WILLAMETTE FARMSK. 2 .- r . ' r . 4 r b a -. i i-ri ! ?1 tillmiuitc Amtwr. issued rarrnv rniUAT, nr CXjA.JZlC.lil -to OBAIG, runuimxits and rnormr.Tons. S. A. CIjAIIKI. 1). IV. OKAICJ. Ycriim of .Nuhnrriplton. Ono copy, ono year (5;l number) ..$2.0 Ono copy, clx month (SB number) IMS Onn copy. Hirco month (IBniimlinriO 7ft 8 Al7lli" Fill D AyTaI'IU Ij 071877"! Driving Sheep across the Mountains. IIi:i'Ni:u, Alureh 17lli, 1877. 1)d. Fakmi:u: .Somo of your renders inny contemplate bringing Hheopttcross tlm inounluiiiH this Spring, to whom a few words tf caution inny not be amiss for it is an undetiiahlo Taut that the ma jority of sheep which are driven to this country from the valley break out tlio ensuing winter with tho scab. I bellovo tho principal :.uiso of this Is using corrals along tho road In which .scabby hands Imvo boon in before them. I would consequently advise on mo account to use a corral from first to last and oven when tho sheep arrlvo at their destination to build a new corral In preference to using one which might be already there, in fad, I heard a gentleman, who brought sheep over the mountains last .Summer, and whose sheep have (ho scab, say that ho be lieved his sheep got It from a band of hcabby sheep that wero put into his corral soiyo night on their way to the mountains early in the Summer and which he did not find out till after Ills slice)) broke out. Jinny Inlhietitlal lloclc owners rec ommend sulphur fed to the sheep with their salt as a preventative of scab. 3Iy experience is too limited to speak personally, but It seems reasonable if it Is good In a dip, in which it is com monly used, that it would be good fed, as a sure way of reaching the skin. At any rate it is not an expensive ex periment and may save many a dollar. If (ho sheep are started early in the .Spring, driven carefully, and when they get to this side, kept in the moun tains till the snow comes in the fall, (hey will be in as good condition to Maudlin winter as any sheep! Sum mered here, llcsldcs the advantage of (he mountain range In the Summer this plan will divide (he Journey and bo easier on (he sheep. They will not bo so liable to contract the r-ciib either after t-oitiu rain or snow have fallen. Ifbucksare brought along with the band, they will be wished In hoiiiu dia bolical locality before many days. For It Is Imposnlhlo to apron them with any satisfaction, If they are put on so us to stay (hey will Injure (ho bucks mid leave him unlit for ice when he Is wanted and they are always getting them oil' if put on loose. It Is there fore butter to bring them by themselv es, as lambs coming in winter are a great deal of trouble if nut so much loss. I brought some sheep to this country by (he boat last Summer via Portland and the D.illes, and although I have never crossed tho mountains, from what I have seen and heard 1 .should bo inclined to try that way next time. This as to the best way for (he sheep without regard to expense. A good dog is indispensable in the mountains being worth a do.on men mill loss fatiguing to tho sheep. We have hail a remarkably iitio winter hero with green growing grass all tho time, so thai all kinds of stock are fat. There was a snow storm the other day, however, which was rather rough on Spring lambs, it Is beautiful wea ther while I write though. W. A. Nl'.W OUWKlt ON MO.MIXTKAD K.". Tit nv. iv dispatch from Washington dated March Will, says: The (ioueral I, and Ollleo to-day promulgated an lin ponani oilier, Mgncii iy secretary Chandler Just bolero the retirement from the department, modifying his decision of last May, m as to permit hoMlcrs' and sailors' additional home hleadoiltiles to be made III tho fallow ing named case-, which are very num erous, l-'nst, tho-o which are pre sented prior to the order of .March L'filh lS"(i. htispeudlug all enterics of this kind and rejected for reasons IusulU lent In law to bar their voptIon. but kept alive by appeal, and which by such rejection were postponed beyond the date of the onKr and .so Kwt. Sec ond, those actually in the hands of agents or attorneys at tho date of the promulgation of tho iiitruclloiis of Uay.l, In the execution of the do Itartmeut's decision or .May 17th, 1S7U", which under (-aid Instructions have not been recognized and which still re main In the hands of such agents or at torneys. Third, entries will boallowod to be made by agents or attorneys of the party originally cntUlou to the en try; but only after thol'ouiiuMonor of tho (louornl l.aud Oilico shall have cor titled that the claim N valid and that tho partv Is. entitled to the amount of land claimed, under Mich Instructions and regulation us tho Co!iititlsioiier amy priMwrllxf. Wsule Hampton U tifty-Ave years old, Latest Experiment in Sowing Whsat. A farmer in Modoc County, Califor nia, lias been experimenting with wheat, and contends that the old way of sowing from 100 to 100 pounds of wheat to tho'acro is wrong; that more grain enn bo raised by sowing only two pounds. A correspondent of the San Francisco Call thus describes tho ex periment and its results: On tho 8th of last April ho had one eighth of tin acre carefully measured In tho presence of witnesses. It was subdivided Into spaces about 19x.'J7 in ches nimrt. and two ounces of seed wero planted, the grains counted and i confession or joiia i m:k. 'J lip .If ration H Mfwmi-rc-.IZoriiioM t'lmrcli llCfi)UII8ll)K. Ban Jom Mcicury. A confession revolting and terrible is that ot John D. Leo. who to-day pays the penalty of Ids lifo lor tils participation hi the Mountain Meadows mas-acre, la Utah, September 115, 1857. It will bo remem bered that Leo was arrested somo two years ogo, charged with murder, and was tflcd at Heaver City. Tlio Jury, largely composed of Mormons, tailed toagiee. As Is alleged by tlioso in a position to know that tho desires of Urlghatn Voung and tlio Mormon delegate Cannon, that the ground spaced so as to take but ono Utah bo admitted as a State, led tothc seed In each nlnco. Jt was then irri gated mid cultivated like Indian com. Now for tlio result, as harvested In tho latter part of September. The number of heads per stool was from 00 to 118 well developed nentts. i f-onti you a sample stool, ono of many from the plat, which contained 1513 heads, 118 of which were fully developed. The number of grains per head in this stool was SO. Over one-half yielded 100 grains each. Owing loan accident Mr. Jlksell failed to get the accurate weight or nien.uromont, but making all duo allowance for that wasted, the yield was ten bushels, or at the rate of SO bushels per acre, 10 more than the proposition called for. Now compare tho above result with an average crop sown oioaucast. 1 am assured that tho average number heads per stool In an average Held of wheat, sown broadcast, Is not over live, of 10 grains each, which would bo not less (nan DiM bushels per acie, if all the seed grew. What becomes of the seed? in tlio Held wnere mis nine piat grow llnal abandonment of Lee by the Clmnth, fiotn which ho was expelled, and at tho second trial, which also took place at Hearer City about three weeks since, lie was found entity, and sentenced to be shot on the 23d Instant to-day. Tho confession which Leo let with his counsel, Win. Bishop, tor publication after his death, anticipates tlio event by ono thy. It will bo seen below that many other- arc also charged with participation la the massacre. Tho substance ol the confession Is given below. John f). Leo was born at Kiskasla, Itaudolpli county, Illinois, heptomber 0, lSI'J. Ills mother being a member of the Catholic Church, ho was bantlztd hi the off faith. Both parents drlnr when he was a boy, his youth was ono ot hardship and trial. Ilomarrlol tho ilrst time In ls:u, and moved to Fnyctto county, llllnoh, whoio ho soon b'caino wealthy. In lS.'I'i ho made the aeiinlntauej of some Latter I linn u'tia imi'n lirivtflf.fiif tit iihritit Hiii.ti... t i . i t .1... .i.u .... ........ ......... .. ,.,,.. ........ - - lAiy iiiu.iu.iur, mm soon oiiioiaeeu wiu saniotiine, (Oacres. It waslrrigite(I,Mormo1 raU , t , ,., us was the other, and harvested at the . , , . , , 1 , ..,- same (line. J t was put in good shape ' fmn' n,ul "ovine to MbSDinl In InI.. had the best of care, and at an expense where he Joined tho Mormon church, and ol $:M lor seed alone. Tho yield was not over 1:0 bushels per acre, or 'J,00U bushels for the crop. Had this 100 acres been planted and cultivated as the eighth of an aero was, with like results, the outlay for seed would have been, at three cents per pound, tho price of thegraln sowed, s;l.OO; tho yield N.OOII bushel. Mr. Ulssell Informs mo that he will plant .'J' or 10 acres next spring, using (he seed planter and cul tivator instead of tlio broadcast sower. Tho facts I have given can bo well at tested, If desired. Should any further Information be wished for, it will hu furnished by addre.-slng I). (). IMssoll, Willow Itnneh, Modoc Co., California. Tin: Makvkmil's Fouch or Ouow iNu Vj:u kt. 11 !.!. !: von the appar ently soft cellular fungi will lift euor- liiuun wuikiiim; aim imiiusi uvor.v runner i ,imill i. nmimrU.. must bo familial with somo records of , . ...... .. ' IllllllO m 1IIU IllllllUlllilllJ Ull their displacing lingo tlagstoues or bursting tho arches of cellars. About j two years ago Mr. W. S. Clarke. I'rosi-, llillll T Mill .vjffll It A irllfillll mihiI t 1lfif.. ' .,... ... ...w ......V .IIIVIIIIIIUII VWIIVU of Massachusetts, assisted by a number of tho olllcers and students of the col lege, conducted a series of export mots to ascertain the expansive force of vegetable tissue. It would occupy too mucii space to nesuriuo tne expert becamo Intimately iiopialntcd with Joseph Smith, Itrlgliani Young and other loadeM. From then until tho Mormons returned and settled at Xauvco, Illinois and dually at .Salt Iil.o City, Ctah, Leo was oau ol tlio chief men of tho commu nity, acting rucces-Ively as eoMler. body guaid, recotder, head clcik of tliu church, traveling mU-Iouary, Mormon legislator, l'robato .IiuIku of Washington county, Utah, and hi various other ehtiich raid olllulid olllces. But tho crowning net of hit miy with which Lee's immu has been connected, was tlio massacre at Mountain Meadows In 1S.17. According to tlio confession tlm mas-acru was tho result of tlm direct teachings of Hrlghaiu Young, nnd was of tho Mormon church. order ot, the massicro was meiits in detail and the apparatus em ployed, hut the results may besuiuniar- Ir.od In a few words. Tho plant om ployed for tho purpose was the niamiuotu pumklu, Cuvurbi'u maxima. The fruit was the one confined to test tho force. Tho Heed was planted on Inly 1, and the plant grew with such extraordinary rapidity that by August 1st, tho female (lower was artificially Impregnated. Tho young pumklu Im mediately began to enlarge, and on the 17th it measured -1 inches in circum ference. 11 wastlien confined and cou- lssucd by C'fil. Dane, Lleuteuaat-Colouel Isaac C. Uaight, and a council of .Mor mons at Cedar Citvv Utah. Lieutenant Colonel llalght was thu leader hi all things concerning civil, church and military mat tcrd. It was n crime puuUhalilo by iluntli to disobey his orders. After narrating tho tacts coueornlug tho approach ot tho westward baud ot emigrants, their num bers ovhlch were about l'JU), etc., tho con fession goes on: Lleutoiiant-Colouc-1 Uaight Mid that the emigrant' wctu a rough tel ; that tlitiy wero bad men. iobber.s and murderers, ' and helpud to kill tho Ml.-.-ourl prophets. I heltuvcd hhu. I was ordered to nil-o nil Indian baud to attack their train and run 'oil their cattle, and to hivo thu Indians kill thu emigrants. I font Cail Shlrts.iny son-in-law, to rolo a baud of southern In dians. Xephl Johnson went to the other tribes. Da Monday morning I left thu Iron works to obov inv orders Ou my way homo I passed many Indians nected with an apparatus tor inensur imr its lifting power. Tho weight lifted1 out on tho war oath I promised to. loin increased from sixty pounds on August them tho uoxt day. On Thursday morning 'J I to o(M) pounds on August iltst. Hy I tho Indians attacked tho train just at :dny thoend of September It raised L'.Olo , light, and killed seven and wounded, Mx wounds, and on Ojtobor iMth. tho i tv': emigrant-, uio oiiiigrauu . uoii ior weight was Increased to 1.120 Pounds. "" 'wlr i-mHIoh nnu tn Iudluussur- ." .. fii... mi..: .... . i..i.. r. mill . ......... i.. i.... I rouiuieu inem auu eeiu lor uiv. iiiu , " : ".' ..", ? T "".-'" ""::.ri ' whole country was aroused both white iiii.i nun iiiu niiii.y iiii.uwi iiidki hi ...I l.t ..1. .-!. L. Ait. f.iiiiknln Mil iibtil.J was carried ton days, on nwouiit of the , JVoin nil illreetloui. I arrived at tho aiuip breaking of tlio apparatus. Tho root 1 1, ..,i,.,. ,i ivum.i n. imihinsi system ot this imtnklu plant was some , .l0r0 totcc. Thov demandod that L should thing extraordinary. After earelully ! e.,n thu i.ttack'. I refused until orders washing away the earth from it it wad I wero received from Uaight or Dame, measured ill all its ramitlcatlous, tho I went south tea uillei.inet tho whites nnd entire length being calculated at fifteen Indians coming from tho -outh nnd miles. It wivs also estimated tlittt f0 , camped thero tint ulsht. On Wcdiiosday 000 feet or roots must have been pro 1 went to tho Meadows and sent a man duceil at the rate or 1,000 foot or moro for tnrther onlers to Cedar livek. On per day. A second plant of tho pump-, Thursday the orders wine by M-Jor ;lu lu the same bed was cut otf close to , 1 Iby. 1 "hero w Iftj i- gh white l the ground when eight weeks old, ami ,! X'l , ! "", '"'! S'Zecl. llo S attached to a mercurial gauge to meas- J 'Ur Jw '' n u ; lw"K uro tho procure of the .sa,. The inax-,"'",,1 Su'SeMhemout immu torco at tii noil was equal to a '0, t,10r,or,hU-atlonsby tivaehory. I was eoluuin ot water ls..il (eel high. Nuin i ,0 rol(ow ,Mtf ihgoftruiv, make a treaty, nierous other experiments In the samo, ..om4d protection, get tho arm-of the branch of Inquiry might ho quoted, but .migrants, and put tho lek and wounled tney reveal oniy ino miuuo liueuoiueua -uui tho ciilidivii in tno waston. inoa In tlillLivtit plants. Journal oftntio- cU!ii'A rlt. thu iroon- under lllsiby would me.'t thu cuilciani. The Indian ero to bu la nm- hudi. Tho cmlurant women wore to no Micro is ! ahead, nnd tho ludliiis hi ambn-li were to kill tno women, aim mo minus, were to kill tlio men. I and the drivers of the wagons were to kill tho sick and tho wounded tint wero In tho wagons. The other made speeches ; then wo had n Driver circle, uieu moro speecucs were the facts which have been brought to i. ...., ..a.., on Frld.iv mornluji tho light in connection with the trial and L.mir.nni hula, whltu iz living; the execution of John I), l.ee, leave no inotheru wero again nssembled; spotches ely tliu,wcro madj bv nit willing to net. inero Tho Mountain Meadows ma traced to the door of the temple In which niigham Young olllclates. Wells, his tlrstotllcer, appears to have Issued tho order for the destruction of tho emigrants. There Is no likelihood tliat auv or the principals to ttm iiuir IWlv.,aml It was agreed by all parties tint dor will ever bo brought to Justice, but , h .... ' ,.l0 ...n, 0, r(-tvi ,or Hi to (0 us wo room to doubt that he was mor agent of the chief of the Mormon church. wetv present M-dora onn .n. nigny, ruu- ll K. Smith, lilsbop ot tlio eiiurcii at i. e darCitv; .loci White. Win. C btowait, 11,'iijiuihi Arthur, Alexander Wlldou, I'li.iilos Hopkins. Tate, ha Allen. Kobert Wilcv, Kleliml llanl-on. Siinuel duke-, Nejlil ,Uihii-on. Carl Shirt. fcwen .laeobv .loim Jacobs. K. Curtis Thomas Cartwrlght. Wm. Hateman, Anthony Simtton, A. l.ovorulge, Jovph uou., .lolm lhirley. Cohmiluti Ftwmaii and lu Hnixil diamonds are found ouioilwrs, makhic.'H or 53 whites ami nbjut iiiomituhis tl.000 feet above tho trn. . tOOor.W) liutnuH Only the fullest and nut perfect seed shouhl bo sown. We should al. ways reject tho small and Imperfectly formed grains of com on each eutl of the ears, Seed may be constantly im proved mill production Increased by, constant care in this direction. i William Hatcmaii. JIo was met half way hy tiio emigrants, 'i'hey held n parley, and when Bntcsmnii rrtnrneil hu ild tho emigrants would surrencfer their arm and do ns icrpio'ted. The Midlers ;nurttcd out within 200 yards ol thr emigrants. I took tho wagons, went to Oie camp ami stated tho orders. They said' llioy oulu surrender, nnd they put up their arms nnd their sick and their wounded nnd children Into tho wngons. They were burying their dead men. Tho emigrants wore lu fonra. Thov feared truachcr?. I he wagons wero loaded and started. The emi grants went In slnglo llle; the women and largo children ahead. When tho men wo men nnd wagons wero half a mile- from tho starting place tho llrlng comnunced. Tho Indians killed tho women and large children; tho Mormons killed tho men? tho driver with mo killed thoslckand wound ed. Vie saved seventeen children, dead, who wero stripped, mutilated and let on tho Hold1. Tho nent day Height, Danie and the other leaders came; theyipiarrcltd. Ilnlght told Dame, 'Vou ordered it, nnd iliimu yoiv It Is too Jatc to go back." Dame said bo did not know there wero so many. Wo hurled tho dead and drow tho cattle to iron Spring-. The wagons and other property wero sold in Cedar City by order ot tho Church authorities. Tho onlers were hilly obeyed. Thu horrors of tho ma-sacio weio beyond description. The biethern wore sworn again to secrecy. 'JliIs was dono by order ol the Chutch, then at war with tho Government. This Is the account if the maesacio ol Mountain Meadows, and tho pilncipal portion ot J. D. Leo's conto--lon. Moro satanlc barbarl-in tho hiqtd.dtinu nor the history of religious wars never knew. But It would bo iiniu-t to burden religion with tlio re-poiilhlllty of this uia-sacio. It was tlm outgrowth ot Brlgham Young's laiiatlclsm, deviltry and thirst for power. Tho masacro remained n secret for many years Retribution finally overtook tho murderers. A Miunltcrn Is lorsnkcii by hlspiipurlott, and publicly shot. Hrlghaiu Young, thu Instigator of tho nris-acrc, says Justice cries aloud, and presents to it u scapegoat in tho person ot .Tohu I). Lee. WHEA'Jl1 AMD oats Olioppod. into Feed, Sior -3aio..T'cia.t"ti. Toll. ....Also.... Sasli, DooriSf Blinds, Idloxtlcli ugs, Turning. SCnlr work', Ocrtstcads, jtnrciiiiH, Slaiuls, Tables, FANNING MIMLiS9 And all Utnds ot Furwiturc, At 38D-ItOr!K PUICKS. op ArcrtnVorkf buUkllntf, Nulelil. icily O. F. BKNNIS. JACKS AND MULES! KENTUCKY JACKS AMD MUMS. LATtOlMStronTA-TION OP TUB STOCIC 07 thuvori liost l'cill -reo frcci Kentucky will ar- rttchiCrt.lllc):iiIrorKililbItIon and Sale unrinj: :ac miniTi Mf fnrrfi. ThPfcnnlmcli" nro ImTorteit y llio owner. W. .Tl I.VLi:. of .Oai.TllIo. Kcniclty mil wilt be uperlcr to any nnlmnin 31 1110 mm yet nnriuii. Ttry aro nil VRKMIt'.lf.IAflw of the Stnto-onC nf tlinc .fnckm has lii-en ovhUilrnrl nt itll tlio boet' Bnlp..nndlia- vou :i KlltST iniKJI JUMS. Krciy ono r.f 1 tee .lack Is or tb 11EST IVilluroc. -.ml they nro the tin t-ft nnlayils In every way lu nil ZvntniKy, aStntrthst bin ilcvolci? moro time, mo ney, nncl can1 In ral-hij Jjicfeu tlo all the other Stnten or llio Uilin, ,,.. TJliftf .Tackf lis-v irnvcil UicnrHTC!" Iho Eit 1 EST of Ureoilpi-i", if Mulr cot by t-mn out of onll nary Mn- will nvrwjn 1 (I li jndirblgil, Bulmnls that, ba 'D wild nt (r.TO mnl HW.) i-acta. TheneDiilaialii wll 1c wor linlho tio;tat notlcoor Dii-(!vti In all Virtu of tho l'nc.necoars' A f I.Yl.K will lia-B' 111a n?.T on c:raiuiiini in ,vn3;.MUiti: : a ii.irtit Mn:. An extraordinary aHalrliapponed atiout tho year 1710. Ono of tho directory very rich man, had occasion for- '."I0.C03, which ho was to pay as tho in Ice of an ostato ho had Ju-t bought. To t'acilltato tho matter Iiecanietl tho sum with hlui to the bank, and obtained for It a bank-nole. On I. Is return home, ho was suddenly called out upon particular business. Ilo threw the unto carelessly 011 tho mantlo-plcce, but when hu came had; a lew minutes after wards to lock it up. It was not to bo ibuud. No ono hid entered tlio room : he could not. literature, sinpoct any person. At last alter much iiielt'cetual search, ho was per suaded that It has fallen irnm the iiiiintle- niece Into tho lire. Tho director went to acquaint his colleagues with tho misfor tune mat nau iiaiipuueil to mm; niul as ho was known to bo 11 perfoerlv honorable man no was really bulluvcd. It was only about four and twenty hours IVotn tho thno hu had dupo-lted his money, thev thought, therefore, that It would bo hard to it; Also his request for a second note. Ho rveolveil It upon giving an obligation to restoio tho tlrst uoto If t shoiihi over bo round, or pay tho money hhiiclt It it tfioutii 1.0 ,.r ....a ,r .. stranger. About thhty years alterwarus vtho dlreotur having been long dead, nnd his heirs in possession of his fortune), nu unknown person patented tlio lo-tuoto at tho haul:, ami ilemanded payment. It was in vain that thev mentioned to tills person the transaction by which tho uoto was annulled; ho would not listen to It. Ho maintained that It had come to him trom abroad, nnd In sisted Umu Immedlato iiaymcnt. Tho uoto was, payable to bearer mid th W0, 000 wero paid to him. The heirs or tho director would not listen to any demands ot.rv-tltutlon, nnd the bank was obliged to sustain tlw loss. It was discovered nicer war ils that nu architect, luving inirehascd tho direet.or's hou-e. had taken It down hi order to build auothor 011 tlio sauur spot, had tonml tho uoto hi a crovico-oi the chimney, nnd niailo his dUcvcry an eu glno for nibbing tho bank, la which hu was siic.YSSliil. Ucpuhllcan. irrmi'Km: i:oit widow wiuowt:itv AND H11. !.hir.rli nnlmMt t'jo I.Mli In till' 3-'H of Miircll. nuU tliey c-m bu "ccli.it tho la)!n Stoi'i aril" or lc.-'n".Myil& 1101,"-. corner tali Ptmt, Junction of IIhvc' Valloynnii:. Rrkn Strttt. tho Lel "tock vartl iir San FrancUcu, wIuto iiu.Tlifei'C can oxam Ine uam ... . . . Mr. TALK ntitlclratcbrlnj;lm: fa, iOn. n nno lot of SKOKTHOlt.V rATl'J.K, of bl !i IVd'nwo aluo; liEui.Hiiiui: HWtxi;, ui kknvucky mkuinu bllCi:i, nil nf the very lift Mock , .. ,. It ltlioi!ninr Mr. I. TiR to lull v only t'li? VhKV IlhhT STOI'K of each kind, nml o.sti" tho boat, ellch n can bo iruirautecil to lumen. CAruuiEahavlni;l''t- J.l'Kiiiiinrr.nof n.Htho an linalo rill bo veaily br tin ttimliiMloti of all who ilelto to aernrii nil- rtncl.. lilcb 'tn Impi.rti'r 1 cnnfldciiV lll bu the YllifHT I OT OF ST9UK of IliN kbil EVKK Vfl" IMI'OHTIID 1NTOUALI FllHNlAi Ml. I.vc will have. In aiMltlnn to II 0 IVdlcreci of tliUrtoc, Or.MUNTKi: C'K.wwicATrf rroui ll.'M ollt ccr of llio Iium liifll'iilloiH In (he HHU', Ivlnu rlroui; proof of tho rullnblllly of Mr. I. m: n a rilncl; Urocdcr, ml of tho oxcullcncv of lit f(Rl! Alter 1.' fillablo tlmn initio l'snl'ililrm 0 tliU Stock, what Isiiut void nt 1:hatk Sau, llitirowlll bo a 1. A m 3-1'l'llMC S V1.IC n: tho beii ulvrii ilnco in Ciilirornlr.i Of tlm time untl jilicu of Oil Bale, duo notice will bo clen. Am. iori'-in who wlclt Info-nillnu rofoctlns thu iiiiinlicr ar.it etiaiactvr. or jirlcr of thejo anlma1. nro Invited to call on iirndrtrw tli-i Editor nf km, C.im foiisu !'. 'imkh, Han Kranclf co,. wbo w 11 thecr.Tilly render all l:Tormatloii iroinHU. W. J. LVLE, Stoolc 2jioc1ci, Dainillc. JCy. The Tlaiiilsoino Young1 -Jlitl Wired Clydosdalo Stallions, W? ROMAHCE & AD'?ENT0BB, mK I'ltOfKtlTY 01' WILLIAM CHALMKItK, JL will flani-'iir C3oxaxollix 2JfnrtT3Xl, I'orncliu. W 'uliliiKiun coiiuiy, tho vliniliii; nu.on, fiotu April in-to July it. They (wined two t.ttl tirr mlum at llio Ur-'iion State Fair lnl fill, for tli be. "TiTifffir -aa:iilBW.,'i!.I,?iJ.r5 E th. in aro It known to bo In loal. Mr?' ultfpojw'.of bo. toro foalliii;, to bo iiald for a In frcli inlrSmt WM. caALXSiUS. Administrator's Notioo.- THE uii(lerlcncd. lmvlnc bceuid'jlv appolstcjhy thoCouniy Cuurt of Murlon (nua.v, Orcijoa, .-ul-minlitrator nf-'the enaie or II. O. Dajtnn, lato of "aid cou uty, di'teaMd: tbcrcfnre all ixnoH lmlnpcla(mii ORalntt raid "iiilo will ileao ircooiit tho phrio o tho anmlnMrator at bl rotldenco, rear ItnbNird. In raid county, -.rltliln ilx iminth f.'oi.i- tht d.Mc,, and H'roii mvlic raid vttato will plit-n maku tnimcdl ttto luyment. L. C. DAYTON, AdwV. March 8.1, 18771 pd. This is what iiuiUes thum so high, The Hag of truce wat was. carried by j breathe.' ' It Is not usual to Invito guest to the mirrtigo of n widow. If a widower mar ries n .toiiug girl, tho cthpiettu Is tho same as that nt 11 Ilrst marriage. A widow must marry lit tho morning early, without show, niul has only her wltueses and tho-o ot her Intended. Her dress niibt bo plain, of quiet color; black, how ever, Is not aduilsslhio. On leaving church, tho brldo Invites to breakfast tho witnesses who have lorutcd tho patty, but 110 other giie-t.s ni-o hivlifd to this i'e-pa-t. Ou the lltteeuth dav i.ttor the mar rlage, cuds 1110 scut beirlug the new nil dress of tho man lego pair. A widow nev er makes wedding cdN after rvuuiryhii:. Tlioso who rccidve tho c.irds do tho visit hit;. Thi.Mii U a mouth allowed for tho ntiini ot tho cuds and the visits. When a idiigiu lady inirrle-. after having pa-ctl tho u-ml ao t;c iii'irrlage tho ivrcmony should ho Mmploand unohtriblve. Tho specie In the llauk of Fninco has attalui'd to the enormous sum nf'J.'JUO, 000,000 trams against n note ehxailatlon ot 'J,tn.,(H)0.t.C0 tranc-, or mow than ! lor ivnt. The hank has begun the pnic tkv ot charging a per centago for IsMilnr Its notes on deposit ot bullion and torelgu coin, for the purposo ot reducing Its circ'i latlon by making it expensive for holders ot gold to obtain paper for It. Inquire. a Iwvy of puAlcd lady ivaOots; Aro tliodarhingehecked haiulkuivliicfs, which vtii eo uirried with such exactness in tho gentlemen's pockets, ncturJv for severe st-rvlee i " Let It not ho so whim, deritcotl, f dr imestloners, for every well ivguuiuii swvu curios not oruy r. tuower, out a uiow-er. as well. " 1 went to co my girl tho vthordav," sa.-s D.iu. "I kU-eil her reiMiatciliy, and when 1 dually censed, the t.nrs cauio Into her eyes, and sliu said hi sad tones, 'Ah, Uut 1 tear you have ceaiod to lovo inc.' Uli, no. 1 iiavcirt,' L wld. 'but mtiH 4 - Expectorant h mm m Stubborn Coughs an (lipoids yidit prcmplly to tho hcalldg nnd cara tlvo properties of Dr.JAync'AKl'x pccionuit. It loosen rnud proiaotw the-oxpectoratlon of Irritating: aiot tor; mitigates inno!ipaln nnidut-ti-ea, and chocks hi hltnmntlou., A9thma, Bronchitirg ami TTiroat Troubles nro nt co rollcvod by Dr. jHjrue'H r.xjorniit. It re moves coiistrictloi if tho Ilratiuhinl tuhos, Ioosouh ph'cgm, sooilic nnd healrt tho mucous ucmbrau,nrrat!ii any feverish tendjticy, ami holpa to forwnnl n graduas.curo. Consumption, Pleurisy, cnil Lung AtfectionS nro iiorallyooiitrcilled aud aiuollorated hy lr. J.njue's. Es loctomnt. It taves tholungiS From much IrritatlniMuiiI distress, ly re lieving them of tho IrrlUitlngnMttcra hy which thev tiro cl egged, It also suppresses InlrumuaUoii and glvca tho affected p:(td n chanco to heal. Whooping Counh.CroupandHoarae- n6SS nro clUcneiousiy trcatttl hy Dr. Jiixuo'h llxpcctorcnl. It removes dltUculty rtf breathing aud oppron bloii In tho throat or lungs, promote tho ejeetlci of uiucus mid subducts, tho violence of the&o complaints at. tho oulhct. It is a Kafo Family Cura tive, of loug-ostablishod reputation. and whero promptly adnilnlstcrcd, has enabled many to escape- serious, Lung Affections. T. A. DAVIS & CO.. Wholesale Assnt. Portend Or-jsuu. iwir.iu'j 1)U. 11. V. CHASE, T,YET,f,-0Vvwe8ttSKMn.U.S. Yolacteew, . Xj OiUcc, Uattla'e biock, -.a stairj. ctx I r r t r. i s