of in tores t in tho business community. In
tho case of McLean vs, Dun it Co. 'a Mercan
tile Agency, tho judgo decided that tho de
fendants could not bo held liable for losses
Incurred through their reports. The amount
Involved was small, but tho principle in
volved made it a test case.
The Mountain Uentinel gives nn account of
tho burning of the Northwestern Stage Com
pany's stables at Pelican, 12 miles from La
Grundo, ou tho 171h Instant. The building
was entirely cousumod together with about
20 tons of timothy hay, 2,500 pounds of
grain and one set of bar now, nnd numerous
binall articles. Tho origin of the fire boouu
to havo been purely accidental, The loss to
tho stage company will approximate some
thing near $1,200.
Object of the Commission.
Nkw Youk, Maroh 20. Tho Tribune's
Washington special says it is reported that
tho President conceived tho plan of sending
tho commission In Loulsnna boforo his in
auguration, and now. whllo ho is at limes
willing to bo inllenced by tho advice of his
cabinet, ho will act for himsolf whou theso
fall to bo agrocablo. The gontlomon who
havo beon select od will bo sont to Now Or
leans with instructions to endeavor to In
Uuco both parties to agreo to n reconcilia
tion of tho Legislature It is proposod that
tho members of botli parties whoso soats are
uncontested nnd whoso eloction isconcecdcd
by nil, shall pass upon the contested coses,
and that tho Legislature so constituted shall,
under tho Constitution and laws of Louisi
ana, canvass tho voto of thoS'.nto for Gover
nor. Such a Legislature, it Is said, would
havo n nominal Kopubllcan majority on
Joint ballot of about 17. Of this majority
nlno would bo conservative Republicans
nnd would hold tho balanco of powor. If
tho two partlos deolluo to reorganize tho
Ijoaislaturo. it is believed tho President Is
dotermlnod to withdraw troops from tho sup
port of tho Packard govornmont, nnd to in
form both parties that, having failed to no
coptn propor and fair Hdlustmont proposed
by tho nd m Iu 1st rat Ion, tbo Federal troops
can no longor bo used to sustain any Stnto
government and that tho two protended ad
ministrations must Bottlo tholr own differ
ences in tholr own way. If bloodshed
should follow, tho responsibility would rest
upon tho politicians of Louisiana, and not
with tho Prosldout. Tho Cabinot Is said to
favor this plan, and thoro is scarcoly a
doubt that If tbo commission fall this plan
will bo adopted, iciioiismoii neroarovery
hopeful, and consorvntlvo Hopubllcnns nro
gotting dlsgustod with theso chronic troub
es in Loulslann.
City of Ciikstku. This now and commo
dious stoamshlp, purchased last Fait iu Now
York by tho Oregon Btoamshlp Company,
concerning which bo much has boon said
nnd written nt various times, nrrivod safoly
at hor dock Thursday morning. Coining
from a vory long voyago of about 14,000
miles In length, It must bo supposed thnt tho
vessel wns In bad condition. Her machin
ery had beon running for 09 days almost
consocutlvolv. without ronalrs or overhaul
ing, aud during tho trip hor bottom bcamo
badly fouled with barnacles. Without bo
lug overhauled, tho steamor started for Port
land soon aftor reaching San Francisco. Sho
brought n largo freight about nno hund
red tons anil a great many passengers.
Soon allor leaving, ouo of hor pumps bo
came disablod, which required a stoppngo of
twelve hours. In this condition tho oni-lii-cor
was compollod to boat along at half
speod, which protracted tho voyage loan un
usual longlh. Aftor gotting into ttio rlvor,
tuo steamer was compoiiou to stop at vari
ous points to doschargo freight. It is sup
erfluous to glvo a inscription of tho steamer,
as tier dimensions, capacity, mnohlncry,
model and gonornl frolght and passongor ac
commodations hnvo nlready beon published.
Sho is a vory handsomo craft, and construct
ed in tho ataunohest tnannor posslblo. Sho
Is not no largo as tho Fldor, but Is not Infer
ior to that vossel Iu respect to Interior finish
ing and furnishing. Kvery accommodation
has boon abundantly providod for tho com
fort, conyenlouco und ploosuro of passongerH.
Sho can nccommodato 1!H) pasiongors, In
eluding 115 In tho cabin. On her return to
San Francisco tho Chostor will bo subjected
to a thorough overhauling nnd cleaning,
nnd when ready for f-ervlco will bo among
tho fastest, safest, and most pleasant steaiu
ors to travel in ou thu Pacific coast. Oregon-
Tho Walla Walla tiifonsays: Last Thurs
day several members of tho Mauonlo Frater
nity visited Weston for tho purpose of par
ticipating In UioTunornl ceremonies of liro,
Alexander Kirk, who died near that town on
tho 20th Inst. They report that tho funeral
nrocosslon wns onool tho largest ovor teen
in this valloy. that It Included 03 wagons nud
carriages, besides numbora on foot and on
horsoback. Mr. Kirk wns 72 years of ago
nnd wns one of tho pioneer settlors of Linn
county, Oregon, from whence ho removed to
near Woatou thrco or four years ugo. Ho Is
mi Id by all wlio had tho pleasure of Ids no
(lualntuuce, to havo beon ouo of tho best of
Tho mines of Larlum, which gave rlso re
cently to Mich lively diplomatic discussion,
u ro generally known to bo lurgoly oucubor
od with scorlie, proceeding from working of
tho ancient (Jreoku, but ut III containing
enough of silvortfc repay extraction by the
Improved modoru methods Profousor Hen
drelcli relates, no;ording to J,' Union Medi
cate, that under theso hcordo, for at least 1,
500 years, has nlopt tho need of u poppy of
the species of Glnuciitm, Aftor tho rtl'uso
hud beon removed to the furnaces, from Die
wholo spneo which they had covorod have
sprung tip nnd flowered tho proity yolluw
corollas of this llowor, which wish unknown
to modem .science, but is described by Pilny
und DIoscorldos, This llowor had disap
peared for llrteoii to twenty centuries, nnd its
reproduction nt this Interval is n fact par
allel to tho fertility of tho fumouH "mummy
Tho coiimiuiit of n colon d preacher upon
tlial3xt, "It to moro blessed to glvo than to
rccelvo," Is inimilnb.'o for Uh point ns well
ns olo'juence: "I've known muuy n cluircli
to dm 'cause it didn't glvo enough, but I
never kuowod u church to die 'cauo It gavn
too much, Uoy don't ttio dat way, lirod
rcn, has any of you knowtd a church to dlo
'oauso It gavo ton much? If you do, iibt let
mo know, cud I'll climb by do light ob do
moon up to tho moss-covorod roof, and I'll
stand dar and lift up my bunds to hoavon
aud my , 'Utessod nro do dead dat dlo In do
On tho first of July, lbftJ, thopubllodobt
was $2,773,230,173.G9. On tho first of March,
1677, loss than a dozen years after, It wns $2,
0S3,78I.H3 a total reduction of $ti,j:5,000,
GO, or within a fraction of ono quarter of the
The People want Proof.
There U no raodlclno prescribed by physl
olans, or sold by Druggists, that carrion such
ovldenceof its success and superior virtue
as Iktsc-JiKU'ri Q human avuui for severe
Coughs, Colds settled on tho breast, Con
sumption, or any disease of tho Throat and
LuogH. A proof of that fact is tliut any per
son all! Ictod, can get a Sample liottlo for 10
ceuts and try Its superior ell'ect before buy
ing tho regular size at 75 cents, It lias lately
been lntroduoed m this country from Ger
many, aud its wonderful cures are astonish
ing overy nno tiiat uses it. Three doses will
relleyg my case, Try it, Sold bv
Pkinevill-e. A lottor to tho JDallna
Itcmizcr says J
Frlnovillc 13 ft small inlnncl vflfupOV
situated on Crooked river, "Wasco co.,
in tho midst of it mineral country, nnd
contains ono pianintr mill.two dry goods
stores, two blacksmith shops, ono good
school, ono chinch organization, ono
snsh nnd door factory, two livery sta
bles, two hotels, two doctors, ono den
tist, nnd two secrot organizations, I. C
G. T. and I. O. O. P., ono drug store,,
and n saloon, and plenty to run tho lat
tor. Tho surrounding region is n supo
rior grazing country. Wo havo green
croon grass from two to four inches,
high, (March 10); stock laoks well, nnd
gaining. Mining excitement hero is
running high, and 1 think will provo
good. Wo havo had several assay
mado which go from S8 to $:i(5 on tor
our ledges, nud tho ledges that go $S
on top, assay $;t() fifteen feet down.
Thoro nro also fow ledges struck, near
tho mouth of Crooked river, Unit ero
until in iiinfco SilfiOnnr ton: tliosoliMlpiH
nro principally silver, but somo gold.
In rogard to tho silver wells: thoro is
somo silver In nearly all of them, but,
perhaps, not ns rich ns lias beon re
ported, but our nssnyor thinks somo of
them will pay well to work. Tho quartz
now found ranges for about (10 miles,
principally lying near Crooked river.
CaijIfounia. Tho following is the
latest report of tho condition of crops.
in California, and thoy nro not vory
Mattering: "Crop roports from nil
prominent points in tho interior aro
less favo'raolo than provious ml vices
hnvo Indicated. In tho Sacramento
vnlloy, whoro u gootl yield has been
anticipated, mlldow litis mado its ap
pearance to such tin extent as to cause
serious alarm, it is reported, through
out tho grain growing counties of Co
lusa, Yolo ami Sonoma. Otherwise
tno prospects in iniu sect ion oi tuo
State aro still good, though tho want
of rain is bogiuuing to bo felt, cspo
daily for lato sown wheat. Tulo lands
nro promising well. Tho coast coun
ties, north of San Francisco, mo look
ing well, though rust is reported in
somo localities. In tho lower portion
of San Joaquin vaMoy, crops aro in gootl
condition, but higher up tho river aud
in Los Angeles vnlloy thoro will bo
but llttlo raised, oxcopt on irrigated
land. Iu Santa Clara valley tho pros
pects is not vory favorable for u full
crop, aud in Salinas valloy tho yield
will bo vory light, but along tho coast
to tho north of Montoroy Hay grain is
in lino coiulii.'on. The southern coun
ties w.'dl ralso but n light crop prob
ably noiv moro than quurtor of an aver
ago. IIin'th kok i'ooii Siii:i:i'i:it8. Poor
slcopors. nays tho Jerald of Jfcalti,
will Hint it advantageous often to ralso
tho head of tho bed it foot higher than
tho foot, and then to sleep ou n toler
ably thick hair pillow, so as to bring
the head a llttlo higher than tho shoul
ders. Tito object of this Is to make tho
work of tho heart in throwing blood to
tho brain harder, so It will not throw
so much. A level bed, with tho head
almost us low us tho feet, causes nn
easy How of blood to tho brain, anil
sometimes wakefulness, when tho ves
sels cannot contract on it and keep tho
brain empty.
Thon tho hod ltsolf should bo good.
A very hard or vory nol'l lied Is not tho
thing. Hair mattresses are often best,
hut theso might bo improved. Then
tho bedding should bo porotH, so as to
allow free interchange of air. Air
tight beds nro bad. So, too, tho room
.should ho largo and airy, and tho foot
kept warm, aud persons with a sensi
tive skin should iiavo ns light clothing
as possible. Heavy clothlngsoiuetlmes
keeps tho sensory nerves of tho slchr
so active, that thoy send to tho brain
sensory currents that keep this organ
Whether sleeping with tho head to
the north makes any tllHuruuco wo tlo
not know. It seems to iu miiiio cases,
and Iu others not. It may too well to
try il. (Jeuorally sensitive folks sleep
better to havo a bod to themselves.
Tl.Afll lilts' I.VhTITI-'Ti:. h. 1 1. How
land, Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion, has appointed President T. R
Campbell, of Christian College, and
lions. I j. JJIIyou nud K. 1 lieuuett n
committee to prepare a programme and
make other necessary arrangements for
a Touchers' Institute for tho Third ,lu
dlclnl District, to beheld In .Monmouth
Poll; County, commencing on tho 10th
of .May next, which all teachers of tho
district nro expected to attend, and to
which nil friends of public education
nro most cordially invited.
Wash votrn Wvji.. Tho Dallos Maun
tnimer reports that Col. Thomas Lung, of
Umatilla county, "chtlnuitis tho amount of
wool to bo shipped this yoar from Umatilla
county at ubout 1,250,000 pounds, nud Miyn
that ho is urging upon tho wool minor of
that county tho necessity of washing, grad
ing nnd baling their wool boforo sending It
to markot. Tho wool of this country will
lose over fifty per cent, of its weight by
washing that is, 1,000,000 pounds of wool
washed aud baled will weight 500,000 pounds
und will cost Just half tho money for trans
portation to lioston. This uloiio will amount
to something oyer f 10,000, to bo saved by
tho producer."
Mouk Quau.. Tho Walla Walla Union
Hiiyst Sportsmen will remember that a yoar
ago a doztn pair or quail from PugetSouud
wero turned loose at various points Iu this
county. Thoy havo as far as heard from
prospered. Horace W. lirandon has written
to his friond II. P. Heynoids, from Wiscon
sin, that he will Milp several pair or "Dob
Whlto Quail" to him shortly.
Itoy.J. H, Itoork, tho newly-uppolnted
Indian ugont at Klamath reservation, has
filed his bonds, and only awaits the arrival
j of hla ccuiuihsjcu to 5akw paiiblou,
V '
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