- v $2,50 par Year. SALEM, OREGON, APRIL 6, 1S7 Volumo IX. Number 8. BY TELEGRAPH. WAsitr.wroN, March 2. JudgoLoehrano Inst night. Tho Judgosays tboquos lons talked ovor referred tnoro to Georgia Stnto appointments than uatlounl politics. Ho was ftuprossod with tho cordial inniiiior f tho Fresldoul, aud was gratlllod with tho result of thoeonvoreatlon. Prosldont Hnyos wns, in blsjudgmont, nn honest niun, nud would In propor tlmo Hwoop out ovory olll .ialln the Statu who ha3 clung to oliico by idhcslou or lovo of publlo plundor. Tho tudgo anys houio Democrats will havonplnco outthoy nniBtbo mvn who can popularize iho governtnout. Tho President has niado up his mind that his nppolutmonta shnll jonio up to tho standard ot'illnoss, Wasi.-inciton, March T.O. Gov. Hampton nnld to an Juter-Ocoan correspondent Hint ho bad groat conlldoneo in tho President. Uo llkod Gov. Chnniborlalu porsonally, bellovcd lilm an houost man, but thought liinisoll' tairly oloctod. Ho was firmly supported now by tho moro intelligent colorod people. All ho wants Is that Chauiborlaln bo placod in tho sauio footing as himself by having iho military withdrawn. Ho dosiros and can itiuko no compromise. Chamborlaln was nl ready losing many porsonal ndhoronta who wore- tlrod of oliico without honor or pay. Chauiborlaln una friends assort that llamp ion wants tho troops withdrawn to glvo rlllo lubs n chnnco to tnko thoStato Houso and wlzo tho archives. A delegation rroni Arkansas, irrespective f party or color, sovoral accompanied by ladlos, called upon tho Prosldont, and two irthroospoochos weromado, nil oxprosalvo )f tho liopo that tho poaco policy of tho I'rosidout would bo entlroly successful. At outlon was callod to tho olrcumstanco of Douiocrata contributing to tho oloctlon of Senator Dorsoy aud of ltopubllcana assisting in tho oloctlon or Sonotor Garland. Frost lont Hayos In reply, said this Is u lovo roast that I did not expect. I am vory glad p moot you all, audi am glad to know that hooraof good fooling has nlrondy arrived or Arkansas, nud I hopo it may bo in no vay diminished. Tom:ka, March 20. John D. Wilson, who diot J. O. Swnyzo, of tho Topokn Illadc. ostorday, was arraigned to-day on prolluii inry examination, und admitted to ball in ho sum of 1'J000. Tho bonds wero given his Droning, and Wilson' roloasd from cub ody. Swazo was burled this nftornoou. lias r regular Just to pay it. A report comos to us from Albany that a Senator who put through tho Tweed charter to tho tuuo or ?i00,000, will ro fund to keep his natno out of print, and thoro is also a report that anolhor Senator recoivod 10,000. Thoro nro ominous foresbndowlngg in pri VBto circles hero of startling disclosures to follow Twcod'u releaBO this wook. It is un derstood his confession cxposos no criminal act of tho association oxcopt whoro tho stat ute or limitation bars prosecution; neverthe less thoro Is much sensation nmong the frlouds of parties whoso reputations nro llko ly to sillier. Among those is a well known nowspapor odltor and publisher whoso en dorsement will bo cxhlbltod upon Twcid's check for many thousands to thn joiirnnil ?.ors ordor paid to silonco opposition to ring legislation and buy votes. Your correspondent lias authority for tho statement that Tweed has surrendered nil his propoity nmlcll'ectsund nmdonconiploto assignment. Ho roluses oounsol, and lias nllowod blacnso to go by dnlnult. Ho has written to Clms. O'Oonorthat ho does no'. In toud to resist or oppose any suits tbnt may bo brought against liim in tlio nanioof the ptoplo. Last Saturday was the lust day of iijnn.ni in mo great sun against mm. Washington, Marcli 31, At n Cablnot mooting this mornlug tho Socrolnryof War was directed to proparo nil ordor transferring tho tioops from thoStato Houso In Columbia, S. O., to tlioir camp. Whon Hampton was Informed In advanco or olliclal notlllcution that an order would bo Issued lor tho remov al or tho troops from thoStato Houo,ho ox prossod hlmsoir grntltled, but said It was no more than expected from tho principles au nouncod in tho Inaugural address. Ho was somowhat lutorostod to know whether tho ordor wan to tnko immedlato etlbct, iib ho wisnuu 10 uo urosoiH m uoiumu a wnnn it ouy. swazo was buried this nftornoi dio oxcltouiont following tho shooting. 1 ubslded, and tho general aentlruoDi-J &Btihhvti:r """ t6 m r08U Dkaowood, D. T., Maroh 2. Yostcrtluy Chomas Caldor nud John Goddard, brothers-n-law, had n quarrel about n ploco or pro orty. Meeting in n saloon last ovonlnr, Jaldor drow n rorolvcr and lirod, tho ball asslng through Ooddord's hat, struck ti ivstandor uam'dSohwntor, producing a so Ions and probably fatal wound. Caldor vaB arrested, fcchwntor Is from Kansas. New Yoiik, March 01. Thorn is hardly oom for doubt thnt A. Oakey Hall or Now lorkis tho passongorSutellile, ditcoverod o-day on tho steamship Victoria, which nr- iVOd lit Liverpool. Ho nninefil n:itumn aouday tho l'Jth Inst. In Hoston. During ho day ho callod at tho oliico nnJ atked i'hothor ho could tnko passage on tho Victo la, nud how soon sho would sail. Mr. I'Hara. tho clork, told him sho would prob ,bly sail on Iho 17th. Hall expressed a do- Iro tO OIIUBCO passneo. mid thn (runs.u.Hrm vaa completod by paviugtho price, fSO, glv nghlHiiamo as W. H. hutclllle, rroni (Juo '00. Tho clork thought it queer that a gen leman should chooso n frelglit ship wTien o could oasily have takon n passenger toamer, and subsequently, whon the news, apcrs gavo publicity to Hall's Might for Ku jpo on tho 17th, tho dato of tho Victoria's enarturo, ho was naturally romlndedortho jfitary pussonger. Sooinp a plctuio or tho s-mayor, ho declared W. i.', Sutclllle, mst bo Hall. ' Tuo jyprw says tho reason that tho ox layor leu tho city nud country as ho did, nd whon ho did, is on account of tho Twoed lal, aud wo think it will bo made evident nil when tho full exposure of names aro iid before the public. A siatoment is mado mi as inueii as feuu.euu was paid lor gottlng irough tho Tweed chartor, and that mom afsuf tho legislature, Democrats and Ite- uuiicaus, suaret allko. Wo hear also of rium as mgu as fju.oou, and running down om ip,0v0 to f5,000, having been paid by roundabout process through parttes who iay not havo been directly Interested, and fory dralj must havo borne tho signature Mayor Hall. What has delayed Tweed's loaso has boon tho necessary reconvoyanco transferred property back to himself, and r him to the city. It Is understood the itnam county property la included in tho msier. Boston, March 3I.-Last night tho son of Ifred Cox of West Bowdoin, Maine, aged urteen, klllod hU father as he was return g from church. Father and son wore at urclJ;. 80?m,aic!DK a Bl,Kbt disturb ice, the father told blm to go forward and cuny another set. Tho boy took his hat id left tho church. Going directly homo i took a gun and meeting his father enter- k ut jam Buot Him ueaa. The boy is id to be Insane. Sew Yohk, April 1. Nino vessels or the mg Island tishlug tleet, which left for the nka last November, aro now so long ovor le that It la believed they wero lost In tho Mnt gales with all on board, numbering men. Tho vessols wero valuod at about ),000. New York, April 2. Tho Kpress says a secret of Hall's sudden departure i re rted to as growing out of a call for a W.000 as his part of tho grand fund to be itortd to tho city. Hall, it is said, auswer that ho had no such sum to pay if it was wnaoxocutod. Howovor, as u precautionary measure, ho tolegraphod to frlouds his ear nest wish that there should bo no outward demonstrations such as must disturb tho public peace, nud ho was sallstlod his nd vlco would bo rospebtod, nud on the with drawal of tho troops Iroin tho State house, ho would direct that a guard or two unarm od moil bo sont thoro to guard it from Im proper intrusion, and he thought such n toico would bo sulllcient for tho purpose. Ho felt oatlsflod that thoro would be no dis turbance) whutevor, and pooplo throughout thoStato wouldUkocoumgelu the ellort to ro storo thoir sshntorwl Industrie. Ho railed this afternoon to take leave of tho Prosldout ami IhnnW-Mtn for thfl vIHl f MO troops, repoHtlng tho nsaurancos given in his reuont lottor, that nil should sharo nllko in tho pro tection or Inw, nnd not doubting his ability to proiorvo tho peaco. Ho does not nppro hond that Gov. Chamborlaln will tako nny action with regard to tho custody or tho OUUU J1UUKU. New Yomc, April 2. Thoro wna nn cxiil bltlou or tho tolenliono horo this evening. A piano portbrmod upon at Philadelphia 1U0 mllea distaut was distinctly heard In Stom wny hall. 'iho Vitioic'a Wnsliington specinl says: It Isntatod on good authority timt papers in '",).'.'''.'r'0"'I)rocoeillnB8 '" thn interest of m nuiounro nronared itiui will l.n H!ui I.. tho District Court horo as soon ns tho troops nro withdrawn irom South Carolina. wAMii.NciTON, April J.-Chnmberlaln snld or tho dotornilnntlon to romnvo tho troops from tho Columbia State house: Itonds the struGglo nnd makes Gon. Haniptou practi cally Governor. Ilolng nskod whon ho pur nosod roturnlng to South Carolina, ho said ho would stnrt for Columbia to-morrow mum. .iu uines wiui mo J'renktont this ev ening. Tho formal ordor to Gon. Hugor to romovo the troops Is being prepared by thoSecretary of War and will bo mado jmbllo to-morrow. lUBurawwiii uo m tuo natiiro of n dispatch to Gon, linger, nnd not n general ordor, through ncoustoined mllltnry clmunols. It is gonornlly believed tho order will not bo sent until after It has boon submitted to tho cabl not to-morrow. Cuicaoo, April 2. Tho Inter-Occmi'n Washington Bf-oclal says: Chninborlaln din ed with the Prosldont to-night. There Is tho best or feeling botwten thorn, and though this decision virtually destroys Chamber Iain's hopos and gives tho government to xinmpioii, yei mo lormor npproelatos tho President's position und gives him credit for a slncoro Inteiest. Tho President has ro pontedly expressed soriow that duty com polled him tosacrilice his friend, and takes no pains to conceal his regret that South Carolina must pass from Chamberlain's ablo hnuds, Lotter from Linn Co. FOREIGN. London, April 1. Tho Standard announ ces that after tho signing of tho protocol by thorepresautatlvosof tho six powors at tho forolgn otlk-o In London, Count Von Muster, Gorman ambassador, and Ooneral Monabrla, Italian ambassador, had a con foronce with Marquis d'Harcourt, Pronch ambassador, at tho 1-rench embassy. Marquis d'Harcourt subsequently loft London for Paris. A tolo gram Irom St. Petersburg says In spltoof the signlug of tho protocol, pessimist views again prevail there, and war Is considered Inevitable. St. PKTEnsnuno, April 1. Vcdomast de clares that the protocol Is tiio bomning of tho deuoumnnt. Russia cannot disarm un less sho la convinced that sho will not have to arm again. War m&y not bo Immodiate. but it is Inevitable. ' The Golos says tho signing of the protocol does not decide peace or war. Howover do sirublo p&aeo may bo, thoro aro situations in which war would bo necessary. London, April 2. The JUt' special from IJirllu tays Prlnco Hlcmarek has tendered lila resignation of tho imperial chancellor ship, HerrCnmphauien will tako HlsmarcU's place as chancellor of the empire, i:n. Paumeu: Tho farmors or Liun county having mado extenslvo propnrntlons for put tingfln their crops, nro vory noxiously wait ing for good wontuor. Should tho soason provo favorable, thoro will bo by tor n lnrgor ncroago In this county tlinn has boon In nny provlous year, nnd the grnln ylold or this portion or tho valloy will bo onormoua. Tho ground sown will bo in much bottor condition than it hns ovor been In the post, tho greater part or it having been oithor summer-fallowed or fall-plowod. Tho Into wot weather will nocossitato thoroplowlng or nonrly Ifuotqulto nil tho land broko,nud by so doing improving tho land by destroying for this notion tho wild oats and weods that hnvo sprung up mi many Holds. Kvon If thoro nro uo weods on the land tho crop will be grently increased through thorough ro plowing. Farmers cannot plow thoir land too woll or tog orton, if It Isdonoat tho prop er tlmo. Tho deeper ' thoy plow, so thoy don't go bolow tho soil, nnd tho oftoner thoy stir the Ntirfaco, tho bettor will bo thoir ro wnrd. Some of our farmors havo sown crops year out nud year in nnd thev senrcoly real lzo enough from tho products of thoir land to dofr.vy tho necessary cropping oxponsos. Had farming makos poor crops. Weeds nnd wild oats spring up und choko out tho grnln, nnd uuloss summarily doalt with, soon ruin tho fanner, In this fair land tho termor nnd not tho soil is responsible for bad crops; for instance, compare farmer A. with furmor 11,: Knoli possossos exactly tho samo kind of soil. A. plows his land thoroughly nnd ofton eowa thorcou only puro aood, nnd pulvor lr.os tho Roll by a thorough system of harrow ing nud clod mashing, nnd puts In only so much land ns ho can put in In tho best con dition, which is, porhapaVlp-yao.s. 11. goes at his farming snorting and. pulling llko a looomotiTo oiimbihg ikj- rtoiiy 'Mountains, Iln witMlpu&iii atloaat'IXii acres tloo don't sound lilg enough). Not having suflloiont tennis nnd forco to put it in in good ordor, ho plows nway, rain or slimo. No mattor If ho doos mako niorlnr or tho ground so that ho succoods In Rotting in so many ncros. Ho plows only threo or four Inches doop. nnd. nfter towing it, hurrlodly runs ovor it with tho harrow porhiips ouly once leaves tho surraco cloddy nnd hard nnd tho soed but half covored: ns n consequonco only nbout ono hair of tho soed comos up, tho rost decays: or Is destroyed by tho birds. How ovor ho succoods In seeding his 200 ncrea. A only puts in 100 ncrcH but ovory foot la In splondld condition. Ills gratn sprlngH up and gotu such u start boforo tho hot soason commencos that ovou tho warm days of July do not ail'tct it. On tho otlior hand ll'a grain having got scarcoly nbovo tho hugo clods, dwindles undor tho scorching rny.s of tho sun, becomes Hlckly aim but half Jills, whllo woeds spring uji ovory whoro and polluto tho fiold. Uy nnd by tho crovvnlng day of ro sulta comos. Tho throshing Is ovor nnd tho harvost is onded. and A. rejoices in a ylold of from thirty to fortv bushels ner nm-n nl nlco clean seed, his holds aro in n good con dition for n succeeding crop, oxnensea aro all pnld, nnd n linndeomo prollt romalns. ll'a crop yields on nn nvonigo about twolvo or llftoon busholri per ncro, his Holds nro foul with weeds nnd wild oats, oxponsos oat up tho oiillro crop for awhllo, ho rocelvoa from fifteen to twenty bushols less off his 200ncres than A.doouofi 100, ho finds that tho expenses nro moro than douhlo of A's., lor It is n tact that It costs more to cut and throsh ono ncro or weods than It does to har vost an ncro or cloan grain. As n result, A, growu rich nnd sponds his old days In com fort, li, grows poorer nnd poorer each suc ceeding year, nnd llnally, under the burden or constantly Increasing debts, ho rails, his farm and nil is swallowed up and ho finds himself a brokon mnn in health, fortuno and spirit, and spends his old davs In mltwrv ml .... i.. -!: "....":..:..."" injtuiijr. .rniiiHTM. romomuer uiooiu auairo Tho Peach Plum. Milwaukie, March 27, 1S77. Kn. Fahmeu: Gladly I wolcomcd tho forthcoming or Mr. Wnlling's lottor, but moro Is domnndod from him. Mr. Walling has boon hoard to say moro tlinn onco that tho Oregon Peauh Plum Isdlflbrent from tho Kastorn varloty, ami that Is ono ronson why wo nut forth our challongo. With regard to tho question ho says, ' 'I liavo n decided opiu ion of my own." Mr. Kditor, wo nronftor that dooldcd opinion. If It coincides with whntlio has clalmod horotoforo, then wo know It to bo erroneous. If not, It must bo corroct. Mr. Wnlllng certainly knows whothor ho originated tho Poach Plum or not; so doos ovory other pomologlst InOr ogon. Wo hnvo couvorsod with sovoral Or egon pomologlats upon tho subjoct, nnd thoy havo paid: "I know that Mr. Walling did not orlglnnto tho Poaoh Plum." Again he says: "If Mr. Luolling can provo by nny satisfactory ovldonco or authority, that tho Peach Plum now in controversy la 'not' identical with tho Peach Plum of tho Kant; ono point hns boon gnlnod," iV.o. I would llko to ask Mr. Walling why ho put thnt "not" boforo Idoutlcnl. I nm going to provo my sldo of the quostlou, not his! Mr. Wnlllng is not suro whothor the sprout which boro tho Poach Plum enmo from tho grnlt or from tho original stock, but niter nil ho sooms to think thnt ho orlgl nntod it. Had ho noticod tho troo carefully whon It was young ho might havo dlscovor od or not dlscovorod a graft. Then the dif ficulty might hnvo boon sottlod. Thohnmo vnrlotyof fruit rnlsod In Iho Kast differs wldoly whon ralsod horo, nnd ospoclnlly so In tho Poaoh Plum coso; therefore to placo tho two sldo by sldo, ns Mr. W. suggested, would bo no tet whatever, Mr. Wnlllng la mistaken when ho soys that the name of his Peach PIuw was chanced to "Q. W. Wall. ing." Ho itnya tho sociotsry of tho group of juugos. Tho best way to provo tho Poaoh Plum quostlou Is to obtain olonu from tho Kant nud wait for thorn to wo did. W. A. Lui:r,Li.(i. A CARD. En. Fahmeu: Pioaso publish tho follow ing nud oblige tho cltizous of Mohawk. To whom it may concorn: Wo, tho under signed, oltizons or Molmwk Vnlloy, county ofLniio,nndStuloof Oregon, do hereby do claronnd ngroo Hint wo will discountenanco hounding in our vicinity; wo considor it our duty to protect tho doer from bolng drlvon offordostroyod by the hounds. Wo further doclnro thnt wo will not knowingly permit nny porson or porsoua to canip on our prom ises with tho intontlon of hounding; nor to hound lu our grain llelda or enclosures. Thoroforo, wo respootrully ask those living outsldoof tho valloy to got rid ol their hounds, or koop thorn from running. Adolph Cook. H.A.Sol fridge, Thos. C. Linton, J. Jt. Cartwrlght, li. P. Fawver, ayunoy rsoou, Georgo Scott, .. F. Mulkoy, 11. F. Houston, Goonro Hoiisnn. Jaspor Weddlo, F. M. Woddlo, n it '.i.ii J. Uuddleston, Wni. L.Gloasou, W. II. Parsons, J. II. Hotilng, I'erry Mattoson Il.F. Glooson, O.Colo, Thomas Fvans, Il.W.Alklre, It. C, itobertson, E. P. Haytleld, Wm. II. ilayden. Mohawk, Marcli 27, 1S77, 0. 1). Hnrdlsly, J. Cartwrlght, a. n, j-awvor, Jaspor Evans. J. Yarnal), Itur. Itobortsou, D. II. Conrad. J.M.Statrord, U.O. Hammltt, U. W. .iimwalt. Solomon .umwalt, T. L, .umwalt. now uooji while sluggards sleep," oto. It win pay you wen, aim pay bettor in no couh try than In Orcuon. Uuslnoss Is good Jn Albany for this tlrao.of year, jjusmess moii nro receiving large stocks or Spring goods, and aro busy prepar ing them for tho rush of trade soon to begin. The Grange store or this place Is doing a thriving business, nnd seems to fully meet the demands of Us frionds and patrons, Albany is growing rapidly in size and and wealth. Quito a number or costly buildings will bo erected during this Sum mer. Tho Albany Collego Is prospering under tho successful management of Prof. Powoll, (formerly of tho Willamette Univorslty) and Is fust growing Into tho favor or our citizens. Tho ' Collego Improvement Society" gave a dramatical und musical entertainment on last Friday ovoning, for tho benefit of tho Collego; tho attoudanco was largo nnd tho Society has ovory reason to feel proud of this, thoir second ellort. For while their troasury wns materially bonotlted, tho vor ions members acquitted themselves with groat honor. Wa-wa. Important Transfer. Tho Ureionian of the 2d Inst, says: Nego tlatlous have boon ponding for somo days botwoeullon. H. W. Corbott, Honry Fail ing, Esq., and Messrs. U. aoldsmith and Josoph Teal, for tho transfer of all tho right, miu mj auu iniuiuni iu iiiu y iiiaiiiotie rraiis- portatlon and Ix)cks Company from tho lat ter to mo jormor gentlemen, negotiations wero concluded, ARRESTED. Saturdny morning, March :td, belwoon tho hours of J2 nnd 1 o'clock, Thomas D.Davis was murdored In u cabin nbout -I miles south oT this city, Inn most horrible manner. Tho assassin lirst literally chopped Davis' head to pieces with n lmtchot, then stnbbod tho 1 lib loss body repeatedly. Not satisfied with his atrocious nud hellish work or death, tho murdoror drow tho gory.reninlns partly Troiii from tho bod, where man wns sleeping whon tho nssnsslns ontercd tho cabin, and out his throat from ear to car. Hero, with nny human bolng but thnt of n ilond iuenruate, tho thirst lor vengeiico would have ccitiod. Hut to thrlco murder Davis did not seem siitllclont to glut tho revenge or the assassin. Piling around the horribly mutllnted body nil the Ioono nrtlnles found lying nbout tho room, tho iiksiissIu sot tiro to tho cabin, thus reducing tho building nud contents toushes. In the commission of this terrible crluui two mon weto concorucd. Thomas, who wns a partner or Davis, nnd In tho cabin nt tho tlmo tho nihrder wns committed, cntuo to tho city soon nftei' tho tragedy nnd gnvo his version of tho ell'alr, Suspicion wns nt llrst directed toward him; but tho most careful scrutiny of all the clrcutustnncos cnunectod with the crime, nnd rigid cross-examination railed signally to Implicate him. Thonuthor I ties having become well sntlMllcd that Thomas was guiltless of tho murder, began to look elsowhoro for traces which would load to tho apprehension nnd conviction of the perpetrators of this fearful deed of blood. Suspicion wns dlrectod to Wiii.H. Mornnil, who llvos In Portland, nud It wns found that ho had dlsnpponrod, going southward on foot. Olllcer McCoy got track of Mornud, nud followed him to Gardner, Douglas coun ty, whoro ho nrretnd him Inst week, und brought tho prlsonor to Portland, where ho Is In Jail, awaiting tho notion of tho courts. Tho nbovo particulars nro froui tho Or cyoniun. Weather Ronort. March, 1877. During March, 1S77, thoro wore 13 days during which rain fell with an aggregate or lO.Od lu. of wator; :i olear nud 10 cloudy dayH other than on which tain foil. Tho mean temperature for tho mouth was 10.25; high est dally moan tomporaturo for the month 57 on tho 1 nud 20th; lowest dully moan tom poraturo -I09 on tho 3, 18 nnd lit. Mean tem pornturo for tho month nt 2 o'clock r. t. M.0tl; hlghostthormomotornt 2 o'clock US0. on tho IMth; lowest thormomotor 33 nt t o'clock a.m., on tho I lth. No frost nt this point during the mouth, although thoro has boon light frost nt Hinii) polutn lu tho near vicinity on ono or two occasions. Tho pre vailing winds for tho month wero from the south during 1(1 dnys;HW 1 dnyH; ir.-rth Id dys and N 15 niioday; n very lluo luuur halo nppoarod on tho 23. During March, I87U, thcrowero 111 daya during which rain, snow fell nud im nggregnlo of r."7 lu. of wntor; l.r cloudy dnyH other than thoio on which rain or snow foil. Moan tomporaturo for tho month, 11.1)1; highest dally mom torn- poruturo for tho mouth 60 on 21 nud 28; low est dally mean tomporaiuru for the month, 33, on tho 10. t. Pi.-Aiia:. Eouv, April 2d, 1S77. Hah: Uquued. Sunday night Mr. Wesley Graves, proprietor of tho Cominorclal Hotel In Salom, huvlng occasion to rise from his bed to wait upon u sick daughter, missed his pant from his bod-room. Ills suspl. clous wore immediately nroiihrd, us lilssnlo key was lu his pat-ts' pockets. On going down stairs ho found tho fiifo unlocked and n considerable uinount or money missing, Two mon wero on duty us nlglit-walchiueu, both or whom denied nny knowledge of thu ntlalr. Thoy had both been absent Irom tho oliico but onco during the night, nud then only long enough to out a hasty lunch. After cousldoraLlii pcnrch the nautulnoiiH were found lu thu back jurd of thu hotel and tho sulo koys lying on ouu of tho window sills. Atlor iliyllght this morning tho soaroh for Iho coin was renewed and It was round covered up under muiio chips In tho woodshed. Thoro was $l,!lso In gold coin recovered nud It Is thought to bo all that was taken, as a box or sliver was loft In tho Earn untouchod. Mercury. Au Oltl Plouoor Oono. Diod, March 21th, 1877, Squlro Jlonnott, ngod 07 years, four months, nnd twnnty.foiir days, bqulro llonnott wns born Novomber the i first, 1800, In Franklin county, State of Indiana; omlgratod to Oregon in 1870, und ter to the former gentlemen, Saturday tho was a citizens of Columbia cuunty. Orecon. liver k TAir ku iue ureguu oiesm navigation company purohasod a controlling interest In the W. T. cc it. uo.. Messrs. uoiusmith and Teal re taining the remainder of tho stock1 Ily the conditions or the la to transfer, thoso gentle men have disposed of their ontlro interest in the company to Mossrs. Corbett nnd Falling, and retire from the corporation. As noar as can bo ascertained, Messrs, Goldsmith and Toul held a littlo loss than ono half or tho stock, which will continue to give tho O.S. N. Co. the controlling Interest In tho now corporation. Tho property owned by the Wlllamotto Transportation and Locks Com pany includes the locks nt Oregon Cltv, whurves, warehouses and basin, two largo wharves and warehouse at Astoria, nnd also tho following steamers: Occldout. Orient. Wlllamotto Chief, FatinloPHtton, Champion, ISonanza, Daytou, Alico, E, N, Cooke and Ocklahama, twontv-soveil voara. Was a irond nnlifhlinr. tomporato In his habits, and honest in ills dealings. Ho expressed his !olltlcul views rather strongly, which catisod him somo un pleasantness In war times. Poaco to hiu "S;r , . J.A.Stewaht. St.Holens, April 2, 1877. DIED: At tho Commercial iiotol In this cltv. Mai oh 31st, 1877. Frank S. Hovoy. ' NearSalom, Maroh latin, 1878, Evulonu, youngest daughter of J. W. and Amilo Jury, aged one mouth ami iiiuo days. Neir this city, April 1st, 1877, of lung fit -, "romrny," sou or Divld and Colin Grlorson, agedO montlis mid 25 days. In this city, Sunday, nt ft li p. m., afler a four days' illness, of diphtheria, LulaMaud, youngest daughtor of W. S. nud M. O. Moore, aged six ywra and eloyou mouths, n '' i A i ,- i